SEC - Inspection and Testing Guidelines - v2 - Clean
SEC - Inspection and Testing Guidelines - v2 - Clean
SEC - Inspection and Testing Guidelines - v2 - Clean
Version 2
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Table of contents
1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Site Test and Commissioning Test .............................................................................................. 4
1.2 Site Inspection and Witnessing of the Tests arranged by the Applicant.................................... 4
1.3 Notice to users ........................................................................................................................... 4
2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 5
3 COMPANION DOCUMENTS....................................................................................................... 5
4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 6
5 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................ 8
6 SAFETY ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Hazards and safety measures ..................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Information from Applicant about Specific Risks on-site and Safety Measures ...................... 11
6.4 System documentation requirements ..................................................................................... 11
7 SITE TEST ............................................................................................................................... 12
7.1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 12
7.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 12
7.1.2 Compliance to the Regulations for Electrical Installations in KSA .................................... 12
7.1.3 Basic Tests and Additional tests ....................................................................................... 12
7.1.4 Special considerations for Small-scale PV systems with module level electronics .......... 12
7.2 Common requirements ............................................................................................................ 13
7.3 Small-scale Solar PV systems Inspection .................................................................................. 13
7.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 13
7.3.2 DC system – General verifications .................................................................................... 13
7.3.3 DC system – Verification of the protection against electric shock................................... 13
7.3.4 DC system – Verification of the protection against the effects of insulation faults ........ 14
7.3.5 DC system –Verification of the protection against overcurrent ...................................... 14
7.3.6 DC system – Verification of earthing and bonding arrangements ................................... 14
7.3.7 DC system – Verification of the protection against the effects of lightning and
overvoltage ....................................................................................................................................... 14
7.3.8 DC system – Verification of the selection and erection of electrical equipment............. 15
7.3.9 Verification of the AC system ........................................................................................... 15
7.3.10 Labelling and identification .............................................................................................. 15
7.3.11 Fire protection verification ............................................................................................... 16
7.3.12 Verification of the special requirements for households ................................................. 17
7.4 Basic Tests ................................................................................................................................ 18
7.4.1 Foreword .......................................................................................................................... 18
7.4.2 Continuity test of protective earthing and equipotential bonding conductors ............... 18
7.4.3 PV string polarity test ....................................................................................................... 18
7.4.4 PV string Combiner box test ............................................................................................. 19
7.4.5 Open circuit voltage measurement of PV strings ............................................................. 19
7.4.6 Current measurement of PV strings ................................................................................. 19
7.4.7 Functional tests ................................................................................................................ 20
7.4.8 PV array insulation resistance test ................................................................................... 20
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These Guidelines provide information on the Inspection and Testing procedures to be carried out by
the Applicant at the end of the construction of a Small-Scale Solar PV System, in order to connect it to
the Distribution Network in KSA. Referring to the Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale
Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC (Technical Standards) and to the
Guidelines that inform customers and installers in order to connect a solar PV system to distribution
networks (Connection Guidelines), in the Inspection and Energization stage, after the Small-Scale Solar
PV System construction is over, the following activities shall take place:
1.2 Site Inspection and Witnessing of the Tests arranged by the Applicant
The aim of the Site Inspection made by SEC is to verify the Small-scale Solar PV system, at least in those
parts that it deems to be relevant to it. When inspecting the site, at its sole discretion, SEC may witness
the Site Test, if the capacity of the PV System exceeds 50 kW: in this case either some or all the tests
undertaken by the Applicant have to be repeated at the presence of the SEC Inspector. Then SEC
witness the Commissioning Test. Proper checklists are provided in Inspection and Testing Checklists.
The Applicant shall prepare and submit to SEC other relevant documents before applying for the Inspection, as
described in the Guidelines that inform customers and installers in order to connect a solar PV system to
distribution networks (Connection Guidelines)
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[1] Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC (Technical Standards)
[2] Guidelines that inform customers and installers in order to connect a solar PV system to
distribution networks (Connection Guidelines)
[3] Saudi Building Code (SBC)
[4] Inspection and Testing Checklists
[5] IEC 60364-6 – Low voltage electrical installations. Part 6: Verifications
[6] IEC 61010 – Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use
[7] IEC 61557 – Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC
[8] SASO IEC 61724-1 – Photovoltaic system performance. Part 1: Monitoring
[9] SASO IEC 61724-2 – Photovoltaic system performance. Part 2: Capacity evaluation method
[10] SASO IEC 61724-3 – Photovoltaic system performance. Part 3: Energy evaluation method
[11] SASO IEC 61730-2 – Photovoltaic (PV module safety qualification. Part 2: Requirements for
[12] SASO IEC 62446-1 – Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Requirements for testing, documentation and
maintenance. Part 1: Grid connection systems. Documentation, commissioning, tests and
[13] IEC TS 62446-3:2017- Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Requirements for testing, documentation and
maintenance - Part 3: Photovoltaic modules and plants - Outdoor infrared thermography
[14] IEC 61829:2015 Photovoltaic (PV) array - On-site measurement of current-voltage
[15] SASO IEC 62548 – Photovoltaic (PV) arrays. Design requirements
The documents listed hereinafter have to be considered a compendium of the current document.
