18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

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The following pages contain information that will assist you in prepar-

ing your liturgy for the date below. The two pages that include music
suggestions, Elaine Rendler’s column and the music planning template,
come from Today’s Liturgy, a liturgy preparation magazine published
quarterly by OCP. The page with a suggested introduction to Mass and
general intercessions comes from Prayer of the Faithful, a resource for
liturgy preparation published annually by OCP. Paul Covino’s ritual
commentary and the bulletin note and image come from Liturgy.com.

1th Sunday in Ordinary Time

July , 2011 Year A


BB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breaking Bread (published yearly) R2, R3 . . Rise Up and Sing (Second Edition, Third Edition) (young people)
CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Companion Missal (published yearly) SS1, SS2 . . . . . . Spirit & Song 1 and Spirit & Song 2 (young adults)
CP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Choral Praise Comprehensive (Second Edition) TM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today’s Missal (published three times yearly)
GP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glory & Praise (Second Edition) UC . . . . . United in Christ/Unidos en Cristo 2009-11, music resource
H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heritage Missal (published yearly)
VOZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Faith/Una Voz (hymnal)
J, J2 . . . . . . . . Journeysongs (hymnal), Journeysongs (Second Edition)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinitas (choral octavo series)
MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Issue (published yearly)
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octavo
NTY . . . . . . . . . Never Too Young: Spirit & Song for Young People

Excerpts from the English translation of the Lectionary for Mass, including psalm responses and gospel acclamations,
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Comittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL);
excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal © 1973, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7/31/2011 YEAR A

