Abstract Book (ICRSE 2021)
Abstract Book (ICRSE 2021)
Abstract Book (ICRSE 2021)
Organized by:
The National University
of Malaysia
Tanti Agustina
abstract book of
International Conference on Religion,
Science & Education 2021
Steering Committee:
Prof. Dr.Phil. Al Makin, S.Ag., M.A. Dr. H. Zainal Arifin Ahmad, M.Ag.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Sumarni, M.Pd. Dr. Imam Machali, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Munip, S.Ag., M.Ag.
Scientific committee:
Dr. Istiningsih, M.Pd. Dr. Hj. R Umi Baroroh, S.Ag, M.Ag.
Dr. H. Tulus Musthofa, Lc.MA. Dr. Karwadi, MAg.
Dr. Sabarudin, M.Si. Dr. Siti Fatonah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dr. Nurhadi, S.Ag. MA. Dr. H. Suyadi, S.Ag., M.A.
Dr. Andi Prastowo, S.Pd. I., M.Pd.I. Dr. Ja’far Shodiq M.Ag.
Dr. Ibrahim, M.Pd. Dr. Mahmud Arif, M.Ag.
Dr. Widodo, S. Pd., M.Pd. Dr. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd.I, M.S.I.
Khamidinal, S. Si., M.Si. Dr. Maimunah, M.Ag.
Drs. Nur Untoro, M.Si. Dr. Sigit Purnama, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.
Agus Kamaludin, M.Pd.Si. Dr. Nurhadi, S.Ag, MA.
Dr. Muqowim, S. Ag., M.Ag Dr. Eva Latifah, M.Si.
Dr. H. Sukiman, M.Pd.
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Muhammad Ja’far Luthfi, M.Si. Mohammad Farhan Qudratullah, S.Si., M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Mahanem Mat Noor Dr. Sugiyanto, S.Si., M.Si.
Hj. Ratna Eryani, S.Ag. Win Indra Gunawan, S.Si.
Arifah Fauziah, S.S, M.Ed Sutriyono S.Si.
Dedi Nurmadi, S.E. Riyanto, S.Si.
Tanti Agustina S.Pd.
Suharyanta, S.E.
Rakhmiyati S.Si.
Agus Suroso, S.E. Ralianda Louis Santoso
Jamil Suprihatiningrum, M.Pd.Si., Ph.D.
We are honored to be among you today in this very important event. It is our great pleasure to welcome
you at the International Conference on Religion, Science and Education held by Faculty of Tarbiyah &
Education UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Faculty of Science & Technology University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
This conference is attended by 243 participants from many regions in Indonesia and other country.
Among them 168 papers will be presented. The theme of the conference is ‘Integration and Interconnection
of Knowledge in the Complex Transdisciple Era’. This conference would be an excellent forum for cross-
disciplinary discussions, discourse and sharing in religious, scientific and educational realms. The three
fields do not usually quite interconnected and even seem to be sometimes contradictory instead.
There is one anecdot from Stephen Hawking. It goes like this: Once upon a time
“A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) gave a public lecture on astronomy.
He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, orbits around the center of a vast
collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got
up and said: “What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of
a giant tortoise.” The scientist gave smiled and replied, “What is the tortoise standing on?” “You’re very
clever, young man, very clever,” said the old lady. “But it’s turtles all the way down!”
The old lady believes the world rests on the back of a serial of tortoises, the bigger the below. We
are here to not believe in the tower of tortoises. To not believe in so many towers that is widespread
nowadays. To not believe in the act of merely labelling, stamping and branding, forgetting the real
essential of knowledge.
We would like to thank especially to all speakers and moderators in the plenary session: Professor
Charles Hopkins & Dr Katrin Kohl (UNESCO, Canada), Dr. Ethel Agnes (SEAMEO), Dr. Robert Pope
(Alphacrucis College Australia), Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sayed (US Inter-Gobal University Somalia)
Professor Mohd. Yusof Hj. Othman & Dr. Che Radziah (University Kebangsaan Malaysia), Professor
Amin Abdullah (UIN Sunan Kalijaga )
M. Jafar Luthfi,
Mahanem Mat Noor
Chairpersons of the Committee
No Author Title
The Effect of Using Electric Circuit Props Based on Bruner’s
Atania Christianti Br
1 Thinking Stage of Concept Understanding Mathematics on
Conjunctions and Disjunctions
Development of Animation Video on The Blood Circulatory System
2 Mawar Intan Mujahidah
Materials as Self Study Media
Sub-microscopic Level and Interpretation of Chemical Reactions –
3 Asih Widi Wisudawati
Misconceptions of Students and Challenges
A Photographic Atlas of Nglanggeran Plant Herbarium as a
4 Widodo
Teaching Aid
Application of Geogebra Software in Mathematics Learning To
5 Rosalinda Pasaribu Improve Student Learning Outcomes at MTsN 2 Medan in the
material of Straight Line Equations
Developing Student Information and Communication Technology
6 Suci Nurpratiwi
(ICT) Literacy Through Teacher and Library Collaboration
Investigating the Perspective of Science and Technology Students
7 Rohmatun Lukluk Isnaini on the Ulumul Qur’an Course (The study of Phenomenology In the
Learning Process)
Developing E-Learning Assisted By Padlet On Matrix Learning To
8 Putri Anggraini Purba
Improve Student Learning Outcomes
9 Fitra Awalia Rahmawati Some Aspects of VR and AR for Arabic Teaching Purpose
No Author Title
Active Support Patterns for Intellectual Capital and Flexibility
1 Sri Sarjana Management Contribute to Creating Innovation Management in
Vocational Schools
Management of Infrastructure Facilities In the Learning Process Of
2 Tiarani Mirela
Students (Case Study: MIN 1 Bener Meriah)
3 Ambar Sri Lestari Building Green Schools Through Adiwiyata Schools in Indonesia
Praxis Participatory Ergonomics: Learning Facilities in Improving
4 Muhammad Solikhin
the Quality of Learning at Aqobah International School
Ergonomics of School Facilities and Infrastructure to Support
5 Risqiyana
Effective Schools
Application of 5S Principles (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu,
Ilmiah Sholikhah
6 Shitsuke) for Structuring Educational Facilities and Infrastructure at
SMKS Hudatul Muna 2 Ponorogo
Analysis of Learning of The Quran Based on Tahsin, Tartil, and
7 Hafidzotul Azizah
Tilawah Methods in TPQ Al-Muttaqin Kunir
Spiritual Management in Islamic Education Management Studies
8 Lilis Wati
(MPI) in the Covid-19 Era
Analysis of Educational Facilities During the Covid-19 Pandemic In
9 Nurul Qhoimah
High Schools, Islamic University of Indonesia
10 Pomarida Simbolon Learning Environment with the Concentration Learning on Students
Financial Assistant Platform (Dash) for Improve Financial
11 Raju Ade Rahman Literature And Early Financial Planning Education For Generation
Z In Indonesia
Role of Spiritual Leadership Headmaster in Development of
12 Mufthi Alam
Boarding School Facilities and Infrastructure
No Author Title
Curriculum Design for Doctoral Program of Islamic Religious
1 Aida Hayani
Education at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jurgen Habermas’s Emancipatory Model of Education and Its
2 Endang Sumiati
Relevance in Learning
The Opposition’s Presence of Youth Participation as an Effort to
3 Apriya Maharani
Improve Political Education
Fathiyatul Haq Mai Al Online Learning Based On Jean Piaget’s Constructivism College In
Mawangir UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda Indonesia
Maulida Cindy Curriculum “Sekolah Penggerak”: An Overview of Solutions to
Magdalena Learning Problems
Integrated Curriculum Development for Transdisciplinary-based
6 Atika Rofiqatul Maula
Islamic Religious Education Subjects in the Society 5.0 Era
The Effect of Grit and Gratitude on Subjective Well-Being of
7 Christina Edo Natalia
Students Attending Limited Face-to-Face Learning
The Effect of Blended Learning Model on Student Learning
8 Monica Risma T.A.W Outcomes in the Material Structure and Function of Plant Tissues at
SMA N 5 Yogyakarta
Education Transdisipliners: Integration-Interconnection Approaches
9 Nur Rahmi Sonia
in Independent Curriculum Policy-Learning-Independent Campus
National Exams and Education Problems in Indonesia (Critical
10 Andrian Syahidu
Study as an Instrument for Improving the Quality of Education)
Internship Program in Efforts to Develop and Improve Skills
Raliandana Louise
11 (Administration, Organization, Management) of Students in
Internship Programs
Ramadhanita Mustika Optimization of Gus Dur School for Peace Program Implementation
Sari Framing Etman Perspective
No Author Title
1 Muhammad Arisnanda Implementation of Character Education On Elementary School
2 Siti Khodijah Character Education In the Quran and Its Relevance for Human Life
No Author Title
Implementation of Islamic Education and The Religiosity of
1 Achmad Sopian Moslem Baduy Community In foundation at-Taubah 60 Kampung
Landeuh Lebak Banten
Student Engagement Through a Heutagogical Approach in Islamic
2 Unik Hanifah Salsabila
Religious Education Virtual Learning
Mainstreaming Religious Moderation in Higher Education
3 Riza Agustina
Institution: A Case Study at Universitas Pamulang Jakarta
No Author Title
Simple House Stories and Songs for Early Childhood Based on
1 Hasmalena
Audio Visual Media
Implementation of A Variety of Learning Strategies in The Early
2 Elfara Hajjar Sujani
Children’s Islamic Education Study Program
The Urgency of Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Education in
3 Erni Munastiwi
terms of Child Development Aspects
Analysis of Physical-Motoric, Cognitive, Emotional, And Social
4 Eva Latipah
Development In Cycling Exercise In Early Children
No Author Title
1 Syagiful Fathayatih Learning-based Resilience for Students in COVID-19 Pandemic
Blended Learning as a Solution Study from Home During the Covid
2 Meilani Safitri
19 Pandemic
Education Pollemic During Covid-19 Pandemic: Creating
3 Maria Ornista Toji
Participatory Learning During Pandemic
The Use of Neuroscience in the Design of Development of Arabic
4 Mohammad Jailani Learning Materials for Santri: A Case Study in Pesantren during the
COVID-19 Period
Cognitive Development Analysis of Dyslexia Children in Madrasah
5 Zulfi Idayanti
Ibtidaiyah Al-Ma’arif Cirebon During the Covid 1 Pandemic
The Dynamics of Islamic Religious Education and Efforts to
6 Syahdara Anisa Makruf Strengthen the Resilience of the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Family During
the Covid 19 Pandemic
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Student’s Response to Online Briefing on
7 Hikmah Supriyati Community Service Programs Using the Zoom Application during
the Covid-19 Pandemic
No Author Title
Delineation of Magnetic, Resistivity, and Chargeability at Gold
1 Nanang Sugianto Mineralization Area (Study Case: Tambang Sawah, Lebong
Regency, Indonesia)
Proof of the Formation of OH Radicals from Methyl Paraben and
2 Aden Dhana Rizkita
Its Effect on Cancer Formation
Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Steamed Bun
3 Hasmadi Mamat
Fortified with Resistant Starch
Polishing Process and Mathematical Modeling of Polishing Drying
4 Sugiyanto
on Wood
Numerical Solution of Linear Integral Equations Using Modified
5 Ayyubi Ahmad
Block Pulse Functions
A Review of Physical Appearance of Molten Metal Droplet in Arc
6 Avash Kumar Saha
Welding Process
A review of molten metal flow by synchronizing of Computational
7 Avash Kumar Saha
Fluid Dynamics and validation through algorithm techniques
The Shift in Thinking in Evidence-based Government Policymaking
8 Avash Kumar Saha
Incorporates Massive Data Analysis in the Public Sector
Review: Analysis of thermal and fluid flow of lubricant in grinding
9 Avash Kumar Saha
10 Faiyaz Ahammad Construction and Validation of Environmental Ethics Scale
Berberin, a potential inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase-
11 Angeliana Desimaris Nita
thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) for Malaria
No Author Title
Juggling the Wasted Into Worthed: Cultivation of Agarwood
1 Rubangi Al Hasan
Remnant in Lombok Island
Histological Structure of Regenerate Tail on Lizard (Mabouya
2 Rakhmiyati multifasciata Kuhl) After Treatment With Ointment from Shark
Cartilage Extract
Identification and Inventory of Lichen (Lichen) on Tree in the
3 Kholifah Nyawiji Rehabilitation Block of Sermo Kulon Progo Wildlife Reservation
And Its Control in the Form of Booklets As Learning Sources
Sukarman Hadi Jaya Impact of Preservation Using Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Leaf
Putra Juice on Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) Egg White Index
The Effectiveness of Taro Leaf Stalk (Colocasia esculenta L.)
