Literature Survey On Autonomous Rover: L Hemanth, P Srinivas
Literature Survey On Autonomous Rover: L Hemanth, P Srinivas
Literature Survey On Autonomous Rover: L Hemanth, P Srinivas
2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2105 – 2113
L Hemanth1, P Srinivas2
Student, 2Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India
Abstract —
In the present era of automation, the Autonomous Rovers have emerged as the prime technology for
implementing security and surveillance system which handle human lives. Its potential of being
navigated in the environment with no physical devices and human intervention has made it more
eminent and efficacious. With the progressive technology, the provision of autonomous vehicles has
enhanced their skill to assist and perform in exploration and rescue missions, etc. The survey determines
the interpretation of various sensors, actuators and their assimilation for navigation and estimation of
the autonomous rover.
Keywords — Autonomous, Skid steering, Sensors, Lidar and Radio telemetry
Figure 2 represents the compassion of different The concentrated drive can pass the torque
steering mechanism. The skid steering type instantaneously to each wheel. The major issue
mechanism is considered as the efficient in the skid steering is the consumption of power,
mechanical function for vehicle movement [3]. as all the driving wheels are coupled with
The noteworthy difference between the explicit separate motors independently so, the relevant
and skid steering is the carry of torque, in case power loss with dynamic friction is increased.
of skid steering the motion is derived by
applying different velocities to independent
wheels, which limits rotation with in one axis.
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The efficient Lidar technology is used in of 0.3-12 meters and acceptable angle of 2.3
detecting objects, with greater operating range degrees. The working is shown in figure 3
From table IV analysis the radio connection The robustness of autonomous vehicle wholly
called as telemetry is used for communication depends on the controller. With the wide
between rover and the ground station. All the specifications of the controllers, diminishing the
values from the sensor are seen in the ground error and managing the vehicle in the correct
station through these communication link, the position sets the vehicle self-reliant and
parameters like acceleration, orientation, adaptive. In this autonomous rover the sensors
direction and position can be viewed in the user are crucial. In comparison of the table V, for
interface in ground station. The sonar contacts each and every controller the corresponding
i.e., Lidar readings are also shown. sensors and their interfaces are tabulated, with
F. Controllers
2109 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Likewise, in case of the on-board mounted hardware complexity in integrating them all
sensors functions perfectly minimize the error. together. In another perspective all sensors are
From the comparison table there are no on-board not compatible with all controllers, the
sensors mounted on the raspberry-pi, Arduino or transmission properties also matter. So here
any micro controller. In choosing these pixhawk autopilot controller works perfectly for
controllers for the autonomous rover creates a our required specification. [17] – [20]
Input path/
Movement Towards
Reference point
The Path
+ Controller Actuator
and accurate. From, table 2 all the sensors are rover with the GPS navigation strategy, the
required in positioning the rover accurately. movement of the rover will be in the specified
path. The Lidar technology is more functional
There are inertial based sensors mounted on the for the object detection with the transmission of
controller called as IMU (Inertial Measurement light rays. All the sensors included in the
Unit). It is a combination of accelerometers, controller i.e., IMU unit enhances the
gyroscopes and magnetometers. These sensors autonomous capabilities of the rover and
are being mounted on the controllers where the establishment of the radio telemetry
system depends on them to serve applications. communication with long range provides the
Calibrating these sensors based on the controller position and status of the rover.
performance enhances the working of the
autonomous rover. This sensor system is largely
deployed in robotic and mobile navigation
systems. Pixhawk is one of its kind for having
IMU unit mounted. The new technologies have enhanced and
facilitate the way of life of human beings in
which their exposure and environmental dangers
II. SUMMARY OF VARIOUS APPROACHES and hazard have been cut down to the minimum.
In this paper, we have been able to present a
From specifying the block diagram of background and analyse the challenges of an
autonomous rover, the method of the locomotive autonomous rover. The objective of the
system compared in table 1 draws the skid autonomous operation in various location where
steering mechanism in bringing the more human intervention is not feasible in all the
efficient power to the rover. The GPS navigation situation, in that criteria self-diagnosis of faults
strategy considered for the outdoor movement of and fault tolerance are the characteristics that an
the rover on assimilation with the object autonomous rover must possess. Utilizing a
detection parameter which strengthens the single sensor to detect the pose of an object may
autonomous capability to the rover. From table not be reliable and accurate thus, the use of
4, the stable communication setup with the radio multi-sensor is supported for effective
frequency techniques enhances the long-range performance. Finally, the paper emphasized
ability to the system with minimization of error some of the research areas that can be inspected
and lag to the error in communication link. Table for better work.
VI represents the overall comparison of various
controllers integrated with different sensors.
Skid Steering mechanism is efficient for the
Windows form
JetsonJetPack SDK
mega Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
mega LabVIEW/
pi, Raspbian,
pi, Raspbian
Raspberry pi
Raspberry pi
Raspberry pi
Arduino uno
Arduino uno
Arduino uno