Onlyias Indian Economy Udaan Plus
Onlyias Indian Economy Udaan Plus
Onlyias Indian Economy Udaan Plus
January 2020 to January 2021
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• Recently, the Union Minister of Tribal Affairs
has decided to launch 'Pakur Honey' through
TRIFED & Tribes India.
• It is 100% natural honey which is Multi Floral,
Forest Fresh, gathered by Santhal Tribals and
Vulnerable Pahadhiya tribes from Pakur,
• Recently, Union Cabinet approved organizational
restructuring of the Indian Railways (IR).
• Presently, the management and administration of
Railways is governed by a pool of Group A officers,
drawn from Indian Engineering Services (such
as Indian Railway Service of Engineers etc.) and
the Civil Services (such as Indian Railway Traffic
Service etc.) in eight technical and non-technical
About DFC: cadres respectively.
• DFC is a high-speed and high-capacity railway •
Restructuring of the Railways has been on the
corridor dedicated exclusively for freight (goods agenda for decades, as unification of services has
and commodity) movement. been recommended by various committees
• The project was first proposed in April 2005 to including:
address the needs of the rapidly developing Indian Ø Prakash Tandon Committee (1994),
economy. Ø Rakesh Mohan Committee (2001),
• In 2006, the Government of India established a Ø Sam Pitroda Committee (2012)
Ø Bibek Debroy Committee (2015).
dedicated body, the Dedicated Freight Corridor
Corporation of India (DFCCIL), to develop two
corridors- Western Dedicated Freight Corridor
Appointed in 2015 on Revisiting & Revitalising the
(WDFC) and Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
PPP model of Infrastructure Development
• Four more Freight Corridors were also announced
in 2010: Railway restructuring: The approved reforms -
1. East-West Corridor (Kolkata-Mumbai) • Creation of Indian Railway Management
2. North-South Corridor (Delhi-Chennai) Service (IRMS): A unified central service by the
3. East Coast Corridor (Kharagpur-Vijaywada) unification of the existing eight Group A
4. Southern Corridor (Chennai-Goa) services of the Railways in consultation with
Department of Personnel and Training and UPSC
About Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of to facilitate recruitment and enable Railways to
India (DFCCIL): recruit engineers/non-engineers as per need.
• It is a Special Purpose Vehicle set up under the • Re-organisation of Railway Board: Railway
administrative control of Ministry of Railways to board will no longer be organised on / /+91-7007931912
departmental lines, and replaced with a leaner 4. Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
structure organised on functional lines. The board
will have a Chairman, who will act as 'Chief
Executive Officer (CEO)' along with 4 Members
responsible for Infrastructure, Operations &
Business Development, Rolling Stock and
Finance respectively.
• The existing service of Indian Railway Medical
Service (IRMS) to be consequently renamed as
Indian Railway Health Service (IRHS).
About Railway Board:
• It is the apex decision-making body of Indian
Railways which reports to the Parliament via
the ministry of railways. MAKE IN INDIA INITIATIVE
• It is organized into various departments like • Initiative by Ministry of Commerce and
mechanical, electrical, traffic and finance that Industry.
are vertically separated from the top to bottom. • The three major objectives were:
• A member of the board, usually a secretary 1. to increase the manufacturing sector’s growth
rank officer, heads each department. rate to 12-14% per annum in order to increase
the sector’s share in the economy;
KISAN RAIL SCHEME 2. to create 100 million additional
manufacturing jobs in the economy by 2022;
• Kisan Rail is proposed under Union budget
2020-2021 to build seamless national cold supply
3. to ensure that the manufacturing sector’s
chain for perishable goods like milk, meat and fish
contribution to GDP is increased to 25% by
• Indian Railways will set up a “Kisan Rail” through
2022 (revised to 2025) from the current 16%.
PPP arrangements.
• There shall be refrigerated coaches in Express and NATIONAL STARTUP ADVISORY COUNCIL
Freight trains.
• In accordance to the scheme, temperature- • Government has set up the National Startup
controlled centres have been set up in Uttar Advisory Council to advise the government on
Pradesh, Delhi and Maharashtra under Kisan nurturing the culture of innovation among the
Vision project of the Container Corporation of citizens.
