1 - (2022 UP LAW BOC) Political Law LMTs
1 - (2022 UP LAW BOC) Political Law LMTs
1 - (2022 UP LAW BOC) Political Law LMTs
Answer: There is permissible delegation in the Example: If there are 253 district
following cases: representatives for the 2022 elections, divide
1. Delegation to the People at large, like: it by 4 to get the party-list seats. This means
a. System of initiative and referendum that 63 seats should be guaranteed for party-
[Art. VI, Sec. 32, Const.] list representatives.
b. Requirement of plebiscite in the
creation, division, merger, and abolition First, one seat is given to all those who reached
of LGUs. [Art. X, Sec. 10, Const.] the 2% minimum. If 6 party-lists qualified, 57
2. Emergency powers of the President. [Art. seats are left.
VI, Sec. 23(2), Const.]
3. Tariff Powers of the President [Art. VI, Sec. Second, the first party-list received 5.74% of
28(2), Const.] the votes, and multiplying this to 57, you get
4. Delegation to Administrative Bodies (power 3.27 seats. However, because of the 3-seat
of subordinate legislation) cap, the first party-list can only get a total of 3
5. Delegation to LGUs [CRUZ] seats.
Q: What are the tests for valid delegation of The next party-list received 2.74% of the votes,
legislative power? and multiplying this to 57, you get 1.56. This
means that the second party will be entitled to
Answer: [Abakada v. Ermita, GR 168056, 2 seats in total. This goes on for all the party-
(2005)]. lists which reached the 2% minimum.
1. Completeness Test - The law must be
complete in itself and must set forth the Third, if there are still seats available, all other
policy to be executed. The only thing to be party-lists next-in-rank shall be assigned 1 seat
done is enforce the law. each, until all available seats are distributed.
2. Sufficient Standard Test - The law must fix
a standard, the limits of which are Q: What is the Nazareth Doctrine?
sufficiently determinate or determinable, to
which the delegate must conform Answer: No money shall be paid out of the
Treasury except in pursuance of an
Q: What is the three-stage formula to fill up appropriation made by law. [Nazareth v. Villar,
party-list seats? G.R. No. 188635]
Answer: Preliminarily, party-list Q: What are the requisites for the valid
representatives shall constitute 20% of the total transfer of appropriated funds under Sec.
number of the HOR, including those under the 25(5), Art. VI of the Constitution?
1. The first seat is given to parties that Answer: (1) There is a law authorizing the
obtained a minimum of 2% of the total President, the Senate President, the Speaker
votes cast in a party list election. of the HOR, the Chief Justice, and the heads of
2. In the second stage, the percentage of the Constitutional Commissions to transfer
votes obtained by the partylist is multiplied funds within their respective offices; (2) The
by the remaining seat available for party- funds to be transferred are savings generated
list representatives (total seats less seats from the appropriations for their respective
given in stage 1). Recall, however, that a offices; and (3) The purpose of the transfer is
party-list cannot hold more than 3 seats. to augment an item in the general
a. Note: Round down decimals. appropriations law for their respective offices.
3. In the third stage, if there are still seats left [Araullo v. Aquino, G.R. No. 209287 (2014)]
from the the party list quota of 20% of all
the seats in the HOR, one seat is given to
each of the parties next-in-rank until all
available seats are completely distributed.
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Q: Is it necessary for the entire complement prevent. It requires that the evil consequences
of a Constitutional Commission to be sought to be prevented must be substantive,
present or sitting on the bench in order to extremely serious, and the degree of
constitute a Commission sitting en banc? imminence extremely high. [Chavez v.
Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338, (2008)]
Answer: No. The power of the Commission en
banc to promulgate the Resolution is Q: What are the requisites for invoking
sanctioned by the 1987 Constitution. Sec. 6, presidential privilege?
