Waseda University

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2022 Admission

List of Application Documents by Education System

for English-based Undergraduate Programs

Last updated: October 28, 2021

Basics Programs & Quotas Common Rules & Notes on Application

IBDP (International Baccalaureate) SAT ACT

Asia China Malaysia (UCSCAM) North America Canada

Hong Kong Philippines USA

India (CBSE) Singapore (Junior College) Europe France

Indonesia Singapore (Others) Germany

Japan Taiwan UK (GCE A-level, International A-level)

Republic of Korea Thailand Oceania Australia

Malaysia (Form6) Vietnam New Zealand

Others EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

High School Graduation Equivalency Examination

Revision History
Date of Revision Page What was revised

September 6, 2021 16 Taiwan > Results of Standardized Test > GSAT Math Requirement
• School of Political Science and Economics: Must include Math (either “Math A” or “Math B” is accepted)
• Faculty of Science and Engineering: Must include Math (only “Math A” is accepted)
October 28, 2021 10 India (CBSE) > Results of Standardized Test
• All schools added the information for those who cannot submit Predicted scores.
21 USA > Academic Transcript
• School of International Liberal Studies and Faculty of Science and Engineering:
* If you have AP exam scores, submit them in addition to your academic transcript. Refer to the application guidelines for
more details.

USA > Results of Standardized Test

• School of Political Science and Economics: 3. AP

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Programs & Quotas
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and
School of Social Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering
Studies Society Economics

・Mathematical Sciences
・Computer Science and Communications
Transnational and ・Political Science Engineering
Global Studies in Japanese ・Mechanical Engineering
Major/Program International Liberal Studies Interdisciplinary studies in Social ・Economics
Cultures Program (JCulP) ・Civil and Environmental Engineering
Innovation Program (TAISI) ・Global Political Economy

・Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Bachelor of Arts in International Bachelor of Arts in Social ・Bachelor of Arts in Economics ・Bachelor of Science
Degree Bachelor of Arts in Literature
Liberal Studies Sciences ・Bachelor of Arts in Global Political ・Bachelor of Engineering

September Admission:
September Admission: 150 September Admission: 40 September Admission: 15 September Admission: 100 School of Fundamental Science and Engineering 30
April Admission: 100 April Admission: 5 School of Creative Science and Engineering 30
School of Advanced Science and Engineering 20

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Common Rules & Notes on Application
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and
School of Social Sciences School of Political Science and Economics Faculty of Science and Engineering
Studies Society

1. You will upload digital(scanned) copies of original/certified documents and certificates to follow online application process. Refer to the application guidelines for further details.
*Score certificate(s) for the following tests must be sent directly from the institutions: SAT, ACT, IBDP Final Results, TOEFL iBT and IELTS. All Waseda undergraduate programs have
access to these scores (except for IELTS) sent with the designated Waseda University code, so if you are applying to multiple Waseda undergraduate programs at the same time, you
do not need to order scores for each program.
Common Rules 2. Certificates must be prepared in English unless the original documents can only be issued in Japanese. For documents in other languages, attach an English translation notarized by your
high school, an embassy or another appropriate office. The original certificates must be submitted along with its translation.
● Grace Period
Waseda University will accept scores until March 8, 2022 only for standardized tests that are conducted only once a year AND the results will be released after the deadline. If you submit
your standardized test score after the application deadline, please follow the instruction of each school.

・Your application will be screened ・Your application will be ・Submit the test results of SAT or 1. Submit the test results of SAT or ACT if you fall 1. Submit the test results of ACT if you fall
without any standardized test screened without any ACT if you fall under the under the following categories; under the following categories;
Notes - the results of your country's/region's
(or you may submit the test standardized test (or you may following - the results of your country's/region's university university entrance qualification
results of SAT or ACT) if you fall submit the test results of SAT or categories; entrance qualification examination or examination or standardized test will
under the following categories; ACT) if you fall under the standardized test will be released after the be released after the deadline
following categories; - the results of your deadline - there is no national standardized test in
- the results of your country's/region's university - there is no national standardized test in your your country/region
country's/region's university - the results of your entrance qualification country/region - your education system is not listed, or
you are not sure which category your
entrance qualification country's/region's university examination or standardized case falls into
2. Your examination subjects must include
examination or standardized entrance qualification test will be released after the
MATHEMATICS. If you have not taken mathematics
test will be released after the examination or standardized deadline 2. Your examination subjects must include
in the standardized tests/university entrance MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY.
deadline test will be released after the
qualification examinations (hereafter referred to If you have not taken any subjects
deadline - there is no national
as “standardized tests”) held in your own country (MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS or CHEMISTRY)
- there is no national standardized test in your
or if mathematics is not offered as an examination in the standardized tests/university
standardized test in your - there is no national country/region entrance qualification examinations
subject in your country’s standardized tests, take
country/region standardized test in your (hereafter referred to as “standardized
the mathematics in SAT Subject Test or the ACT
country/region tests”) held in your own country, or if
Test. these subjects are not offered as an
examination subject in your country’s
3. The submission of English proficiency test scores standardized tests, take the ACT Test or
is exempted only (1) applicants whose native take the Mathematics Level2, Physics and
language is English and/ or (2) applicants who will Chemistry in SAT Subject Test (only for
those who already have a score) and
have studied full-time at least three of the most submit the scores. If you have taken
recent four years, by the time of enrollment at biology as a subject in your standardized
Waseda University, in a high school, college, or tests, please submit the result.
university where the sole language of instruction
is English except for foreign language classes.