5 Wa Ode Harlis Ointment Extract on Burn Wound Healing in Mice (Mus muscullus
Phylogenetic Study of Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes sp.) Based on Nep2
6 Lilin Ika Nur Indahsari And trnK Genes Sequences In Sunda Shelf And Sahul Shelf: In
Silico Study
Aulia Fajrin Ramadhani Spatial Assessment of Sumatran Tiger – Human Conflict in South
Nasution Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatera
Ayu Hardita Oktasari Diversity of Endophytic Bacteria from Elephant Foot Yam
Junaidi (Amorphophallus paeoniifollius (Dennst.) Nicolson)
Gabriella Chandrakirana α-solanine and α-chaconine from Potato (Solanum tuberosum) for
Krisnamurti Endometrium Cancer Treatment and Therapy: In silico Study
Detection the Ability of Endophytic Bacteria from Elephant Foot
10 Dhiatama Tauhida Nisa Yam Plant (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson)
Against Pathogens Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans
Effect of Butterfly Blue Pea Flowers (Clitoria Ternatea) on the
11 Mansoor Abdul Hamid
Herbal Syrup Quality
Cluster 10 Engineering
No Author Title
Optimizing Solar Cell Panels Power Output With Sunlight Intensity
1 Sri Hartanto
Tracking System
Measuring UHI Using Landsat 8 TIRS and Investigating the Variety
2 Belinda Duhita Puspita
of Landuse Proportion in Yogyakarta City
Optimization Injection Molding Parameters of Polypropylene
3 Apendito Priyo Utomo Materials to Minimize Product Not Complete Defects Using the
Taguchi Method
Computational Study of Injection Molding Parameters to Minimize
4 Fachry Dhiya’Uddin
Shrinkage and Warpage Using the Taguchi Method
Optimization Injection Molding Parameters of Polypropylene
5 Nur Kholish Ali Fahmi
Materials to Minimize Flash Defects Using the Taguchi Method
A Review on Environmental Friendly Cutting Fluids and Coolant
6 Sayan Bag
Delivery Techniques in Grinding
Comparison of Box Jenkins and Autoregressive High Order Fuzzy
7 Alfien Diva Kayyisa
on Average Air Humidity Forecasting at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport
Microtremor Data Processing and Interpretation: a Case Studi on
8 Aditya Yoga Purnama
Area Damaged by Yogyakarta 2006 Earthquake
Robust Optimization of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (Hawt)
9 Malik Abdurrahman Blades Geometry Parameters For Aerodynamic Performance In
Observation System of Underwater Image Based on First Person
10 Riska Ekawita
Viewer Camera and Microcontroller
No Author Title
Identification of Indicator Data in SNI ISO 37122: 2019 Supporting
1 Ary Budi Mulyono
Smart City Maturity Assessment Model Development
Bonsai Goes to Campus: Plants Conservation and Sustainable
2 Taufiq Aji & Sutriyono
Horticultural Supply Chain
Early Detection of Indonesian Financial Crisis using Combination
3 Arianty Nur Arifin
of Markov Regime Switching and Volatility Models
Rona Noor Maimunah Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia Using SEIR Mode
Reflexivity-12 To Roikhan-47 As Ontological Worship On Islam
5 R Mochamad A
And Science In Economic Covid Era
Design and the Function of Branding as a Marker of a Religious
6 Riza Saputra
City: Martapura the City of Diamond, Serambi of Mecca, and Santri
Microcosmic Orbit (Tung Kwan) on the Body’s Meridiian System
7 Win Indra Gunawan In Improving Energy Balance Review of the Art of Chikung
Breathing And Yoga
Natural Compounds Repositioning Strategies for Psychiatric and
8 Dewi Ratih Tirto Sari
Neurological Disorders; in Silico Study
Expected Duration of a CTMC SIR Epidemic Model on COVID-19
9 Alifa Rahma Ashari
Spread Pattern in The Special Region of Yogyakarta
COVID-19 Disease Using Stochastic Differential Equation Model
10 Sherena Wahyutari
Susceptible Infected Susceptible
Funding Analysis of Sahabat Yatim Indonesian in The Covid-19
11 Nur Afifah
Era: Blue Ocean Strategy Perspective
Mohammad Farhan Analysis of Islamic Stock Performance during the Covid-19
Qudratullah Pandemic in Indonesia
No Author Title
Sexual Satisfaction in Individuals with Marriage Age Below Ten
1 Trias Novita Ellsadayna
Years During The Covid-19 Pandemic
2 Dede Aji Mardani Kiayi, Marhabaan, Religiosity and Social Change in Tasikmalaya
3 Nur Aziz Afandi Transpersonal Psychology Will Raise in Islamic University
Rommel Utungga The Future Hope as Reflected on W. E. B. Du Bois’ The Comet and
4 Pasopati and Anicleta COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions
Fathayatul Husna - Fitri Seladang Cafe: Fiqh Bi’ah Practice, Environmental Conservation
Maghfirah and Economic Empowerment
Deconstruction of Women’s Beauty Standard on Social Media: An
6 Ma’isyatusy Syarifah
Fiana Isnaeni Maheda To Strengthen Global Community through Regional Cooperation in
Ronie Security Alliance
Mental Workload Analysis of Employees in the Customer Care
8 Hersa Ajeng Priska
Department of PT. XYZ Using NASA-TLX Method
Implementation of 6S in Convection MSME to Increase Worker
9 Febiola Andarista Putri
Muhammad Faqih Islamic Communication Ethics: A General Principles
No Author Title
1 Romario K-Pop: Muslim Youth Subversive Accommodation
2 Aisyah Rahmawati The Concept of Dream in West and Islamic Tradition
Some Aspect of Islamic Communication in First Mecca Period: A
3 Imroatul Istiqomah
Historical Review
4 Dian Adi Perdana Cultural of Da’wah of Ju Panggola At Gorontalo
No Author Title
Peak of Dhikr Sufi Dancer in Boarding School (Pesantren) Nailun
1 Lina Kushidayati Najah Assalafy Kriyan Village, Kalinyamatan Distric, Jepara City,
Central Java
Small and Medium Enterprises Halal Literacy Measurement During
2 Helma Malini
Covid-19 Pandemic
Critical Thinking In Islamic Studies as a Solution to Religious
3 Ikhsan Setiawan
Intolerance in Indonesia
The Religiosity of the Asmat Students at The Islamic Boarding
4 Susan Sa’adah
School Al Iman Muntilan, Magelang, Central Java
Fandi Ahmad Saiful Holistic Human Development: Analyzing A. Mukti Ali Thoughts
6 Ulfa Masamah Relationship of Number In The Qur’an
The Dynamics of Religion and Attitudes of Religious Moderation in
7 Dwi Ratsari
the History of Lasem
Mandalas and the Support of the Rulers in Islamization in the North
8 Muhammad Nabil Fahmi
Coast of Java (Case Study of Mandala Sunan Bonang)
Hanafi’s Dialectics and Istiqomah of Islamic Law Muhammad
9 Mia Fitriah Elkarimah
Jl. Willem Iskandar , Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia Telp. (061) 6613365, Fax. (061) 6614002 / 6613319. Email: 1ataniaitink@gmail.
com, 2fitriamayasari1205@gmail.com, 3veninasinaga145@gmail.com
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of using electric circuit props based on Bruner’s thinking stage on understanding
mathematical concepts in conjunction and disjunction material in class X semester II SMA Negeri 1 Tarutung. The research method used is
a quasi-experimental quantitative method. The research design used a post-test only control group design. The instruments were given to a
sample of 32 in class X6 randomly. The research instrument has been tested and it was declared valid and reliable. Liliefors test was used
to test the normality of the students’ mathematical concept understanding score. It was obtained that Lcount= 0.1289 when compared with
Ltable for n= 30 and the significant level= 0.05, namely Ltable= 0.161, it turned out that Lcount < Ltable then the data from the students’
understanding of mathematical concepts was normally distributed. Because the two data are normally distributed, a hypothesis test was
carried out. Based on the calculation of the regression analysis, the regression equation. In this equation, the linear regression direction
coefficient (b)= 1.08 was positive, which means that the two variables have a positive linear relationship. The concept of understanding
increase with the effect of using electric circuit props by 1.08 times. Based on the linear regression equation, the correlation coefficient
was calculated, namely r= 0.8735. These results indicate that there was a strong relationship between the use of electric circuit props
and understanding of mathematical concepts. Then from the calculation results, the coefficient of determination= 76.30% means that the
influence between the use of electric circuit props on understanding mathematical concepts was 76.30%, and the rest were influenced by
other variables or factors.
Keywords: Electric Circuit Teaching Aid, Understanding Mathematical Concepts and Bruner’s Learning Theory
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 1mawarintan.mi@gmail.com,
Abstract. This study aims to develop animated video products, determine the quality of animated video products, and determine student
responses to animated video products developed as a form of self study media on the material of the blood circulatory system. This research
is a research and development research and development (R&D) with a development model developed by Sugiyono by following six steps,
namely: potential and problem analysis, data and information collection, product design, design validation, design revision and product
testing. The assessment instrument used is a questionnaire sheet to determine product quality and student responses to animated videos on
the material of the blood circulatory system. Products were assessed by 1 material expert, 1 media expert, 5 reviewers, and 1 biology teacher.
The product trial was limited to 15 high school students in class XI to determine student responses. Based on product quality assessments
from material experts, the ideal percentage results are 91.1% with very good category, media expert assessments get 80% ideal percentage
results in good categories, assessments from peer reviewers get ideal percentage results of 89.7% in very good categories, Biology teacher’s
assessment got the ideal percentage result of 92.3% with very good category. The assessment of all reviewers of the animated video learning
media on the blood circulatory system material shows an average ideal percentage of 88.9% which is included in the very good category,
while product trials on student responses get an assessment percentage of 99.6% with the category strongly agree. Thus, the results of this
study indicate that the animated video on the circulatory system material that has been developed is feasible to be used as an self study
Keywords: Animated Video, The Blood Circulatory System, Self Study Media
Abstract. In Chemistry education, teachers and students mostly write usual chemical equations, count the number of atoms on the left
and right side of equations, do stoichiometric calculations. If they would like to understand those reactions, they should move to the sub-
microscopic level of involved particles like atoms, ions, and molecules – otherwise, many misconceptions will come up. One example:
By the usual neutralization equation “HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O” students may think of “HCl molecules + NaOH molecules”: a school-
made misconception. But the reacting particles are H+ ions and OH- ions to form H2O molecules; sodium and chloride ions remain without
reaction; they are spectator ions. In empirical studies in Indonesia and Tanzania, we can show serious difficulties by interpreting usual
equations of well-known acid-base and redox reactions on the sub-micro level. Therefore, we developed and implemented eight chemical
equations in a valid and reliable questionnaire for 101 Chemistry students and 24 Chemistry teachers. Subsequently, to complement the
mixed methods approach after collecting quantitative data, we took semi-structured interviews as qualitative data. All data were analyzed by
content analysis. Three sources of participants’ difficulties might come from mixed-terminology, disconnected-context, and blended-history.
Keywords: Chemical equations, sub-microscopic level, misconceptions, acid-base reactions, redox reactions.
Abstract. Mount Nglanggeran is remnants of an ancient volcano located in Baturagung area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The landscape and
rocky subsoil of Mount Nglanggeran make its plant diversity has been conserved. There is a high diversity of plants that inhabit the area,
containing many rare and endemic plants. We developed an interactive photographic atlas of Nglanggeran plant herbarium as a teaching
aid. Samples were collected from some parts of Mount Nglanggeran, identified, dried, and processed further to herbaria. The herbaria were
photographed. The photographs were processed using software, arranged and formatted into interactive atlas. The result of the research was
an interactive atlas of Nglanggeran plant herbarium. The atlas is a useful teaching aid in subject of taxonomy, plant diversity and general
Abstract. This research is an experimental research with a quantitative research approach. This research is in the form of a true experimental
type of research with a pretest and posttest group design. This study aims to see the increase in student learning outcomes after being
given learning with the help of Geogebra. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-2 MTsN 2 Medan. The results showed
that the number of students who achieved learning mastery for the learning outcomes test on the straight-line equation were 29 people out
of 32 people, and the classical student learning mastery level was 92.625% with an average82.91. The increase in the number of students
who achieved the criteria for mastery learning was 25 people from the initial test (pretest) of learning outcomes, the increase in classical
completeness was 80.125%, the average increase was 48.78. So, it can be said that Geogebra-assisted mathematics learning can be used as
an alternative to improve student learning outcomes, especially in straight-line equations.
Suci Nurpratiwi
Islamic Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jln. Rawamangun Muka, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Jakarta 13220. Email: sucinurpratiwi@unj.ac.id
Abstract. This study aims to determine the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy carried out by
teachers, libraries, or collaboratively between the two. The research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Data was
collected by direct observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The results showed that students’ ICT literacy was developed
using the Inquiry-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Practice model approaches in learning; the library provides printed and digital
information resources, helps students access information, and implements library programs. Collaboration between teachers and libraries to
develop students’ ICT literacy is through the guardianship program.
Abstract. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta has characterizing courses (such as Ulumul Qur’an) that must be taken by all students, including
Science and Technology students. There are many assumptions that science and technology students will not be interested in taking this
course. Thus, this study aims to investigate the perspective of science and technology students on the Ulumul Qur’an course and to get
an overview of the learning process. Through phenomenological qualitative research methods, researchers collected data by interviewing
students, participatory observations in the learning process, and study documentation of Semester Learning Plans (RPS). Then, the
data acquisition was analyzed through five stages, namely writing down all interview transcripts, finding statements about the focus of
the research, grouping these statements into meaningful units, and constructing all explanations about the meaning and essence of the
informants’ experiences. The results showed that by using the active learning model, students could express their critical thoughts about
religion and the Qur’an. The specified discussion topics can develop broadly to confront general science and religious knowledge and also
ask many questions related to belief/aqidah. The findings of this study suggest that the process of learning religious subjects in the Science
and Technology class can create awareness about religious and general sciences that cannot be contradicted.
Abstract. This study aims to develop Padlet-based online learning media on valid, practical and effective matrix materials to improve
student learning outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic at SMK Multi Karya Medan. This type of research is research and development
with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The analysis stage is student profile
analysis, needs analysis, and constraints. The design stage is designing products and devices. The development stage is developing learning
products and tools and conducting validation. The implementation stage is applying learning media. The evaluation stage is to test student
learning outcomes after using the media. The validity of the Padlet-based online learning media was assessed by one media expert, one
design expert and two content experts with an average score of 3.72 media experts (“very valid” category), design experts 3.88 (“very valid”
category), and material expert 3.49 (“valid” category). The practicality of learning media is seen from the student response questionnaires
and teacher response questionnaire scores, namely 3.68 and 3.81. The effectiveness of learning media is seen based on the percentage
of students’ learning completeness, which is 87.5% (28 students out of 32 students are in the “completed” category after participating in
learning) with an average score of 83.14. Overall, we can conclude that the pallet-based online learning media developed is valid, practical,
and effective and is feasible to be used as an alternative online learning media on matrix material to improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Learning outcomes, matrix, media development, online learning media, padlet.
Jl. Raya Siman No.Km. 6, Dusun I, Siman, Kec. Siman, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur 63471. Email: 1fitraawaliarahmawati@unida.gontor.ac.id,
Abstract. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology is a technology that was born from the development of this era, this
technology is a technology that displays an artificial image, either in the form of 2 Dimensions (2D) or 3 Dimensions (3D) either indoors
or outdoors. outdoors with the help of tools in the form of hardware and software that has been provided by this technology. This will be
explained in more detail later in the discussion. Arabic learning is now starting to transform in the era of technological and information
advancement, this can be seen by the Arabic language learning which is starting to use technology a lot as a medium in existing learning, this
is the right step and is a development made in the field of education. VR and AR technology is a technology that was born in the era of the
industrial revolution 4.0 as evidence of technological sophistication in this era, where this technology can create objects/images in a space
from this technology or combine the real world and the virtual world (digital). This study conclude that when Arabic learning is learning that
requires 4 special skills to master it, and VR and AR technology is one of the suitable technologies to be used in learning Arabic.
Biology Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: haniarizqi@gmail.com
Abstract. The development of science is currently very fast. Humans as created with reason cannot only be approached by a scientific
discipline,but must be understood interdisciplinary. This paper explains the possibility of Islamic education having a transdisciplinary
meaning to eliminate the separation between general science and religious science and all the sciences developed are interrelated with each
other. The method used is the method of discourse and content analysis. The way in which a number of literatures are discussed and analyzed
is based on the direction and purpose of the transdisciplinary concept. The results of the discussion in the context of transdisciplinary Islamic
education curriculum must be developed in a complete manner that can cover various problems inherent in humans and their development.
The ability to achieve this in transdisciplinary Islamic education is the ability to see the world as a value system, each of which has different
tasks and functions but is still interconnected. This interconnection integration system must be placed within the framework of faith and
noble character.
Erwin Prastyo
MTs Darul Ishlah Sukorejo
Jln. Resimen Kuda Putih Km. 8 Sukorejo, Kendal, Central Java 51363, Indonesia. Email: 1prasetyo.wiwin@gmail.com
Abstract. The poor competence level of students in science learning is both a problem and a challenge that must be addressed. The MIKiR
approach is one of the supporting approaches. The literature review method was used in this study to analyze articles published between
2019 and 2021, with the main focus on studying the MIKiR approach. According to the findings of the study, there will be a rise in
publications in 2021. The type of qualitative research and undergraduate students are the types of research and research subjects that most
often use the MIKiR approach. Qualitative research and undergraduate students are the most common categories of research and research
subjects for which the MIKiR approach is used. The MIKiR approach can be used to both online and offline learning. MIKiR approach to
science learning can improve students’ skills, including scientific literacy, creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Based on the research results, there are some suggestions made that can be used as a starting point for more research, namely the need to
increase the frequency of science learning research using the MIKiR approach to support the improvement of students’ skills. Some of these
recommendations include testing the MIKiR approach’s effectiveness in improving students’ skills.
