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CHAPTER 1 PAGE 2 PRELIMINARY A CIVIL SERVANT: Civil Servant means a person who is a member of a civil service of the Province or who holds a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province, but does not include:(i) a person who is on deputation to the Province from the Federation or any other Province or authority; (ii) a person who is employed on contract, or on work charged basis, or who is paid from contingencies; or (iii) a person who is a worker or workman as defined in the Factories Act, 1934(XXX of 1934) or the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 (VIII of 1923) CHAPTER II PAGE #5 SENIORITY (1) Seniority on initial appointment to a service, cadre, or post shall be determined in the prescribed manner. (2) Seniority in a post, service, or cadre to which a civil servant is promoted shall take effect from the date of regular appointment to that post: Provided that civil servants who are selected for promotion to a higher post in one batch shall on their promotion to the higher post retain their inter se seniority in the lower post. (3) For proper administration of [service or cadre] the appointing authority shall from time to time cause a seniority list of the members of such [service or cadre] to be prepared. (4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(3), the seniority of a civil servant in relation to other civil servants belonging to the same[service or cadre,] whether serving in the same department or office or not, shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed. A&CS RULES, 1974 PAGE 21 (8) The seniority inter se of persons appointed to posts in the same grade in a functional unit shall be determined:(1)(a) In the case of persons appointed by initial recruitment in accordance with the order of merit, assigned by the selection authority provided that persons selected for appointment to the grade in an earlier selection shall rank senior to the persons selected in a later selection, and (b) in the case of persons appointed otherwise, with reference to the dates of their continuous appointment in the grade; provided that if the date of continuous appointment in the case of two or more persons appointed to the grade is the same, the older if not junior to the younger in the next below grade, shall rank senior to the younger person. RETIREMENT FROM SERVICE PCS ACT, 1974 PAGE NO. 7 (1) Civil servant shall retire from service (i) on such date after he has completed twenty years of service qualifying for pension or other retirement benefits as the competent authority may, in public interest, direct; or (ii) where no direction is given under clause (i) on the completion of the sixtieth year of his age.

THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS(APPOINTMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) RULES, 1974 PART-1-GENERAL DEFINITIONS PAGE NO. 17 Autonomous or semi-autonomous organization means an organization set up under a law by the Government as a unit separate from the formal departmental organization; PART-III PAGE NO. 26 &27 INITIAL APPOINTMENT 16. Initial recruitment to the post in Grade 16 & above and such other posts in BS11 to BS 15 as are notified by the Government, except those which, under the Punjab public Service Commission (Functions) Rules, 1978 do not fall within the purview of the Commission or which are specified to be filled without reference to the Commission shall be made on the basis of the examination or test conducted by the Commission 17. Initial appointment to all posts in grades 1 and above except those filled under rule 16, shall be made on the basis of examination or test to be held by the appropriate committee or the board, as the case may be after advertisement of the vacancies in newspapers , or in the manner to be determined by the Government. @@17(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule to the contrary, whenever a civil servant dies while in service or is declared invalidated/incapacitated for further service, one of his unemployed children may be employed by the Appointing Authority against a post to be filled under rules 16 & 17 or which he/she possesses the prescribed qualification and experience and such child may be given 10 additional marks in the aggregate by the Public Service Commission or by the appropriate Selection Board or Committee provided he/she otherwise qualifies in the test/examination and/or interview for posts in BS-6 and above. Provided further that one child of a Government servant who dies while in service or is declared invalidated/incapacitated for further service shall be provided a job against posts in BS-1 to 5 in the department in which the deceased Government servant was working, without observance of formalities prescribed under the rules/procedure. Provided such child is otherwise eligible for the post. 18(1) A candidate for initial appointment to a post must possess the prescribed educational qualifications and experience and also, except as provided in the rules framed for the purpose of relaxation of age limit, must be within the age limit as laid down for the post: Provided that experience, where prescribed, would include equivalent experience, to be determined by the Government in a profession or in the service of an autonomous or semi-autonomous organization or a private organization. (2)(i) Where recruitment is to be made on the basis of a written examination, age shall be reckoned as on the first of January of the year in which the examination is proposed to be held; and (ii) in other cases, as on the last date fixed for submission of applications for appointment. (19) (1) No person shall be appointed to a post unless he is a citizen of Pakistan, provided that this restriction may be relaxed by Government in suitable cases. (2) No person, who has married a foreign national shall be appointed to a post; provided that this restriction may be relaxed by Government in case of a person who has married a citizen of India or citizen of Bangladesh). 20. Vacancies in various posts shall be filled from person domiciled in the province of the Punjab in accordance with merit, provided that for a period not exceeding**(20) years from the commencing day of Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, such posts may be reserved for persons domiciled in such areas as may be specified. 21. A candidate for appointment must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties. A

