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Easy Worship Tutorial

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Functional Toolbar Schedule Toolbar Background Button GoLive Button Live Button

This allows you to These are the tools you use This is where you choose This sends the preview to This is where you send
open, save, create new to build a schedule (Page 4) the background for a slide the live window (Page 5) the song to the
song or edit an existing (Page 7) live screen (Page 6)
song (Page 8)
Summary View
This toggles
Schedule window between views in the
This is where you preview and live
build a service windows (Page 5)
schedule (Page 4)

Clear Button
Selection Tabs This clears the
This is where you choose words on the live
what to display e.g. screen (Page 6)
“Songs”, “Scriptures”
or “Videos” (Page 7)
Black Button
This is where you
black out the live
Favourites Button screen (Page 6)
This displays your
favourites in the
database (page 8)

Live Song Window

This is where you
Database Window operate the song for
This is where the the performance
main database is (Page 6)
displayed (Page 3)

Preview Section Live Screen

EasyWorship This gives you an exact preview of This is exactly what the
what the live screen will show when congregation see when you
Interface you go live (Page 5) are live (Page 6)

The Database Window
This is where all the songs held in the EasyWorship database are displayed. This is the first place you will look for a song when you are
building a schedule. If the song is not in the database you will have to add it (see page 12). Notice the grey highlight on the song “A Heart
Like Thine”, it also shows in the title field

There are three ways to search for a song in the database:

1. Type the title as it appears in the song database in the title window.
2. Scroll down using the scroll bars at the side of the database window until you
find the song you are looking for. (see red highlight on fig 1)
3. Type some letters in the search window e.g. He, would immediately move the
database to songs beginning with H and then He etc.

When you begin to use the software you will soon find the method you prefer.

When you have the song you are looking for selected in this way you are ready to
do one of two things:

1. Display it on the live screen for immediate use.

2. Add it to a schedule. Fig 1

1. Use it
When you click on a song in the database it immediately displays
on the preview screen ready to be used. Click “GoLive” or double click the song in the database.
2. Add to a schedule
The quickest way to add a song to the schedule is to double click the left mouse button when the song is selected in the database.
Alternatively you can use the buttons in the schedule tool box (see page 4).
NB - If you are live (live button blinking) double clicking on a song in the database will send it LIVE!

The Schedule Window and Toolbar
Now you have selected the first song you wish to use, start to build your schedule. (Fig 1) shows the schedule window with the toolbar
open. One of the benefits of EasyWorship is the intuitive controls. I’m sure you will have guessed already that the plus adds a song and the
minus removes a song. (Adding a song highlighted in the database and removing a song highlighted in the schedule).

If you have only one song in a schedule the arrow keys will remain grey (see Fig 1). However, when you have two or more songs you may
wish to change the order and so the arrows become blue and you can now move the songs around (see Fig 2).
To move the song click the corresponding arrow e.g. If you are moving a song from position 5 to position 1 you would click the up arrow
four times.

When you have built a schedule it is a

good idea to save it. Even though you Toolbar Toolbar
are unlikely to use it in exactly the same or-
der at another service, if for any
reason the power was interrupted
temporarily you would have to build
the schedule again from scratch
if it was not saved. Fig 1 Fig 2
This is a schedule with song three highlighted. You
will notice the schedule has not been saved yet as it

Saving a schedule
As with most windows programs there are a number of ways to do a particular task, the easiest way to save a schedule is to click on the
disk icon in the toolbar (see fig 3).

Follow the normal windows protocol for saving a file.

Fig 3

The Preview Window
The preview window takes up the whole middle section of the EasyWorship interface. It is a
replica of the live section and understanding one will help in understanding the other. There
are two views that you can set up in these windows:

1. Full View (see fig 3)

2. Summary view (see fig 2)

Again when you start to use EasyWorship it will be up to you to decide which view
you prefer to use. To change view you would select the toggle button on that window.
When you press the toggle button you have two
options, “Full View” or “Summary View”
(see fig 1). Notice the dot beside the view
currently selected. To change view simply select
the option without the dot.

Notice in (fig 3) the first verse is selected, (shown

grey when inactive and blue when active) and so
appears in the preview screen at the bottom. This
indicates what will be displayed when you go
live. So for example if you wished to start with
verse 2 you would click on it in the upper
window and it would appear on the preview
screen. This would then be displayed live first.
As with the schedule, when a verse is selected it
is highlighted blue (showing it is the active

To take a song to the

live screen you click
Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

The Live Window
The live window is where the action is. Do something wrong in this window and the congregation will
know about it. As stated in the previous section, the song window and live screen are exactly the same
as the preview section. Notice in (fig 1) again that the selected verse is shown with a highlight (grey if
selected but inactive and blue when active.) There are three buttons you have to be aware of in the live

1. Live
2. Black
3. Clear

When you click the “GoLive” button on the preview section (page 5) you will see the song as in
fig 1, however, the first time you perform this, the output is not yet live. You must click the “Live”
button. When clicked it will begin to blink and you are LIVE. While the “Live” button is blinking
subsequent clicks of “GoLive” will take you LIVE instantly.

