Lavagear v. Heatmax Et. Al.

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Lavagear Inc. (hereinafter "Plaintiff') asserts this Complaint against HeatMax, Inc.,
MediHeat, Inc., CVS Pharmacy, Inc., Rite Aid Corporation, and Walgreens Co. (hereinafter
"Defendants"), pleading as follows:
I. Lavagear Inc. is a New York corporation with offices in Sayville, New York
dedicated to the development and sale of products involving heat therapy.
2. On information and belief, Heatmax, Inc. and MediHeat, Inc. ("Heatmax") are
wholly owned subsidiaries of Kobayashi Americas and are corporations organized under the
laws of the state of Georgia, with a principle place of business in Dalton, Georgia. On
information and beliefHeatmax sells products in this district and nationwide via various internet
and store based retailers.
3. On information and belief, CVS Pharmacy, Inc. ("CVS") is a corporation
organized under the laws of the state of Rhode Island, with a principle place of business in
Woonsocket, Rhode Island. On information and belief CVS sells products in this district and
nationwide via the internet and its retail stores.
4. On information and belief, Rite Aid Corporation ("Rite Aid") is a corporation
organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, with a principle place of business in Camp
Hill, Pennsylvania. On information and belief Rite Aid sells products in this district and
nationwide via the internet and its retail stores.
5. On information and belief, Walgreens Co. ("Walgreens") is a corporation
organized under the laws of the state of Illinois, with a principle place of business in Deerfield,
Illinois. On information and beliefWalgreens sells products in this district and nationwide via
the internet and its stores.
6. This is an action for patent infringement.
7. This Complaint alleges that Defendants have infringed, contributed to the
infringement of, and/or actively induced others to infringe Plaintiffs United States Patent No.
6,598,235 B2 ("the '235 Patent"), entitled "Garment, Undergarment Or Garment Liner
Accommodating A Heating Device."
8. This action arises under the Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. 1, et
seq., including 35 U.S.C. 271. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
1331 and 1338(a).
9. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because Defendants conduct
business in this Judicial District, and because Defendants have infringed, contributed to the
infringement of, and/or actively induced others to infringe the '235 Patent in this Judicial District
as alleged in this Complaint. Additionally, Defendants continue to infringe, contribute to the
infringement of, and/or actively induce others to infringe the '235 Patent in this Judicial District.
10. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 139l(b), 1391(c), 1391(d)
and/or 1400(b), in that a substantial part of the events giving rise to Plaintiffs claims occurred in
this Judicial District, Plaintiff is headquartered in this district, and Defendants are subject to
personal jurisdiction in this Judicial District.
11. The products and methods claimed in the '235 Patent were invented by April
Athalene Bulla.
12. Products manufactured by Ms. Bulla incorporating the inventions claimed in the
'235 Patent were requested by and used by firemen and policemen working at the site of the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City.
13. Ms. Bulla was awarded contracts with (1) The Army of Logistical Engineers for
Ground Zero, and (2) The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for products
incorporating the inventions claimed in the '235 Patent.
14. On August 2, 2000, U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/222,486 was filed.
On August 2, 2001, U.S. Patent Application No. 09/921,284, claiming the benefit of U.S.
Provisional Patent Application 60/222,486 was filed and later issued as the '235 Patent. Ms.
Bulla is the sole named inventor on the '235 Patent.
15. In 2000, Ms. Bulla met with Heatmax to discuss whether Heatmax would enter
into a license to sell products that incorporate the inventions claimed in the '235 Patent.
16. Weeks after the meeting between Ms. Bulla and Heatmax, Heatmax informed Ms.
Bulla that Heatmax did not intend to license the '235 Patent.
17. On information and belief, Heatmax manufactures, sells and/or offers for sale
products which infringe the '235 Patent, including "HEATWRAPS"
18. On information and belief, Defendant CVS manufactures, sells and/or offers for
sale products which infringe the '235 Patent, including "HEA TWRAPS" and "ARTHRITIS
19. On information and belief, Defendant Rite Aid manufactures, sells and/or offers
for sale products which infringe the '235 Patent, including "HEA TWRAPS"
20. On information and belief, Defendant Walgreens manufactures, sells and/or offers
for sale products which infringe the '235 Patent, including "HEAT WRAPS."
21. On July 29, 2003, the '235 Patent was duly and legally issued. A true and correct
copy of the '235 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
22. From the original date of the '235 Patent to July 7, 2011, Ms. Bulla was the owner
of the entire right, title, and interest in the '235 Patent.