• TOEFL iBT (including Home • TOEFL iBT (including Home • TOEFL iBT (including Home Edition) • TOEFL iBT (including Home Edition) • TOEFL iBT (including Home Edition)
Acceptable Edition) Edition) • IELTS • IELTS • IELTS
English Language • Cambridge English Qualification
Proficiency Test • Duolingo • Eiken

Measures in https://www.waseda.jp/fire/sils/as https://www.waseda.jp/fsss/sss/n See Application Guideline See Application Guideline See Application Guideline
response to sets/uploads/2021/08/SILS2022_A ews-en/2021/06/15/9409/
COVID-19 OSeptemberEntry_Measures_COVI
Back to Index
IBDP (International Baccalaureate)
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Final/Predicted grades of IBDP Final/Predicted grades of IBDP Final/Predicted grades of IBDP Final/Predicted grades of IBDP Final/Predicted grades of IBDP
Standardized * At least six subjects, three or * At least six subjects, three or * At least six subjects, three or * At least six subjects, three or * You must be in the Diploma
Test more Higher-Level (HL) subjects more Higher-Level (HL) subjects more Higher-Level (HL) subjects more Higher-Level (HL) subjects Program (your results will not
* You must be in the Diploma * You must be in the Diploma * You must be in the Diploma * You must be in the Diploma be accepted if you are in the
Program (your results will not Program (your results will not Program (your results will not Program (your results will not Certificate Program)
be accepted if you are in the be accepted if you are in the be accepted if you are in the be accepted if you are in the * Both Standard Level and Higher
Certificate Program) Certificate Program) Certificate Program) Certificate Program) Level subjects are accepted.
* Your final test results must be * Your final test results must be * Your final test results must be * Your final test results must be * Your final test results must be
sent directly to Waseda sent directly to Waseda sent directly to Waseda sent directly to Waseda sent directly to Waseda
University by IBO. Use the University by IBO. Use the University by IBO. Use the University by IBO. Use the University by IBO. Use the
Waseda University code: 00549 Waseda University code: 00549 Waseda University code: 00549 Waseda University code: 00549 Waseda University code: 00549
* Must include Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry.
* If your diploma program is/was
offered in French or Spanish,
English must also be included in
the exam subjects.

English Language Exempted: IBDP taught entirely in Exempted: IBDP taught entirely in Exempted: IBDP taught entirely in See Notes No.3 Exempted: IBDP taught entirely in
Proficiency Test English English English English

Required : IBDP taught in French, Required : IBDP taught in French, Required : IBDP taught in French, Required : IBDP taught in French,
Spanish, Japanese or Spanish, Japanese or Spanish, Japanese or Spanish, Japanese or
dual languages dual languages dual languages dual languages

For IBDP final test results, all Waseda undergraduate programs have access to the scores sent from IBO with the above code, so if you are applying to multiple Waseda undergraduate
programs at the same time, you do not need to order scores for each program.
Back to Index
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Results of the SAT Results of the SAT Results of the SAT Results of the SAT Results of the SAT Redesigned
Standardized and SAT Subjects
Test * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent
directly to Waseda University by directly to Waseda University by directly to Waseda University by directly to Waseda University by * Your test results must be sent
College Board; Use the Waseda College Board; Use the Waseda College Board; Use the Waseda College Board; Use the Waseda directly to Waseda University by
University code: 0837 University code: 0837 University code: 0837 University code: 0837 College Board; Use the Waseda
* “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. University code: 0837
* SAT Essay is not required SAT Essay is not required * SAT Essay is not required * SAT Essay is not required * “Super Scoring” is not accepted.
regardless of the test date. regardless of the test date. regardless of the test date. regardless of the test date. * SAT Essay is not required
regardless of the test date.
* Must submit scores of
Mathematics Level 2, Physics,
Chemistry in SAT Subject
Tests. If you have not taken any
subjects, please submit ACT.

English Language Exempted Exempted Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

For SAT results, all Waseda undergraduate programs have access to the scores sent from College Board with the above code, so if you are applying to multiple Waseda undergraduate
programs at the same time, you do not need to order scores for each program.
Back to Index
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Results of the ACT Results of the ACT Results of the ACT Results of the ACT Results of the ACT
Test * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Must include Writing * Must include Writing
directly by ACT to Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent
University; Use the Waseda University; Use the Waseda University; Use the Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda
University code: 5473 University code: 5473 University code: 5473 University; Use the Waseda University; Use the Waseda
* Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one University code: 5473 University code: 5473
exam is accepted. “Super exam is accepted. “Super exam is accepted. “Super * Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one
Scoring” and “Section Scoring” and “Section Scoring” and “Section exam is accepted. “Super exam is accepted. “Super
Retesting” are not accepted. Retesting” are not accepted. Retesting” are not accepted. Scoring” and “Section Scoring” and “Section
Retesting” are not accepted. Retesting” are not accepted.