candidate who after such medical examination as Government may prescribe is found not to satisfy these requirements shall not be appointed. 21(a).(1) No person, not already in Government service, shall be appointed to a post unless he produces a certificate of character from the principal Academic Officer of the academic institution last attended and also certificates of character from two responsible persons not being his relatives who are well acquainted with his character and antecedents. (2) Notwithstanding anything in sub rule (1) an appointment by initial recruitment shall be subject to the verification of character and antecedents of the candidate or the person appointed to the satisfaction of the appointing authority) (3) Alteration in the date of birth. The date of birth once recorded at the time of joining government service shall be final and there-after no alteration in the date of birth of a civil servant shall be permissible A7CS RULES, 1974 PAGE NO. 115 NO.SOR.IV(S&GAD)-5-16/84 DATED 18TH APRIL, 1984 SUBJECT: MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS ON FIRST ENTRY INTO GOVT. SERVICE. I am directed to say that rules 3.2 to 3.6 of the Civil Service Rules(Punjab), Vol.I.Part-I require production of medical certificate of fitness on first entry into government service. A question has arisen as to whether a government servant who was medically found fit on his first appointment should again furnish medical certificate of fitness on his appointment to another post within or outside his parent department. According to note 3 below rule 3.2 of the rules ibid a temporary government servant who has already produced medical certificate in one office, should not, if transferred to another office without break in his service, be required to produce fresh certificate. All appointing authorities are, therefore, advised not to insist on the production of medical certificate of fitness on subsequent appointments in cases where a government servant has already produced medical certificate on his first entry into government service provided that there is no break in his service. NO.SOR.IV(S&GAD)-5-16/84 DATED 18TH APRIL, 1984 *********************** PUNJAB EMPLOYEES EFICIENCY, DISCIPLINE AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT,2006(PEEDA-ACT-2006) (IN BRIEF THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES) (XII OF 2006) DATED 17TH OCTOBER, 2006) 1. SHORT TITLE, EXTENT, COMMENCEMENT AND APPLICATION: (1) This Act may be called the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act,2006. 2. It extends to the whole of the Punjab. 3. It shall come into force at once. 4. It shall apply to:(i) employees in Government service; (ii) employees in corporation service; and (iii) retired employees of Government and corporation service; provided that proceedings under this Act are initiated against them during their service or within one year of their retirement. 3. GROUNDS FOR PROCEEDINGS AND PENALTY: An employee shall be liable to be proceeded against under this act, if he/she is: (i) in efficient or has ceased to be efficient for any reason; or (ii) guilty of misconduct; or (iv) guilty of corruption or is reasonably considered to be corrupt; or

engaged or is reasonably believed to be engaged in subversive activities, and his retention in service is prejudicial to national security, or is guilty of disclosure of official secrets to any unauthorized person. 4. PENALTIES:(1) The competent authority(appointing authority) may, notwithstanding anything contained in any law or the terms and conditions of service of the accused , by an order in writing, impose one or more of the following penalties, namely:(a) MINOR PENALITIES:(i) censure; (ii) Withholding of increment or increments, for a specific period, subject to a maximum of five years; (iii) fine not exceeding basic pay of one month: (iv) reduction to a lower stage or stages in pay scale, subject to a maximum of five stages; and (iv) withholding of promotion for a specific period, subject to a maximum of five years; provided that this period shall be counted from the date when a person junior to the accused is considered for promotion and is promoted on regular basis for the first time. (b) MAJOR PENALITIES:(i) recovery from pay, pension or any other amount payable to the accused, the whole or a part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government or the organization in which he was employed, and if the amount due from any such person cannot be wholly recovered from the pay, pension or any other amount payable to him, such amount shall be recovered under the law for the time being in force; (ii) reduction to a lower post and pay scale from the substantive or regular post for a specific period subject to a maximum of five years; (iii) forfeiture of past service for a specific period subject to a maximum of five years; (iv) compulsory retirement; (v) removal from service; and (vi) Dismissal from service. 16. DEPARTMENTAL APPEAL AND REVIEW: (1) An accused who has been awarded any penalty under this Act may, except where the penalty has been imposed by the Chief Minister, within thirty days from the date of communication of the order, prefer departmental appeal directly to the Appellate Authority. Provided that where the order has been passed by the Chief Minister the accused may, within the aforesaid period, submit a review petition directly to the Chief Minister. (2) The authority empowered under sub-section-(1) shall call for the record of the case and comments on the points raised in the appeal from the concerned department or office, and on consideration of the appeal or the review petition, as the case may be, by an order in writing(a) uphold the order of penalty and reject the appeal or review petition; or (b) set aside the orders and exonerate the accused; or (c) modify the orders and reduce or enhance the penalty; or (d) set aside the order of penalty and remand the case to the competent authority, where it is satisfied that the proceedings by the competent authority or the inquiry officer or Inquiry Committee, as the case may be, have not been conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or the facts and merits of the case have been ignored, with the directions to either hold a do novo inquiry or to rectify the procedural lapses, or irregularities in the proceedings:


Provided that where the Appellate or review authority proposes to enhance the penalty, it shall by an order in writing:inform the accused of the action proposed to be taken against him and the grounds of such action; and (j) give him a reasonable opportunity to show cause against the action and afford him an opportunity of personal hearing either itself or through a hearing officer; provided that the hearing officer shall only be appointed where the Appellate or the review authority is of the rank of Secretary to the Government of the Punjab or above. (3) An appeal or review preferred under this section shall be made in the form of a petition, in writing, and shall set forth concisely the grounds of objection to the impugned order in a proper and temperate language. 19. APPEAL BEFORE PUNJAB SERVICE TRIBUNAL (i)