Therefore, they should be carefully read in addition to this.
a) Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC
b) Guidelines for Consumers, Consultants and Contractors to connect a Small-Scale Solar PV
System to SEC distribution network
c) Inspection and Testing Checklists
d) Safety related to the installation of the Solar PV systems
e) PV on buildings and safety
f) Best Practice for Designing a PV system
g) Manual for the Maintenance of the Solar PV Systems
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AC module – PV module with an integrated inverter in which the electrical terminals are AC only
Active power – Active Power is the real component of the apparent power, expressed in watts or
multiples thereof (e.g. kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW)). In the text this will be generically referred
as P or Pnom in case of nominal active power of equipment.
Apparent power – Is the product of voltage (in Volt) and current (in Ampere). It is usually expressed in
kiloVolt-Ampere (kVA) or MegaVolt-Ampere (MVA) and consists of a real component (Active Power)
and an imaginary component (Reactive Power). In the text this will be generically referred as S or Sn in
case of rated apparent power of equipment.
Building-Attached Photovoltaic Modules (BAPV modules) – photovoltaic modules are considered to
be building-attached, if the PV modules are mounted on a building envelope and the integrity of the
building functionality is independent of the existence of a building-attached photovoltaic module.
Building Attached Photovoltaic system (BAPV system) – photovoltaic systems are considered to be
building attached, if the PV modules they utilize do not fulfil the criteria for BIPV modules.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic modules (BIPV modules) – photovoltaic modules are considered to
be building-integrated, if the PV modules form a construction product providing a function. Thus, the
BIPV module is a prerequisite for the integrity of the building’s functionality. If the integrated PV
module is dismounted (in the case of structurally bonded modules, dismounting includes the adjacent
construction product), the PV module would have to be replaced by an appropriate construction
The building’s functions in the context of BIPV are one or more of the following:
mechanical rigidity or structural integrity
primary weather impact protection: rain, snow, wind, hail
energy economy, such as shading, daylighting, thermal insulation
fire protection
noise protection
separation between indoor and outdoor environments
security, shelter or safety
Inherent electro-technical properties of PV such as antenna function, power generation and
electromagnetic shielding etc. alone do not qualify PV modules as to be building-integrated.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic system (BIPV system) – photovoltaic systems are considered to be
building-integrated, if the PV modules they utilize fulfil the criteria for BIPV modules.
Connection Point - The physical point at which User’s Plant or apparatus is joined to the Distribution
Datasheet – basic product description and specification (Note: Typically, one or two pages, not a full
product manual).
Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) – direct plus diffuse irradiance incident on a horizontal surface
expressed in W/m2.
IMOD_MAX_OCPR – PV module maximum overcurrent protection rating determined by SASO IEC 61730-2
(Note: This is often specified by module manufacturers as the maximum series fuse rating).
Inspection – examination of an electrical installation using all the senses in order to ascertain correct
selection, design and proper erection of electrical equipment.
In-plane irradiance (Gi or POA) – the sum of direct, diffuse, and ground-reflected irradiance incident
upon an inclined surface parallel to the plane of the modules in the PV array, also known as plane-of-
array (POA) irradiance. It is expressed in W/m2.
Interface Protection (IP) - The electrical protection required to ensure that either the Solar PV System
and/or any Solar PV Unit is disconnected for any event that could impair the integrity or degrade the
safety and reliability of the distribution network.
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Inverter – electric energy converter that changes direct electric current to single-phase or polyphase
alternating current.
Irradiance (G) – incident flux of radiant power per unit area expressed in W/m2.
Irradiation (H) – irradiance integrated over a specified time interval expressed in kWh/m2.
Micro-inverter – small inverter designed to be connected directly to one or two PV modules (Note: A
micro inverter will normally connect directly to the factory fitted module leads and be fixed to the
module frame or mounted immediately adjacent to the module).
Module integrated electronics – any electronic device fitted to a PV module intended to provide
control, monitoring or power conversion functions (Note: Module integrated electronics may be
factory fitted or assembled on site).
Power factor () – under periodic conditions, ratio of the absolute value of the active power P to the
apparent power S.
PV array – assembly of electrically interconnected PV modules, PV strings or PV sub-arrays. For the
purposes of these Technical Standards a PV array is all components up to the DC input terminals of the
PV cell – most elementary device that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, i.e. the direct non-thermal
conversion of radiant energy into electrical energy
PV module – PV modules consists of electrically connected PV cells and packaged to protect it from the
environment and the users from electrical shock.
