1.1 The Evolution of Print Production

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The Evolution of Print Production

Posted: 16 Jun 2016

Call us biased, but print is pretty great. Its history runs parallel with the history of
civilization. It’s been an integral part of our development as a species and has proved to
be a key contributor in spreading culture across the globe. Talk about credentials!

For roughly 1,400 years, from the creation of woodcut printing to the modern day
techniques of digital printing, we have strived for new and inventive ways to speed up
and mechanize the print process. To give you a little more insight into how far print has
come, we invite you to join us on a journey through the ages to highlight the key
moments in the evolution of print…

 Woodblock Printing - 200AD

Woodblock Printing is vintage printing at its best! It’s credited as the earliest form of
printing and was first developed in China around 200AD. As the name suggests it
involves carving a design into a block of wood. Once the wood is carved, the raised part
is then inked and paper (or fabric, as it was) is placed on top. The ink is then transferred
by applying pressure to the back of the paper (either manually or with a press) to create
the image. The remaining woodcuts are used to produce both decorative artwork and
lettering. Very crafty!

This invention of Woodblock Printing was revolutionary. It was the first time in history
when a design could be created and then accurately and quickly replicated.
Interestingly, Woodblock Printing wasn't popular in Europe until the 1400s, despite
being developed in China whopping 1,200 years earlier! Behind the times or what!


Image: www.pinterest.com

Movable Type - 1041

Created by Bi Sheng in Song Dynasty China, Movable Type is similar to Woodcut,

although this particular technique was used specifically for printing script. Before
Movable Type, lettering had to be written out in full, whereas this technique allowed
individual letters to be configured and placed together in any order. The tiles or tablets
used to create the print were first made from clay, before wood and metal were
introduced for better clarity and a more resilient finish.

Image: www.pinterest.com

 The Printing Press - 1440

Johann Gutenberg is perhaps the most important person to feature in the evolution of
print. He was responsible for the invention of the Printing Press, an innovative method
that built on techniques such as Movable Type, but consolidated them into one device
that could be operated by hand. This effects of the Printing Press were huge. It rapidly
increased the speed at which printed materials could be produced, which meant that
printed texts became widely available and were no longer just restricted to the wealthy.
Because of this, lower class lifestyles improved drastically, as people had access to a
whole new wealth of knowledge and could educate themselves through what they read.

Image: www.pinterest.com

ICONIC PRINT MOMENT - 'The Gutenberg Bible' - 1455

The very first book to be mass produced was ‘The Gutenberg Bible’ in 1455. The
method used to do so was Moveable Type and around 180 copies were printed. This
may seem small in comparison to today’s standard, but considering there were only
around 30,000 books in the whole of Europe, it was a fair old run!

Image: www.pinterest.com

Etching - 1515

Etching was used in the Middle Ages as a way to decorate metal arms and armour, and
later down the line it was applied to printmaking by German craftsman, Daniel Hopfer.
The process involves making prints from a metal plate, which is usually either copper or
zinc. The plate is coated in an acid-resistant substance commonly referred to as Etching
Ground, before it’s drawn on with a sharp tool. The plate is then placed in the acid
which removes the areas not protected by the Etching Ground. This creates recessed
lines which hold the ink. To finish off, the plate is placed on paper and sent through a
press to create the print.

Image: www.pinterest.com

Lithography - 1796

Lithography is a technique which is still commonly used today. It revolves around the
relationship between oil and water, which repel each other. An image is drawn onto
limestone with an oil based medium such as a wax crayon. The stone is then covered in
a solution of Gum Arabic, which is a natural gum made from the sap of an acacia tree.
Using lithographic turpentine, the solution is then removed which allows the ink to take
only where it’s required.

Image: www.pinterest.com

The Rotary Press - 1843

Invented by Richard March Hoe, the Rotary Press was the natural successor of the
Printing Press. It worked by using cylinders which the images to be printed were curved
around. This was a lot faster than the older printing press and allowed for paper to be
continuously fed through the press.


Image: www.pinterest.com

Offset Printing - 1875

Although it was developed almost 150 years ago, Offset Printing remains almost
unchanged today and is the most popular way of printing large runs. It works by
transferring the inked from a plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface.
It’s commonly used today in combination with the Lithographic process to produce large
runs of magazines, posters and other large format prints.

Image: www.instantprint.co.uk

Screen Printing - 1910

Screen Printing was invented in China during the Song Dynasty between 960 - 1279AD,
but it didn’t take off in Europe until the early 1910's, when silk stock became more
available. The technique involves pushing ink through a mesh stencil onto textiles or
paper. It’s a popular technique used often for t-shirt printing.

Image: www.pinterest.com

Inkjet Printing - 1951

Thanks to Inkjet Printing, direct contact with paper is no longer required. Ink can now be
applied by spraying it through jets. Fun!