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, any employee aggrieved by any final order passed under Section 16 or Section 17 may, within thirty days from the date of communication of the order, prefer an appeal to the Punjab Service Tribunal established under the Punjab Service Tribunals Act, 1974(Pb.Act, IX of 1974) PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS (CONDUCT) RULES, 1966. CONDUCT RULES.1966.PAGES419 &420. @11-A. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING:No Government servant shall construct a building, whether intended to be used for residential or commercial purposes, except with the previous sanction of the Government, obtained upon an application made in this behalf disclosing the source from which the cost of such construction shall be met. 12.DECLARATION OF PROPERTY:(1) Every Government Servant shall, at the time of entering Government service make a declaration to Government, through the usual channel, of all immovable and moveable properties including share, certificates, securities, insurance policies, cash and jewelry having a total of Rs. 50000(fifty thousand rupees) or more belonging to or held by him or by a member of his family individually or collectively and such declaration shall----(a) State the district within which the property is situated. (b) Show separately individual items of jewelry exceeding Rs. 50000(fifty thousand rupees ) in value; and Give such further information as Government may, by general or special order, require. ***************************************** CONDUCT RULES,M 1960 NO.S1357/1-26-58-SO-XII DATED, LAHAORE, THE 21ST JUNE, 1966 SUBJECT: GOVERNMENT SERVANTS ATTENDANCE AT EVENING CLASSES

In supersession of previous instructions on the subject the Punjab Government has decided as under:(a) Government servants should not under any circumstances be allowed to attend any classes or course during office hours. (b) Outside office hours, they may attend classes/courses. No formal permission is necessary in such cases. They many only inform the Head of their Department that they are attending such classes/courses. If, however, it is found that by attending such classes/courses the work of the Government servant is suffering the Head of Department, may by an order, stop the Government servant from attending such classes/courses. (c) Administrative Secretaries/Heads of Attached Departments are requested to please report after a year the number if /Government servants under their control who

undertook such studies and how many of them left service after completing the course, and also whether the studies interfered with their efficiency. They may also suggest whether any modifications are necessary in this policy. CONDUCT RULES, 1966 PAGE NO. 435 NO.S.1151/1-26/58-SO-XIII DATED THE 27TH APRIL, 1962 SUBJECT: GOVT. SERVANTS ATTENDANCE AT EVENING CLASSES

Reference this Department memorandum No. S1151/1-26/58-SO-XIII, dated 21st of June, 1960, on the subject noted above. 2. Government of Punjab has decided that the orders contained in the memorandum under reference should continue. However, the Government servants joining evening classes should inform the Head of the Department in writing the name of the institution he had joined. ************************************ CONDUCT RULES, 1966 PAGE NO. 435 & 436 NO.S.1-26/1-26/58-SO-XIII DATED THE 4th of February, 1963. SUBJECT: GOVT. SERVANTS ATTENDANCE AT EVENING CLASSES

Reference correspondence ending with this Department circular No. S1151/1-26/58-SO-Xiii, dated the 27th April, 1962, on the subject noted above. 2. Since the public interest is paramount in all cases, the fact that a Government servant is attending evening lasses cannot in itself be a reason for not transferring him. If his transfer can be avoided without causing any loss to the efficiency of the Department then such a Government servant may be allowed to continue at the station of his posting so long as his course o study requires. 3. The competent authorities, while allowing officials serving under them to study in evening classes, should, however, carefully go into the question whether the Official is likely to be transferred from his station, if so, permission in his case should be refused. **************************************************** CONDUCT RULES, 1966 PAGE NO. 436 NO.SORI(S&GAD)1-70/71 DATED THE 17TH OF MARCH,1972. SUBJECT: GOVT. SERVANTS ATTENDANCE AT EVENING CLASSES AND TAKING EXAMINATIONS AS PRIVATE CANDIDATES

I am directed to refer to the circular letters No. S1357/1-26/58-SO-XIII, dated 21st June, 1960 and S1151/1-26/58 SOXIII, dated 27th of April, 1962, on the subject cited above and to say that in a number of cases Government Servants attend Evening Classes at private institutions or prepare privately for appearing in the University or Board Examinations, etc, without informing the Heads of Department. When the time for examination comes they usually ask for long leave for preparation and appearance in the examination. Since the Heads of Departments have no notice it causes administrative inconvenience, Government have therefore, decided that in future Government servants preparing to take any examination, whether with or without attendance at eyeing classes, should inform the Head of Department in writing of their intention to do so before beginning preparation or six months in advance of the examination, whichever is earlier. ****************************************