PV string – PV string consists of two or more series-connected PV modules
PV string combiner box – junction box where PV strings are connected which may also contain
overcurrent protection devices, electronics and/or switch-disconnectors
Record – data recorded and stored in data log, based on acquired samples
Recording interval () – time between records
Report – aggregate value based on series of records
Reporting period – time between reports
Reporting – recording of the results of inspection and testing
Residual current device (RCD) – is a sensitive safety device that switches off when the residual current
exceeds the rated value of the device
Sample – data acquired from a sensor or measuring device
Sampling interval – time between samples
Small-Scale Solar PV System – As per ECRA Regulations, a solar PV installation of not more than 2MW
and not less than 1kW capacity that is installed in one Premises and connected in parallel to the
Distribution system..
Soiling ratio (SR) – ratio of the actual power output of the PV array under given soiling conditions to
the power that would be expected if the PV array were clean and free of soiling
Switch – Mechanical device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents in normal circuit
conditions and, when specified, in given operating overload conditions. In addition, it is able to carry,
for a specified time, currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as short-circuit
Standard test conditions (STC) – reference values of in-plane irradiance (1 000 W/m2), PV cell junction
temperature (25 °C), and the reference spectral irradiance defined in SASO IEC 60904-3.
Testing – implementation of measures in an electrical installation by means of which its effectiveness is
proved (Note: It includes ascertaining values by means of appropriate measuring instruments, said
values not being detectable by inspection).
Verification – all measures by means of which compliance of the electrical installation to the relevant
standards are checked.
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The following acronyms and symbols are used throughout the document:
AC Alternating Current
AFCI Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BAPV Building-Attached Photovoltaic Modules
BIPV Building-Integrated Photovoltaic modules
DC Direct Current
ECRA Electricity and Co-Generation Regulatory Authority
GHI Global horizontal irradiance
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP (or I.P.) Interface Protection
IR Infrared
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LV Low Voltage (namely 220/127 V or 380/220 V or 400/230 V)
MV Medium Voltage (namely 13.8kV or 33 kV)
NEC National Electrical Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
P Active power
PELV Protected Extra Low Voltage
Pnom Nominal active power of equipment
POA Plane of Array
PPE Personal protective equipment
PR Performance Ratio
PV (Solar) PhotoVoltaic
Q Reactive Power
RCD Residual Current Device
S/Sn Apparent Power
SASO Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization
SBC Saudi Building Code
SEC Saudi Electricity Company
SELV Safety extra low voltage
SPD Surge Protection Device
SR Soiling Ratio
STC Standard Test Condition
UL Underwriters Laboratories
UV Ultraviolet
V Voltage
Vnom Nominal Voltage
WMO World Meteorological Organization
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6.1 Foreword
This chapter does not substitute the safety laws and rules in force in KSA as regards the works on
electric, mechanical and civil installations2.
The purpose is to integrate the existing rules with some indications which focus on particular safety
aspects related to solar PV systems.
Figure 1 – Example of a warning, which indicates the presence of solar PV system with possible
hazardous voltage
All interventions on the live parts of PV strings are therefore to be considered works under voltage.
This difference is unusual for an installer who is accustomed to thinking that the plant is off-voltage
when the general circuit breaker is switched off.
Only a qualified person, i.e. a professional with sufficient knowledge and experience can work safely on
live parts and successfully carry out electric interventions under voltage.
The protection provisions and the proper PPE are specified in relevant international and local
standards. However, it is worth mentioning that when working under voltage, the operator must wear
the following (see Figure 2):
It is not the responsibility of SEC to check the compliance of the design of the Small-scale Solar PV systems with
the Saudi Building Code
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A safety helmet made of insulating material with face shield (mainly to protect him against electric
Arc related PPE and flame-retardant clothing that does not leave uncovered parts of the trunk or
Insulating gloves (of appropriate voltage class).
Insulated tools for electrical work are also to be used. An alternative to insulated tools is an insulating
mat for electrical purposes, placed beneath the operator.
After the electric shock, arcing represents the main danger in electric interventions under voltage. The
energy released by electric arcs may cause burns, damage to eyes and skin and this energy increases
with the arcing current and the duration of the intervention.
In case of short-circuit, the arcing current in PV systems is lower than that in other electric plants
supplied by the grid, but the duration is greater because it is more difficult to quench a DC arc.
Works under voltage carried out in open air spaces shall be avoided in case of:
Fog, rain, snow or dust storm, mainly because of the scarce visibility.
Very low temperatures or strong wind, because of the difficulty to grip and hold tools.
Thunderstorms, because of the possible over voltages on circuits.
