DCS500B 12 Pulse Start-Up

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12-Pulse Power Converters

DC Drives, 50 to 10300 A



DCF 500 DCS 500 DCS 500


I-Reg. I-Reg.

C1 D1 C1 D1

12-Pulse Power Converters
DC Drives 50 to 10300 A

Code: 3ADW 000 040 R0101 Rev A

IND/AME: 12p_e.doc

EFFECTIVE: 05.Nov.96

1996 ABB Industrietechnik AG. All rights reserved.


12-Pulse Power Converters

Chapter 1 - Introduction
How to use this manual..............................................................................................1-1
Contents of this manual .............................................................................................1-1
Target group ..............................................................................................................1-2
Warranty and liability..................................................................................................1-2
Warnings, cautions, and informational notes .............................................................1-2
Block diagram ............................................................................................................3-1
Chapter 2 - Overview
Overview ....................................................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 - Functional description
Functional description ................................................................................................3-2
Switch-on/switch-off logic...........................................................................................3-2
Bridge reversal...........................................................................................................3-2
Dynamic response .....................................................................................................3-3
Actual current/reference values .................................................................................3-3
Current reference, Master-Slave .......................................................................3-3
Actual current, Slave-Master .............................................................................3-4
Error messages..........................................................................................................3-5
Control structure ........................................................................................................3-6
Chapter 4 - Planning
Planning hints ............................................................................................................4-2
Transformer .......................................................................................................4-2
Power converter ................................................................................................4-2
Interphase reactor .............................................................................................4-2
Field supply .......................................................................................................4-2
Chapter 5 - Parameters and signals
Group 12: New parameters (existing group) ..............................................................5-1
Group 111: New signals (existing group) ...................................................................5-1
Group 36: 12-pulse (new) ..........................................................................................5-1
Group 136: 12-pulse (new) ........................................................................................5-3
Chapter 6 - Start-Up
Master ........................................................................................................................6-1
Slave ..........................................................................................................................6-1
12-pulse mode ...........................................................................................................6-2
Parameterizing for 12-pulse mode .............................................................................6-3
12-pulse mode...................................................................................................6-3
Output A02 ........................................................................................................6-3

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up i


Input AI2 ............................................................................................................6-3

Current monitoring .............................................................................................6-3
Slave .................................................................................................................6-3
12-pulse mode ...................................................................................................6-3
Output A02 ........................................................................................................6-4
Input AI2 ............................................................................................................6-4

Appendix Connection example

ii DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 1 - Introduction

This chapter describes the purpose and content of this manual.

How to use this manual The purpose of this manual is to provide detailed information on the
planning work and start-up routines for a 12-pulse drive controller
from the DCS 500 series. The manual contains detailed descrip-
tions of the 12-pulse functions, the installation procedure, and of
how to start up these units. You should regard this 12-pulse de-
scription as a supplement to the description provided for the 6-
pulse units.

Contents of this manual Chapter 1 - Introduction

This is the chapter you’re reading at the moment: it describes how
to use this manual.

Chapter 2 - Overview
This chapter contains information on possible applications for the
12-pulse power converters.

Chapter 3 - Functional description

This chapter describes the special functions offered by the 12-pulse
power converter. It shows a block diagram, and contains particulars
of the power section, the control signals, the current feedback and
reference values, bridge reversal, dynamic response, switch-
on/switch-off logic, and the errors and alarms involved.

Chapter 4 - Planning
This chapter describes the correct procedural approach for planing

Chapter 5 - Parameters and signals

This chapter describes the parameters and signals of a DCS 500
12-pulse power converter.

Chapter 6 -Start-Up
This chapter describes the start-up procedure, and contains the
setting values for parameters in 12-pulse mode, plus the relevant
values for assigning the input and output signals.

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 1-1

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Target group This manual is aimed at people responsible for planning, installing,
commissioning and servicing drive controllers from the DCS 500
range. It has been written for people with:
• basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering, electrical
wiring principles, components and symbols used in electrical en-
• basic experience with DCS 500 products will be helpful.