Keywords: Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, students’ skills, the MIKiR approach-based science learning.
Sri Sarjana
Politeknik Transportasi Darat Indonesia - STTD. Email: srisarjana@gmail.com
Abstract. Teachers as spearhead of education implementers need to innovate in teaching process that aims to transfer knowledge can run
optimally. Teachers are called effective if able to bring students successfully achieve the objectives of learning as expected. In educational
reform, teacher involvement begins planning, implementation, and evaluation have major role for success of educational innovation.
Intellectual capital can be realized in form of ideas in support of teaching processes and models. Flexibility management is needed
organization to adapt from variety of different situations and conditions. This research is conducted in addressing the importance role of
educational innovation in supporting government policies and strategies in development of vocational schools. Structural equation modeling
is applied in this quantitative study through Lisrel program in measuring research dimension. Research sample was conducted on 257
vocational high school teachers who have interest in developing learning innovation through random sampling research located in West Java,
Indonesia. Result concluded that intellectual capital and flexibility management have positive effect on innovation management and have
positive impact on teaching productivity in learning process at vocational high school. This research provides advice for education policy
makers that innovation management has important role in educational reform through optimization of intellectual capital and flexibility
management in creating teachers with high productivity.
Tiarani Mirela
Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email:
Abstract. The more complete the facilities and infrastructure a school has, the easier it will be for teachers to carry out the learning process
and the infrastructure is very much needed in the educational process. Like MIN 1 Bener Meriah, which has to implement a learning system
alternately due to the lack of classrooms. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of educational facilities and infrastructure
at MIN 1 Bener Meriah as an effort to maximize learning. This research is a qualitative type of data collection using observation, interviews,
and documentation. And using data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. Based on the findings of the management of educational
facilities and infrastructure at MIN 1 Bener Meriah, namely: (1) Planning for educational infrastructure based on an analysis of the needs
and number of APBS, (2) Procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure using purchases, grants / gifts from student guardians, and
also submitting proposals to related parties. So that we can know if the complete facilities and infrastructure can be utilized properly, the
learning process of students can run well.
Bandung, Indonesia 2Biology Department, 2English Language Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, IAIN Kendari, Jl. Sultan
Qaimuddin No.17 Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. Email: 1ambarlestari@uinsgd.ac.id
Abstract. This study aims to explore Green Schools through Adiwiyata Program in Environmental education that contributes to sustainable
environmental problems. This study uses an interpretive approach to data collection and analysis (Thanh and Thanh 2015), which aims to
understand individuals related to experiences in building environments through Adiwiyata Program. Participants in this study are schools
that have realized the Adiwiyata program, both public schools and private schools. The research findings show that building a Green School
starts from activities of schools to foster self-awareness in overcoming environmental problems which are integrated into the Environmental
Education curriculum. This research has implications for the participation and collaboration between schools and the community in realizing
an environmentally friendly Adiwiyata School.
Muhammad Solikhin
Islamic Education Management, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 120204092010@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. The quality of learning in an educational institution is influenced by the availability and support of learning supporting
infrastructure. Through the Participatory Ergonomics Praxis (PEP) it can stimulate the active participation of human resources (HR) in
its contribution to improving the quality of learning in educational institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of
learning with a participatory ergonomics approach to learning support facilities at Aqobah International School. The method used in this
research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. This study uses primary data obtained through interviews with key informants
and secondary data in the form of supporting documents or literature relevant to the study. The data analysis technique in this study uses
a model from Miles and Hubberman which consists of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study
show that: 1) Participatory Ergonomics Praxis (PEP) through learning support facilities encourages the achievement of improving the
quality of learning. 2) The application of participatory ergonomics as much as 98% increases the self-awareness of human resources (HR
in educational institutions through their contribution in managing learning infrastructure well. 3) The quality of education quality can be
improved through the support and availability of infrastructure facilities in their administration and their needs in accordance with the rules
of the praxis of participatory ergonomics, The results of the study show that: 1) Participatory Ergonomics Praxis (PEP) through learning
support facilities encourages the achievement of improving the quality of learning. 2) The application of participatory ergonomics as much
as 98% increases the self-awareness of human resources (HR in educational institutions through their contribution in managing learning
infrastructure well. 3) The quality of education quality can be improved through the support and availability of infrastructure facilities in
their administration and their needs in accordance with the rules of the principles of participatory ergonomics practice, The results of the
study show that: 1) Participatory Ergonomics Praxis (PEP) through learning support facilities encourages the achievement of improving the
quality of learning. 2) The application of participatory ergonomics as much as 98% increases the self-awareness of human resources (HR
in educational institutions through their contribution in managing learning infrastructure well. 3) The quality of education quality can be
improved through the support and availability of infrastructure facilities in their administration and their needs in accordance with the rules
of the principles of participatory ergonomics practice.
Keywords: Praxis of participatory ergonomics, educational institutions, infrastructure, quality quality, learning quality.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. 1Email: 20204092019@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. The placement of the blackboard (LCD), the use of lighting, the size of the seats, study desks and others in schools are very
important for the comfort, health and safety of students and teachers. One way that can be taken is through knowledge of ergonomic
principles. The purposes of writing are: (1) reviewing and knowing the ergonomics principles of school facilities and infrastructure; (2)
examine the importance of ergonomic principles in schools. Through a literature review, relevant ergonomic principles are explored to
be applied to school facilities and infrastructure. The results of the study show that there are still educational staff and educators who
currently do not know and understand the ergonomics principles of facilities and infrastructure, but school facilities and infrastructure
are in accordance with the standards determined by the relevant education office. Through this paper, teachers are required to know about
ergonomics theory for classroom facilities and infrastructure and can apply it in learning so that learning can run effectively and efficiently.
Abstract. The 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) principle is a Japanese work culture. This method, which places a premium
on individual behaviors and awareness, has the potential to serve as a model for designing a school environment that is safe, comfortable,
effective, and efficient. One of the schools that has not adhered to the 5S principles is SMKS Hudatul Muna 2 Ponorogo. This may be seen
in the school’s current state, which still appears to be filthy, as well as the lack of knowledge of the importance of preserving the school’s
cleanliness. This study intends to discover how to implement the 5S principles at SMKS Hudatul Muna 2 Ponorogo, as well as what should
be done at SMKS Hudatul Muna 2 Ponorogo to improve the layout of educational facilities and infrastructure using 5S principles. This study
combined a qualitative descriptive analytic methodology with a field research method. Data is gathered through interviews, observations,
and documentation. The researcher will generate a matrix column with 5S Theory as the data analysis approach. The findings revealed
that: (1) The 5S principle had not yet been implemented to the organization of educational facilities and infrastructure at Hudatul Muna 2
Vocational School in Ponorogo. (2) In preserving the cleanliness and neatness of facilities and infrastructure in schools, there is no shared
sensitivity and responsibility. (3) No ongoing effort is made to organize schools in such a way that they are safe, comfortable, effective,
and efficient. (4) Lack of school assistance in terms of providing facilities/supporting facilities for the implementation of the 5S culture,
preventing any policy from being properly implemented. Based on the findings of the study, it can be stated that using the 5S concept can
help schools manage their instructional facilities and infrastructure in a more efficient and effective manner.
Hafidzotul Azizah
Islamic Education Management, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: hafidzotulazizah@gmail.com
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to find out more about how the implementation of learning the Qur’an at the Al-Qur’an Al-Muttaqin
Education Park is located in Kunir Village. Tpq Al-Muttaqin is an informal Islamic educational institution that conducts learning of
the Qur’an by emphasizing its students on the learning process of tahsin, tartil and recitations. The research method used is descriptive
qualitative analysis. The data analysis technique used is triangulation based on data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
Data collection techniques used are interviews, documents, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that (1) TPQ Al-Muttaqin
Kunir village is able to produce a generation of students who are good at tahsin, tartil and recitations in talaqqi and musyafahah, in addition
to learning the Qur’an it also teaches students various daily practices in the form of prayer, prayer, remembrance, shalawat by making
students have goals based on Islamic guidelines, as well as making people who have good morals and virtuous character. 2) The supporting
factors for learning the Koran based on the tahsin, tartil, and recitation methods at TPQ are the commitment of teachers who teach sincerely,
the attitude of discipline and responsibility of the teacher in carrying out their teaching tasks, assistance for Koran education activities at
TPQ, and the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure in the process of learning the Koran. (3) inhibiting factors: students study
only at the TQQ place by not repeating the reading of the Koran at their respective homes, students who do not attend regularly, causing the
slow achievement of the Koran learning targets that must be achieved, as well as the lack of environmental support in developing the next
generation. Quranic successor.
Lilis Wati
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. E-mail : 1liliswati2610@gmail.com
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic is a disease outbreak that has brought enormous changes to the world today. Starting from the end
of 2019 until now. In the early days of Covid-19, there was a massive lockdown, which caused us to feel very drastic changes, including
in the world of education. The purpose of this study is to describe the Concept of Spiritual Management in the study of Islamic education
management in the Covid-19 era. This study uses qualitative research through a literature study approach. Namely collecting data, data
analysis, data reduction, and data verification. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the principal carries out his role well as a
manager based on religious thinking, to build himself, and strengthen institutions, the principal also carries out the basics, management in
general. Spiritual management is very influential in an institution to deal with the changing world today in the era of covid-19.
Abstract. The author’s purpose in making this article is to review online learning methods, especially in learning infrastructure at SMA UII
Yogyakarta. In this article, the author uses descriptive qualitative methods and then analyzes them by collecting data, processing data and
concluding. The result of this research is the implementation of learning in SMA UII using information technology. The information system
used by SMA UII is e-learning. Online learning activities cannot be separated from electronic devices and internet networks so that in their
implementation there are obstacles such as the availability of inadequate infrastructure, namely: 1) Unstable internet connection, 2) Large
quota requirements, 3) Not all students have communication tools, 4) The skills of educators and education staff who are not entirely able
to use technology.
Abstract. Learning is an activity that can be done by everyone, learning can be done in various places and times, as long as someone has
a serious intention to learn. Learning is often associated with students because learning is a student’s daily routine, one of the factors that
have been proven to affect concentration includes environmental factors. The atmosphere of the learning environment is an incentive for
students to concentrate more on learning. With a conducive environment, concentration in learning will increase and can encourage students
to understand the teaching materials provided by educators, the concentration of learning in STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan students in
2021 has low learning concentration. One way to increase concentration in learning is with a good learning environment. The purpose of
this study was to determine the relationship between the learning environment and the learning concentration of STIKes Santa Elisabeth
Medan students in 2021. This research method used an analytical research design using a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study
was 51 respondents with the sampling technique was simple random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Chi-square test
data analysis. The results of this study are that the learning environment is in a good category as many as 25 people (49%) and less than
6 people (11.8%), high learning concentration 23 people (45.1%) and low 5 people (9.8%) with Chi test results -square obtained p-value
0.001 (p<0.05) indicates that there is a relationship between the learning environment and the learning concentration of STIKes Santa
Elisabeth Medan students in 2021. It is hoped that students will be able to increase their concentration in learning by getting used to creating
a comfortable learning environment and the campus will improve the provision of facilities and infrastructure that can make students more
focused on learning during the lecture process.
Bulaksumur, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. 0274-588-688, Fax. 0274-565223. Email: 1raju.ade.rahman@mail.ugm.ac.id
Abstract. The research objective is to design a digital financial platform that can help Z generation in Indonesia as an effort to increase
financial literacy and early financial planning education. The study used a descriptive method to describe the nature of something that was
ongoing at the time the research was carried out. The survey was conducted using a closed questionnaire aimed at finding out whether the
target market really agreed or did not need the product to be developed. The survey show that 70% do not make any financial records.
Respondents who have obstacles in recording and personal financial planning are 64.9%, 34.2% do not experience problems, and the
rest did not choose both 0.9%. Nevertheless, most of respondents agree if a digital financial assistant platform is provided to regulate the
bookkeeping and recording of financial transactions automatically.
Abstract. Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or groups to achieve certain goals and spiritual is bringing the worldly
dimension into the spiritual dimension. This research uses descriptive approach method. The purpose of this study is to describe the spiritual
leadership of the Boarding School leaders in determining the development of school infrastructure. The results of this study are first that
spiritual leadership is leadership that has dignified characteristics. From the phenomenon of the covid-19 pandemic, there are many changes
in many aspects of life so that it requires the power and strength of a Boarding School leader to always strengthen and get closer to the
khaliq. Both of its roles in the investment of facilities and infrastructure in the cottage must come from the right funds. The three characters
and charisma of a boarding school leader can attract the interest of Muslims in their area and from outside the region to donate some of their
wealth in the way of Allah without the leader asking the community for it. The fourth procurement of Boarding School business units has
a big role in the progress of the construction of cottage facilities and infrastructure because the profits generated will be used to meet the
needs of the cottage.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. 1Email: aidaalmahira@yahoo.com
Abstract. One of the problems faced by the Islamic Religious Education Doctoral Program (PAI) at UIN Sunan Kalijaga is curriculum
issues. Where the curriculum must be designed to be research-oriented with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach to find solutions
to various PAI problems, so as to gain recognition both nationally and internationally. The purpose of this research is to increase knowledge
and understanding regarding the Curriculum Design of the PAI Doctoral Program to anticipate various PAI problems. The method used is
a field study, this study aims to reveal the curriculum design of the PAI Doctoral program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The data collection was
carried out by in-depth interviews with the Head of Study Program, Head of LPM, Dean and Students. Results The researchers found that
the curriculum design in the PAI Doctoral Program was in accordance with the procedures and mechanisms of curriculum design referring
to the IQF. That is, starting from the formulation of learning outcomes, the substance of the study materials to courses, learning designs and
assessment designs but the construction alignment of the profile of Doctrol Program, the description of level 9 in the IQF, Study Materials
and the determination of courses is still not appropriate, That will be affect to the quality of Doctoral Student’s in UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Endang Sumiati
Doctoral Student of UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: endangmia@inismupacitan.sch.id
Abstract. Humanism learning theory emphasizes on developing the potential possessed by students as individuals who have advantages
and privileges. Students are seen as individual learners who need the role of the teacher to facilitate their self-development needs. The
Humanistic Learning Theory pioneered by Jurgen Habermas is eclectic, that is, it can be utilized with the aim that humans can achieve
self-actualization, in other words, humanize humans. Historically, the learning theory of humanism departs from the notion of humanity
which places humans as the center of consciousness. Habermas states that the scientific method is never value-free as positivists claim. It
will always be related to interests. The function of education as forming social agents to create a better and democratic social atmosphere,
teachers must direct students to social reality. Sensitivity to social problems must be embedded in the existing curriculum. The output of the
emancipatory model of education is to achieve one’s own wisdom and wisdom, so that a student can play a social role.
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia. Tel. (022) 2013163, Fax. +62-22-2013651. 1Email: apriyamaharani@upi.edu
Abstract. The existence of the opposition is necessary for a democratic country, which in general is very influential on the quality of
democracy. The quality of a good democracy cannot be separated from youth participation and political education. Researchers conducted
a literature review to examine the presence of opposition to youth participation in improving political education. Researchers conducted a
review of 38 articles from 2015 to 2020, then focused on observing the research progress of political education applied to youth. The results
of this review indicate that these variables, the presence of opposition to the level of youth participation, are more suitable to be executed
using political education. Overall, this review provides an appropriate reference point for further research by identifying research needs in
oppositional aspects, especially in providing existence on the level of youth participation and political education.