Construction works of an ordinary electric plant do not present any risk of electrical nature, until the
plant has been completed and connected to the grid.
However, this is not valid for the installation of a photovoltaic plant, because the exposure of a PV
module to sunlight produces a voltage between the poles of the module itself. To avoid this, it is
possible to short-circuit both connectors of a PV module or of a series of modules (the short circuit
current does not damage the PV modules because it is only slightly greater than the rated current).
Another possible expedient is shown in Figure 3 and consists of keeping the connectors of a module
and the string circuit-breaker open during installation.
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In Figure 3 it is illustrated that a person with access to the positive (+) and negative (-) poles upstream
or downstream of the circuit-breaker is safe (case A). Alternatively, a person who touches two poles on
the same branch is not safe (cases B and C).
In all cases, the work and interventions in construction and during inspection and maintenance of a PV
array shall be considered works/ interventions under voltage.
Figure 3 – The interruption of a string makes the worker A safe but keeps the workers B and C unsafe
6.3 Information from Applicant about Specific Risks on-site and Safety
A form indicating specific risks and on-site safety measures (see Annex A – Safety information Form)
shall be filled and delivered by the Applicant / Contractor to SEC or to the concerned Authority, before
the respective Inspectors visit the site of the PV system.
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7.1 Overview
7.1.1 General
The Site Test applies to all solar PV systems regardless their nominal power and voltage connection.
This test is composed by an inspection and a set of tests made by a Test Engineer appointed by the
As a rule, this test begins after the completion of the solar PV system, although for large PV systems for
safety reason the Test Engineer may initiate the tests on strings during installation, in order to prevent
parallel of strings with different number of PV modules or reversed polarity. In this case, the results of
these tests shall be duly reported and completed with date and time.
In all the cases where tests are initiated and completed in a single day it is sufficient to add the date of
the day and the time of test initiation and completion.
7.1.4 Special considerations for Small-scale PV systems with module level electronics
For systems constructed using AC modules, power optimizers or with any other form of module level
electronics, Table 1 shall be used to determine a suitable test procedure.
Table 1 – Modifications to the test procedure for Small-scale Solar PV systems with module level
Type of equipment Modifications to test procedure
AC Module No DC test or inspection works required
Micro inverter where no site Testing of DC circuits is not required
constructed wiring is used (all Inspection of DC works is required
connections using module and
inverter leads)
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Due to the diverse nature of the different module level electronics equipment available, it is not
possible to specify what tests can be performed or to detail the expected results from those tests. In all
cases of Small-scale Solar PV Systems with any form of module level electronics (such as power
optimizers), the manufacturer should be consulted prior to commissioning.
Furthermore, PV string and array cables have been selected and erected so as to minimize the risk of
earth faults and short-circuits. This is typically achieved by the use of cables with protective and
reinforced insulation (often termed “double insulated”).
7.3.4 DC system – Verification of the protection against the effects of insulation faults
Inspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification of the measures in place for
protection against the effects of insulation faults, including the following:
a) That a PV Array Earth Insulation Resistance detection and alarm system is installed – to the
requirements of SASO IEC 62548 (this is typically provided within the inverter).
b) That a PV Array Earth Residual Current Monitoring detection and alarm system is installed – to
the requirements of SASO IEC 62548 (this is typically provided within the inverter).
7.3.7 DC system – Verification of the protection against the effects of lightning and
Inspection shall include the followings points:
a) to minimize voltages induced by lightning, the area of all wiring loops has been kept as small as
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b) measures are in place to protect long cables (e.g. cables with screening or the use of surge
protective devices, SPDs);
c) where SPDs are fitted, the installation has been made according to the requirements of SASO
IEC 62548.
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d) PV components and wirings are placed at a minimum distance of 0.5 m (top view) from the
perimeter of skylights, chimneys or other openings.
e) Components and equipment installed internally or externally do not obstruct in any way the
existing means of egress.
f) Minimum elevation of the PV modules above the roof is 50 mm.
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AC side
Insulation resistance test of the AC circuit to be performed according to the requirements of IEC
DC side
The following tests shall be carried out on the DC circuit(s) forming the PV array.
a) Continuity of earthing and/or equipotential bonding conductors, where fitted.
b) Polarity test.
c) PV string combiner box test.
d) String open circuit voltage test.
e) String circuit current test (short circuit or operational).
f) Functional tests.
g) Insulation resistance of the DC circuits.
For reasons of safety and for the prevention of damage to connected equipment, the polarity test and
combiner box test must be performed before any strings are interconnected.
An I-V curve test is an acceptable alternative method to derive the string open circuit voltage (Voc) and
short circuit current (Isc). Where an I-V test is performed, separate Voc and Isc tests are not required.
