Power Flow Analysis Using MATLAB: by MOHAMMAD NASER (092312) Najibullah (092314)

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Power Flow Analysis using MATLAB®




Supervised By

Rakibul Hasan Sagor

Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic


Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
October 201
Power Flow Analysis using MATLAB®




Supervised By

Rakibul Hasan Sagor

Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic


Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
October 2012
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحیم‬

Islamic University of Technology(IUT)

The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation(OIC)


Power Flow Analysis using Matlab@


Mohammad Naser -092312

Najibullah -092314

Supervised By

Rakibul Hasan Sagor

Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic

Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
October 2012
Power Flow Analysis using Matlab@
A Thesis presented to
The Academic Faculty
Mohammad Naser (Student ID: 092312)

Najibullah (Student ID: 092314)

In partial fulfillment of requirement for the Degree of Higher Diploma

in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Approved by

Rakibul Hasan Sagor

Rakibul Hasan Sagor
Project Supervisor
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Prof. Dr. Md . shahidUllah
Head of the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Members :

…………………………… …………………………
Mohammad Naser (092312) Najibulla (092314)
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
October 2012
This is to certify that the project entitled ”Power
Flow Analysis Using Matlab@ “is

supervised by

Rakibul Hasan Sagor . This Project Work has been submitted

anywhere for a degree or diploma.

Rakibul Hasan Sagor
Project Supervisor
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

…………………………… …….......................................
Mohammad Naser (092312) Najibulla (092314)
To our parents &uncle
You are the light of our life.
First of all, we would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our
respected supervisor Rakibul Hasan Sagor lecturer in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Department of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, for his kind guidance and supervision. His regular helps and
supervision on this thesis really made us to complete this work within the very
short time we had.
Second, we would like to express our deepest cordial thanks to our parents for
their supporting and tolerance of being far away from them. It is not really we
who reached here to study but of course it is our parents who gave us hope and
Table of contents


1.2Bus Admittance Matrix ………………………………………………………………………..4

2.1 Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations………………………………………….8

2.3 Gauss-Seidel Method…………………………………………………………………8

2.4 Newton-Raphson Method……………………………………………………………12

3.1 Power Flow Solution…………………………………………………………………23

3.1.1 Slack Bus……………………………………………………………………………23

3.1.2 Regulated Bus……………………………………………………………………....23

3.1.3 Load Bus………………………………………………………………………….…24

3.2 Power Flow Equation………………………………………………………………….24

3.3 Gauss-Seidel Method of power flow Solution………………………………………...25

3.4 Line flows and losses………………………………………………………………..…28

3.5 Tap changing transformer………………………………………………………………36

Table of contents


4.1 Power flow programs………………………………………………………………..40

4.1.1 Lfybus…………………………………………………………………………...…40

4.1.2 Lfguass……………………………………………………………………………..40

4.1.3 busout……………………………………………………………………………….41

4.1.4 Line Flow……………………………………………………………………………41

4.2 Data preparation ………………………………………………………………………41

4.2.1 Bus data file –busdata……………………………………………………………….42

4.2.3Line data file –linedata……………………………………………………………….42

4.3 Newton -Raphson power flow Solution………………………………………………..58

IEEE 118 Bus system…………………………………………………………………………83



Chapter 1 Introduction



The system is assumed 3-phase balanced operating in a steady state and stable condition. It is
represented by a single phase diagram on a per-unit basis, with a system wide MVA base, and a
voltage base properly chosen on each side of every transformer. The base MVA and base V are
specified/ known everywhere in the system. The most common way to represent such a system is
to use the node-voltage method. Given the voltages of generators at all generator nodes, and
knowing all impedances of machines and loads, one can solve for all the currents in the typical
node voltage analysis first the generators are replaced by methods using Kirchhoff’s current law
first the generators are replaced by equivalent current sources and the node equations are written
in the form:


Where I is the injected current vector, Y is the admittance matrix and V is the node voltage
vector. These equations are easy to write by inspection of the circuit. The problem is not so
simple in real power circuits and systems. Usually in generator nodes only the real power and
voltage are known .thus not enough variable are known to solve an equation of the form I = YV.in
fact the power is a nonlinear function of the current and voltage, the solution of the resulting
equations (while it may exist)is not easy! In fact there is no known analytical method to find the
solution. As a result iterative techniques are used to find the solution (voltage, current, etc.), the
nonlinear set of equations which are generated are called power flow equations. The solution of
such equations results in a power flow study or load flow analysis. Such studies are the backbone
of power system studies, for analysis, design, control, and economic operation of the power
system. they are also essential for transient analysis of the system.

Chapter 1 Bus Admittance Matrix

1.2 Bus Admittance Matrix

In order to obtained the node voltage equations consider the simple power system in figure (1.1),
where impedances is express in per unit and for simplicity the resistances is neglected, to find
the node current by KCL the impedance must be converted to admittance shows in equation




1 2

Z13 Z23


Figure (1.1)

Chapter 1 Bus Admittance Matrix

I1 I2

y10 y20

1 2

y13 y23



The circuit has been redrawn in figure (1.2) in terms of admittances and transformation to current
sources. Node 0 (which is normally ground) is taken as reference. Applying KCL to the
independent nodes 1 through 4 result in





Rearranging these equations

Chapter 1 Bus Admittance Matrix

So the result is the following admittances

The node equation can be reduced to

Chapter 1 Bus Admittance Matrix

But in the network shown in figure (1.1), There is no connection between bus 1 and bus 4, So
. Similarly,

= (1.7)

[ ] [ ][ ]

Diagonal element ( ) is called mutual admittance and off diagonal element ( ) is called

So we can write the expression for which is


is the vector injected bus current which is positive when it is flows towards the bus and it is
negative when it is away from the bus the vector of bus magnitude measured from the
reference node , is known as the bus admittance matrix.

The off-diagonal element is equal to the negative of the admittance between the nodes. It is
known as the mutual admittance or transfer admittance,

The inverse of admittance matrix is called bus impedance matrix .

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method


2.1 Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations

Large numbers of iterations are require to solve load flow equation using both and .
For efficient calculation, the program should have following features: High speed, fast
convergent, Minimal storage, Simplicity and ease of programming, reliability for all condition of
the system.

The factors of convergence is very high and low series impedances ,long EHV lines ,large series
capacitances, series and shunt compensation, The most method of solving nonlinear equations
are Gauss-Seidel , Newton-Raphson methods which are discuss as follow:

2.2 Gauss –Seidel Method:

The method of Gauss-Seidel is known as the method of successive displacements ,To illustrate
the technique, Consider the solution of the nonlinear equation given by

Rearranging the above equation we can write

If is an initial estimate of the variable x , the follow iterative sequence is formed.

( )

The solution is obtained when the difference between the absolute value of the successive
iteration is less than a specified accuracy.

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

Where is the desired accuracy.

Example 2.1:

Using the Gauss –Seidel method to find a root of the following equation.

Solving for x , the above expiration is

Considering the acceleration factor of =1.25, where the starting initial estimation of

[ ]

The second iteration is

[ ]

The subsequent iteration result in 3.0801, 3.1831, 3.7238, 4.0084, 3.9978 and 4.0005, Where the
effect of iteration is graphically shown in matlab.

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

Gauses-Seidel. Method Graphically


g(x)=-1/9x 3+6/9x 2=4/9 




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5


Where now consider the n equations in n variables

( )

( )

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

( )

Solving of one variable from each equation, the above functions are rearranged and written as

( )

( )


( )

The iteration procedure is initialed by assuming an approximate solution for each of the
independent variables ( ,…, ) which the result of this equation is new equation which
is ,…, ) ,calculated by Gauss-Seidel method, at the end of each iteration the
calculated values of all variables are tested against the previous values. If the variables are with
the specific accuracy a solution has converged, otherwise iteration must be performed. The rate
of convergence can often be increased by using a suitable acceleration factor , and the iterative
sequence becomes

( )

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

The output is
Iter g dx x

1 2.2222 0.2222 2.2778

2 2.5902 0.3124 2.6683

3 3.0801 0.4118 3.1831

4 3.6157 0.4326 3.7238

5 3.9515 0.2277 4.0084

6 4.0000 -0.0085 3.9978

7 4.0000 0.0022 4.0005

8 4.0000 -0.0005 3.9999

2.3 Newton-Raphson Method

The most widely used method for solving simultaneous nonlinear algebraic equations is the
Newton –Raphson method. Newton’s method is a successive approximation procedure based on
an initial estimate of the unknown and the use of Taylor’s series expansion. Consider the solution
of the one-dimensional equation given by

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

If is an initial estimate of the solution, and is a small deviation formed the correct
solution, ’’we must have’’

( )

Expand the left hand side of the above equation in Taylor’s series about yields

( ) +…=C

Assuming the error is very small, the higher order terms can be neglected which results in


( )

Adding to the initial estimate will result in the second approximation

Successive use of this procedure yields the Newton-Raphson algorithm

( )

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

The equation (2.8) can be rearranged as


The relation in (2.10) demonstrates that the nonlinear equation is approximated by

the tangent line on the curve at . Therefore, a linear equation is obtained in terms of the small
changes in the variable. The intersection of the tangent line with the x-axis results in .this
idea is demonstrated graphically in the following example

Example 2.2:
Use the Newton–Raphson method find a root of the equation

Assume the initial estimate of

The matlab program is given in the last of this chapter, where the graph is follow

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

Newton Raphson- Graphically method




f(x) = x 3-6x 2+9x-4 



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure (2.1)

The graphically description of the Newton-Raphson method. Starting with the initial estimate
of , We extrapolate along the tangent to its intersection with the x-axis and take that as
the next approximation. This is continued until successive x-values are sufficiently close. The
analytical solution is given by the Newton-Raphson algorithm is

( ) [ ]

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

Therefore, The result at the end of the first iteration is

The subsequent iterations result in

The method may converge to a root different from the expected one or diverge if the starting
value is not close enough to the root. The result of the iteration by newton method is

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

Enter the initial estimate -> 6

iter Dc J dx X

1 -50.0000 45.0000 -1.1111 4.8889

2 -13.4431 22.0370 -0.6100 4.2789

3 -2.9981 12.5797 -0.2383 4.0405

4 -0.3748 9.4914 -0.0395 4.0011

5 -0.0095 9.0126 -0.0011 4.0000

6 0.0000 9.0000 -0.0000 4.000

Consider the n-dimensional equations given by (2.6). Expanding left hand side of the equations
(2.6) in the Taylor’s series about the initial estimates and neglecting all higher order terms leads
to the expression.

We can be written as


Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

[ ]

And the Newton-Raphson algorithm for the n-dimensional case becomes



[ ] [ ]

[ ]

is called the Jacobian matrix. Elements of this matrix are the partial derivatives evaluated at
. It is assumed that has an inverse during each iteration. Newton’s method is applied to
set of nonlinear equations, to reduce the problem of solving linear equations in order to determine
the values that improve the accuracy of the estimates.

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

Matlab program for the chapter 2 examples

Example (2.1), Figure (2.1)

% figure 2.
%plot the following eqution
% x=-x^3/9+6/9*x^2+4/9=gx
s1=[]; s2=[];
dz=10; z=2;
while dz>0.01
s2(k)=p; end
text(3.425,3.25 , 'x')
clear x g r

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

The program for getting output is

Example (2.2), Figure (2.2)

iter = 0; % Iteration counter
disp('Iter g dx x') % Heading
for results
while abs(dx) >= 0.001 & iter < 100 % Test for
iter = iter + % No. of iterations
g = -1/9*x^3+6/9*x^2+4/9;
dx = g-x; % Change in
x = x + 1.25*dx; % Successive approximation with
1.25 accel. factor
fprintf('%g', iter), disp([g, dx, x])
grid on

Chapter 2 Gauss-Seidel Method

while abs(dz) >.1
Df= z^3-6*z^2+9*z -4;
J = 3*z^2-12*z+9;
plot(x,f,'-', x,h,'-', s1,s2,'-'),grid
text(3.4, 25,'f(x) = x^3-6x^2+9x-4')
text(5.1, 25, '\rightarrow')

Chapter 2 Newton-Raphson Method

The matlab program for getting output is :

dx=1; % Change in variable is set to a high
x=input('Enter the initial estimate -> '); %
Initial %estimate
iter = 0; %Iteration counter
disp('iter Dc J dx x')% Heading
for result
while abs(dx) >= 0.001 & iter < 100 %
Test for %convergence
iter = iter + 1; % No. of
Dc=4 - (x^3-6*x^2+9*x); %
J = 3*x^2-12*x+9; % Derivative
dx= Dc/J; %Change in
x=x+dx; % Successive
fprintf('%g', iter), disp([Dc, J, dx, x])

Chapter 3 Power Flow Solution


3.1 Power flow solution

The power flow studies, commonly known as load flow, form an important part of power
system analysis ,they are necessary for planning, economic scheduling ,and control of an existing
system as well as planning its future expansion, the problem consists of determining the
magnitudes and phase angle of voltages at each bus and active and reactive power flow in each

In solving a power flow problem, the system is assumed to be operating under balanced
conditions and a single-phase model is used .four quantities are associated with each bus .these
are voltage magnitude | |,phase angle ,real power ,and reactive power ,the system buses
are generally classified in to three types.

3.1.1 Slack bus

One bus, known as slack or swing bus, is taken as reference where the magnitude and phase
angle of the voltage are specified. The losses is remained unknown until the load flow solution is
complete, this because of the additional real and reactive power is determine by this bus since the
voltage magnitude is considering 1.0 per unit so the angle should be zero, generally the bus
connected to the large generating station. Is considering.

3.1.2 Regulated buses

These buses are the generator buses. They are also known as voltage –controlled buses. At these
buses, the real power and voltage magnitude are specified. The phase angles of the voltages and
the reactive power are to be determined. The limits on the value of the reactive power are also
specified. These buses are called p-v buses.

Chapter 3 Power Flow Solution

3.1.3 Load buses

At these buses the active and reactive powers are specified .the magnitude and the phase angle of
the bus voltages are unknown. Buses nether generating bus of nor load bus is zero, but if buses
are at the same time load and generating bus then , it treat as negative generation These buses are
called buses.

3.2 Power flow equation

Consider a typical bus of a power system network as shown in the figure (3.1) the Transmission
lines are represented by their equivalent models where impedances have been converted to per
unit admittances on a common MVA base.

