PSSA Grade 4 Science Item Sampler 2021-No Answ

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1. Which process has increased the availability of fresh food to many people all over the
United States?

A . boiling and storing food in glass jars

B . packing meat in salt to remove water
C . transporting food in refrigerated trucks
D . using stoves powered by natural gas to cook food

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .1 .1 .2
Answer Key C
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 14%
p-value B 9%
p-value C 53% (correct answer)
p-value D 24%
Option Annotations A . Boiling and storing food in glass jars preserves it for later use .
B . Packing meat in salt preserves the meat for later use .
C . Key: Refrigerated transport of food improves people’s access to
fresh food .
D . Using stoves allows people to heat and prepare food .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 6

2. Use the food web below to answer the question.

Food Web




deer mice

wheat soybean
plants plants

Cold temperatures reduced the snake population in this food web . How will the hawks
most likely respond to this change in their environment?

A . The hawks will hibernate .

B . The hawks will eat more deer mice .
C . The hawks will feed on wheat plants .
D . The hawks will use sunlight to produce energy .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .1 .3 .4
Answer Key B
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 17%
p-value B 62% (correct answer)
p-value C 11%
p-value D 10%
Option Annotations A . Hawks do not hibernate .
B . Key: With fewer snakes available to eat, the hawks will eat more
deer mice .
C . Hawks are carnivores; they do not eat plants .
D . Producers, not hawks, use sunlight to produce energy .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 7

3. Use the drawing below to answer the question.

Types of Breakfast Cereal Packaging

plastic box
plastic bag
CEREAL CEREAL (inside box)

type X type Y

Breakfast cereals are usually packaged in one of two ways . Which statement best compares
these two types of packaging?

A . Type X produces less waste than type Y .

B . Type X costs more to produce than type Y .
C . Type X helps keep cereal fresh longer than type Y .
D . Type X protects cereal better during shipping than type Y .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .1 .3 .5
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 66% (correct answer)
p-value B 10%
p-value C 14%
p-value D 10%
Option Annotations A . Key: Without the cardboard box, type X produces less waste than
type Y .
B . Type X uses fewer resources for packaging, which reduces costs .
C . Type Y has more packaging, which means type Y may keep cereal
fresh longer than type X .
D . Type Y has more packaging, which means type Y may protect cereal
better than type X .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 8

4. Use the drawings below to answer the question.


stick stick

shadow shadow

7:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M.

When is the next time that the shadow will look most similar to the shadow at 7:00 a.m.?

A . 5:00 a.m. the next morning

B . 7:00 a.m. the next morning
C . 5:00 p.m. the next evening
D . 7:00 p.m. the next evening

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .2 .1 .3
Answer Key B
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 11%
p-value B 57% (correct answer)
p-value C 9%
p-value D 23%
Option Annotations A . The shadow at 5:00 a.m. will be shorter than the shadow at 7:00 a.m.
B . Key: The shadow at 7:00 a.m. the next morning will be most similar
to the shadow at the same time on the previous day .
C . Evening shadows appear on the opposite side of the stick as in the
morning .
D . The shadow at 7:00 p.m. will be on the opposite side of the stick as
the shadow at 7:00 a.m.

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 9

5. Use the table below to answer the question.
Number of Hawks Observed during Four Days in August
Number of Hawks Observed
Sharp-Shinned Hawk Broad-Winged Hawk Red-Tailed Hawk
1 2 3 2

2 0 0 0

3 0 11 4

4 6 14 1

Bird watchers at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania recorded the number of hawks
observed during four days in August . Which conclusion can best be made from the data?

A . The greatest number of hawks was observed on day 4 .