23. On July 7, 2011 Ms. Bulla assigned the '235 Patent, including the right to sue for
past infringements to Plaintiff, Lavagear Inc.
24. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in
Paragraphs I through 23 above.
25. Plaintiff is the assignee and current owner of the '235 Patent, including
assignment of the right to sue for past damages, and thus has standing to bring this lawsuit for
current and past infringements of the '235 Patent.
26. Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the '235 Patent by making,
offering to sell, and/or selling (directly or through intermediaries) products which comprise body
fitting garments for holding heating devices, including the products mentioned in paragraphs 17-
20. Defendants have also contributed to the infringement of the '235 Patent, and/or actively
induced others to infringe the '235 Patent by providing body fitting garments for holding heating
devices, or parts thereof, including the products mentioned in paragraphs 17-20, to others for sale
or use.
27. Plaintiff is entitled to recover from Defendants the damages sustained by Plaintiff
and prior owner of the '235 Patent as a result of Defendants' wrongful acts in an amount subject
to proof at trial, including damages for lost sales and in no event less than a reasonable royalty.
28. Defendants' infringement of Plaintiff's exclusive rights under the '235 Patent will
continue to damage Plaintiff's business, causing irreparable harm for which there is no adequate
remedy at law, unless it is enjoined by this Court.
29. To the extent that facts learned during the pendency of this case show that
Defendants' infringement is, or has been willful, Plaintiff reserves the right to request such a
finding at time of trial.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests that the Court enter judgment in Plaintiff's favor and
against Defendants, granting the following relied:
A. An adjudication that Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe claims of
the '23 5 Patent;
B. An accounting of all damages sustained by Plaintiff as a result of Defendants' acts
of infringement of the '235 Patent;
C. An award to Plaintiff of actual damages adequate to compensate Plaintiff for
Defendants' acts of infringement of the '235 Patent, together with prejudgment interest;
D. An award of Plaintiff's cost of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees pursuant to 35
U.S.C. 285 due to the exceptional nature of this case, or as otherwise permitted by law;
E. A grant of preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining Defendants, their
officers, agents, servants, employees, principals, successors, assignees, and attorneys, and all
those in active concert or participation with them, from further acts of infringement, contributory
infringement, and active inducement to infringe with respect to the claims of the '235 Patent;
F. Such other and further relief in equity or law as this Court or jury may deem
proper and just.
Plaintiff respectfully demands a trial by jury of any and all issues so triable in this matter.
DATED: July 21, 2011 Respectfully submitted,
Henry J. Cittone
David G. Lindenbaum
122 West 27th Street
lOth Floor
New York, New York 10001
Telephone: 212-710-5619
Facsimile: 212-624-0244
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Lavagear Inc.
(12) United States Patent
(76) Inventor: Athalene April Bulla, 47 Broadway
Ave., Sayville, NY (US) 11782
( *) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
Appl. No.: 09/921,284
Filed: Aug. 2, 2001
Prior Publication Data
US 2002/0062509 Al May 30, 2002
Related U.S. Application Data
( 60) Provisional application No. 60/222,486, filed on Aug. 2,
(51) Int. CI.' ................................................. A41B 1/00
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................... . ....... 2/69; 2/115
(58) Field of Search .... . ..... 2/16, 20, 22, 59,
2/fiJ, 62, 69, 73, 94, 102, 125, 158, 159,
160, 311, 912; 54/82; 119/850; 126/204;
128/869, 878; 601/15
(56) Referencea Cited
4,527,566 A * 7/1985 Abare 601/15
1 1 1 1 ~ lllllm II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111
(10) Patent No.: US 6,598,235 B2
Jul. 29, 2003 (45) Date of Patent:
4,535,482 A
4,971,041 A
4,985,934 A
5,152,285 A
5,290,218 A
5,496,358 A
5,605,144 A
5,665,057 A
5,826,273 A
5,873,903 A
6,029,277 A
6,240,882 Bl
.. 10/1998
Spector et al .................. 2/160
Millikan et al. 128/878
Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2/125
Gnegy ...... 54/82
K.ilbey ..... . ........... 128/869
Rosenwald ................ 126/204
Simmons et a!. ... ........ 126/204
Murphy ......... . ........... 2/311
Eckes . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . 2/115
Garcia .......................... 2/912
Picchione, II .................... 2/16
Gross ......................... 119/850
cited by examiner
Primary Examiner--Gary L Welch
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Michelle Camiaux
A device for applying heat from a heating device to append-
age of a wearer is described. The device includes a base
layer including a pocket. The base layer is configured to
accommodate the appendage of the wearer. The pocket is
configured for removable insertion of the heating device so
that when the heating device is inserted in the pocket and the
device is worn by the wearer, heat from the heating device
is applied to the appendage.
