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AbstractVarious aspects for the averaged modelling of the Boost converters operating in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) are studied. The parasitics of the Boost converter are also considered. A duty ratio constraint that defines the diode conduction interval is identified to be the key for accurate prediction of high-frequency behaviour. A new duty-ratio constraint is proposed that leads to the full-order averaged models of DCM converters. Numerical analyses and experimental measurements confirm that the new models correctly predict the small-signal responses up to the half of switching frequency and are more accurate than previous models. Moreover, the analytical results are included to show the origin of the high-frequency pole in DCM operation and to explain why the full-order model is capable of accurately predicting it. Index TermsDiscontinuous Conduction Mode, Boost Converters, Duty Ratio Constraint
I. INTRODUCTION For the high stability and efficiency of DC-DC switching converter, it has been applied to the fields of mobile communications, industrial equipment, home appliances, and so on. The analyses and design of the switch converter already becomes the key points of the research. However, the pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching converters are strongly non-linear time-varying circuits. It is difficult to accurately find their analytical solutions. So, to find a suitable model for simulation of the DC-DC switching power supply design is an important role. DC-DC converter has two basic operating modes, namely, continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode. In this paper, the Boost DC-DC converter is taken for example, the average circuit method is used to study its non-ideal model operating in DCM. In the proposed methodology, the so-called duty-ratio constraint is used to make improvement in the model. Thereafter, the calculated transfer-functions for steady-state and dynamic small-signal characteristics are also obtained. The DCM operation of PWM converters differs from CCM operation by an additional time interval in each
Manuscript received December 5, 2009. This work was supported by the Excellent Young Scientist Foundation of Anhui province under Grant No. 06042086. Gang-jun Xie is with School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China (corresponding author, e-mail: gjxie8005@hfut.edu.cn). Hai-bin Fang is with School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China. Xin Cheng is with School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China.
A duty-ratio constraint defining the dependency of d 2 on other variables is identified to be the key to accurately predict the high-frequency behavior. In the conventional state-space averaging method, a volt-second balance relation of the inductor is used to define the duty-ratio constraint [8]. For the Boost topology, volt-second balance over a switching cycle implies
d2 =
vi d1 vc vi
In the conventional state-space averaging method, using this expression can derive average state equation of ideal converter.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, August, 2010 1793-8163
iL is a non-linear function, diL dt is relevant with the state variables, i L and vc . Equation (1) yields a degenerate model
where the dynamics of the inductor current disappear. Since the inductor current is no longer a state variable, this averaged model fails to predict the high-frequency behavior of converters. In the following, a new definition of d 2 is derived as
d 1iL d1 + d 2
iL =
(4) (5)
RE =
4 D1Ron D 2 RF ( RL + + ) 3( D1 + D 2) D1 + D 2 D1 + D 2
(7) (8)
Taking equation (5) into equation (4) can get the solution
VE =
2 Li L d1Ts vi
Considering both the dc and the small-signal ac components of switch current , duty cycle , and switch voltage
D2 VF D1 + D 2
Comparing with equation (1), the equation (6) will derive a full order averaged model which can correctly predict the high frequency responses as well as dc and low frequency behavior of DCM converters.
d 1 = D1 + d 1 iL =IL + iL vi = Vi + vi vap = Vap + vap vzp = Vzp + vzp .For d 1 << D1 , iL << IL , vi << Vi , vap << Vap ,
, there are
RF VF i 0
Ron is
R V0
An essential step in constructing the dynamic averaged-switch model is to identify the three-terminal network of the switched-inductor cell as shown in Fig. 2. Here, the parasitics are decoupled to form an ideal part of the switched-inductor cell (a, p and c) for which a corrected full-order model based on the fast-state dynamics is considered. Then, the parasitics are placed outside the averaged cell and appropriately modified to account for energy dissipation. Two switching inductance parasitics are equalled to the slip road under the principle of conservation of energy, and then the average model of switching elements method is used, the switching elements are replaced by a current-controlled current source, the passive switching elements are replaced by a voltage-controlled voltage source, shown in Fig. 3.
