MP-038 Deathloks
MP-038 Deathloks
MP-038 Deathloks
While Deathlok may have been first introduced in 1974 as In the past, The Marvel-Phile was one of the best resources
the time-traveling, cyborg-zombie, super-soldier named for new and updated information pertaining to the Marvel
Luther Manning, the history and evolution of the character Super Heroes Role-Playing Game. We are continuing that
has continued until early 2020. Multiple reinventions and the fine tradition with the "New Marvel-Phile". We are certain
nature of time travel and alternate reality stories have made that each edition will bring something new and exciting for
for a convoluted and often confusing history. This issue those that still enjoy this great game.
attempts to provide both detail and clarity on the many
Marvel characters over the years associated with the name, Let us know if you like what we are doing here, or if you
Deathlok. want to see something different. Requests are also
welcome, but please bear in mind, that we cannot possibly
This issue includes: accommodate all requests. Feel free to send requests,
1. Deathlok (Luther Manning) feedback, and submissions (especially submissions!) to
2. Luther Manning (clone)!
3. Deathlok-robot
4. Deathlok (Michael Collins) Please enjoy and feel free to give us feedback!
5. Siege (John Kelly)
6. Deathlok (John Truman / Larry Young)
7. Project Deathlok (“Very Special Forces”)
8. Deathlok (Luther Manning / Michael Travers)
9. Deathlok-Prime
10. Death Locket (Rebecca Rykers)
11. Deathlok (Henry Hayes)
12. Simmons, Jemma
13. Deathloks of Lingares
All characters featured in this book and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all related indicia, are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc
2020. This book was originally distributed in and hosted by Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project on Facebook. If you are in receipt of
this book and wish to share it, you must do so strictly on a non-profit basis, and credit the original source. If you’re aware of copies in any format made
available for sale, please contact Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project via Facebook Messenger.
F AM (50)
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I AM (50)
P PR (4)
Real Name: Luther Manning
Aliases: The Demolisher
Identity: No dual identity
Occupation: Colonel in the U.S.
Army, retired
Citizenship: USA.
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan (Earth-
Known Relatives: Janice Travers (former
wife), Richard Manning (son)
Group Affiliation: Formerly
Agency X, Hydra
Cybernetic Body: Over 75% of Manning’s
body has been replaced with cybernetics
enhancing his physical abilities. In addition
to these enhancements, he has the
following abilities:
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Remarkable.
• Ultra-vision: Remarkable.
• Telescopic Vision: Remarkable.
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S IN (40)
E RM (30)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P PR (4)
His systems are nearing the end of their life Luther Manning enlisted in the army in the
cycle resulting in random failures. An late 1970s and rose through the ranks to
Endurance feat roll may be required become a colonel. During war games in
(Judge’s discretion) to use any ability at full 1985, Manning was critically injured by the
rank intensity or result in a 1 – 10 round effects of a concussion mine. Manning's
stun. remains were salvaged by his superior
officer Major Simon Ryker for use in
Talents: Weapons Master, Guns, Martial Project: Alpha-Mech, a covert operation to
Arts A, Computers and Military create cyborg super soldiers. Manning's
brain, nervous system and still living tissue
were transplanted into a synthetic body in
an operation performed by Major Ryker's
brother Harlan Ryker, who for years had
replaced his brother's missing limbs with
synthetic parts, which were lost in an
altercation with Doctor Doom.
After 5 years in stasis, Manning's body
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales, Vol
was reanimated as the cyborg Deathlok,
I, #25 (August 1974)
named because he was locked in a death-
like state. Simon Ryker oversaw Deathlok's
training and early missions, but the cyborg
eventually rebelled against his
programming as his human memories
returned. Escaping Ryker's control
Deathlok learned that he was legally dead were taken to her. Satyrnin was NOTE: The Earth-616 version of Luther
and that his wife had married his old friend uninterested in the information the two had Manning was transformed by temporal
Mike Travers. Despondent but incapable of to provide, being more interested in her energies into a near perfect duplicate of his
suicide due to his internal programming, attraction to Killraven. Killraven stayed Earth-7484 cyborg counterpart by the
Deathlok sought to ruin his former master. behind while Deathlok (figuring he got a villain known as Timestream.