India. • National Startup Advisory Council was formed
with an aim to drive sustainable economic
INDUSTRY 4.0 growth and generate employment
• ‘Industry 4.0’ commonly referred to as the fourth
industrial revolution, is a name given to the Composition of the Council:
current trend of automation, interconnectivity
• Chairman: Minister for Commerce & Industry.
and data exchange in manufacturing
• Convener of the Council: Joint Secretary,
technologies to increase productivity.
Department for Promotion of Industry and
• It provides insight into production process to take
Internal Trade.
the decisions in real time basis, minimizing
• Ex-officio Members: Nominees of the concerned
human errors and ensure that resources are put
Ministries/ Departments/Organisations not
to the best utilization, what is called the Overall
below the rank of Joint Secretary.
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
• Non-official members, to be nominated by the
• Industry 4.0 is a complex Cyber-Physical
Central Government, from various categories like
Systems which synergizes production with:
founders of successful startups, veterans who
1. Internet of Things
have grown and scaled companies in India,
2. Artificial Intelligence
persons capable of representing the interests of
3. Big Data & Analytics / /+91-7007931912
investors into startups, etc. The term of the non- promotion (CRP-EP) who are local and support
official members will be for a period of two years. entrepreneurs setting-up rural enterprises.
• The CRP-EPs are certified and provides business
Functions: support services to the entrepreneurs.
• The Council will suggest measures to foster a
culture of innovation amongst citizens and WHAT IS A STARTUP ?
students, in particular, promote innovation in all An entity will be considered a startup if it fulfills the
sectors of the economy across the country. conditions:
• It will also suggest measures to facilitate public • Entity Type: Incorporated as a private limited
organizations to assimilate innovation with a company or Registered as a partnership firm or
view to improving public service delivery, Registered as a limited liability partnership in
promote creation, protection and India
commercialization of intellectual property rights. • Turnover: Must not exceed 100 crore rupees
• Further, it will suggest measures to make it in any fiscal year.
easier to start, operate, grow and exit • Age: Below 10 years from date of incorporation
businesses by reducing regulatory compliances • Nature of Activity: working towards –
and costs, promote ease of access to capital for Innovation, Development or improvement of
start-ups. products/services, Scalability, Job or Wealth
SVEP has made an impressive progress and has
extended business support services and capital • Cabinet approves Capital Grant as Viability Gap
infusion to 153 blocks of 23 states as of August 2020. Funding to Indradhanush Gas Grid Limited for
setting up the North East Natural Gas Pipeline
About: Grid.
• It is a sub-scheme under the Deendayal Antodaya • As per the plan, Gas Pipeline Grid would be
Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY- developed in the eight states of the North-Eastern
NRLM). region i.e., Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,
• It is a flagship rural livelihood mission of Ministry Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and
of Rural Development. Tripura.
• Objective: It has the objective of helping rural • Total length of pipeline is 1656 KM and tentative
households including women to set-up project cost is Rs 9265 crore.
enterprises. • Quantum of viability Gap Funding (VGF) would
• Focus of the scheme: Providing self- be capped at 60% of estimated project cost.
employment opportunities with financial • The Capital Grant will provide natural gas
assistance and training in business management supplies to various types of consumers viz.
and soft skills while creating local community Industrial, Domestic, CNG (Transport) etc.
cadres for promotion of enterprises. • Availability of Natural gas across the region is
• Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India expected to boost industrial growth without
(EDII), Ahmedabad is the technical support impacting the environment.
partner of SVEP. • It is a part of “Hydrocarbon Vision 2030 for
• SVEP promotes both individual and group North-East India” .
enterprises, set-up and promote enterprises
majorly on manufacturing, trading and service Indradhanush Gas Grid Limited (IGGL) is a joint
sectors. venture company of five Central Public Sector
Enterprises (IOCL, ONGC, GAIL, Oil India Limited
Who are community resource persons – and Numaligrh Refinery Limited) incorporated to
enterprise promotion? develop and operate Natural gas pipeline grid
• The programme seeks to develop pool of in North-East region.
community resource persons – enterprise / /+91-7007931912
Viability Gap Funding • Regulates the refining, processing, storage,
• It is usually seen that many projects, like a road transportation, distribution, marketing and sale of
connecting a rural area, generates high petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas
economic returns, but the financial returns excluding production of crude oil and natural gas
may not be sufficient for a profit seeking so as and to ensure uninterrupted and adequate
investor. supply of petroleum, petroleum products and
• In such condition, the project would not natural gas in all parts of the country.