English Language Exempted Exempted Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

For ACT results, all Waseda undergraduate programs have access to the scores sent from ACT Inc. with the above code, so if you are applying to multiple Waseda undergraduate programs at
the same time, you do not need to order scores for each program.
Back to Index
Asia China
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Gaokao results (National College Gaokao results (National College Gaokao results (National College Gaokao results (National College Gaokao results (National College
Standardized Entrance Examination, 普通高等 Entrance Examination, 普通高等 Entrance Examination, 普通高等 Entrance Examination, 普通高等 Entrance Examination, 普通高等
Test 学校招生全国统一考试) 学校招生全国统一考试) 学校招生全国统一考试) 学校招生全国统一考试) 学校招生全国统一考试)

* If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * Must include English,
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application, Mathematics, Physics and
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT. Chemistry.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test. * If you are a high school student
at the time of application,
submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required: Without SAT or ACT Required: Without SAT or ACT

Asia Hong Kong

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Final/Predicted results of the Final/Predicted results of the Final/Predicted results of the Final/Predicted results of the Submit ACT
Test * Must include 4 Core Subjects * Must include 4 Core Subjects * Must include 4 Core Subjects * Must include 4 Core Subjects
and at least 2 Elective Subjects and at least 2 Elective Subjects and at least 2 Elective Subjects and at least 2 Elective Subjects
(Category A, B or C). (Category A, B or C). (Category A, B or C). (Category A, B or C).

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia India (CBSE)
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic All of 1, 2 and 3 All of 1, 2 and 3 All of 1, 2 and 3 All of 1, 2 and 3 All of 1, 2 and 3
Transcript 1. Certificate of the results of 1. Certificate of the results of 1. Certificate of the results of 1. Certificate of the results of 1. Certificate of the results of
AISSE (Grade X) AISSE (Grade X) AISSE (Grade X) AISSE (Grade X) AISSE (Grade X)
2. Academic Transcript for Grade 2. Academic Transcript for Grade 2. Academic Transcript for Grade 2. Academic Transcript for Grade 2. Academic Transcript for Grade
3. Certificate of the results of 3. Certificate of the results of 3. Certificate of the results of 3. Certificate of the results of 3. Certificate of the results of

* If you are a high school or * If you are a high school or * If you are a high school or * If you are a high school or * If you are a high school or
secondary school student at the secondary school student at the secondary school student at the secondary school student at the secondary school student at the
time of application, submit time of application, submit time of application, submit time of application, submit time of application, submit
transcript for the most recent transcript for the most recent transcript for the most recent transcript for the most recent transcript for the most recent
academic term of Grade 12 academic term of Grade 12 academic term of Grade 12 academic term of Grade 12 academic term of Grade 12
instead of the above "3". instead of the above "3". instead of the above "3". instead of the above "3". instead of the above "3".

Results of Final/Predicted score of AISSCE Final/Predicted score of AISSCE Final/Predicted score of AISSCE Final/Predicted score of AISSCE Final/Predicted score of AISSCE
Standardized (Grade XII)(Statement of Marks) (Grade XII)(Statement of Marks) (Grade XII)(Statement of Marks) (Grade XII)(Statement of Marks) (Grade XII)(Statement of Marks)
* The marks on “Statement of * The marks on “Statement of * The marks on “Statement of * The marks on “Statement of * The marks on
Marks” should be presented in Marks” should be presented in Marks” should be presented in Marks” should be presented in “Statement of Marks” should be
percentage terms. percentage terms. percentage terms. percentage terms. presented in percentage terms.
* If predicted scores are not * If predicted scores are * If predicted scores are not * If predicted scores are not * Must include Mathematics,
available and you are a high not available and you are a available and you are a high available and you are a high Physics and Chemistry.
school student at the time of high school student at the time school student at the time of school student at the time of * If predicted scores are not
application, your application of application, your application, submit SAT or ACT. application, submit SAT or ACT. available and you are a high
will be screened without any application will be screened school student at the time of
standardized test. without any standardized test. application, submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test
Exempted: CBSE curriculum
taught entirely in

Required: CBSE curriculum taught

in other than English

Back to Index
Asia Indonesia
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of <Applicants graduating from high <Applicants graduating from high <Applicants graduating from high <Applicants graduating from high <Applicants graduating from high
Standardized school in 2020 onwards> school in 2020 onwards> school in 2020 onwards> school in 2020 onwards> school in 2020 onwards>
Test Your application will be screened Your application will be screened Submit SAT or ACT Test scores Submit SAT or ACT Test scores Submit ACT Test scores
without any standardized test without any standardized test
score. score. <Applicants graduated from high
school in 2019 or before>
<Applicants graduated from high <Applicants graduated from high <Applicants graduated from high <Applicants graduated from high Ujian Nasional (UN) results
school in 2019 or before> school in 2019 or before> school in 2019 or before> school in 2019 or before>
Ujian Nasional (UN) results Ujian Nasional (UN) results Ujian Nasional (UN) results Ujian Nasional (UN) results *UN (-2016): Must include English,
Physics and
*UN (2017-): Must include English,
Mathematics, and
Science. Desirable
to submit both
Physics and
Chemistry either
by UN.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Back to Index
Asia Japan
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term