Application of KCL to this bus results in


∑ ∑ (3.2)

yi1 V1

yi2 V2




Chapter 3 Power flow equation

The real and reactive power at bus is




∑ ∑ ( 3.5)

3.3 Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution

In the power flow study, it is necessary to solve the set of nonlinear equations represented by
(3.5) for two unknown variables at each node. Using the Gauss-Seidel method (3.5) is solved for
, and the iterative sequence becomes


Where shown in lowercase letter is the actual admittance in per unit. and are the
real and reactive powers expressed in per unit. Applying KCL, current entering bus was
assumed positive. Thus, for buses where real and reactive powers are injected into the bus, such
as generator buses, and have positive values. For load buses where real and reactive
powers are flowing away from the bus, and have negative values. If (3.5) is solved for
and , we have

, * ∑ ∑ +- (3.7)

, * ∑ ∑ +- (3.8)

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

The load flow equation is usually expressed in terms of the elements of the bus admittance
matrix. Since the off- diagonal elements of the bus admittance matrix , Shown the uppercase
latters, are ,and the diagonal elements are ∑ ,(3.6) becomes


{ [ ∑ ]} (3.10)

{ [ ∑ ]} (3.11)

Include the admittance to ground of line changing susceptance and any other fixed admittance
to ground. Since both component of voltage are specified for slack bus, there are 2(n-1)
equations which must be solved by an iterative method, under normal operating conditions, the
voltage magnitude of the buses are in neighborhood of 1.0 per unit or closed to the voltage
magnitude of the slack bus.

Voltage magnitude at the load buses are somewhat lower than the slack bus value, Depending on
the reactive power demand, whereas the scheduled voltage at the generator buses are somewhat
higher also, the phase angle of the load buses are below the reference angle in accordance to the
real power demand, whereas the phase angle of the generator buses may be above the reference
value depending on the amount of real power flowing in to the bus. Thus, for the Gauss-Seidel
method, an initial voltage estimate of 1.0+j0.0 for unknown voltages is satisfactory, and the
converged solution correlates with the actual operating states.

For P-Q buses, the real and reactive powers and are known. Starting with an initial
estimate, (3.9) is solved for the real and imaginary components of voltage. For the voltage
controlled buses (P-V buses).

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

Where and | | are specified in (3.6), first (3.11) is solved for , and then is used in
(3.9) to solve for . However, since | | is specified, only the imaginary part of is
retained, and its real part is selected in order to satisfy following equation


√ ( ) (3.13)

Where and are the real and imaginary components of the voltage in the
iterative sequence.

The rate of convergence is increased by applying an acceleration factor to the approximate

solution obtained from each iteration.

( ) (3.14)

Where is the accelerating factor its value depends upon the system. The range of 1.3 to 1.7 is
found to be satisfactory for typical systems.

The updated voltages immediately replace the previous values in the solution of the subsequent
equations. The process is continued until changes in the real and imaginary components of bus
voltages between successive iterations are within a specified accuracy.


For the power mismatch to be reasonably small and acceptable, a very tight tolerance must be
specified on both components of the voltage .A voltage accuracy in the range of 0.00001 to
0.00005pu is satisfactory .in practice , the method for determining the completion of a solution is
based on an accuracy index set up on the power mismatch. This is continued until the magnitude
of the largest element the and Q columns are less than the specified value. A typical power
mismatch accuracy is 0.001pu Once a solution is converged, the net real and reactive powers at
the slack bus are computed form (3.10) and (3.11).

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

3.4 Line flows and losses:

After iterative solution of the bus voltage, the next step is the line flows and line losses,
considering two buses , where the current is , measured at bus and defined positive in
the direction is given by


Iij Il yij Iij

Ii0 Ij0

yi0 yj0

Figure (3.2)
( ) (3.16)

The power loss in line is the algebraic sum of the power flow obtain by (3.18) and (3.19),


( ) (3.18)

The complex powers from the to j and from bus j to are



Chapter 3 Line flows and losses

Example 3.1:
The one line diagram of a simple three bus power system with generators 1 and 3 is shown in the
figure (3.3). The magnitude of voltage at bus 1 is adjusted to 1.05pu. Voltage magnitude at bus 3
is fixed at 1.04pu with a real power generation of 200 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and
250Mvar is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100MVA base, and
the line charging susceptances are neglected. Obtain the power flow solution by the Gauss-Seidel
method including line flows and line losses.

1 2
0.02+J0.04 256.6 MW

Slack Bus 0.01+J0.03 0.0125+J0.025

V1=1.05A0° Mvar

138.6 MW 45.2 Mvar

Figure (3.3)

Line impedance is converted to admittances are , and

the load and generation expressed in per unit.

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

Bus 1 is taken as the reference bus (slack bus). Starting from an initial estimate of
and , and are computed from (3.7).

Bus 3 is a regulated bus where voltage magnitude and real power are specified. For the voltage –
controlled bus, first the reactive power is computed from (3.8)

[ ]


The value of is used as for the computation of voltage at bus 3. The complex voltage at
bus 3, by , is calculated

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

Since is held constant at 1.04pu, only the imaginary part of is retained

, and its real part is obtained from


For the second iteration, we have

[ ]


Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

Since is held constant at 1.04pu, only the imaginary part of is retained

, and its real part is obtained from


The process is continued and a solution is converged with an accuracy of

in seven iterations as given below

The final solution is


Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

The result of line flow in MW and line losses in Mvar is:

The power flow diagram is shown below where the real power direction is indicated by and
reactive power direction is indicated by .The values with parentheses are the real and reactive
losses in the line.

179.362 (8.393) 170.968
118.734 229.032

39.061 38.878 238.878 (9.847) 229.032 250

140.852 (0.548) 21.569 167.746 (19.693)
22.118 148.053

200 146.177


Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

iter V2 DV2 Q3 Vc3 V3 DV3

1 0.9746- -0.0254- 1.1600 1.0378 1.0400- -0.0000-

0.0423i 0.0423i 0.0052i 0.0052i
- 0.0052i

2 0.9711- -0.0036- 1.3880 1.0391- 1.0400- -0.0000-

0.0434i 0.0011i 0.0073i 0.0073i 0.0021i

3 0.9707- -0.0003- 1.4290 1.0395 - 1.0400- -0.0000-

0.0448i 0.0014i 0.0083i 0.0083i 0.0010i

4 0.9707- -8.1271e- 1.4483 1.0398 - 1.0400- -3.5058e-

0.0453i 005- 0.0088i 0.0088i 006-
5.3820e- 4.2700e-
004i 004i

5 0.9706- -2.8782e- 1.4562 1.0399 - 1.0400- -1.5047e-

0.0456i 005 - 0.0089i 0.0089i 006-
2.2432e- 1.7701e-
004i 004i

6 0.9706 - -1.1618e- 1.4595 1.0399 - 1.0400 - -6.3119e-

0.0456i 005 - 0.0090i 0.0090i 007 -
9.2700e- 7.3214e-
005i 005i

7 0.9706 - -4.7836e- 1.4608 1.0399 - 1.0400 - -2.6256e-

0.0457i 006 - 0.0090i 0.0090i 007 -
3.8337e- 3.0281e-
005i 005i

8 0.9706 - -1.9772e- 1.4614 1.0400 - 1.0400 - -1.0886e-

0.0457i 006 - 0.0090i 0.0090i 007-
1.5855e- 1.2525e-
005i 005i

9 0.9706 -8.1775e- 1.4616 1.0400 - 1.0400 - -4.5070e-

007 - 0.0091i 0.0091i 008 -
0.0457i 6.5578e- 5.1804e-
006i 006i

Chapter 3 Gauss-Seidel power flow solution

10 0.9706 - -3.3824e- 1.4617 1.0400 - 1.0400 - -1.8650e-

0.0457i 007 - 0.0091i 0.0091i 008 -
2.7125e- 2.1428e-006i

Current output data table

I1221 1.7082 - 1.1308i -1.7082 +1.1308i

I1331 0.3720 - 0.2107i -0.3720 +0.2107i

I2332 -2.2828 + 1.6329i 2.2828 -1.6329i

Complex power data output

S1221 Columns 1 through 3

1.7936 + 1.1874i -1.7096 - 1.0195i 2.1841 + 1.4085i
Column 4
0.0839 + 0.1679i

S1331 Columns 1 through 3

0.3906 + 0.2212i -0.3887 - 0.2157i 2.0000 + 1.4618i
Column 4
0.0018 + 0.0055i

S2332 Columns 1 through 3

-2.2903 - 1.4805i 2.3888 + 1.6775i -3.9999 - 2.5000i
Column 4
0.0985 + 0.1969i

Chapter 3 Tap changing transformer

3.5 Tap changing transformer

In tap changing transformer, when the ratio is at nominal value, the transformer is represented by
a series of admittance in per unit. With off-nominal ratio, the per unit admittance is different
from both sides of the transformer, and the admittance must be modified to include the effect of
the off-nominal ratio. Consider a transformer with admittance in series with an ideal
transformer representing the off-nominal tap ratio 1: as shown in the figure (3.5). is the
admittance per unit based on the nominal turn ratio and is the per unit off-nominal tap
position allowing for small adjustment in voltage of usually percent . In the case of
phase shifting transformers, is a complex number .consider a fictitious bus x between the turn
ratio and admittance of the transformer. Since the complex power on either side if the ideal
transformer is the same, it follows that if the voltage goes through a positive phase angle shift,
the current will go through a negative phase angle shift. Thus, for the assumed direction of
currents, we have

The current is given by

Ij Vj
Vi yt
Ii Vx



Chapter 3 Tap changing transformer

Substituting for we have

Also, from (3.22) we have

Substituting for from (3.23) we have

Writing (3.23)and (3.24) in matrix form results in

[ ] [ ][ ]

In this case if the a is real ,the model shown in the figure represents the admittance matrix
in(3.25).in the model, the left side corresponds to the non-tap side and the right side
corresponding to the tap side of the transformer .
Non-tap side Tap side


(a -1/a)yt (1-a /a2)yt


Chapter 3 Matlab code

Matlab program for the chapter 3 examples

Example (3.1)

%Example 3.1

%format long
iter =0;
P3 = 2;
for I=1:10;
iter=iter+1 %NO of iteration
E2 = V2;
V2= (conj(S2)/conj(V2)+y12*V1+y23*V3)/(y12+y23)
DV2 = V2-E2
Q3 = -imag(conj(V3)*(y33*V3-y13*V1-y23*V2))
S3 = P3 +j*Q3;
Vc3= (conj(S3)/conj(V3)+y13*V1+y23*V2)/(y13+y23)
Vi3 = imag(Vc3);
Vr3= sqrt(Vm3^2 - Vi3^2);
V3 = Vr3 + j*Vi3
format short

Chapter 3 Matlab code

%consideration of currents
I12=y12*(V1-V2); I21=-I12;
I13=y13*(V1-V3); I31=-I13;
I23=y23*(V2-V3); I32=-I23;
%consideration of complex powers
S12=V1*conj(I12); S21=V2*conj(I21);
S13=V1*conj(I13); S31=V3*conj(I31);
S23=V2*conj(I23); S32=V3*conj(I32);
S1221=[S12, S21 (S12+S13) S12+S21]
S1331=[S13, S31 (S31+S32) S13+S31]
S2332=[S23, S32 (S23+S21) S23+S32]

Chapter 4 Power Flow Program


4.1 Power Flow Program

Several computer programs have been developed for the power flow solution of practical
systems. Each method of solution consists of four programs. The program for the gauss-seidel
method is Lfgauss, which is preceded by Lfybus, and is followed by busout and lineflow.
Programs Ifybus ,busout,and lineflow are designed to be used with two more power flow
programs. These are Lfnewton for the Newton-Raphson method and decouple for fast decouple
method. The following is a brief description of the programs used in the gauss-Seidel method.

4.1.1 Lfybus
This program is requires the line and transformer parameters and transformer tap settings
specified in the input file named linedata. It converting impedances to admittances and obtains
the bus admittance matrix. The program is designed to handle parallel lines.

4.1.2 Lfgauss
This program is obtains the power flow solution by the Gauss-Seidel method and requires the
files named busdata and linedata. It designed for the direct use of load and generation in MW and
Mvar, bus voltages in per unit, and angle in degrees. Loads and generation are converted to per
unit quantities on the base MVA selected. A provision is made to maintain the generator reactive
power of the voltage controlled buses within their specified limits. The violation of reactive

Power limit may occur if the specified voltage is either too high or too low. After a few iterations
(10th iteration in the Gauss metod), the var calculated at the generator buses are examined. If a
limit is reached, the voltage magnitude is adjusted in steps of 0.5 percent up to percent to
bring the var demand within the specified limites.

Chapter 4 Power Flow Program

4.1.3 Busout

This program produces the bus output result in tabulated form. The bus output result includes the
voltage magnitude and angle, real and reactive power of generators and loads, and the shunt
capacitor/reactors M var. Total generation and total load are also outlined in the sample case.
4.1.4 Lineflow

this program prepares the line output data. It is design to display the active and reactive power
flow entering the line terminals and line losses as well as the net power at each bus. Also
included are the total real and reactive losses in the system. The output of this portion is also
shown in the sample case.

4.2 Data preparation

In order to perform the power flow analysis in matlab environment, we need to define the
following variables, power system base MVA, power mismatch accuracy, acceleration factor,
and maximum number of iterations. The name (in lowercases latters) reserved for these variables
are base mva , accuracy, accel, and maxiter , respectively. The typical values are as follows:


accuracy= 0.001;



which the following data file are required.


Chapter 4 Data preparation

4.2.1 Bus Data file-busdata
The format for the bus entry is chosen to facilitate the require data for each bus in single row. The
information required must be included in a matrix called busdata. Column 1 is the bus number, column 2
contains the bus code, column 4 and 5 are the voltage magnitude in per unit and phase angle in degrees.
Column 5 and 6 are load MW and Mvar. Columns 7 through 10 are MW, Mvar, minimum Mvar and
maximum Mvar of generator, in that order.

The last column is the injected Mvar of shunt capacitors. The bus code entered in column 2 is used for
identifying load, voltage-controlled, and slack buses as outlined below:

1 this code is used for the slack bus. The only necessary information for this bus is the voltage
magnitude and its phase angle.

0 this code is using for load buses. The load is entered positive in megawatts and megavars. For this
bus the initial estimate must be specified. This is usually 1 and 0for voltage magnitude and phase angle
for this type of bus are specified.

they will be taken as the initial starting voltage for that bus instead of a flat start of 1 and 0.

2 this code is used for voltage controlled buses. For this bus the voltage magnitude and real power
generation in megawatts, and the minimum and maximum limits of the megavar demand must be

4.2.2 Line Data file - linedata

Lines are identified by the node-pair method. The information required must be included in a
matrix called linedata. Columns 1 and 2 are the line bus numbers. Column 3 through 5 contains
the line resistance, reactance and half of the total line charging susceptance in per unit on the
specified MVA base. The last column is for the transformer tap setting for lines, 1 must be
entered in any sequence or order with the only restriction being that if the entry is a transformer,
the left bus number is assumed to be the tap side of the transformer.

The IEEE 30 bus system is used to demonstrate the data reparation and the use of the power flow
programs by the Gauss-Seidel method.