Image: www.epson.com

 Laser Printing - 1969

Once jets came into play, the printing field was wide open. Enter Laser Printing. This
advanced method produces high quality images by passing a laser beam back and forth
over a negatively charged cylinder within the printer. It then collects electrically charged
powdered ink to transfer the image to the paper. Whoa!

 Image: www.web4that.com

Digital Printing - 1991

In the dawn of the digital age, printing got faster and more easily accessible to
everyone. Digital Printing made it possible to print straight from a digital file – and all
from the comfort of your own home!

Image: www.heidelberg.com

Which brings us back to the future! As you can see, print has come a long, long way,
but there’s so much more to come! With technical advancements coming in thick and
fast, there’s a lot to be excited about, specifically the marvel that is 3D Printing! But
that’s for another time…

Different Types Of Industrial Printing Machines

In the industrial set up of the economy, the printing machines are growing in large
numbers. Different printing techniques and processes are used by every industry for
effective communication. Any machine used in printing ink on the substrate (printing
medium) which can be cloth, paper or plastic, is referred to as the printing machinery.
By applying pressure to the substrate, the printing machinery transfers the ink on the
printing medium resting on an inked platform composed of movable type. The
development of industrial printing machines changed a lot of things in the world. It would
make transfer and preservation of historical records, scientific findings, and knowledge
easy and possible. There's a great advancement in the printing machinery introduced in
the market today given the improvement in science and technology. There's a
competition in the industry, as many companies are now making printing press. As
every company is introducing better features and making an effort to overcome the
other competitors, this has led to the introduction of many enhanced features in printing
machinery. With the introduction of various features in these types of machinery,
printing is now easier to be done than it was in earlier days.

Today, printing machinery is available in many sizes to suit different needs. Bigger sizes
of printing machinery are available for heavy-duty printing or big-time printing
businesses. You can get small and medium sizes too for small and medium printing
businesses. The machinery size determines the volume of printing that will be done in a
day, to a greater extent. When compared with small-sized printing machinery, the heavy
industrial printing machines can print a lot of things per hour or regularly. There are
different types of printing machines for printing on a different medium since different
printing machines make use of different printing technology. Each of the below-
mentioned printing machinery is meant to serve a particular purpose. You must consider
your printing needs or the type of printing that you are doing before you want to buy or
order for your printing machine. Several factors such as the size, the type of printing
done, the seller, the brand, and others determine the cost.

Types Of Printing Machines

 Digital Printers
 Ink-jet Printers
 Screen Printers
 Embossing Machines
 Flexographic Printing Machine
 Letterpress Printing Machines
 Offset Printers
 Laser printers
 Wireless Printers
 3D Printers
 Thermographic Printers
 Electrostatic Printing Machine
 Pad Printers
 Rotogravure Printing Machines

A) Digital Printers
The digital printing machines have gained immense popularity for short to medium run
jobs requiring high clarity, quality, and fine printing. A vibrant quality image is delivered
with these types of printers. By providing cost-effective and fine printing solutions, these
affordable and high-performance machines are revolutionizing the printing industry.
Because of the on-demand services, digital printing equipment ensures fast turnaround
time. Digital printers are ideally suited to publish a small print run of posters and books.
They have many advantages over traditional methods. Some include -

 Desktop printing
 Commercial
 Variable data printing
 Fine art
 Print on demand
 Advertising
 Photos
 Architectural design
 Sleeking

B) Ink-Jet Printers
These are a category of industrial printing machines in which printing is done with the
help of inkjet technology. In this, a digital image is created by propelling ink droplets
onto paper, plastic, or other substrates. These are the most commonly used type of
printer, ranging from small inexpensive consumer models to expensive professional
machines. They are affordable and easy to use compared to most printers. Ink-jet
printers are great image printers and are quick starters. They do not require any warm-
up time and are inherently quiet. Generally, they are compact and hence require less
space. With all these features, the ink-jet printers are more famous as home printers.
One disadvantage with this type of printer is the durability of the print head which is a
little less. It's expensive and can dry up, causing not only ink wastage but also
blockages within the printer. They are slow to work and hence are not considered
suitable for high-volume printing.

C) Screen Printers
These are one of the versatile printing machines that are compatible to work on many
surfaces including ceramics, textiles, wood, paper, metal, glass, and plastic. The screen
printers can print on substrates of any shape, size, and thickness. They are capable of
providing exciting effects that cannot be possible with other printing methods. The
reason behind this is the presence of the broad range of dyes and inks which are five in
types such as - solvent, water, solvent plastisol, UV curable, and water plastisol. Sharp-
edged images are created by making use of stencils. The screen printers are an ideal
choice and an economical way of printing when you need to produce nameplates,
labels, signs, t-shirts, shirts, and other articles in large volumes.