28 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent
Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 1 of 20
Figure 1
I 107)
US 6,598,235 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 2 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure la
(108) (108)
(108) (lOS)
(108) ---1
( 106b)
(108) (108)
(I 08)
----- ... --- .. --1
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 3 of 20
Figure 3
(II 0)
Figure 4
Figure 2
~ - -
'- (liO)
US 6,598,235 B2
I 0)
( 100)
U.S. Patent
( lOO)
Jul. 29,2003
Sheet 4 of 20
Figures Sa and 5b
\ (ll.\) (ill) 1
(114) ( 1l4)
US 6,598,235 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 5 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figures 6a and 6b
~ - -(ll2) --
___ .. __
( 115)
( l OJ)
( 10 I) ,_-_{ll2)--_ ~ \
(107) - -
(100) (115)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 6 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 7
Figure 8
U.S. Patent
Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 7 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 9
/. ~ . . " " "
(116) /
, - ~
(99) I
._, ~ 4- ....
-r-------- (100)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 8 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 10
Front side of the body
( 106)
( 100)
U.S. Patent
Jul. 29, 2003
Sheet 9 of 20
US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 11
- - ""- -
'- (120) "
V ~ ~
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 10 of 20
Figure 12
Front side ofthe body
~ 1121)
Figure 13
Backside of the body
US 6,598,235 B2
f \
I l
f \
I +
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003
Figure 14
'' I I
( 123) ~
Sheet 11 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
( 117)
Figure 15
- '
- <(- -
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003
Figure 16
Figure 17
/ -
Sheet 12 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
( 123)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 13 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 18
( 129)
Figure 19
..... (127)
..... -(li7j - -
- (128)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 14 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
I" ( 130) ......
Figure 20
( 100)
Figure 21
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003
Figure 23
Sheet 15 of 20
Figure 22
,-r- ..
' ' '
' ' '
' '..,
' ' '
' ' '
L .1-1
----,..-- ..
' . '
US 6,598,235 B2
7 (134)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 16 of 20
US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 24
Frontside View
---- __. .....
-- - (13i[...
..Jl3..!l- _ ......
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 17 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 25
Rearside View
( 127)
( 130) -----t---;===-
( 1 1 7 ) - ~
( 1 0 0 ) ~
(I I 7)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 18 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 26
Figure 27
Medial View
Figure 28
("" (133) -
U.S. Patent
Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 19 of 20
US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 29
{ 106)
{ 133)
----. -
Figure 30
( 1 0 1 ) ~
{ 103)
U.S. Patent Jul. 29, 2003 Sheet 20 of 20 US 6,598,235 B2
Figure 31
- )
Figure 32
(10 I
,... (136) )
- - - ~ . . c - -
Medial View
- (132)
--+ -<1(-
Figure 33
( 101
,... ( 136)
US 6,598,235 B2
FIG. 10 shows an arm warmer, e.g., a warmer for the
forearm of the wearer, according to one example embodi-
ment of the present invention.
FIG. 11 shows an arm warmer, e.g., a warmer for the
upper forearm and biceps area of the wearer, according to
yet another example embodiment of the present invention.
This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119
(e) of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 60/222,486 filed on
Aug. 2, 2000, which is expressly incorporated herein by
reference in its entirety.
FIG. U shows a front view of a wanner for upper front
and/or upper back of the arms of a wearer, according to one
example embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 13 shows a rear view of the wanner of FIG. U.
The present invention relates to a garment used for
enabling the supply of heat to an appendage of a body.

FIG.14 shows a front view of a warmer for a left shoulder
area of a wearer, according to one example embodiment of
the present invention.
FIG. 15 shows a front view of a wanner for a right
shoulder area of a wearer, according to one example embodi-
ment of the present invention.
FIG. 16 shows a rear transparent view of the wanner of
FIG. 15.
FIG. 17 shows a rear "breakaway" view of the warmer of
FIG. 15.
There are various portable heat emitting devices on the
product market for the purpose of maintaining or providing
extra warmth to a body. For example, electrically heated
socks are available which may be worn on the feet of a 20
wearer. Also, air-activated beat packs are available which
may be inserted into gloves, in a jacket pocket, or placed in
FIG. 18 shows a front view of a wanner for the lower
torso or lower trunk of a wearer, according to one example
embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 19 shows a rear view of the warmer of FIG. 18.