Results of 大学入学共通テストまたは大学入試センター試験 大学入学共通テストまたは大学入試センター試験

日本の教育制度による中等教育課 Submit SAT or ACT Test scores 日本の教育制度による中等教育課
Standardized * 希望者に対して開示される「成績通知書」の原本を提 * 希望者に対して開示される「成績通知書」の原本を提 程(高校等)の修了(見込)者 程(高校等)の修了(見込)者
出すること。成績開示方法については大学入試セン 出すること。成績開示方法については大学入試セン
Test ターに問い合わせること。 ターに問い合わせること。 は、日本学生入学試験に出願して * National Center Test for は、4月英語学位プログラム特別入
* *日本の高等学校を卒業した方:AO入学試験(4 ください。 University Admissions (大学入 試に出願してください。
月入学・国外選考) への出願資格はないので予め
注意すること。AO入学試験(4月入学・国内選考) 学共通テストおよび大学入試セン
およびAO入学試験(9月入学選考) への出願は
ター試験) cannot be accepted.

English Language Required Required See Notes No.3

Proficiency Test

Asia Republic of Korea

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Results of the CSAT Results of the CSAT Results of the CSAT Results of the CSAT Results of the CSAT
Standardized (More than 3 subjects including (More than 3 subjects including
Test Korean, Math and English) Korean, Math and English) * Must include English,
* If you (only) have the results of Mathematics, Physics and
the Pre-CSAT, submit a Chemistry.
certificate of these results
(More than 3 subjects including
Korean, Math and English)

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Required

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia Malaysia (Form 6)
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Form 4 Academic transcript from Form 4 Academic transcript from Form 4 Academic transcript from Form 4 Academic transcript from Form 4
Transcript to Form 6 to Form 6 to Form 6 to Form 6 to Form 6

Results of Results of the STPM Results of the STPM Results of the STPM Results of the STPM Results of the STPM
Standardized (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan
Test Malaysia) Malaysia) Malaysia) Malaysia) Malaysia)

* If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school * If you are a high * Must include English,
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your student at the time of school student at the time Mathematics, Physics and
application will be screened application will be screened application, submit SAT or ACT. of application, submit SAT or Chemistry.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test. ACT. * If you are a high
school student at the time
of application, submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Asia Malaysia (UCSCAM)

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Results of the UEC Results of the UEC Results of the UEC Results of the UEC Results of the UEC
Standardized (MICSS Unified Examination (MICSS Unified Examination (MICSS Unified Examination (MICSS Unified Examination (MICSS Unified Examination
Test Certificate) Certificate) Certificate) Certificate) Certificate)

* Must include English,

Mathematics, Physics and

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Required

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia Philippines
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Your application will be screened Your application will be screened Submit SAT or ACT Submit SAT or ACT Submit ACT
Standardized without any standardized test without any standardized test
Test score. score.

English Language Required Required Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia Singapore (Junior College)
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2
Transcript 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or
Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4)
2. Academic Transcript (Junior 2. Academic Transcript (Junior 2. Academic Transcript (Junior 2. Academic Transcript (Junior 2. Academic Transcript (Junior
College) up to the most recent College) up to the most recent College) up to the most recent College) up to the most recent College) up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Certificate of the Singapore- Certificate of the Singapore- Certificate of the Singapore- Certificate of the Singapore- Certificate of the Singapore-
Standardized Cambridge GCE final/predicted Cambridge GCE final/predicted Cambridge GCE final/predicted Cambridge GCE final/predicted Cambridge GCE final/predicted
Test results results results results results
*Three or more A-Level H2 *Two or more A-Level H2 subjects *Two or more A-Level H2 subjects *Three or more A-Level H2 *Three or more A-Level H2
subjects *Grace Period is applied for the *Grace Period is applied for the subjects subjects
*Grace Period is applied for the final results. final results. *Grace Period is applied for the *Must include Mathematics,
final results. final results. Physics and Chemistry
*If you have already obtained the
final results before application,
please submit a certificate of
the results.

English Language Exempted Exempted Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

Asia Singapore (Others)

Academic Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2
Transcript 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or 1. Academic Transcript (O-Level or
Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4) Secondary 4)
2. Academic Transcript (Secondary 2. Academic Transcript (Secondary 2. Academic Transcript (Secondary 2. Academic Transcript (Secondary 2. Academic Transcript (Secondary
5 & 6 or Polytechnic) up to the 5 & 6 or Polytechnic) up to the 5 & 6 or Polytechnic) up to the 5 & 6 or Polytechnic) up to the 5 & 6 or Polytechnic) up to the
most recent academic term most recent academic term most recent academic term most recent academic term most recent academic term

Results of Your application will be screened Your application will be screened Submit SAT or ACT Submit SAT or ACT Submit ACT
Standardized without any standardized test. without any standardized test.