PUNJAB ESTACODE BOOK-IV REVISED LEAVE RULES, 1981 PAGE NO. 485 GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB FINANCE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION THE 13TH JULY, 1981 NO. F.D.SR.III-I-85/78----In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Civil Servants Act, 1974, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules, namely:_ 1. SHORT TITLE, APPLICATION AND COMMENCEMENT---(1) These rules may be called the Revised Leave, Rules, 1981. 2. They shall apply to all civil servants other than those who were employed before the first day of July, 1978, and opted not to be governed by the Revision of Leave Rules issued under the Finance Departments Circular Letter No. FD-SR-III-I-85/78, dated 5th November, 1978. 3. They shall come into force at once. 2. WHEN LEAVE EARNED---(1) All service rendered by a civil servant qualifies him to earn leave in accordance with these rules but shall not be earned during the period of leave. (2) Any period spent by a civil servant in foreign service qualifies him to earn leave provided that contribution towards leave salary is paid to the Government on account of such period. 3. EARNING AND ACCUMULATION OF LEAVE(1) A civil servant shall earn leave only on full pay which shall be calculated at the rate of four days for every calendar month of duty rendered and credited to the leave account as Leave on full pay (2) Duty period of fifteen days or less in a calendar month shall be ignored and that of more than fifteen days shall be treated as full calendar month for the purpose of calculation of earned leave. (3) If a civil servant proceeds on leave during a calendar month and returns from it during another calendar month and the period of duty in either month is more than fifteen days, the leave to be credited for both the incomplete months shall be restricted to that admissible for one full calendar month only. (4) There shall be no maximum limit on the accumulation of such leave. 5. LEAVE ON FULL PAY---- The maximum period of leave on full pay that may be granted at one time shall be as follows:(a) Without medical certificate 120-days (b) With medical certificate plus 180-days On medical certificate from leave 365-days Account, in entire service. NOTE:Under Leave Rules 1955, leave on half average pay could be converted into leave on full pay on the strength of Medical Certificate up to a maximum of twelve months in terms of leave on full pay in the whole service. The account of this kind of leave was separately maintained in the leave account under the said Rules. Such leave availed of by the civil servants before the introduction of these rules, shall be debited against the maximum limit of 365-days fixed under this rule. 6. LEAVE ON HALF PAY----(1) Leave on full pay may, at the option of the civil servant, be converted into leave on half pay, the debit to the leave account will be at the rate of one day of the former for every two days of the latter, fraction of one half counting as one full days leave on full pay. (2) The request for conversion of leave referred to in sub-rule(1) shall be specified by the civil servant in his application for the grant of leave. (3) There shall be no limit on the grant of leave on half pay so long as it is available by conversion in the leave account.

7. LEAVE TO BE APPLIED ETC IN TERMS OF DAYS:- Leave shall be applied for expressed, and sanctioned, in terms of days. 9. EXTRAORDINARY LEAVE(LEAVE WITHOUT PAY-EOL) (1) Extraordinary leave without pay may be granted on any ground up to a maximum period of five years at a time, provided that the civil servant to whom such leave is granted, has been in continuous service for a period of not less than ten years, and , in case a civil servant has not completed ten years of continuous service extraordinary leave without pay for a maximum period of two years may be granted at the discretion of the head of his office. Provided that the maximum period of five years shall be reduced by the period of leave on full pay or half pay, if granted in combination with the extraordinary leave. (2) Extraordinary leave up to a maximum period prescribed under sub-rule(1) may be granted, subject to the conditions stated therein, irrespective of the fact whether a civil ser4vant is a permanent or a temporary employee. 12. SPECIAL LEAVE:(1) A female civil servant, on the death of her husband, may be granted special leave on full pay, when applied for, for a period not exceeding one hundred and thirty days. (2) Such leave shall not be debited to her leave account. (3) Such leave shall commence from the date of death of her husband and for this purpose she will have to produce death certificate issued by the competent authority either along with her application for special leave or, if that is not possible, the said certificate may be furnished to the leave sanctioning authority separately. 13. MATERNITY LEAVE:(1) Maternity leave may be granted on full pay, outside the leave account to a female civil servant to the extent of ninety days in all from the date of its commencement(as specified in the application for leave) or forty-five days from the date of her confinement, whichever be earlier. (2) Such leave may not be granted for more than three times in the entire service of a female civil servant except in the case of a female civil servant employed in a vacation department who may be granted maternity leave without this restriction. (3) For confinements beyond the third one, the female civil servant(in a non-Vacation Department) would have to take leave from her normal leave account. (4) The spells of maternity leave availed of prior to the coming into force of these rules shall be deemed to have been taken under these rules. (5) Maternity leave may be granted in continuation of, or in combination whit, any other kind of leave including extraordinary leave as may be due and admissible to a female civil servant. (6) Leave salary to be paid during maternity leave shall be regulated as for other leave, in accordance with the existing instructions of the Government. (7) The leave salary to be paid during maternity leave will, therefore, remain unaffected even if an increment accrues during such leave and the effect of such an increment will be given after the expiry of maternity leave, in the even of resumption of duty by such female civil servant. 14. DISABILITY LEAVE:(1) Disability leave may be granted, outside the leave account on each occasion, up to a maximum of seven hundred and twenty days on such medical advice as the head of office may consider necessary, to a civil servant, other than a civil servant in part-time service, etc, disabled by injury ailment or disease contracted in course or in consequence of duty or official position. (2) Leave salary during disability leave shall be equal to full pay for the first one hundred and eighty days and on half pay for the remaining period. 15. LEAVE EX-PAKISTAN:(1) Leave Ex-Pakistan may be granted on full pay to a civil servant who applies for such leave or who proceeds abroad during leave, or takes leave while posted abroad or is otherwise on duty abroad, and makes a specified request to that effect. (2) The leave pay to be drawn abroad(in foreign currency) shall be restricted to a maximum of three thousand rupees per month.