d 1iL d 12 TSvi ( D1 + d 1) 2 (Vi + vi )TS = = d1 + d 2 2L 2L 2 D1 TS D1ViTS = vi + d 1 = a1vi + a 2 d 1 (9) L 2L d 1vap + (1 d 1 d 2)vzp 2 L(VE + VO + ILRE ) IL 4LIL = [1+ ]vi D1Vi 2TS D1ViTs 2 L(Vi VE VO ILRE ) IL +[VO + ]d 1 D12 ViTS 2 LREIL 2 L(Vi VE VO ILRE ) +[ RE + ]iL D1ViTS D1ViTS 2LIL +[D1 1+ ]vo = b1vi + b2 d 1 + b3 iL + b4 vo (10) 1 i DVTS
Based on the above, the small-signal model is given as follow,
i L
R v0
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, August, 2010 1793-8163
Gvi ( s ) =
vo( s ) vi ( s ) d1( s ) =0
Taking D 2 =
k1 S + t 1 (k + t )(k + t ) t 0 + 2 S 2 3S 3 k 4S + t 4
equation (11)-(14), specific values can be calculated. The magnitude and phase of the corresponding transfer-functions are plotted in Fig. 6, in which,,, correspond to the following conditions respectively, . RE 0 , RC 0 ,
2 LiL d 1 , the parasitics of converter and d 1Tsvi the definition of d 2 in corrected full-order model are considered. . RE 0 , RC 0 , VF 0 , vi d2 = d 1 , Taking into account the parasitics, but the vo vi duty-ratio constraint is not considered. . RE = 0 , RC = 0 , vi d 1 , for the ideal model. VF = 0 , d 2 = vo vi
VF 0 , d 2 =
vi ( s ) =0 t 4t 5 (1 + s wz 2)(1 s wz 3) = t 2 t 3 + t 0t 4 1 + s + ( s ) 2 Qw0 w0
The control-to-output transfer function includes the right-half plane (RHP) zero wz 3 , in low-frequency it can be neglected, but in high-frequency it makes the phase of
vi ( s ) vi ( s ) Z ( s) = = ii ( s ) d 1( s ) =0 iL( s ) d 1( s ) =0 s s 1+ + ( )2 t 2t 3 + t 0t 4 Qw0 w0 = (13) (1 + s wp ) t 3t 7 + t 4t 6 (4)The converter output impedance Zout ( s ) is vo( s ) Zout ( s ) = iout ( s ) vi ( s ) = 0, d 1( s ) = 0
To get accurate and repeatable measurement points, In Fig. 5, the hardware prototype is built in Matlab/Power System Blockset, using the FFT utility to extract the necessary magnitude and phase information.
Bode Diagram 10 0 -10 -20 Magnitude (dB) Phas e (deg) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 0
t 2t 4 (1 + s wz 2)(1 + s wz 4) = t 2t 3 + t 0 t 4 1 + s + ( s ) 2 Qw0 w0
-45 -90
-135 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
In this paper, the Matlab/Simulink is chosen as the simulation tool. The parameters are, Vi = 5V , Vo = 10V , Io = 0.2 A , R = 50 , L = 19.2 H , RL = 3.6m ,
Gvi ( s)
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, August, 2010 1793-8163
Bode Diagram 40 30 20 10 Magnitude (dB) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 360
leads to circuit averaged models that are different from previous ones. Numerical simulation and experimental measurement of Boost converter confirm that the new model correctly predicts the small-signal response.
V. CONCLUSION In this paper, a general approach has been presented to generate the circuit averaged models of DC-DC converters operating in DCM. The proposed method relies on a duty-ratio constraint and the parasitics of circuit elements are considered. It accurately captures the high-frequency converter dynamics. The proposed model has been verified with a hardware prototype and has shown an improvement over several existing models.
180 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Gvd ( s)
Bode Diagram
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22 M a gn itu de ( d B)
16 14 90
45 P ha s e (d e g )
-45 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
40 30 20 10 M agnitude (dB) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 0
Z ( s)
Bode Diagram
Phas e (deg)
Guang-jun Xie received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree from Hefei University of Technology, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2002. He is now a Professor of Hefei University of Technology, and his research interests include IC design, computational intelligence.
-90 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(d) Zout ( s )
Fig.6. The magnitude and phase information of the transfer-functions for Boost converter (in which, the solid line, dashed line and dash-dot line, correspond to I,II,III respectively, for example, the (*) marks in (b) show the hardware measurement)
Suppose as expected, the model proposed in this paper matches the hardware prototype more accurately than the other two previous models. The new model correctly predicts the small-signal responses up to one-half of the switching frequency. Considering the parasitics can more accurately reflect the features of actual converter, it is necessary to consider the parasitics for modeling. A new duty-ratio constraint is proposed, based on formal averaging, which 733