Activity 2 and 3 - Word Processing
Activity 2 and 3 - Word Processing
Activity 2 and 3 - Word Processing
Text that is right aligned is flush on the right margin which leaves a ragged
edge on the left side. Right aligned text is generally used only for creative
purposes, although it is also often used for right aligning the date or other
information on a letter or document. Sometimes you will see text right
aligned in magazine advertisements or poems. Right align this paragraph.
Text that is left aligned is flush with the left margin which leaves a ragged
edge on the right margin. Most books, letters, and reports are left aligned.
Left align this paragraph.
When you center align text, the word processing program automatically
places the center of each line in the center of the page. This leaves a ragged
looking edge on both sides of the page. The ragged edges are a mirror image
of each other. Center aligned text is generally used for creative purposes such
as poems or fliers. Center align this paragraph. Align the title of this page in
the center.
Justified text is what you see in the newspaper, many magazine articles,
scriptures, and newsletters. When you justify the text, the word processor
adjusts the spacing of each line so that the edges on both sides are flush. It
makes nice neat columns of text with straight lines of white space in between
them. Justify the text in this paragraph.
Microsoft Word will underline each misspelled word with a red wavy line. It will also
underline the grammatical errors with a green wavy line.
6. Click on the spelling and grammar button on Review tab, Proofing
7. As the spelling and grammar checker goes through your document, it
will suggest corrections, read each suggestion carefully to make sure
you are making the appropriate changes.
8. Save as WordProcessing.docx
You may need to try to spell the word you think fits in order for Spell check to give you the right
word as an option. Example. If you leave the word arppoipatrely spell checker will give you
other options. However, if you spell it apropiatly spell checker is able to identify the word you
are trying to use.
Sometimes the Grammar Checker indicates that you have a sentence fragment. This could really
be a sentence fragment, or it could be the result of misspelled words leading the computer to
think it is a sentence fragment.
5. Select the last line, “Jessica McCain, age 14” by clicking and dragging.
7. Select the title and body of the poem by clicking and dragging.
10. From the Header drop down menu, select Blank (Three columns)
11. Click on the first column [Type text] type your First and Last name.
12. Click on the second column [Type text] type your Year and Section in the center.
13. Click on the third column and [Type text] type document name (Book)
14. On the Insert ribbon, Head & Footer grouping, click on Footer.
16. Press TAB once and type From: Chicken Soup for the Cute Kid’s
4. Click on Insert Headers & Footers Header select Blank (Three columns)
7. [Type] the document name [Things that excites me the most] on the right.
9. Type “20 Things that excites me the most” bold and centered on the page. Press Enter twice.
11. In the Home ribbon, Paragraph grouping Click on the Numbering button.
12. Type the “20 Things that excites me the most” list on the next page. MS Word should automatically
number the items on the list.
13. When you are done typing the list, select it and click on the Bullets button which is just to the left of
the numbering button.
14. If you prefer the numbering, click undo on the Quick Access toolbar.
16. You may also change the font, as long as the entire document stays on one page.