This document provides descriptions and benefits of 14 common yoga poses: Sukhasana, Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanur Asana, Trikon Asana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Malasana, Sirsasana, Savasana and more. Each pose is explained with techniques and benefits such as improved flexibility, stress relief and strengthening of muscles.
This document provides descriptions and benefits of 14 common yoga poses: Sukhasana, Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanur Asana, Trikon Asana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Malasana, Sirsasana, Savasana and more. Each pose is explained with techniques and benefits such as improved flexibility, stress relief and strengthening of muscles.
This document provides descriptions and benefits of 14 common yoga poses: Sukhasana, Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanur Asana, Trikon Asana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Malasana, Sirsasana, Savasana and more. Each pose is explained with techniques and benefits such as improved flexibility, stress relief and strengthening of muscles.
This document provides descriptions and benefits of 14 common yoga poses: Sukhasana, Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanur Asana, Trikon Asana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Malasana, Sirsasana, Savasana and more. Each pose is explained with techniques and benefits such as improved flexibility, stress relief and strengthening of muscles.
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Sukhasana or Easy Pose
If you’re just starting out with yoga
asanas, you can start with this pose, as it gives one of the desired comforts. This asana is beyond the horizons of the physical dimension and gives spiritual bliss. Technique: Sit with the legs tucked inside the opposite thighs. Keep the spine vertically straight. The hands should be placed on the knees and breathe in and out gently. Benefits of Sukhasana or Easy Pose: 1. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress and mental tiredness. 2. It corrects the body posture and stretches the chest and spine. Tadasana or Mountain Pose
It is a basic standing pose. It teaches you
the art of standing correctly and increases your awareness of your body. Technique: Stand with your heels and toes joined and raise the arms up, the knees can also be left open according to the width of your shoulders. Palm should be upward and eyes should be looking straight. Take a breath in. Then raise the heels and lay your weight on the toes. Pull the body up and after some time take the body down while breathing out. Repeat it 10 to 15 times. Benefits of Tadasana: 1. Helpful in strengthening the leg muscles. 2. Helps in increasing the height of the children. 3. Helpful in removing leg pain. 4. It corrects bad posture and improves the alignment of your body. Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward- Facing Dog Stretch
Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward-
facing dog pose lengthens and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstrings, strengthens your arms, flushes your brain with fresh oxygen and calms your mind. Technique: Lie down on the floor on your stomach and face downward. Place the palms next to the chest. Exhaling, raise your trunk from the floor. Straighten the arms, move the head inward towards the feet and extend the back, trying to press the heels firmly into the ground keeping the knees straight making an inverted ‘V’ with the body. Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana: 1. It calms the brain. 2. Reduces stiffness in the shoulder region and tones the legs. Dhanur Asana Or Bow Pose
This asana stretches the entire body. It helps in
weight loss, boosts digestion and blood circulation. It is a very effective yoga pose for making the back flexible. Technique: Lie down on the ground on your belly. Bend the knees backwards. Hold the feet with hands below the ankles. Take a deep breath and raise the chest as high as possible. Now stretch the feet, so that your body takes the shape of a bow. Stay in this position as long as you can. While breathing out, relax the body and come in the initial position. Repeat this Aasan 3-4 times. Benefits of Dhanur Asana: 1. It makes the spine flexible and reduces its stiffness. 2. Reduces obesity. 3. It can cure stomach pains. 4. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs and stomach. 5. It increases the lung power and breathing process. Trikon Asana or Triangular Pose
The Trikonasana is one of those postures