In accordance with example embodiments of the present
invention, a device for applying heat from a heating device
to appendage of a wearer is described. The device includes
a base layer including a pocket. The base layer is configured
to accommodate the appendage of the wearer. The pocket is 30
configured for removable insertion of the beating device so
that when the beating device is inserted in the pocket and the
device is worn by the wearer, beat from the beating device
is applied to the appendage. The device may be, for example,
a garment, undergarment or garment liner.
FlG. 1 shows two views of a wrist wrap in accordance
with one example embodiment of the present invention.
FlG. 1a shows an example of a pocket according to one
example embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 shows a wrist cuff (inside-out) in accordance with
one example embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 3 shows the wrist cuff of FIG. 2, right-side out.
F1G. 4 shows a sectional view of the wrist cuff of FIGS.
2 and 3.
FIG. 20 shows a front view of a warmer for an area around
the knee of the wearer, according to one example embodi-
ment of the present invention.
FIG. 21 shows a rear view of the warmer of FIG. 20.
FIG. 22 shows a front view of a wanner for an area around
the knee of the wearer, according to another example
embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 23 shows a rear view of the warmer of FIG. 22.
FIG. 24 shows a front view of a warmer for the legs of the
wearer, according to one example embodiment of the
present invention.
FIG. 25 shows a rear view of the warmer of FIG. 24.
FIG. 26 shows a lateral view of a wanner for the lower
extremities of the wearer, according to one example embodi-
ment of the present invention.
FIG. 27 shows a medial view of the warmer of FIG. 26.
FIG. 28 shows a front view of the wanner of FIG. 26.
FIG. 29 shows a view of a warmer for the lower extremity
of the wearer, according to another example embodiment of
the present invention.
FIG. 30 shows another view of the warmer of FIG. 29.
FlG. Sa shows a warmer for a band (left hand, palm-side
up) according to one example embodiment of the present
invention. 50
FIG. 31 shows a lateral view of another warmer for the
lower extremity of the wearer, according to yet another
example embodiment of the present invention.
FlG. Sb shows a warmer for a hand (right band, palm-side
up) according to one example embodiment of the present
FlG. 6a shows a warmer for a hand (left hand, palm-side
down) according to one example embodiment of the present
FlG. 6b shows a warmer for a hand (right hand, palm-side
down) according to one example embodiment of the present
. FIG. 7 shows a warmer for a band (palm-side up) accord-
mg to another example embodiment of the present inven-
FIG. 32 shows a medial view of the warmer of FIG. 31.
FIG. 33 shows a front view of the warmer of FIG. 31.
FIG. 1 shows two views of one example embodiment of
the present invention. In accordance with this embodiment
of the present invention, a wrist wrap is provided. The
example wrist wrap includes a base layer 100,101,102. The
base layer 100, 101, 102 maybe composed of any flexible
material or textile including, for example, neoprene,
spandex, cotton fabric, nylon, lycra, latex, rubber, etc. The
base layer 100, 101, 102 is sized accommodate the wrist of
FlG. 8 shows another view of the warmer of AG. 7
(palm-side down).
FlG. 9 shows a side view of the wanner of FIGS. 7 and
65 a person or animal.
The base layer 100,101, 102 includes a pocket 106. In the
example embodiment, the pocket 106 include..<> an opening
US 6,598,235 B2
107 on the interior side 101 of the base layer, e.g., the side
of the base layer that, when worn, is proximal to the wearer.
In an alternative embodiment of the present invention, the
pocket 106 may open to the exterior side of the base layer,
e.g., the side of the base layer that, when worn, is distal to 5
the wearer.
Attached to the ends of the base layer 100, 101, 102 are
fasteners 103, 104. In the example embodiment, the fasten
ers 103, 104 are hook and loop type fasteners, such as, for
example, VELCRO fasteners. However, other types of fas 10
teners such as snaps, buttons, scams, and zippers, may, of
course, be used. The fasteners may also include material
such as fabric, string, yarn, etc. that can be tied together. In
this example embodiment, the base layer 100, 101, 102 may
be wrapped around the wrist of a wearer, and fastened in 15
place using the fasteners 103, 104.