attract private investment. In such cases, the
government extends its support to the OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION
investors by sharing a fraction of the cost, • Environment Ministry has exempted oil and gas
making the project viable. firms, looking to conduct exploratory drilling,
• For the successful completion of such projects, from seeking environmental clearance.
the government has designed Viability Gap • Until today, exploratory surveys have merited the
Funding (VGF). highest level of environmental scrutiny — called
• Viability Gap Finance means a grant to category ‘A’ — that required project proponents to
support projects that are economically prepare an environment impact assessment (EIA)
justified but not financially viable. plan, have it scrutinised by a Centrally constituted
committee of experts and subject the proposal to
NATIONAL GAS GRID a public hearing involving the locals of the
proposed project site.
• It is an interconnected National Gas Grid has been
• While public hearings, even for category A
envisaged to ensure the adequate availability and
projects are frequently exempted if they are
equitable distribution of natural gas in all parts of
offshore, the new amendments demote
the country.
exploratory projects to the category of ‘B2’. This
• At present, there are about 16800 km long Natural means it will be conducted by the States
Gas pipeline network which is operational in the concerned and will not require an EIA.
• Development of an offshore or onshore drilling
• It aims to balance regional power inequality, site as a hydrocarbon block will, however,
Connect various Gas sources and develop City Gas continue to merit a category A treatment.
Distribution (CGD) Networks in various cities for
supply of CNG and PNG. Nanar Oil Refinery Project: in Maharashtra. An
• PM Urja Ganga Project is part of this. ambitious three trillion dollar joint venture
between IOC, HPCL and BPCL and Saudi Petroleum
giant Aramco and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
• Under the Petroleum and Natural Gas
grants the authorization to the entities for
developing a City Gas Distribution (CGD) network • Asokenagar-1 well, Bengal Basin in 24 Paragana
(including PNG network) in a specified district.
Geographical Area (GA) of the country. • India’s eighth functional basin after Krishna-
• CGD sector has four distinct segments – Godavari (KG), Mumbai Offshore, Assam Shelf,
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) predominantly Rajasthan, Cauvery, Assam-Arakan Fold Belt and
used as auto-fuel and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) Cambay.
used in domestic, commercial and Industrial
• Ministry of steel in partnership with CII and JPC is
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board organizing the launch of Purvodaya-Accelerated
(PNGRB) Development of Eastern Region through an
• Statutory body constituted under The Petroleum Integrated Steel hub.
and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006 to • The initiative aims at developing the eastern
protect the interest of the consumers. states through an integrated steel hub.
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has launched ‘AIM-
iCREST’ in partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation and Wadhwani Foundation.
About: About AIM iCREST:
• Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant is the country’s • AIM’s iCREST stands for Incubator Capabilities
first 700 MWe (megawatt electric) unit, located enhancement program for a Robust Ecosystem
in Gujarat. focused on creating high performing Startups.
• It is the biggest indigenously developed variant of • Purpose: It has been designed to enable the
the Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). incubation ecosystem and to support the
• The operationalization of India’s first 700MWe growth of AIM’s established incubators across
reactor marks a significant scale-up in India.
• It is significant in terms of optimization of its Also Remember:
PHWR design. • Business incubators: These are institutions that
• It addresses the issue of excess thermal support entrepreneurs in developing their
margins and an improvement in the economies businesses especially in initial stages.
of scale, without significant changes to the design • Atal innovation mission (AIM): It was set up by
of the 540 MWe reactor. NITI Aayog in 2016 to promote a culture of
• The 700MWe capacity would constitute the innovation and entrepreneurship by creating
biggest component of the expansion plan of institutions and programs that enhance
India to ramp up its existing nuclear power innovation in schools, colleges, and entrepreneurs
capacity of 6,780 MWe to 22,480 MWe by 2031. in general.
• The normal operating condition of a reactor, in Recently, Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed a
which nuclear fuel sustains a fission chain $ 200 million financing deal with the Reliance
reaction. Bangladesh LNG and Power Limited (RBLPL).
• A reactor achieves criticality when each fission
event releases a sufficient number of neutrons About:
to sustain an ongoing series of reactions. / /+91-7007931912
• The deal aims to build and operate a 718- • Background: It was launched in 2003 by the
megawatt combined-cycle gas-fired power plant Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
in Bangladesh. (MoP&NG).