B . Broad-winged hawks fly faster than other types of hawks .
C . More red-tailed hawks were observed than sharp-shinned hawks .
D . Migrating hawks prefer Hawk Mountain Sanctuary over other bird sanctuaries .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .2 .1 .4
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 3
p-value A 67% (correct answer)
p-value B 13%
p-value C 10%
p-value D 10%
Option Annotations A . Key: Twenty-one hawks were observed on day 4, which is more than
on any other day .
B . These data do not compare flight speed of different types of hawks .
C . Observers counted 8 sharp-shinned hawks and 7 red-tailed hawks .
D . These data do not compare hawk observations from other bird
sanctuaries .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 10

6. Use the chart below to answer the question.
Parts of a Pond Ecosystem
Part Living or Nonliving? Role in the System
water living provides oxygen

fish living consumer

algae nonliving producer

snail nonliving recycles matter

Which part of the pond ecosystem is correctly described in the chart?

A . water
B . algae
C . snail
D . fish

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .3 .1 .3
Answer Key D
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 17%
p-value B 13%
p-value C 4%
p-value D 66% (correct answer)
Option Annotations A . Water is a nonliving part of a pond ecosystem .
B . Algae are a living part of a pond ecosystem .
C . A snail is a living part of a pond ecosystem .
D . Key: Fish are living consumers in a pond ecosystem .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 11

7. Use the drawing below to answer the question.

Water Cycle Model

watering can




A student builds a model to show some of the steps in the water cycle . Which steps in the
water cycle is the student most likely modeling?

A . precipitation and runoff

B . runoff and condensation
C . evaporation and precipitation
D . condensation and evaporation

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .3 .2 .2
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 3
p-value A 46% (correct answer)
p-value B 18%
p-value C 22%
p-value D 14%
Option Annotations A . Key: This model shows water sprinkling out of a can (precipitation)
and water flowing across the sand surface (runoff) .
B . This model shows runoff but does not show condensation .
C . This model shows precipitation but does not show evaporation .
D . This model shows neither condensation nor evaporation .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 12

8. Use the graph below to answer the question.

Tree Age and Trunk Diameter

Trunk Diameter

80 110 140 170 200 230
Age of Tree

About how much will the diameter of the tree’s trunk most likely increase between year 200
and year 230?

A . 1 cm
B . 10 cm
C . 25 cm
D . 50 cm

Item Information
Alignment S4 .A .3 .3 .2
Answer Key B
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 6%
p-value B 53% (correct answer)
p-value C 20%
p-value D 21%
Option Annotations A . The pattern suggests the tree will grow 1 cm in diameter every
3 years .
B . Key: The pattern suggests the tree will grow 10 cm in diameter over
30 years .
C . It takes the tree approximately 75 years to increase its diameter by
25 cm .
D . It takes the tree approximately 150 years to increase its diameter by
50 cm .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 13

9. Which physical characteristic can be passed on to offspring?

A . long beard
B . strong arm
C . pierced ear
D . brown hair

Item Information
Alignment S4 .B .2 .2 .1
Answer Key D
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 15%
p-value B 27%
p-value C 10%
p-value D 48% (correct answer)
Option Annotations A . A long beard is a characteristic acquired during a person’s lifetime; it
is not genetic and cannot be passed from parents to offspring .
B . Arm strength is acquired during a person’s lifetime; it is not genetic
and cannot be passed from parents to offspring .
C . A pierced ear is a characteristic acquired during a person’s lifetime;
it is not genetic and cannot be passed from parents to offspring .
D . Key: Hair color is a genetic trait that is passed from parents to
offspring .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 14

10. Erie National Wildlife Refuge has many creeks, ponds, and marshes . It attracts over 200 types
of birds . Which birds depend most on the water in the refuge?

A . birds that eat fish

B . birds that hibernate
C . birds that eat snakes
D . birds that build nests

Item Information
Alignment S4 .B .3 .1 .2
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 78% (correct answer)
p-value B 7%
p-value C 4%
p-value D 11%
Option Annotations A . Key: Birds that eat fish depend on water habitats to support the fish .
B . Hibernation reduces an organism’s need for food or water .
C . Birds that eat snakes depend on their eyesight and talons for
survival .
D . Birds that build nests depend on nesting materials and protective
cover .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 15