The pocket 106 is formed of a flexible material such as
cotton/lycra, fleece, etc. In the example embodiment, the
pocket is formed by two overlapping pieces ofmaterial108,
which are connected to the base layer 100, 101, 102. In an 2
alternative embodiment of the present invention, the pocket
may be formed by two non-overlapping pieces of material
108, which are connected to the base layer 100, 101, 102. In
another embodiment of the present invention, the pocket
may be formed slitting a single piece of material, and
connecting the slitted material to the base layer 100, 101,
102. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the
pocket is integral with the base layer 100, 101, 102. For
example, the base layer may include a number of sublayers,
the inner most sublayer (i.e., the sublayer proximal to the
wearer) having a slit.
In accordance with the example embodiment of the
present invention, the pocket 106 receives a heating device
such as an air activated heat pack. The heat pack may be
composed of, for example, iron or iron powder, (iron oxide,
when activated), water, salt, activated charcoal and vermicu
lite. The heating device may be removably inserted into the
pocket 106. That is, the heating device may be inserted into
the pocket 106 and removed from the pocket 106.
FIG. la shows one example embodiment of a pocket. In
this embodiment, the pocket may include two overlapping
flaps of material108. These two overlapping flaps 108 may
or may not be of the same dimension. In the example
embodiment of FIG. la, the flaps are of the same dimension.
Here, a first one of the flaps 106a is placed on top of the
other flap 106b, so that an overlap portion 109 is formed.
Outer edges of the flaps 106a, 106b are connected to the base
layer. In this embodiment, the inner edges 107 of the flaps
106a, 106b are free so that a heating device may be inserted
into the pocket.
wearer, e.g., a warmer for a hand. This example embodiment
is similar to the embodiment described above in connection
with FIG.l. FIG. Sa shows an example of a left hand design,
palm side up; FIG. Sb shows a right hand, palm side up. In
this embodiment, the fasteners 113 and 114 are hook and
loop-type fasteners (e.g., Velcro). However, as described
above, other types of fasteners are, of course, possible.
In the example embodiment of FIGS. 5a and Sb, a fastener
114 is positioned at one end of the base layer (see, e.g., FIG.
1) while the second end of the base layer includes a tab 115
with a fastener 113 (a mate to fastener 114). In the example
embodiment, the tab 115 is situated for secure fit when the
base layer is pulled around to the closure's mate 114. The tab
115 may or may not be of the same material as the base layer.
FIGS. Sa and Sb also show the space provided for
modating a hand. As shown, an opening 1U is provided for
insertion of the hand. When the hand is inserted palm side
up, the opening 1U will be occupied by the wearer's wrist.
In the example embodiment of FIGS. Sa and Sb, the base
layer includes an opening 99 for receiving the thumb of the
wearer. The fingers of the wearer extend through opening
116. In one example embodiment of the present invention,
the wearer's band is inserted into opening 1U after the
fasteners 113 and 114 are secured to one another. In another
example embodiment, the base layer is wrapped around the
wearer's hand (with the thumb extending through opening
99), and the fasteners 113 and 114 are then secured.
FIGS. 6a and 6b show the example embodiments of
FIGS. Sa and Sa (respectively), palmside down. These views
also show an example of placement of pocket 106 in a
breakaway view. The breakaway is represented by 117. The
breakaway 117 is provided for case of understanding of the
example embodiment in order to show exemplary pocket
placement. However, in this embodiment, the breakaway
117 is not part of the design. In this example embodiment,
the pocket 106 is po1o.itioned so that when the heating device
is inserted in the pocket 106, and the warmer for the hand is
worn by the user the palm of the wearer is heated. In another
embodiment, the pocket 106 is positioned so that the back of
the band of the wearer is heated.
FIGS. 7 and 8 show a warmer for a hand according to
another example embodiment of the present invention. FIG.
7 shows a view of the warmer, up. FIG. 8 shows
a view of the warmer of FIG. 7, palmside down. This
embodiment is similar to that shown in FIGS. 6a and 6b,
except that the warmer has a slip-on design. That is, the base
layer is formed of one continuous piece (which may or may
not have seams) and slips onto the hand of the wearer (via
opening 112) like a glove. 'The embodiment of FIGS. 7 and
8 can be designed for the left and/or the right band. In this
FIG. 2 shows another example embodiment of the present embodiment, fasteners are not used.
invention. This example embodiment is similar to the FIG. 9 shows a side view of the embodiment illustrated in
embodiment of FIG. 1, except that the base layer is formed FIGS. 7 and 8. In this view, the opening 99 for the thumb is
of a continuous strip of material (which may or may not have
seams, depending on the composition of the base layer and FIG.10 shows an example arm warmer, e.g., a warmer for
the manufacturing techniques used). In this example, the the lower arm of the wearer, according to one example
base layer forms a "cuff," e.g., a wrist cuff, of elastic embodiment of the present invention. The arm warmer
material and is configured to slip over the band and onto the illustrated is similar to that shown in FIGS. 7-9, e.g., it has
wrist of a wearer. As shown in FIG. 2, the wearer's hand is
a slip on design (that is, the wearer puts it on like a glove).
inserted into 110. This figure shows the cuff flipped inside In another emlxJdiment, the arm warmer includes fasteners
out to show the pocket 106. similar to those shown in FIGS. 6a and 6b.