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

Example 4.1:

In figure (4.1) is part of the American Electric power service Corporation network which is being
made available to the electric utility industry as a standard test case for evaluation various
analytical methods and computer programs for the solution of power system problems. Use the
Ifgauss program to obtain the power solution by the Gauss-Seidel method. Bus 1 is taken as the
slack bus with its voltage adjusted to 1.06 . The data for the voltage-controlled buses is
Regulated Bus Data

bus Voltage min Mvar Max.Mvar

No magnitude capacity capacity
2 1.043 -40 50
5 1.010 -40 40
8 1.010 -10 0
11 1.082 -6 24
13 1.071 -6 24
Transformer tap setting is given in the table below. The left bus number is

Summed to be the tap side of the transformer.

Transformer Data

Transformer designation Tap setting pu

4-12 0.932

6-9 0.978

6-10 0.969

28-27 0.968

The data for the injected Q due to shunt capacitors is

Injected Q due to capacitors

Bus No. Mvar

10 19
24 4.3

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

Generation and loads are as given in the data prepared for use in the matlab environment in the
matrix defined as busdata. Code 0, code 1, and code 2 are used for the load buses, the slack bus
and the voltage controlled buses, respectively. Values for basemva, accuracy, accel and maxiter
must be specified. Line data are as given in the matrix called linedata. The last column of this
data must contain 1 for lines, or the tap setting values for transformers with off-nominal turn
ratio. The control commands required are Ifybus, Ifgauss and lineflow. A diary command may be
used to save the output to the specified file name. The power flow data and the commands
required are as follows.

%calculation of 30 bus system

clear all; %clears all the variables from workspace.





% IEEE 30-BUS TEST SYSTEM (American Electric power)

% Bus Bus Voltage Angle ---Load-- ---Generator--------Injected

%No code Mag. Degree Mw Mvar MW Mvar Qmin Qmax Mvar


1 1 1.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

2 2 1.043 0.0 21.70 12.7 40.0 0.0 -40 50 0

3 0 1.0 0.0 2.4 1.2 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

4 0 1.06 0.0 7.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

5 2 1.01 0.0 94.2 19.0 0.0 0.0 -40 40 0

6 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

7 0 1.0 0.0 22.8 10.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

8 2 1.01 0.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -30 40 0

9 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

10 0 1.0 0.0 5.8 2.0 0.0 0.0 -6 24 19

11 2 1.082 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

12 0 1.0 0 11.2 7.5 0 0 0 0 0

13 2 1.071 0 0 0.0 0 0 -6 24 0

14 0 1 0 6.2 1.6 0 0 0 0 0

15 0 1 0 8.2 2.5 0 0 0 0 0

16 0 1 0 3.5 1.8 0 0 0 0 0

17 0 1 0 9.0 5.8 0 0 0 0 0

18 0 1 0 3.2 0.9 0 0 0 0 0

19 0 1 0 9.5 3.4 0 0 0 0 0

20 0 1 0 2.2 0.7 0 0 0 0 0

21 0 1 0 17.5 11.2 0 0 0 0 0

22 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 1 0 3.2 1.6 0 0 0 0 0

24 0 1 0 8.7 6.7 0 0 0 0 4.3

25 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

26 0 1 0 3.5 2.3 0 0 0 0 0

27 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

28 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

29 0 1 0 2.4 0.9 0 0 0 0 0

30 0 1 0 10.6 1.9 0 0 0 0 0];

% Line Data

% Bus bus R x 1/2 B 1 for Line code or

% n1 nr pu pu pu tap setting value


1 2 0.0192 0.0575 0.02640 1

1 3 0.0452 0.1852 0.02040 1

2 4 0.0570 0.1737 0.01840 1

3 4 0.0132 0.0379 0.00420 1

2 5 0.0472 0.1983 0.02090 1

2 6 0.0581 0.1763 0.01870 1

4 6 0.0119 0.0414 0.00450 1

5 7 0.0460 0.1160 0.01020 1

6 7 0.0267 0.0820 0.00850 1

6 8 0.0120 0.0420 0.00450 1

6 9 0.0 0.2080 0.0 0.978

6 10 0.0 0.5560 0.0 0.969

9 11 0.0 0.2080 0.0 1

9 10 0.0 0.1100 0.0 1

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

4 12 0.0 0.2560 0.0 0.932

12 13 0.0 0.1400 0.0 1

12 14 0.1231 0.2559 0.0 1

12 15 0.0662 0.1304 0.0 1

12 16 0.0945 0.1987 0.0 1

14 15 0.2210 0.1997 0.0 1

16 17 0.0824 0.1923 0.0 1

15 18 0.1073 0.2185 0.0 1

18 19 0.0639 0.1292 0.0 1

19 20 0.0340 0.0680 0.0 1

10 20 0.0936 0.2090 0.0 1

10 17 0.0324 0.0845 0.0 1

10 21 0.0348 0.0749 0.0 1

10 22 0.0727 0.1499 0.0 1

21 22 0.0116 0.0236 0.0 1

15 23 0.1000 0.2020 0.0 1

22 24 0.1150 0.1790 0.0 1

23 24 0.1320 0.2700 0.0 1

24 25 0.1885 0.3292 0.0 1

25 26 0.2544 0.3800 0.0 1

25 27 0.1093 0.2087 0.0 1

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

28 27 0.0000 0.3960 0.0 0.968

27 29 0.2198 0.4153 0.0 1

27 30 0.3202 0.6027 0.0 1

29 30 0.2399 0.4533 0.0 1

8 28 0.0636 0.2000 0.0214 1

6 28 0.0169 0.0599 0.065 1];

lfybus %Forms the bus admittance matrix
lfgauss %Power flow solution by Gauss-Seidel method
busout %Prints the power flow solution on the screen
lineflow %Computes and displays the line flow and losses
The Ifgauss, busout and the lineflow produce the following tabulated results.
Power Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidel Method

Maximum Power Mismatch = 0.000951884

Bus Voltage Angle ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected

No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar

No. of Iterations = 34

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

No. mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar

1 1.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 260.950 -17.010 0.000

2 1.043 -5.496 21.700 12.700 40.000 48.826 0.000

3 1.022 -8.002 2.400 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000

4 1.013 -9.659 7.600 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000

5 1.010 -14.380 94.200 19.000 0.000 35.995 0.000

6 1.012 -11.396 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

7 1003 -13.149 22.800 10.900 0.000 0.000 0.000

8 1.010 -12.114 30.000 30.000 0.000 30.759 0.000

9 1.051 -14.432 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

10 1.044 -16.024 5.800 2.000 0.000 0.000 19.000

11 1.082 -14.432 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.113 0.000

12 1.057 -15.301 11.200 7.500 0.000 0.000 0.000

13 1.071 -15.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.379 0.000

14 1.043 -16.190 6.200 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000

15 1.038 -16.276 8.200 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000

16 1.045 -15.879 3.500 1.800 0.000 0.000 0.000

17 1.039 -16.187 9.000 5.800 0.000 0.000 0.000

18 1.028 16.881 3.200 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.000

19 1.025 -17.049 9.500 3.400 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

20 1.029 -16.851 2.200 0.700 0.000 0.000 0.000

21 1.032 -16.468 17.500 11.200 0.000 0.000 0.000

22 1.033 -16.455 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

23 1.027 -16.660 3.200 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000

24 1.022 16.829 8.700 6.700 0.000 0.000 4.300

25 1.019 -16.423 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

26 1.001 -16.835 3.500 2.300 0.000 0.000 0.000

27 1.026 -15.913 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

28 1.011 -12.056 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

29 1.006 -17.133 2.400 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.000

30 0.994 -18.016 10.600 1.900 0.000 0.000 0.000

Total 283.400 126.200 0.950 125.089 23.300

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

Line Flow and Losses

--Line-- Power at bus & line flow --Line loss-- Transformer

from to MW Mvar MVA MW Mvar tap

1 260.950 -17.010 261.504

2 177.743 -22.140 179.117 5.461 10.517

3 83.197 5.125 83.354 2.807 7.079

2 18.300 36.126 40.497

1 -172.282 32.657 175.350 5.461 10.517

4 45.702 2.720 45.783 1.106 -0.519

5 82.990 1.704 83.008 2.995 8.178

6 61.905 -0.966 61.913 2.047 2.263

3 -2.400 -1.200 2.683

1 -80.390 1.954 80.414 2.807 7.079

4 78.034 -3.087 78.095 0.771 1.345

4 -7.600 -1.600 7.767

2 -44.596 -3.239 44.713 1.106 -0.519

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

3 -77.263 4.432 77.390 0.771 1.345

6 70.132 -17.624 72.313 0.605 1.181

12 44.131 14.627 46.492 0.000 4.686 0.932

5 -94.200 16.995 95.721

2 -79.995 6.474 80.256 2.995 8.178

7 -14.210 10.467 17.649 0.151 -1.687

6 0.000 0.000 0.000

2 -59.858 3.229 59.945 2.047 2.263

4 -69.527 18.805 72.026 0.605 1.181

7 37.537 -1.915 37.586 0.368 -0.598

8 29.534 -3.712 29.766 0.103 -0.558

9 27.687 -7.318 28.638 0.000 1.593 0.978

10 15.828 0.656 15.842 -0.000 1.279 0.969

28 18.840 -9.575 21.134 0.060 -13.085

7 -22.800 -10.900 25.272

5 14.361 -12.154 18.814 0.151

6 -37.170 1.317 37.193 0.368 -0.598

8 -30.000 0.759 30.010

6 -29.431 3.154 29.599 0.103 -0.558

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

28 -0.570 -2.366 2.433 0.000 -4.368

9 0.000 0.000 0.000

6 -27.687 8.911 29.086 0.000 1.593

11 0.003 -15.653 15.653 0.000 0.461

10 27.731 6.747 28.540 -0.000 0.811

10 -5.800 17.000 17.962

6 -15.828 0.623 15.840 -0.000 1.279

9 -27.731 -5.936 28.359 -0.000 0.811

20 9.018 3.569 9.698 0.081 0.180

17 5.347 4.393 6.920 0.014 0.037

21 15.723 9.846 18.551 0.110 0.236

22 7.582 4.487 8.811 0.052 0.107

11 0.000 16.113 16.113

9 -0.003 16.114 16.114 0.000 0.461

12 -11.200 -7.500 13.479

4 -44.131 -9.941 45.237 0.000 4.686

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

13 -0.021 -10.274 10.274 0.000 0.132

14 7.852 2.428 8.219 0.074 0.155

15 17.852 6.968 19.164 0.217 0.428

16 7.206 3.370 7.955 0.053 0.112

13 0.000 10.406 10.406

12 0.021 10.406 10.406 0.000 0.132

14 -6.200 -1.600 6.403

12 -7.778 -2.273 8.103 0.074 0.155

15 1.592 0.708 1.742 0.006 0.006

15 -8.200 -2.500 8.573

12 -17.634 -6.540 18.808 0.217 0.428

14 -1.586 -0.702 1.734 0.006 0.006

18 6.009 1.741 6.256 0.039 0.079

23 5.004 2.963 5.815 0.031 0.063

16 -3.500 -1.800 3.936

12 -7.152 -3.257 7.859 0.053 0.112

17 3.658 1.440 3.931 0.012 0.027

17 -9.000 -5.800 10.707

16 -3.646 -1.413 3.910 0.012 0.027

10 -5.332 -4.355 6.885 0.014 0.037

18 -3.200 -0.900 3.324

15 -5.970 -1.661 6.197 0.039 0.079

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

19 2.779 0.787 2.888 0.005 0.010

19 -9.500 -3.400 10.090

18 -2.774 -0.777 2.881 0.005 0.010

20 -6.703 -2.675 7.217 0.017 0.034

20 -2.200 -0.700 2.309

19 6.720 2.709 7.245 0.017 0.034

10 -8.937 -3.389 9.558 0.081 0 .180

21 -17.500 -11.200 20.777

10 -15.613 -9.609 18.333 0.110 0.236

22 -1.849 -1.627 2.463 0.001 0.001

22 0.000 0.000 0.000

10 -7.531 -4.380 8.712 0.052 0.107

21 1.850 1.628 2.464 0.001 0.001

24 5.643 2.795 6.297 0.043 0.067

23 -3.200 -1.600 3.578

15 -4.972 -2.900 5.756 0.031 0.063

24 1.771 1.282 2.186 0.006 0.012

24 -8.700 -2.400 9.025

22 -5.601 -2.728 6.230 0.043 0.067

23 -1.765 -1.270 2.174 0.006 0.012

25 -1.322 1.604 2.079 0.008 0.014

25 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Gauss- Seidel Method

24 1.330 -1.590 2.073 0.008 0.014

26 3.520 2.372 4.244 0.044 0.066

27 -4.866 -0.786 4.929 0.026 0.049

26 -3.500 -2.300 4.188

25 -3.476 -2.306 4.171 0.044 0.066

27 0.000 0.000 0.000

25 4.892 0.835 4.963 0.026 0.049

28 -18.192 -4.152 18.660 -0.000 1.310

29 6.178 1.675 6.401 0.086 0.162

30 7.093 1.663 7.286 0.162 0.304

28 0.000 0.000 0.000

27 18.192 5.463 18.994 -0.000 1.310 0.968

6 -18.780 -3.510 19.106 0.060 -13.085

29 -2.400 -0.900 2.563

27 -6.093 -1.513 6.278 0.086 0.162

30 3.716 0.601 3.764 0.034 0.063

Chapter 4 Newton –Raphson Power Flow Solution

30 -10.600 -1.900 10.769

27 -6.932 -1.359 7.064 0.162 0.304

29 -3.683 -0.537 3.722 0.034 0.063

Total loss 17.594 22.233


Because of its initial quadratic convergence, Newton’s method is mathematically superior to the
gauss-Seidel method and is less prone to divergence with ill- conditioned problems. For large
power systems, The Newton-Raphson method is found to be more efficient and practical. The
number of iteration requires to obtain the solution is independent of the system size, but more
functional evaluations are required at each iteration. Since in the power flow problem real power
and voltage magnitude are specified for the voltage- controlled buses, the power flow equation is
formulated in polar form. For the typical bus of the power system in the figure (6.7), The current
entering bus is given by (3.2). This equation can be rewritten in terms of the bus admittance
matrix as

In the above equation, j includes bus i. Expressing this equation in polar form, we have

The complex power at bus is


Substituting from (4.2) for in (4.3).

∑ | |

Chapter 4 Newton –Raphson Power Flow Solution

Separating the real and imaginary parts,

∑ | |

∑ | |

Equations (4.5) and (4.6) constitute a set of nonlinear algebraic equations in terms of the
independent variables, voltage magnitude in per unit, and phase angle in radians. We have two
equations for each load bus, given by (4.5) and (4.6), and one equation for each voltage-
controlled bus, given by (4.5). expanding (4.5)and(4.6) in Taylor’s series about the initial
estimate and neglecting all higher order terms results in the following set of linear equations.