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To safely perform the test it is necessary to introduce a temporary short-circuit by using one of the
following methods:
a) a test instrument with a short circuit current measurement function (e.g. a specialized PV
b) a short circuit cable temporarily connected into a load break switching device already present
in the string circuit;
c) a “short circuit switch test box” – a load break rated device that can be temporarily introduced
into the circuit to create a switched short circuit
The breaking device used (test instrument or circuit breaker) shall have a rating greater than the
potential short circuit current and open circuit voltage. Further possibilities are listed in SASO IEC
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Appropriate personal protective clothing / equipment should be worn for the duration of the
Where the results of the test are questionable, or where insulation faults due to installation or
manufacturing defects are suspected, a wet array insulation test may be appropriate and may help
locate the location of a fault – see Paragraph 7.5.6 for a suitable test procedure.
Where SPDs or other equipment are likely to influence the verification test, or be damaged, such
equipment shall be temporarily disconnected before carrying out the insulation resistance test.
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IEC 61829 standard shall be followed (in addition to the points noted above) for the requirement of the
inspection equipment, inspection procedure, evaluation, minimum environmental conditions and
reporting required for performing the outdoor IV curve testing.
Note 1: Poor results may be expected where measurements are taken in low irradiance or where the
angle of incidence is too oblique.
Note 2: The maximum power current and voltage of a PV string are directly affected by irradiance and
temperature and are indirectly affected by any changes in the shape of the I-V curve. In general, I-V
curve shape varies slightly with irradiance, and below a critical level of irradiance the curve shape
changes dramatically. The details of the variation depend on the PV technology and the extent to
which module performance has been degraded over time. Changes in the shape of the curve can cause
errors in evaluating array performance, regardless the method used to characterize string performance
(I-V curve tracing or separate current and voltage measurements).
Scan each module in the array or sub-array in question, paying particular attention to the blocking
diodes, junction boxes, electrical connections, or any specifically identified array problem that exhibits
a discernible temperature difference from its immediate surroundings.
When scanning from the front of an array, the camera and operator shall not cast shadows on the area
under investigation.
Note: Viewing the array from the rear will minimize interference from light reflected from the module
glass but viewing from the front usually provides easily discernible images due to the thermal
conductivity of glass.
IEC TS 62446-3:2017 standard may also be referred (in addition to the points noted above) for the
requirement of the inspection equipment, inspection procedure, evaluation, minimum environmental
conditions and reporting required for performing the outdoor thermography.
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The wet insulation resistance test is primarily of use as part of a fault-finding exercise.
The wet insulation resistance test evaluates the PV array’s electrical insulation under wet operating
conditions. This test simulates rain or dew on the array and its wiring and verifies that moisture will not
enter active portions of the array’s electrical circuitry where it may develop corrosion, cause ground
faults, or pose an electrical safety hazard to personnel or equipment.
This test is especially effective for finding above ground defects such as wiring damage, inadequately
secured junction box covers, and other similar installation issues. It also may be used to detect
manufacturing and design flaws including polymer substrate punctures, cracked junction boxes,
inadequately sealed diode cases, and improper (indoor rated) connectors.
A wet insulation test would typically be implemented when the results of a (nominally) dry test are
questionable, or where insulation faults due to installation or manufacturing defects are suspected.
The test can be applied to a whole array or on larger systems to selected parts (to specific components
or sub-sections of the array). Where only parts of the array are being tested, these are typically
selected due to a known or suspected problem identified during other tests.
In some circumstances, the wet insulation test may be requested on a sample proportion of the array. Wet insulation test procedure
The procedure to be followed is the same as that described in the standard insulation test but with an
additional initial step of wetting the array.
Prior to test, the section of the array under test should be thoroughly wetted with a mixture of water
and surfactant. The mixture should be sprayed onto all parts of the array under test. Prior to testing,
the area of the array under test should be checked to ensure that all parts are wetted, including the
front, rear and edges of modules, together with all junction boxes and cables.
Performing this test presents a potential electric shock hazard and the safety preparations described
for a standard insulation test should be followed. The selection of personal protective equipment to be
worn during the test should consider the wet environment that the test will be performed under.
A minimum of two people are recommended to perform this test (as wetness dries up quickly in the
field resulting in large variation of results) – one person to conduct the measurement immediately
after the second person has completed wetting the area of concern and has given the approval to test.
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8.1 Overview
The Commissioning Test shall be performed on all PV systems, regardless their power capacity.
However different requirements apply to the PV systems with reference to their power capacity.
The Commissioning Test includes the verifications listed below.
Interface Protection;
Performance monitoring functions;
Evaluation of the “Performance Ratio”.
The purposes of a performance monitoring system are diverse and can include the following:
identification of performance trends in an individual PV system;
localization of potential faults in a PV system;
comparison of PV system performance to design expectations and guarantees;
comparison of PV systems of different configurations; and
comparison of PV systems at different locations.
