Topic 4 System Software

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Celine Alynna M.

Christian C. Reyes
Gavin Collin S. Travilla

o To cite the importance of system software

o To discuss the difference of system and
application software
o To identify the five types of system software
o To determine the functions of operating system
o To understand the utilities and utilities suites

System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a

computer's hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer
system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the
hardware and user applications. The operating system is the best-known example
of system software. The OS manages all the other programs in a computer.

System software is used to manage the computer itself. It runs in the background,
maintaining the computer's basic functions so users can run higher-level
application software to perform certain tasks. Essentially, system software provides
a platform for application software to be run on top of.
Important Features
of System Software
Computer manufacturers usually
develop the system software as an
integral part of the computer. The
primary responsibility of this
software is to create an interface
between the computer hardware
they manufacture and the end user
Important Features of System Software
High speed. System
Close to the system. It connects
software must be as directly to the hardware that
efficient as possible to enables the computer to run.

A provide an effective
platform for higher-level Written in a low-level computer

language. System software must be
software in the computer written in a computer language the
system central processing unit (CPU) and
other computer hardware can read.

Hard to manipulate. It Versatile. System software must

often requires the use of communicate with both the specialized
hardware it runs on and the higher-level
a programming
application software that is usually
language, which is more hardware-agnostic and often has no
difficult to use than a direct connection to the hardware it
runs on. System software also must
more intuitive user support other programs that depend on
interface (UI). it as they evolve and change.
Difference between System Software &
Application Software
Application software and
System software and system software are coded
differently. System software is System software and
application programs are
written in system application software are also
the two main types of
programming languages – triggered differently. System
computer software. Unlike
such as Executive Systems software is generally
system software,
Problem Oriented Language triggered when a computer
application software –
(ESPOL)—designed to provide or device is turned on, and it
often just called an
easy access to the underlying remains on until the device is
application or app–
computer hardware. powered down. Application
performs a particular
Application programs are software is triggered by an
function for the end user.
written in general-purpose end user after the computer
Some examples of
languages, such as Pascal, is turned on. Application
application software
that enable the program to software needs system
include the following:
use the same code on software to function,
▪ web browsers
different platforms. Some whereas system software
▪ email clients
languages, such as C, are can run independently of
▪ word processors
used for both system and application software.
▪ spreadsheets
application software.
The five types of systems software are all designed to control and coordinate the
procedures and functions of computer hardware. They actually enable functional
interaction between hardware, software and the user. Systems software carries out
middleman tasks to ensure communication between other software and hardware to
allow harmonious coexistence with the user.

Systems software can be categorized under the following:

•Operating system: Harnesses communication between hardware, system programs, and
other applications.
•Device driver: Enables device communication with the OS and other programs.
•Firmware: Enables device control and identification.
•Translator: Translates high-level languages to low-level machine codes.
•Utility: Ensures optimum functionality of devices and applications.
Operating System (OS)
The operating system is a type of system software kernel
that sits between computer hardware and end user. It is
installed first on a computer to allow devices and
applications to be identified and therefore functional.
System software is the first layer of software to be
loaded into memory every time a computer is powered

Suppose a user wants to write and print a report to an

attached printer. A word processing application is
required to accomplish this task. Data input is done
using a keyboard or other input devices and then
displayed on the monitor. The prepared data is then sent
to the printer.

In order for the word processor, keyboard, and printer to

accomplish this task, they must work with the OS, which
controls input and output functions, memory
management, and printer spooling.
Device Drivers
Driver software is a type of system
software which brings computer devices Usually, the operating system
and peripherals to life. Drivers make it
possible for all connected components
ships with drivers for most
and external add-ons to perform their devices already in the market. By
intended tasks and as directed by the OS. default, input devices such as the
Without drivers, the OS would not assign mouse and keyboard will have
any duties. their drivers installed. They may
never require third-party
Examples of devices which require drivers:
installations. If a device is newer
▪ Mouse than the operating system, the
▪ Keyboard user may have to download
▪ Soundcard drivers from manufacturer
▪ Display card websites or alternative sources.
▪ Network card
▪ Printer
Firmware is the operational software
embedded within a flash, ROM, or EPROM
memory chip for the OS to identify it. It
directly manages and controls all activities
The most important firmware in
of any single hardware.
computers today is installed by the
manufacturer on the motherboard
Traditionally, firmware used to mean fixed
and can be accessed through the
software as denoted by the word firm. It
old BIOS (Basic Input/output
was installed on non-volatile chips and
System) or the new UEFI (Unified
could be upgraded only by swapping
Extended Firmware Interface)
them with new, preprogrammed chips.
platforms. It is the configuration
interface which loads first when the
This was done to differentiate them from
computer is powered up and is
high-level software, which could be
going through POST (Power on Self
updated without having to swap
components. Today, firmware is stored in
flash chips, which can be upgraded
without swapping semiconductor chips.
Programming Language Translators
These are intermediate programs relied on by software programmers to translate high-level
language source code to machine language code. The former is a collection of programming
languages that are easy for humans to comprehend and code (i.e., Java, C++, Python, PHP, BASIC).
The latter is a complex code only understood by the processor.