[ ]
|[ ]

| [ ]
[ ]
[[ ] [ ]]

In the above equation, bus 1is assumed to be the slack bus. The Jacobian matrix gives the
linearized relationship between small changes in voltage angle and voltage magnitude
with the small changes in real and reactive power and . Elements of the
Jacobian matrix are the partial derivatives of (4.5)and(4.6), evaluated at and .In
short form, it can be written as

Chapter 4 Newton –Raphson Power Flow Solution

[ ] [ ][ ] (4.8)

For voltage-controlled buses, the voltage magnitudes are known. Therefore, if m buses of the
system are voltage-controlled, m equations involving and and the corresponding columns
of the Jacobian matrix are eliminated. Accordingly, There are n-1 real power constraints and n-1-
m reactive power constrains, and the Jacobian matrix is of order (2n-2-m)*(2n-2-m). Is of the
order (n-1)*(n-1), is of the order (n-1)*(n-1-m), is of the order (n-1-m)*(n-1), and is of
the order (n-1-m)*(n-1-m).

The diagonal and the off-diagonal elements of are

∑ | || | ( )

( )

The diagonal and off diagonal elements of

∑| || | ( )

( )

The diagonal and the off diagonal elements of

∑ | || | ( )

( )

Chapter 4 Newton –Raphson Power Flow Solution

The diagonal and the off diagonal elements of

∑| || | ( )

( )

The terms and are the difference between the scheduled and calculated values,
known as the power residuals, given by

The new estimates for bus voltages are

Example 4.2:
Obtain the power flow solution for the IEEE-30 bus test system by Newton-Raphson method.

The data required is same as in example (4.1) with the following commands

The output of Lfnewton is

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

Power Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson Method

Maximum Power Mismatch = 7.54898e-007

No. of Iterations = 4

Bus Voltage Angle ------------------Load------ ----------Generation----- Injected

No Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar

1 1.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 60.998 -17.021 0.000
2 0.043 -5.497 21.700 12.700 0.000 48.822 0.000
3 1.022 -8.004 2.400 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 1.013 -9.661 7.600 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 1.010 -14.381 94.200 19.000 0.000 35.975 0.000
6 1.012 -11.398 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 1.003 -13.150 22.800 10.900 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 1.010 -12.115 30.000 0.000 0.000 30.826 0.000
9 1.051 -14.434 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 1.044 -16.024 5.800 2.000 0.000 0.000 19.000
11 1.082 -14.434 0.000 0.000 0.000 16.119 0.000
12 1.057 -15.302 11.200 7.500 0.000 0.000 0.000
13 1.071 -15.302 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.423 0.000
14 1.042 -16.191 6.200 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 1.038 -16.278 8.200 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 1.045 -15.880 3.500 1.800 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 1.039 -16.188 9.000 5.800 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 1.028 -16.884 3.200 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 1.025 -17.052 9.500 3.400 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 1.029 -16.852 2.200 0.700 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 1.032 -16.468 17.500 11.200 0.000 0.000 0.000
22 1.033 -16.455 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
23 1.027 -16.662 3.200 1.600 0.000 0.000 0.000
24 1.022 -16.830 8.700 6.700 0.000 0.000 4.300

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

25 1.019 -16.424 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

26 1.001 -16.842 3.500 2.300 0.000 0.000 0.000
27 1.026 -15.912 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
28 1.011 -12.057 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
29 1.006 -17.136 2.400 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.000
30 0.995 -18.015 0.600 1.900 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 283.400 126.200 300.998 125.144 23.300

The output of the line flow is the same as the line flow output is

Line Flow and Losses

--Line-- Power at bus & line flow --Line loss-- Transformer

from to MW Mvar MVA MW Mvar tap

1 260.998 -17.021 261.553

2 177.778 -22.148 179.152 5.464 10.524

3 83.221 5.127 83.378 2.808 7.08

2 18.300 36.122 40.493

1 -172.314 32.671 175.384 5.464 10.524

4 45.712 2.705 45.792 1.106 -0.517

5 82.990 1.703 83.008 2.995 8.178

6 61.912 -0.958 61.920 2.048 2.264

3 -2.400 -1.200 2.683

1 -80.412 1.958 80.436 2.808 7.085

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

4 78.012 -3.158 78.076 0.771 1.344

4 -7.600 -1.600 7.767

2 -44.605 -3.222 44.722 1.106 -0.517

3 -77.242 4.503 77.373 0.771 1.344

6 70.126 -17.526 72.282 0.604 1.179

12 44.121 14.646 46.489 0.000 4.685 0.932

5 -94.200 16.975 95.717

2 -79.995 6.475 80.257 2.995 8.178

7 -14.205 10.500 17.664 0.151 -1.687

6 0.000 0.000 0.000

2 -59.864 3.222 59.951 2.048 2.264

4 -69.521 18.705 71.994 0.604 1.179

7 37.523 -1.885 37.570 0.367 -0.598

8 29.528 -3.754 29.766 0.103 -0.558

9 27.693 -7.322 28.644 0.000 1.594 0.978

10 15.823 0.653 15.836 0.000 1.278 0.969

28 18.819 -9.618 21.134 0.060 -13.086

7 -22.800 -10.900 25.272

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

5 14.356 -12.187 18.831 0.151 -1.687

6 -37.156 1.287 37.178 0.367 -0.598

8 -30.000 0.826 30.011

6 -29.425 3.196 29.598 0.103 -0.558

28 -0.575 -2.370 2.438 0.000 -4.368

10 -5.800 17.000 17.962

6 -15.823 0.626 15.835 0.000 1.278

9 -27.693 -5.932 28.321 0.000 0.809

20 9.027 3.560 9.704 0.081 0.180

17 5.372 4.414 6.953 0.014 0.037

21 15.733 9.842 18.558 0.110 0.237

22 7.583 4.490 8.813 0.052 0.107

11 0.000 16.119 16.119

9 -0.000 16.119 16.119 0.000 0.462

12 -11.200 -7.500 13.479

4 -44.121 -9.961 45.232 0.000 4.685

13 0.000 -10.291 10.291 0.000 0.133

14 7.856 2.442 8.227 0.075 0.155

15 17.857 6.947 19.161 0.217 0.428

16 7.208 3.363 7.954 0.053 0.112

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

13 0.000 10.423 10.423

12 -0.000 10.424 10.424 0.000 0.133

14 -6.200 -1.600 6.403

12 -7.782 -2.287 8.111 0.075 0.155

15 1.582 0.687 1.724 0.006 0.005

15 -8.200 -2.500 8.573

12 -17.640 -6.519 18.806 0.217 0.428

14 -1.576 -0.681 1.717 0.006 0.005

18 6.014 1.744 6.262 0.039 0.080

23 5.001 2.956 5.810 0.031 0.063

16 -3.500 -1.800 3.936

12 -7.154 -3.251 7.858 0.053 0.112

17 3.654 1.451 3.932 0.012 0.027

17 -9.000 -5.800 10.707

16 -3.643 -1.424 3.911 0.012 0.027

10 -5.357 -4.376 6.918 0.014

18 -3.200 -0.900 3.324

15 -5.975 -1.665 6.203 0.039 0.080

19 2.775 0.765 2.879 0.005 0.010

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

19 -9.500 -3.400 10.090

18 -2.770 -0.755 2.871 0.005 0.010

20 -6.730 -2.645 7.231 0.017 0.034

20 -2.200 -0.700 2.309

19 6.747 2.679 7.259 0.017 0.034

10 -8.947 -3.379 9.564 0.081 0.180

21 -17.500 -11.200 20.777

10 -15.623 -9.606 18.340 0.110 0.237

22 -1.877 -1.594 2.462 0.001 0.001

22 0.000 0.000 0.000

10 -7.531 -4.384 8.714 0.052 0.107

21 1.877 1.596 2.464 0.001 0.001

24 5.654 2.788 6.304 0.043 0.067

23 -3.200 -1.600 3.578

15 -4.970 -2.893 5.751 0.031 0.063

24 1.770 1.293 2.192 0.006 0.012

24 -8.700 -2.400 9.025

22 -5.611 -2.721 6.236 0.043 0.067

23 -1.764 -1.280 2.180 0.006 0.012

25 -1.325 1.602 2.079 0.008 0.014

25 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 4 IEEE 30 Bus system by Newton-Raphhson Method

24 1.333 -1.588 2.073 0.008 0.014

26 3.545 2.366 4.262 0.045 0.066

27 -4.877 -0.778 4.939 0.026 0.049

26 -3.500 -2.300 4.188

25 -3.500 -2.300 4.188 0.045 0.066

27 0.000 0.000 0.000

25 4.903 0.827 4.972 0.026 0.049

28 -18.184 -4.157 18.653 0.000 1.309

29 6.189 1.668 6.410 0.086 0.162

30 7.091 1.661 7.283 0.161 0.30

28 0.000 0.000 0.000

27 18.184 5.466 18.987 0.000 1.309 0.968

8 0.575 -1.999 2.080 0.000 -4.368

6 -18.759 -3.467 19.077 0.060 -13.086

29 -2.400 -0.900 2.563

27 -6.104 -1.506 6.286 0.086 0.162

30 3.704 0.606 3.753 0.033 0.063

30 -10.600 -1.900 10.769

27 -6.930 -1.358 7.062 0.161 0.304

29 -3.670 -0.542 3.710 0.033 0.063

Total loss 17.599 22.244

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

The matlab programs for examples of chapter 4:

Example 4.1:

deltad =0;
nbus = length(busdata(:,1));
for k=1:nbus
delta(n)=busdata(k, 4);

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

Qg(n) = busdata(k,8);
Qmin(n)=busdata(k, 9);
Qmax(n)=busdata(k, 10);
Qsh(n)=busdata(k, 11);
if Vm(n) <= 0 Vm(n) = 1.0;
V(n) = 1 + j*0;
else delta(n) = pi/180*delta(n);
V(n) = Vm(n)*(cos(delta(n)) + j*sin(delta(n)));
Q(n)=(Qg(n)-Qd(n)+ Qsh(n))/basemva;
S(n) = P(n) + j*Q(n);
num = 0;
AcurBus = 0;
converge = 1;
Vc = zeros(nbus,1)+j*zeros(nbus,1);
Sc = zeros(nbus,1)+j*zeros(nbus,1);
while exist('accel')~=1
accel = 1.3;
while exist('accuracy')~=1
accuracy = 0.001;
while exist('basemva')~=1
basemva= 100;
while exist('maxiter')~=1
maxiter = 100;

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

for k=1:nbr
for m=k+1:nbr
if((nl(k)==nl(m)) & (nr(k)==nr(m)));
elseif ((nl(k)==nr(m)) & (nr(k)==nl(m)));
else, end
while maxerror >= accuracy &
iter <= maxiter
for n = 1:nbus;
YV = 0+j*0;
for L = 1:nbr;
if (nl(L) == n &
mline(L) == 1), k=nr(L);
%modified to handle parallel lines (
YV = YV + Ybus(n,k)*V(k);
elseif (nr(L) == n & mline(L)==1),
k=nl(L); %modified to handle parallel lines

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

YV = YV + Ybus(n,k)*V(k);
end end
Sc = conj(V(n))*(Ybus(n,n)*V(n) + YV) ;
Sc = conj(Sc);
DP(n) = P(n) - real(Sc);
DQ(n) = Q(n) - imag(Sc);
if kb(n) == 1
S(n) =Sc; P(n) = real(Sc); Q(n) = imag(Sc); DP(n)
=0; DQ(n)=0;
Vc(n) = V(n);
elseif kb(n) == 2
Q(n) = imag(Sc); S(n) = P(n) + j*Q(n);
if Qmax(n) ~= 0
Qgc = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
if abs(DQ(n)) <= .005 & iter >= 10 % After 10
if DV(n) <= 0.045 % the Mvar of generator buses
if Qgc < Qmin(n), % tested. If not within limits
Vm(n) = Vm(n) + 0.005;% is changed in steps of
0.005 pu
DV(n) = DV(n)+.005; % up to .05 pu in order to
elseif Qgc > Qmax(n) % the generator Mvar within
Vm(n) = Vm(n) - 0.005; % specified limits.
DV(n)=DV(n)+.005; end
else, end

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

if kb(n) ~= 1
Vc(n) = (conj(S(n))/conj(V(n)) - YV )/
else, end
if kb(n) == 0
V(n) = V(n) + accel*(Vc(n)-V(n));
elseif kb(n) == 2
VcI = imag(Vc(n));
VcR = sqrt(Vm(n)^2 - VcI^2);
Vc(n) = VcR + j*VcI;
V(n) = V(n) + accel*(Vc(n) -V(n));
End end
max(abs(imag(DQ))) )
if iter == maxiter & maxerror > accuracy
fprintf('\nWARNING: Iterative solution did not
converged after ')
fprintf('%g', iter), fprintf(' iterations.\n\n')
fprintf('Press Enter to terminate the iterations
and print the results \n')
converge = 0; pause, else, end, end
if converge ~= 1
tech=('Power Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidel
for n = 1:nbus
Vm(n) = abs(V(n));
deltad(n) = angle(V(n))*180/pi;
if kb(n) == 1

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

Pg(n) = P(n)*basemva + Pd(n);

Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
elseif kb(n) ==2
Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
yload(n) = (Pd(n)-
Pgt = sum(Pg); Qgt = sum(Qg); Pdt = sum(Pd); Qdt
= sum(Qd); Qsht = sum(Qsh);
busdata(:,3)=Vm'; busdata(:,4)=deltad';
clear AcurBus DP DQ DV L Sc Vc VcI VcR YV
converge delta

for Ifybus:

j=sqrt(-1); i = sqrt(-1);
nl = linedata(:,1); nr = linedata(:,2);
R = linedata(:,3);
X = linedata(:,4); Bc =
j*linedata(:,5); a = linedata(:, 6);
nbr=length(linedata(:,1)); nbus =
max(max(nl), max(nr));
Z = R + j*X; y= ones(nbr,1)./Z;%branch
for n = 1:nbr

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

if a(n) <= 0 a(n) = 1; else end

Ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); % initialize Ybus to zero
% formation of the off diagonal elements
for k=1:nbr;
% formation of the diagonal elements
for n=1:nbus
for k=1:nbr
if nl(k)==n
Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k)/(a(k)^2) + Bc(k);
elseif nr(k)==n
Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k) +Bc(k);
else, end
clear Pgg

for bus out :

%busout Example 4.1

fprintf( Maximum Power Mismatch = %g \n',
fprintf(' No. of Iterations = %g
\n\n', iter)
head =[' Bus Voltage Angle
------Load------ ---Generation---