English Language Required Required Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia Taiwan
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2
Transcript 1. Academic transcript from Grade 1. Academic transcript from Grade 1. Academic transcript from Grade 1. Academic transcript from Grade 1. Academic transcript from Grade
10 onwards, up to the most 10 onwards, up to the most 10 onwards, up to the most 10 onwards, up to the most 10 onwards, up to the most
recent academic term recent academic term recent academic term recent academic term recent academic term
2. 學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 2. 學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 2. 學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 2. 學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 2. 學生個人成績暨排名百分比對
照表 照表 照表 照表 照表

【學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 【學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 【學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 【學生個人成績暨排名百分比對 【學生個人成績暨排名百分比對

照表】 照表】 照表】 照表】 照表】
Prepare in accordance with the Prepare in accordance with the Prepare in accordance with the Prepare in accordance with the Prepare in accordance with the
explanation of “在校成績” as explanation of “在校成績” as explanation of “在校成績” as explanation of “在校成績” as explanation of “在校成績” as
described in “大學甄選入學 招生 described in “大學甄選入學 招生 described in “大學甄選入學 招生 described in “大學甄選入學 招生 described in “大學甄選入學 招生
簡章” 簡章” 簡章” 簡章” 簡章”
【Items that must be listed】 【Items that must be listed】 【Items that must be listed】 【Items that must be listed】 【Items that must be listed】
-各學期之平均成績 -各學期之平均成績 -各學期之平均成績 -各學期之平均成績 -各學期之平均成績
-學業成績之總平均 -學業成績之總平均 -學業成績之總平均 -學業成績之總平均 -學業成績之總平均
-總平均以及各科目的百分比 -總平均以及各科目的百分比 -總平均以及各科目的百分比 -總平均以及各科目的百分比 -總平均以及各科目的百分比

Results of Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2

Standardized 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗) 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗) 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗) 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗) 1. GSAT (學科能力測驗)
Test *4 or more subjects required *4 or more subjects required *3 or more subjects required *3 or more subjects required. 2. AST (指定科目考試)
2. AST (指定科目考試) 2. AST (指定科目考試) 2. AST (指定科目考試) Must include Math (either *GSAT(學科能力測驗):3 or more
“Math A” or “Math B” is subjects required. Must include
・Grace Period is applied for the ・Grace Period is applied for the ・Grace Period is applied for the accepted), English and Social Math (only “Math
final results. final results. final results. Sciences as subjects. A” is accepted), English and
2. AST (指定科目考試) Natural Sciences as subjects.
*AST (指定科目考試): Must
・Grace Period is applied for the include English, Mathematics,
final results. Physics and Chemistry.

・Grace Period is applied for the

final results.

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Required

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Asia Thailand
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of One of the following; One of the following; One of the following; One of the following; One of the following;
Standardized I. Results of the O-NET (Ordinary I. Results of the O-NET (Ordinary I. Results of the O-NET (Ordinary I. Results of the O-NET (Ordinary I. Results of the O-NET* (Ordinary
Test National Educational Testing) National Educational Testing) National Educational Testing) National Educational Testing) National Educational Testing)
II. Results of the GAT and PAT II. Results of the GAT and PAT II. Results of the GAT and PAT II. Results of the GAT and PAT II. Results of the GAT and PAT*

*If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *O-NET, GAT and PAT: English,
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application, Mathematics, Physics and
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT. Chemistry must be included in
without any standardized test. without any standardized test. the exam subjects.
*If you are a high school student
at the time of application,
submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Back to Index
Asia Vietnam
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent Grade 10 onwards, up to the most
academic term academic term academic term academic term recent academic term

Results of Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2 Either 1 or 2

Standardized 1. Results of the National High 1. Results of the National High 1. Results of the National High 1. Results of the National High 1. Results of the National High
Test School Examination School Examination School Examination School Examination School Examination
2. University Entrance 2. University Entrance 2. University Entrance 2. University Entrance 2. University Entrance
Examination (UEE) Examination (UEE) Examination (UEE) Examination (UEE) Examination (UEE)

*If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *If you are a high school student *Must include Mathematics,
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application, Physics and Chemistry.
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT. *If you are a high school student
without any standardized test. without any standardized test. at the time of application,
submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Back to Index
North America Canada (1)
School of International Liberal School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
. School of Social Sciences School of Culture, Media and Society
Studies Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from
Transcript onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent Grade 10 onwards, up to the
academic term academic term academic term academic term most recent academic term

Results of Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Submit ACT
Standardized examinations held by the state examinations held by the state examinations held by the state examinations held by the state
Test examination board examination board examination board examination board

[Alberta] [Alberta] [Alberta] [Alberta]

Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the
30/31-Level courses taught in Grade 30/31-Level courses taught in Grade 30/31-Level courses taught in Grade 30/31-Level courses taught in Grade
12 12 12 12
[British Columbia] [British Columbia] [British Columbia] [British Columbia]
2004 Graduation Program: Academic 2004 Graduation Program: Academic 2004 Graduation Program: Academic 2004 Graduation Program: Academic
Transcript indicating the results of Transcript indicating the results of Transcript indicating the results of Transcript indicating the results of
the Provincial Exams the Provincial Exams the Provincial Exams the Provincial Exams
2018 Graduation Program: Academic 2018 Graduation Program: Academic 2018 Graduation Program: Academic 2018 Graduation Program: Academic
transcripts indicating the results of transcripts indicating the results of transcripts indicating the results of transcripts indicating the results of
the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment,
the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment
and the Grade 12 Literacy and the Grade 12 Literacy and the Grade 12 Literacy and the Grade 12 Literacy
Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
[Manitoba] [Manitoba] [Manitoba] [Manitoba]
Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the Academic transcript of grades of the
40S/40G-level courses taught in 40S/40G-level courses taught in 40S/40G-level courses taught in 40S/40G-level courses taught in
Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12

English Language Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit See Notes No.3 Exempted
Proficiency Test the standardized test the standardized test the standardized test
above except for Quebec. above except for Quebec. above except for Quebec.