11. Which sequence shows the most likely steps humans use to produce lumber from trees for
construction purposes?

A . growing   harvesting   shipping   processing   planting

B . planting   harvesting   growing   shipping   processing
C . growing   shipping   processing   planting   harvesting
D . planting   growing   harvesting  processing   shipping

Item Information
Alignment S4 .B .3 .3 .2
Answer Key D
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 10%
p-value B 10%
p-value C 6%
p-value D 74% (correct answer)
Option Annotations A . Planting is the first step required to produce lumber from trees .
B . During lumber production, growing occurs before harvesting and
processing occurs before shipping .
C . Planting is the first step required to produce lumber from trees .
D . Key: This sequence shows how humans produce lumber from trees .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 16

12. Use the diagram below to answer the question.


light bulb

copper wire

Which change is necessary for this circuit to work?

A . Add a source of power .

B . Add a second light bulb .
C . Move the switch farther away from the light bulb .
D . Replace the copper wire with a different type of metal wire .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .C .2 .1 .3
Answer Key A
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 66% (correct answer)
p-value B 7%
p-value C 10%
p-value D 17%
Option Annotations A . Key: A working circuit requires a power source to provide electric
current .
B . Adding a second light bulb simply increases the load in the circuit .
C . Moving the switch farther from the light bulb does not affect circuit
function .
D . Copper wire is an effective electrical conductor in a circuit .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 17

13. Use the drawing below to answer the question.

Bicycle Brake


brake pad

Some bicycles have brake pads that squeeze the sides of the wheels . Which statement best
describes how the motion of a bicycle changes when the brakes are used?

A . The bicycle speeds up due to the friction between the brake pad and the wheel .
B . The bicycle slows down due to the friction between the brake pad and the wheel .
C . The bicycle speeds up due to the magnetism between the brake pad and the wheel .
D . The bicycle slows down due to the magnetism between the brake pad and the wheel .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 18

14. Use the drawing and chart below to answer the question.



Features of an Environment
Feature Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
X valley mountain valley mountain
Y peninsula river peninsula river
Z watershed lake lake watershed

Which student correctly labeled the environmental features?

A . student 1
B . student 2
C . student 3
D . student 4

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 20

15. Which statement best describes a pond?

A . It is made of salt water that is frozen .

B . It is made of salt water that is flowing .
C . It is made of fresh water that does not flow .
D . It is made of fresh water that does not freeze .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .D .1 .3 .3
Answer Key C
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 5%
p-value B 15%
p-value C 71% (correct answer)
p-value D 9%
Option Annotations A . A pond is made of fresh water .
B . A pond is a standing body of fresh water .
C . Key: A pond is a standing body of fresh water .
D . A pond is made of fresh water, but it can freeze in low temperatures .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 22

16. In late spring, a student notices very tall, puffy clouds forming quickly in the sky . The clouds
seem to be getting taller and are turning dark gray . Which weather forecast can best be made
from these observations?

A . Cirrus clouds are forming and fair weather is expected .

B . Cumulus clouds are forming and dry, cold weather is expected .
C . Cumulonimbus clouds are forming and a thunderstorm is likely .
D . Stratus clouds are forming and a late-season snowstorm is likely .

Item Information
Alignment S4 .D .2 .1 .1
Answer Key C
Depth of Knowledge 2
p-value A 9%
p-value B 9%
p-value C 74% (correct answer)
p-value D 8%
Option Annotations A . Cirrus clouds, often seen in fair weather, are long, thin, wispy, and
white .
B . Cumulus clouds are puffy white or light gray and look like
cotton balls .
C . Key: Cumulonimbus clouds are thunderstorm clouds—they grow tall
and become dark gray before producing severe weather events .
D . Stratus clouds are gray and form low to the ground, covering most
of the sky .

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 23


17. Use the information below to answer the question.
• horse-drawn wagon
• bicycle
• automobile
• train
• airplane
• boat

A student made a list of some objects .

Part A: Describe one similarity shared by all the objects in the list .

Part B: Choose one of the objects from the list and describe a positive or a
negative impact it has had on society or the environment .


Description of Positive or Negative Impact:

PSSA Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler—September 2021 24

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