Pfi Ipm
Pfi Ipm
Pfi Ipm
22000:2018 22002-1
1.0 Approvals
The signatures below certify that the procedure has been verified and accepted and
demonstrates that the signatories are aware of all the requirements contained herein and
are committed to ensuring their implementation
Pests are populations of living organism (animals, plants or microorganism) that interfere
with use of healthcare and other facilities for human purposes.
Pest management in food plants is a job that requires a very high standard both in
technical and professional aspects. It is related to food safety and inevitable compliance
with relevant legal and production standards. Besides, operations of food plants often
impose difficulties on pest management:
Transportation of raw and packaging materials may bring pests in.
The flavor emitted from the plant could attract various types of pest.
The food, temperature and humidity in food processing areas provide favorable
conditions to pest breeding.
Structures and facilities in food plants, old ones in particular, provide a lot of
harborages for pests.
Dust, grease, high temperature and steam generated from food processing would
remove the effects of pesticides applied.
Frequent cleaning and goods delivery would often remove or damage pest control
chemicals and devices.
Pests may get into food plants in two ways: by walking, crawling or flying; or moving
together with raw materials and tools. For ensuring food safety and preventing damages
to building structures and equipment, IPM measures including sanitation, structural
prevention, pest monitoring, physical and chemical control shall be implemented.
Pest Control Program establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining
physical and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental
The plan outlines procedures to be followed to protect production cycle, health and safety
of staff and visitors from pest and pesticide hazards and the overall aim being protecting
the quality of the products produced by Psalms Food Industries. The plan is designed to
assess compliance with policies and regulations concerning food safety and all related laws
within Psalms Food Industries.
5.0 Objectives of this IPM plan include:
Elimination of significant threats caused by pests in the food production process.
Prevention of loss or damage to structures and products or property by pests.
Protection of environmental quality inside and outside buildings especially in the
production section.
6.0 Roles and Responsibilities
6.1 All Staff
All staff have a responsibility to identify any pest invasion or activities that may create
harborage of pests and act accordingly or report to the responsible personnel.
He/she shall ensure that the requirements specified within this document and Code of
Practice are resourced and implemented within the factory.
6.6 Contractors
All contractors employed by or working on behalf of Psalms Food Industries Limited, in,
on or adjacent, will make the necessary arrangements to comply with this plan.
Any contractor who does not comply with this plan maybe requested to cease work or to
leave site until an undertaking is given to work within the remit of the Pest Management.
When pesticide applications are scheduled, the Service Provider and the environment
officer shall provide notification in accordance with law, including:
Posting a pest control information sign or notice with the date, time and location of
the application.
Providing this information to all individuals mostly the heads of sections or
departments of the areas to be worked on in the building or Psalms premises.
Since these insecticides pose a serious health threat, the coordinator shall endeavor to
notify all the personnel especially those in the premises during the day of fumigation.
Decisions concerning what pesticides should be applied in a given situation will be based
on a review of all available options.
10.1 Sanitation
Sanitation is the most important component of food manufacturing plant incorporated in
the Integrated Pest Management plan for the plant.
Clear and avoid stagnant water, food remnants and garbage through proper cleaning
every day.
Clean equipment, tools and production line thoroughly. Raw materials or food
remnants need to be cleared from machineries at intervals.
Avoid prolonged stocking of raw materials, food, tools, etc.
Any condemned food products should be disposed of properly as soon as possible.
Store goods on metal racks or plastic pallets and away from walls.
Inspect incoming materials, tools and other materials thoroughly for any pest
Properly contain raw materials and food products.
Maintain landscape (compound slashing and rubbish removal) regularly to prevent
pest breeding and hiding places.
Use smooth, waterproof and easy clean materials for floor and working tables.
Identify any conducive conditions that would favor pest ingression, breeding and
living. Implement appropriate measures to eliminate such conditions.
Report findings of inspections with relevant details such as dates, infested locations,
identified pest species, estimated population, cause of breeding and proposed
control measures.
12.0 Records:
Fumigation and Monitoring Plan
Pest Control/ Fumigation Form
General Quality Reports (Fumigation Report)
Insect Electrocuter Monitoring Checklist