Abstract. Education is the main pillar in creating quality and resilient human beings. Higher education is an important part of the education
system held in all conditions, including during the Covid-19 pandemic even if it is held online. The purpose of this research is to find out
the effectiveness of online learning in building student scientific construction and knowing the level of effectiveness of the method during
online learning. This research using a quantitative approach with the number of respondents 62 FTIK UIN students Samarinda Indonesia,
is active in the odd semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. Research data analyzed using descriptive quantitative analysis percentage
technique. Research result shows that the average value of the percentage of survey results is 77% which is included in the a very good
category which means the success rate of the implementation of online learning Constructivism-based is included in the category of very
successful in achieving goals learning that builds students to construct their knowledge by thinking critically and solving problems that are
being faced by students today online learning takes place and the online learning methods used have been effective.
Abstract. Some of the problems found in the 2013 curriculum include understanding and applying scientific approaches, understanding
learning integration, material levels, and time constraints. Currently, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is developing a
program called “Sekolah Penggerak”. This program performs several concepts in many aspects to answer these problems. These differences
are found in the learning time, learning stages, and competencies that must be achieved by students. It shows that “sekolah penggerak”
programme focused on more essential and fundamental learning process. Based on documents and theoretical studies, the “sekolah
penggerak” program can answer several problems such as limited time and material levels. But solutions to other problems such as scientific
approach problem were not found. However, further studies on the concept and implementation of “sekolah penggerak” are still needed.
Keywords: Essential learning, kurikulum 2013, kurikulum sekolah penggerak, litterature review.
Abstract. This article discusses the integrated curriculum, especially in Islamic religious education subjects. The method of this article is a
literature research that the data sources are obtained from relevant journal articles, books, and news. The integrated curriculum is a learning
approach that is quite relevant to the rapid development of technology. Improvement in curriculum design is a constructive attitude so that
students get comprehensive, meaningful, active, authentic, and simple learning. The development of an integrated curriculum is relevant
with the current conditions of scientific transdisciplinary, that the students can solve various life problems with new discoveries obtained
from a combination of scientific fields. Integrated curriculum development can be actualized in learning materials, strategies and learning
Christina Edo Natalia1, Angelina Kartini Agung Lestari2, Emanuela Adika Cahyasari3, Restalia Cindrawan4,
Allin Yosephina Matutina5, Agnes Maria Sumargi6
Faculty of Psychology, Widya Mandala Surabaya Chatolic University
Jl. Kalisari Selatan 1, Pakuwon City, Surabaya. Telp. [031] 99005291/ 99005294/ 99005299, Fax. [031] 99005278. 1Email: christa.lia23@gmail.com
Abstract. The decline in the number of COVID-19 cases and the wide implementation of vaccination programs in Indonesia have made
the enforcement of the Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) to be lowered to alert level 1 for some regions in Indonesia. This
has led schools to use hybrid learning that provides opportunities for students to attend face-to-face learning at schools. Students need to
adjust with the current condition, and therefore, their subjective well-being might be influenced. Notably, students’ subjective well-being is
important as it determines students’ academic and life outcomes. The two factors that might influence students’ subjective well-being were
grit and gratitude. This study aimed to examine the influence of grit and gratitude on subjective well-being of students attending face-to-
face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 66 middle- and high-school students in some regions in Indonesia who
were voluntarily completed a set of questionnaires consisting of the 12-Grit Scale, Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6), and Student Subjective
Well-being Questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis showed that only gratitude was the best predictor of students’ subjective well-being.
Gratefulness enhanced students’ subjective well-being but grit was not a significant predictor for students’ subjective well-being because
there is a possibility that students perceive the teacher’s interpersonal behavior as unhelpful/friendly during teaching, besides those teachers
are required to be able to teach online and offline as well as to influence subjective well-being of student. Grit can be connected to one aspect
of student subjective well-being namely school connectedness, but in this research students do not have a feeling of being connected to
the school including teachers because of online learning that has been applied for two years. Further studies need to consider participants’
education levels and gender.
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various lines of life, including in the world of education. One of the
policies made by the government is online learning which is commonly referred to as distance learning (PJJ). The state of the COVID-19
pandemic has begun to be resolved well, so distance learning was later modified into limited face-to-face learning (PTM). This system is
carried out by dividing 50% of the students to carry out limited PTM in the classroom while still adhering to health protocols, and the other
50% of students take online learning at their homes. This learning model is called distance learning (PJJ). In practice, this learning will
be carried out alternately between students. To increase students’ understanding which is not only from a cognitive perspective, practicum
activities are carried out to hone students’ psychomotor skills in making fresh preparations independently with direct observations and
portfolio assignments in the form of making practicum reports in order to create a good scientific spirit. This study examines the material
on the structure and function of plant tissue with the sample of 4 classes in class XI students of SMA N 5 Yogyakarta. The purpose of this
research was to find out how student learning outcomes using blended learning models with practicum activities. The method used in this
research is a statistical method. The results of this research indicate that the blended learning model with practical work has a significant
effect on student learning outcomes on the material of Plant Tissue Structure and Function.
Abstract. This article discusses the concept of the integration-interconnection-transdisciplinary approach in the study of the Independent
Learning Campus (MBKM) education policy. It is known that the demands, needs and currents of changing times are getting faster.
Universities are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes
that include aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills optimally. In the MB-KM curriculum there is a student exchange program that
provides students with the opportunity to deepen their scientific fields that are not found in the Study Program. The research method used is
library research, to develop the concept of an integrated-interconnective-transdisciplinary approach in the MB-KM curriculum, researchers
explore various literature from relevant articles and books. The results of the literature study explain that to deal with complex conditions,
it is necessary to reform the university curriculum so that students have the ability to solve problems with various scientific disciplines and
are able to adapt to the world of work. The essence of MB-KM is a student exchange program that facilitates students to be able to take
knowledge from other scientific fields that they have never studied so that students can think flexibly and comprehensively. In addition
to equipping with multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary scientific concepts, the student exchange program also provides provisions and
character planting to recognize ethnicity, nation, culture, race and religion, thereby strengthening the essence of the value of unity and
integrity and becoming a moderate nation. Thus, cross-disciplinary science changes a new paradigm that every scientific field has the
opportunity to be collaborated with other sciences through the MB-KM curriculum.
Abstract. The National Examination as an instrument for evaluating middle-level education in Indonesia always gets the spotlight from
various parties. This is inseparable from the imbalance of education that occurs in the center and outermost and isolated areas in this country.
So that makes the UN difficult to evaluate thoroughly the abilities of existing students. Therefore this paper tries to examine the extent to
which the National Examination acts as an instrument capable of improving the quality of national education. Moreover, the development
of evaluation systems offered by other countries, this can be seen as applied in developed countries. Furthermore, the existence of the
COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the all over the world. Then, will the system that has been built by the government be maintained or will it
use different evaluation instruments to improve the quality of education. This problem will be reviewed from the extent of the positive and
negative impacts caused by this evaluation instrument with an analysis of the direct impact of the National Examination on the condition of
education and students as the object of the education being carried out.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Telp +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. 1Email: raliandanalouise@gmail.com
Abstract. The increase in university graduates in Indonesia every year brings its own problems. Many college graduates are still not ready
to face the world of work. Therefore, prospective graduates are expected to prepare themselves to face the demands of the world of work by
having abilities according to their fields, being able to develop knowledge, and having broad insights so that they can compete with other
graduates in the world of work. This encourages universities to continue to improve the quality of their graduates. One of the programs
launched by the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Sunan Kalijaga to improve students’ soft skills is an internship program. This
study aims to examine whether the implementation of this internship program has an impact on improving the skills and competencies of
students who have participated in internships.
Abstract. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Gus dur School for Peace program. One of the programs in this school
is in the form of a peaceful community. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques in the form of
non-participatory observations, unstructured interviews, and documentation studies. The theory used in this study is Framing Etman. The
conclusion of this study shows that peaceful community girls contribute to the Peace Movement in various regions in Indonesia. This is in
accordance with the values brought by Gus Dur, including martyrdom, humanity, justice, equality, liberation, simplicity, brotherhood and
local wisdom. The community is diframing social media (instagram) as an optimization of the implementation of programs implemented,
related to peace efforts, such as raising actual religious and national issues, and how youth can advocate socially.
Muhammad Arisnanda
Islamic Education Management Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Walisongo,
Jl. Prof Dr Hamka Ngaliyan Semarang 50185, Indonesia. Tel. +62-24 7604554. Email: arisnanda08@gmail.com
Abstract. Educational institutions are places of learning centers to create a better society for others by teaching character education.
Character education is the process of making students behave politely as humans from various perspectives. Character education has an
important role in the moral development of students with the existence of moral concepts, moral attitudes and moral behavior. Character
education is presented in the form of moral teaching to students to know the good, love the good and act (associate) well. Making character
education the basis of education in schools to produce quality and quantity people in knowledge, skills, insights and attitudes. Generate
demands for schools from elements of society to conduct character education and its application in schools. Makes researchers interested
in researching character education in schools in terms of its application. The aim of the researcher to examine the application of character
education is to find out the results of character education in students in schools. The researcher took the place of research, namely: at SD
Negeri Tlogosari Kulon 01 which is also a place of education for researchers in their education at the elementary school level. The researcher
uses a qualitative approach to describe from: planning the implementation of character education to the implementation and evaluation of
character education in schools. The researcher used observation, limited interviews with classroom teachers, principals and teachers and
school staff involved in the implementation of character education at SD Negeri Tlogosari Kulon 01, questionnaires to teachers, students,
school staff, principals and vice principals for the student and Guardians of Students from Students (Students) Online. With temporary
findings: planning for the implementation of character education at SD Negeri Tlogosari Kulon 01 is carried out unwritten and directly
by conveying to students from various elements in SD Negeri Tlogosari Kulon 01. With a fairly good implementation with many students
who can obey to the rules and regulations of the school. Weaknesses: the evaluation conducted on character education is less balanced.
The punishment applied by the school is not commensurate with the rewards students get for good behavior with the character education
delivered directly.
Siti Khodijah
UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281. Email: snmadiya@gmail.com
Abstract. The problem of character becomes a very important problem for the interaction of human life every day. In the Qur’an, character
is identical with morals, as a result of the process of applying a strong faith in humans based on the Qur’an as a guide for human life. In the
Qur’an, the commendable character (morals) of humans is a combination of the results of internalizing religious, ethical and moral values in
a person which is characterized by good or positive attitudes and behavior. This study aims to describe character education in the Qur’an and
its relevance to human life. This research is a type of library research, namely the method of collecting library data sourced from the Qur’an,
books and journals about character education. The results of this study can be used as reading material to add information for readers and
become a reference for humans in studying, understanding and implementing character education in everyday human life.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971. Email: 1lootfie80@gmail.com 2abddul.munip@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Philosophical value is in the art of puppet. Moreover, in the collaborative performance of various arts, it presents an extraordinary
harmony of art. So, it is not surprising that puppet art can be used as a non-formal educational medium. In his performances, he can convey
messages and character values to the audience with full beauty. Character values can
be obtained from the ornamentation of the characters
and the stories they bring. So, reproducing puppet culture is something that needs to be done as an innovation. The use of puppet as
an educational medium for Islamic teachings is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approach to Islamic religious
learning in the medieval era. In this modern era, researchers want to do the same thing by reproducing the Wayang Kekayon Khalifah. This
puppet manifests in the form of a gunungan/kekayon with calligraphy art, the names of the actors/paraga and symbols of their characters.
The author wants to describe the making of the visualization of the Wayang Kekayon Khalifah with a transdisciplinary approach. The
disciplines that we use to realize this research are by approaching the creation of works of art and literature. This aims to help the reader’s
understanding of this puppet which is used in Islamic religious learning in the present era. The results of the presentation show that the
Wayang Kekayon Khalifah was made in consideration of Islamic fiqh prioritizing symbols, and being one of the beautiful means of learning
Islamic religion while still using local culture.
Keywords: Wayang kekayon khalifah, transdisciplinary approach, islamic religious learning in the modern era.
Abstract. This study aims to determine the form of ecopedagogy integration in elementary school management as an effort to inculcate
the character values of environmental insight for the alpha generation. This research is motivated by the problem of the alpha generation
who are familiar with digital technology, but have little understanding of character values related to environmental insights, such as being
efficient in using energy, reducing the use of plastic or single-use objects, to the importance of caring for and growing plants. for the survival
of human life. Because they do not know and do not feel the beauty of nature and the surrounding environment because there are many
significant environmental and life changes. A qualitative approach is applied in this study by reviewing literature and previous studies that
can be used as a reference source in making ecopedagogical integration policies at the elementary school level with the hope of forming a
generation that is insightful and has a love for the surrounding environment. The expected result in this study is to be able to show various
kinds of reference sources for the application of ecopedagogy in creating integration in elementary schools as an effort to inculcate the
character values of environmental insight for the alpha generation.
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: istiningsih81@gmail.com
Abstract: This study aims to investigate how the implementation of a blended learning model can improve competencies of Indonesian
students, such as for developing information & technology skill and improving the quality of students’ character, at higher education in
Indonesia especially in State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta for faculty of Education. Qualitative research methods were
applied in this study, with data being collected through questionnaires, field observations, and a literature study. The results indicate that
using a blended learning model as a form of independent learning at the faculty of education, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga falls
into the “good” or “acceptable” category. The impact of the model helped improve the character of students, especially for independence
and responsibility mental. Students gained the ability to communicate with lecturers and friends as well as wide knowledge also improve
character. When stronger skill of information and technology as well as character are built, the students could build huge network to working
world such as industries also institutions where they will work after finishing their studies. The novelty of this research lies in the use of
blended learning model, which was developed based on the disruption era also revolution industry 4.0. The hope is that this will help solve
the problems in learning process on disruption era in Indonesia. The expected implication is that government and educational institutions
will work together to encourage the development of blended learning model as a form independence learning which is as the latest policy
from the Indonesian Ministry of of Education.
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation model of integrated character education with Civics learning for
students of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali in the 2021-2022 academic year. This type of research is qualitative research using a phenomenological
study approach. The research subjects were PPKn teachers and seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali, and the object of the
research was character education and Civics learning. Data collection methods: observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of
the data is done by using triangulation of sources and methods. Data analysis techniques using interactive analysis techniques consist of 3
stages, namely: data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of the study based on observations in the field found that the
implementation of integrated character education with Civics learning for grade VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali for the academic
year 2021-2022 was carried out during Civics learning using the methods: role playing, demonstration, simulation games, and dramatization.