Having become a cyborg himself after raw deal) would return back to Earth-9997.
sustaining injuries, Ryker devoted himself Returning to Earth-9997, each
to merging with the Omni-Computer which member of the group having varying
oversaw the city of New York (on Earth- degrees of success, they arrived to find that
7484), becoming the cyber space entity the Watcher of Earth-9997 was being
known as Savior Machine. However, judged by his alternate reality counterparts.
Deathlok forced him out of the Omni- After a brief battle against the collective of
Computer, leaving Simon Ryker hopelessly Watchers (in which Killraven came to the
incoherent from the rapid reversal he had rescue), they were beaten when X-51 had
suffered. The CIA tried to restore Deathlok them all teleported to the surface of their
to life by transferring his mind to a clone of own Earths, making them guilty of the same
Manning, but succeeded only in duplicating crimes that Watcher-9997 was guilty of.
his memories in that body, leaving Deathlok After some time on Earth-9997, X-51
essentially unchanged. recovered a device that was used by Merlin
In the year 2011 of Earth-7484, to restore Captain Britain to life. He used
Manning's computer had long since the device to create a new body for Luther
crashed and he would fight for his own Manning based on a DNA sample. He then
survival. He would rename himself the intended to transplant Manning's brain in
Demolisher and be recruited by this new body. If X-51 succeed in doing this
Timestream in exchange for having his past remains to be revealed.
changed so that he never became It is unknown when and where
Deathlok. Unknown to Manning was that Manning was plucked from reality and
Timestream was secretly a foreign brought to Earth-9997. Based on the
monarch he had fought years prior. success of the brain transplant, it is
Timestream's plans threatened all possible that Manning's trip to Earth-9997
existence, prompting the Time Variance has yet to happen in his personal
Authority to send Godwulf to stop him. chronology. However, Manning was taken
Timestream recruited the Luther Manning at a point prior to X-51 knowing how to
of Earth-616, and Godwulf recruited his travel to alternate realities without creating
own Deathloks in the form of Siege and a divergent reality, so X-51 may have
Earth-616's Deathlok, Michael Collins. created a divergent reality when he took
Eventually Manning of Earth-7484 learned Manning. At this present time the logistics
the truth about Timestream, and worked pertaining to these events have yet to be
together with Collins to destroy him. explained.
Unimpressed and disgusted with Godwulf,
Deathlok-7484 stole one of his time
gauntlets and traveled to Earth-616. In this
reality he roamed the sewers of Manhattan
in relative solitude.
Luther Manning was recruited by X-51
of Earth-9997 to join his Heralds, a group
of super-humans from alternate realities.
He had gathered them to warn alternate
realities of the danger of the Celestials who
reproduced by impregnating worlds and
manipulating the DNA of the planets
dominant species into being unwilling
antibodies. Each member of the Heralds
was granted their fondest wish upon
completion of their mission. As payment for
joining the Heralds, Deathlok wished to
become human again. He was teamed with
Wolverine of Earth-811, Iron Man 2020 of
Earth-8410, Bloodstorm of Earth-1298,
Spider-Girl of Earth-1122, Killraven of
Earth-691 and Hyperion of Earth-1121. The
team was split into groups of two, with
Deathlok joining Killraven. They traveled to
Earth-1124, a world ruled by Satyrnin.
After fighting an army of Satyrnin's soldiers,
the two heroes eventually surrendered and
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S GD (10)
E EX (20)
R EX (20)
I AM (50)
P TY (6)
Health: 80
Karma: 76
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Clone of Luther Manning
Aliases: None
Identity: No dual identity
Occupation: Colonel in the U.S. Army,
Citizenship: USA.