FIG. 3 shows the example embodiment shown in FIG. 2 In the embodiment shown in FIG.lO, one or more pockets
4 shows a sectional view of the wrist cuff 106 sized to removably receive heating devices arc provided
65 on the inside of the base layer. In this example, the base layer
FIGS. Sa and Sb shows another example embodiment of is sized to extend from the hand of the wearer to the elbow
the present invention for providing heat to the hand of a of the wearer. Like the embodiment of FIGS. 7-9, the base
US 6,598,235 B2
layer is provided with an opening 99 to receive the thumb of
the wearer. The wearer's fingers extend through opening
116. In the arm warmer of FIG. 10, the arm of the wearer
extends through an opening 118. In one example
embodiment, it the base layer extends beyond the elbow of
the user, the base layer may or may not include an opening
for the elbow.
FIG. 11 shows aootber example embodiment of the
present invention. Here, a warmer for the upper forearm and
the biceps area of the wearer is illustrated. In this 10
embodiment, the base layer may or may not include an
opening for the elbow.
The embodiment shown in FIG. 11 has a slip-on design.
In particular, the base layer is formed of one piece (which
may or may not have seams). The base layer includes one or lS
more pockets 106 positioned to provide heat to the upper
forearm and/or the biceps area of the wearer. In this
embodiment, the wearer inserts a hand and arm into the
opening 120. When this arm warmer is worn, the lower
forearm, wrist and hand of the wearer extends through zo
opening 119.
In another example embodiment, the arm warmer of F1G.
11 includes fasteners (similar to FIG. 1) for fastening ends
form of a sling. A:;; shown in the figures, an opening U6 is
provided to accommodate the wearers head and the shoulder
opposite to the shoulder being warmed. In this example
embodiment, the base layer extends from the shoulder being
warmed, diagonally across the wearer's chest and to the
wearer's waist. At points 124 and 125, the front of the
warmer is either connected to (via, for example, fasteners or
seams) to the back of the garment, or is in one piece with the
back of the warmer at those points.
In the example embodiments shown in FIGS. 14 and 15,
at least one pocket 106 is provided on the inside portion of
the base layer. The poc.ket(s) 106 may be arranged so that
heat may be applied to either the front of the shoulder, the
back of the shoulder, or both.
FIG. 16 is a rear transparent view of the warmer of FIG.
15. In this figure, example placement of pockets 106 are
shown. FIG.17 is another view of the rear of the warmer of
FIG. 15.
FIGS. 18 and 19 shows an example of a warmer config-
ured to warm the lower torso/trunk of the wearer, according
to one example embodiment of the present invention. In this
A example embodiment, the warmer has a slip-on design.
of the base layer to each other. In this embodiment, the
fasteners may be fastened first, and the wearer would then
insert a hand and arm into the opening 120. Alternatively, the
base layer may be wrapped around the upper forearm and
biceps area of the wearer. The ends of the base layer could
then be fastened together.
However, as described above, the warmer design is shown as
a slip on style, although as mentioned in connection with
example embodiments discussed above, the warmer may
include, for example, fasteners.
In the example embodiment of FIGS. 18 and 19, a wearer
inserts the wearer's legs and lower torso/trunk in through
F1GS.12 and 13 show different view of a warmer for the
upper front and/or upper back of the arms of a wearer
according to an example embodiment of the present inven-
tion. In particular, FIG. 12 shows a front view while FlG. 13
shows a rear view. In accordance with this embodiment, one
or more pockets 106 may be included on the base layer on
both the front portion and the back portion. In alternate
embodiments, pocket(s) 106 may be provided on only the
front portion or only the back portion.
opening 127. Openings 128 are provided to accommodate
the legs of the wearer. In this embodiment, at least one
pocket 106 is provided. The pockets are positioned so that
when the warmer is worn, the upper area of the wear's legs
are warmed.