The results of interviews with PPKn teachers and grade VII students obtained information: in general, teachers have difficulty in actualizing
integrated character education in Civics learning, pre-teachers find it difficult to formulate character education in Civics learning, students
generally do not understand the formulation of integrated character education implementation in PPKn learning. In conclusion, based on
the results of observations and interviews, it can be concluded that the implementation of integrated character education in Civics learning
for grade VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali is carried out using the following methods: role playing, demonstration, simulation,
Desti Widiani
Lecturer at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta (Jl. Pandawa, Dusun IV, Pucangan, Kec. Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57168)
Doctoral Student at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971)
Email: destiwidi@yahoo.com
Abstract. This research is based on the assumption that it is necessary to internalize character education in children with autism. The
increasing number of children with autism is a problem that is a shared responsibility, not just the medical department or psychologist. In
terms of behavior, children with autism tend to hurt themselves, not confident and aggressive. From these problems, character education
also plays a role in directing them to become independent and useful human beings according to their abilities so as not to become a burden
on the contrary is a gift given by Allah swt. One of the schools that deal with the problem of children with autism is the Special School
“Taruna Al-Qur’an Yogyakarta”. This research is a qualitative research that uses an educational psychology approach. The data collection
techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. While the data analysis uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation,
triangulation and conclusion drawing. The purpose of this research is to find out the model of character education for children with autism,
then what character education values have been successfully developed, as well as what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in character
education for children with autism at the Special School “Taruna Al-Qur’an Yogyakarta”.
Abstract. This research aims to implement the Values of Pancasila towards The Attitude of Student Nationalism in the Learning of
PPKn. The Values of Pancasila as a form of application of the main attitude-based education in VAT learning are carried out in each class
and are obliged to develop the value of Pancasila. This research uses qualitative research methods that emphasize meaning, reasoning,
definition, and practice and describe what is about the object studied. In the data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and
documentation techniques. The data analysis techniques that researchers use include data reduction, which is collecting existing evidence
and then described systematically. The results showed that the Values of Pancasila towards nationalism attitudes are very influential mainly
in the learning of PPKn through various interactive learning activities and able to be accommodated with the overall material taught, as well
as by teaching and instilling pancasila precepts and implementing them in activities in schools both outdoors and indoors.
Hermi Cahyawati
Doctoral Program at Faculty of Education and Teaching Sciences, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Email: hermicahyawatiuinsuka@gmail.com
Abstract. Moral education efforts through various educational institutions and through various methods continue to be developed. This
shows that morals do need to be fostered, and this guidance has resulted in the formation of muslim individuals with noble character,
submission to Allah and His Messenger, respect for parents, compassion for fellow creatures of God and so on. This coaching situation
is increasingly felt necessary, especially at a time when there are more and more challenges and temptations as a result of advances in
science and technology. Nowadays, for example, people will easily communicate with anything in this world, good or bad, because there
are telecommunication tools. The problems in this paper are, first, how are the values of faith-based moral education in the book of Qāmī’u at-
Tughyān. Second, how is the relevance of the values of faith-based moral education in the book of Qāmī’u at-Tughyān with the context of moral
education today. The purpose of this study is to describe and critically analyze the values of
faith-based moral education in the book of Qāmī’u
at-Tughyān and its relevance to the context of moral education today. While the theoretical use of this research is to add scientific insight about
moral education and can be used as reference material in digging up information in order to increase scientific treasures, and its practical use for
education observers is to contribute to being a reference and scientific treasure in deepening scientific horizons. This paper uses a descriptive
qualitative approach to critical analysis with this type of research (library research), while the data collection techniques with documentation,
and the data analysis technique is content analysis technique. The results of this paper show that the classification of faith-based moral education
values in the book of Qāmi’u At-Tughyān from the perspective of Shaykh Muhammad Nawawi Al-Bantani can be divided into five categories.
First, the values of moral education towards Allah swt. Second, the values of moral education to the Prophet Muhammad. Third, the values of
moral education for religious experts. Fourth, the values of moral education towards fellow human beings. Fifth, the values of moral education
towards oneself.
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: sukiman@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Religious education is not enough to pay attention to the intelligence quotient (IQ) but must be balanced with the development of
the quality of emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ). Moral aspects, noble morals, and religious life should also be a concern
in implementing Islamic Religious Education (PAI) and Ethics in schools to form mindsets, attitude patterns, and student actions that lead to
commendable things. However, in reality, the achievements and competencies of learners in educational institutions in the subjects of PAI
and Ethics today generally have not reached an encouraging level of competence. Indications include low honesty, cooperation, compassion,
tolerance, discipline, integrity, and piety to Allah swt. Learners at the level of this unit of education are also indicated to do many deviations of
behavior that is not following religious norms, legal norms, and moral norms, such as engaging in drugs, drinking, fighting, and promiscuity
that seems to be a trend in the lives of adolescents. Their ability in terms of the practice of worship, reading, memorization (tahfidz), and
writing the letters of the Qur’an is also generally still low. The phenomenon has to do with the following problems: (1) Limited amount of
time allocation available in the curriculum content standards for extracurricular learning of PAI and Ethics; (2) The learning process of PAI
and Ethics in schools is less able to develop the potential, character, noble morals, and personality of students. In addition, extracurricular
activities are also less oriented to moral formation and morality that should be given in the form of experience and exercises; (3) The global
development of technology, information, and telecommunications, on the other hand, has negative implications for the implementation
of PAI and Ethics in schools; (4) Environmental factors of the community and the family environment are also often an obstacle to the
successful implementation of PAI and Ethics in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to develop PAI and Ethics learning activities in school.
The form of development is to strengthen extracurricular activities so that the goals and competencies of PAI and Ethics can be achieved
according to the expected standards. This article details the development of PAI and Ethics extracurricular activities in schools. Topics to
be discussed include the basic concepts of extracurricular activities, foundations, approaches, methods of implementing extracurricular
activities, forms of extracurricular activities, the design of the implementation of extracurricular activities, and the assessment of PAI and
Ethics Pekerti extracurricular activities in schools.
Abstract. Multicultural education is not always well recognized. Multiculturalism is being challenged in some parts of the world, particularly
in Western Europe. There is even discussion of reverting to monoculturalism. This has an impact on multicultural education’s acceptance.
The purpose of this paper is to depict multicultural education on a broad scale from the macrohistory perspective before venturing into the
Indonesian context. The study was carried out by research on macrohistory literature, particularly that published in the last ten years. The
significant proportion of this study is based on the perspectives of contemporary macrohistorians such as Yuval Noah Harari and Galor
Oded. According to the findings of this study, changes in the economic map have a massive effect on multicultural education. Furthermore,
political dynamics such as the tug of war between nationalism and globalization have a consequence on multicultural education. Meanwhile,
the globalization of transnational ideologies poses a serious challenge to multicultural education in Indonesia.
Sri Suwartini
Program Doktor PAI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281. Email: riri.srisuwartini@
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of multiculturalism training to improve the self-control and interpersonal
relationships of students at SMP MBS Yogyakarta. This research is an experimental study with the determination of subjects using purposive
sampling technique based on the score of the self-control scale and interpersonal relationships with low categories, a total of twenty-four
seventh grade students of SMP MBS Yogyakarta, divided into two groups, 12 students as the experimental group and 12 students as
the experimental group control. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Collecting data using self-control scale, interpersonal
relationship scale, observation, questionnaire, and interview. The results showed that multiculturalism training was effective for improving
the self-control and interpersonal relationships of students at SMP MBS Yogyakarta. This can be seen in the nonparametric statistical
calculation output of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for self-control with the results of p = 0.002 < 0.05 and Z = -3.064 and interpersonal
relationships with the results of p = 0.002 < 0.05 and Z = -3.071, meaning that that the score of self-control and interpersonal relationships
has increased from before treatment and after treatment. In addition, it can also be seen the results of the calculation of the nonparametric
difference test of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test posttest score between the experimental group and the control group on the results for
self-control p = 0.002 <0.05 and Z = -3.063 and the results of interpersonal relationships at p = 0.002 <0 .05 and Z= -3.065. Meanwhile, the
control group did not experience a significant increase between pretest and posttest scores in self-control and interpersonal relationships,
this can be seen in the non-parametric calculation output of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test with the results for self-control p = 0.590> 0.05
and Z = -0.539 and interpersonal relationships at p=0.754>0.05 and Z=-0,313.
Achmad Sopian
Doctoral Program Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: iyan.achmadsofyan@gmail.com
Abstracts. This study discusses about the Implementation of Islamic and the religiosity of the Moslem Baduy community after religious
conversion in foundation at-Taubah 60 Kampung Landeuh Lebak Banten. This research is based on the problem religiosity of the Moslem
Baduy that Suku Baduy to reveal the Islamic community of the Baduy, and the implementation of Islamic education carried out by
the Baduy after religious conversion. This research is aimed at responding the following question: (1) The Implementation of Islamic
Education At the Moslem Baduy community after religious conversion in foundation at-Taubah 60 Kampung Landeuh Lebak Banten.
2) The religiosity of the Moslem Baduy community after religious conversion in foundation at-Taubah 60 Kampung Landeuh Lebak
Banten. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with an ethnographic approach. The data were collected through giving observation,
questionnaire, and documentation. The validity test using Triangulasi. The data were analyzed using descriptive model. The results showed,
that the implementation of Islamic education carried out by a Moslem Baduy in the form of Islamic studies such as the faith, fiqh, morals,
and etc. So that, from the implementation of Islamic education, the moslem baduy to also resulted in the strengthening of the Muslim faith
and love of Islam. This study shows the dinamic religiosity of the Moslem Baduy community after religious conversion in foundation
at-Taubah 60 Kampung Landeuh Lebak Banten. This conclusion is derived from the findings that the religious conversion of the Moslem
Baduy community is driven by internal factors, namely social inequality; those are the lack understanding of the Baduy people towards
the teachings of Sunda Wiwitan and the limitation of land for farming. The external factors are caused by theological, psychological, and
sociological factors. Based on the process, the religious conversion of the Moslem Baduy community occurred en masse and individually;
both of which were included in the category of active and comprehensive converts.
Abstract. Islamic Religious Education lectures with a heutagogical approach to literacy-based independent learning activities can affect
student engagement when taking virtual classes, both synchronously and asynchronously. Through prescription analysis and regression
testing, the dominant determinants of independent lecture activities were identified as those influencing student involvement in literacy
projects. For identification, 3 types of prescriptive and regression variables were investigated, including discussion, attendance, and
publication of 129 student respondents from the Islamic Religious Education Study Program. Prescriptive analysis on the Naïve Bayes
algorithm resulted in f measure 80.18% of 80.77% (positive class: potential) with an accuracy of 72.50%, and the decision tree algorithm
resulted in f measure 83.79% of 84.21% (positive class: potential) with an accuracy of 75.36%. The t-test resulted in a significance score of
0.000 0.05 with a count of 4.713 > t table. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the research results show that; 1) positive potential is
generated in discussion activities for the implementation of literacy projects, 2) significant positive effects are found in discussion activities
on the achievement of literacy projects, and 3) visualization and interpretation of predictions of student engagement through literacy-based
independent projects with several activities as online lecture innovations in learning Islamic education.
Abstract. The policy of religious moderation launched by the Ministry of Religious Affairs has received a response from many educational
institutions, including Public Universities, in this case the University of Pamulang Jakarta. This article is the result of the research aimed
to describe and analyze the implementation of religious moderation on the pamulang university campus, through the Division of Kampus
Unpam Mengaji (KUM). This research uses a qualitative approach, while the type of research applied in this study is a case study. This
research concluded that Kampus Unpam Mengaji does not declare itself as an institution that openly promotes religious moderation.
However, judging from various aspects, this institution applies the concept of religious moderation in accordance with the policy of the
Ministry of Religious Affairs. The implementation of religious moderation can be seen from (1) the curriculum and materials applied,
including Fiqh, Tafsir, Hadith, Thematic, Akhlak and Sirah. (2) The methods and strategies of its implementation are also in accordance
with the guidelines of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This is evidenced by the cultivation of a moderate understanding of Islam through
the material studied. The learning approach applied is halaqah, and the learning model applied is to imitate the tradition of pesantren. (3)
Activities conducted separately and indeed intended as a form of embodiment of religious moderation such as international seminars.
Keywords: Religious moderation, wasathiyah, tawazun, kampus unpam mengaji, higher education.
Syarif Hidayatullah
Doctoral Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 21304011008@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. There are many critiques toward our Islamic education, among them is about incapacity either in developing or braveness to
create innovation teaching methods in classroom. It’s caused by our attitude that tends to reduce function of education as a just learning
activity. In this context, this paper tries to present a discourse on how we should do penetration in learning process of our classroom. Along
with emergence of paradigm alteration of educational system in university from TCL (Teacher Center Learning) to SCL (Student Center
Learning) models, so a Active learning method is become a relevant and significance strategy to be implemented in our classroom. The
implementation of the Active learning method in Islamic education system will bring into reality our expectation in order to students become
moralized persons who own reason wits and heart sharpness in actualizing Islamic values. Because, the Active learning method able to
build and develop students character and personality, including to guide their attention toward real problem and requirement. In addition,
this method stimulates students to getting critical thinking and problem solving skills; that needed in creating muslim succes in their daily
life with society.
STAI An-Nawawi Purworejo
Jl. Ringroad Utara, Berjan, Dusun IV, Purworejo, 54191, Indonesia. Email: sholihahdaimah@gmail.com
Abstract. Pesantren-based madrasas are Islamic educational institutions that aim to form qualified cadres, both in terms of general
knowledge and religious knowledge. However, so far, madrasas and Islamic boarding schools are still have gaps in the implementation of
education, especially in terms of curriculum and also managerial. This will have an impact on the effectiveness of learning in madrasas and
Islamic boarding schools, where there will be a curriculum dichotomy that should be able to synergize positively. This study is intended to
examine in depth the curriculum integration of MA An-Nawawi Purworejo in synergizing Islamic boarding school and madrasah education.
The results showed that there was a positive synergy in the curriculum integration of MA An-Nawawi. The integrated curriculum combines
the management of diniyah pesantren with madrasah, both in the use of integrated education calendars, diniyyah and pesantren activities,
structural positions, and also clustering student dormitories. The implementation of MA An-Nawawi’s education with an integrated
curriculum is considered successful, as evidenced by the achievement of the first rank at the district level, the best secondary school, the
highest achievement and the nineteenth rank at the provincial level.
Abstract. This study aims to analyze the idea of Hasan Al-Bana’s Integral holistic education and its correlation with educational practices
at the Integrated Islamic School which indicates an ideological relationship between Hasan Albana’s thought and its application in an
integrated Islamic school. Both seek to integrate the dichotomous education system between religious education and general education
by returning to pure teaching sources based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, which universally and integratedly develop all human potential.
This study used library research and qualitative methods through interviews. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the purpose
of Islamic education is to construct the quality of human resources, namely students, and the education system must be based on a strong
foundation that is able to give birth to a young generation with Islamic immunity, moral wisdom, and mastery of comprehensive knowledge,
which will be reflected in various aspects of life. Hasan Albana established four aspects to realize his goals, first, the aspect of intelligence
or intellectual education. Second, aspects of moral education, Third, aspects of physical and spiritual education. Fourth, the aspect of social
education. All these materials can be obtained through the science of religion, exact sciences, social sciences and their branches. In addition,
the results of observations show that educational practices in integrated Islamic schools have ideological and practical relevance to the
thought of Hasan Albana. In the ideological area, Hasan Albana’s thoughts became the ideological basis of education in integrated Islamic
schools. And in its application, Hasan Albana’s thinking is implemented in educational practice as a special curriculum. In particular, the
integrated Islamic school was inspired by the Tarbiyah Ikhwanul Muslimin movement founded by Hasan Albana in Egypt.