These diverse purposes give rise to a diverse set of requirements, and different sensors and/or analysis
methods may be more or less suited depending on the specific objective. For example, for comparing
performance to design expectations and guarantees, the focus should be on system-level data and
consistency between prediction and test methods, while for analyzing performance trends and
localizing faults, there may be a need for greater resolution at sub-levels of the system and an
emphasis on measurement repeatability and correlation metrics rather than absolute accuracy.
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The required accuracy and complexity of the monitoring system depends on the PV system size and
user objectives. This document defines three classifications of monitoring systems providing varying
levels of accuracy, as listed in Table 3.
The monitoring system classification shall be stated in any conformity declarations to this standard.
The monitoring system classification may be referenced either by its letter code (A, B, C) or its name
(high accuracy, medium accuracy, basic accuracy) as indicated in Table 3.
Class A or Class B would be most appropriate for large PV systems, such as utility-scale and large
commercial installations, while Class B or Class C would be most appropriate for small systems, such as
smaller commercial and residential installations.
The classes specified in Table 3 apply to the Site Test as follows, depending on the power capacity of
the solar PV system (Pn):
Pn ≤ 250 kW: Class C or better (A, B)
Pn > 250 kW: Class B or better (A)
For Class A and Class B the monitoring system should be inspected at least annually and preferably at
more frequent intervals, while for Class C inspection should be per site-specific requirements.
A user guides shall be provided for the monitoring system software.
All system maintenance, including cleaning of sensors, PV modules, or other soiled surfaces, shall be
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A check mark (√) in Table 5 indicates a required parameter to be measured on site, qualified by specific
notes where included.
The minimum number of on-site sensors is 1 for PV systems up to 5 MW (although redundant sensors
are typically advisable) and 2 for larger systems.
If the PV system consists of multiple sections that have different PV technology, different orientations
or substantially different geographic location, at least one sensor shall be placed in each section.
The symbol “E” in Table 5 indicates a parameter that may be estimated based on local or regional
meteorological data or satellite data, rather than measured on site.
Table 5 – Measured parameters and requirements for each monitoring system class
Parameter Symbol / Monitoring purpose Measurement required
Units Class A Class B Class C
Environmental parameters
In-plane irradiance Gi [W/m ] Solar resource √ √ or E √ or E
Global Horizontal GHI Solar resource, connection √ √ or E
Irradiance [W/m2] to historical and satellite
PV module Tmod [°C] Determining temperature- √ √ or E
temperature related losses
Ambient air Tamb [°C] Connection to historical √ √ or E √ or E
temperature data and estimation of PV
Wind speed WS [m/s] Estimation of PV √ √ or E
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𝐻𝑖 = ∑ 𝐺𝑖, 𝑘 × 𝜏𝑘
𝐸𝑎 = ∑ 𝑃𝑎, 𝑘 × 𝜏𝑘
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 = ∑ 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡, 𝑘 × 𝜏𝑘
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𝑌𝑓 = 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡⁄𝑃𝑜
𝑌𝑟 = 𝐻𝑖 ⁄𝐺𝑖, 𝑟𝑒𝑓
where the reference plane of array irradiance Gi,ref (kW/m2) is the irradiance at which Po is
The reference yield represents the number of hours during which the solar radiation would need to be
at reference irradiance levels in order to contribute the same incident solar energy as was monitored
during the reporting period while the utility grid and/or local load were available.
If the reporting period is equal to one day, then Yr would be, in effect, the equivalent number of sun
hours at the reference irradiance per day.
Expanding the formula and moving Po to the denominator, sum expresses both numerator and
denominator in units of energy, giving PR as the ratio of measured energy to expected energy (based
only on measured irradiance and neglecting other factors) over the given reporting period:
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𝑃𝑜 × 𝐺𝑖, 𝑘 × 𝜏𝑘
𝑃𝑅 = (∑ 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡, 𝑘 × 𝜏𝑘 )⁄(∑ )
𝐺𝑖, 𝑟𝑒𝑓
𝑘 𝑘
The Annual performance ratio, PRannual, is the performance ratio of the above formula evaluated for
a reported period of one year.
It is important to note that the energy expectation expressed by the denominator of the above formula
neglects the effect of array temperature, using the fixed value of array power rating, Po. Therefore, the
performance ratio usually decreases with increasing irradiation during a reporting period, even though
energy production is increased, due to increasing PV module temperature which usually accompanies
higher irradiation and results in lower efficiency. This gives a seasonal variation, with higher PR values
in winter and lower values in summer. It may also give geographic variations between systems installed
in different climates.
