Adlai Print
Adlai Print
Adlai Print
Planting management
1. Choose a well-lit area to plant your
• Examine the back area of your yard and
see if your plot has a lot of access to
sunlight and rain. Adlai plants tend to
ADLAI thrive in cooler, moderate temperatures,
Coix lacryma-jobi like 41 to 50 °F (5 to 10 °C).
Unknown to many Filipinos, Adlai also called 2. Find an area where you can comfortably
Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) belongs to space your seeds.
the family Poaceae or the grasses, the same
family to which wheat, corn, and rice belong. • Prepare to plant your seeds 60 cm (24
in) apart, and keep your rows of seeds
But unlike weeds, the stem of adlai could grow 90 cm (35 in). Keep these
from 1 to 3 meters tall (from 3 to nearly 10 measurements in mind as you check the
feet). The grains, which come in white or soil with a measuring tape beforehand.
brown, in some instances, are spherical in
shape and have a groove at one end, become 3. Pick an area with relatively smooth soil
the source of (staple) food of many native that’s easy to plow.
people particularly in the highlands. • Don’t plant your seeds in rocky areas
• Adlay is the native Philippine name for with tough soil. While Adlai seeds are
the plant known to us as the source of hardy, they need to be able to plant
foods sturdy roots in the soil. Instead, tap the
soil to see if it’s smooth and moist—
• "Job's tears." Only the hard-shelled above all else, Adlai seeds tend to thrive
beadlike forms are grown in this country in moist soil conditions.
and Europe as an ornamental novelty.
4. Cover your planting area with compost
• Some of the grain varieties of adlay that and manure.
grow in the Philippines have
• Find a small or large section of land in
• a soft hull that can easily be broken your yard that you can dedicate to your
between the fingers. Like its American Adlai rice. Cover this section of your
relative, Indian corn, adlay lacks gluten, garden with a thin layer and compost
but is richer in fat than either corn or and manure, as Adlai seeds tend to
rice, making it a better balanced food grow better in pre-fertilized soil.
than any other tropical grain crop.
• The basal organic fertilizer (animal Give your plants about a month and a
manure) application was employed at half to keep growing, then move some
rate of 200g per hill before sowing the more soil around the base of your
seeds. growing plants. This helps provide a
little extra support as your Adlai plants
keep growing.
5. Plow
• Go over your fertilized soil with a hand
3. Pour water into the trenches until
plow so it’s primed for planting. As an
they’re full and refill them as needed.
extra precaution, plow over the soil at
least 1 more time, so you won’t have Use a hose or watering can to fill your
any difficulty planting or tending to your trenches with water, which will help
garden later on. keep your Adlai seedlings well-
nourished. Refill these trenches on an
as-needed basis whenever the water
6. Soak your seeds in lukewarm levels get low so your growing plants
water for 14 hours. won’t dry out.
Fill a bowl with water, then dump a large Get in the habit of checking on your
handful of seeds into the water. Give the garden each day or once every other
seeds 8 hours to soften a bit, and day.
another 6 hours to incubate, or get
4. Remove any visible weeds 3-4
ready to plant. weeks after planting your seeds.
You don’t want to plant dry seeds in the
soil, or else they won’t grow as Keep an eye out for any other unwanted
successfully. plants peeking through the soil between
your mounds of soil. Remove these
Planting management weeds as soon as you see them, or else
they’ll continue to steal nutrients from
1. Create small mounds of soil with 2 your Adlai plants.
seeds in each.
It may take several weeks before you
Take a handful of loosened soil and start noticing weeds. You can do this on
make a compact pile in the flat soil an as-needed basis.
between 2 trenches. Stick 2 seeds in
this mound, then create additional
mounds along the flat section of soil. Do
Pest Management
your best to space your seeds around
60 cm (24 in) apart, so they have plenty Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
of space to grow. Make these mounds practices were employed using
at least 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) tall so Trichogramma evanescence to control
your seeds are completely covered. Stem borer.
• Is a genus of minute polyphagous
wasps that are endosparasitoids of
2. Add more soil along the base of
insects eggs. Trichogramma is one
each mound after 45 days.
around 80 genera from the family
Trichogrammatidae, with over 200 agronomic traits of adlai by making
species worldwide. mutant varieties that yield more grain
and mature earlier, while also having
• Trichogramma wasps are used for
shorter heights to make the crops more
control on numerous crops and plants;
resistant to lodging during typhoons.
these includes cotton, sugarcane,
vegetables and forests.