that brings your body many benefits like improving the flexibility of your spine, helps in alignment of your shoulders and many more. Technique: Stand in the Tadasana pose. Keep your feet around three feet apart and turn the right foot to 90 degrees, turn the left foot slightly to the right, raising the arms sideways. Bend to your right, bringing the right palm towards the right ankle keeping both legs absolutely straight. Repeat on the other side. Benefits of Trikon Asana: 1. Improves flexibility of the spine and relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area. 2. Massages and tones the pelvic region, relieves gastritis, indigestion and acidity. 3. Helps you to improve your posture too. Vakrasana or Twisted Pose
Vakrasana comes under the category of
seated asanas. Here, the upper body is twisted to bring the upper spine parallel to the sides of the yoga mat. Twisted pose benefits our lower and middle back, hips and neck. Technique: Make a posture like a steady stance by placing the right foot high up on the left thigh and the hands should be over the head with the palms together. The spine must be straight and the sole of the foot flat and firm. After releasing the pose, one needs to change the position and try the other leg. Benefits of Vakrasana: 1. Tones the muscles of the back and thus brings stability to the spine 2. Straightens the upper back 3. Strengthens the neck muscles 4. Helps in reducing belly fat 5. Improves digestion by regulating digestive juices. Bhujangasana Or Cobra Stretch
Bhujangasana is known as the corrector of the
curvature and makes the spine flexible. The curve structure of the asana massages the deep back muscles, spine and nerves. It can be a great asana for people dealing with arthritis of the lower back and lower back pains. Technique: It is also called ‘Sarapa Asan’. To do this Asana lie down on the ground on your stomach, keeping the hands close to your shoulders, raise the chest to such a level that the arms get straight this will be done while stretching the legs. Take the toes in and hang the head slowly behind. Slowly come in the initial position and repeat this 3-5 times. Benefits of Bhujangasana: 1.It makes the spine flexible and broadens the chest. 2.Makes the neck, shoulders, chest and head more active. 3.Increase blood circulation. 4.Gives power and flexibility to the body. 5.It reduces obesity. 6.Helpful in strengthening the digestive system and increasing the lung power Halasana Or Plough Pose
The Halasana opens up the spinal disc and
aims to keep the spinal system youthful as it stretches the spinal muscles. The stretch releases the tension from the shoulders, arms and spine. It is one of the best asanas to tackle obesity. By revitalising the internal organs, it can cure indigestion and constipation and neck arthritis stiffness. Technique: Lie straight on the ground. keep the palms along the body and put them straight on the ground. Slowly lift the lower part of the body i.e. feet in a rhythm and touch the ground behind the head with the toes. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and then slowly come back to the initial position. Benefits of Halasana: 1. Helpful in strengthening the neck muscles. 2. Helpful in reducing weight and back pain. 3. Strengthens the backbone 4. Improves blood circulation. Malasana or Yoga Squat Pose:
Malasana has a grounding quality—it taps
into downward-flowing energy known in yoga as apana vayu—and is a good pose to practice whenever you need to bring on calm. Technique: You can enter Malasana by standing with feet parallel, slightly wider than the hips. Then bend knees and slowly lower down the pelvis until the hips go lower than the knees. Keep the back straight and take arms in front in a prayer position. Benefits of Malasana: 1. Strengthens the Lower Back 2. Helps in stretching the groin and also the lower back. 3. Tones the belly. 4. Releases tension in the hips and knees. Sirsasana Or Headstand
Sirsasana aka “the king of the asanas” is
one of the most difficult asanas but has remarkable benefits. The asana involves the brain, spine and entire nervous system and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. The upside-down pose helps to ease constipation and relieves nervous disorders and anxiety. Technique: Take the support of a wall, to begin with. Keep the spine straight with your head down and feet up. Use your hands to support yourself. Benefits of Sirsasana: 1. It helps in improving blood circulation. 2. Gives strength to the respiratory system. 3. It improves concentration and memory. Savasana or corpse pose
The Savasana or Corpse yoga pose is one
of the most important postures. It is meant to rejuvenate your mind and body after practice while also allowing you to shift your attention to your inner-self. Technique: Lie down on the floor like a corpse – completely relaxed and on your back. Keep your legs apart and hands away from your body with the palms facing upwards. Shut your eyes and concentrate on relaxing each and every muscle in your body. Benefits of Savasana: 1. Savasana cures hypertension and mental stress. 2. It refreshes the mind and body. 3. It removes the fatigue. Do these yoga asanas every morning with an empty stomach to get the best result.