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

' No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar

MW Mvar Mvar '
for n=1:nbus
fprintf(' %3g', n), fprintf(' %7.3f', Vm(n)),
fprintf(' %8.3f', deltad(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f',
fprintf(' %9.3f', Qd(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f',
fprintf(' %9.3f ', Qg(n)), fprintf(' %8.3f\n',
fprintf(' \n'),fprintf(' Total ')
fprintf(' %9.3f', Pdt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qdt),
fprintf(' %9.3f', Pgt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qgt),
fprintf(' %9.3f\n\n', Qsht)

for lineflow:

% lineflow
SLT = 0;
fprintf(' Line Flow and Losses \n\n')
fprintf(' --Line-- Power at bus & line flow
--Line loss-- Transformer\n')
fprintf(' from to MW Mvar MVA
MW Mvar tap\n')

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

for n = 1:nbus
busprt = 0;
for L = 1:nbr;
if busprt == 0
busprt = 1;
else, end
if nl(L)==n k = nr(L);
In =(V(n)-a(L)*V(k))*y(L)/a(L)^2 + Bc(L)/a(L)^2*V(n);
Ik = (V(k) - V(n)/a(L))*y(L) + Bc(L)*V(k);
Snk = V(n)*conj(In)*basemva;
Skn = V(k)*conj(Ik)*basemva;
SL = Snk + Skn;
elseif nr(L)==n k = nl(L);
In = (V(n) - V(k)/a(L))*y(L) + Bc(L)*V(n);
Ik =(V(k)- a(L)*V(n))*y(L)/a(L)^2+ Bc(L)/a(L)^2*V(k);
Snk = V(n)*conj(In)*basemva;
Skn = V(k)*conj(Ik)*basemva;
SL = Snk + Skn;
else, end
if nl(L)==n | nr(L)==n
fprintf('%12g', k),
fprintf('%9.3f', real(Snk)), fprintf('%9.3f',

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

fprintf('%9.3f', abs(Snk)),
fprintf('%9.3f', real(SL)),
if nl(L) ==n & a(L) ~= 1
fprintf('%9.3f', imag(SL)), fprintf('%9.3f\n',
else, fprintf('%9.3f\n', imag(SL))
else, end
SLT = SLT/2;
fprintf(' \n'), fprintf(' Total loss ')
fprintf('%9.3f',real(SLT)) fprintf('%9.3f\n',
clear Ik In SL SLT Skn Snk

Example 4.2:
for this example all the above programs are same just in please of Ifgauss the
program for Ifnewton can come , which is as follow:
%ifnewton 4.2
ns=0; ng=0; Vm=0; delta=0; yload=0;
nbus = length(busdata(:,1));
kb=[];Vm=[]; delta=[]; Pd=[]; Qd=[];
Pg=[]; Qg=[]; Qmin=[]; Qmax=[];
Pk=[]; P=[]; Qk=[]; Q=[]; S=[]; V=[];
for k=1:nbus

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

Vm(n)=busdata(k,3); delta(n)=busdata(k, 4);

Pd(n)=busdata(k,5); Qd(n)=busdata(k,6);
Pg(n)=busdata(k,7); Qg(n) = busdata(k,8);
Qmin(n)=busdata(k, 9); Qmax(n)=busdata(k, 10);
Qsh(n)=busdata(k, 11);
if Vm(n) <= 0 Vm(n) = 1.0; V(n) = 1 + j*0;
else delta(n) = pi/180*delta(n);
V(n) = Vm(n)*(cos(delta(n)) + j*sin(delta(n)));
Q(n)=(Qg(n)-Qd(n)+ Qsh(n))/basemva;
S(n) = P(n) + j*Q(n);

end end
for k=1:nbus
if kb(k) == 1, ns = ns+1; else, end
if kb(k) == 2 ng = ng+1; else, end
ngs(k) = ng;
nss(k) = ns;
Ym=abs(Ybus); t = angle(Ybus);
maxerror = 1; converge=1;
iter = 0;
% added for parallel lines
for k=1:nbr
for m=k+1:nbr
if((nl(k)==nl(m)) & (nr(k)==nr(m)));

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

delta(n) + delta(l));
J44=J44+ Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)-delta(n) +
else, end
if kb(n) ~= 1 & kb(l) ~=1
lk = nbus+l-ngs(l)-nss(l)-ns;ll = l -nss(l);
% off diagonalelements of J1
A(nn,ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)-
delta(n)+ delta(l));
if kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J2
A(nn, lk) =Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) +
if kb(n) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J3
A(lm, ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)-
delta(n)+delta(l)); end
if kb(n) == 0 & kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal
elements of J4
A(lm, lk) =-Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) +
else end
else , end
else, end
Pk = Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J33;
%diagonal of elements of J4

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

Qk =-Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*sin(t(n,n))-J11;
if kb(n) == 1 P(n)=Pk; Q(n) = Qk; end
% Swing bus P
if kb(n) == 2 Q(n)=Qk;
if Qmax(n) ~= 0
Qgc = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
if iter <= 7 % Between the 2th
& 6th iterations
if iter > 2 % the Mvar of
generator buses are
if Qgc < Qmin(n), % tested. If not within
limits Vm(n)
Vm(n) = Vm(n) + 0.01; % is changed in steps
of 0.01 pu to
elseif Qgc > Qmax(n), % bring the generator
Mvar within
Vm(n) = Vm(n) -0.01;end % the specified limits.

else, end,else,end


if kb(n) ~= 1
A(nn,nn) = J11;%diagonal elements of J1
DC(nn) = P(n)-Pk;
if kb(n) == 0
A(nn,lm) = 2*Vm(n)*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J22;
%diagonal elements of J2
A(lm,nn)= J33%diagonal elements of J3
A(lm,lm) =- DC(lm) = Q(n)-Qk;

Chapter 4 Matlab Programming

DC(lm) = Q(n)-Qk;
for n = 1:nbus
if kb(n) == 1
S(n)= P(n)+j*Q(n);
Pg(n) = P(n)*basemva + Pd(n);
Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
elseif kb(n) ==2
Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
yload(n) (Pd(n)-
busdata(:,3)=Vm'; busdata(:,4)=deltad';
Pgt = sum(Pg); Qgt = sum(Qg); Pdt = sum(Pd); Qdt =
sum(Qd); Qsht = sum(Qsh);

%clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 J44 Qk delta lk ll lm

%clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 Qk delta lk ll lm

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

The data preparation for 118 bus system


Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

Data for 118 bus system as follow :

basemva = 100 ; accuracy = 0.001, accel = 1.8 , maxiter = 100;
% Bus Bus Vm Va PD QD PG QG Qmin Qmax Injected
% no. type MVAR
busdata= [
1 2 0.955 10.67 51 27 0.0 0.0 -5 15 0.0

2 0 0.971 11.22 20 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

3 0 0.968 11.56 39 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

4 2 0.998 15.28 39 12 -9.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

5 0 1.002 15.73 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

6 2 0.99 13 52 22 0.0 0.0 -13 50 0.0

7 0 0.989 12.56 19 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

8 2 1.015 20.77 28 0 -28.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

9 0 1.043 28.02 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

10 2 1.05 35.61 0 0 450.0 0.0 -147 200 0.0

11 0 0.985 12.72 70 23 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

12 2 0.99 12.2 47 10 85.0 0.0 -35 120 0.0

13 0 0.968 11.35 34 16 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

14 0 0.984 11.5 14 1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

15 2 0.97 11.23 90 30 0.0 0.0 -10 30 0.0

16 0 0.984 11.91 25 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

17 0 0.995 13.74 11 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

18 2 0.973 11.53 60 34 0.0 0.0 -16 50 0.0

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

19 2 0.963 11.05 45 25 0.0 0.0 -8 24 0.0

20 0 0.958 11.93 18 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

21 0 0.959 13.52 14 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

22 0 0.97 16.08 10 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

23 0 1 21 7 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

24 2 0.992 20.89 13 0 -13.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

25 2 1.05 27.93 0 0 220.0 0.0 -47 140 0.0

26 2 1.015 29.71 0 0 314.0 0.0 -1000 1000 0.0

27 2 0.968 15.35 71 13 -9.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

28 0 0.962 13.62 17 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

29 0 0.963 12.63 24 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

30 0 0.968 18.79 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

31 2 0.967 12.75 43 27 7.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

32 2 0.964 14.8 59 23 0.0 0.0 -14 42 0.0

33 0 0.972 10.63 23 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

34 2 0.986 11.3 59 26 0.0 0.0 -8 24 0.0

35 0 0.981 10.87 33 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

36 2 0.98 10.87 31 17 0.0 0.0 -8 24 0.0

37 0 0.992 11.77 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

38 0 0.962 16.91 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

39 0 0.97 8.41 27 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

40 2 0.97 7.35 66 23 -46.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

41 0 0.967 6.92 37 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

42 2 0.985 8.53 96 23 -59.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

43 0 0.978 11.28 18 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

44 0 0.985 13.82 16 8 19.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

45 0 0.987 15.67 53 22 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

46 2 1.005 18.49 28 10 0.0 0.0 -100 100 0.0

47 0 1.017 20.73 34 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

48 0 1.021 19.93 20 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

49 2 1.025 20.94 87 30 204.0 0.0 -85 210 0.0

50 0 1.001 18.9 17 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

51 0 0.967 16.28 17 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

52 0 0.957 15.32 18 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

53 0 0.946 14.35 23 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

54 2 0.955 15.26 113 32 48.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

55 2 0.952 14.97 63 22 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

56 2 0.954 15.16 84 18 0.0 0.0 -8 15 0.0

57 0 0.971 16.36 12 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

58 0 0.959 15.51 12 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

59 2 0.985 19.37 277 113 155.0 0.0 -60 180 0.0

60 0 0.993 23.15 78 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

61 2 0.995 24.04 0 0 160.0 0.0 -100 300 0.0

62 2 0.998 23.43 77 14 0.0 0.0 -20 20 0.0

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

63 0 0.969 22.75 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

64 0 0.984 24.52 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

65 2 1.005 27.65 0 0 391.0 0.0 -67 200 0.0

66 2 1.05 27.48 39 18 392.0 0.0 -67 200 0.0

67 0 1.02 24.84 28 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

68 0 1.003 27.55 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

69 1 1.035 30 0 0 516.4 0.0 -300 300 0.0

70 2 0.984 22.58 66 20 0.0 0.0 -10 32 0.0

71 0 0.987 22.15 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

72 2 0.98 20.98 12 0 -12.0 0.0 -100 100 0.0

73 2 0.991 21.94 6 0 -6.0 0.0 -100 100 0.0

74 2 0.958 21.64 68 27 0.0 0.0 -6 9 0.0

75 0 0.967 22.91 47 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

76 2 0.943 21.77 68 36 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

77 2 1.006 26.72 61 28 0.0 0.0 -20 70 0.0

78 0 1.003 26.42 71 26 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

79 0 1.009 26.72 39 32 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

80 2 1.04 28.96 130 26 477.0 0.0 -165 280 0.0

81 0 0.997 28.1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

82 0 0.989 27.24 54 27 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

83 0 0.985 28.42 20 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

84 0 0.98 30.95 11 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

85 2 0.985 32.51 24 15 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

86 0 0.987 31.14 21 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

87 2 1.015 31.4 0 0 4.0 0.0 -100 1000 0.0

88 0 0.987 35.64 48 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

89 2 1.005 39.69 0 0 607.0 0.0 -210 300 0.0

90 2 0.985 33.29 163 42 -85.0 0.0 -300 300 0.0

91 2 0.98 33.31 10 0 -10.0 0.0 -100 100 0.0

92 2 0.993 33.8 65 10 0.0 0.0 -3 9 0.0

93 0 0.987 30.79 12 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

94 0 0.991 28.64 30 16 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

95 0 0.981 27.67 42 31 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

96 0 0.993 27.51 38 15 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

97 0 1.011 27.88 15 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

98 0 1.024 27.4 34 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

99 2 1.01 27.04 42 0 -42.0 0.0 -100 100 0.0

100 2 1.017 28.03 37 18 250.0 0.0 -50 155 0.0

101 0 0.993 29.61 22 15 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

102 0 0.991 32.3 5 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

103 2 1.001 24.44 23 16 40.0 0.0 -15 40 0.0

104 2 0.971 21.69 38 25 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

105 2 0.965 20.57 31 26 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

106 0 0.962 20.32 43 16 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

107 2 0.952 17.53 50 12 -22.0 0.0 -200 200 0.0

108 0 0.967 19.38 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

109 0 0.967 18.93 8 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

110 2 0.973 18.09 39 30 0.0 0.0 -8 23 0.0

111 2 0.98 19.74 0 0 36.0 0.0 -100 1000 0.0

112 2 0.975 14.99 68 13 -43.0 0.0 -100 1000 0.0

113 2 0.993 13.74 6 0 -6.0 0.0 -100 200 0.0

114 0 0.96 14.46 8 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

115 0 0.96 14.46 22 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

116 2 1.005 27.12 184 0 -184.0 0.0 -1000 1000 0.0

117 0 0.974 10.67 20 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0

118 0 0.949 21.92 33 15 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 ];

The line data is as flow :