𝐶𝑘 = 1 + 𝛾 × (𝑇𝑚𝑜𝑑, 𝑘 − 25 °C)
Here is the relative maximum-power temperature coefficient (in units of 1/°C), and Tmod,k is the
module temperature (in °C) in time interval k.
is typically negative, e.g. for crystalline silicon.
The measured PV module temperature may be used for Tmod,k in the formula. However, if the
monitoring objective is to compare PR’stc to a target value associated with a performance guarantee,
Tmod,k should instead be estimated from the measured meteorological data with the same heat
transfer model used by the simulation that set the performance guarantee value to avoid a bias error.
In SASO IEC TS 61724-2 Annex A, a heat transfer model to calculate expected cell operating
temperature is shown.
Note that the formula that calculates Ck can be used to calculate performance ratio adjusted to a
different reference temperature by substitution of the desired reference temperature in place of 25 °C.
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Here is the relative maximum-power temperature coefficient (in units of 1/°C), and Tmod,k is the
module temperature (in °C) in time interval k and Tmod,avg is an annual-average module temperature.
The temperature coefficient is typically negative, especially for crystalline silicon.
Tmod,avg is chosen based on historical weather data for the site and an empirical relation for the
predicted module temperature as a function of ambient conditions and module construction. It should
be calculated by computing an irradiance-weighted average of the predicted module temperature and
then verified using the historical data for the site by confirming that the annual-equivalent
performance ratio PR’annual-eq for the historical data is the same as the annual performance ratio
PRannual for the historical data.
The measured module temperature may be used for Tmod,k. However, if the monitoring objective is to
compare PR’annual-eq to a target value associated with a performance guarantee, Tmod,k should
instead be estimated from the measured meteorological data with the same heat transfer model used
by the simulation that set the performance guarantee value, to avoid a bias error.
In SASO IEC TS 61724-2, Annex A, a heat transfer model to calculate expected cell operating
temperature is shown.
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Facultative sections are recommended for large Solar PV systems > 250 kW
5) A summary of the definition of the meteorological data taken during the test, including
calibration data for all sensors (sensor identification, test laboratory, date of test) and sensor
location, including photographs for documenting the sensor location and ground conditions
like rough or smooth vegetation or snow and records of sensor cleaning.
6) A summary of the definition of the system output data collected during the test, including
records of completed calibrations
7) The description of raw data that were collected during the test, including note of which data
met the stability and other criteria
8) A list of any deviations from the test procedure and why these were taken
9) Summary of the correction factors that were calculated for the filtered data
10) Description of uncertainty analysis and statement of uncertainty associated to the correction
factors, based on the uncertainty of the weather measurements and uncertainty of the model
assumptions such as the temperature model and the assumption of linear response to
11) A summary version of the test results may be provided containing the PR and the PR’
(temperature corrected) in the test interval.
No pass/fail criteria based on PR and PR’ are considered in the Commissioning Test.
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The following form indicating specific risks and on-site safety measures shall be filled and delivered by
the Applicant / Contractor to SEC or to any other concerned Authority or Inspectors (e.g. Test Engineer)
visiting the site of the PV system.
Solar PV system
Type of Applicant Individual Organization
Organization (if applicable)
First name
Last name
P.O. Box
Street number
Street name
Location / Area
Voltage delivery 220 V (3 phases) 230V (1 phase) 400 V (3 phases)
13.8 kV 33 kV
PV capacity [kW]
PV module installation On building Other structure (e.g. canopy) Ground
Building installation (if applicable) Flat rooftop Roof flap Façade Other
Building type (if applicable) Villa or small household Apartment block Offices
School/University Healthcare/Hospital Industrial
Hotel/Restaurant Entertainment Agricultural/Stable
Detention/Correctional Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tracking system if any No tracking Single-axis tracking Two-axes tracking
Notes on safety measures to access
the PV array
Location of equipment
Combiner boxes
Indications to put the PV system
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Note: GHI can also be estimated from POA irradiance using a decomposition and transposition model.
1.3 Irradiance sensors
Suitable irradiance sensors include the following equipment:
thermopile pyranometers (Figure 5);
PV reference devices, including reference cells (Figure 6) and reference modules; and
Photo-diode sensors.
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of the year, from sunrise to sunset. When mounted near or on a building, special attention is required
to identify nearby vents that could discharge vapours that could condense on the sensors.
For plane-of-array measurement, irradiance sensors shall be placed at the same tilt angle as the
modules, either directly on the module racking or on an extension arm maintained at the same tilt
angle as the modules, avoiding shadings and reflections completely.
Note: The measured irradiance may differ depending on the position of the sensor. For example, if the
sensor is placed below a row of modules, it may show a different reading than when placed above the
row of modules, since a contribution to the irradiance in a tilted plane originates from the ground or
nearby features.