• The plant is proposed to be located on land • Aim: To achieve blending of Ethanol with
allotted by Bangladesh Power Development Board Petrol with a view to reduce pollution, conserve
(BPDB), in Meghnaghat, Narayanganj District foreign exchange and increase value addition in
near Dhaka. the sugar industry enabling them to clear cane
price arrears of farmers.
Combined-Cycle Power Plant • Implementation: The Government is
• A combined-cycle power plant is a relatively more implementing the programme through Oil
efficient way of producing electricity. Marketing Companies (OMCs).
• It uses both a gas and a steam turbine together
to produce up to 50 % more electricity from the Also Remember
same fuel than a traditional simple-cycle plant. • 1G and 2G Bioethanol: 1G bioethanol plants
• It will reduce the share of environmentally utilise sugarcane juice and molasses, byproducts
harmful and expensive fuels like coal and oil. in the production of sugar as raw material while
2G plants utilise surplus biomass and agricultural
KHADI AGARBATTI ATMA NIRBHAR MISSION waste to produce bioethanol.
Union Minister for MSME has approved a program • Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN (Jaiv Indhan- Vatavaran
proposed by Khadi and Village Industries Commission Anukool fasal awashesh Nivaran) Yojana: It was
(KVIC) named “Khadi Agarbatti Atma Nirbhar launched in 2019 to provide financial support
Mission”. to Integrated Bioethanol Projects using
lignocellulosic biomass and other renewable
About Mission:
• It aims at creating employment for unemployed MODEL CONCESSION AGREEMENT FOR BOT
and migrant workers in different parts of the MODEL
country while increasing domestic Agarbatti
production substantially. Recently, an inter-ministerial group (IMG) has
approved changes to the model concession agreement
• The scheme has been designed based on the
(MCA) used for building privately-funded highways on
Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
the Build-Operate and Transfer (BOT) toll model.
• Under this, KVIC will provide Automatic
• BOT toll model accounted for almost 96% of
Agarbatti making machines and powder
NHAI’s all project awards in 2011-12, which
mixing machines to the artisans through the
came down almost to zero in the last two
private Agarbatti manufacturers who will sign the
fiscals, due to various issues in existing MCA for
agreement as business partners.
BOT (Toll) projects.
• Further, KVIC will provide a 25% subsidy on the
• This has forced NHAI to shift to Engineering
cost of the machines and will recover the
Procurement and Construction (EPC) and
remaining 75% of the cost from the artisans in
Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM).
installments every month.
• However, overdependence on EPC and HAM is
• The business partner will provide the raw
adversely impacting the finances NHAI. Thus, new
material to the artisans for making Agarbatti
changes in BOT model were proposed to attract
and will pay them wages on a job work basis.
private investors.
Key features and expected benefits of modified
The government has set targets of 10% bioethanol MCA:
blending of petrol by 2022 and to raise it to 20% by • Revised revenue assessment: Under the clause,
2030 under the Ethanol Blended Programme (EBP). in every five years during the concession period,
the revenue potential of a project will be re-
About EBP: / /+91-7007931912
assessed, against every 10 years now. Therefore, if Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) under the National
need be, the concession could will be extended Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations
early in the tenure of the contract, adding to (NIDHI) programme.
certainty of cash flows.
• Land acquisition: The work order for building About:
highway projects will be issued only when 90 per • It is one of the sub-programs introduced under
cent of the land is acquired and this will form a the National Initiative for Developing and
part of the condition precedent. Delays in land Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) programme.
acquisition and approvals have led to significant • Aim: To inspire the best talents to be
delays in project completion and have been the entrepreneurs, to minimise the risk involved in
prime reason for significant cost overruns. pursuing start- ups and to partially set off their
• Dispute resolution board (DRB): It provides for opportunity costs of high paying jobs.
setting up a dispute resolution board which will • Nodal Department è Department of Science
act as a continuous dispute resolution mechanism and Technology.
and provides for timely redressal within 90 days. • Funding: It supports aspiring or budding
This is a welcome step, as arbitration processes entrepreneurs of considerable potential for
have been dragged for years, leading to significant pursuing a promising technology business idea
lock-up of developers' funds. over a period up to 18 months with a subsistence
grant up to Rs 30,000 per month with a
Types of investment models: maximum cap for total support of Rs 3.6 lakh.
1. Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) Toll model:
Under this model, a road developer constructs the NIDHI
road and he is allowed to recover his investment • It was launched by the Department of Science
through toll collection. There is no government and Technology as an umbrella scheme to
payment to the developer as he earns his money
support ideas and innovations (knowledge-
invested from tolls.
2. BOT Annuity Model: A developer builds a based and technology-driven) into successful
highway, operates it for a specified duration and start-ups.
transfers it back to the government. The • Under NIDHI, PRAYAS (Promoting and
government starts payment to the developer Accelerating Young and Aspiring innovators &
after the launch of commercial operation of the Start-ups) programme has been initiated in which
project. established Technology Business Incubators (TBI)
3. Engineering, Procurement and Construction
are supported with PRAYAS grant to support
(EPC) Model: Under this model, the cost is
completely borne by the government. Government innovators and entrepreneurs with grants for
invites bids for engineering knowledge from the ‘Proof of Concept’ and developing prototypes.
private players. Procurement of raw material and
construction costs are met by the government. The SAROD-PORTS
private sector’s participation is minimum and Union Minister of State for Shipping (I/C) has
is limited to the provision of engineering expertise launched ‘SAROD-Ports’ (Society for Affordable
4. Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM): HAM is a mix of Redressal of Disputes – Ports).
BOT Annuity and EPC models. As per the design,
the government will contribute to 40%of the About SAROD-Ports:
project cost in the first five years through annual • It aims to provide an Affordable Dispute
payments (annuity). The remaining payment will Redressal Mechanism for all kinds of disputes of
be made on the basis of the assets created and the the maritime sector with the panel of technical
performance of the developer. experts as arbitrators.
• It was established under Societies Registration
Act, 1860.
The Department of Science & Technology (DST)
secretary has launched a brochure featuring / /+91-7007931912
• Composition: It consists of members from Indian container-handling modern deep draft ports
Ports Association (IPA) and Indian Private require a draft of at least 18-20m.
Ports and Terminals Association (IPTTA). • Vadhavan port will be developed on "landlord
• Coverage: It will advise and assist in settlement model". All the business activities would be
of disputes through arbitrations in the maritime undertaken under the private-public partnership
sector, including ports and shipping sector in (PPP) mode by private developers.
Major Port Trusts, Non-major Ports, including • It is being developed in a manner that 65 acres of
private ports, jetties, terminals and harbors. mangroves around the port area are not harmed.
• It will also cover disputes between granting Also, it has been claimed that there will be ‘no land
authority and Licensee/Concessionaire acquisition’ and ‘no displacement.
/Contractor and also disputes between • India is the sixteenth largest maritime country in
Licensee/Concessionaire and their contractors the world.
arising out of and during the course of execution
of various contracts. Port Management Models
• Service Port model (The port authority owns the
land and all available assets—fixed and mobile—
• Recently, Kolkata port renamed as Shyama and performs all regulatory and port functions.
Prasad Mookerjee Port. It is located in West Here, the port trust is both the landlord and the
Bengal. cargo terminal operator).
• Kolkata Port is the oldest operating port in • Landlord port model: The publicly governed
India, and was constructed by the British East port authority acts as a regulatory body and as
India Company and is the only riverine Major Port landlord while private companies carry out port
with Navigational channel being one of the longest operations—mainly cargo-handling activities. E.g.
in the world. Kamarajar Port.
• Currently, most major port trusts in India carry
Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI) out terminal operations as well, resulting in a
• LPAI statutory body established under Land Ports hybrid model of port governance.
Authority of India Act, 2010.
• LPAI intends to provide safe, secure and
systematic facilities for movement of cargo as well
passengers at its Integrated Check Posts (ICPs) Ministry of Road and Transport Highways has
along the international borders of India. organized a training programme for the
• Currently, the LPAI is building the Passenger implementation of the Integrated Road Accident
Terminal Building at Dera Baba Nanak, Kartarpur Database Project (iRAD).
Sahib Corridor.
About iRAD:
Vadhavan port • It is a central accident database management
• Union Cabinet has given its 'in-principle' approval system that will help in analyzing causes of road
for setting up a Major Port at Vadhavan, located crashes and in devising safety interventions to
north of JNPT in Maharashtra. reduce such accidents in the country.