Moreover, to create large batches of graphics as posters or display stands, the graphics
screen printing is used. You can also create full-color prints. The screen printing is also
known as serigraphy or silk-screening. It can also be used to print images on DVDs,

D) Embossing Machines
These types of industrial printing machines are used by the printing industry for fine
printing on many products. With the help of these machines, a three-dimensional image
or effect is created on different substrates. The embossing can be done on different
materials including paper, metals, textiles, etc. They are also used to enhance the look
of aluminum foils. To accommodate different materials, the machines are equipped with
embossing modes.

E) Flexographic Machines

Commonly called the modern version of the letterpress. It's also referred to as Flexo, as
it was initially used to print onto corrugated cardboard. Flexography printing is used
mostly for packaging. These machines produce finer, high quality, and clear
impressions on different substrates. Because of the simple operation and easy
adaptation for the use of water-based inks, these machines are quite popular. The flexo
printing is inexpensive and a simple form of the printing method, to produce an excellent
quality impression on several different materials. By using rubber/plastic printing plates,
these machines are popularly used for printing on materials including paper, foils,
plastic, acetate films. Another advantage of this flexo printing machine is that it has a
high-speed printing process and makes use of fast-drying inks. Such printing machines
can print on a range of absorbent and non-absorbent materials and can print in
continuous patterns.

F) Letterpress Printing Machines

Also known as relief or typographic printing machines. They are widely used to make
copies of images by repeated direct impression of an inked, raised surface against rolls
or sheets of paper. The substances used in letterpress printing are similar to those used
in lithography, which includes film developers and fixers, inks and blanket and roller
washes. Because of the advent of more efficient and advanced printing presses like the
offset printing machine, lithographic press or the flexographic press, the use of
letterpress has been on the decline. But, to revive its existence and hold sway even in
the 21st century, photopolymer plates have been incorporated which paved the way for
letterpress printing.

G) Offset Printers
The offset printing machines have been widely used in various applications. Because of
its unparalleled quality to voluminous production and paper costs, it's by far the most
dominant form of commercial printing technique, widely in use. Although the machines
have a high set up cost, the printing process is comparatively cheaper. Also known as
lithographic printing, the machine provides vivid and sharper images and high volume
commercial printing, which makes it exceptional from others. Depending on the method
used, it can also be known as lithographic or planographic.

H) Laser Printers
Laser printers are the most common type of printing machine and have remained a
popular choice for consumers. There remains a misconception that laser printers use
actual lasers to print the paper in some way. But, to clear the air, laser printers use
static electricity to print the documents. Due to their ability to produce crisp and rapid
printing, laser printers are popular.

I) Wireless Printers
In wireless printers, the data is received by the printer wirelessly, eliminating the need
for any type of cables. This implies that the printers are not limited by the length of the
cables. There will be no chance that people may trip over the wire. Another advantage
is that instead of connecting to just one, many computers can connect to the printer
instead, as long as they are connected to the wireless local area network. The user can
encrypt the connection with a password, for restricted access to the printer. It all
depends on the strong wireless signal, for the printer to be able to access data.

J) 3D Printers
The 3D printer is the latest technology and it opens up many possibilities of printing. 3D
printing can print three-dimensional objects, instead of traditionally printing pictures or
text on paper.  It can produce functional hand tools or any object that can fit in the
printer. The ability to duplicate items with the same dimensions is what makes the 3D
printing machines so unique. Laser and metallic dust are used by the most advanced
3D printing machines to create 3D objects. We may soon be able to print anything we
want, with the advancement in 3D printing technology.

K) Thermographic Printers


This industrial printing machine is widely used in the commercial printing industry. They
provide a raised lettering effect, as commonly seen in business cards. Besides, these
machines also provide less expensive alternating to embossing, UV coating or

L) Electrostatic Printing Machines


These types of printing machines use electrostatic forces to form the image in powder
or ink directly on the surface to be printed. Because of its high speed and cost-
effectiveness, the electrostatic printing machine has become so popular. To print maps
and small books and ideally for small scale printing projects, the electrostatic printer is
used particularly by publishers and cartographers. A classic quality of the print is
constantly produced over a long period without making any changes to the settings of
the printers. The electrostatic industrial printing machines that are inexpensive, reliable,
and provides excellent resolution and printing quality, are required.

M) Pad Printers


It’s a type of offset printing that provides fast and high clarity printing. One of the most
versatile printing technique that is used to print three-dimensional objects. In industrial
printing, the pad printer reigns supreme for high quality and fine printing on various
materials including rubber, ceramic, metal, and plastic. The quality and printing speed of
pad printing machines depends on the thickness of stock/paper, type of inks used and
other operating conditions.

N) Rotogravure Printing Machines


It's used for long-run printing with fine, sharper, and clear images. Generally used for
high-volume printing of wallpaper, packaging, and gift wraps using fast-drying inks.
Although it's not widely used, it still finds it's applications in printing magazines, high-
volume advertising print campaigns, and greeting cards.


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