Popular translator languages are compilers, assemblers, and interpreters. They're usually designed
by computer manufacturers. Translator programs may perform a complete translation of program
codes or translate every other instruction at a time.

Machine code is written in a number system of base-2, written out in 0 or 1. This is the lowest level
language possible. While seemingly meaningless to humans, the zeros and ones are actually
sequenced intelligently by the processor to refer to every conceivable human code and word.

Besides simplifying the work of software developers, translators help in various design tasks, they;
o Identify syntax errors during translation, thus allowing changes to be made to the code.
o Provide diagnostic reports whenever the code rules are not followed.
o Allocate data storage for the program.
o List both source code and program details.
Utilities Examples and features of utility software include:

Utilities are types of system software which sits o Antivirus files and applications, e.g., Malwarebytes,
Microsoft Security Essentials, and AVG.
between system and application software. o Disk partition and security software for the security of
These are programs intended for diagnostic services such as Windows Disk Management, Easeus
Partition Master, and Partition Magic.
and maintenance tasks for the computer. They o Disk defragmentation to organize scattered files on the
come in handy to ensure the computer drive. Examples include Disk Defragmenter, Perfect Disk,
Disk Keeper, Comodo Free Firewall, and Little Snitch.
functions optimally. Their tasks vary from o File Compression to optimize disk space such as WinRAR,
Winzip, and 7-Zip.
crucial data security to disk drive o Data backup for security reasons, e.g., Cobian, Clonezilla,
defragmentation. and Comodo.
o Hardware diagnostic services like Hard Disk Sentinel,
Memtest, and Performance Monitor.
Most are third-party tools but they may come
o Data recovery to help get back lost data. Examples
bundled with the operating system. Third-party include iCare Data Recovery, Recuva, and EaseUs Data
Recovery Wizard.
tools are available individually or bundled o Firewall for protection against external threats, e.g.,
together such as with Hiren Boot CD, Ultimate Windows Firewall.
Boot CD, and Kaspersky Rescue Disk.
An operating system acts as an
intermediary between the user of a
computer and computer hardware. The
purpose of an operating system is to
provide an environment in which a user
can execute programs conveniently and

An operating system is software that

manages computer hardware. The
hardware must provide appropriate
mechanisms to ensure the correct
operation of the computer system and to
prevent user programs from interfering
with the proper operation of the system.
Functions of Operating System

Convenience Efficiency Ability to Throughput

An OS makes a An OS should be An OS should be
An OS allows the constructed in such a way constructed so that It
computer more computer system as to permit the effective can give maximum
convenient to resources to be
development, testing, and
throughput (Number
introduction of new system
use. used efficiently. functions at the same time of tasks per unit
without interfering with time).
Major Functionalities of Operating System
When parallel accessing happens in the OS means when multiple users are
Resource Management accessing the system the OS works as Resource Manager, Its responsibility is to
provide hardware to the user. It decreases the load in the system.

It includes various tasks like scheduling, termination of the process. OS manages

Process Management various tasks at a time. Here CPU Scheduling happens means all the tasks would
be done by the many algorithms that use for scheduling.

The file system mechanism used for the management of the storage. NIFS, CFS,
Storage Management CIFS, NFS, etc. are some file systems. All the data stores in various tracks of Hard
disks that all managed by the storage manager. It included Hard Disk.

Refers to the management of primary memory. The operating system has to

keep track, how much memory has been used and by whom. It has to decide
Memory Management which process needs memory space and how much. OS also has to allocate and
deallocate the memory space.

Security/Privacy Privacy is also provided by the Operating system by means of passwords so that
unauthorized applications can’t access programs or data. For example, Windows
Management uses Kerberos authentication to prevent unauthorized access to data.
The Operating System’s Job
The operating system (OS) manages all of the software and
hardware on the computer. It performs basic tasks such as file,
memory and process management, handling input and output,
and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and

Most of the time, there are several different computer programs

running at the same time, and they all need to access your
computer’s central processing unit (CPU), memory and storage.
The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each
program gets what it needs.

In the image above the User interfaces with the System &
Application software. The System & Application software
interfaces with the Operating System. The Operating system
interfaces with the Hardware. Each of these interfaces are two-
way transactions with each sending and receiving data.
1. Types of Operating System

Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most
individuals use the operating system that already comes with their computer
however it is possible to upgrade or change the initial operating system to suit your

Different operating systems will work in different ways. They may appear visually
different, have different terms for common functions and organize programs in
different ways. Do not be alarmed if you find yourself using a computer at university
that you are unfamiliar with – a bit of practice and you’ll be well on your way!

