Lecture 10
Lecture 10
Lecture 10
Lecture 10
Leong Kaiwen
l r
L (50,50) (80,20) p* p*=0.7
V q*=0.6
R (90,10) (20,80) 1-p*
q* 1-q*
Now we want to check if p∗ is a BR to q∗ .
V’s payoff of choosing L against q∗ =50(q∗ )+80(1-q∗ )=0.62
V’s payoff of choosing R against q∗ =90(q∗ )+20(1-q∗ )=0.62
V’s payoff from p∗ = 0.7∗0.62+0.3∗0.62=0.62
Is p∗ in fact a BR?
If it is not a BR, there must be some deviation V could make that would
make a strictly better off. If V deviates to either L or R, the payoff is still
0.62, which means V is not strictly better off. p∗ is as good as playing
L or R.
So there is no way to deviate to a pure strategy in a strict profitable way,
but how about deviating to another mixed strategy?
Any mix that V deviates to will be a mix between L and R and any mix
between L and R will be a mix between 0.62 and 0.62 and hence will be
Recall:Any mixed strategy yields a payoff that is a weighted average of
the pure strategy payoffs that are in the mix.
Key: If we have shown that there are no pure strategy deviation that’s
strictly profitable then there can’t be any mixed strategy deviation
that’s strictly profitable. Why? Because the mixed strategy deviations
must yield payoffs that lie among the pure strategy deviations.
Lesson: we only ever have to check for strictly profitable pure strategy
Note: S is not trying to make V indifferent between L and R. Similarly,
V is not trying to make S indifferent between l and r. It is the case
that in equilibrium, V will make S indifferent and vice-versa. If p∗ >
0.7, then S will choose l all the time but V will not want to choose L
anymore. So it is not an equilibrium. It has to be the case that p∗ &
q∗ make both players indifferent.
Another application of mixed strategies: baggage checking machines
at airports.
Player 2
AP P Pure strategy NE:
Apple Picking (AP) (2,1) (0,0) p (AP,AP), (P,P)
Player 1
Play (P) (0,0) (1,2) 1-p
q 1-q
Find mixed NE in this game
To find NE q, we use player 1’s payoffs
Player 1’s payoff for choosing AP = 2q+(1-q)0
Player 1’s payoff for choosing P=0q+(1-q)1
Since player 1 is mixing, these two payoffs must be equal.
⇒ 2q+(1-q)0=0q+(1-q)1
⇒ q=
Since randomizing is bad for both players, why are the 2 players doing
We will think about a second interpretation for what we think mixed
strategy equilibria are.
Rather than think about both players as literally randomizing, it is prob-
ably better in this case to think about the following idea. We need to
think about player 2’s mixture as being a statement about what player
1 believes player 2 is going to do. Similarly, we can think of player 1’s
mixture as a statement about what player 2 believes about what player
1 will do.
In the NE, we found the beliefs such that these players are exactly indif-
ferent over what they do.
In this setting, better to think about mixed strategies being a statement
about what people believe in equilibrium.
H C Where, H is ”honest report”, C is
A (2,0) (4,-10) ”cheat”, A is ”audit”, N is ”not audit”
N (4,0) (0,4)
Interpretation of payoff
Auditor is happy if she dose not audit & taxpayer doesn’t cheat.
Auditor is happy if she audits & finds taxpayer cheating
Auditor is not happy if she audits & taxpayer doesn’t cheat because
audits are costly.
The auditor is really unhappy if she did not audit & the taxpayer cheated.
For taxpayer, if honest and pay what they are supposed to pay, get payoff
of 0
For taxpayer, if cheat & not audited, get to keep a chunk of money.
For taxpayer, if cheat & caught, get a huge fine.
2 5 2 1
How can we interpret [( , ),( , )]?
7 7 3 3
From the point of auditor: We can think of the auditor as literally ran-
domizing. By law, the auditors literally have to randomize.
From the point of taxpayers: Some taxpayers are paying their taxes
& some are not. There are a lot of taxpayers in the population. In
2 1
equilibrium, of taxpayers in the population will pay taxes & will
3 3
cheat. We can think of mixed strategies not as randomizing but as a
mix in a large population in which some people are doing one thing and
the other group are doing another thing. Here the thing = proportion
of people paying taxes.