• India has 12 major and 205 notified minor and • Developed by: It has been developed by the
intermediate ports. Only two major ports, namely Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M)
Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) (1989) and and will be implemented by the National
Ennore (Kamrajar) Port (1999), and 9 minor ports Informatics Centre.
by state governments have been developed in the • Cost: The project costs ₹258 crore and is being
last 30 years. supported by the World Bank.
• Port site at Vadhavan has an 18m draft naturally • Implementation: The system will be first piloted
available. Two largest container ports of the in the six States with highest fatalities from road
country, JNPT and Mundra, have drafts of 15m and crashes — Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
16m, respectively, whereas the world’s largest Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar
• The project aims at initiating the process of
commencing operations of the Seaplane
services, on the select routes, under a Special Benefits of the project:
Purpose Vehicle (SPV) framework through • It has brought opportunities for farmers,
prospective airline operators. through improved transportation of produce
• SPV is a legal object formed for a specifically- from the agricultural hinterland to major cities
defined singular purpose. and ports for export, through lesser wastage and
• The project execution and implementation would spoils.
be through Sagarmala Development Company • It is driving economic growth directly, through
Ltd (SDCL), which is under the administrative construction as well as through indirect demand
control of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and for cement, steel and other construction materials.
• Recently, RBI has provided clarification on ‘special
provisioning’ of loans which are under
• Under loan provisioning, banks have to set aside
earning or provide funds to a prescribed
percentage of their bad assets.
• Provisioning norms are prescribed by the RBI as
per asset classification. For example- The normal
provisioning of NPA is 15% for secured loans and
25% of unsecured loans.
• RBI has now clarified that provisioning should be
considered only for loans categorised as Special
Mention Accounts-2 (SMA-2) at the start of
moratorium period.
• SMA is an account which is exhibiting signs of
incipient stress. / /+91-7007931912
Asset Classification as per RBI • Scheme aims to help NBFCs and HFCs to improve
SMA-0: Principal or interest payment not their liquidity position and avoid any potential
overdue for more than 30 days but systemic risks to the financial sector.
account showing signs of incipient • SPV will purchase short-term papers from eligible
stress. NBFCs/ HFCs of debt up to ₹30,000 crore, who will
SMA-1: Principal or interest payment utilise the proceeds under this scheme solely for
overdue between 31-60 days. the purpose of extinguishing existing liabilities.
SMA-2: Principal or interest payment
overdue between 61-90 days. ASSET RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY (ARC)
NPA Principal or interest payment Public sector banks have increased the pace of sale of
overdue for a period of more than non-performing assets (NPAs) to asset reconstruction
90 days (or two crop seasons for companies in order to trim their NPAs.
short duration crops and one crop
season for long duration crops). About
Substandard Asset that has remained NPA for a • Special type of financial institution that buys the
Assets period less than or equal to 12 debtors of the bank at a mutually agreed value and
months. attempts to recover the debts or associated
Doubtful Asset that has remained in the sub- securities by itself so that the latter can clean up
Assets standard category for a period of 12 their balance sheets.
months. • This helps banks to concentrate in normal banking
Loss Assets: An asset where loss has been activities.
identified by the bank or internal or • Narasimham Committee – I (1991) envisaged
external auditors or the RBI setting up of a central Asset Reconstruction Fund
inspection but the amount has not to facilitate Banks to improve their balance sheets
been written off wholly. by cleaning up their non-performing loans
portfolio. Later, Narasimham Committee – II
(1998) proposed ARCs.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NON-BANKING • ARC is incorporated under the Companies Act
FINANCIAL COMPANY (NBFC) AND BANK and registered with Reserve Bank of India under
• NBFCs provides Banking services to People the Securitization and Reconstruction of
without holding a Bank license. Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security
• NBFC cannot accept Demand Deposits. Interest (SARFAESI) Act, 2002.
• NBFC is not a part of the payment and settlement
system. • The SARFAESI Act helps reconstruction of bad
• NBFC cannot issue Cheques drawn on itself. assets without the intervention of courts.
• Deposit insurance facility of the Deposit Insurance • RBI regulates ARCs as Non-Banking Financial
and Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available Companies (NBFC).
for NBFC depositors, unlike banks. • ARCIL was the first ARC set up by ICICI Bank, State
• NBFC is not required to maintain Reserve Ratios Bank of India and IDBI.