Required : Those who are from Required : Those who are from Required : Those who are from
Quebec/those who can Quebec/those who can Quebec/those who can
not submit the not submit the not submit the
standardized test above. standardized test above. standardized test above.

Back to Index
North America Canada (2)
School of International Liberal School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
. School of Social Sciences School of Culture, Media and Society
Studies Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from
Transcript onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent Grade 10 onwards, up to the
academic term academic term academic term academic term most recent academic term

Results of Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Certificate of the 12th-grade Submit ACT
Standardized examinations held by the state examinations held by the state examinations held by the state examinations held by the state
Test examination board examination board examination board examination board

[Nova Scotia] [Nova Scotia] [Nova Scotia] [Nova Scotia]

Academic transcript of course grades Academic transcript of course grades Academic transcript of course grades Academic transcript of course grades
(University Preparatory Academic or (University Preparatory Academic or (University Preparatory Academic or (University Preparatory Academic or
Advanced) taught in Grade 12. Advanced) taught in Grade 12. Advanced) taught in Grade 12. Advanced) taught in Grade 12.
[Ontario] [Ontario] [Ontario] [Ontario]
Academic transcript that indicates Academic transcript that indicates Academic transcript that indicates Academic transcript that indicates
the successful completion of at least the successful completion of at least the successful completion of at least the successful completion of at least
6 units of University Preparation (U) 6 units of University Preparation (U) 6 units of University Preparation (U) 6 units of University Preparation (U)
Courses and University / College Courses and University / College Courses and University / College Courses and University / College
Preparation (M) Courses taught in Preparation (M) Courses taught in Preparation (M) Courses taught in Preparation (M) Courses taught in
Grade 12. Grade 12. Grade 12. Grade 12.
[Quebec] [Quebec] [Quebec] [Quebec]
Applicants must satisfy general Applicants must satisfy general Applicants must satisfy general Applicants must satisfy general
admission requirements, including admission requirements, including admission requirements, including admission requirements, including
CEGEP’s academic subjects, High CEGEP’s academic subjects, High CEGEP’s academic subjects, High CEGEP’s academic subjects, High
School Diploma, etc., for School Diploma, etc., for School Diploma, etc., for School Diploma, etc., for
undergraduate programs at undergraduate programs at undergraduate programs at undergraduate programs at
universities in Quebec. universities in Quebec. universities in Quebec. universities in Quebec.

*If you are a high school student at *If you are a high school student at *If you are a high school student at *If you are a high school student at
the time of application, your the time of application, your the time of application, submit SAT the time of application, submit SAT
application will be screened application will be screened or ACT. or ACT.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test.

English Language Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit See Notes No.3 Exempted
Proficiency Test the standardized test the standardized test the standardized test
above except for Quebec. above except for Quebec. above except for Quebec.

Required : Those who are from Required : Those who are from Required : Those who are from
Quebec/those who can Quebec/those who can Quebec/those who can
not submit the not submit the not submit the
standardized test above. standardized test above. standardized test above.

Back to Index
North America USA
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and
School of Social Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering
Studies Society Economics

Academic Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10 Academic transcript from Grade 10
Transcript onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term
* If you have AP exam scores, * If you have AP exam scores, submit
submit them in addition to your them in addition to your academic
academic transcript. transcript.
Refer to the application guidelines Refer to the application guidelines for
for more details. more details.

Results of Either one of the following 1 or 2 Either one of the following 1 or 2 Either one of the following 1 or 2 Either one of the following 1 or 2 Either one of the following 1 or 2
Standardized Test
1. SAT 1. SAT 1. SAT 1. SAT 1. ACT
* Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent directly * Must include Writing
directly to Waseda University by directly to Waseda University by directly to Waseda University by to Waseda University by College * Your test results must be sent
College Board; Use the Waseda College Board; Use the Waseda College Board; Use the Waseda Board; Use the Waseda University directly by ACT to Waseda
University code: 0837 University code: 0837 University code: 0837 code: 0837 University; Use the Waseda
* “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted. University code: 5473
* SAT Essay is not required * SAT Essay is not required * SAT Essay is not required * SAT Essay is not required regardless * Only composite score of one exam
regardless of the test date. regardless of the test date. regardless of the test date. of the test date. is accepted. “Super Scoring” and
“Section Retesting” are not
2. ACT 2. ACT 2. ACT 2. ACT accepted.
* Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Your test results must be sent * Must include Writing
directly by ACT to Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda directly by ACT to Waseda * Your test results must be sent directly 2. SAT Redesigned and SAT Subjects
University; Use the Waseda University; Use the Waseda University; Use the Waseda by ACT to Waseda University; Use the * Your test results must be sent
University code: 5473 University code: 5473 University code: 5473 Waseda University code: 5473 directly to Waseda University by
* Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one * Only composite score of one exam is College Board; Use the Waseda
exam is accepted. “Super exam is accepted. “Super exam is accepted. “Super accepted. “Super Scoring” and University code: 0837
Scoring” and “Section Retesting” Scoring” and “Section Retesting” Scoring” and “Section Retesting” “Section Retesting” are not accepted. * “Super Scoring” is not accepted.
are not accepted. are not accepted. are not accepted. * SAT Essay is not required regardless
3. AP of the test date.
* Must include Math (at least one of * Must submit scores of Mathematics
"AP Calculus AB", "AP Calculus BC", or Level 2, Physics, Chemistry in SAT
"AP Statistics"). Subject Tests. If you have not taken
* At the time of application, upload a any subjects, please submit ACT.
screenshot of the AP exam scores on
your College Board account.
* At the time of enrollment
procedures, send your
official score report directly from
College Board. Use the Waseda
University code: 0837

