Lab Report 1 DENSITY
Lab Report 1 DENSITY
Lab Report 1 DENSITY
Statement of inquiry: Scientists observe natural phenomena and relate them to their
experiments, generating knowledge that is used to develop products that have
consequences in society.
We will carry out experiments to apply the scientific method and analyze the assessment criteria
B and C.
Command Terms:
State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.
Command Terms:
Outline: Give a brief account or summary.
Discuss: Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or
hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate
Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.
There is a measuring cylinder with a determinate amount of salt and we throw a small cube of
a specific weight into the water. Everytime we increase the amount of salt in the water it takes
a different amount of time for the cube to sink
Does the density of the water affect how long it takes for the cube to sink?
ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning.
Summarize your hypothesis regarding the effect of the density of water on the rate at which
something sinks, justify it using scientific reasoning.
If the water is denser, then the cube will take longer to sink because if the water is denser, it
means that the particles in the water are closer to one another, and that will make the space
between them smaller, not allowing the cube to sink that easily
iii. describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how sufficient, relevant data will be
Describe how you will manipulate the independent variables (IDVs) and dependent variables
(DVs) (also indicate the variables and justify why are independent or dependent). Describe how
you will collect data related with these variables.
IV: Density
DV: Time
CV: Weight
-To manipulate the independent variable, we will add 2 more grams of salt each time to
increase the density. We will do multiple rounds until the cube floats.
- To manipulate the dependent variable, we will time how much it takes for the cube in each
round to sink depending on the density of the water
- To manipulate the controllable variable we will choose a cube of a determinate weight, and
depending on the weight of the cube we choose it will affect the results of the experiment.
iv. design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and
Design your experiment, indicating materials and equipment used, quantities of materials, the
steps you will do to make the experiment and the precautions and safety equipment you´ll use
(you can use drawings or pictures to clarify the protocol).
- Salt
- Water
- Cube
- Beacker
- Measuring cylinder
- Spatula
- Timer
- Electronic balance
-watch glass
- Pippette
1- Fill a measuring cylinder with 100ml of water and use a pippete for more accurate
2- Throw the cube into the water while timing how much it takes for it to reach the bottom of
the measuring cylinder
3- Weight 2g of salt using an electronic balance and a watch glass
4- put the salt into a beacker
5- Add the 100ml of water and mix with a spatula
6- Pour the mix into the measuring cylinder again
7- Throw the cube into the water while timing how much it takes for it to reach the bottom of
the measuring cylinder
*Repeat the process from step 2 multiple times until the cube floats*
Safety measures
- wear a lab coat
- make sure not to spill anything
i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
Correctly collect, organize, transform and present data related with the independent and
dependent variables. You can use tables, graphs and/or drawings.
Time vs density
ii. accurately interpret data and describe results using correct scientific reasoning
Accurately interpret data shown in the previous point (i) and describe your results: write down
an analysis about what you obtained from your experiments depending on the variables and
the procedure you used.
The results show there was an increasement in the time taken for the cube to sink everytime
we added more acid.
In some points such as from 6g to 8g and from 10g to 12g there is a decreasment which
shouldn’t be there. This might have happened because duuring the experiment there was
some accidental spilling that may have altered the outcome of the experiment.
iii. discuss the validity of your hypothesis based on the outcome of your scientific investigation.
Depending on the results you obtained from your experiments, discuss the validity of the
hypothesis you´ve made in PART 1. ii.
The results show the hypothesis was correct because, everytime we added more salt it took
longer for the cube to sink due to the increasement of the water’s density.
iv. discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
Depending on the outcome of your experiments, discuss if your methods were valid to achieve
your objective/s. (Try to include arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions
should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence)
1- Fill a measuring cylinder with 100ml of water and use a pippete for more accurate
2- Weight 2g of salt using an electronic balance and a watch glass
3- put the salt into a beacker
4- Add the 100ml of water and mix with a spatula until it completely dissolves
5- Pour the mix into the measuring cylinder again
6- Throw the cube into the water from the same height while timing how much it takes for it to
reach the bottom of the measuring cylinder
*Repeat the process from step 2 multiple times until the cube floats*
-not measuring super precisely
v. describe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific
Analyzing your experiments and results, detail how you would improve them in order to
benefit your investigation.