Art. IX-A thereof expressly grants each
Constitutional Commission en banc to Answer:
promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings 1. Formal claim of privilege: For the privilege
and practice before it or before any of its to apply there must be a formal claim of the
offices.It is not necessary that the entire privilege. Only the President or the
complement of the Commission be present or Executive Secretary (by authority of the
sitting on the bench in order to constitute a President) can invoke the privilege
Commission sitting en banc. In sum, An en 2. Specificity requirement: A formal and
banc does not mean full membership of the proper claim of executive privilege requires
Commission. [DFAv. Commission on Audit, a specific designation and description of
G.R. No. 194530, 2020, J. Caguioa] the documents within its scope as well as
precise and certain reasons for preserving
Q: What are the tests applied in equal confidentiality. Without this specificity, it is
protection clause cases? impossible for a court to analyze the claim
short of disclosure of the very thing sought
Answer: The three tests are the following: to be protected.
1. Rational Basis Scrutiny – the traditional
test, which requires “only that government Once properly invoked, a presumption arises
must not impose differences in treatment that it is privileged. If what is involved is the
except upon some reasonable presumptive privilege of presidential
differentiation fairly related to the object of communications when invoked by the
regulation.” Simply put, it merely demands President on a matter clearly within the domain
that the classification in the statute of the Executive, the said presumption dictates
reasonably relates to the legislative that the same be recognized and be given
purpose. preference or priority, in the absence of proof
2. Intermediate Scrutiny – requires that the of a compelling or critical need for disclosure
classification (means) must serve an by the one assailing such presumption [Neri v.
important governmental objective (ends) Senate, G.R. No. 180643 (2008)].
and is substantially related to the
achievement of such objective. A Q: What are the requisites to be entitled to
classification based on sex is the best- registration of a land of public domain?
established example of an intermediate
level of review. Answer:
3. Strict Scrutiny - requires that the 1. Land applied for is alienable public land;
classification serve a compelling state and
interest and is necessary to achieve such 2. Applicant openly, continuously, exclusively
interest. This level is used when suspect and notoriously possessed and occupied
classifications or fundamental rights are the same since June 12, 1945 or earlier.
Lands declared available for registration may
Q: When can there be a content-based prior then be subject to registration upon proofs of
restraint on free speech? the foregoing. Thus, upon registration, they are
covered under the Torrens title system. They
Answer: The Philippines generally adheres to are considered private properties. On the other
the clear and present danger test. It provides hand, land which remains as part of the public
that speech may be restrained because there domain cannot be subject of any land
is substantial danger that the speech will likely registration proceedings. [Fil-Estate v.
lead to an evil the government has a right to Republic, G.R. No. 192393, 2019, J. Caguioa]
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Q: The Heirs of Rolly moved to dismiss a Q: Does the mere reception of a text
case filed by the Republic to challenge their message from an anonymous person
registered title located in the Special Clark suffice to create probable cause that
Economic Zone (SCEZ). It argued that since enables the authorities to conduct an
some hectares of the CSEZ formed part of extensive and intrusive search without a
the Clark Air Base (CAB), the same has search warrant?
been transferred to the BCDA. It claimed
that BCDA, and not the Republic, should Answer: No. In situations involving
institute the case. Are the Heirs of Rolly warrantless searches and seizures, "law
correct? enforcers cannot act solely on the basis of
confidential or tipped information. A tip is still
Answer: No. BCDA itself is owned solely by hearsay no matter how reliable it may be. It is
the Republic. The BCDA does not own the not sufficient to constitute probable cause in
military reservations and their extensions, the absence of any other circumstance that will
including the CAB lands, that were transferred arouse suspicion." [Sapla y Guerrero, GR No.
to it. The BCDA's status as a mere trustee of 244045, J. Caguioa]
the CAB lands is made obvious by the fact that
under the law creating it, its executive head Q: May the non-impairment clause be
cannot even sign the deed of conveyance on invoked against police power or eminent
behalf of the Republic and only the President domain?
of the Philippines is authorized to sign such
deed of conveyance. This is a clear recognition Answer: No. The non-impairment clause has
that the property being disposed of belongs to never been a barrier to the exercise of police
the Republic pursuant to Sec. 48, Chapter 12, power and likewise eminent domain. [Heirs of
Book I of the Administrative Code. Therefore, Ardona v. Reyes, G.R. Nos. L-60549, 60553 to
the case should not be dismissed because the 60555 (1983)]
Republic is the real party in interest and not the
BCDA. [Republic v. Heirs of Bernabe, G.R. No. Q: May the National Grid Corporation of the
237663 (2020), Caguioa] Philippines, a GOCC, expropriate property
owned by PNOC Alternative Fuels Corp.,
Q: What does “at least 60% of whose capital which is also a GOCC?