MUSIC SUGGESTIONS Keep in mind that Matthew advocated peace through

See page 72 for an abbreviation key. justice, which was not the emperor’s way to peace (by con-
For additional music suggestions, visit liturgy.com. quering). Just before this Gospel story is the story of wicked
Herod and his birthday feast (Matthew 14:6–12). At that
ENTRANCE feast the daughter of Herodias requested and was granted
Table of Plenty (D. Schutte) BB/MI 310 CP2 475 GP2 530 H 487 J 744
J2 793 NTY 75 SS1 163 UC 527 VOZ 786 OCP 9846TL
the head of John the Baptist on a plate. In The Synoptic Gos-
Our Hope Is in the Lord (D. Schutte) BB/MI 484 OCP 20700TL pels Set Free, Scripture scholar Jesuit Father Daniel Har-
Come to the River (Hurd) BB/MI 668 CP2 328 H 333 J2 538 NTY 241 rington points out that by placing Jesus’ banquet for God’s
SS1 1 OCP 11396TL people directly after Herod Antipas’ banquet for his court-
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling HYFRYDOL BB/MI 432 CM 148 iers, Matthew contrasts the two leaders: “One (Herod) gives
CP2 443 GP2 640 H 449 J 391 J2 746 UC 664 VOZ 696 death, and the other (Jesus) gives life” (p. 36). Even though
At the Lamb’s High Feast SALZBURG BB 176 CM 67 CP2 284 GP2 394 the assembly doesn’t hear the story of Herod, consider mak-
H 270 J 307 J2 424 TM 22 UC 447 VOZ 480
ing time at rehearsal for the musicians to reflect. Nobody
Holy, Holy, Holy NICAEA BB 214 CM 75 CP2 299 GP2 414 H 287
J 345 J2 469 R3 115 R2 162 TM 19 UC 459 VOZ 505 knows life-giving feasts better than choirs!
Come, Worship the Lord (Talbot) BB/MI 314 CP2 476 GP2 536 J 718 I promised that we would have information to help you
J2 790 SS1 73 OCP 10331TL with the implementation of the new Roman Missal. To begin,
Sing a Joyful Song (J. Farrell) BB/MI 565 CP2 354 GP2 688 H 380 please turn to page 14 and read Dominic MacAller’s article,
J 591 J2 616 UC 725 VOZ 582 OCP 9292TL which includes an actual timeline for implementing new or
Gather the People (Schutte) BB/MI 304 H 484 OCP 20122TL revised music settings. Regardless of your musical choice
Our God Is Here (Muglia) BB/MI 305 NTY 29 SS2 395 OCP 20091TL for a Mass setting, I strongly agree with Dominic that the
RESPONSORIAL PSALM AND GOSPEL ACCLAMATION eucharistic acclamations (Holy, Mystery of Faith, and the
Respond and Acclaim (Alstott) 110–111 Great Amen) are the places to begin to teach new music.
A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) 144, 239 — Elaine Rendler-McQueeney
Come to the Water (Foley) BB/MI 635 CM 129 CP2 400 GP2 706
H 469 J 622 J2 650 UC 760 VOZ 613 OCP 9489TL We Praise You (Ducote/Daigle/Balhoff) BB/MI 568 CP2 379 GP2 677
Come to Me and Drink (B. Hurd) BB/MI 354 OCP 20331TL H 371 J2 626 UC 716 VOZ 569
Seek the Lord (O’Connor) BB/MI 674 CP2 258 GP2 351 H 242 J 593 Taste and See (Moore) BB/MI 331 CM 106 CP2 28 H 114 UC 155
J2 558 UC 275 VOZ 315 OCP 10482TL Behold the Lamb (Willett) BB/MI 335 CP2 481 GP2 524 H 505 J 585
Psalm 42: As the Deer Longs O WALY WALY, ALT. BB/MI 527 CP2 415 J2 809 UC 536 VOZ 799 OCP 8737TL
H 350 J 407 J2 696 VOZ 337
O Jesus, Healer of Wounded Souls (Rubalcava) BB/MI 680 SONG OF PRAISE OR SENDING FORTH
OCP 20144TL Join in the Dance (Schutte) BB/MI 605 CP2 288 GP2 393 H 277 J 523
Shepherd of Souls ST. AGNES BB/MI 363 CP2 499 GP2 501 H 493 J 480 J2 438 SS2 321 UC 756 VOZ 669 OCP 9845TL
J2 825 UC 555 VOZ 830 Rejoice, the Lord Is King DARWALL’S 148TH BB/MI 742 H 300 J 406
Lord of the Dance LORD OF THE DANCE BB/MI 604 CP2 457 GP2 395 J2 478 UC 469 VOZ 508
H 276 J 554 J2 764 NTY 194 R3 173 R2 155 SS1 128 UC 757 Go Make a Difference (Angrisano/Tomaszek) BB/MI 512 H 481
VOZ 670 NTY 260 SS1 113
Lead Us to the Water (Kendzia/Daigle/Foley) BB/MI 316
COMMUNION I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida (Toolan) BB/MI 341
Here at This Table (Whitaker/Whitaker) BB/MI 312 H 490 J2 807 CM 104 CP2 478 H 504 R3 304 R2 196 UC 561
NTY 68 SS2 362 OCP 11560TL Sent Forth by God’s Blessing ASH GROVE BB/MI 383 CP2 504 GP2 588
Gift of Finest Wheat BICENTENNIAL BB/MI 325 CM 101 CP2 484 H 526 J 400 J2 768 UC 601 VOZ 745
GP2 525 H 499 J 483 J2 803 UC 570 VOZ 807 OCP 8005TL Behold the Lamb of God (Dufford) BB 151 CP2 262 GP2 360 H 248
Pescador de Hombres/Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin) BB/MI 519 UC 415 VOZ 461 OCP 5696TL
CP2 458 GP2 580 H 473 J 595 J2 763 NTY 129 R3 234 R2 272 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name CORONATION BB/MI 745 CM 87
SS1 162 UC 627 VOZ 702 OCP 8419TL CP2 313 GP2 421 H 307 J 463 J2 482 UC 464 VOZ 510
Bread of Life (Fisher) BB/MI 367 GP2 522 H 521 NTY 225 SS1 150 Canticle of the Sun (Haugen) BB/MI 415 CM 144 CP2 386 H 394
OCP 10152TL R3 188 R2 242 UC 735
Bread of Life (Cooney) BB/MI 329 GP2 520 H 512 UC 558 VOZ 813 How Can I Keep from Singing ENDLESS SONG BB/MI 449 CP2 431
OCP 5267TL GP2 616 H 437 J 367 J2 721 NTY 116 SS1 117 UC 695 VOZ 638
Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford) BB/MI 438 CM 135 CP2 424 OCP 9202TL
GP2 602 H 428 J 579 J2 706 NTY 213 R3 225 R2 214 SS1 170
UC 693 VOZ 647 OCP 9527TL CHORAL
Transfigure Us, O Lord (Hurd) BB/MI 513 NTY 186 SS2 309 O Taste and See (Doherty) OCP 4592TL
OCP 12888TL Come, Christ’s Beloved (Foster/Quinn) OCP 12771TL
Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart/DeBruyn/Hagan) OCP 20196TL