Place of Birth:
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation:
Education: Military academy graduate,
extensively self-taught and computer-
Internal Computer: The computer was also
able to override Manning's self-control,
making him a passenger in his own body.
The computer can be reprogrammed by
anyone with the appropriate skills, making
a Reason FEAT roll against Amazing
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S AM (50)
E IN (40)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P FB (2)
Health: 140
Karma: 22
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
IDENTITY: No dual identity
CITIZENSHIP: Not applicable
PLACE OF CREATION: Detroit, Michigan
KNOWN RELATIVES: Not applicable
Body Armor: Excellent physical protection
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Remarkable.
• Ultra-vision: Remarkable.
• Telescopic Vision: Remarkable.
Laser Pistol: Deathlok carries a laser pistol
with an effective range of 7 areas that
inflicts Incredible damage. The pistol
utilises Deathlok’s own personal energy
and can be considered to have an unlimited
energy supply. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES custody, but Mister Fantastic discovered
The Deathlok robot possessed limited that the cyborg required an expert in the
Knife: Also carries a knife made from personality and operated primarily to fulfil field in order to enact repairs and sent the
Remarkable material and inflicts Good its programmed mission. Thing to England to seek out Professor
edged damage. Louis Court, who lived in England. While
HISTORY Court was able to make Deathlok functional
Talents: none The genesis of the Deathlok robot began again, he was completely devoid of his
when the original Deathlok cyborg of Earth- previous intelligence. The cyborg was
Contacts: Roxxon 7484 was brought to the modern age of turned over to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Earth-616 by Fixer and Mentallo, who
reprogrammed it in a failed attempt to Deathlok was placed in storage and later
assassinate the President of the United stolen by the Roxxon Corporation, which
States. This assassination attempt was sought to exploit the future technologies
thwarted by the Fantastic Four and the that went into making the Deathlok cyborg.
Impossible Man. Deathlok was taken into The cyborg was turned over to Harlan
Ryker of the Brand Corporation for
examination. Based on his initial
examinations, Ryker was able to create a
robotic version of Deathlok and turned it
over to Roxxon for testing. The cyborg was
smuggled into Project: Pegasus by agents
of Roxxon's the Nth Command in order to
bring Nth Projector into the facility. While
there the cyborg attacked the Thing, who
was heading security at the facility at the
time. Thinking this was the original
Deathlok, the Thing tried to reason with the
construct, but it led him to believe that
Roxxon had lobotomized the original
Deathlok. The cyborg battled against the
Thing and Quasar and sustained heavy
damage. Instead of risking capture, the
Deathlok robot initiated its self-destruct
sequence before the scientists at
PEGASUS could shut it down and probe its
F IN (40)
A RM (30)
S MN (75) / SH X (150)
E IN (40)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P TY (6)
Health: 185
Karma: 56
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Michael Collins
OCCUPATION: Adventurer, vigilante,
computer consultant, software engineer,
video game programmer
PLACE OF BIRTH: Philadelphia,
KNOWN RELATIVES: Tracy Collins (wife),
Nick Collins (son)
Patricia Collins (daughter), Bill Collins
(brother), Arlene (sister-in-law)
GROUP AFFILIATION: Former member of
Secret Defenders, former member of Wild
Pack, former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., former
computer programmer with Roxxon Oil
division Cybertek
Body Armor: Remarkable physical and
energy protection. His skeleton is made of
Class 1000 material strength Adamantium.
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible.
• Ultra-vision: Incredible.
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible.
• Energy Detection: Incredible
• Radar sense: Remarkable Regeneration: Remarkable (2 health per No killing parameter: in accordance with his
round) nano-bots capable of repairing both aversion to killing, he could limit his actions
Hyper-Running: Amazing (8 areas per organic and inorganic components. in combat with computer safeguards.
round) These safeguards reduce any kill result to
Alter-Ego: He can change into the stun at a penalty requiring a bullseye to hit
Hyper-Strength: Deathlok possesses appearance of his former human form at on FEAT rolls and a –1CS to damage.
