Prototype-Dlp in Eng 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

Weekly Prototype Plan for Grade 7 English

Quarter 2- Competency 1-Week 1
MELC: Use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic and levels of difficulty of short texts listened to. EN7LC-II-a-6
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I. Objectives  draw out the  draw out the  determine the  determine the HOME-ROOM
A. Knowledge message of the message of the purpose of purpose of your GUIDANCE
B. Skills song listened song listened to; your listening; listening; -Preparation of
C. Attitude/Values to;  predict content of get the gist of get the gist of a Lesson Plans,
 predict the selection a short video short video on Checking and
content of the listened to base on on a particular a particular Recording
selection skimming the scene that scene that Student’s
listened to questions first; caught your caught your Outputs/
base on interest; and, interest; and, Activities/
skimming the  share  share Performance
questions first; experiences experiences Tasks’ scores.
related to the related to the -Facilitate in the
material material classroom
listened to. listened to. enhancement/
3. Subject Matter Using Listening Using Listening Using Listening Using Listening
Strategies Based Strategies Based Strategies Based Strategies Based
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Region VII-Central Visayas

on Purpose on Purpose on Purpose on Purpose

4. References ⮚ “Listening ⮚ “Listening “Listening “Listening
Comprehensio Comprehension: Comprehensio Comprehension
n: Listening Listening n: Listening : Listening
Strategies - Strategies - Strategies - Strategies -
Learning ...” Learning ...” Learning ...” Learning ...”
Accessed June Accessed June 17, Accessed June Accessed June
17, ⮚ 2020.https:// 17, 17,
⮚ 2020.https:// www.learning- 2020.https:// 2020.https://
www.learning- english- www.learning www.learning-
english- -english- english- listeningcomprehe
listeningcompr nsion/listening- listeningcomp listeningcompr
ehension/ strategies/. rehension/ ehension/
listening- ⮚ “Listening listening- listening-
strategies/. Comprehension: strategies/. strategies/.
⮚ “Listening Listening “Listening “Listening
Comprehensio Strategies - Comprehensio Comprehension
n: Listening Learning ...” n: Listening : Listening
Strategies - Accessed June 17, Strategies - Strategies -
Learning ...” ⮚ 2020.https:// Learning ...” Learning ...”
Accessed June www.learning- Accessed June Accessed June
17, english- 17, 17,
⮚ 2020.https:// 2020.https:// 2020.https://
www.learning- listeningcomprehe www.learning www.learning-
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english- nsion/listening- -english- english- strategies/.
listeningcompr ⮚ “Five Essential listeningcomp listeningcompr
ehension/ Listening Skills rehension/ ehension/
listening- for English listening- listening-
strategies/. Learners ...” strategies/. strategies/.
⮚ “Five Essential Accessed June 17, “Five “Five Essential
Listening 2020. Essential Listening Skills
Skills for ⮚ https:// Listening for English
English www.britishcounc Skills for Learners ...”
Learners ...” English Accessed June
Accessed June magazine/five- Learners ...” 17, 2020.
17, 2020. essential- Accessed June https://
⮚ https:// listening- 17, 2020. www.britishco
www.britishco skillsenglish- https:// learners. www.britishc voices-
voices- ⮚ “Listening with a magazine/five-
magazine/five- Purpose: 7 Types voices- essential-
essential- of ESL magazine/ listening-
listening- Activities.” five-essential- skillsenglish-
skillsenglish- Accessed June 17, listening- learners.
learners. 2020. skillsenglish- “Listening with
⮚ “Listening ⮚ https:// learners. a Purpose: 7
with a “Listening Types of ESL
Purpose: 7 17878-esl- with a Activities.”
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Types of ESL listening- Purpose: 7 Accessed June

