Instantaneous Unit Hydro Graph
Instantaneous Unit Hydro Graph
Instantaneous Unit Hydro Graph
1 Spring 2010
Derivation of Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for a sub-basin using Linear Geomorphological Model and Geographic Information Systems R. Sudharsanan1, M. Krishnaveni2, and K. Karunakaran3
ABSTRACT Rainfall is converted into runoff and reaches the river and it becomes river flow. Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) based approach, which uses the geomorphologic parameters, is used to simulate basin runoff. Compilation of the required database consists of various geomorphic and other hydrologic characteristics used by the GIUH model is facilitated using Geographical Information System (GIS). The main aim of this study is develop 1-Hr Unit Hydrograph (UH) from the GIUH using Linear Geomorphological Model (LGM) with the help of GIS. Valliyar is one of the sub basins of Kodaiyar River Basin in Tamil Nadu, India. Valliyar is 5th order stream. Sixteen possible paths are identified for stream order 5 and block diagram for each path is prepared. The overland region for each path is delineated and measured with the help of GIS. GIUH is developed for 15 minutes time step using probability density function. Lagging the GIUH, 1-Hr Unit Hydrograph (UH) is prepared. Key Words: GIS, Linear Geomorphological Model (LGM), GIUH INTRODUCTION Water is a basic necessity for sustaining the life and development of society. The total quantum of water available is almost constant. Proper management, protection and exploitation of the water resources are the challenges imposed by the population growth. Combination of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and mathematical models provide a convenient platform for handling, compiling and presenting large amounts of spatial & attribute data essential in achieving the solution to water resources challenges. Rainfall, which is falling in the overland region, is converted into runoff and reaches the river and it becomes river flow. The geomorphological parameters of the over land region, where the rainfall is falling, plays a vital roll the quantity of runoff in the river. The main aim of this study is to develop Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) that can be used to estimate runoff at the outlet of river. The geomorphologic characteristics of a basin can easily be derived using a GIS. The paper maps, primary and secondary data are used as input to a GIS. GIS provide a digital representation of watershed characteristics, used in hydrological modeling. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL INSTANTANEOUS UNIT HYDROGRAPH (GIUH) Rainfall occurring in the overland regions is converted into runoff, which is transmitted through streams and after joining it reaches sub basin outlet. The quantity and its time
1,2,3 Centre for Water Resources, Anna University Chennai, Chennai, India 600025.
The IUH of this model (Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes, 1979) is expressed as, N 1 h(t) = (1/A) -------------------------------i=1 (1 + KiD) (1+CijD) (t) Ai ----------- (4)
Where, DDifferential Operator; CijChannel flow lag time, hr; Ai Overland area of route i, km2.
KiOverland flow lag time, hr; ATotal sub basin area, km2;
C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
C3 C3
C4 C4 C4
C5 C5 C5 C5 C5
C2 C2 C2 C3 C3
C5 C4 C5 C5
C2 C2 C2 C2
C3 C3
C5 C5
C5 C5
C3 C3
C5 C5
C5 C5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 k6 A7 A8 A9 A10 k10 A11 A12 A13 A14 k14 A15 A16 k16 k2
C11 C21
C13 C22
k3 k4 k5 C61 k7 k8 k9
C71 C81 C91 C101 C92 C102 C111 C121 C131 C141 C112
C93 C103
DERIVATION OF 1-HR UH FOR VALLIYAR SUB BASIN UH of any duration can be developed form the GIUH, a 1-Hr UH is developed from the already generated GIUH. The ordinate of developed IUH, first of all, is lagged by one hour. The average of ordinates of IUH & lagged IUH gives the ordinates for 1-Hr UH. A 15 minutes time step is used for calculating the ordinates of 1-Hr UH and the same is presented in Table 1. The ordinates are plotted to get 1-Hr UH for the Valliyar Sub Basin. The UH is presented in Figure 6. The UH has peak flow of 58.46 m3/sec with time to peak as 4.5 hours. The runoff generated from Valliyar can be calculated by multiplying the one hour rainfall excess with the UH ordinates. This will be very easy and useful for the users to do assessment and management of water resources with in the sub basin. CONCLUSION GIS is found to be a very effective and efficient tool in handling and analyzing the hydrological data required for the river basin modeling. The GIUH for Valliyar Sub Basin is developed using GIS. The spatial database and parameters required for the Linear Geomorphological Model (LGM) is derived from the developed GIS. The geomorphological laws for Valliyar sub basin were very well considered in this LGM
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