Monstrous strength and is able to lift will.
approximately 85 tons. However, his Cybernetic Communication and Control:
design has the capacity to potentially lift Internal Computer: A microprocessor within Amazing
as much as 150 tons with a successful Deathlok's skull provided many of the
Endurance FEAT roll. He can boost his attribute enhancements that the character
strength to Unearthly at a cost of 10 enjoys. The computer was also able to
damage points per round. He can further override Collins’ self-control, making him a
boost to Shift-X, but with a cost of 20 passenger in his own body. The computer
damage points per round. can be reprogrammed by anyone with the
appropriate skills, making a Reason FEAT
roll against Amazing intensity.
Plasma Pistol: Deathlok carries a pistol with Michael caught up with Ryker as he was
an effective range of 7 areas that inflicts making illegal weapons sales to a private
Incredible energy damage. The pistol army. Before Michael turned Ryker over to
utilises Deathlok’s own personal energy the authorities, he found out that his human
and can be considered to have an unlimited body still existed, somewhere.
energy supply. Beyond & Return to Earth
Plasma-Rifle: As the pistol with a range of Much later, he was discovered on a new
10 areas and Amazing damage. Battleworld on which he had been trapped
for years, Deathlok helped fellow super-
Plasma-Grenades: Incredible energy powered individuals; Dr. Pym, Wasp,
damage to a full target area and thrown up Spider-Man, Venom, Hood, Gravity,
to 8 areas. Firebird, Medusa, and Al Kraven battle the
Dragon Man and the Space Phantom who
Talents: Computers, Electronics, was impersonating Spider-Man. The
Cybernetics, Bio-medicine Stranger was revealed as the one behind
bringing them there, and ultimately they
Contacts: SHIELD were able to escape. During the conflict it
was revealed that he could now return to
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES his human form at will.
Michael Collins is at heart a pacifist. He
tried to make the world a better place by He was present at the funeral for Gravity
designing better prosthetic limbs for and helped the Fantastic Four after
paraplegics and spent a great deal of time Gravity's casket was removed from his
with his son trying to encourage him to do grave. He piloted the craft that led the
what was right, not what was easiest. The Fantastic Four into a conflict with Galactus, First Appearance: Deathlok Vol I, #1
conflict between his values and his new life Stardust, and Silver Surfer and was present (July 1990)
as a war machine has caused him a great at Gravity's resurrection. After this he
deal of stress. returned to Earth with the Fantastic Four
and Gravity.
He still believes in seeking peaceful
solutions, but no longer shies away from He later would encounter the Henry Hayes,
the responsibility his great power demands Deathlok first coming into conflict with him
of him. Now he tries to set an example and then assisting him against the
and curb some of his harsher associate’s organization of BioTek and SHIELD.
Originally, Michael Collins was a computer
programmer working for Roxxon Oil. He
thought that his programming for artificial
limbs was going to be used to help
handicapped people, not knowing that it
was really being used for the Deathlok
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E MN (75)
R TY (6)
I EX (20)
P PR (4)
Health: 225
Karma: 30
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: John Kelly
ALIASES: Deathlok
OCCUPATION: Mercenary, former police
officer, former soldier
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unrevealed
area 50 States Initiative)
Body Armor: Amazing physical and energy
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible.
• Ultra-vision: Incredible.
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible.
• Energy Detection: Incredible
F IN (40)
A RM (30)
S IN (40)
E IN (40)
R GD (10)
I EX (20) / GD (10)
P TY (6)
Health: 150
Karma: 36 (Truman) / 26 (Young)
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Jack Truman; Lawrence
ALIASES: Agent 18 (Truman)
OCCUPATION: Former espionage agent
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unrevealed
Brigade; formerly S.H.I.E.L.D., United
States Army
Body Armor: Incredible physical protection
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Remarkable.