Activities.” activities-7- Types of ESL 17, 2020.
Accessed June types.html. Activities.” https://
17, 2020. ⮚ “Kyla - I Don't Accessed June busyteacher.or
⮚ https:// Want You To Go 17, 2020. g/17878-esl-
busyteacher.or Lyrics | https:// listening-
g/17878-esl- MetroLyrics.” busyteacher.or activities-7-
listening- Accessed June 17, g/17878-esl- types.html.
activities-7- 2020. listening- “Kyla - I Don't
types.html. ⮚ https:// activities-7- Want You To
⮚ “Kyla - I Don't www.metrolyrics. types.html. Go Lyrics |
Want You To com/i-dont-want- “Kyla - I MetroLyrics.”
Go Lyrics | you-to-go-lyrics- Don't Want Accessed June
MetroLyrics.” kyla.html. You To Go 17, 2020.
Accessed June ⮚ 17 Lyrics | https://
17, 2020. ⮚ “Free Vectors, MetroLyrics.” www.metrolyri
⮚ https:// Stock Photos & Accessed June
www.metrolyr PSD Downloads | 17, 2020. want-you-to- Freepik.” https:// go-lyrics-
want-you-to- Accessed June 17, www.metrolyr kyla.html.
go-lyrics- 2020. 17
kyla.html. ⮚ https:// dont-want- “Free Vectors,
⮚ 17 you-to-go- Stock Photos &
⮚ “Free Vectors, /. lyrics- PSD
Stock Photos ⮚ “Teaching kyla.html. Downloads |
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& PSD Resources & 17 Freepik.”

Downloads | Lesson Plans | “Free Vectors, Accessed June
Freepik.” Teachers Pay Stock Photos 17, 2020.
Accessed June Teachers.” & PSD https://
17, 2020. Accessed June 17, Downloads | www.freepik.c
⮚ https:// ⮚ 2020. Freepik.” om/.
www.freepik.c https://www.teach Accessed June “Teaching
om/. 17, 2020. Resources &
⮚ “Teaching m/. https:// Lesson Plans |
Resources & www.freepik. Teachers Pay
Lesson Plans | com/. Teachers.”
Teachers Pay “Teaching Accessed June
Teachers.” Resources & 17,
Accessed June Lesson Plans | 2020.
17, Teachers Pay https://www.te
⮚ 2020. Teachers.” acherspayteach
https://www.te Accessed June
acherspayteac 17, 2020.
5. Procedure
A. Preparation Instruction: Read the Instruction: Read the Activity 1: Let the Activity 1: Let the
(Introductory Activity, statements carefully. statements carefully. Music Play Music Play
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Region VII-Central Visayas

Drill, Review of Past Write TRUE if the Write TRUE if the Songs play different Songs play different
Lesson, Motivation) statement is correct statement is correct and roles in our lives. roles in our lives.
5 minutes and write FALSE if it is Sometimes, it allows Sometimes, it allows
write FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your us to express what us to express what
incorrect. Write your answers in your English we feel. It can also we feel. It can also
answers in your notebook. help us to reminisce help us to reminisce
English notebook. 1. We always understand our childhood our childhood
1. We always what we listen to. memories or other memories or other
understand what we 2. When we listen, we remarkable remarkable
listen to. listen to every word that experiences. experiences.
2. When we listen, we the speaker is saying. Depending on how Depending on how the
listen to every word 3. We can predict or the song relates to song relates to what
that the speaker is guess the topic that the what we feel at the we feel at the moment,
saying. speaker is sharing based moment, we we
3. We can predict or on the can have different can have different
guess the topic that words that he or she uses. interpretation on a interpretation on a
the speaker is sharing 4. We use our prior same song. same song.
based on the knowledge when we try For this activity, you For this activity, you
words that he or she to understand the are now going to are now going to listen
uses. message of the listen to a song, read to a song, read its
4. We use our prior speaker or the material its lyrics, and may lyrics, and may
knowledge when we we listen to. choose to do any of choose to do any of the
try to understand the 5. It is important to listen the following: following:
message of the to the whole material to 1. Jot down the words 1. Jot down the words
speaker or the get the message of the that caught your that caught your
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material we listen to. speaker. attention; attention;