FIGS. 20 and 21 show a warmer for an area near the knee
of a wearer according to one example embodiment of the
present invention. In this embodiment, the base layer is in
the form of a sleeve which may be slipped onto the leg of the
wearer and positioned over the knee and area surrounding
In the example embodiment, the base layer may be
formed into a vest-type garment (which may or may not
include seams, and may or may not include fasteners). In
particular, the base layer 100 is sized to fit the circumference
the knee 132 of the wearer. Although in this embodiment, the
base layer is shown as a single piece of material, as
described above in connection with other embodiments, the
base layer may also include fasteners to secure two ends of
of the upper torso. The opening 121 is the entrance point for
the head, shoulders, arms and torso to pass through so that
the space 111 is occupied by the user. The head is extended
through the space 111 and extends through opening 122. The
arms and shoulders extent through opening 121 and through
space 111, with the arms extending through openings 123.
the base layer together.
As shown in FIGS. 20 and 21, the warmer includes at least
one pocket configured to receive a heating device. The base
layer is configured with an opening 130 through which the
wearer inserts a foot and leg, and an opening 131 through
which the wearer's foot and lower leg extends. A:;; shown in
In the example embodiment sown in FIGS. 12 and 13, the
front of the garment is connected to the back of the garment
FIGS. 20 and 21, when the warmer is worn, heat supplied by
the heating device is applied to the area surrounding the knee
of the wearer. at the shoulders 124 and under each arm at 125 via, for
example, fasteners, seams, etc. Alternatively, the front and
back of the garment may be formed from a single piece of
material without seams, with openings 122 and 121 being 55
provided. In yet another embodiment, the front and back of
the garment are connected only at the shoulders; thus the
front and the back of the garment are in the form of flaps. In
yet another embodiment of the invention, the front and back
of the garment are formed from a single flat piece of material
with an opening 122 being provided. In this embodiment,
the front and the back of the garment are in the form of flaps.
FIGS. 14 and 15 show yet another example embodiment
of the present invention for warming the shoulder areas of a
wearer. More specifically, FIG. 14 shows a warmer for a 65
right shoulder, and FIG. lS shows a warmer for a left
shoulder. In this example embodiment, the wanner is in the
FIGS. 22 and 23 show another warmer for warming the
area around the knee of a wearer, according to another
example embodiment of the present invention. Ibis embodi-
ment is similar to that shown in FIGS. 22 and 23, except the
embodiment of FIGS. 22 and 23 includes an opening 133 for
the knee area or patella.
In FIG. 23, 134 represents a different orientation of
pocket(s) 106, similar to pocket(s) 106 shown in FIG. 21.
FIGS. 24 and 25 show a warmer for the legs of the wearer,
according to one example embodiment of the present inven-
tion. In this example embodiment, the base layer is config-
ured in the form of legging;. The base layer includes an
opening 127 for receiving the wearer's legs and lower trunk.
The wearer's feet extend through openings 131. In this
embodiment, at least one pocket 106 is provided on the base
US 6,598,235 B2
layer. The pockets 106 are positioned on the base layer to
provide heat to portions of the legs of tht: wearer.
In the example embodiment, the base layer has a one-
piece slip-on design. In other embodiments, fasteners may
be provided, e.g., at the waist area.
FIGS. 26-28 show a warmer for the lower extremities,
e.g., ankle area of the wearer, according to one example
embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment,
the base layer is configured to accommodate a lower extrem-
ity of the wearer, here, the ankle area. The base layer
includes an opening 132 for receiving the foot and ankle area
of the wearer. The wearer's foot extends through another
opening 133. The base layer is provided with one or more
pockets 106, each pocket 106 being configured to receive a
heating device. The pockets 106 are positioned to warm the
lower extremity (e.g., ankle area) of the wearer.
In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 26-28, the base layer
is configured as a cuff (which may or may not have seams).
and wherein when the heating device is inserted in the
pocket and the device is worn by the wearer, heat from the
heating device is applied to the wrist.
8. The device according to claim 1, wherein the base layer
is configured to accommodate a hand of the wearer, and
wherein when the heating device is inserted in the pocket
and the device is worn by the wearer, beat from the heating
device is applied to the hand.
9. The device according to claim 1, wherein the base layer

and the device is worn by the wearer, heat from the heating
device is applied to the leg.
10. The device according to claim 1, wherein the base
layer is configured to accommodate a arm of the wearer, and
15 wherein when the beating device is inserted in the pocket
and the device is worn by the wearer, heat from the beating
device is applied. to the arm.