(3) The leave pay shall be payable in Sterling if such leave is spent in Asia other than Pakistan and India. (4) Such leave pay (in foreign currency) shall be payable for the actual period of leave spent abroad subject to a maximum of one hundred and twenty days at a time. (5) The civil servants appointed after the 17th of May, 1958, shall draw their lave salary in rupees in Pakistan irrespective of the country where they happen to spend their leave. (6) Grant of leave ex-Pakistan will be regulated and be subject to the same limits and conditions as prescribed in rules 5,6 and 9. 17. ENCASHMENT OF REFUSED LEAVE PREPARATORY TO RETIREMENT:(1) If, in case of retirement on superannuation (or voluntary retirement on completion of thirty years qualifying service) a civil servant cannot, for reasons of public service be granted leave preparatory to retirement duly applied for in sufficient time, he will in lieu thereof, be granted lump-sum leave pay for the leave refused to him subject to a maximum of one hundred and eighty days leave on full pay. (2) Such leave can be refused partly and sanctioned partly but the cash compensation shall be admissible for the actual period of such leave so refused not exceeding one hundred and eighty days. (3) The payment of leave pay in lieu of such refused LPR may be made to the civil servant either in lump-sum at the time of retirement or may, at his option be drawn by him month-wise for the period of leave so refused. (4) For the purpose of lump-sum payment in lieu of such refused leave, only the Senior Post Allowance, will be included in Leave Pay so admissible. (5) In case a civil servant on leave preparatory to retirement dies before completing one hundred and eighty days of such leave, his family shall be entitled to lump-sum payment equal to the period falling short of one hundred and eighty days. 18. POWER TO REFUSE LEAVE PREPARATORY TO RETIREMENT ETC:(1) Ordinarily, leave preparatory to retirement on superannuation, shall not be refused. (2) All orders refusing leave preparatory to retirement to a civil servant and recalling a civil servant from leave preparatory to retirement shall be passed only by the authorities specified below:(i) For civil servants of Grade 17 & above Chief Secretary Personally (3) The authorities specified in sub-rule(2) shall not delegate these powers to any other authority. (4) All proposals regarding refusal of such leave to an officer of Grade 17 and above shall be referred to the Chief Secretary, with detailed justifications at least three months before an officer is due to proceed on such leave. 19. IN SERVICE DEATH:(1) In case a civil servant dies, or is declared permanently incapacitated for further service while in service by a medical Board, a lump-sum payment equal to leave pay up to one hundred and eighty days out of the leave to his credit shall be made to his family as defined for the purposes of family pension or, as the case may be, to the civil servant. 20. REASONS NEED NOT BE SPECIFIED ETC---(1) It shall not be necessary to specify the reasons for which leave has been applied so long as that leave is due and admissible to a civil servant. (2) Leave applied for on medical certificate shall not be refused. Provided that the authority competent to sanction leave may, at its discretion, secure a second medical opinion by requesting the Civil Surgeon or Medical Board, as the case may be, to have the applicant medically examined. 21. LEAVE WHEN STARTS AND ENDS:Instead of indicating whether leave starts or ends in the forenoon or afternoon, leave may commence from the day following that on which a civil servant hands over the charge of his post and may end on the day preceding that on which he resumes duty.


ANY TYPE OF LEAVE MAY BE APPLIED FOR--A civil servant may apply for any type of leave which is due and admissible to him and it shall not be refused on the ground that another type of leave should be taken in the particular circumstances, for example, a civil servant may apply for extraordinary leave or leave on half-pay even if leave on full pay is otherwise due and admissible to him, or he may proceed on extraordinary leave followed by leave on half-pay and full-pay rather than that on full pay, half pay and without pay. APPENDIX 20 OF CSR(PUNJAB) VOLUME I PART-II IS GIVEN BELOW:APPENDIX 20(REFERRED TO IN NOTES UNDER RULES 8.86, 8.129 OF CSR) (PUNJAB VOL-I-PART-I) STUDY LEAVE RULES PRESCRIBED BY THE GOVERNOR 1. Study leave may be granted as additional leave to Government Servants for the study of scientific, technical or similar problems, or in order to undertake special courses of instructions. 2. These rules are not intended to meet the cases of Government servants deputed to other countries at the instance of Government, either for the performance of special duties imposed on them or for the investigation of specific problems connected with their technical duties. Such cases will continue to be dealt with on their merit under the provisions of Rule 6.1 of the CSR(Punjab) Vol.I. 3. The rules shall apply to the Departments of Health, Forestry & Wildlife, Agriculture, Education, Communication and Works, Industries & Mineral Development, Irrigation and Power, Livestock and Dairy Development, Housing, Physical & Environment Planning Department and Labour Department. 4. The rules may be extended by the authorities empowered to sanction study leave to any Government servant, including Government Servant of a Federal Service, not belonging to any of the departments mentioned above, in whose case if the sanctioning authority is of the opinion that leave should be granted in the public interest to pursue a special course of study or investigation of scientific or technical nature. 5. The powers granted by these rules to the Government may be delegated to any other authority subject to any condition they may think fit to impose. 6. Extra leave on half pay for the purpose of study may be taken either in or outside Pakistan. It may be granted to a Government servant of any of the Departments named above provided that when a Government servant borne permanently on the cadre of one Department is serving temporarily in another Department the grant of leave will be subject to the conditions:(a) that the sanctioning authority can make local arrangements to carry on his work in his absence; and (b) that the sanction of the parent Department to which he is permanently attached is obtained before leave is given. 7. Study leave should not ordinarily be granted to Government servants who have less than five years service. Such leave shall not be granted to Government servants within three years of the date of superannuation or the date of which they have the option of retiring. 8. Administrative Departments may grant study leave to Government servants under their administrative control subject to such restrictions as may be applicable. 9. The study leave should be granted with due regard to the exigencies of the public service. In no case should the grant of this leave in combination with leave other than extra-ordinary leave or leave on medical certificate, involve an absence of a Government servant for more than 28-months from regular duties, or exceed two years in the entire service of a Government servant; nor should it be granted with such frequency as to remove him from contact with his regular work or to cause cadre difficulties owing to his absence on leave. A period of 12-months at one time should ordinarily be regarded as a suitable maximum and should not be exceeded save for exceptional reasons. NOTE:1. The period of two years may be extended to three years on the merit of each case for obtaining a Doctorate, subject to the condition that the extension should not be available for scholars who fail to complete the courses within the prescribed time limit.