• Ultra-vision: Remarkable.
• Telescopic Vision: Remarkable.
First Appearance: Deathlok, vol III, #1
(September 1999)
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E IN (40)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P FB (2)
Health: 120
Karma: 18
Resources: None
Popularity: 0
ALIASES: Very Special Forces
IDENTITY: No dual identity
CITIZENSHIP: Not applicable.
KNOWN RELATIVES: Not applicable
Body Armor: Excellent physical protection
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Remarkable.
• Ultra-vision: Remarkable.
• Telescopic Vision: Remarkable.
First Appearance: Black Panther Vol IV,
#2 (May 2005)
F AM (50)
A RM (30)
S AM (50)
E AM (50)
R EX (20) / PR (4)
I EX (20) / TY (6)
P EX (20) / PR (4)
Health: 180
Karma: 60 / 14
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Capt. Luther Manning; Lt.
Michael Travers
ALIASES: Deathlok
IDENTITY: No dual identity
CITIZENSHIP: USA.(Earth-10014)
Body Armor: Amazing physical and
Monstrous energy protection
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible
• Ultra-vision: Incredible.
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible.
diseased tunnel dwellers. Meanwhile
Roxxon has resurrected an earlier model
combat cyborg, General Ryker, to retrieve
Deathlok. Deathlok kills General Ryker with
an energy blast to his face.
F AM (50)
A RM (30)
S IN (40)
E MN (75)
R RM (30)
I AM (50)
P TY (6)
Health: 195
Karma: 86
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Unrevealed
ALIASES: Deathlok, Unit L17, Peacelok
OCCUPATION: Adventurer, Teacher;
former Assassin
PLACE OF BIRTH: Somewhere in the
USA, Earth-10511
member of the X-Men, former agent of
Body Armor: Remarkable physical and
energy protection.
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible.
• Ultra-vision: Incredible.
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible.
• Energy Detection: Incredible
Internal Computer: Unlike with previous Repulsors: Amazing force damage with a
Deathloks, it is the computer that is the range of 10 areas.
primary consciousness and personality that
controls the body, with the human mind Web-shooters: Amazing material strength
being subconscious the majority of the with a range of 4 areas.
time. The computer can be reprogrammed
by anyone with the appropriate skills, Molecular Acid: Monstrous intensity
making a Reason FEAT roll against corrosive may be sprayed at a distance of
Amazing intensity. same area.
without dying as long as his human brain While giving a guest lecture at the Jean
remains undamaged. Grey School, he tells several of the
students their possible futures and most
EQUIPMENT notably predicts that Evan Sabahnur will
Plasma Pistol: Deathlok carries a pistol with become Apocalypse and destroy the
an effective range of 10 areas that inflicts school. He tells Logan that Evan may
Amazing energy damage. The pistol become their greatest savior or that he will
utilises Deathlok’s own personal energy tread upon their graves.
and can be considered to have an unlimited
energy supply. When not performing missions for X-Force,
Deathlok would spend a lot of his time
Gatling-Rifle: Incredible shooting damage teaching at the school.
to a full target area with a range of 6 areas.
He carries sufficient ammunition for 20
Deathlok is a sentient program housed
inside a cybernetically reanimated human
brain operating a bionic frame augmenting First Appearance: Wolverine Weapon X,
the tissues of that same human's organic Vol I, #11 (May 2010)
Deathlok Prime is a cybernetic soldier
hailing from the alternate future of Earth-
10511 where Roxxon has taken over the
world. He then joined X-Force after the
Father was defeated.
F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S PR (4)
E EX (20)
R RM (30)
I GD (10)
P TY (6)
Health: 44
Karma: 46
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Rebecca Ryker
ALIASES: Becca, Deathlokette, Deathlok
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unrevealed
(father); Anna Ryker (mother, deceased);
Bryan Ryker (brother, deceased)
Babysitters Club; Young Masters; pawn of
Weaponized prosthetic left arm: Death
Locket’s left arm was replaced with an
adaptable weaponized prosthetic. The arm
gives her Remarkable Strength with that
appendage and possesses the following
offensive systems:
• Pyrokinetics: Remarkable fire damage
• Concussive Blasts: Excellent force
• Melee weaponry: can morph the limb into
simple close-range weapons that do
Excellent edged damage.