Warranty and liability The warranty for your ABB standard power converter from
the DCS 500 series covers manufacturing defects. The
manufacturer accepts no responsibility for damage caused
during transport or unpacking.
On no account and under no circumstances will the manufacturer
accept liability for damage to or failures of a unit occurring as a
consequence of misuse, improper erection, abnormal environ-
mental conditions or of rated operational values being exceeded.
Nor will the manufacturer accept liability for consequential loss or
damage or indirect loss or damage..

The warranty period guaranteed by the manufacturer is 12

months from initial start-up, but not more than 24 months
from the date of delivery ex works in Lampertheim.
If you have any questions concerning your drive system,
please get in touch with your local ABB representative, or
contact ABB Industrietechnik AG in Lampertheim, Ger-
many, directly. The technical data and specifications are
valid at the time of going to press. ABB reserves the right
to make subsequent alterations.

Warnings, cautions and Warnings appear in this manual in the following two cases:
informational notes

Warnings of dangerous voltage, preceded by the appropriate

symbol, indicate that voltages are present which may lead to seri-
ous or even fatal injury. These warnings also describe how risks of
this kind can be avoided.

General warnings, preceding by the appropriate symbol, in-

dicate situations or conditions which may lead to serious or even
fatal injury. These warnings also describe how risks of this kind can
be avoided.

1-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Cautions are designed to inform you about situations or conditions

which may result damage to the equipment r additional system
downtime if the specified precautionary measures are not complied

Informational notes supply additional and useful information for the

operating staff. Although they are not so urgent and imperative as
the warnings and cautions, these informational notes are nonethe-
less important, and should be heeded..

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 1-3

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1-4 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 2 - Overview

The 12-pulse parallel connection produces the following advan-


✸ Reduction in power converter’s effects on the mains supply

Reduced harmonics; different frequencies in the mains
✸ Large output DC currents
Doubling of the output currents die to parallel connection of two
6-pulse standard power converters to form a 12-pulse circuit
✸ Improved current ripple
Smaller current ripple, higher frequency content, smaller torque

Basically, the 12-pulse connection is a classical master-slave con-

figuration with a speed-controlled 6-pulse master power converter
and a current-controlled 6-pulse slave power converter.
The 12-pulse parallel connection is obtained by feeding the slave
with a mains supply offset by 30 degrees compared to the master
and joining the power converter outputs on one side over an inter-
phase reactor.
The 12-pulse mode has been implemented in the standard soft-
ware, and will not become operative until after parameterization.
After a few signals have been replaced for switch-on and switch-off,
and the specific master/slave parameters have been set, the two
power converters will work in the usual way. The only distinctive
feature compared with the classical 6-pulse variant is that the two
power converters are synchronized for reversing the bridges.

This manual must be consulted for 12-pulse mode in addition to the

following DCS 500 manuals:

DCS 500 Start-up Instructions

DCS 500 Installation and Start-Up Manual

DCS 500 Programming Manual

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 2-1

Chapter 2 - Overview

2-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 3 - Functional Description

Block diagram The signals and parameter settings depicted in the diagram are re-
quired for a speed-controlled 12-pulse drive with DCS 500 in a
Master-Slave configuration. The function block shown is included in
the basic software, and is activated when required using Parameter

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 3-1

Chapter 3 -Functional Description

Functional descrip- In control engineering terms, the two power converters are divided
tion into a master and a slave drive. This is done by setting function-
specific (master/slave) parameters and signals.

For this purpose, the standard software in the DCS 500 additionally
incorporates Parameter Group 36 and Signal Group 136.

Both units work more or less independently, controlling their own

line contactors and the enables.

Switch-on/switch-off For the DCS 500 in its 12-pulse mode, an additional logic is pro-
logic vided, which in the event of an error will disable both units through
the INHIBIT input of the drive logic. For the switch-off function, the
two “ready-for-operation” signals RDY_ON (10901) and RUNNING
(10903)- from the power converters are combined using input
pointer (3607) and the output signal (13616) of the 12-pulse logic.
Through the -START_INHIBIT (908)- pointer, this output is used to
influence the drive logic and prevent impermissible switch-on.