This is simply as it says, it causes the live screen to go black. You would use this if there was a break in
the program or at your discretion during the service.

Again exactly as the button says, it clears the live screen of text and will remain clear until you press the
button again.

All buttons blink when active. Fig 1

To operate the live section you simply click on the part of the song you wish to be displayed. This makes this software much more
powerful than PowerPoint for worship as you can easily switch back and forth from any part of the song instantaneously.

There are various buttons in the interface and each one has a specific task.

The background button opens up the background window (see fig 1). Here you have a choice
of background images or video. Note, when a background is chosen it is highlighted by a red square.
To select a new background simply click on it, the background window will shut down and the
preview screen will show the new background. Note the live screen will not display the new
background until you “GoLive”.

Selection Tabs (see fig 2)

Again the selection tabs are self explanatory, they consist of “Songs”, “Scriptures” and “Video”.
Fig 1
The “Songs” tab is the one you will use most and is the program default. This is the song

Scriptures Fig 2

The “Scriptures” tab shows the Bible text that is supplied with EasyWorship - we have the ASV, KJV and NIV.
At some point in the program you may wish to display the scripture being read, to do this you would click the “Scripture” tab and then in
the title or search panel of the database window (you will see it now shows “Scriptures”) type the first few letters of the book you are
looking for. E.g. Mat for Matthew and then the chapter and verse.
You should note that the scripture only appears in the preview and live windows one verse at a time and so there are two options for the
use of scriptures. Double click the scripture verse you want to use and as long as the “Live” button is blinking, you will display the verse
on the live screen. This is fine if you have a consecutive reading, if however, you have more than one passage it would be much better to
build a schedule and operate using the “GoLive” button.

The video tab shows the video folder included in the program for use as backgrounds. The program has the ability to overlay the words on
an mpeg video clip.

Favourites (see fig 1)

At the side of each song in the database there is a selection column. When you click the mouse
in this column you will see a tick (see fig 1). Each song with a tick next to it indicates it has been selected as a favourite. When the favour-
ite button (red highlight in fig 1) is selected only
songs with a tick are displayed in the database. This is useful for say a group of songs in the database that would be used for a particular
service, when operating the system in that service you would click the favourite button and only operate with the selected songs. The
favourite button is again a toggle, click to select, click again to deselect. To remove a song from the favourite list you simply click on the
tick and it will disappear.

Functional Toolbar - Fig 2

This toolbar is not unique to EasyWorship, if you are familiar with any other windows software you will recognise most of it (See fig 2).

Fig 2 Key

1 Create a new schedule

2 Open and existing schedule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 Save the current schedule
Fig 2
4 Create a new song in my song database
5 Edit the song in my database
6 Print schedule

7 Change display and output options

8 Transitions
Nursery alert Fig 1
10 Message alert

Item 1 - Create New Schedule
Adding a song in the schedule window will immediately start a schedule. You will notice that
the name is UNTITLED, this is because you have not saved the schedule yet. When you click
on the new schedule icon, if you have a schedule already open the program will ask you if you
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
wish to save it.
Fig 2
Item 2 - Open
Again clicking on this icon opens the standard windows open dialogue box and you would navigate to the drive your schedule has been
saved on.

Item 3 - Save
Clicking on this icon will open the standard windows save dialogue box. You would navigate to the folder you wish to save the schedule in
and press save. If you are responsible for generating a program in EasyWorship - as opposed to operating only - then you will have
EasyWorship installed on your system. In this instance you would save the file to a removable drive for transporting to the church
computer. NB - All disks MUST be checked for viruses before being placed in the church computer.

Item 4 - Create a new song in my database

Clicking on this icon opens up the “New Song” dialogue box. This is the box you would use to add a new song to the database. There are
two ways of doing this (page 12).

Item 5 - Edit the song in my database

This is similar to item 4. It opens the same dialogue box, however the song is already there. Here you would edit this song (page 13).

Item 6 - Print schedule

Clicking on this icon will print the current schedule.

Continued on next page

Item 7 - Change display and output options (See fig 1)
This allows you to change various default settings for the
program, for example the margins on your main output screen.
Also notice the select output monitor field in fig 1. This setting
tells EasyWorship to display the live output on the “secondary
monitor”. There are many things that can be changed in this screen
and it is a worthwhile exercise (if you are responsible for setting
up defaults) to open this screen and look at all the options without
changing anything. This will give you a feel for what each part
does as most of it is self explanatory, when you are finished click
cancel and you will leave without making any changes.