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Deathlok exploded nearly killing Becca,
Nanite Technology: Provides the following Originally a shy and bookish girl, Becca has and murdering her mother and her baby
abilities: been hardened by her experiences. The brother. Grief-stricken, Harlan tried to save
• Self-Repair and Adaptability: Creates death of her family has caused her some the lives of his wife and children by adding
robotic antibodies that attack internal issues to the point of making her own family Deathlok cybernetics. He locked himself in
intruding factors granting Incredible from salvaged LMD’s. a bunker and cut all communication but
regeneration was only able to save Becca's life.
HISTORY Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. broke into lab,
Cyberpathy: The cybernetics in her brain Rebecca "Becca" Ryker was once an arrested him, and took Becca into custody.
makes her a living wi-fi data hub that average girl. She was shy and bookish Becca was stabilized in the hospital. Sadly,
enables her to implement withheld without many friends, and always followed Becca was one of the sixteen super-
information stored on her memory drive. the rules. Even though she didn't really powered teenagers Arcade kidnapped to
This feature also enables her to remotely enjoy it, Becca was part of her school be part of his deathmatch. S.H.I.E.L.D.
hack and commandeer any form of swimming team and practiced swimming briefly investigated her disappearance from
communications and information-based laps every day. their facility, but the incident was attributed
network with Incredible ability. to more future rebels completing the
Unknown to her, Becca's father was one of mission.
Talents: Repair/ Tinkering, Mechanic, the premier experts in cybernetics and the
Invention, computers, and hacking lead designer of the Deathlok program. When Arcade killed Mettle, Becca felt sorry
When rebels from the future sent a for Hazmat and went to console her.
Contacts: Spider-Man, Baldur, Hawkeye, Deathlok to kill Harlan they instead found Hazmat's sadness quickly turned to rage.
Wonder Man, Druid, Young Masters / his family. On a suicide mission, the When Hazmat tried to attack Becca, her
Masters of Evil (formerly), Nico Minoru
Deathlok self-defense programming disappearance of Cullen, and agreed to
responded by blasting Hazmat. Still, in infiltrate Bagalia in search of him. While
shock from the events, Becca ran and searching for Cullen, Death Locket met
began wandering in Murderworld. Becca Excavator and the pair flirted. After locating
was briefly ambushed by Cammi, before Cullen, she transported the group to
later being caught by Kid Briton when she Arcade's Massacrer's Casino where the
wandered too close to the Braddock group beat Arcade near to death followed
Academy student’' fire. Apex immediately by Hazmat literally killing Arcade. The
befriends her and introduced her to the group was then arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.,
other students. Misunderstanding Cammi's quickly freed by Baron Zemo, and given the
reference to her as a "Deathlok-ette", offered to join his Masters of Evil.
Becca chose the codename Death Locket
to suit her new identity and new life. Death Locket accompanied Chase and
Constrictor to the Snakepit to meet
Unknown to everyone, Apex possessed Excavator and the other Young Masters of
technopathic abilities, and was using Evil. Unaware of the others' plan to act as
Becca's Deathlok cybernetics as a weapon double agents, Death Locket agreed to
to attack others while Becca slept. Under accept Zemo's offer and joined the Masters
Apex's control she crippled Juston Seyfert of Evil along with her friends.