%From To R X B/2 Transformer

%Bus Bus PU PU Tap Setting

linedata = [

1 2 0.0303 0.0999 0.0127 0 0.0254

1 3 0.0129 0.0424 0.00541 0 0.01082

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

4 5 0.00176 0.00798 0.00105 0 0.0021

3 5 0.0241 0.108 0.0142 0 0.0284

5 6 0.0119 0.054 0.00713 0 0.01426

6 7 0.00459 0.0208 0.00275 0 0.0055

8 9 0.00244 0.0305 0.581 0 1.162

8 50 0.0267 0 0.985 0

9 10 0.00258 0.0322 0.615 0 1.23

4 11 0.0209 0.0688 0.00874 0 0.01748

5 11 0.0203 0.0682 0.00869 0 0.01738

11 12 0.00595 0.0196 0.00251 0 0.00502

2 12 0.0187 0.0616 0.00786 0 0.01572

3 12 0.0484 0.16 0.0203 0 0.0406

7 12 0.00862 0.034 0.00437 0 0.00874

11 13 0.02225 0.0731 0.00938 0 0.01876

12 14 0.0215 0.0707 0.00908 0 0.01816

13 15 0.0744 0.2444 0.03134 0 0.06268

14 15 0.0595 0.195 0.0251 0 0.0502

12 16 0.0212 0.0834 0.0107 0 0.0214

15 17 0.0132 0.0437 0.0222 0 0.0444

16 17 0.0454 0.1801 0.0233 0 0.0466

17 18 0.0123 0.0505 0.00649 0 0.01298

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

18 19 0.01119 0.0493 0.00571 0 0.01142

19 20 0.0252 0.117 0.0149 0 0.0298

15 19 0.012 0.0394 0.00505 0 0.0101

20 21 0.0183 0.0849 0.0108 0 0.0216

21 22 0.0209 0.097 0.0123 0 0.0246

22 23 0.0342 0.159 0.0202 0 0.0404

23 24 0.0135 0.0492 0.0249 0 0.0498

23 25 0.0156 0.08 0.0432 0 0.0864

26 25 0 0.0382 0 0.96 0

25 27 0.0318 0.163 0.0882 0 0.1764

27 28 0.01913 0.0855 0.0108 0 0.0216

28 29 0.0237 0.0943 0.0119 0 0.0238

30 17 0 0.0388 0 0.96 0

8 30 0.00431 0.0504 0.257 0 0.514

26 30 0.00799 0.086 0.454 0 0.908

17 31 0.0474 0.1563 0.01995 0 0.0399

29 31 0.0108 0.0331 0.00415 0 0.0083

23 32 0.0317 0.1153 0.05865 0 0.1173

31 32 0.0298 0.0985 0.01255 0 0.0251

27 32 0.0229 0.0755 0.00963 0 0.01926

15 33 0.038 0.1244 0.01597 0 0.03194

19 34 0.0752 0.247 0.0316 0 0.0632

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

35 36 0.00224 0.0102 0.00134 0 0.00268

35 37 0.011 0.0497 0.00659 0 0.01318

33 37 0.0415 0.142 0.0183 0 0.0366

34 36 0.00871 0.0268 0.00284 0 0.00568

34 37 0.00256 0.0094 0.00492 0 0.00984

38 37 0 0.0375 0 0.935 0

37 39 0.0321 0.106 0.0135 0 0.027

37 40 0.0593 0.168 0.021 0 0.042

30 38 0.00464 0.054 0.211 0 0.422

39 40 0.0184 0.0605 0.00776 0 0.01552

40 41 0.0145 0.0487 0.00611 0 0.01222

40 42 0.0555 0.183 0.0233 0 0.0466

41 42 0.041 0.135 0.0172 0 0.0344

43 44 0.0608 0.2454 0.03034 0 0.06068

34 43 0.0413 0.1681 0.02113 0 0.04226

44 45 0.0224 0.0901 0.0112 0 0.0224

45 46 0.04 0.1356 0.0166 0 0.0332

46 47 0.038 0.127 0.0158 0 0.0316

46 48 0.0601 0.189 0.0236 0 0.0472

47 49 0.0191 0.0625 0.00802 0 0.01604

42 49 0.0715 0.323 0.043 0 0.086

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

42 49 0.0715 0.323 0.043 0 0.086

45 49 0.0684 0.186 0.0222 0 0.0444

48 49 0.0179 0.0505 0.00629 0 0.01258

49 50 0.0267 0.0752 0.00937 0 0.01874

49 51 0.0486 0.137 0.0171 0 0.0342

51 52 0.0203 0.0588 0.00698 0 0.01396

52 53 0.0405 0.1635 0.02029 0 0.04058

53 54 0.0263 0.122 0.0155 0 0.031

49 54 0.073 0.289 0.0369 0 0.0738

49 54 0.0869 0.291 0.0365 0 0.073

54 55 0.0169 0.0707 0.0101 0 0.0202

54 56 0.00275 0.00955 0.00366 0 0.00732

55 56 0.00488 0.0151 0.00187 0 0.00374

56 57 0.0343 0.0966 0.0121 0 0.0242

50 57 0.0474 0.134 0.0166 0 0.0332

56 58 0.0343 0.0966 0.0121 0 0.0242

51 58 0.0255 0.0719 0.00894 0 0.01788

54 59 0.0503 0.2293 0.0299 0 0.0598

56 59 0.0825 0.251 0.02845 0 0.0569

56 59 0.0803 0.239 0.0268 0 0.0536

55 59 0.04739 0.2158 0.02823 0 0.05646

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

59 60 0.0317 0.145 0.0188 0 0.0376

59 61 0.0328 0.15 0.0194 0 0.0388

60 61 0.00264 0.0135 0.00728 0 0.01456

60 62 0.0123 0.0561 0.00734 0 0.01468

61 62 0.00824 0.0376 0.0049 0 0.0098

63 59 0 0.0386 0 0.96 0

63 64 0.00172 0.02 0.108 0 0.216

64 61 0 0.0268 0 0.985 0

38 65 0.00901 0.0986 0.523 0 1.046

64 65 0.00269 0.0302 0.19 0 0.38

49 66 0.018 0.0919 0.0124 0 0.0248

49 66 0.018 0.0919 0.0124 0 0.0248

62 66 0.0482 0.218 0.0289 0 0.0578

62 67 0.0258 0.117 0.0155 0 0.031

65 66 0 0.037 0 0.935 0

66 67 0.0224 0.1015 0.01341 0 0.02682

65 68 0.00138 0.016 0.319 0 0.638

47 69 0.0844 0.2778 0.03546 0 0.07092

49 69 0.0985 0.324 0.0414 0 0.0828

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

68 69 0 0.037 0 0.935 0

69 70 0.03 0.127 0.061 0 0.122

24 70 0.00221 0.4115 0.05099 0 0.10198

70 71 0.00882 0.0355 0.00439 0 0.00878

24 72 0.0488 0.196 0.0244 0 0.0488

71 72 0.0446 0.18 0.02222 0 0.04444

71 73 0.00866 0.0454 0.00589 0 0.01178

70 74 0.0401 0.1323 0.01684 0 0.03368

70 75 0.0428 0.141 0.018 0 0.036

69 75 0.0405 0.122 0.062 0 0.124

74 75 0.0123 0.0406 0.00517 0 0.01034

76 77 0.0444 0.148 0.0184 0 0.0368

69 77 0.0309 0.101 0.0519 0 0.1038

75 77 0.0601 0.1999 0.02489 0 0.04978

77 78 0.00376 0.0124 0.00632 0 0.01264

78 79 0.00546 0.0244 0.00324 0 0.0064

77 80 0.017 0.0485 0.0236 0 0.0472

77 80 0.0294 0.105 0.0114 0 0.0228

79 80 0.0156 0.0704 0.00935 0 0.0187

68 81 0.00175 0.0202 0.404 0 0.808

81 80 0 0.037 0 0.935 0

77 82 0.0298 0.0853 0.04087 0 0.08174

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

82 83 0.0112 0.03665 0.01898 0 0.03796

83 84 0.0625 0.132 0.0129 0 0.0258

83 85 0.043 0.148 0.0174 0 0.0348

84 85 0.0302 0.0641 0.00617 0 0.01234

85 86 0.035 0.123 0.0138 0 0.0276

86 87 0.02828 0.2074 0.02225 0 0.0445

85 88 0.02 0.102 0.0138 0 0.0276

85 89 0.0239 0.173 0.0235 0 0.047

88 89 0.0139 0.0712 0.00967 0 0.01934

89 90 0.0518 0.188 0.0264 0 0.0528

89 90 0.0238 0.0997 0.053 0 0.106

90 91 0.0254 0.0836 0.0107 0 0.0214

89 92 0.0099 0.0505 0.0274 0 0.0548

89 92 0.0393 0.1581 0.0207 0 0.0414

91 92 0.0387 0.1272 0.01634 0 0.03268

92 93 0.0258 0.0848 0.0109 0 0.0218

92 94 0.0481 0.158 0.0203 0 0.0406

93 94 0.0223 0.0732 0.00938 0 0.01876

94 95 0.0132 0.0434 0.00555 0 0.0111

80 96 0.0356 0.182 0.0247 0 0.0494

82 96 0.0162 0.053 0.0272 0 0.0544

94 96 0.0269 0.0869 0.0115 0 0.023

80 97 0.0183 0.0934 0.0127 0 0.0254

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

80 98 0.0238 0.108 0.0143 0 0.0286

80 99 0.0454 0.206 0.0273 0 0.0546

92 100 0.0648 0.295 0.0236 0 0.0472

94 100 0.0178 0.058 0.0302 0 0.0604

95 96 0.0171 0.0547 0.00737 0 0.01474

96 97 0.0173 0.0885 0.012 0 0.024

98 100 0.0397 0.179 0.0238 0 0.0476

99 100 0.018 0.0813 0.0108 0 0.0216

100 101 0.0277 0.1262 0.0164 0 0.0328

92 102 0.0123 0.0559 0.00732 0 0.01464

101 102 0.0246 0.112 0.0147 0 0.0294

100 103 0.016 0.0525 0.0268 0 0.0536

100 104 0.0451 0.204 0.02705 0 0.0541

103 104 0.0466 0.1584 0.02035 0 0.0407

103 105 0.0535 0.1625 0.0204 0 0.0408

100 106 0.0605 0.229 0.031 0 0.062

104 105 0.00994 0.0378 0.00493 0 0.00986

105 106 0.014 0.0547 0.00717 0 0.01434

105 107 0.053 0.183 0.0236 0 0.0472

105 108 0.0261 0.0703 0.00922 0 0.01844

106 107 0.053 0.183 0.0236 0 0.0472

108 109 0.0105 0.0288 0.0038 0 0.0076

103 110 0.03906 0.1813 0.02305 0 0.0461

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

109 110 0.0278 0.0762 0.0101 0 0.0202

110 111 0.022 0.0755 0.01 0 0.02

110 112 0.0247 0.064 0.031 0 0.062

17 113 0.00913 0.0301 0.00384 0 0.00768

32 113 0.0615 0.203 0.0259 0 0.0518

32 114 0.0135 0.0612 0.00814 0 0.01628

27 115 0.0164 0.0741 0.00986 0 0.01972

114 115 0.0023 0.0104 0.00138 0 0.00276

68 116 0.00034 0.00405 0.082 0 0.164

12 117 0.0329 0.14 0.0179 0 0.0358

75 118 0.0145 0.0481 0.00599 0 0.01198

76 118 0.0164 0.0544 0.00678 0 0.01356

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

The output is :

accuracy = 1.0000e-003

accel = 1.800

Power Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson Method

Maximum Power Mismatch = 8.05004e-007

No. of Iterations = 10

Bus Voltage Angle ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected

No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar

1 0.955 -1.230 51.000 27.000 0.000 -4.218 0.000
2 0.971 -0.656 20.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 0.968 -0.370 39.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 0.998 3.237 39.000 12.000 -9.000 -39.533 0.000
5 1.004 3.682 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 0.990 1.064 52.000 22.000 0.000 12.044 0.000
7 0.989 0.650 19.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 1.015 8.686 28.000 0.000 -28.000 56.180 0.000
9 1.043 15.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 1.050 23.521 0.000 0.000 450.000 -51.042 0.000
11 0.986 0.806 70.000 23.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
12 0.990 0.341 47.000 10.000 85.000 82.315 0.000
13 0.971 -0.469 34.000 16.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 0.986 -0.277 14.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 0.980 -0.300 90.000 30.000 0.000 30.434 0.000
16 0.985 0.200 25.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 0.997 2.348 11.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

18 0.973 0.201 60.000 34.000 0.000 2.475 0.000

19 0.973 -0.375 45.000 25.000 0.000 15.355 0.000
20 0.965 0.790 18.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 0.963 2.579 14.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
22 0.972 5.365 10.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
23 1.000 10.668 7.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
24 0.992 11.294 13.000 0.000 -13.000 -14.045 0.000
25 0.992 11.294 13.000 0.000 -13.000 -14.045 0.000
26 1.050 17.103 0.000 0.000 220.000 50.421 0.000
27 -1.015 18.746 0.000 0.000 314.000 10.274 0.000
28 0.968 4.136 71.000 13.000 -9.000 5.064 0.000
29 0.962 2.424 17.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
30 0.986 7.475 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 0.967 1.568 43.000 27.000 7.000 30.300 0.000
32 0.964 3.737 59.000 23.000 0.000 -11.169 0.000
33 0.978 -0.756 23.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 0.986 0.171 59.000 26.000 0.000 -56.994 0.000
35 0.989 -0.431 33.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
36 0.990 -0.440 31.000 17.000 0.000 47.054 0.000
37 0.995 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
38 0.960 6.388 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
39 0.970 -4.424 27.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
40 0.970 -6.418 66.000 23.000 -46.000 43.574 0.000
41 0.967 -6.840 37.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
42 0.985 -5.180 96.000 23.000 -59.000 72.834 0.000
43 0.971 1.827 18.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 0.971 6.894 16.000 8.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
45 0.976 8.525 53.000 22.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
46 1.005 10.891 28.000 10.000 0.000 25.122 0.000
47 1.013 14.274 34.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
48 1.014 12.668 20.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

49 1.025 13.612 87.000 30.000 204.000 173.422 0.000

50 1.001 11.609 17.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
51 0.967 9.035 17.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
52 0.957 8.094 18.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
53 0.946 7.151 23.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
54 0.955 8.087 113.000 32.000 48.000 3.731 0.000
55 0.952 7.808 63.000 22.000 0.000 4.663 0.000
56 0.954 7.988 84.000 18.000 0.000 -2.299 0.000
57 0.971 9.142 12.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
58 0.959 8.294 12.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
59 0.985 12.316 277.000 113.000 155.000 76.930 0.000
60 0.993 16.142 78.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
61 0.995 17.039 0.000 0.000 160.000 -40.366 0.000
62 0.998 16.408 77.000 14.000 0.000 1.208 0.000
63 0.969 15.747 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
64 0.984 17.541 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
65 1.005 20.742 0.000 0.000 391.000 99.828 0.000
66 1.050 20.406 39.000 18.000 392.000 -2.580 0.000
67 1.020 17.791 28.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
68 1.003 21.323 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
69 1.035 30.000 0.000 0.000 1148.11 -74.315 0.000
70 0.974 18.543 66.000 20.000 0.000 3.036 0.000
71 0.981 17.306 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
72 0.980 13.064 12.000 0.000 -12.000 -3.587 0.000
73 0.991 16.866 6.000 0.000 -6.000 22.814 0.000
74 0.948 17.792 68.000 27.000 0.000 0.587 0.000
75 0.960 19.107 47.000 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
76 0.943 16.563 68.000 36.000 0.000 11.602 0.000
77 1.006 19.768 61.000 28.000 0.000 47.696 0.000
78 1.002 19.331 71.000 26.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
79 1.004 19.361 39.000 32.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