Fig 1

Item 8 - Transitions - fig 2

If you are familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint, then you will fully
understand the transitions screen. Here you can set up transitions
between songs, slides etc. Again it is worthwhile exploring this
screen if you are unsure and then press cancel and you will have
changed nothing. Basically a transition is an effect between two
parts of your presentation, for example if you choose the first
option in fig 2 “blend” and are in the selected “Song” tab then
when you finish your first song and hit “GoLive” for your next, the
screen will show an effect of the old song “blending” in to the new
one. Set up a schedule and choose some different transitions for
songs and slides, I’m sure you will soon find this a simple but very
useful addition to your operation.
Fig 2

Item 9 - Nursery Alert - fig 1
The nursery alert function enables you to display a nursery number on the screen at a chosen
point (e.g. bottom left). This would then alert the parent who has that number to go to the
nursery. To operate the alert you would click on the icon on the toolbar and the alert box
would appear (fig 1). Type the alert number into the “Nursery Number” field and click “Add.”
You would now see the nursery number on the live output screen, it will remain there until
you take it off. To do this you would simply follow the above instructions and click
Fig 1

Item 10 - Message Alert - fig 2

Message Alert has the same principal as Nursery Alert. In this instance you can display
a message on screen. Notice in fig 2 the message field, here you type your message.
The count is the number of times you want the message to appear. To operate
this item type a message in the field, for example:
“Will the owner of car registration no. X54 CVD go to the car park attendant please.”
Now select the number of times you want the message to display, say 3. Move the
arrows at the side of the count or highlight the 1 and change it to 3. Now click “Add.”
The message will now display at the bottom of the live output screen three times. The
other buttons in fig 2 are self explanatory.

NB - The formatting and position of the messages will be determined by the

settings you have made in item no 7.
Fig 2

Creating a New Song in the Database
Formatting Toolbar
New Song window This is for formatting the text in the song, however we use the default for the program and so
this would be left as it appears.

Preview Screen
Title As you type in the
This is where you input window the
type the title of the preview screen shows a
song as it will “real-time” preview of
appear in the the live screen for the
database. song you are typing.
This allows you to see
how the song will look
Input window and adjust the amount
Clicking in this of text you put on each
window will bring slide.
up the cursor and
you would begin to
type the song.

Inputting a Song New Slide

As stated previously there are two ways to input a song: To start a new slide for part of a
1. Type directly into the input window as shown above. song you simply leave an extra
line space (return). You will then
2. Copy and paste from another editor, for example Microsoft Word. You would simply click at notice that the preview starts on a
the top of the input window and then either click the paste icon in the toolbar or use the blank slide.
standard windows keyboard shortcut Control v.

Editing a Song in the Database
The Editor
As stated in the previous section, the
editor is an exact replica of the new song
window, the difference being the content is
already there. In this editor you would fix a
wrong word or a spelling mistake.

Again you would click in the window with

the songs and navigate to the word or
letter you wish to change then work as
you would in a word processor to perform
a correction.

Clicking “OK” when you have finished will

save the changes you have made in the
database. Clicking on “Cancel” will return
the song in it’s original state unchanged. Fig 1

Look at the bottom of the preview screen (fig 1).
The small white writing is the “Song Information”.
When you are adding a song to the database you
should (if known) add the song information. This is
done by clicking the “I” icon indicated in fig 2 and
will open up the song information window. You
would simply fill in the information and click
Fig 2
The Menus (see fig 1)

Again the menu system is standard windows practice. All the options available on the toolbar are here with some additional items.
However, you will not be required to use these additional items and so should use the
toolbar to save, edit etc.

Fig 2 Shows the “File” menu selected.

Fig 1

Fig 2

EasyWorship is a very intuitive program to use, the challenge actually comes when you are operating under pressure and practice makes
perfect. I’m sure in a very short time you will find operating in a service second nature, until then there are a few things to remember:

1. You are not expected to know in advance where the worship is going to go, (sometimes only the Spirit knows) and so if the person
leading the service suddenly sings verse one after verse three while you have displayed verse four, simply click on verse one. The delay
while it may seem an eternity to you will have been a few seconds, and it is not unusual in professional praise concerts for the screen to
take a second to update.

2. Do Not Panic! If something goes wrong, listen to the song and look for the corresponding verse. The important thing to remember is
DO NOT DO NOTHING. You may be overcome by the urge to sit and stare at the screen but you should always be able to find the
part of the song the congregation are singing if you stay calm.

3. Find the way you prefer to do something and stick to it. As with most things there is more than one way to do a task in the program, so
you may prefer to have the preview window in full mode and the live window in summary or vice versa. There is no correct way to do
it if you achieve the desired result.

4. No one knows it all. Something may happen that you have not experienced before, if in doubt ask another operator.

5. As with any computer equipment that has multiple users, it is essential that you do not adjust any windows system components. If you
feel something is wrong, log it in the “Faults” sheet at the laptop for the system administrator.

6. Finally enjoy yourself, you are providing a service to the Lord and making the worship service more enjoyable for everyone else.

May the Lord bless you as you serve Him in this ministry.


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