Abstract. One of the important roles of education is to build confidence and understanding of human behavior that is balanced between
habl min Allah, habl min nas, and habl min ‘alam. Religion has a set of values to manage, maintain, and treat nature that cannot be denied.
On that basis, ecological values through religious insight need to be reviewed for consideration in order to prevent humans from damaging
the environment. Humans are the only creatures created by Allah SWT who are endowed with reason so that they have a dual role both as
‘abdullah and khalifatullah fil’ardh. Ecological damage and disasters that are getting worse are allegedly due to human activities that exceed
limits. The attitude of humans who are reluctant to care about nature is also the cause of the ecological crisis that is getting worse. Human
actions that arbitrarily against nature are suspected to be the root of the problem of the ecological crisis. Education plays an important role
in building beliefs and understanding of human ecological behavior. Islam teaches the existence of equality and equality for all its people.
Wealth is not a measure of caste differences in Islam, but it is piety and faith that are a measure of human differences in the eyes of Allah.
So humans must be willing to respect nature and use it as best as possible because nature and humans are both God’s creations.
Aris Wahyudi
Management of Islamic Education Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: wahyou05@gmail.com
Abstract. Sharia science will be the rules that Allah SWT calls to the world for mankind. The prohibition order in the science of Shari’ah
is in fact for the benefit of man himself. In maqashid shari’ah maintain the benefit and saved kemafsadatan. Imam Syatibi is a scholar who
codifies the science of shari’ah maqashid so that it becomes itself a science that is knowledge and true. According to humans in sharia
maqashid there are three sub-districts, namely the first, the Dzaruriyat aspect is basically human. Second, Hajiyat as a human complement.
Three, Tahsiniyat as a tertiary need or a need for luxury goods. In this aspect of dzaruriyat it takes precedence around diluted where diluted,
in divided into five aspects, namely hifdz al-Din (keeping his religion), Hifdz al-Nafs (keeping the soul), Hifdz al-Aql (keeping his mind),
Hifdz al-Maal (keeping property), and Hifdz al-Nasl (keeping the Leader of Islamic Education institutions very good in maintaining and
regulating the benefit of mankind, especially in their respective institutions. In the pandemic covid-19 care for the five basic human needs
above must still be carried out, so that the continuity of human life remains interrupted from the existence of human behavior itself.
Yuli Kuswandari
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Faks. +62-274-519739. Email: aidahasna2011@gmail.com
Abstract. Covid-19 pandemic has spread all over the world for more than a year. This gave impact on all aspects of human life such as
economy, social and education as well. Everything had to change suddenly. All factories, shops and schools were also closed to avoid
spreading the virus Corona- 19. As the result most of activities were conducted via online. Learning activities from kindergarten until
university used online platforms like zoom meeting, google meet, google classroom, e-learning, etc. Islamic education teacher at senior
school also used online learning in teaching. They did not only transfer the knowledge of Islamic education to students, but they also transfer
the Islamic values and internalize the Islamic values to the students. The problem was how to internalize Islamic values on online learning
Islamic education at elementary schools? This paper revealed strategies used by the Islamic religious teacher to internalize Islamic values
on long distance learning of Islamic religious Education at a senior high school.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Islamic values, long distance learning, religius education.
Nur Wahyuni
Doctoral Program of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: nurwahyuni1512@gmail.com
Abstract. Islamic religious education is one of the mandatory materials for students. Islamic Religious Education contains an explanation
of aqidah, Sharia, and morals as well as exemplary taught to foster students to become good Muslims. The delivery of Islamic Religious
Education materials has been running smoothly and normally. However, the current phenomenon with the Covid-19 pandemic requires the
learning process to be shifted from normal face-to-face or conventional learning to online learning. But over time, the Covid-19 pandemic
has begun to recede so that it is courageous to carry out offline learning (outside the network) by looking at the conditions that are deemed
safe enough to hold face-to-face meetings.
Abstract. Research background is that students in 2 Ngemplak public schools have diversity in terms of religion, and there are religions found
in SMPN 2 Ngemplak, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism and Hinduism. This creates good harmony between students and school residents,
which makes this school get an adiwyata school. This study aims to 1) find out the implementation of the multicultural education approach
by James Bank, 2) find out the results of implementing a multicultural approach, 3) find out the obstacles in applying the multicultural
education approach. This type of research is qualitative using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation.
Data reduction data analysis techniques by collecting data according to research focus, narrative data display, data verification and drawing
conclusions. The results showed that the first SMP N 2 Ngemplak had implemented 4 multicultural approaches and the most dominant
approach to social action Second, the results of the multicultural education approach were divided into 3 namely outcomes for schools for
teachers and for students. Third, there are obstacles in the multicultural education approach which is divided into three: Obstacles sourced
from the School Facilities for the teaching and learning process are still lacking, such as special space for each religion, the scriptures of each
student according to their religion. In addition, media about multiculturalism is also lacking. The constraints originating from the teacher are
the lack of cultural understanding of each religion and the transformation approach has not been implemented so that multicultural education
in SMP N 2 Ngemplak is less than optimal. Students are still joking about the SARA problem, besides that there are still students who only
carry out the teachings of the teachings which are oriented only on report cards, not purely because of the awareness that has been formed.
Abstract. The Prediction Guide Learning Strategy is currently used as an active learning method in schools. During the learning process, it
is more often defined as an explanation of pictorial material with children making up stories in the pictures that the teacher provides. In the
discussion of this paper discusses learning in schools using a prediction guide strategy by analyzing the activeness and thinking of students.
By concluding that learning strategies in Indonesia by using learning strategies will change the way of learning and focus on lessons and
students will further develop their way of thinking to improve their ability to think. The quality of children’s learning will improve the way
of thinking and social empathy with classmates. And get new knowledge in using learning strategy methods. The existence of this strategy
will affect children’s thinking patterns and invite social empathy towards friends around them.
Mahmud Arif
Islamic Religious Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: ayahandarifda@yahoo.com
Abstract. The Quran is believed to be an eternal marvel with teachings that shall remain relevant regardless of the time and place. Such a
fundamental conviction has led to various perspectives and lively discussions. Some consider the Quran as an open text that can continuously
be reinterpreted, while the others consider it as the ultimate book that provides guidance concerning all matters of human life. Given this
context, it is of great interest to critically discuss the views of Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud who considered the Quran as a comprehensive
source of guidance for addressing the various problems of life as well as a text filled with a myriad of educational prescriptions. Based on
this assumption, Mahmud actively elaborated his views on the Quran’s perfection and the inevitability of Muslims to relentlessly abide by
it. He believed that the solution for Muslims, who are currently suppressed by a broken and deceptive system, is none other than returning
to the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah.
Keywords: The perfect way, the Quran’s perfection, education ideology, conclusive exegesis.
Tulus Musthofa
Arabic Languange Education Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739.
Abstract. Humanity knew education as the oldest form of politics before the politics of the tribe and the city. It is self-politics and self-
management. Perhaps the saying of Imam Al-Ghazali ((The most honorable of these policies after the prophethood is the benefit of
knowledge and the refinement of the souls of people)). It represents the best expression of the value of learning and education and the honor
of its mission and role. The educational process, in this sense, is the most important political process ever, which brings together all political
action, in conception and practice. In this political educational context, we ask the following question: To what extent have contemporary
Indonesian policies succeeded in building their educational systems, and to what extent did these policies achieve their strategic goals that
they set since the birth of Indonesia after independence? Were these educational systems and educational policies national carrying out the
projects of the Islamic nation, considering them the majority of the population and the reality, or were they projects that were projected on
the reality of the nation to make it a new reality that wants to call itself the modernist embodying some dimensions of the development act
in which the modern state of Indonesia has engaged in addition to other economic and political dimensions and developmental?
There is no doubt that the people of Indonesia carry their own educational history before independence. There is no doubt that the
spread Islamic schools carried a specific educational message expressing the structure, composition and aspirations of the community. There
is also no doubt that these schools played their scientific and developmental role, and even carried the banner of popular resistance against
colonialism in all its forms. These schools were a strong shield for the nation, defending its character and the nature of its Arab and Islamic
identity. These national schools prevalent before and during colonialism are the ones that have been subjected to exclusion, criticism and
abuse as traditional schools do not agree with the new development projects that believed in Western modernity and took it as the official
ideology of the state and society. There are also other schools of a Western nature that have another role in building the educational system
in Indonesia. .
And soon these emerging national states knew the beginning of the conflict between two types of schools, schools considered traditional
and emerging schools considered modern, as society knew the beginning of the internal rift in its mental structure between a mentality
considered traditional and backward and a new emerging mentality considered modern and modern. It is the modern school that wants to
rebuild society anew, not on the basis of its first rules and the history of its existing educational systems, but on the basis of new visions.
So does Islamic identity conflict with nationalism, or do they complement and harmonize in the educational system in Indonesia?
These questions the researcher tries to answer through this research.
إن البشرية عرفت الرتبية مبا هي أقدم أشكال السياية قبل سياسة القبيلة واملدينة .إهنا سياسة النفس وتدبري شأن الذات .ولعل قول اإلمام الغزايل ((إن أشرف هذه
السياسات بعد النبوة إفادة العلم وهتذيب نفوص الناس)) .متثل أفضل تعبري عن قيمة التعلم والتعليم وعن شرف مهمته ودوره .فالعملية الرتبوية هبذا املعىن أهم عملية
سياسية على اإلطالق جتمع كل الفعل السياسي تصورا وممارسة .ويف هذا السياق الرتبوي السياسي نطرح السؤال التايل :إىل أي حد وفقت الس ياسات اإلندونيسية
املعاصرة يف بناء منظوماهتا الرتبوية ،وإىل أي مدى حققت هذه السياس ات أهدافها االسرتاتيجية اليت وضعتها مند ميالد أندونيسيا بعد االستقالل؟ هل كانت هذه
املنظومات الرتبوية والسياسات التعليمية وطنية حتمل مشاريع األمة اإلسالمية ابعتربها غالبية السكان والواقع ،أم أهنا مشاريع أسقطت على واقع األمة لتجعل منه واقعا
جديدا يريد أن يسمي نفسه ابحلداثي جتسيما لبعض أبعاد الفعل التنموي الذى اخنرطت فيه دولة أندونيسيا احلديثة إىل جانب األبعاد األخرى االقتصادية والسياسية
ال شك أن شعب أندونيسيا حيمل اترخيا تربواي خاصا هبا قبل االستقالل وال شك أن املدارس اإلسالمية املنتشرة كانت حتمل رسالة تعليمية خمصوصة معربة عن بنية
اجملتمع وتركيبته وطموحاته ،والشك أيضا أن هذه املدارس كانت تقوم بدورها العلمي والتنموي بل وكانت حاملة لواء املقاومة الشعبية ضد االستعمار بكل أشكا له وكانت
هذه املدارس درعا حصينا لألمة يدافع على شخصيتها وطبيعة هويتها العربية واإلسالمية .هذه املدارس الوطنية السائدة قبل االستعمار وأ ثناءه هي اليت تعرضت لإلقصاء
والنقد والتجاوز ابعتباره مدارس تقليدية ال تتفق مع املشاريع التنموية اجلديدة اليت آمنت ابحلداثة الغربية واختذهتا إيديولوجيا رمسية للدولة واجملتمع ،كما ان هناك ايضا
املدارس أألخرى ذات الطبيعة الغربية هلا دور أخر ىف بناء املنظومة الرتبوية ىف أندونيسيا .
وسرعان ما عرفت هذه الدول الوطنية الناشئة بداية الصراع بني منطني من املدارس ،مدارس عدت تقليدية ومدارس انشئة عدت حداثية ،كما عرف اجملتمع بداية التصدع
الداخلي يف بنيته الذهنية بني ذهنية عدت تقليدية ومتخلفة وذهنية جديدة انشئة عدت حداثية وعصرية .إهنا املدرسة احلديثة اليت تريد إ عادة بناء اجملتمع من جديد ال
على أساس قواعده األوىل واتريخ منظوماته التعليمية القا ئمة وإمنا على أساس رؤى جديدة
فهل اهلوية األسالمية تتصارع مع النزعة الوطنية ام أهنما تتكامالن وتنسجمان ىف املنظومة الرتبوية ىف إندونيسيا
Abstract. This study aims to produce theme-based stories and songs in early childhood based on audio-visual media. The type of research
used is research and development using the ADDIE model. The stages of the research carried out are needs analysis, design design, product
development, evaluation and implementation. In this study, it was carried out to the evaluation stage by material and media validators. The
data collection technique used a questionnaire sheet. Based on the validator’s assessment, the results of the development of simple house
stories and songs are very valid by obtaining a percentage of 96.25% and the results of media validation from the validator obtaining a
percentage value of 93.17% with a very valid category so that the average results of media validation and material validation obtain a value
the percentage of 94.71% with a very valid category means that audio-visual media stories and simple house songs for early childhood
are very valid to be tested and implemented on research subjects in terms of visual media, audio, language, programming, appearance and
content feasibility
Abstract. Learning strategy is an essential element in teaching and learning activities. The use of appropriate strategies can make students
interested, not bored, and excited, if it goes well then the learning outcomes will be obtained optimally. Various learning strategies can
be implemented at the tertiary level, especially in the Department of Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD). This article examines
various strategies that are suitable for PIAUD majors, ranging from Small Group Discussion (SGD), Role-Play and Stimulation, Case Study,
Discovery Learning (DL), Cooperative Learning (CL), Collaborative Learning (CbL), Contextual Instruction (CI), Project Based Learning
(PjBL) and Problem Based Learning (PBLI). Various existing strategies can be used and combined by lecturers when teaching so that the
strategies used are not monotonous and so that students can explore in various fun ways. These learning strategies are not centered on the
lecturer, so they can build students’ knowledge and creativity.
Erni Munastiwi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 1erni.munastiwi@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. This study aims to describe the urgency of holistic integrative early childhood education services in terms of aspects of child
development in detail and depth. This study uses a literature study approach using descriptive analysis. Research data sources consist of
two sources, namely primary data sources, namely ebooks, national scientific articles, and international scientific articles. At the same time,
secondary data include the latest news related to the urgency services of Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Education and a review of
aspects of child development. The study results show that there are five services; each service can support optimizing children’s development.
The five services include: (1) Education Services, these services can support and optimize all children’s development, namely religious and
moral values, physical-motor, socio-emotional, cognitive, artistic, and language. (2) Health, Nutrition, and Nursing Services, these services
can support and optimize physical – motor, and cognitive development. (3) Parenting Services can support and optimize all children’s
development, namely religious and moral values, physical-motor, socio-emotional, cognitive, artistic, and language. (4) Protective Services,
these services can support and optimize physical-motor, language, and social-emotional development. (5) Welfare Services can support and
optimize all children’s development, namely religious and moral values, physical-motor, socio-emotional, cognitive, artistic, and language.
Eva Latipah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 1eva.latipah@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Childhood is synonymous with playing time, and one of the activities children enjoy is cycling. When children practice cycling,
there are many aspects of development that are developed. This study aims to analyze what developmental aspects are developed by children
during cycling practice. This research is a phenomenological research that examines phenomena in everyday life, namely cycling exercises
for early childhood. The subjects in this study were early childhood children aged 3-5 years as many as four people. The data was collected
by observing the research subjects during cycling exercise. Data analysis is done by reducing data, displaying data, and concluding. The
results of the study found that when cycling training in early childhood, there were 3 aspects of development that were significantly
stimulated, namely physical-motor, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Based on these findings, cycling exercises are very
appropriate for early childhood to develop their physical-motor, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects.
