intelligence among university students. WLEIS consists of 16 items and gives individuals’
knowledge about their own emotional abilities rather than their actual capacities. Specifically, the WLEIS
is a measure of beliefs concerning self-emotional appraisal (SEA) (e.g. “I have a good sense of why I have
certain feelings most of the time”), others’ emotional appraisal (OEA) (e.g. “I always know my friends’
emotions from their behavior”), regulation of emotion (ROE) (e.g. “I always set goals for myself and then
try my best to achieve them”), and use of emotion (UOE) (e.g. “I am able to control my temper and handle
difficulties rationally”). WLEIS is a seven point Liker-type scale ranging from one (strongly disagree) to
seven (strongly agree). Psychometric properties (i.e., reliability, factorial, convergent and predictive
validity) of the WLEIS suggests that this scale is reliable and valid self-report measure of the ability to
monitor and manage emotions
Emotional intelligence and self-esteem among university students. Pearson correlation was used
to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-esteem among university students.
The person correlation for EIS and RSS was found 0.82*** which indicates that both variables are highly
positively correlated
Sample was collected from Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus, Islamic International
University Rawalpindi, Preston University and Fatima Jinnah Women University. Researchers got
permission from authorities of concerned institutions. Participants were briefed about the purpose of the
current study. They were assured of the confidentiality of the information that they were going to provide
as it would only be used for research purpose. Informed consent was taken through form the participants.
They were instructed to fill the questionnaires with great care and not to omit any of the items in the
questionnaires. Data was collected in 6 weeks.
RESULTS Proposed statistical analysis
Demographic sheet
Demographic sheet was design to obtain information about participants. Demographic sheet
includes name, age, gender, birth order, monthly income and head of the family
Informed constant was design to get permission from the participants about their participation in the
study. Participants were debriefed about the study and they were assured about confidentially issues.
Basic descriptive statistics
Correlation PSN Product Moment Correlation analysis will be used to analyze the data.
After collecting the data and analyzing the data by using SPSS Software, there will be two
outcomes. Firstly, either our null hypothesis will be rejected or our null hypothesis will be accepted. So,
all the discussion will be discussed after results.
The present research was conducted to explore relationship between Emotional intelligence and
self-esteem. Furthermore the research was intended to assess the gender effect on Emotional intelligence
and self-esteem. Emotional intelligence among university students was measured by using Wong and law
scale of emotional intelligence and for assessing self-esteem among university students Rosenberg scale
for self-esteem was used.
• Sample size is not large enough to generalized finding on the whole population of university
students. • Sample was selected from only Rawalpindi and Islamabad universities. So sample is not the
representative of all Pakistani university students.
• Although researcher tried her level best to control all the exogenous variables but some
exogenous variables are very difficult to control like mood and mental states which may affect results of
the study.
• Further studies on emotional intelligence and self-esteem can include other variables like family
and school environment etc.
• Population of the study include only university students. Next level studies can be done by having
urban sample as well where literacy rate is very low.
The study was conducted to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-
esteem among university students. This study can be very useful in following ways As it has been proved
in the study that emotional intelligence is positively related with self-esteem among university students.
Further researcher can consider its finding for future studies Interventions can be made to increase the
selfesteem of students which will have positive effects on their emotional intelligence. Research has high
significance in educational and job environment as students and workers can benefit from the finding that
demonstrate that high emotional intelligent leads to high self-esteem so people can get rid the problems
with their self by behaving in a more emotionally mature ways this in turns will increase the academic
achievements and work productivity. Study findings can be implemented in counselling settings. Clients
can be made aware that how low self-esteem can contribute to their psychological problems and how
becoming more emotional intelligent can overcome their psychological issues.