Bridge reversal In the case of a 6-pulse power converter, bridge reversal is initiated
by changing the polarity of the current reference (IREF2). When the
current reference changes its polarity, the actual current is con-
trolled down to zero until the current zero signal is received. This is
followed by a dead time of at least 1 ms (or 2 ms in the case of
power converters larger than 700 A), and then bridge reversal is
initiated. (Depending on the moment involved, “firing” of the new
bridge may take place in the same cycle, but will definitely occur in
the next one at the latest; 3.3 ms at 50 Hz). In addition, reversal
can be delayed by a settable number of cycles using the
REV_DELAY parameter (3601).

In the case of a 12-pulse power converter, (2 x 6-pulse power con-

verters) the logic is the same as in the single mode. In dependence
on the firing angle, the current size, the current alteration, etc., the
dead time is extended by 1 to 2 cycles. The supplement this, the
system waits with bridge reversal until both current reference po-
larities coincide, or until the additional cycles set at Parameter
REV_GAP (3602) have elapsed. This feature can prove useful
when operating large inductances. The system then automatically
changes over to the selected bridge.
If the bridge signals are unequal for the number of cycles settable
in Parameter FREV_DELAY (3603), Error Message 65 will be out-
putted. Parameter (3603) must be greater than the sum of (3601)
and (3602). Parameters (3601) and (3602) must be the same at
each of the two units.

The REV_INDIC (13613) signal indicates that bridge reversal is

running at that moment.

3-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 3 - Functional Description

Dynamic response The dynamic response of the 12-pulse configuration is delayed in

comparison to the 6-pulse power converter (master) by:

+ 0.5 of a cycle because of the 30-degree-offset mains feed to

the slave

+1 - 2 cycles because of the special feature incorporated for

bridge reversal (see under “Bridge reversal”)

+2 - 3 cycles because of the analog current reference and actual

current transmission

The signals are processed independently of each other for each

power converter.

Current feed- A current reference signal is transmitted from the master to the
back/reference salve in analog form, and the current feedback value (again in
analog form) from the slave to the master.
The standard terminals used at AI2 and AO2 (see the block dia-
gram). The signals concerned are bipolar, but this does not matter,
since the polarity is already being transmitted via Plug Connector

AI2 and AO2 are processed in the 5 ms task. The polarity signals
are transmitted in the cyclical task of 3.3 ms (at 50 Hz). This will
likewise produce time-delays amounting to two to three times the
cycle time.

Current refer- Master:

ence, Master- This transmits the current reference (see the block diagram in the
Slave section on “Control Structure” further on in this chapter).
This signal is outputted here through AO2 to X4:8 (SDCS-IOB-1)
before current limitation (Parameter 406). The polarity of this signal
is irrelevant for the slave, since it is transmitted digitally through

The current reference is inputted at Terminal X3:8 at the analog in-
put AI2 (IOB-1) and is then connected internally at Pointer 3604 to
the 12-PULSE LOGIC block. Here, too, the polarity is not directly
Terminals X4:8 (Master) and X3:8 (Slave) must be connected to
each other using a cable of >1 mm².
For the 12-pulse function, the current limitation parameters (406),
(2307) and (2308) must all be set to the same size.

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 3-3

Chapter 3 -Functional Description

Current feed- Slave:

back, Slave- This transmits the actual current CONV-CUR-ACT (see block dia-
Master gram for the basic software)
The actual current feedback is read out from SETTINGS, Signal
10501, and passed to Terminal X4:8 (IOB-1) over Pointer 205 from
analog output AO2. The signal is bipolar, but this is not processed
further. Here, too, the master is informed of the polarity using the
signal at X18:9.

The actual current feedback from the slave is inputted at Terminal
X3:8 of the analog input AI2 (IOB-1). From here, it is passed using
Parameter 10107 to Pointer 3604 at the 12-PULSE LOGIC function
block for further processing.
The master is informed of the signal’s polarity through X18:13.
Terminals X4:8 (Slave) and X3:8 (Master) must be connected to
each other using a cable of >1 mm².
To produce the reference potential, Terminal X3:7 must be con-
nected to X4:6 of the two power converters (Master and Slave) us-
ing a cable of >1 mm² (see illustration below).