The limits of absence from regular duties prescribed above include the period of vacation if any, with which study leave and other leave may be combined. 3. Extraordinary leave may be taken in conjunction with study leave without regard to the maximum prescribed above. 10. A government servant whose study leave is combined with any other kind of leave should be required to take his period of study leave at such a time as to retain at its conclusion, a balance of other previously sanctioned leave sufficient to cover the period spent in returning to duty. 11. When a Government servant has been granted a definite period of study leave and finds subsequently that his course of study will fall short of the sanctioned period to any considerable extent, his absence from duty should be reduced by the excess period of study leave unless he produces the assent of the sanctioning authority in Pakistan to his taking it as ordinary leave. 12. Except as provided in paragraph 13 all applications for study leave should be submitted with the Accountant Generals certificate to the head of the department through the prescribed channel, and the course or courses of study contemplated and any examination which the candidate proposes to undergo should be clearly specified therein. If the course of study is outside Pakistan the Head of the Department should also forward to the Embassy of Pakistan a copy of the approved programme of study. If it is not possible for the Government servant to give full details as above, in his original application, or if after leaving Pakistan her wishes to make any changes in the programme which has been approved in Pakistan, he should submit particulars as possible to the Embassy of Pakistan. In such cases, he should not unless prepared to do so at his own risk commence the course of study, nor incur any expenses in connection therewith, until he receives approval to the course through the Embassy of Pakistan. 13. Government servants on leave outside Pakistan who wish to convert part of their leave into study eave or to undertake a course of study during leave, should before commencing study and before incurring any expenses in connection therewith, submit a programme of their proposed course of study to the Embassy of Pakistan. The programme should be accompanied by an official syllabus of the course, if one is available and by any documentary evidence that the particular course or examination has the approval of the competent authority in Pakistan. In the absence of such evidence the programme may, if approved by the Embassy of Pakistan, be proceeded with but no study leave allowance will be admissible until the concurrence of the competent authority in Pakistan is received. 14. No course of study will be recognized as qualifying for the grant of study allowance or for study leave for any other purpose unless it has been approved in at least broad outline by the competent authority in Pakistan in accordance with paragraph 12 and 13 above, and unless, in cases where it has not been found possible to submit full particulars to the authorities in Pakistan, it has been approved in detail by the Embassy of Pakistan before it is begun. 15. A study allowance will be granted for the period spent in pursuing a definite course of study at a recognized institution or in any definite tour of inspection of any special class of work, as well as for the period covered by any examination at the end of the course of study. The rates are 25 shillings per diem in the United Kingdom, and $ 4.20 per diem in the other countries. These rates are liable to revision. During study leave in Pakistan a Government servant shall be allowed study allowance of Rs.300/- p.m in addition to half average pay or 75% of full pay, whichever is more beneficial. In no case will subsistence allowance be granted in addition to study allowance, and ordinary traveling expenses will not be paid but in exceptional cases claims may be considered on their merits by the competent authority. 16. Study allowance will be admissible up to 14-days for any period of vacation. A period during which a Government servant interrupts his course for his own convenience cannot be considered as vacation. Study allowance will be given at the discretion of the competent authority for any period up to fourteen days at one time, during which the Government servant is prevented by sickness duly certified by a medical practitioner from pursuing the sanctioned course of study. In the case of a Government servant retiring from service without returning to duty after a period of study leave the study allowance will be forfeited and the study leave will be converted into ordinary leave to the extent of the ordinary leave standing to his credit on the date of retirement. Any balance