52 Ordinary Time 1 2011 Today’s LITURGY

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7/31/2011 YEAR A
CALL TO WORSHIP Time _______________ Celebrant _______________________________________________
Music Rehearsal/Liturgical Catechesis ______________________________________________________________________________________
Introduction, see Prayer of the Faithful, page 64 ______________________________________________________________________________
Entrance _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rite of Sprinkling or Penitential Rite _______________________________________________________________________________________
Glory to God __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Reading ________________________________________ Responsorial Psalm ________________________________________________
Second Reading _____________________________________ Gospel Acclamation _______________________________________________
Gospel _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Homily/Preaching ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dismissal of the Catechumens and Elect ________________________________________________________________________________
General Intercessions, see Prayer of the Faithful, page 64 __________________________________________________________________
Music for Preparation of the Gifts _____________________________________________________________________________________
Eucharistic Acclamations ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Holy ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Memorial Acclamation ____________________________ Great Amen ______________________________________________________
Communion Rite
Lord’s Prayer _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lamb of God ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Communion Processional ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Psalm or Hymn of Praise/Instrumental or Silence__________________________________________________________________________
Sending Forth _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Choral Anthem of the Day____________________________________________________________________________________________
Prelude/Postlude ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
© 2011 OCP. All rights reserved. Permission granted to make copies of this planner for private use only.


God, come to my help. Lord, quickly give me assistance. You are One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes
the one who helps me and sets me free: Lord, do not be long in forth from the mouth of God.
GOSPEL Matthew 14:13–21
FIRST READING Isaiah 55:1–3 (112A) Huge crowds followed Jesus. He felt compassion for them and
The Lord invites all who are thirsty to “Come to the water!” God healed the sick. He saw that they were hungry and, rather than send
asks the people to take heed, that they may drink wine and milk, eat them away empty, he gave them bread and fish in abundance.
well, and delight in the rich fare of the everlasting covenant.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 145:8–9, 15–16, 17–18 You gave us bread from heaven, Lord: a sweet-tasting bread that
The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. was very good to eat.
Or John 6:35
SECOND READING Romans 8:35, 37–39
The Lord says: I am the bread of life. A man who comes to me will
Nothing, not even death, can separate the faithful from the love of
not go away hungry, and no one who believes in me will thirst.
God in Christ Jesus.

Today’s LITURGY Ordinary Time 1 2011 53

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2011

Introduction to the Celebration

God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and full of kindness.
Today and every day we give thanks and praise.
Penitential Rite
Lord Jesus, you are the sower of earth’s abundance. Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you have paid the cost of our salvation. Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you bid us listen, eat, and be filled at your table. Lord, have mercy.
General Intercessions
Presiding Minister
Nothing in this world can separate us from the love of Christ.
Confidently we bring our prayers before the God of mercy.
A That the Church do all in its power
to make the Eucharist available to everyone,
we pray to the Lord:
B That political divisions be bridged
and that nations work together to share the earth’s bounty,
we pray to the Lord:
C That communities show mercy in action to those in need,
especially the hungry and the homeless,
we pray to the Lord:
That the month of Ramadan may bring our Muslim brothers and sisters
growth in patience, self-control, and love of community,
we pray to the Lord:
D That all who gather to celebrate this eucharistic feast
ensure a place at the table for all who are hungry,
we pray to the Lord:

Presiding Minister
Lord, creator of the universe, giver of all that is good,
let us feel your presence in our need, and be your presence to others.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 31, 2011 Year A

Ritual Notes
by Paul Covino, from Today’s Liturgy 2011

The revised Roman Missal, like the current Sacramentary, will specify which texts the assembly
and the priest say at most places in the Mass. There is, however, one part of the Mass in both the
current Sacramentary and the revised Roman Missal for which no specific texts are provided,
and that is the prayer of the faithful. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM 69–
71) provides guidelines for the composition of the prayer of the faithful, but each community
needs someone or a few people with the ability to write well, to reflect on the day’s Scriptures,
and to identify various needs relating to the world, the Church, and the local community.
Resources such as OCP’s Prayer of the Faithful (www.ocp.org/pf) provide sample intentions for
each Sunday that can serve as a model for locally composed intentions. Some of these sample
intentions could be used as written since they reflect general concerns for which the Church
always prays. At the same time, other intentions will need to be composed to take into account
more timely concerns such as a recent natural disaster. As a rule, the GIRM notes, “the series of
intentions is to be a. For the needs of the Church; b. For public authorities and the salvation of
the whole world; c. For those burdened by any kind of difficulty; d. For the local community”
© 2011 OCP. All rights reserved.

Nothing can ever come between us and the
love of God made visible in Christ Jesus Our
Lord, Paul assures us. Today the Lord calls
us to eat with him. He is so generous and
overwhelming in hospitality that there are
twelve baskets (one for each of the apostles)
left over for the nourishment of the Church
throughout time and space. The nourishment
we receive from the Lord is not only food
and drink, but also food for divine life.
Welcome to the table of the Lord.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, year A.
Illustration © 2011 M. Erspamer, OSB. Text, Philip
J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. All rights reserved.

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