Unit 1 Unit 2

X6:7 X6:7
X6:8 X6:8
RUN X4:8 Current reference X3:8 RUN
+/-10 V (analogue)
X4:6 X3:7
X3:6 DCS 500
reference DCS 500

X3:7 X4:6
X3:4 X3:8 Current feedback X4:8

The described “connections” in the software structure are executed

by carrying out the instruction detailed in Chapter 6 “Start-Up”.
This also contains a proposal for the switch-on/switch-off
logic, which can be customízed by the user to suit his/her own

3-4 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 3 - Functional Description

Error messages For the 12-pulse mode, two additional error messages have been
introduced, F65 and F66. The error messages are listed in Group
111 FAULT_WORD3 11103. Both these errors occur only in the

Error 65: Reversal Fault

This error is triggered if after the bridge reversal signal and after a
number of cycles set using Parameter 3603 has elapsed, both
power converter bridges do not have the same polarity.
Error 65 causes the drive to be switched off.

Error 66: Current differential

This error is triggered if after a number of cycles set with 3606 the
currents in the two power converter units differ by an amount set
with Parameter 3605.
The current differential to be set in per cent using Parameter 3605
is referenced to the motor current involved.
I Master − ISlave ≥ I Master + ISlave ×
Error 66 causes the drive to be switched off.
See Chapter 5, “Parameters and signals”

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 3-5

Chapter 3 -Functional Description

Control structure The illustration below shows how the 12-pulse logic is integrated in
the standard software (current controller)

(To figure 4)
(To figure 4)
12301 (To figure 4)
12303 SP

12304 10403
12306 401 ARM DIR
SIG11 FLUX REF1 0 10401
12526 402 1 ARM ALPHA
SIG12 403 (To firing unit)
12527 [CURR STEP]
404 IREF1 13605


12307 408 ARM CURR PI KI
12308 C:
414 DXN
C: 410 ARM L
411 ARM R



3-6 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 4 -Planning

Components The following components are required for constructing a 12-pulse


- a transformer with two identical secondary windings offset by 30

(same voltage and current)

- two identical 6-pulse power converters (DCS 500 standard), se-

lected for half the motor’s rated current
(same voltage and current)

- a current-balancing reactor (interphase reactor) with centre tap

- a field supply unit for supplying the field of the DC machine

- a connecting cable between the two power converters, Plug

Connector X18: (max. length 10 m).
to be supplied in the requisite length by ABB

The data relevant to 12-pulse mode are exchanged between Plug

Connectors X18: on the computer boards of the two power con-

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 4-1

Chapter 4 - Planning

Planning hints
Transformer When selecting and dimensioning the mains transformer, care must
be taken to ensure that overvoltages are kept away from the power
converters’ power sections when the transformer is connected to
the mains supply. This means the transformer should have an
earthed shielding winding between the primary and secondary

This is very useful for suppressing capacitive cross-talk at switching

operations on the primary side. In addition, the shielding winding
also suppresses conducted interference (EMC) to the mains. An-
other method of avoiding overvoltages is to switch on the compo-
nents in stages: first connect the transformer to the mains, and only
then connect the power converter to the transformer. Another op-
tion is to provide the secondary sides with an RC element.

The actual design choice will depend on the electrical conditions in-
volved, like line voltage, power converter input voltage, power con-
verter rated voltage, and frequency.

Power converters The power converters are selected only from the normal product
range (standard types) against voltage and current criteria (motor
voltage; motor current x 0.5).

Interphase The 12-pulse interphase reactor limits the cross current between
reactor the two power sections of the 6-pulse power converters, making
possible a current flow duration of 60 degrees per valve. The inter-
phase reactor can be dimensioned by the vendor.

Field supply For the field supply, all field supply units from the DCS 500/DCV
700 series can be used.