11. The device according to claim 1, wherein the pocket
has an opening configured to receive the heating device, the
20 opening being on an inside portion of the base layer, the
inside portion of the base layer being a side of the base layer
which, when the device is worn by the wearer, faces the
In other embodiments, the base layer may also include
fasteners for fastening ends of the base layer together so that
the base layer surrounds the lower extremity of the wearer.
FIGS. 29 and 30 show one such example embodiment. In
this embodiment, the base layer may be wrapped around the
ankle area of the wearer. Ends of the base layer are fastened
together using fasteners 103 and 104.
12. Tbe device according to claim 1, wherein the base
layer is configured to accommodate an appendage of a
non-human animal.
FlGS. 31-33 show another example embodiment of the
present invention. In particular, FIGS. 31-33 show a warmer
similar to that shown in FIGS. 26--28. In this embodiment,
the base layer also includes a portion 100 for accommodat-
ing the foot of the wearer. The wearer's toes extend through
opening 136, while lhe wearer's heal extends through open-
ing 135.
In accordance with the example embodiments, the base
layer may be configured as, for example, a garment, an
undergarment or a garment liner.
While the Figures show the above example embodiment
for a human wearer, the embodiments may also be config-
ured to warm an appendage of a non-human animal.
What is claimed is:
13. A method for applying heat from a beating device to
a body portion of a wearer comprising:
providing a body fitting garment having an open end for
receiving a body portion of a wearer and a second open
end for a portion of that body portion to pass through;
providing a base layer including a pocket configured to
accommodate a body portion of the wearer;
removably inserting said beating device in said pocket;
wrapping the base layer around a major muscle group of
the body portion so that heat from the heating device is
applied to said body portion.
14. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
wrapping step includes wrapping the base layer around a
wrist of the wearer.
15. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
wrapping step includes wrapping the base layer around a
hand of the wearer.
1. A body fitting garment, said garment having an open
end for receiving a body portion of a wearer and a second
open end for a portion of that body portion to pass through
a base layer including a pocket, the base layer configured
to accommodate the appendage of the wearer, the
pocket configured for removable insertion of the heat-
ing device so that when the heating device is inserted
16. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
wrapping step includes wrapping the base layer around an
45 arm of the wearer.
in the pocket and the device is worn by the wearer, heat
from the heating device is applied to the appendage.
wherein the body garment covers a major muscle group of
the body portion.
2. The device according to claim 1, wherein the base layer
has a first end and a second end, the device further com-
a fastener configured to fasten the first end of the base
layer to the second end of the base layer.
3. The device according to claim 1, wherein the base layer
is a continuous cuff of material.
17. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
wrapping step includes wrapping the base layer around an
appendage of a non-human animal.
18. The method according to claim 13, further compris-
50 ing:
providing the pocket with an opening that faces the
wearer when the base layer is worn by the wearer.
19. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
removably inserting step includes removably inserting an
55 iron powder heating device.
20. The method according to claim 13, wherein the
removably inserting step includes removably inserting an air
activated heating device.
4. The device according to claim 1, wherein the heating 60
device is an air activated heating device.
21. A method for applying heat from a heating device to
a body portion of a wearer, comprising:
providing a body fitting garment having an open end for
receiving a body portion of a wearer and a second open
end for a portion of that body portion to pass through;
providing a base layer having a pocket, the pocket sized
to accommodate the heating device, the base layer
configured to accommodate the appendage of the
S. The device according to claim 1, wherein the heating
device is composed of iron powder.
6. The device according to claim 1, wherein the heating
device is an air activated beating device.
7. A The device according to claim 1, wherein the base
layer is configured to accommodate a wrist of the wearer,
US 6,598,235 B2
removably inserting the heating device in the pocket of
the base layer; and
receiving in the base layer the appendage so that heat from
the heating device is applied to the appendage of the
22. The method according to claim 21, wherein the
receiving step includes receiving in the base layer a wrist of
the wearer.
23. The method according to claim 21, wherein the
receiving step includes receiving in the base layer a hand of
the wearer.
24. The method according to claim 21, wherein the
receiving step includes receiving in the base layer an arm of
the wearer.
25. The method according to claim 21, further compris
providing the pocket with an opening that faces the
wearer when the base layer is worn by the wearer.
26. The method according to claim 21, wherein the
receiving step includes receiving in the base layer an
appendage of a non-human animal.
27. The method according to claim 21, wherein the
removably inserting step includes removably inserting an
iron powder heating device in the pocket of the base layer.
28. The method according to claim 21. wherein the
removably inserting step includes removably inserting an air
activated heated device in the pocket of the base layer.
* * * * *

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