of the period of study leave mentioned which cannot be so converted will be excluded in reckoning service for pension. NOTE:-A government servant of vacation department can draw study allowance during vacation if he prosecutes his studies during the period. The period of such a vacation will be taken into account in calculating the maximum period of two years or three years as the case may be for which study allowance is admissible. 17. Government servants granted study leave are ordinarily required to meet the cost of fees paid for courses of study. In exceptional cases the competent authority may waive this condition. 18. On completion of a course of study, a certificate on the proper form (which may be obtained from the Embassy of Pakistan), together with certificates of examinations passed or of special study shall when the study leave has been taken outside Pakistan, be forwarded to the Embassy of Pakistan. In the case of a definite course of study at a recognized institution the study allowance will be paid in such manner as may be prescribed by the Government on claims submitted by the Government servant from time to time, supported by proper certificates of attendance. 19. Study leave will count as service for promotion and pension, but not for leave. It will not affect any leave which may already be due to a Government servant; it will count as extra leave on half average pay but will not be taken into account in reckoning the leave on half average pay taken by the Government servant towards the maximum period admissible under the Revised Leave Rules, 1981. 20. On an application for study leave outside Pakistan being sanctioned by the competent authority, it shall inform the Embassy of Pakistan of the particulars of the case. It will be necessary for each Government servant concerned to place himself in communication with the Embassy, who will arrange any details and issue any letters of introduction that may be required. CASUAL LEAVE RULES (EXTRACT TAKEN FROM CSR (PUNJAB) VOLUME 1 PART-I) 8.61 A Government servant on casual leave or on quarantine leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay and allowances are not intermitted, as such leave is not recognized regular leave and is not subject to the rules in this Chapter. 8.62 Rules regulating the grant of casual leaveare given in appendix 17 APPENDIX 17 (REFERRED TO IN RULE 8.62) RULES FOR THE GRANT OF CASUALLEAVE Casual Leave may be granted to Government servants for short periods subject to the following conditions:(i) Casual leave should not ordinarily exceed 10-days at a time and 25days during any one calendar year; (ii) The sanctioning authority may, however, grant casual leave up to 15-days at a time in special circumstances. (iii) It may be granted in conjunction with Fridays or public holidays, but not with any other kind of leave or joining time. In case casual leave is combined with holidays the total period should not exceed 15-days at a time. The public holidays which are sandwiched between the casual leave shall be debited to the Casual Leave Account. (iv) No Government servant may leave his headquarters during casual leave or holidays except with the permission of the sanctioning authority. (v) Subject to the delegation of powers which has been or may be made by Government from time to time in this behalf, casual leave may be sanctioned to a Government servant by his immediate officer. (vi) In emergency the Commissioners of Divisions can sanction casual leave up to 10-days to the Regional and Divisional officers. In such cases the Commissioners shall inform the Heads of the Attached Departments by a tele-printer message. While applying for such emergency leave, the regional/Divisional Officer is required to observe the following two conditions.

(vii) (viii) (ix)

he should certify that the leave applied for is due to him; and b) he should suggest acting arrangements for the disposal of work during his absence. The District Officers of other departments while proceeding on casual leave extending beyond 10-days shall inform the Deputy Commissioner of that fact; Casual leave shall not be granted to Government Servants in conjunction with training period spent abroad. The record of the casual leave should be kept in the following manner:a) Casual Leave Account of each Government servant should be maintained properly on the prescribed form; b) It should always remain in the custody of the sanctioning authority. c) Casual Leave should not be granted unless the Casual Leave Account is seen by the sanctioning authority to ensure that(i) the leave applied for is due and(ii) it is not excessive viz--viz the period of service during the year; and d) Casual leave Account should be closed on the transfer of a Government Servant from the department/office or from one section/branch to another in the same department, signed by the sanctioning authority and transferred immediately to the department/office or section/branch to which the officer is transferred.


(extract taken from Manual of Secretariat Instructions)

NOTE:-Government servants are not entitled to casual leave as of right. The casual leave is granted to them by way of grace to enable Govt. servants to attend to their private affairs of casual nature.


CHAPTER-1 GENERAL 1.1 SHORT TITLE-----These rules may be called the Punjab Civil Services Pension rules. 1.2 Commencement------These rules shall have effect from the 14th October, 1955. 1.3 Extent of application_---------(I) subject to the provisions of rule 1.5, unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided these rules shall apply to all government servants under the rule making control of the Government of the Punjab. 1.4 Deleted 1.5 These rules shall not apply to:(i) Government servants paid from contingencies or borne on Work-charged Establishment; (j) Government engaged on contract which contains no stipulation for pension under these rules; (k) Any person for whose appointment and conditions of service, special provision is made by or under any law for the time being in force; (l) Any Government servant or class of Government servants who may be excluded by a competent authority from the application of these rules; (m) Any Government servant who holds a post which has been declared by a competent authority to be non-pensionable; (n) Any person whose whole-time is not retained for public service but is merely paid for work done, such as Government Pleaders and law Officers not debarred from private practice; (o) Any person who is not paid from the provincial consolidated fund, but is paid from a fund held by Government as a Trustee, or from a local fund or is remunerated by fees for the grant of a tenure of land or of any other source of revenue or of a right to collect money. 1.7 In any case where pension or gratuity is not admissible under these rules, a competent authority may grant a pension which will, not save in most exceptional circumstances,