Keywords: Physical-motor development, cognitive development, emotional development, and social development, early childhood.
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of multimedia development on literacy and numeracy education for kindergarten children
in Palu City. This is a development research with a sample of 40 students who were divided into field trial groups and limited trial groups.
The research data were obtained from the pretest and posttest results. The data were tested with the -t test and the multivariate test through
the SPSS application. The result is that the data literacy test of children produces a Sig. <α (0.047 <0.05), which means that the data literacy
of children in the field trial group was significantly different from the limited trial group. Meanwhile, children’s numeracy data yields the
Sig. <α (0.016 <0.05), which means that the numeracy data of children in the field trial group differed significantly from the limited trial
group. Then the Multivariate Test produces data with a value of Sig. <α (0.049 <0.05), which means that the literacy and numeracy data of
children together in the field trial group differ significantly from the limited trial group. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect
of multimedia development on literacy and numeracy education for kindergarten children in Palu City.
Early Childhood Islamic Education Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 120204032017@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. The background of this research is the low motoric ability of children in writing hijaiyah letters and learning seems boring
because they only use the same media every day. This study aims to improve children’s motor skills in writing hijaiyah letters through
the use of turmeric media. This research is a Classroom Action Research conducted in class B TK Pertiwi 26-13 Bogares Kidul, using 20
children as research subjects. The instrument uses observation notes, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that children’s
hijaiyah writing motor skills could be improved by using turmeric media. The results of the first cycle showed that there was an increase
in motor skills in writing hijaiyah letters compared to before the action. In the second cycle, the percentage obtained is greater and is in the
Very Good Developing criteria, which has reached the predetermined success indicators. Thus, it can be said that the motor skills of children
in writing hijaiyah letters for grade B children in Kindergarten Pertiwi 26-13 Bogares Kidul can be increased by using turmeric media.
Abstract. The fulfillment of adequate educational infrastructure and in accordance with national education standards is a requirement
that must be met as a supporting factor for the implementation of quality school learning programs and processes. Lack of fulfillment of
infrastructure standards will have an impact on the low educational environment resources. This study aims to identify and describe the
fulfillment of infrastructure standards based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24
of 2007 (Permendiknas RI No. 24 tahun 2007) concerning Standards of Facilities and Infrastructure for Elementary Schools/Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI) and Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 137 of 2014 (Permendibud RI No. 137 tahun
2014) concerning National Standards for Early Childhood Education. The object of this research is at the elementary level educational
institutions, namely TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Sapen, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Yogyakarta, and SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur
Sleman. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with analytical methods. The data analysis technique in this study
is triangulation of data from primary data sources from research results, literature, and interviews. The results obtained are that the overall
infrastructure at Elementary Education Institutions (RA and MI) with (1) the condition of the facilities and infrastructure at the educational
institution can be categorized as adequate and complete in supporting the process of school activities and teaching and learning processes
(2) supporting factors in fulfilling infrastructure facilities come from the procurement of funds and management of existing infrastructure
facilities, (3) the inhibiting factor in the fulfillment of infrastructure facilities at the basic level educational institutions is in terms of the lack
of funds with the required infrastructure facilities.
Keywords: Analysis of fulfillment, facilities and infrastructure education, elementary education institutions.
Astri Widyasari
Basic Education Major, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. (0274) 540611, Fax. (0274) 540611. Email: astriwidyasari.2020@student.uny.ac.id
Abstract. Social interaction between students is one of the external factors that can affect student learning outcomes. In the process of
teaching and learning there needs to be an interaction between students that takes place in a communicative, fun, and atmosphere of
familiarity between students. Harmonious interactions will give rise to a strong sense of unity. Students will facilitate various ways of view
and understanding of the material with other students so that the exchange of ideas and ideas can expand and sharpen the student’s ability
to understand the material. Thus, students’ learning outcomes will also increase. This research aims to 1) obtain an overview of interactions
between students in the classroom; 2) obtain an overview of students’ sciences learning outcomes; 3) Know how much influence interaction
between students on students’ science learning outcomes. This research is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. Data collection
instruments using questionnaires. The research sample in this study amounted to 37 students from a population of 37 students in the 4th
grade of Tlogoadi Elementary School. From the results of data analysis, the relationship between the two variables is positive and significant.
Overview of interactions between students in good criteria. While the general picture of the learning outcomes of 4th-grade students is high.
Based on the criteria for interpreting correlation coefficients, the relationship between the two variables falls into a strong category.
Keywords: Cooperation, Interaction between students, Learning outcomes, Learning outcomes factors, Unity.
Kasmad Rifangi
Doctoral Student of UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: ks.rifai74@gmail.com
Abstract. Madrasah as Islamic-based educational institutions must be able to improve the quality of education, especially related to teachers
as education administrator, so that they can produce quality graduates who are able to compete in the era of globalization. The low quality
of the learning process and the quality of student graduates is part of a reflection of teacher performance. One of the factors that affect
teacher performance is coaching by the head of the madrasa through academic supervision. Many teachers do not feel comfortable with
the existence of academic supervision, causing failure in providing supervision to teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model
to improve teacher performance. The Integrated Clinical Supervision Model which was developed combined with the concept of lesson
study with SQ training adapted to the diversity of teachers at MIN 1 Kulon Progo Kulon Progo. The integrated clinical supervision process
is based on a strong spiritual atmosphere, where teachers are always reminded that the purpose of teaching is only to seek the pleasure of
Allah. This integrated clinical supervision model is implemented at MIN 1 Kulon Progo. To see the success of this development model,
in improving the performance of MIN 1 Kulon Progo teachers, then an evaluation of the results of the Teacher Performance Assessment
(PKG) for each implementation uses a calculation in improving teacher performance.The findings from the results of the implementation
of supervision illustrate that integrated clinical supervision can improve teacher performance, this can be seen from the always increasing
average value of the PKG (Teacher Performance Assessment) results from teachers in each implementation and the arithmetic value of
the PKG results always increasing. From its implementation, it was also found that the phenomenon of teachers feeling happy with the
integrated clinical supervision process, students learning actively, so that the spiritual improvement, knowledge and experience of teachers
became better. Thus, the integrated clinical supervision model that is integrated with SQ and Lesson Study can be used as a good alternative
for the implementation of supervision at madrasah ibtidaiyah in order to improve performance, teacher and student achievement.
Keywords: Teacher performance, integrated clinical supervision, sq, and lesson study.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281. Email: 1muhammad.
minan@uin-suka.ac.id, 2rifaiikhs3@gmail.com
Abstract. Al-Qur’an and Hadith are the main sources in Islam. It offers universal, humanist, dynamic, and contextual nature. Al-Qur’an and
Hadith also offer a way of life for people who believe in it. Many thoughts about this matter such as Asbabun Nuzul, Fiqh, Akidah, and so
on. Although the Islamic world is very rich in the knowledge of the Qur’an and Hadith, there are still many studies that only dwell on the
normativity of sacred texts. However, this study uses the concept of the historicity of the Qur’an and Hadith. In this case, the Qur’an and
Hadith are placed in social phenomena. The type of research used is qualitative-descriptive with a sociological and anthropological approach.
The research subjects were the community of SD Negeri Kenaran 2 in Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. After the data is collected, the data
is explained through a normative approach to the sacred text. It aims to understand the historicity and its relationship with the normativity
of sacred texts at the school community. The results showed that there were socio-religious phenomena. In that case, the school community
perceives the Qur’an and Hadith as a way of life. The implication is that they can take the values contained
in the Qur’an of their activities
at school such as the Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an from the value of Surah Al-Baqarah verse 48, the duha prayer is inspired by the hadith
narrated by Abu Dharr. In addition, there are readings of Asmaul Husna, memorizing Al-Qur’an, regular Pahing Sunday tausiah, Syawalan,
and motivation for students.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the role of female factory workers in children’s moral education, as well as supporting and inhibiting
factors in the implementation of moral education for children. This study is based on qualitative research taking place in Ketitang village,
Boyolali. Interviews and observation are used to collect the data. The subjects of this study were four female factory workers from RW
04 in Ketitang village, Nogosari, Boyolali. The data are analysed critically under the integrative-interconnective paradigm with interlink-
communicated information approach. The results of this study indicate that the role of female factory workers in providing moral education
for children in RW 04 of Ketitang village is conducted by giving examples, advice, and habituation. The supporting factors are: family
support, the establishment of TPQ in Ketitang village, and a good community environment. The inhibiting factors are the lack of religious
knowledge by female factory workers and the double roles played by female factory workers. However, it is very important for a mother to
provide moral education to her children.
Syagiful Fathayatih
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126. Email: syagifullnm@gmail.com
Abstract. Covid-19 pandemic situation is a new period in human history, and changes occur in all fields. Covid-19 pandemic has manifested
itself in many situations, including those who have been neglected in terms of resilience that have an impact on mental health. One of the
severe mental health effects is received by students and affects mental work that has spread in this pandemic. Resilience can represent
mental health conditions, one of which is experienced by students. Facing challenges and obstacles, students focus and control when facing
difficulties in the epidemic. Resilience develops to have mental health in the future. By increasing their understanding of students’ feelings,
they can successfully regulate their emotions and seek help and support, thereby increasing their resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students adapt to new situations flexibly to academically difficult behavior, and maintain mental health. Resilience regards adaptability
as an asset and attempts to identify factors that help improve students’ adaptability. Resilience in the context of education and learning
(i.e., academic resilience), COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on students’ mental health and has serious emotional consequences.
Resilience is obtained from the experience of students facing various levels of difficulty in the academic learning process and mental health.
This paper will discuss how resilience affects students’ mental health indicators during student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has been going on for one year. Various policies are made to adapt to changes during the
pandemic, one of them is a learn from home program. This article is the result of a review of literature aims to explore blended learning as
a solution to learn from home during a pandemic. Based on the literature study conducted, it was found that blended learning was the most
appropriate solution to be used in learning during a pandemic.
Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought major changes in the global order of human life. In the world of education in Indonesia,
the impact caused by this pandemic has brought the Indonesian people to the introduction of a new civilization or era related to mastery
of communication and information technology through the application of online learning. However, the readiness of the community in
recognizing the use of new technology and applying it in online learning has become a problem in itself during the pandemic period until
now. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods and emphasizes data collection through interviews, observation and documentation
study. The results reveal the main factors causing stagnation in online learning, namely the low level of community participation in the use
of the latest technology as a result of their unpreparedness to accept sudden changes, lack of digital literacy, lack of income for economic
needs, and the mentality of students who do not want to study for a long time of pandemic period. Based on these findings, it can be
concluded that the unstable economic conditions of society lead to unpreparedness in accepting online learning models through modern
learning applications on the internet, including the mentality of people who do not want to accept changes quickly and accelerate in the
changes themselves.
Jl. Kapas No.9, Semaki, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55166
Email: 1mohammad2007052014@webmail.uad.ac.id, 2suyadi@fai.uad.ac.id
Abstract: This study aims to analyze neuroscience-based Arabic learning materials at the Babul Ulum pesantren. Researchers offer as
an alternative to facilitate santri in learning Arabic, speed up memorization (mufrodat), and practice (muhadasah). So far, santri are still
passive in learning Arabic, competently to direct santri to be able to master (muhadasah) and actively speak in the scope of memorization
(mufrodat). The research approach used in this study is qualitative. The research subjects were ustadz and santri. Determination of research
subjects is done by the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out using interview, observation, and
documentation methods. The validity of this research data using triangulation. The results of the study found that neuroscience greatly
contributed to the design of the development of Arabic learning materials, especially in the material (mufrodat), (quwaidul lugeh al-
arobiyyah), and (muhadasah) on student learning, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Neuroscience facilitates the development of
Arabic material with highly strategic and practical reconstruction improvements. Neuroscience utilizes the functions of the right brain and
left brain to grow intellectually, as well as optimize the cognitive, affective, and psychometric values of santri. In line with the evidence
of the research findings, that santri in the online learning period find it difficult to master Arabic material. Thus, this research can integrate
Arabic knowledge and has implications for the implementation of developing Arabic language material with understanding and happiness.
Abstract. The success of the teaching and learning process for students with dyslexia can be achieved if the learning program is structured
based on the potential and needs of students. Unfortunately, the learning process for dyslexic students in one of the MIs in Cirebon City
has not been adjusted so that student achievement is not visible. The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive development of
dyslexic children during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative type with a case study method to analyze cognitive abilities
in dyslexic children. The research subject was a grade 6 dyslexic student at MI Al-Ma’arif Cirebon. Data collection techniques using
observation, interviews, documentation and reading tests. The results showed that students with dyslexia tend to have lower reading abilities
than other students. This is due to their slow cognitive abilities resulting in difficulty spelling, distinguishing letters b, d, p and q, difficulty
remembering and concentrating, learning programs that are not suitable for dyslexic children and the absence of special companion teachers
for dyslexic students.
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the pattern of implementing education and also the occurrence of family vulnerability
and even divorce. This study seeks to explore the dynamics of Islamic Religious Education and the efforts of the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah family
in strengthening family resilience during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The paradigm of this research uses mixed research, namely by conducting
a survey on the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah family in the Special Region of Yogyakarta using a questionnaire with a population of 380 women.
Determination of the number of samples using the Slovin formula and the sampling technique using random sampling. Furthermore, the
researchers conducted in-depth interviews with the selected respondents. The results showed that the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah family experienced
family vulnerability during the Covid 19 pandemic, but still internalized Islamic Religious Education for children at home (education),
builds synergy with partners (equality), carries out intensive worship (spiritual), determines priority scales. spending (economy), carrying
out protocols (health), carrying out social movements (empowerment) and efforts to influence the resilience of the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah
family during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Keywords: Family Resilience, nasyiatul aisyiyah, islamic religious education, mixed research.