The local albedo should be representative of the albedo experienced by the system without the effects
of adjacent module shading. If the ground covering is not a constant throughout the field, the ground
covering next to the irradiance sensors shall be documented relative to what is present in the rest of
the field.
For the irradiance sensor alignment and maintenance kindly refer SASO IEC 61724-1 – Photovoltaic
system performance. Part 1: Monitoring.
The PV module temperature, Tmod, is measured with a temperature sensor affixed to the back of one
or more modules.
The measurement uncertainty of the temperature sensors, including signal conditioning, shall be ≤ 2
Depending on the monitoring systems, temperature sensors shall be replaced or recalibrated at least
every 2 years for Class A and per manufacturer’s recommendations for Class B.
If adhesive is used to affix the temperature sensor to the back surface of the module, the adhesive
should be appropriate for prolonged outdoor use at the site conditions and should be checked to be
compatible with the surface material on the rear of the module so that the material is not damaged or
degraded by the adhesive.
Adhesive or interface material between the temperature sensor and the rear surface of the module
shall be thermally conductive. The total thermal conductance of the adhesive or interface layer shall be
500 W/m2K or greater, in order to keep the maximum temperature difference between the module's
rear surface and the temperature sensor on the order of approximately 1 K. For example, this may be
achieved using a thermally conductive adhesive with thermal conductivity greater than 0,5 W/mK in a
layer not more than 1 mm thick.
Additional recommendations on temperature sensor attachment may be found in SASO IEC 61724-1,
Annex B.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the temperature of the cell in front of the sensor is not substantially
altered due to the presence of the sensor or other factors.
Note 1: Cell junction temperatures are typically 1 °C to 3 °C hotter than the temperature measured on
the module's rear surface, depending on the module construction. The temperature difference may be
estimated, as a function of irradiance, using the thermal conductivity of the module materials.
Note 2: An infrared image of the front of the module may help confirm that the temperature of the cell
in front of the sensor is not substantially altered owing to the presence of the sensor or other factors.
Module temperature varies across each module and across the array and substantial differences in
temperature may be observed. For example, strong winds blowing parallel to the module surfaces may
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introduce a temperature difference > 5 °C. Similarly, a module may be cooler near a frame that is
clamped to the rack, since the rack may act as a heat sink.
Therefore, care shall be taken to place temperature sensors in representative locations such that the
desired information is obtained. For performance monitoring, a number of temperature sensors should
be distributed throughout the system as per requirements of Clause 8.5.1 so that the average
temperature can be determined.
In addition, when the array consists of more than one module type or includes sections with different
orientations or other attributes that can affect temperature, at least one temperature sensor is
required for each module type or section type, and additional sensors, if required according to array
size, are to be distributed in a representative manner amongst the different module types and section
Module temperature measurement may also be performed with the Voc-based on the method
described in SASO IEC 60904-5 as an alternative to using a temperature sensor in contact with the
module back surface. This may require the use of an additional reference module, not connected to
the PV array, for temperature measurement purposes.
As required by Table 5, the ambient air temperature, Tamb, shall be measured at locations which are
representative of the array conditions by means of temperature sensors located in solar radiation
shields which are ventilated to permit free passage of ambient air.
Temperature sensors and signal conditioning electronics shall together have a measurement resolution
≤ 0,1 °C and maximum uncertainty ±1 °C.
Temperature sensors should be placed at least 1 m away from the nearest PV module and in locations
where they will not be affected by thermal sources or sinks, such as exhausts from inverters or
equipment shelters, asphalt or roofing materials, etc.
Depending on the monitoring systems, temperature sensors shall be replaced or recalibrated at least
every 2 years for Class A and per manufacturer’s recommendations for Class B.
As suggested by Table 5, ambient air temperature at the site may be estimated based on local or
regional meteorological data for Class B and Class C.
Wind speed and wind direction are used for estimating module temperatures. They may also be used
for documenting warranty claims related to wind driven damage.
Wind speed and direction are to be measured at a height and location which is representative of the
array conditions and/or the conditions assumed by any applicable performance model used for a
performance guarantee of the PV installation.
In some cases data on wind gusts (typically gusts up to 3 s in length) may be required to be compared
with the project design requirements. When necessary the monitoring system sampling period should
be sufficiently small (e.g. ≤ 3 s) and the data record should contain not only averaged but also
maximum values.
Wind measurement equipment shall not shade the PV system at any time of day or year and should be
located at a point that is sufficiently far from obstructions.
Wind speed sensor measurement uncertainty shall be ≤ 0,5 m/s for wind speeds ≤ 5 m/s, and shall be ≤
10 % of the reading for wind speeds greater than 5 m/s.
Wind direction is defined as the direction from which the wind blows and is measured clockwise from
geographical north. It shall be measured with an accuracy of 5°.
Wind sensors shall be recalibrated as per manufacturer’s recommendations.
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