5 Hobby Microscopes For Beginners: First Microscope
5 Hobby Microscopes For Beginners: First Microscope
5 Hobby Microscopes For Beginners: First Microscope
Roman philosophers mentioned “burning glasses” in their writings but the first primitive
microscope was not made until the late 1300’s. Two lenses were placed at opposite
ends of a tube.
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First Microscope
Grinding glass to use for spectacles and magnifying glasses was commonplace during
the 13th century. In the late 16th century several Dutch lens makers designed devices
that magnified objects, but in 1609 Galileo Galilei perfected the first device known as a
Dutch spectacle makers Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Lipperhey are noted as the first
men to develop the concept of the compound microscope.
By placing different types and sizes of lenses in opposite ends of tubes, they discovered
that small objects were enlarged.
Lens Improvement
Later in the 16th century, Anton van Leeuwenhoek began polishing and grinding lenses
when he discovered that certain shaped lenses increased an image’s size.
The glass lenses that he created could enlarge an object many times. The quality of his
lenses allowed him, for the first in history, to see the many microscopic animals,
bacteria and intricate detail of common objects.
Achromatic Lens
The microscope was in use for over 100 years before the next major improvement was
Using early microscopes was difficult. Light refracted when passing through the lenses
and altered what the image looked like.
When the achromatic lens was developed for use in eyeglasses by Chester Moore Hall in
1729, the quality of microscopes improved.
Using these special lenses, many people would continue to improve the visual acuity of
the microscope.
Mechanical Improvements
During the 18th and 19th centuries, many changes occurred in both the housing design
and the quality of microscopes.
Microscopes became more stable and smaller. Lens improvements solved many of the
optical problems that were common in earlier versions.
The history of the microscope widens and expands from this point with people from
around the world working on similar upgrades and lens technology at the same time.
Ernst Leitz devised a way to allow for different magnifications using one microscope by
putting multiple lenses on a movable turret at the end of the lens tube.
Looking for a way to allow more light-spectrum colors to be visible, Ernst Abbe
designed a microscope that in a few years would provide Zeiss with the tools to develop
the ultraviolet microscope.
Modern Technology Improving Microscopy
The invention of the microscope allowed scientists and scholars to study the
microscopic creatures in the world around them.
When learning about the history of the microscope it is important to understand that
until these microscopic creatures were discovered, the causes of illness and disease
were theorized but still a mystery.
The microscope allowed human beings to step out of the world controlled by things
unseen and into a world where the agents that caused disease were visible, named and,
over time, prevented.
Charles Spencer demonstrated that light affected how images were seen. It took over
one hundred years to develop a microscope that worked without light.
The first electron microscope was developed in the 1930’s by Max Knoll and Ernst
Electron microscopes can provide pictures of the smallest particles but they cannot be
used to study living things. Its magnification and resolution is unmatched by a light
Later Bennig and his colleagues, in 1986, went on to invent the atomic force
microscope bringing about a true era of nanoresearch.
The history of the microscope spans centuries, however Leeuwenhoek’s first design has
remained unchanged since the 1600’s.