IHS Markit Indonesia Manufacturing PMI™
IHS Markit Indonesia Manufacturing PMI™
IHS Markit Indonesia Manufacturing PMI™
IHS Markit
Indonesia Manufacturing PMI™
Indonesia PMI hits record high
Employment stabilises 40
Fastest rise in input costs since October 2018 30
The Indonesia manufacturing PMI posted its highest reading in a Source: IHS Markit.
decade of data collection during March amid sharp accelerations
in rates of growth in output and new orders. There were signs
of emerging pressure on capacity, which led firms to stabilise
employment. Comment
Meanwhile, higher raw material costs and supply-chain
disruption led to a further acceleration in the pace of input price Commenting on the latest survey results, Andrew Harker,
inflation, but firms raised their own selling prices at a softer Economics Director at IHS Markit, said:
pace. “The Indonesian manufacturing sector ended the first
The IHS Markit Indonesia Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ quarter of the year on a high, with firms ramping up
Index™ (PMI™) posted 53.2 in March, up from 50.9 in February production in response to the strongest influx of new orders
and the highest reading since the survey began in April 2011. in the decade-long survey so far. These positive results add to
The index signalled a solid improvement in business conditions hopes that the sector is on a fast upward trajectory, with the
which outpaced the previous survey peak seen in June and July obvious caveat that the COVID-19 pandemic could hit back at
2014. any time.
The record improvement in the health of the sector was "Signs of pressure on capacity meant that employment
registered thanks to accelerated growth of new orders and stabilised in March, and if trends in workloads remain
output, both of which increased to the greatest extent in the positive we can expect outright employment growth in the
decade-long survey so far. near future."
higher sales and marketing efforts were all projected to support Indonesia Manufacturing PMI Employment Index
sa, >50 = growth since previous month
output growth.
The sharp increase in new orders imparted pressure on operating
capacity in March. Backlogs of work rose for the first time in 21 50
months. In response, firms paused job shedding, following 12
successive months of employment reductions. 45
Andrew Harker Joanna Vickers
Economics Director Corporate Communications
IHS Markit IHS Markit
T: +44 1491 461 016 T: +44 207 260 2234
andrew.harker@ihsmarkit.com joanna.vickers@ihsmarkit.com
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