exceed (Rs.300) a month or a gratuity not exceeding the equivalent value of that amount; provided that the general spirit of the rules is observed. 1.8 (a)Good conduct is an implied condition of every kind of pension. Government may withhold or withdraw a pension or any pat of it if the pensioner be convicted of serious crime or be found to have been guilty of grave misconduct either during or after the completion of his service, provided that before any order to this effect is issued(the pension sanctioning authority shall give full opportunity to the pensioner to vindicate his position. (b)Government reserves to themselves the right of recovery from the pension of Government pensioner on account of losses found in judicial or departmental proceedings to have been caused to Government by the negligence, or fraud of such Government pensioner during his service, provided that such departmental proceedings shall not be instituted after more than a year from the date of retirement of the Government pensioner. @@[Note-If the departmental proceedings are not completed within one year after retirement of the government servant, he may be allowed to draw up to 80% or less of full pension so as to ensure that government loss in full is recovered from the balance. In the case of judicial proceedings, judgment of the court may be awaited, if the proceedings are delayed beyond one year after retirement, reduced pension may be allowed as in the case of pensioners facing departmental proceedings] added vide notification No. FD(SR-III)4-1/89 dated 1st of March, 1992. In case the amount of pension granted to a Government servant be afterwards found to be in excess of that to which he is entitled under the rules, he shall be called upon to refund such excess. 1.9 No pension may be granted to a Government servant dismissed or removed for misconduct, corruption, subversive activities or inefficiency, but, if he deserves special consideration he may be granted a compassionate allowance not exceeding 2/3 rd of the pension which would have been admissible to him had he retired on invalid pension. 1.10 Any of these rules may for reasons to be recorded in writing be relaxed in individual cases by a competent authority if it is satisfied that a strict application of the rules will cause hardship to the individual.


2.1 Conditions of Qualifications----The service of a Government servant does not qualify for pension unless it conforms to the following three conditions:FirstSecond ThirdThe service must be under Government. The service must not be non-pensionable. The service must be paid by Government from the Provincial Consolidated Fund. Note2) Service rendered after retirement on superannuation pension/retiring pension shall not count for pension or gratuity. 2.2 Beginning of service:- Subject to any special rules, the service of a Government servant begins to qualify for pension when he takes over charge of the post to which he is first appointed. 2.3 Temporary and officiating service: Temporary and officiating service shall count for pension as indicated below:(i) Government servants borne on temporary establishment who have rendered more than five years continuous temporary service shall count such service for the purpose of pension or gratuity; and (ii) temporary and officiating service followed by confirmation shall also count for pension or gratuity. 2.4 Service in a temporary post on abolition of a permanent postIf a permanent post on which a Government servant holds a lien, is abolished under circumstances entitling him to get a compensation pension or gratuity, his service thereafter in a temporary post under Government qualifies for pension.

2.5 Apprentices and probationers--(1) One-half of the period of apprenticeship qualifies for pension. (2) The service of a probationer who is subsequently confirmed in a permanent post without interruption qualifies for pension. 2.6 Training-The time spent by a Government servant in an approved training shall count as service qualifying for pension. NOTE:-The period of training before actual appointment to Government service shall not count for pension. 2.7 Leave:- All leave(other than Extraordinary Leave-Leave without pay) counts as qualifying service for purpose of pension. 2.8 Military Service: Military pensionable service, rendered after attaining the age of 20-years, which terminates before a pension has been earned in respect of it, when followed by civil pensionable service, counts as part of such service provided that any bonus or gratuity received in lieu of pension on or since discharge from military service shall be refunded in lump sum or in monthly installments not exceeding 36. The military service of the individual concerned and the amount of gratuity paid to him should be verified by reference to the Controller of Military Accounts. (3) Service rendered in the Armed Forces by an officer inducted in Basic Pay Scale 17 on regular basis shall count towards civil pension. (4) Service rendered in the Armed Forces by an officer of the rank of Major and equivalent inducted in Basic Pay Scale 18 after retiring from the Armed Forces on completion of the prescribed age or service shall not count towards civil pension. Such officer shall continue to draw his military pension and his service in the civil post shall count towards gratuity or pension, as the case may be] 2.9 DeputationTime spent by a Government servant, holding pensionable post on deputation to (1) another Government, (2) foreign service, or (3) service in a temporary or non-pensionable post under Government counts for pension as if it were a time spent under the Government. 2.10 Suspension:- If a Government servant is suspended from service pending enquiry into his conduct, the period of suspension counts for pension if it is immediately followed by reinstatement, [regardless of the fact whether the government servant was or was not allowed full pay and allowances for the period of suspension. However, if the period of suspension is treated as extraordinary leave, it shall not count for pension] PENSION ARE DIVIDED INTO FOUR CLASSES:(A) COMPENSATION PENSION (B) INVALID PENSION (C) SUPERANNUATION PESNION (D) RETIRING PENSION. NOTE: A government servant can ask for retirement only after completion of 25 years of qualifying service. NOTE:-ALL OTHER RULES CAN BE CONSULTED WITH THE HELP OF PUNJAB ESTACODE. COMPOSED BY:COMPOSED FOR THE COLLEGE COMMUNITY:COMPOSED BY:-


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