(CRR, SLR etc.). • Role of ARCs are Acquisition of financial assets,
• NBFC cannot indulge Primarily in Agricultural, takeover of Management / Sale or Lease of
Industrial Activity, Sale-Purchase, Construction of Business of the Borrower, Rescheduling of Debts,
Immovable Property. Enforcement of Security Interest and Settlement
of dues payable by the borrower.
Capital needs for ARCs:
• Recently, RBI has announced a special liquidity
• Reserve Bank of India has hiked the capital
scheme for non-banking finance companies
requirement for asset reconstruction companies
(NBFCs)/HFCs through a Special Purpose Vehicle
to Rs 100 crore from Rs 2 crore effective April 1,
EASE OF LIVING INDEX (EOLI) AND MUNICIPAL • International Labour Organisation (ILO) has
PERFORMANCE INDEX (MPI) 2019 released the World Employment and Social
Outlook: Trends 2020 (WESO) report.
• Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs launched • The annual WESO Trends report analyses key
two Assessment Frameworks. labour market issues including unemployment,
• MPI, 2019 will assess performance of labour under-utilisation, working poverty, income
municipalities on five enablers- Service, Finance, inequality, labour income share and factors that
Planning, Technology and Governance. exclude people from decent work.
• EoLI is aimed at providing a holistic view of
Indian cities. EoLI 2019 will facilitate the THE DOLLAR INDEX
assessment of ease of living of citizens across / /+91-7007931912
• It is an index of the value of the United States and looked into how the social, urban and natural
dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies, environments combine to affect happiness.
often referred to as a basket of U.S. trade partners'
currencies. The Index goes up when the U.S. dollar Important points From the Report:
gains "strength" when compared to other • Finland is ranked as the world’s happiest nation
currencies. for the third consecutive year.
• Nordic states dominated the top 10, along with
ILO MONITOR: COVID-19 AND THE WORLD OF countries such as Switzerland, New Zealand and
WORK Austria.
• International Labour Organisation (ILO) recently • The countries at the bottom are those afflicted by
released third edition of its report. violent conflicts and extreme poverty, with
Zimbabwe, South Sudan and Afghanistan
International Labour Organisation (ILO). classified as the world’s least happy nations.
• Specialized agency of the United Nation's
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. India’s Performance:
• It is the only tripartite U.N. agency that brings • India, previously ranked at 140 dropped to 144.
together governments, employers and workers to • Its rank is way lower than its neighbors. Nepal is
set labour standards, develop policies and devise ranked 92, Pakistan is at 66, Bangladesh at 107
programmes promoting decent work for all and Sri Lanka at 130.
women and men. • India is a new entrant to the bottom-fifteen group.
• It has 187 member States including India + It was
created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of INDIA: 3RD LARGEST PRODUCER OF
• Other reports released by the ILO: • As per the Key World Energy Statistics 2019,
1. World Employment and Social Outlook, India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity in
2. Global Wage Report the world.
3. World Social Protection Report. • India was 106th in terms of per capita
consumption in 2017.
• The Sustainable Development Solutions Network About
(SDSN) for the United Nations released the World • With a generation of 1,497 Terawatt-hour (TWh),
Happiness Report. India is the third largest producer and the third
• March 20 was designated as the World Happiness largest consumer of electricity in the world
Day by the UN General Assembly in 2012. after the US and China.
• KWES is published by the International Energy
About: Agency (IEA).
• The World Happiness Report ranks 156 • Although power generation has grown more than
countries 100-fold since independence, growth in demand
• Basis: How happy their citizens perceive has been even higher due to accelerating economic
themselves to be. activity.
• The rankings are based on polling (Gallup World • Electricity is also one of the eight core industries
Poll) which looks at six variables: of India.
1. GDP per capita, • Electricity use and access are strongly correlated
2. Social support, with economic development.
3. Healthy life expectancy,
4. Freedom, Some schemes Related to electricity:
5. Generosity, • Saubhagya Scheme: The 'Pradhan Mantri Sahaj
6. Absence of corruption. Bijli Har Ghar Yojana' was launched by the
• The 2020 Report for the first-time ranked cities Government of India with the aim of providing
around the world by their subjective well-being electricity access to over 40 million families in
the country.