English Language Exempted Exempted Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test
Back to Index
Europe France
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Final/Predicted results of the Final/Predicted results of the Final/Predicted results of the Final results of the Baccalauréat Final/Predicted results of the
Standardized Baccalauréat Baccalauréat Baccalauréat Baccalauréat
Test * Predicted scores are not
* If predicted scores are not * If predicted scores are not * If predicted scores are not accepted. If you are a high * Must include English,
available and you are a high available and you are a high available and you are a high school student at the time of Mathematics, Physics and
school student at the time of school student at the time of school student at the time of application, submit SAT or ACT. Chemistry.
application, your application application, your application application, submit SAT or ACT. * If predicted scores are not
will be screened without any will be screened without any available and you are a high
standardized test. standardized test. school student at the time of
application, submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Back to Index
Europe Germany
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Certificate of the Abitur results Certificate of the Abitur results Certificate of the Abitur results Certificate of the Abitur results Certificate of the Abitur results
Test * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * Must include English,
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application, Mathematics, Physics and
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT. Chemistry.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test. * If you are a high school student
at the time of application,
submit ACT.

English Language Required Required Exempted: With SAT or ACT See Notes No.3 Exempted: With SAT or ACT
Proficiency Test Required : Without SAT or ACT Required : Without SAT or ACT

Back to Index
Europe UK (GCE A-level, International A-level)
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2
Transcript 1. Certificate of the results of the 1. Certificate of the results of the 1. Certificate of the results of the 1. Certificate of the results of the 1. Certificate of the results of the
2. Certificate of grades for Form 6, 2. Certificate of grades for Form 6, 2. Certificate of grades for Form 6, 2. Certificate of grades for Form 6, 2. Certificate of grades for Form 6,
up to the most recent academic up to the most recent academic up to the most recent academic up to the most recent academic up to the most recent academic
term (school reports, etc.) term (school reports, etc.) term (school reports, etc.) term (school reports, etc.) term (school reports, etc.)

Results of Certificate of Final/Predicted Certificate of Final/Predicted Certificate of Final/Predicted Certificate of Final/Predicted Certificate of Final/Predicted
Standardized results of the A-level results of the A-level results of the A-level results of the A-level results of the A-level
Test * Three or more A-level subjects * Three or more A-level subjects * Three or more A-level subjects * Three or more A-level subjects * Three or more A-level subjects
* Must include Math * Must include Mathematics,
* If you are a high school student Physics and Chemistry.
at the time of application and
have already obtained the
results of the A-level before
application, please submit a
certificate of the results along
with the predicted scores.

English Language Exempted Exempted Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
Oceania Australia
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Both 1 and 2 Either 1 or 2 Submit ACT
Standardized 1. ATAR (Australian Tertiary 1. ATAR (Australian Tertiary 1. ATAR (Australian Tertiary 1. ATAR (Australian Tertiary
Test Admission Rank) or OP (Overall Admission Rank) or OP (Overall Admission Rank) or OP (Overall Admission Rank) or OP (Overall
Position) Position) Position) Position)
2.Certificate of the results of the 2.Certificate of the results of the 2.Certificate of the results of the 2.Certificate of the results of the
12th-grade examinations held 12th-grade examinations held 12th-grade examinations held 12th-grade examinations held
by state examination by state examination by state examination by state examination
institutions institutions institutions institutions
[Examples] [Examples] [Examples] [Examples]
ACT year 12 Certificate ACT year 12 Certificate ACT year 12 Certificate ACT year 12 Certificate
NSW Higher School Certificate NSW Higher School Certificate NSW Higher School Certificate NSW Higher School Certificate
NT Certificate of Education NT Certificate of Education NT Certificate of Education NT Certificate of Education
QLD Senior Certificate QLD Senior Certificate QLD Senior Certificate QLD Senior Certificate
SA Certificate of Education SA Certificate of Education SA Certificate of Education SA Certificate of Education
TAS Certificate of Education TAS Certificate of Education TAS Certificate of Education TAS Certificate of Education
VIC Certificate of Education VIC Certificate of Education VIC Certificate of Education VIC Certificate of Education
WA Certificate of Secondary WA Certificate of Secondary WA Certificate of Secondary WA Certificate of Secondary
Education Education Education Education

* If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application,
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test.

English Language Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted
Proficiency Test the standardized test the standardized test
above. above.

Required : Those who cannot Required : Those who cannot

submit the submit the
standardized test standardized test
above. above.