5. It is important to 6. We only listen when 2. Write vocabulary 2. Write vocabulary
listen to the whole we want to. words which may words which may
material to get the 7. When we are listening represent the emotion represent the emotion
message of the to something and we do that you feel as that you feel as
speaker. not understand it, we you listen to the song; you listen to the song;
6. We only listen should 3. Draw images 3. Draw images which
when we want to. not listen to it anymore. which could represent could represent the
7. When we are 8. Listening to the the message of the message of the song;
listening to something material once is enough song; 4. Enumerate as many
and we do not to understand its content. 4. Enumerate as feelings that the song
understand it, we 9. We should take note many feelings that the may draw out from
should when we listen. song may draw out you; and,
not listen to it 10.Listening is very from you; and, 5. Write your
anymore. important in good 5. Write your responses in your
8. Listening to the communication. responses in your notebook.
material once is 11.We listen to notebook.
enough to understand understand.
its content. 12.We should prepare
9. We should take ourselves before listening
note when we listen. to something or someone.
10.Listening is very 13.We should ignore
important in good words that are less
communication. important when we are
11.We listen to listening.
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Region VII-Central Visayas

understand. 14.When we listen to

12.We should prepare conversations, the words
ourselves before that people use help us to
listening to something infer
or someone. the type of relationship
13.We should ignore they have with one
words that are less another.
important when we 15.We will not
are listening. experience problems
14.When we listen to when we listen.
conversations, the
words that people use
help us to infer
the type of
relationship they have
with one another.
15.We will not
experience problems
when we listen.
B. Presentation I Don’t Want You to I Don’t Want You to I Don’t Want You to I Don’t Want You to
(Activity, Analysis) Go Go Go Go
(Music version: by
(Music version: by (Music version: by (Music version: by
15 minutes Kyla; Kyla; Kyla; Kyla;
https://www.metrolyri https://www.metrolyri https://www.metrolyr https://www.metrolyri
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you-to-go-lyrics- you-to-go-lyrics- you-to-go-lyrics- you-to-go-lyrics-

kyla.html) kyla.html) kyla.html) kyla.html)
Here I am
Here I am Here I am Here I am
Alone and I don't
Alone and I don't understand Alone and I don't Alone and I don't
understand Exactly how it all understand understand
Exactly how it all began Exactly how it all Exactly how it all
began The dream just walked began began
The dream just The dream just The dream just walked
I'm holding on
walked away walked away away
When all but the
I'm holding on passion's gone I'm holding on I'm holding on
And from the start
When all but the When all but the When all but the
passion's gone Maybe I was tryin' to passion's gone passion's gone
And from the start It's crazy coz it's And from the start And from the start
Maybe I was tryin' to breakin' my heart Maybe I was tryin' to Maybe I was tryin' to
hard Things can fall apart hard hard
but I know
It's crazy coz it's That I don't want you It's crazy coz it's It's crazy coz it's
breakin' my heart breakin' my heart breakin' my heart
to go
Things can fall apart And heroes die Things can fall apart Things can fall apart
but I know When they ignore the but I know but I know
cause inside
That I don't want you That I don't want you That I don't want you
But they learn from
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Region VII-Central Visayas

to go what's left behind to go to go

And fight for
And heroes die And heroes die And heroes die
something else
When they ignore the And so it goes When they ignore the When they ignore the
cause inside That we have both cause inside cause inside
But they learn from learned how to grow But they learn from But they learn from
what's left behind (Repeat) what's left behind what's left behind
Oh it's just too much
And fight for Takin' all the whole And fight for And fight for
something else something else something else
world all by myself
And so it goes But it's not enough And so it goes And so it goes
Unless I stop trusting
That we have both That we have both That we have both
somebody else
learned how to grow learned how to grow learned how to grow
Somebody else
(Repeat) And love again (Repeat) (Repeat)
Oh it's just too much And from the start Oh it's just too much Oh it's just too much
Maybe we were tryin'
Takin' all the whole to hard Takin' all the whole Takin' all the whole
world all by myself It's crazy coz it's world all by myself world all by myself
But it's not enough breakin' our hearts But it's not enough But it's not enough
Things can fall apart
Unless I stop trusting Unless I stop trusting Unless I stop trusting
but I know
somebody else somebody else somebody else
That I don't want you
Somebody else to go, no Somebody else Somebody else
Maybe we were tryin'
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Region VII-Central Visayas

