Unit 9
Unit 9
Unit 9
Demonstratives are words used to point out or ‘demonstrate/ which noun the speaker is
referring to, i.e. ‘this’ or ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’.
In Spanish, they must agree in number and gender with the noun to which they refer, so the
words for ‘this’ and ‘these’ are as follows:
este/esta/estos/estas are used to refer to things close to the speaker in either time or space:
There are two sets of words for ‘that’ and ‘those’ in Spanish, depending on the degree of
proximity in time or space of the object referred to:
ese/esa/esos/esas are used to refer to things slightly further removed than este/esta, etc. or
close to the person being spoken to:
The difference between ese and aquel is not always clear-cut, and it is difficult to establish hard
and fast rules for every use. Careful observation of how native speakers use these two forms
will help you to understand the subtle distinctions.
When these forms are immediately followed by a noun, they are demonstrative adjectives
because they give more information about the noun to which they refer. They can, however, be
used on their own, in which case they are demonstrative pronouns, as they are taking the place
of the noun. When used as pronouns they take a stress mark to distinguish them from the
demonstrative adjective form.
In Modern Spanish, however, the stress mark is not essential and is frequently omitted.
Cultural Brief
La Republica de Pamana
Panama es un pais centroamericano que esta entre el oceano Atlantico (mar del Caribe) y el
oceano Pacifico. A sus habitantes se les llama panameños. Tiene fronteras con Costa Rica (al
norte) y Columbia (al sur). No es un pais muy grande ni en terminos de extension (alrededor de
60.000 km2) ni de población (unos 3 millones de habitantes) pero tiene gran importancia
geografica debido al Canal de Panama, que une el oceano Pacifico con el mar del Caribe;
aunque construido por los EEUU entre 1904 y 1914, pertenece totalmente a Panama desde
1999 Panama es un pais culturalmente muy rico y lleno de contrastes. Geograficamente esta
dividido en 9 provincias (Bocas del Toro, Chiriqui, Cocle, Colon, Darien, Herrera, Los Santos,
Panam`a y Veraguas) y una comarca ( San Blas). Su capital es la ciudad de Panama.