Back to Index
Oceania New Zealand
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Certificate of the National Certificate of the National Certificate of the National Certificate of the National Submit ACT
Standardized Certificate of Educational Certificate of Educational Certificate of Educational Certificate of Educational
Test Advancement (NCEA) Level 3 Advancement (NCEA) Level 3 Advancement (NCEA) Level 3 Advancement (NCEA) Level 3
results results results results

* If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student * If you are a high school student
at the time of application, your at the time of application, your at the time of application, at the time of application,
application will be screened application will be screened submit SAT or ACT. submit SAT or ACT.
without any standardized test. without any standardized test.

English Language Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted: Those who can submit Exempted See Notes No.3 Exempted
Proficiency Test the standardized test the standardized test
above. above.

Required : Those who cannot Required : Those who cannot

submit the submit the
standardized test standardized test
above. above.

Back to Index
EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade Academic transcript from Grade
Transcript 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent 10 onwards, up to the most recent
academic term academic term academic term academic term academic term

Results of Certificate of the EJU results Certificate of the EJU results Certificate of the EJU results Certificate of the EJU results Certificate of the EJU results
Test * You must take the EJU in English * You must take the EJU in English * You must take the EJU in English * You must take the EJU in English * You must take the EJU in English
(the result of an exam taken in (the result of an exam taken in (the result of an exam taken in (the result of an exam taken in (the result of an exam taken in
Japanese will not be accepted.) Japanese will not be accepted.) Japanese will not be accepted.) Japanese will not be accepted.) Japanese will not be accepted.)
* Must include “Japan and the * Must include “Japan and the * Must include “Japan and the * Must include “Japan and the * Accepted for applicants to the
World” and “Mathematics World” and “Mathematics World” and “Mathematics World” and “Mathematics School of Advanced Science and
Course 1” or “Mathematics Course 1” or “Mathematics Course 1” or “Mathematics Course 1” or “Mathematics Engineering only.
Course 2.” Course 2.” Course 2.” Course 2.” * Must include Mathematics
(Course 2) and Science (Physics
and Chemistry)

English Language Required Required Required See Notes No.3 Required

Proficiency Test

Back to Index
High School Graduation Equivalency Examination
School of International Liberal School of Culture, Media and School of Political Science and Faculty of Science and
School of Social Sciences
Studies Society Economics Engineering

Academic Pass certificate with grades Pass certificate with grades Pass certificate with grades Pass certificate with grades Pass certificate with grades
Transcript * If you have been enrolled in * If you have been enrolled in * If you have been enrolled in * If you have been enrolled in * If you have been enrolled in
high school in the past, submit high school in the past, submit high school in the past, submit high school in the past, submit high school in the past, submit
an academic transcript for the an academic transcript for the an academic transcript for the an academic transcript for the an academic transcript for the
entire period during which you entire period during which you entire period during which you entire period during which you entire period during which you
were enrolled in high school. were enrolled in high school. were enrolled in high school. were enrolled in high school. were enrolled in high school.

Results of Certificate of results of any Certificate of results of any Certificate of results of any Certificate of results of any Certificate of results of any
Standardized university entrance qualification university entrance qualification university entrance qualification university entrance qualification university entrance qualification
Test examination and other examination and other examination and other examination and other examination and other
standardized tests shown in this standardized tests shown in this standardized tests shown in this standardized tests shown in this standardized tests shown in this
list list list list list

* For those who have a result * For those who have a result * For those who have a result * For those who have a result * For those who have a result
from a High School Graduation from a High School Graduation from a High School Graduation from a High School Graduation from a High School
Equivalency Examination taken Equivalency Examination taken Equivalency Examination taken Equivalency Examination taken Graduation Equivalency
in countries or areas other than in countries or areas other than in countries or areas other than in countries or areas other than Examination taken in countries
Japan, follow the same Japan, follow the same Japan, follow the same Japan, follow the same or areas other than Japan,
procedure. (i.e. GED in USA., procedure. (i.e. GED in USA., procedure. (i.e. GED in USA., procedure. (i.e. GED in USA., follow the same procedure. (i.e.
High School Equivalency High School Equivalency High School Equivalency High School Equivalency GED in USA., High School
Examination in South Korea or Examination in South Korea or Examination in South Korea or Examination in South Korea or Equivalency Examination in
Taiwan) Taiwan) Taiwan) Taiwan) South Korea or Taiwan)

English Language Exempted: Those who submit a Exempted: Those who submit a Exempted: Those who submit a See Notes No.3 Exempted: Those who submit a
Proficiency Test certificate of the results certificate of the results certificate of the results certificate of the results
of entrance of entrance of entrance of entrance
qualification qualification qualification qualification
examinations or other examinations or other examinations or other examinations or other
standardized tests in standardized tests in standardized tests in standardized tests in
which the first language which the first language which the first language which the first language
is English. is English. is English. is English.
Required : Those who submit a Required : Those who submit a Required : Those who submit a Required : Those who submit a
certificate of the results certificate of the results certificate of the results certificate of the results
of entrance of entrance of entrance of entrance
qualification qualification qualification qualification
examinations or other examinations or other examinations or other examinations or other
standardized tests in standardized tests in standardized tests in standardized tests in
which the first language which the first language which the first language which the first language
is other than English. is other than English. is other than English. is other than English.

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