80 1.040 20.689 130.000 26.000 477.000 121.036 0.000

81 0.996 21.105 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
82 0.980 16.824 54.000 27.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
83 0.978 16.986 20.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
84 0.978 17.756 11.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
85 0.985 18.454 24.000 15.000 0.000 3.977 0.000
86 0.987 17.084 21.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
87 1.015 17.344 0.000 0.000 4.000 11.022 0.000
88 0.988 20.194 48.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
89 1.005 23.295 0.000 0.000 607.000 -16.511 0.000
90 0.985 14.102 163.000 42.000 -85.000 91.847 0.000
91 0.980 15.126 10.000 0.000 -10.000 -11.252 0.000
92 0.993 17.974 65.000 10.000 0.000 -3.156 0.000
93 0.988 16.137 12.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
94 0.990 14.995 30.000 16.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
95 0.979 15.074 42.000 31.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
96 0.990 16.237 38.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
97 1.009 18.109 15.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
98 1.021 16.638 34.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
99 1.010 12.517 42.000 0.000 -42.000 -3.535 0.000
100 1.017 13.043 37.000 18.000 250.000 139.248 0.000
101 0.993 14.261 22.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
102 0.992 16.633 5.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
103 0.991 8.179 23.000 16.000 40.000 16.038 0.000
104 0.971 4.787 38.000 25.000 0.000 16.540 0.000
105 0.965 3.208 31.000 26.000 0.000 15.481 0.000
106 0.960 3.083 43.000 16.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

107 0.952 -1.190 50.000 12.000 -22.000 20.527 0.000

108 0.966 1.093 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
109 0.966 0.267 8.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
110 0.973 -1.560 39.000 30.000 0.000 20.579 0.000
111 0.980 0.085 0.000 0.000 36.000 -1.844 0.000
112 0.975 -6.628 68.000 13.000 -43.000 61.734 0.000
113 0.993 2.321 6.000 0.000 -6.000 0.996 0.000
114 0.961 3.342 8.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
115 0.961 3.324 22.000 7.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
116 1.005 20.460 184.000 0.000 -184.000 75.380 0.000
117 0.974 -1.200 20.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
118 0.945 17.456 33.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 4242.000 1438.000 4433.11 1186.923 0.000