4-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 5 - Parameters and Signals

Group 12: New parameters (existing group)

Operating mode selection

0 = 6-pulse single (default)

1 = 12-pulse MASTER
2 = 12-pulse SLAVE

1209 P: I2 SC: NUM HL: 2 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

Group 111: New signals (existing group)

B0 -01- Reversal Fault
B1 -02- Current difference
B2 Reserve
B... Reserve
B15 Reserve
11103 S: PB SC: read only

Group 36: 12-pulse (new)

- Bridge reversal delay (number of cycles: 3.3 ms at 50 Hz)
- Also operative in 6-pulse mode
- Must have the same setting at Master and Slave

3601 P: U2 SC: NUM HL: 200 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- Number of cycles which prevent a bridge reversal when the bridges have different actual
currents. After this, a bridge reversal function will be executed irrespective of the partner
- Must have the same setting at Master and Slave

3602 P: U2 SC: NUM HL: 50 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- Number of cycles which must be waited in the event of differently fired bridges until Error
65 is triggered
- Must have the same setting at Master and Slave
- Must be greater than the sum of 3601 and 3602

3603 P: U2 SC: NUM HL: 250 LL: 1 D: 10 U: -

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 5-1

Chapter 5 - Parameter and Signals

- Pointer on input of analog value
Master: actual current from Slave
Slave: current reference from Master

3604 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 10107 U: -

- Permitted differential in the currents (Master/Slave) in %
- Operative only at the Master drive

3605 P: I2 SC: % HL: 50 LL: 1 D: 10 U: -

- Number of cycles in which the currents are allowed to differ (3605 DIFF_CURR) without
triggering Error 66
- Operative only at the Master drive

3606 P: U2 SC: NUM HL: 16383 LL: 3 D: 150 U: -

- Input to switch-on/switch-off logic with Output Signal 13616

3607 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- Input for IREF processing at the Slave

3608 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- Input to brdge reversal logic

3609 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- Input for handling IREF polarity

3610 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- The signal passed to this pointer is outputted at Plug Connector X18:09
- Operative in all modes

3611 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- The signal passed to this pointer is outputted at Plug Connector X18:10
- Operative in all modes

3612 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

5-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 5 - Parameters and Signals

- The signal passed to this pointer is outputted at Plug Connector X18:11
- Operative in all modes

3613 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

- The signal passed to this pointer is outputted at Plug Connector X18:12
- Operative in all modes

3614 P: I2 SC: POINTER HL: 19999 LL: 0 D: 0 U: -

Group 136: 12-pulse (new)

- Converter current, Slave
- Evaluated signal from Pointer (3604)
- Scaling as with the CONV_CUR_ACT signal (10501)
- Operative only at Master

13601 P:I2 SC: IUnit read only

- Motor current, Slave
- Evaluated signal from Pointer (3604)
- Scaling as with the CONV_CUR_ACT_A signal (10502)
- Operative only at Master

13602 P:I2 SC: IA1 read only

- Sum of converter currents, Master and Slave
- Evaluated signal from Pointers (3604) and (10501)
- Scaling: half of each current is added together, so that 100 % corresponds to the system’s
total current.
- operative only at Master

13603 P:I2 SC: IUnit read only

- Sum of motor currents, Master and Slave
- Evaluated signal from Pointers (3604) and (10502)
- Scaling: half of each current is added together, so that 100 % corresponds to the system’s
total current.
- operative only at Master

13604 P:I2 SC: IA1 read only

- Current reference before limitation logic

13605 P:I2 SC:TORQUE read only

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 5-3

Chapter 5 - Parameter and Signals

- Polarity of IREF1 for own unit
0 = positive

13606 P:U2 SC:BOOLEAN read only

- Polarity of IREF1 of Master
0 = positive
- Operative only in Slave

13607 P:U2 SC:BOOLEAN read only

- Current reference after limitation logic

13608 P:I2 SC:TORQUE read only

- Polarity of IREF2 for own unit
0 = positive

13609 P:U2 SC: read only


- Polarity of IREF2 for other unit
0 = positive

13610 P:U2 SC: read only


- Indicate bridge of own unit
0 = Bridge 1 active

13611 P:U2 SC: read only


- Indicate bridge of Slave
0 = Bridge 1 active
- Operative in Master only

13612 P:U2 SC: read only


- Indicate bridge reversal
-1 = Bridge reversal running

13613 P:U2 SC: read only


5-4 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 5 - Parameters and Signals

- Signal triggering Error 65

13614 P:U2 SC: read only


- Signal triggering Error 66

13615 P:U2 SC: read only


- Output signal from the switch-off logic
- Can be connected to the drive logic with (908), so that the units will switch each other off
in the event of an error