and destroyed his Sentinel, and nearly
killed Reptil with a flamethrower. Apex also On their first mission with the Young
used Death Locket to seemingly eliminate Masters, Death Locket became adept at
Nara. hand-to-hand combat. Still unaware the
others were acting as infiltrators when the
When Anachronism killed Kid Briton and opportunity to snipe Captain America
disrupted Apex's plans, she was extremely became available, Excavator urged her to First Appearance: Avengers Arena
rattled and lost control of their shared body take the shot. Chase intervened saving Vol I, #1 (February 2013)
to Tim Bashir, her twin brother. After briefly Cap's life and told Becca about the plan. A
being attacked by Juston, Tim was able to brawl between him and Excavator ensued.
explain to Death Locket and the others Chase told her to choose a side. To end the
about Apex's true powers and nature. fight, Death Locket shot Chase, apparently
Death Locket was among those voting not killing him, choosing to stay with the Young
to kill Tim to stop Apex, and later while Tim Master. Chase wasn't dead but was instead
was teaching her how to control her saved by Nico, though he was stuck in a
powerful cybernetics, the two shared a coma. Three months later, Hazmat, not
romantic kiss. knowing that Becca already knew about the
plan and told everyone, tried to tell her. The
Unfortunately, Katy soon regained control young Masters tried to ambush Hazmat but
over Tim and armed with Death Locket and she defeated them and Becca before
the remains of Juston's Sentinel she began proceeding to escape.
to lay waste to Murderworld. Using the Staff .
of One, a recently resurrected and power- Still monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D., Becca
amped Nico confronted Apex and her eventually left the Young Masters and
pawns, burying Apex and Death Locket relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico. In
alive. This unwittingly allowed Death New Mexico, Becca used salvaged parts of
Locket and Tim/Katy to gain access to LMDs to create a makeshift family. She
Arcade's base beneath Murderworld. also downed a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier into
Lake Tahoe. During her time in isolation,
Working together, Death Locket, Tim, and Becca became a big fan of classic Western
Apex took over the controls of Murderworld. films. Several of these films were stored on
When Apex tried to betray them and kill Dum-Dum Dugan's hard drive while other
everyone on Murderworld, Death Locket films and novels were downloaded by
able to struggle free of Apex's control and Becca.
attack her allowing Tim to briefly gain
control of their body long enough to beg Under the direction of Gaea and Skuld the
Death Locket to kill him. Reluctantly, she Norn, Balder the Brave and Spider-Man
shot him in the head and rejoined the recruited Death Locket, Hawkeye, Wonder
others on the surface. Along with the other Man, and Druid to a team with the mission
survivors, Death Locket agreed to their pact to protect Laussa from Sindr, Queen of
of silence. Cinders during the War of the Realms.
F IN (40)
A RM (30)
S IN (40)
E AM (50)
R GD (10) / IN (40)
I AM (50)
P TY (6)
Health: 160
Karma: 66 / 96
Resources: FB (2)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Henry Hayes
ALIASES: Mustang
mercenary, mind-controlled assassin,
former combat medic
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unrevealed
formerly Biotek; Doctors Without Borders,
U.S. Army
Body Armor: Remarkable physical and
energy protection.
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible.
• Ultra-vision: Incredible.
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible.
• Energy Detection: Incredible
mission that went bad in Russia. However,
he was often memory-wiped so as not to
remember his assignments.
F TY (6)
A TY (6)
S RM (30)
E TY (6)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P GD (10)
Health: 48
Karma: 60
Resources: EX (20)
Popularity: 0
REAL NAME: Jemma Simmons
ALIASES: Deathlok
IDENTITY: No dual identity
OCCUPATION: S.H.I.E.L.D. xenobiologist
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unrevealed
KNOWN RELATIVES: Unnamed brother
and sister
Cyborg Physiology: In order to reverse the
effects of a lethal infection that caused
degeneration in the cells of Simmons’ body,
Henry Hayes was forced to turn her into a
Deathlok like him. She has gained certain
abilities. Jemma has been shown capable
of breaking down metal doors and swiftly
knocking down S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents with
one arm.