And love again to hard And love again And love again
It's crazy coz it's
And from the start And from the start And from the start
breakin' our hearts
Maybe we were tryin' Things can fall apart Maybe we were tryin' Maybe we were tryin'
to hard but I know to hard to hard
It's crazy coz it's That I don't want you It's crazy coz it's It's crazy coz it's
breakin' our hearts to go breakin' our hearts breakin' our hearts
Oh no, don't want you
Things can fall apart to go Things can fall apart Things can fall apart
but I know but I know but I know
Are you familiar with
That I don't want you the song? That I don't want you That I don't want you
to go, no __________________ to go, no to go, no
Maybe we were tryin' Maybe we were tryin' Maybe we were tryin'
to hard ___ . to hard to hard
What is the message of
It's crazy coz it's the song? It's crazy coz it's It's crazy coz it's
breakin' our hearts __________________ breakin' our hearts breakin' our hearts
Things can fall apart __________________ Things can fall apart Things can fall apart
but I know . but I know but I know
That I don't want you That I don't want you That I don't want you
to go to go to go
Oh no, don't want you Oh no, don't want you Oh no, don't want you
to go to go to go
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Region VII-Central Visayas

Are you familiar with Are you familiar with Are you familiar with
the song? the song? the song?
__________________ _________________ __________________
__________________ _________________ __________________
___ . _____ . ___ .
What is the message What is the message What is the
of the song? of the song? message of the
__________________ _________________ song?
__________________ _________________ _______________
. __ . _______________
______ .
C. Abstraction Write TRUE if you Write TRUE if you agree Self-work. Do the Self-work. Do the
(Discussion) agree with the with the statement and following tasks. following tasks.
10 minutes statement and FALSE FALSE if you disagree. 1. Choose a line 1. Choose a line from
if you disagree. ________ 1. The speaker from the song that the song that has a
________ 1. The expresses the pain of has a great impact great impact on you.
speaker expresses the letting go. on you. 2. Share a story or
pain of letting go. ________ 2. The speaker 2. Share a story or real-life experiences
________ 2. The has let go of the real-life you encountered which
speaker has let go of relationship. experiences you you could relate
the relationship. ________ 3. The speaker encountered which to the song.
________ 3. The is aware of how things you could relate
speaker is aware of will go in the end. to the song.
how things will go in ________ 4. The speaker
the end. and the beloved have
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Region VII-Central Visayas

________ 4. The grown by letting go.

speaker and the ________ 5. The speaker
beloved have grown is ready to love again.
by letting go.
________ 5. The
speaker is ready to
love again.
D. Practice Activity 1. Self- Activity 1. Self- Activity 1. Self- Activity 1. Self-
(Application) Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
10 minutes Let us check how Let us check how good Let us check how Let us check how good
good you are in you are in extracting the good you are in you are in extracting
extracting the important details in a extracting the the important details in
important details in selection important details in a selection
a selection you are about to listen. a selection you are about to listen.
you are about to 1. Find a news report you are about to 1. Find a news report
listen. from YouTube, radio, or listen. from YouTube, radio,
1. Find a news report television. 1. Find a news or television.
from YouTube, A. Cite the details of the report from A. Cite the details of
radio, or television. news: YouTube, radio, or the news:
A. Cite the details of a. When was it aired? television. a. When was it aired?
the news: ____________________ A. Cite the details of __________________
a. When was it ____________ the news: ______________
aired? b. Name of the station. a. When was it b. Name of the station.
__________________ ____________________ aired? __________________
______________ ___________ _________________ _____________
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b. Name of the 11 _______________ 11

station. 2. Write the important b. Name of the 2. Write the important
__________________ details from the news. station. details from the news.
_____________ a. What is the event? _________________ a. What is the event?
11 b. Who are the people ______________ b. Who are the people
2. Write the involved? 11 involved?
important details c. When did it happen? 2. Write the c. When did it happen?
from the news. d. Where did it happen? important details d. Where did it
a. What is the event? e. Why did it happen? from the news. happen?
b. Who are the f. How did it happen? a. What is the e. Why did it happen?
people involved? event? f. How did it happen?
c. When did it b. Who are the
happen? people involved?
d. Where did it c. When did it
happen? happen?
e. Why did it d. Where did it
happen? happen?
f. How did it e. Why did it
happen? happen?
f. How did it
2. Evaluation Answer the questions Answer the questions Answer the questions Answer the questions
(Assessment) given below. While given below. While given below. While given below. While
15 minutes listening, apply the listening, apply the listening, apply the listening, apply the
strategies that you strategies that you strategies that you strategies that you
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Region VII-Central Visayas