13616 P: U2 SC: read only


- Signal from Plug Connector X18:13
- operative in all modes

13617 P:U2 SC: read only


- Signal from Plug Connector X18:14
- Operative in all modes

13618 P:U2 SC: read only


- Signal from Plug Connector X18:15
- Operative in all modes

13619 P:U2 SC: read only


- Signal from Plug Connector X18:16
- Operative in all modes

13620 P:U2 SC: read only


DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 5-5

Chapter 5 - Parameter and Signals

5-6 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chaper 6 - Start-Up

You start up the 12-pulse configuration after mechanical and elec-

trical installation of the system has been fully completed. You will
find it best to proceed in three steps. First, start up each 6-pulse
unit separately. In the as-delivered condition, the parameters are
set for single mode. The cross-connections between Plug Connec-
tors X18: and Terminals X3: and X4: of the two power converters
are not operative in the single-mode setting. For instructions on
start-up, please consult the Installation and Start-up Manual
(DCS 500). It is best to disconnect the non-active unit from the
mains, or at least to disable it by suppressing the firing pulses. The
interphase reactor can remain connected throughout the entire
start-up procedure.

Master Starting up the master power converter:

- Isolate the slave, or suppress pulses.
- Start up the master power converter as a 6-pulse standard
power converter, in speed or current-controlled mode, depend-
ing on the utilization involved.
For the procedure involved, please consult the relevant standard
equipment documentation Installation and Start-up Manual, Chapter

Slave Starting up the slave power converter:

- Isolate the Master or suppress pulses.
- Start up the slave power converter in current-controlled mode
as a 6-pulse standard power converter.
For the procedure involved, please consult the relevant standard
equipment documentation Installation and Start-up Manual, Chapter

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 6-1

Chapter 6 - Start-up

12-pulse mode 12-pulse power converter

- Set the parameters for 12-pulse mode (see further on in this


Please make sure that the current limitation parameters (406),

(2307) and (2308) are equal in size.

- Connect the power sections of master and slave to the mains

- Repeat start-up procedure as before with the master power con-
- Check the settings of both limits for continuous current flow, and
re-optimize the current regulator parameters. (The current regu-
lator self-setting functions cannot be used here.)
- Optimize the speed controller parameters in the master.
- Set/check the parameters for the monitoring functions.
- Check the current distribution.
- Check the error messages and the safety shutdown functions.

6-2 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Chapter 6 - Start-Up

Parameterizing for Parameter settings for 12-pulse mode

12-pulse mode

12-pulse Parameter Name Value
502 I_MOTN_A 50 % of motor rated current
1209 OPER_SYS 1 MASTER operating mode
3611 PP_X18_09 13606 Assignment for X18:9
3612 PP_X18_10 13609 Assignment for X18:10
3608 PP_ISO_LOG 0 Logic for current reference po-
3609 PP_BRI_LOG 13617 Logic for Error 65 - Error at
bridge reversal
3610 PP_REV_LOG 13618 Logic for reversing
Output A02 205 AO2_IND 13605 Current reference after X4:8 to
206 AO2_NOMINAL_V ±10000 mV Voltage at X4:8 at 100 %
207 AO2_OFFSET_V 0 mV No offset
208 AO2_NOMINAL_VAL 4095 Calibration, AO2
Input AI2 3604 PP_CURR_SLAVE 10107 Logic for current evaluation -
actual current from Slave to
107 AI2_CONV_MODE ±10V / Signal type assignment
108 AI2_HIGH_VALUE 4095 Maximum value of input signal -
pos. values
109 AI2_LOW_VALUE -4095 Maximum value of input signal -
neg. values
Current 3605 DIFF_CURR Setting in accordance with op-
monitoring erating condition
3606 DIFF_CURR_DEL Setting in accordance with op-
erating condition

12-pulse Parameter Name Value Remark
502 I_MOTN_A 50 % of motor rated current
1209 OPER_SYS 2 SLAVE operating mode
3611 PP_X18_09 13611 Assignment for X18:9
3612 PP_X18_10 13609 Assignment for X18:10
3608 PP_ISO_LOG 13617 Logic for current reference po-
3609 PP_BRI_LOG 0 Logic for Error 65 - Error at
bridge reversal
3610 PP_REV_LOG 13618 Logic for reversing