is owned by such citizens..." under Art. XII,
Sec. 11 of the Constitution mean? Answer: A GOCC may expropriate the
property of another GOCC if the latter’s
Answer: Full and legal beneficial ownership of property is patrimonial property. A
60% of the outstanding capital stock, coupled patrimonial property is considered private
with 60% of the voting rights, must rest in the property and is therefore subject to
hands of Filipino nationals. expropriation. [PNOC Alternative Fuels Corp.
v. National Grid Corp. of the PH, G.R. No.
For purposes of determining compliance [with 224936 (2019), J. Caguioa]
the constitutional or statutory ownership], the
required percentage of Filipino ownership shall Q: May a medical student invoke freedom of
be applied to BOTH (a) the total number of religion to be excused from fulfilling
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote in academic requirements on a Saturday
the election of directors; AND (b) the total because his religion does not allow him to
number of outstanding shares of stock, do so?
whether or not entitled to vote...” [Roy v.
Herbosa, G.R. No. 207246. 2017, Caguioa] Answer: Yes. In Valmores v. Achacoso (G.R.
No. 217453, July 19, 2017, J. Caguioa), the
Court issued a writ of mandamus to compel
Dean Achacoso of the Mindanao State
University to comply with the CHED
memorandum to uphold a student's religious
obligations. It said that the such religious duties
take precedence over his academic
responsibilities, consonant with the
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constitutional guarantee of free exercise and 3. Has assumed office. [Reyes v. COMELEC,
enjoyment of religious worship. G.R. No. 207264 (2013)]
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or an option. [Republic v. Sereno, G.R. No.
237428 (2018)]
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A diplomatic agent also enjoys immunity from Q: What is the archipelagic doctrine? Is it
its civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in reflected in the 1987 Constitution?
the following instances:
1. A real action relating to private immovable Answer: The archipelagic doctrine prescribes
property situated in the territory of the a principle that archipelago should be
receiving State, unless he holds it on behalf considered one integrated unit instead of
of the sending State for the purposes of the being divided into several islands. This can be
mission; effected by connecting the outermost point of
2. An action relating to succession in which the outermost island of the archipelago with a
the diplomatic agent is involved as straight baseline and all the waters inside the
executor, administrator, heir or legatee as baseline shall be considered internal waters. It
a private person and not on behalf of the is reflected in the Constitution under Art. 1,
sending State; which states that “the waters around, between,
3. An action relating to any professional or and connecting the islands of the archipelago,
commercial activity exercised by the regardless of their breadth and dimensions,
diplomatic agent in the receiving State form part of the internal waters of the
outside his official functions [Art. 31, Philippines.”
While “internal waters” are not recognized
Q: What are the privileges or immunities of under international law since UNCLOS III
consular officers from the civil or criminal treats the waters inside the baseline as
jurisdiction of the receiving state? “archipelagic waters,” the Court has held that
whether referred to as Philippine "internal
Answer: A consular officer does not enjoy waters" or as "archipelagic waters" under
immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the UNCLOS III, the Philippines exercises
receiving State. [Art. 41, VCCR] sovereignty over the body of water lying
landward of the baselines, including the air
Consular officers and employees are entitled to space over it and the submarine areas
immunity from the jurisdiction of administrative underneath. In the absence of municipal
and judicial authorities in the receiving state legislation, international law norms (now
with respect to acts performed in exercise of codified in UNCLOS III) operate to grant
consular functions. [Art. 43, VCCR] innocent passage rights over the territorial sea
or archipelagic waters, subject to the treaty's
limitations and conditions for their exercise.
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Significantly, the right of innocent passage is a
customary international law, thus automatically
incorporated in the corpus of Philippine law. No
modern State can validly invoke its sovereignty
to absolutely forbid innocent passage that is
exercised in accordance with customary
international law without risking retaliatory
measures from the international community.
[Magallona v. Ermita, 655 SCRA 476].
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