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Incredible. HISTORY One day in a field mission, Simmons was
• Ultra-vision: Incredible. Born in England to a high-level Roxxon supposed to neutralize a DNA Bomb that
• Telescopic Vision: Incredible. business executive and his wife, Jemma had been constructed by a rogue A.I.M.
• Energy Detection: Incredible Simmons excelled in the pursuit of biology faction. While she tried to do so, she was
while in school and settled upon the ever- attacked, contacting a dangerous material,
Talents: Biology, Chemistry, expanding field of xenobiology as her which infected her with a kind of cellular
Physics, First Aid, and Medicine specialty. Upon graduation, she applied to necrosis. After doing some medical checks,
work for the American intelligence she predicted that she only had one month
Contacts: S.H.I.E.L.D. organization S.H.I.E.L.D. and was left to live.
welcomed into its ranks as an agent.
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES During the attack of the New Avengers on
Jemma Simmons is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Jemma Simmons was one of the S.H.I.E.L.D., Power Man disrupted her chi
most exceptional scientists. Her brilliance S.H.I.E.L.D. field agents who formed part of and was surprised to sense that Jemma’s
in biology knows few parallels, and she is a Phil Coulson’s team to investigate how the chi was “a mess”. He told Deathlok
cherished member of Phil Coulson’s terrorist Abu Mussan got hold of an Uru to talk to her about it. When Deathlok
special S.H.I.E.L.D. team. sword. Along with Melinda May, Simmons confronted Jemma about it, she revealed
helped Heimdall (the owner of the Uru that she had failed to find a treatment, and
sword) break free from Mussan’s terrorist didn’t want anybody to pity her as she
group. After Heimdall was dispossessed approached her final days. Jemma’s health
from the influence of an alien rock, eventually deteriorated and she slipped
Simmons recovered fragments of said rock into a coma, alerting her superiors to her
to investigate on the Helicarrier. malady. Mockingbird and Deathlok began
to analyze her condition, and he
determined the only way to reverse her
illness would be to turn her into a Deathlok.
The procedure was a success and the
cellular degeneration was completely
reversed. Jemma didn’t wake up, forcing
Deathlok to use experimental neuro-
somatic stimulation to properly restore her.
Simmons awoke disoriented and confused,
and began to attack fellow S.H.I.E.L.D.
Agents. Coulson intercepted her and
appealed to her humanity to bring her back
to her senses.
F EX (20)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E RM (30)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P PR (4)
Health: 100
Karma: 20
Resources: GD (10)
Popularity: 0
OCCUPATION: Guerilla fighters
CITIZENSHIP: Unrevealed.
PLACE OF CREATION: Lingares, South
Body Armor: Excellent physical protection
Enhanced Vision:
• Infra-vision: Remarkable.
• Ultra-vision: Remarkable.
• Telescopic Vision: Remarkable.
Energy Rifles: Remarkable energy damage
with a range of 5 areas.
• Amazing intensity electrical stun for 2 –
20 rounds.
Central Command Unit: The Deathloks of
Lingaren are all slaved to one specific
Deathlok command unit that contains a
central processor. If this unit is taken over
by some means, that individual can then
command all the Deathlok units.
Contacts: None
Despite their Deathlok augmentation, they
remain mostly a typical irregular
paramilitary force.
When a newly reformed Force Works was
sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate
suspicious deaths in the small island nation
of Lingares, South America, they were
attacked and quickly overpowered by
guerrilla forces augmented with Deathlok
technology. These Deathloks were made
from the fallen members of the Lingaren
guerrilla force by M.O.D.O.K., with the
ultimate goal of taking over the robot Ultimo
for his own purposes.
The guerrilla forces rebelled against
M.O.D.O.K., and seeking to increase their
numbers, they began transforming
Lingaren citizens. Rhodey identified that
they were all controlled by one command
unit. After neutralizing the command unit,
he used the technology to turn himself into
a replacement command unit, and used the
Deathlok army to defeat the newly
transformed ULTIM.O.D.O.K.