At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Demonstrate appreciation of listening
Analyze the content of selections from listening
Identify the barriers in listening
What is Listening?
Listening is receiving language through the
ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds
of speech and processing them into words and
sentences. When we listen, we use our ears to
receive individual sounds (letters, stress,
rhythm and pauses) and we use our brain to
convert these into messages that mean
something to us.
What is Listening?
Listening in any language requires
focus and attention. It is a skill that
some people need to work at harder
than others. People who have difficulty
concentrating are typically poor
listeners. Listening in a second
language requires even greater focus.
What is Listening?
Listening is the ability to accurately
receive and interpret messages in the
communication process.
What is Listening?
Listening is key to all effective
communication. Without the ability to
listen effectively, messages are easily
misunderstood. As a result,
communication breaks down and the
sender of the message can easily
become frustrated or irritated.
“Effective listening is a skill that
underpins all positive human
Previous experiences
We are all influenced by previous
experiences in life. We respond to
people based on personal appearances,
how initial introductions or welcomes
were received and/or previous
interpersonal encounters. If we
stereotype a person, we become less
objective and therefore less likely to
listen effectively.
When we have a lot on our minds, we
can fail to listen to what is being said as
we're too busy concentrating on what
we're thinking about. This is particularly
true when we feel about issues.
Having a Closed Mind
We all have ideals and values that we believe to
be correct and it can be difficult to listen to the
views of others that contradict our own
opinions. The key to effective listening and
interpersonal skills more generally is the ability
to have a truly open mind - to understand why
others think about things differently to you and
use this information to gain a better
understanding of the speaker.
Non-Verbal Signs of Ineffective Listening
Although with all non-verbal signals a
certain amount of error has to be
expected, generally signs of inattention
while listening include:
Lack of eye contact with the
Listeners who are engaged with the
speaker tend to give eye contact. Lack
of eye contact can, however, also be a
sign of shyness.
An inappropriate posture
Louche, leaning back or ‘swinging’ on a
chair, leaning forward onto a desk or
table and/or a constantly shifting
posture. People who are paying
attention tend to lean slightly towards
the speaker.
Being distracted
Fidgeting, doodling, looking
at a watch, yawning.
Inappropriate expressions and lack of head
Often when a listener is engaged with a speaker,
they nod their head, this is usually an almost
subconscious way of encouraging the speaker and
showing attention. Lack of head nods can mean the
opposite – listening is not happening. The same can
be true of facial expressions, attentive listeners use
smiles as feedback mechanisms and to show
Inappropriate expressions and lack of head
often when a listener is engaged with a speaker,
they nod their head, this is usually an almost
subconscious way of encouraging the speaker and
showing attention. Lack of head nods can mean the
opposite – listening is not happening. The same can
be true of facial expressions, attentive listeners use
smiles as feedback mechanisms and to show
Further Signs of Ineffective Listening
1. Sudden Changes in Topic
2. Selective Listening
3. Daydreaming
4. Advising
Ineffective Listening is very
You can probably think of examples when you
have listened ineffectively or not been listened
to over the last 24 hours. You can probably
recognize the frustration and irritation when you
know the person you are talking to is not
listening to you. As listening is so fundamental
to the communication listening is so
fundamental to the communication listening.