There are many operating systems that are available however the three most
common operating systems are Microsoft’s Windows, Apple’s macOS and Linux. In
the table, here are a few of the key differences between each system.
Types of Operating System

01 02 03
2. Programming Language Translators
Base-2, written out in 0 or 1, is the number
Software developers use these
intermediary programs to convert system used to write machine code. The
source code written in high-level most basic language is this one. The zeros
languages into code written in machine and ones, however seemingly useless to
language. The former is a group of humans, are actually organized intelligently
programming languages (such as Java, by the processor to represent every
C++, Python, PHP, and BASIC) that are
imaginable human code and word.
simple for people to understand and use
as code. The latter is a difficult code that
is only comprehended by the processor. In addition to making software development easier,
translators assist with many design chores, such as;
Compilers, assemblers, and interpreters
are examples of common translation ▪ Detect syntax mistakes during translation so that the
languages. Typically, computer makers code can be changed.
create them. Program code translators ▪ In cases where the code rules are not being followed,
can either translate all of the instructions provide diagnostic reports.
at once or the entire program. ▪ Set aside space for the program's data storage.
▪ List the program's source code as well.
3. Communication Software
Systems and applications that enable users to share files and send text, audio, and
video messages over a local network or the cloud from different devices are
collectively referred to as communications software. The most popular tools are
message, chat, and email.

Communications software is used to have remote meetings and discussions in real-

time in addition to handling daily message exchanges. To protect sensitive data,
they frequently include enterprise-grade protection across the infrastructure.
Advanced functionality like VoIP, an intranet platform, and file transfer protocol may
also be present.

Here are a few examples of communications software to help you get a better
understanding of this software area. These apps cover the whole spectrum of
services that suppliers in this market are providing.
Communication Software

Ring Central Monday. ZOHO Flock Speakap

To run any software and work on different programs, on a computer system, one needs the
operating system to work smoothly. Utility programs, as the name suggests not only help in
executing various crucial tasks for the operating system but also help in overall maintenance of the
What is a Utility Program?
Utility program is a system application that
executes a specific task, generally pertaining to
optimal maintenance or operation of the system
resources. Operating systems such as Windows,
macOS and Linux come with their own set of
utility programs to maintain and execute different
utility functions such as formatting, compressing,
scanning, exploring and much more.

In other words Utility-program definition means,

Utility programs also assists with the
management of computer functions, resources
and files. You can ensure complete password
protection and keeps your systems virus free
using different utility programs.
What are the Functions of Utility Programs?

System Utilities File Management Utilities

Some of the system utility programs are memory File management utilities include tools such as data
manager, antivirus and firewall, registry checker and archivers, software backup tools, file compression
cleaner, package installer and explorer. Also, with the tools and managers. With the help of these, users
help of such system utility program in computer, can manage their data in the form of files and
users can execute functions that are crucial for folders. These utilities help users to sort out, store
smooth running of an operating system. and categorise files according to the requirement.

Storage Device Management Utilities Miscellaneous Utilities

Storage device management utility programs provide
solutions for enhancing disk capacity, such as disk
Apart from these three utility program
clean-up, partition management, formatting, disk categories, there are various other programs
space allocation, defragmentation, etc. With the help of that help in managing business operations.
this system utility software, users can Some of these programs include data
compartmentalize systems and external drives for generators, HTML checkers and hex editors, to
efficient management of programs and files that are
stored within.
name a few.
Common Tasks Performed by Utility Programs
Disk Defragmentation
Defragmentation is a process which helps
reduce the amount of fragmentation in file
systems. Utility programs function by organizing
the disk content and storing the pieces of each
file together. It also helps create large amount
of free space using compaction to impede the
return of fragmentation. This happens when
any operating system is unable to allocate
space for storage as single unit.

Disk Clean-up
With the help of utility program in computer,
users can remove the unnecessary files that are
taking up the space in their system. The
program assists users to choose the drives,
folders or files that need to be scanned and
cleaned-up. By removing unused files, the
system will be able to increase the storage
space and optimise the overall speed of the
File Management
With the help of file management program,
users can perform various functions related to
the files saved in the system, such as
searching, renaming, opening, renaming
deleting and grouping. These functions can be
executed with the help of file management
program such as Windows Explorer. In
addition, Widows also help in keeping a track
of the root and the path of a file.

One of the biggest concerns of any computer
system is its storage space. With time, the
limited storage space in the hard disk starts
getting smaller. Therefore, with the help of
compression program such as WinZip and
WinRAR, important yet unused files can be
compressed, stored and easily extracted
when required.
Disk Management
Disk Management is one of the most vital
programs that an operating system like
Windows provides. With the help of the system
utility software and program, users can
seamlessly manage various drives such as
hard drives, optical drives, flash drives, etc. It
helps users in partitioning drives, allocating
spaces, format drives, and much more.

Antivirus and Firewall

Antivirus and firewall programs such as
Windows Defender help users protect their
computers by getting infected with viruses,
adware and malware. Firewalls prevent harmful
programs and files from entering the system
via internet or any external hardware. On the
other hand, antivirus helps in removing
malicious programs and files that have
infected the system.

● Amuno, A. (2021). The Five Types of System Software. Retrieved from
● Introduction of Operating Systems (ND). Retrieved from
● Wigmore, I. (ND). System Software. Retrieved from
● What is Utility Program and What its Functions? (ND). Retrieved form

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