have learned. You can have learned. You can have learned. You have learned. You can
read the questions first read the questions first can read the questions read the questions first
before listening to the before listening to the first before listening before listening to the
audio. audio. to the audio. audio.
1. What does COVID 1. What does COVID - 1. What does COVID 1. What does COVID -
- 19 stand for? What 19 stand for? What is this - 19 stand for? What 19 stand for? What is
is this virus? virus? is this virus? this virus?
2. Who is the speaker 2. Who is the speaker of 2. Who is the speaker 2. Who is the speaker
of the topic “COVID the topic “COVID 19 of the topic “COVID of the topic “COVID
19 virus”? virus”? 19 virus”? 19 virus”?
3. What are the two 3. What are the two other 3. What are the two 3. What are the two
other corona viruses corona viruses that cause other corona viruses other corona viruses
that cause forms of forms of common colds? that cause forms of that cause forms of
common colds? 4. Is corona virus the common colds? common colds?
4. Is corona virus the worst virus compared to 4. Is corona virus the 4. Is corona virus the
worst virus compared those that occurred worst virus compared worst virus compared
to those that occurred before? Explain to those that occurred to those that occurred
before? Explain your answer. before? Explain before? Explain
your answer. 5. According to the your answer. your answer.
5. According to the speaker, should people 5. According to the 5. According to the
speaker, should panic with the occurrence speaker, should speaker, should people
people panic with the of this virus? people panic with the panic with the
occurrence of this Yes or No. Why? occurrence of this occurrence of this
virus? 6. What is the similarity virus? virus?
Yes or No. Why? between COVID - 19 and Yes or No. Why? Yes or No. Why?
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Region VII-Central Visayas

6. What is the influenza? 6. What is the 6. What is the

similarity between 7. What hampers the similarity between similarity between
COVID - 19 and development of the COVID - 19 and COVID - 19 and
influenza? vaccine for COVID -19? influenza? influenza?
7. What hampers the 8. What are used as 7. What hampers the 7. What hampers the
development of the models to test the development of the development of the
vaccine for COVID - developed vaccine? vaccine for COVID - vaccine for COVID -
19? 9. What do we need to 19? 19?
8. What are used as understand in the 8. What are used as 8. What are used as
models to test the development of its models to test the models to test the
developed vaccine? vaccine? developed vaccine? developed vaccine?
9. What do we need to 9. What do we need 9. What do we need to
understand in the to understand in the understand in the
development of its development of its development of its
vaccine? vaccine? vaccine?
3. Assignment/Enrichment Activity 4: Add and Activity 4: Add and Activity 4: Add and Activity 4: Add and
5 minutes Compare Compare Compare Compare
1. Listen to any news 1. Listen to any news 1. Listen to any news 1. Listen to any news
about COVID – 19 in about COVID – 19 in about COVID – 19 in about COVID – 19 in
your own locality. your own locality. your own locality. your own locality.
Identify the important Identify the important Identify the important Identify the important
details from the news. details from the news. details from the news. details from the news.
(What, who, when, (What, who, when, (What, who, when, (What, who, when,
where, why and how) where, why and how) where, why and how) where, why and how)
2. Ask one of your 2. Ask one of your family 2. Ask one of your 2. Ask one of your
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family members about members about his/her family members family members about
his/her idea about the idea about the current about his/her idea his/her idea about the
current status of status of about the current current status of
your barangay your barangay regarding status of your barangay
regarding COVID- 19 COVID- 19 situations. your barangay regarding COVID- 19
situations. Ask if Ask if he/she knows if regarding COVID- 19 situations. Ask if
he/she knows if there there are situations. Ask if he/she knows if there
are existing cases in your he/she knows if there are
existing cases in your area or if some are badly are existing cases in your
area or if some are affected by the pandemic. existing cases in your area or if some are
badly affected by the area or if some are badly affected by the
pandemic. badly affected by the pandemic.

Prepared by:


Teacher I-Carnaza NHS
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

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