Line Flow and Losses

--Line-- Power at bus & line flow --Line loss-- Transformer

from to MW Mvar MVA MW Mvar tap

1 -51.000 -31.218 59.796

2 -12.855 -12.878 18.196 0.101 -2.025

3 -38.145 -18.340 42.325 0.251 -0.176

2 -20.000 -9.000 21.932

1 12.956 10.853 16.901 0.101 -2.025

12 -32.956 -19.853 38.474 0.288 -0.565

3 -39.000 -10.000 40.262

1 38.396 18.164 42.475 0.251 -0.176

5 -66.940 -16.270 68.889 1.209 2.657

12 -10.456 -11.894 15.837 0.108 -3.535

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

4 -48.000 -51.533 70.425

5 -108.780 -51.050 120.163 0.255 0.946

11 60.780 -0.483 60.782 0.775 0.832

5 0.000 0.000 0.000

4 109.035 51.995 120.798 0.255 0.946

3 68.149 18.927 70.729 1.209 2.657

6 86.069 8.307 86.469 0.884 2.594

8 -337.953 -84.639 348.390 0.000 32.148

11 74.699 5.409 74.895 1.132 2.081

6 -52.000 -9.956 52.944

5 -85.185 -5.713 85.376 0.884 2.594

7 33.185 -4.243 33.455 0.052 -0.302

7 -19.000 -2.000 19.105

6 -33.132 3.941 33.366 0.052 -0.302

12 14.132 -5.941 15.331 0.020 -0.776

8 -56.000 56.180 79.323

9 -440.635 -89.734 449.679 4.620 -65.305

5 337.953 116.787 357.563 0.000 32.148 0.985

30 46.682 29.126 55.023 0.221 -48.865

9 0.000 0.000 0.000

8 445.255 24.429 445.924 4.620 -65.305

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

10 -445.255 -24.429 445.924 4.745 -75.471

10 450.000 -51.042 452.886

9 450.000 -51.042 452.886 4.745 -75.471

11 -70.000 -23.000 73.682

4 -60.005 1.315 60.019 0.775 0.832

5 -73.568 -3.328 73.643 1.132 2.081

12 31.324 -30.254 43.548 0.115 -0.111

13 32.249 9.266 33.554 0.262 -0.937

12 38.000 72.315 81.691

11 -31.208 30.143 43.389 0.115 -0.111

2 33.243 19.288 38.434 0.288 -0.565

3 10.564 8.359 13.471 0.108 -3.535

7 -14.112 5.165 15.028 0.020 -0.776

14 15.116 -0.198 15.117 0.050 -1.608

16 4.245 4.360 6.086 0.010 -2.046

117 20.153 5.197 20.812 0.153

13 -34.000 -16.000 37.577

11 -31.987 -10.203 33.575 0.262 -0.937

15 -2.013 -5.797 6.136 0.010 -5.935

14 -14.000 -1.000 14.036

12 -15.066 -1.410 15.131 0.050 -1.608

15 1.066 0.410 1.142 0.006 -4.834

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

15 -90.000 0.434 90.001

13 2.022 -0.138 2.027 0.010 -5.935

14 -1.060 -5.244 5.350 0.006 -4.834

17 -104.725 -6.808 104.946 1.510 0.660

19 7.751 14.567 16.501 0.036 -0.845

33 6.012 -1.944 6.318 0.014 -3.015

16 -25.000 -10.000 26.926

12 -4.235 -6.406 7.679 0.010 -2.046

17 -20.765 -3.594 21.074 0.203 -3.771

17 -11.000 -3.000 11.402

15 106.236 7.468 106.498 1.510 0.660

16 20.968 -0.177 20.969 0.203 -3.771

18 79.268 29.295 84.508 0.888 2.386

30 -235.853 -65.107 244.675 0.000 23.356

31 13.064 13.416 18.725 0.194 -3.209

113 5.318 12.105 13.222 0.017 -0.705

18 -60.000 -31.525 67.778

17 -78.380 -26.909 82.871 0.888 2.386

19 18.380 -4.615 18.951 0.042 -0.897

19 -45.000 -9.645 46.022

18 -18.338 3.719 18.711 0.042 -0.897

20 -14.138 8.680 16.590 0.080 -2.425

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

15 -7.715 -15.413 17.236 0.036 -0.845

34 -4.809 -6.631 8.191 0.029 -5.969

20 -18.000 -3.000 18.248

19 14.218 -11.105 18.041 0.080 -2.425

21 -32.218 8.105 33.222 0.220 -0.985

21 -14.000 -8.000 16.125

20 32.438 -9.090 33.688 0.220 -0.985

22 -46.438 1.090 46.451 0.487 -0.045

22 -10.000 -5.000 11.180

21 46.925 -1.134 46.939 0.487 -0.045

23 -56.925 -3.866 57.056 1.174 1.528

23 -7.000 -3.000 7.616

22 58.099 5.394 58.349 1.174 1.528

24 -16.441 17.933 24.329 0.093 -4.601

25 -151.922 -29.198 154.703 3.699 9.887

32 103.264 2.871 103.304 3.406 1.076

24 -26.000 -14.045 29.551

23 16.534 -22.534 27.949 0.093 -4.601

70 -29.591 1.357 29.622 0.021 -6.024

72 -12.943 7.131 14.777 0.128 -4.230

25 220.000 50.421 225.704

23 155.621 39.085 160.454 3.699 9.887

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

26 -83.331 -18.848 85.436 -0.000 2.529

27 147.710 30.183 150.762 6.752 16.623

26 314.000 10.274 314.168

25 83.331 21.377 86.029 -0.000 2.529 0.960

30 230.669 -11.103 230.936 4.225 -45.398

27 -80.000 -7.936 80.393

25 -140.957 -13.560 141.608 6.752 16.623

28 32.621 -0.544 32.626 0.217 -1.039

32 9.302 1.435 9.412 0.022 -1.723

115 19.034 4.733 19.614 0.069 -1.522

28 -17.000 -7.000 18.385

27 -32.404 -0.495 32.408 0.217 -1.039

29 15.404 -6.505 16.721 0.068 -1.933

29 -24.000 -4.000 24.331

28 -15.336 4.572 16.003 0.068 -1.933

31 -8.664 -8.572 12.188 0.017 -0.722

30 0.000 0.000 0.000

17 235.853 88.463 251.898 0.000 23.356 0.960

8 -46.462 -77.991 90.782 0.221 -48.86

26 -226.444 -34.295 229.026 4.225 -45.398

38 37.052 23.823 44.050 0.159 -38.079

31 -36.000 3.300 36.151

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

17 -12.869 -16.624 21.023 0.194 -3.209

29 8.681 7.850 11.704 0.017 -0.722

32 -31.812 12.074 34.026 0.378 -1.089

32 -59.000 -34.169 68.180

23 -99.858 -1.795 99.874 3.406 1.076

31 32.190 -13.163 34.777 0.378 -1.089

27 -9.279 -3.158 9.802 0.022 -1.723

113 6.894 -18.123 19.390 0.195 -4.317

114 11.054 2.069 11.246 0.019 -1.422

33 -23.000 -9.000 24.698

15 -5.997 -1.071 6.092 0.014 -3.015

37 -17.003 -7.929 18.761 0.142 -3.076

34 -59.000 -82.994 101.828

19 4.838 0.662 4.883 0.029 -5.969

36 30.857 -24.814 39.597 0.139 -0.126

37 -81.194 -68.875 106.472 0.297 0.125

43 -13.501 10.033 16.821 0.139 -3.481

35 -33.000 -9.000 34.205

36 0.282 -5.626 5.633 0.001 -0.259

37 -33.282 -3.374 33.453 0.125 -0.731

36 -31.000 30.054 43.177

35 -0.282 5.366 5.374 0.001 -0.259

34 -30.718 24.688 39.410 0.139 -0.126

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

37 0.000 0.000 0.000

35 33.408 2.643 33.512 0.125 -0.731

33 17.144 4.853 17.818 0.142 -3.076

34 81.491 68.999 106.779 0.297 0.125

38 -278.623 -70.184 287.326 0.000 31.293

39 79.044 0.813 79.048 2.029 4.092

40 67.535 -7.125 67.910 2.749 3.735

38 0.000 0.000 0.000

37 278.623 101.477 296.527 0.000 31.293 0.935

30 -36.893 -61.903 72.063 0.159 -38.079

65 -241.730 -39.574 244.948 5.723 -38.376

39 -27.000 -11.000 29.155

37 -77.015 3.279 77.085 2.029 4.092

40 50.015 -14.279 52.014 0.525 0.264

40 -112.000 20.574 113.874

37 -64.786 10.860 65.690 2.749 3.735

39 -49.491 14.543 51.583 0.525 0.264

41 14.782 1.399 14.849 0.034 -1.031

42 -12.506 -6.228 13.971 0.102 -4.117

41 -37.000 -10.000 38.328

40 -14.748 -2.430 14.947 0.034 -1.031

42 -22.252 -7.570 23.504 0.233 -2.510

42 -155.000 49.834 162.814

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

40 12.608 2.111 12.783 0.102 -4.117

41 22.485 5.060 23.047 0.233 -2.510

49 -95.046 21.332 97.411 7.137 23.550

49 -95.046 21.332 97.411 7.137 23.550

43 -18.000 -7.000 19.313

44 -31.640 6.513 32.304 0.702 -2.894

34 13.640 -13.513 19.201 0.139 -3.481

44 3.000 -8.000 8.544

43 32.342 -9.408 33.682 0.702 -2.894

45 -29.342 1.408 29.376 0.206 -1.296

45 -53.000 -22.000 57.385

44 29.548 -2.704 29.671 0.206 -1.296

46 -32.927 -11.956 35.030 0.500 -1.563

49 -49.621 -7.340 50.161 1.787 0.411

46 -28.000 15.122 31.822

45 33.427 10.393 35.005 0.500 -1.563

47 -44.861 6.601 45.344 0.782 -0.603

48 -16.566 -1.873 16.671 0.163 -4.298

47 -34.000 0.000 34.000

46 45.643 -7.205 46.209 0.782 -0.603

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

49 12.306 -23.332 26.378 0.122 -1.266

69 -91.949 30.536 96.887 7.909 18.591

48 -20.000 -11.000 22.825

46 16.729 -2.426 16.904 0.163 -4.298

49 -36.729 -8.574 37.717 0.246 -0.615

49 117.000 143.422 185.092

47 -12.183 22.066 25.206 0.122 -1.266

42 102.183 2.219 102.207 7.137 23.550

42 102.183 2.219 102.207 7.137 23.550

45 51.408 7.751 51.989 1.787 0.411

48 36.975 7.959 37.822 0.246 -0.615

50 52.880 13.603 54.602 0.765 0.230

51 65.686 20.626 68.848 2.228 2.886

54 36.928 13.196 39.215 1.150 -2.689

54 36.927 11.357 38.634 1.319 -2.747

66 -137.121 5.893 137.248 3.230 13.822

66 -137.121 5.893 137.248 3.230 13.822

69 -81.743 30.640 87.297 7.412 15.597

50 -17.000 -4.000 17.464

49 -52.116 -13.373 53.804 0.765 0.230

57 35.116 9.373 36.345 0.641 -1.416

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

51 -17.000 -8.000 18.788

49 -63.457 -17.739 65.890 2.228 2.886

52 28.270 6.331 28.970 0.184 -0.759

58 18.187 3.409 18.504 0.095 -1.390

52 -18.000 -5.000 18.682

51 -28.086 -7.089 28.967 0.184 -0.759

53 10.086 2.089 10.300 0.052 -3.464

53 -23.000 -11.000 25.495

52 -10.034 -5.553 11.468 0.052 -3.464

54 -12.966 -5.447 14.063 0.054 -2.549

54 -65.000 -28.269 70.881

53 13.020 2.897 13.339 0.054 -2.549

49 -35.777 -15.886 39.146 1.150 -2.689

49 -35.609 -14.105 38.300 1.319 -2.747

55 6.836 1.512 7.001 0.010 -1.796

56 17.781 4.560 18.356 0.010 -0.631

59 -31.250 -7.249 32.080 0.550 -3.121

55 -63.000 -17.337 65.342

54 -6.826 -3.308 7.585 0.010 -1.796

56 -20.820 -6.020 21.673 0.025 -0.262

59 -35.354 -8.008 36.250 0.669 -2.251

51 -28.086 -7.089 28.967 0.184 -0.759

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

53 10.086 2.089 10.300 0.052 -3.464

53 -23.000 -11.000 25.495

51 -17.000 -8.000 18.788

49 -63.457 -17.739 65.890 2.228 2.886

52 28.270 6.331 28.970 0.184 -0.759

58 18.187 3.409 18.504 0.095 -1.390

52 -10.034 -5.553 11.468 0.052 -3.464

54 -12.966 -5.447 14.063 0.054 -2.549

54 -65.000 -28.269 70.881

53 13.020 2.897 13.339 0.054 -2.549

49 -35.777 -15.886 39.146 1.150 -2.689

49 -35.609 -14.105 38.300 1.319 -2.747

55 6.836 1.512 7.001 0.010 -1.796

56 -84.000 -20.299 86.418

54 -17.771 -5.191 18.513 0.010 -0.631

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

55 20.845 5.759 21.626 0.025 -0.262

57 -22.262 -9.431 24.177 0.213 -1.642

59 -30.060 -3.592 30.274 0.798 -2.663

57 -12.000 -3.000 12.369

56 22.475 7.789 23.786 0.213 -1.642

50 -34.475 -10.789 36.124 0.641 -1.416

58 -12.000 -3.000 12.369

56 6.092 1.799 6.352 0.017 -2.166

51 -18.092 -4.799 18.717 0.095 -1.390

59 -122.000 -36.070 127.220

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

54 31.800 4.128 32.067 0.550 -3.121

56 29.425 0.801 29.436 0.747 -3.077

56 30.859 0.929 30.873 0.798 -2.663

55 36.023 5.757 36.480 0.669 -2.251

60 -43.798 3.715 43.955 0.637 -0.766

61 -52.247 5.194 52.505 0.940 0.495

63 -154.061 -56.595 164.128 0.000 10.717

60 -78.000 -3.000 78.058

59 44.435 -4.481 44.660 0.637 -0.766

61 -112.809 8.656 113.141 0.343 0.315

62 -9.626 -7.174 12.005 0.017 -1.379

61 160.000 -40.366 165.013

59 53.187 -4.699 53.394 0.940 0.495

60 113.152 -8.341 113.459 0.343 0.315

62 26.130 -13.990 29.639 0.072 -0.645

64 -32.469 -13.336 35.101 -0.000 0.334

62 -77.000 -12.792 78.055

60 9.642 5.796 11.250 0.017 -1.379

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

61 -26.058 13.345 29.276 0.072 -0.645

66 -36.721 -17.395 40.633 0.755 -2.652

67 -23.864 -14.537 27.943 0.191 -2.288

63 0.000 0.000 0.000

59 154.061 67.312 168.124 0.000 10.717 0.960

64 -154.061 -67.312 168.124 0.495 -14.826

64 0.000 0.000 0.000

63 154.556 52.486 163.225 0.495 -14.826

61 32.469 13.669 35.229 -0.000 0.334 0.985

65 -187.025 -66.155 198.381 1.036 -25.944

65 391.000 99.828 403.543

38 247.452 1.198 247.455 5.723 -38.376

64 188.061 40.211 192.312 1.036 -25.944

66 17.886 72.290 74.470 0.000 1.776 0.935

68 -62.400 -13.871 63.923 0.058 -63.641

66 353.000 -20.580 353.599

49 140.352 7.929 140.575 3.230 13.822

49 140.352 7.929 140.575 3.230 13.822

62 37.476 14.743 40.271 0.755 -2.652

65 -17.886 -70.514 72.747 0.000 1.776

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

67 52.707 19.333 56.141 0.652 0.084

67 -28.000 -7.000 28.862

62 24.055 12.249 26.994 0.191 -2.288

66 -52.055 -19.249 55.500 0.652 0.084

68 0.000 0.000 0.000

65 62.458 -49.770 79.862 0.058 -63.641

69 -452.673 143.681 474.928 0.000 72.525 0.935

81 21.736 -7.711 23.063 0.027 -80.405

116 368.479 -86.201 378.428 0.479 -10.820

69 1148.113 -74.315 1150.515

47 99.858 -11.945 100.570 7.909 18.591

49 89.156 -15.043 90.416 7.412 15.597

68 452.673 -71.156 458.231 0.000 72.525

70 163.998 20.255 165.244 7.733 20.416

75 162.082 18.196 163.100 10.165 18.271

77 180.346 -14.623 180.938 9.406 19.931

70 -66.000 -16.964 68.145

69 -156.265 0.160 156.265 7.733 20.416

24 29.612 -7.380 30.518 0.021 -6.024

71 50.145 -32.444 59.725 0.329 0.486

74 13.711 13.448 19.205 0.175 -2.533

75 -3.202 9.252 9.790 0.059 -3.171

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

71 0.000 0.000 0.000

70 -49.815 32.929 59.715 0.329 0.486

72 37.755 -9.289 38.880 0.684 -1.514

73 12.061 -23.640 26.539 0.061 -0.826

72 -24.000 -3.587 24.267

24 13.071 -11.361 17.318 0.128 -4.230

71 -37.071 7.774 37.877 0.684 -1.514

73 -12.000 22.814 25.778

71 -12.000 22.814 25.778 0.061 -0.826

74 -68.000 -26.413 72.950

70 -13.536 -15.981 20.943 0.175 -2.533

75 -54.464 -10.432 55.454 0.420 0.444

75 -47.000 -11.000 48.270

70 3.261 -12.423 12.844 0.059 -3.171

69 -151.917 0.075 151.917 10.165 18.271

74 54.884 10.877 55.951 0.420 0.444

77 -11.243 -21.159 23.960 0.315 -3.764

118 58.015 11.630 59.169 0.553 0.749

76 -68.000 -24.398 72.244

77 -43.651 -27.680 51.687 1.290 0.802

118 -24.349 3.282 24.569 0.112 -0.837

77 -61.000 19.696 64.101

76 44.941 28.481 53.206 1.290 0.802

69 -170.941 34.554 174.398 9.406 19.931

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

75 11.558 17.395 20.885 0.315 -3.764

78 66.736 14.871 68.372 0.174 -0.698

80 -52.810 -54.123 75.619 0.918 -2.322

80 -23.277 -27.083 35.711 0.353 -1.127

82 62.794 5.600 63.043 1.189 -4.662

78 -71.000 -26.000 75.611

77 -66.561 -15.569 68.358 0.174 -0.698

79 -4.439 -10.431 11.336 0.007 -0.622

79 -39.000 -32.000 50.448

78 4.445 9.809 10.769 0.007 -0.622

80 -43.445 -41.809 60.295 0.550 0.529

80 347.000 95.036 359.779

77 53.728 51.801 74.633 0.918 -2.322

77 23.630 25.956 35.101 0.353 -1.127

79 43.996 42.337 61.058 0.550 0.529

81 -21.709 -70.817 74.070 0.000 1.877

96 48.004 18.205 51.340 0.902 -0.482

97 55.398 23.093 60.019 0.621 0.500

98 70.556 3.266 70.631 1.101 1.955

99 73.396 1.195 73.406 2.268 4.555

81 0.000 0.000 0.000

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

68 -21.709 -72.694 75.866 0.027 -80.405

80 21.709 72.694 75.866 0.000 1.877 0.935

82 -54.000 -27.000 60.374

77 -61.605 -10.261 62.454 1.189 -4.662

83 -4.637 7.250 8.606 0.012 -3.599

96 12.242 -23.989 26.932 0.102 -4.946

83 -20.000 -10.000 22.361

82 4.649 -10.849 11.803 0.012 -3.599

84 -8.028 2.371 8.371 0.051 -2.360

85 -16.621 -1.522 16.690 0.124 -2.923

84 -11.000 -7.000 13.038

83 8.079 -4.731 9.362 0.051 -2.360

85 -19.079 -2.269 19.214 0.116 -0.943

85 -24.000 -11.023 26.410

83 16.745 -1.401 16.804 0.124 -2.923

84 19.195 1.327 19.241 0.116 -0.943

86 17.172 -7.354 18.681 0.119 -2.263

88 -28.463 1.311 28.493 0.168 -1.828

89 -48.650 -4.905 48.896 0.585 -0.421

86 -21.000 -10.000 23.259

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

85 -17.053 5.091 17.797 0.119 -2.263

87 -3.947 -15.091 15.599 0.053 -4.069

87 4.000 11.022 11.725

86 4.000 11.022 11.725 0.053 -4.069

88 -48.000 -10.000 49.031

85 28.631 -3.139 28.803 0.168 -1.828

89 -76.631 -6.861 76.938 0.840 2.383

89 607.000 -16.511 607.225

85 49.234 4.484 49.438 0.585 -0.421

88 77.472 9.244 78.021 0.840 2.383

90 82.656 -7.986 83.041 3.518 7.542

92 57.549 -6.048 57.866 1.295 1.077

90 -248.000 49.847 252.960

89 -79.138 15.528 80.647 3.518 7.542

89 -151.656 24.054 153.551 5.851 14.015

91 -17.207 10.265 20.036 0.111 -1.701

91 -20.000 -11.252 22.948

90 157.506 -10.039 157.826 5.851 14.015

92 182.582 -6.165 182.686 3.269 11.204

90 17.318 -11.966 21.050 0.111 -1.701

92 -37.318 0.714 37.324 0.563 -1.329

92 -65.000 -13.156 66.318

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

89 -179.314 17.369 180.153 3.269 11.204

89 -56.254 7.125 56.704 1.295 1.077

91 37.881 -2.043 37.936 0.563 -1.329

93 35.850 -5.118 36.214 0.341 -1.019

94 30.339 -8.563 31.524 0.470 -2.448

100 26.645 -14.992 30.573 0.572 -2.164

102 39.853 -6.935 40.452 0.203 -0.520

93 -12.000 -7.000 13.892

92 -35.510 4.099 35.745 0.341 -1.019

94 23.510 -11.099 25.998 0.150 -1.342

94 -30.000 -16.000 34.000

92 -29.869 6.115 30.488 0.470 -2.448

93 -23.360 9.757 25.315 0.150 -1.342

95 3.985 22.672 23.019 0.075 -0.831

96 -22.208 6.080 23.025 0.150 -1.771

100 41.451 -60.624 73.440 0.916 -3.100

95 -42.000 -31.000 52.202

94 -3.911 -23.502 23.826 0.075 -0.831

96 -38.089 -7.498 38.820 0.267 -0.576

96 -38.000 -15.000 40.853

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

94 22.358 -7.852 23.696 0.150 -1.771

95 38.356 6.922 38.976 0.267 -0.576

97 -39.472 -14.427 42.026 0.306 -0.833

97 -15.000 -9.000 17.493

80 -54.778 -22.593 59.254 0.621 0.500

96 39.778 13.593 42.036 0.306 -0.833

98 -34.000 -8.000 34.928

80 -69.455 -1.311 69.468 1.101 1.955

100 35.455 -6.689 36.081 0.485 -2.75

99 -84.000 -3.535 84.074

80 -71.128 3.360 71.207 2.268 4.555

100 -12.872 -6.895 14.602 0.035 -2.060

100 213.000 121.248 245.092

92 -26.073 12.827 29.058 0.572 -2.164

94 -40.535 57.524 70.371 0.916 -3.100

98 -34.970 3.932 35.191 0.485 -2.757

99 12.907 4.835 13.783 0.035 -2.060

101 -12.163 20.423 23.771 0.171 -2.536

103 164.914 4.248 164.969 4.215 8.426

104 72.156 9.198 72.740 2.333 5.205

106 76.764 8.261 77.208 3.524 7.275

101 -22.000 -15.000 26.627

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

100 12.334 -22.959 26.063 0.171 -2.536

102 -34.334 7.959 35.244 0.316 -1.457

102 -5.000 -3.000 5.831

92 -39.650 6.416 40.166 0.203 -0.520

101 34.650 -9.416 35.907 0.316 -1.457

103 17.000 0.038 17.000

100 -160.699 4.178 160.754 4.215 8.426

104 36.748 0.767 36.756 0.644 -1.727

105 51.371 -0.847 51.378 1.438 0.466

110 89.580 -4.060 89.672 3.193 10.374

104 -38.000 -8.460 38.930

100 -69.823 -3.993 69.937 2.333 5.205

103 -36.104 -2.494 36.190 0.644 -1.727

105 67.927 -1.973 67.955 0.487 0.927

105 -31.000 -10.519 32.736

103 -49.932 1.313 49.950 1.438 0.466

104 -67.440 2.899 67.502 0.487 0.927

106 5.594 6.762 8.775 0.013 -1.278

107 37.745 -4.796 38.048 0.815 -1.524

108 43.034 -16.696 46.160 0.589 -0.131

106 -43.000 -16.000 45.880

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

100 -73.241 -0.986 73.247 3.524 7.275

105 -5.581 -8.039 9.786 0.013 -1.278

107 35.821 -6.975 36.494 0.751 -1.720

107 -72.000 8.527 72.503

105 -36.930 3.272 37.075 0.815 -1.524

106 -35.070 5.255 35.461 0.751 -1.720

108 -2.000 -1.000 2.236

105 -42.445 16.566 45.563 0.589 -0.131

109 40.445 -17.566 44.095 0.218 -0.112

109 -8.000 -3.000 8.544

108 -40.227 17.453 43.850 0.218 -0.112

110 32.227 -20.453 38.170 0.422 -0.741

110 -39.000 -9.421 40.122

103 -86.388 14.434 87.585 3.193 10.374

109 -31.805 19.712 37.418 0.422 -0.741

111 -35.703 0.956 35.716 0.297 -0.888

112 114.895 -44.523 123.220 3.895 4.211

111 36.000 -1.844 36.047

110 36.000 -1.844 36.047 0.297 -0.888

112 -111.000 48.734 121.227

Chapter 5 IEEE 118 Bus system

110 -111.000 48.734 121.227 3.895 4.211

113 -12.000 0.996 12.041

114 -3.035 -0.745 3.125 0.000 -0.254

116 -368.000 75.380 375.641

68 -368.000 75.380 375.641 0.479 -10.820

117 -20.000 -8.000 21.541

12 -20.000 -8.000 21.541 0.153 -2.803

118 -33.000 -15.000 36.249

75 -57.461 -10.881 58.483 0.553 0.749

76 24.461 -4.119 24.806 0.112 -0.837

Total loss 191.113 -251.076



In additional to discussing how load flow studies are made by computer in this book represented
the two methods of controlling voltage and the flow of power from standpoint of understanding
how this control is accomplished.

The load flow study on a computer is the best way to obtain quantitative answers for the effect
of specific control.

Conversion of impedance to admittance because of data preparation is simple it’s formulation

and modification is simple .using acceleration factor can be increased the rate of convergence.

Acceleration factor is a multiplier constant that enhances correction between the values of
voltage in two successive iterations. Study the real, reactive power as well as voltage magnitude
and phase angle. Using tap changing transformer for propose of voltage control.

Analysis of 30 bus system as well as 118 bus system and finding the real and reactive power and
the total loss of the line .using matlab as well as ETP where we did in matlab and our future
plane is for 2737 bus system using ETP the price of ETP is $39 so in this book we just did using



[1] power system analysis by Hadi Sadat

[2] Electrical power systems by Ashfaq Husain

[3] Modern power system Analysis -third adition by D P Kothari and I J Nagrath

[4] http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca/pf118/ieee118cdf.txt

[5] http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca/pf118/pg_tca118fig.htm

[6] http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca/formats/cdf.txt

[7] http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca/

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