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up 6-3

Chapter 6 - Start-up

Output A02 205 AO2_IND 10501

Actual current after X4:8 to
206 AO2_NOMINAL_V ±10000 mV Voltage at X4:8 at 100 %
207 AO2_OFFSET_V 0 mV No offset
208 AO2_NOMINAL_VAL 4095 Calibration, AO2
Input AI2 3604 PP_CURR_SLAVE 10107 Logic for current evaluaton -
current reference from Master
to X3:7
107 AI2_CONV_MODE ±10V / Signal type assignment
108 AI2_HIGH_VALUE 4095 Maximum value of input signal -
pos. values
109 AI2_LOW_VALUE -4095 Maximum value of input signal -
neg. values

Suggestion for switch-on/switch-off logic and error handling

Parameter Name Value Remark
3613 PP_X18_11 10901 “Ready-for-operation” signal at
3614 PP_X18_12 10715 RUN command at X18:12
3607 PP_INH_LOG 13619 Input to switch-off logic of
908 START_INHIBIT 13616 From switch-off logic, 12-pulse
to drive logic
902 RUN1 13620 Enable for switch-off logic, 12-
pulse to drive logic

Parameter Name Value Remark
3613 PP_X18_11 10901 “Ready-for-operation” signal at
3614 PP_X18_12 0 RUN command at X18:12
3607 PP_INH_LOG 13619 Input to switch-off logic of
908 START_INHIBIT 13616 From switch-off logic, 12-pulse
to drive logic
902 RUN1 13620 Enable for switch-off logic, 12-
pulse to drive logic

6-4 DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

50/60Hz ≤1000V
L1 L2 L3

230V ≤500V
L1 MP L1 L2
Connection example


1 1 1
F6 F4 F5
2 2 2


K1 K21

DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

1 3 1 3 5
K3 K1
K20 K21 K3 K1
2 4 2 4 6


X96: 1 2 X99: 1 2 X2: 4 5 X2: 1 2 3 X1: 1 7 U1 V1 W 1P E

Communication F1
IN3 V5 board (COM-x) 3.15A
Control board (CON-1)
DO8 ~
IN1 V1
MASTER Power supply M55
OUT1 V2 (POW-1)
Field exciter Converter
X18: unit (FEX-1/2) module
_ + _ + _ + _ + _ + -10V
+10V A O 1A O 2I A C T D I 1D I 2D I 3D I 4D I 5D I 6D I 7D I 8+ 4 8 V D OD1 O D
3 OD4 O D
5 OD
6 O7
X1: 5 3 C1 D1

I/O board
CDP 310

0V 0V 0V 0V 0V

X3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X6: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X6: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X5: 1...10

Slave T
X4:8 X3:8 K20 X3:1...3 T
Slave X3:7
K1 K21

A1 -1
L1 L2 L3

A1 -2

1 1 1
F61 F41 F51
2 2 2

Connection example (continued)

1 3 5
2 4 6

U1 V1 W 1P E X96: 1 2 X99: 1 2 X2: 4 5 X2: 1 2 3

F1 Communication
3.15A board (COM-x) V5 IN3
Control board (CON-1)
DO8 ~
V1 IN1
Power supply M55 SLAVE
(POW-1) V2 OUT1

module X18:
_ + _ + _ + _ + _ + -10V
+10V A O 1A O 2I A C T D I 1D I 2D I 3D I 4D I 5D I 6D I 7D I 8+ 4 8 V D OD1 O D
3 OD4 O D
5 OD
6 O7
D1 C1

I/O board
CDP 310

0V 0V 0V 0V 0V

X3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X6: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X6: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X5: 1...10

Master X6:8
X4:6 X3:7
Master X4:8 Master X3:8


DCS 500 12-Pulse Planning and Start-Up

Ident. Nr.: 3ADW 000 040 R0101 REV A

ABB Industrietechnik AG
Drive Systems Division
P.O. Box 1180
D-68619 Lampertheim
Telephone: +49 (6206) 5 03-0
Fax: +49 (6206) 5 03-5 63
Telex 4 62 411605 ab d

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