Hikmah Supriyati, 2Didik Krisdiyanto
Postgraduate Program of Biological Education Department, Yogyakarta State University
Institute of Research and Community Service Program, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 1hikmahsupriyati@gmail.com
Abstract. This study aims to determine how the descriptions and responses of students participating in the KKN (Community Service
Programs) debriefing at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta which is done online using the zoom application with youtube streaming. This
research is a descriptive study using survey research methods. The research instrument used was a questionnaire distributed online with
a google form. The distribution of questionnaires to 2734 students from 8 faculties who took part in the online KKN. In addition, online
interviews were also conducted with several students who took part in online KKN. Secondary data collection is done through a literature
study to find documents, articles, news, and others. The research data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Furthermore, the research
results are described in the paragraph. The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of the zoom application was an
alternative in debriefing KKN online at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This is evident from the student response showing that 80.8% of
students agree with the statement that the use of the zoom application with youtube streaming is the right solution in debriefing KKN online
during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Student respon, online breafing on community service programs, zoom Application, Covid-19 pandemic.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 120204092011@student.uin-suka.ac.id,
naimah@uin-suka ac.id
Abstract. This research aims to describe the description of how the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic in the case study
of SMK Darul Anwar Singojuruh Kab. Banyuwangi. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought major changes to all aspects of life,
starting from the impact on the economy, social, culture and education affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which must follow the new
normal from the previous normal life. The learning process in the world of education is deeply felt by students and teachers who have to
adapt to new ways, new educational patterns, and habits in the new learning process. The educational process, which was previously face-to-
face and had to be replaced by online learning, was mostly trouble some for teachers and the impact was also felt by students in the teaching
and learning process during this pandemic. The comfort by teachers and students that should be felt in the teaching and learning process like
before the pandemic was hampered by the existence of distance education due to the pandemic. This study uses a descriptive method with a
qualitative approach. The research subjects were one teacher for grade one, two, and three, as well as ten students from grade one, two and
grade three at Darul Anwar Singojuruh Vocational High School. Data collection used interview techniques. Data analysis using interactive
inductive techniques. The results showed that online learning of Indonesian at Darul Anwar Vocational High School during the Covid-19
pandemic was not yet effective and even most of the students said they did not understand the lessons that had been given. This is because
there are many problematic factors that affect the teaching and learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Joko Prayudha S
Universitas Bengkulu
Jl. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Kec. Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, Bengkulu 38371. Email: jokoprayudha@gmail.com
Abstract. The current learning system has changed along with the outbreak of the corona virus. This virus causes irregularities in human
activities, including in the educational aspect. Face-to-face learning switches to using learning technology or known as online learning. In
practice, there are many obstacles experienced by English teachers when teaching during online learning. This study aims to analyze the
difficulties of English teachers when teaching during online learning, as well as to find out the strategies that they use when online learning is
implemented. The study used qualitative methods using descriptive methods. Data was collected through the provision of questionnaires via
Google forms to three English teachers who taught during the pandemic. Then, in order to get more information, interviews were conducted
via WhatsApp to three English teachers. The results showed that English teachers experienced various kinds of obstacles when teaching
online, ranging from internet disturbances, low student enthusiasm for learning, lack of student activity in online classes and sometimes
it was difficult for students to understand the material given online. However, to overcome this, the teacher uses various strategies to help
students understand the material better and encourage students to be active when learning online, such as using interesting learning media,
conducting questions and answers, giving quizzes and games and providing material using video assistance. to make it easier for students
to understand the teaching material.
Mohammad Hasan
MANUU-College of Teacher Education
Darbhanga, Bihar-846002. Email: mohdhasanazmi@gmail.com
Abstract. The present research paper posits to assess the impact of online classes on the learners with reference to their education
accomplishments and health. Online survey shall be conducted to draw the sample from the students belonging to academic institutions
of the country by using the self-developed questionnaire. Simple per cent analysis will be applied on the data for the analysis purpose. As
we know that online classes was the only ray of hope for educational stakeholders during Covid-19 lockdown. It propelled the educational
system and carried out the responsibilities entrusted upon it during pandemic. Entire teaching learning scenario got change into virtual
classes. Online platforms got the chance to prove their effectiveness and also did the same as expected from them. Whether be it government
or private educational institutions were forced to welcome the online learning system through compatible online platforms suitable to
them. Learning materials made available to lanners in soft copies for which different websites and mobile apps were launched at national
level. Teachers and learners both found themselves busy in adapting the new teaching learning process where traditional education system
had been collapsed due to the national lockdown imposed because of Covid-19 outbreak. But the sudden transformation in education
system from traditional to virtual education system spelled out the many health issues among the learners as they were and are at the ends
of maximum exposure to the electronic gadgets. Over and unscientific use of electronic devises has the negative and dire impacts on the
learners’ health and that too have been experienced by parents, teachers, counsellors and medical practitioners.
Nurazila Sari
Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. 20204031007@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. This study aims to determine how the impact of teacher adaptation on post-online face-to-face learning. TK-IT teacher, Ibu
Harapan Bengkalis who became the subject of the research. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The research design is
descriptive. Data were collected by conducting observations and interviews. The results of the study show that 1) The ability of teachers to
adapt has a positive impact on post-online face-to-face learning. 2) The post-online learning system established by the government is more
favored by teachers. 3) Many aspects are developing for the better because of the ability to adapt to changing conditions. The ability to adapt
or adjust to things is important and becomes a component that every teacher, both senior and new teachers must have.
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia
Jl. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, Bengkulu 38371. 1Email: nanang.s@unib.ac.id
Abstract. The geomagnetic and geoelectrical surveys have been conducted at Tambang Sawah (traditional gold mining area), Lebong
Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. This paper discussed the lithology and characteristics of the mineralization zone of the three-
gold mining area based on geophysical properties. First, one thousand sixty-five of magnetic data have collected by proton precession
magnetometer to interpret magnetic anomaly which was obtained by inverse and forward modeling. Analysis results showed that three of
the gold mining area at Tambang Sawah were located in low magnetic anomaly, that is -17 nT until 28 nT. It means that part of them was
altered rock region and containing mineral magnetite as andesite breccia which mixed silica. They also have low susceptibility which was
suspected mineralized area as a result of the hydrothermal effect of demagnetization. In this area, the outcrop of vein gold deposit as granite
and andesitic with quartz-vein was found based on reconnaissance. The last, it was confirmed by the results of earth resistivity tomography
measurement to describe subsurface resistivity, chargeability, and their correlation. The first layer on each line was found soil, clay, and
altered gravel which is then following lava andesitic, breccia rock, and tuff. Some area was also found inseminated and fresh silica. Types of
alteration on each gold mining point based on correlation of resistivity and chargeability value were potassic, silicification, and propylitic,
relatively. The zone on high resistivity and high conductivity area was suspected an area that contains metallic minerals which were
generally associated with the presence of gold minerals and Au mineralization zone on silica.
Aden Dhana Rizkita1, Sintia Ayu Dewi2, Rahmadhani Tyas Angganawati1, Anna Uswatun Hasanah Rochjana1,
Azhari Firmansyah1, Reza Pratama Syaputra1
Pharmacy Department, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bogor Husada,
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No 4 Kota Bogor, Indonesia. Tel. +62-857-17218158. 1Email: adendhanarizkita@gmail.com
Abstract. Methyl paraben is often used by the cosmetic industry such as facial moisturizer, anti-aging, hair dye, skin whitening, shaving
gel, eye shadow and others because it is considered non-toxic. However, in fact, several studies have found that methyl paraben is able to
accumulate in the body, resulting in the formation of radicals. Because of its ability to produce radicals, this paper tries to prove that methyl
paraben used in the cosmetic industry must be considered immediately. Because we suspect that exposure to radicals from methyl paraben
will be able to interact with DNA, causing DNA mutations that lead to cancer. In this summary, we prove that exposure to methyl paraben
in mice is able to produce DNA mutation biomarker products with the formation of 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), either by
direct metabolism or by oxidative stress triggered by the presence of metal ions in the Fenton reaction such as Cu and Fe. The method used
is direct in-vivo exposure to test animals and in-vitro to prove it by synthesizing the DNA damage biomarker product using LC-MS
Abstract. Resistant starch (RS) is a promising functional ingredient used in Chinese steamed bun (CSB) making to promote daily fibre
intake. In the study, the effect of RS substitution (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%) on the physicochemical and nutritional properties of
CSB was determined. Dough comprising RS showed the highest water absorption (66.00%) and mixing tolerance index (74.67%); as well
as the lowest development time (1.33 min), stability (1.27 min) and time to breakdown (1.23 min). RS incorporation depleted the specific
volume, spread ratio and all pasting parameters except for pasting temperatures (67.10–83.60°C). CSB composited with RS contained
moisture (28.19–33.11%), ash (0.47–0.78%), protein (6.16–8.82%), fat (1.01–1.15%), crude fibre (2.12–2.17%) and traceable amount of
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and selenium. Greater addition of RS had significantly decreased the estimated glycaemic index
in vitro of CSB (64.22–68.97) in comparison to control (81.06). The findings conclude that adding RS up to 30% is appropriate to improve
glycaemic attributes of CSB in vitro with minor defects on its physicochemical quality.
Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Negeri Kalijaga Yogyakarta,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: sugiyanto@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Wood polish is a coating of wood to make it look better. Wood polish is also useful for protecting wood from wood stains. In the
wood polishing process, the formula for Moisture Ratio is obtained MR = a + bt, with a and b empirical constants on the drying model and
the value depends on the ambient temperature.
Ayyubi Ahmad
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan,
Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55191, Indonesia. Email: ayyubiahmad1@gmail.com
Abstract. A computational method based on modified block pulse functions is proposed for solving numerically the linear Volterra and
Fredholm integral equations. We obtain integration operational matrix of modified block pulse functions on interval . A modified block
pulse functions and their integration operational matrix can be reduced to a linear upper triangular system. Then, the problem under study is
transformed to a system of linear algebraic equations which can be used to obtain an approximate solution of linear Volterra and Fredholm
integral equations. Furthermore, the rate of convergence is and error analysis of the proposed method are investigated. The results show
that the approximate solutions have a good of efficiency and accuracy.
Keywords: Brownian motion, integration operational matrix, linear integral equations, MBPFs.
Abstract. This fundamental research presents an overview of a molten metal flow in arc welding processes. This study presents a systematic
review of the fluidity of molten drop in any surface concerning the investigation results. This paper consists of monochromatic imaging of a
reflection of molten droplets, welding spectrum of a grating monochromator by high-speed imaging with a prism, reviewing of the physical
mechanism of molten macro drops with implementing of hydroforming effect. Many research papers are being reviewed but a systematic
review of molten droplets was missing in current research areas. However, the outcome of the study is to develop an overview structural
idea of molten droplets.
Abstract. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is treading numerical simulation algorithm which is occupying an enormous variety
of transitions and different critical modeled which helps in inbounded validation. In this study a justified review of molten metal flow,
investigating by CFD analysis, continuity of flow of equation, self-magnetic breakage forces experiment and several validation experiment
are been endorsed. Many research paper are been reviewed but with the help of CFD analysis and validation with different algorithm
equations but fluidity of molten flow was missing. However, the outcome of the study is to develop an algorithm to measure the effectiveness
of forces in molten metal flow.
Abstract. With the rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), democratic countries are more optimistic
about the impact of ICTs on democratic governance. However, even the atmosphere of Technological optimism is filled, it does not necessarily
respond to the major problems that the real government faces. Many studies have shown that the changes and effects brought about by an
electronic government reform in the past decade or more may be smaller than we eagerly expected. The key lies in the changes in electronic
governance. The problem of the corresponding combination of technology and the public domain is often overlooked, and the current
most ardent trend of influential data is no exception; therefore, this article believes that the reform of big data analysis is not promising if
it wants to be technological innovation. Deceived by the theory, you need to interact with the evidence-based government. Evidence-based
government combined with three in-depth dialogues on management approach, governance structure, and policy framework, to achieve the
purpose of public sector reform in concept, planning, and implementation, this article finally originates from New York City’s Performance
Statistics System as an example, discusses the prerequisites for a successful big data application plan, including a clear range of management
options, governance structure changes that are both the internal and external, and specific and complete application of policy areas waiting
for 3 items, let the technology of big data analysis not only be fully integrated with the domain knowledge of democratic governance but also
truly meet the expectations of those who are optimistic about technological change and make a positive contribution to government reform.
Keywords: Evidence-based policymaking, big data analysis, electronic governance, technological optimism, democratic governance.
Abstract. This fundamental research presents a review of analysis of thermal and cooling effect of lubricant in grinding operations. This
study is based on incompressible second order fluid flow in an approximate combined boundary layer, predicting heat transfer by developing
functional models, factors affecting for the flow rate in lubricant while observing using thermal analysis and other predefined equations and
algorithms. This paper consists a review of different optimizing numerical methods for analyzing of thermal fluid flow in different grinding
operations. Many research papers are being reviewed but a systematic review of thermal and fluid flow analysis of lubricant in grinding
operations was missing in current research areas. However, the outcome of the study is to determining the critical conditions for the loss of
stability of the basic flow and in the study of the transition to turbulence of continuity, and also to investigate the conditions which will be
happening with high intensity of lubricant flow affecting in abrasive chips in grinding operations.
Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India. 1Email: faiyaz9013@gmail.com
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to measure the environmental ethics among the secondary and senior secondary school students.
After reviewing lots of literatures, the researchers considered three dimensions of environmental ethics i.e. Anthropocentrism, Bio-centrism
and Eco-centrism. On the basis of three dimensions of Environmental ethics i.e., Anthropocentrism, Bio-centrism and Eco-centrism, a
preliminary draft was prepared which contains 93 items. Investigators consulted and discussed with sixteen experts of different fields of
environmental education, psychology, language, statistics, wildlife, and education department for the face validity of the first draft of the
environmental ethics scale. After through conversation, discussion, consultation and recommendation of subject specialists and subject
experts, the investigators have dropped the overlap and ambiguous 37 items and few were improved and selected 56 items were draft for
preliminary try-out. The initial draft having 56 items were administered on a sample of 200 senior secondary school students through a
random sampling method. The researchers dropped 8 items which are not comprehended by the students. After preliminary try-out of the
test 48 items were retained and selected for the final try-out of the scale. After 3 months of preliminary try-out of the items, the preliminary
draft of scale which comprises 48 items was administered over the final sample 300 secondary and senior secondary school students of West
Bengal and 44 items were retained on the basis of r- value which was found significant (0.05 level of significance). The reliability of the
scale was .852 by Cronbach’s alpha method and 0.717 by Spilt half method (odd-even) which are very high. The Environmental Ethics Scale
have a great extent of validity and reliability when examined in relation to a representative sample of secondary and senior secondary school
students, aged between 14-19 conducted over the state of West Bengal, India. The most significant conclusion of the items (statements) of
the Environmental Ethics Scale is that it can be answered by any students due to lucidity and simplicity of the worded statements.
Abstract. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite with a vector in the form of the Anopheles sp mosquito which is found
in about 106 countries in the world by placing Indonesia at number 10 and being endemic in eastern Indonesia and the province of East
Nusa Tenggara. Statistical data shows that NTT province occupies the third highest case position in 2014 with a high API rate for malaria
cases (12.81%). Treatment of malaria in the past used synthetic drugs. One of the used is quinine, parasite development and changes begin
to show signs of resistance to the drug, making them less effective. The brotowali plant (Tinospora crispa L) contains natural biactive
berberine which have health benefits as antimalarials. However, there is no information regarding the molecular role of berberine against
malaria through the target of dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS). The purpose of this study was to utilize natural
materials derived from Tinospora crispa L with the main content of Berberine with dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-
TS) genetically. Method, Ligand berberine (CID: 2353 ) was obtained from Pubchem while DHFR-TS (PDB ID 2bl9) protein was obtained
from Protein Data Bank, ligands and proteins were interacted using HEX and visualized using discovery studio. We found positive
interaction between berberine and DHFR-TS which is showed interaction at four amino acid residues that bind with the protein. They are
TYR125, ILE121, LEU45 and MET54. Some of the interaction perfomed Van der Waals, hydrogen bond, Pi-Sulfur, Pi-Alkyl and Pi-Stalked
also provide support in order to increase the strength and stabilization of the. In conclusion, the berberine has potential function as DHFR-
TS inhibitor and lead to agains malaria.
Keywords: Amino acid residue, anti-malaria, berberine, DHFR-T, in silico, Tinospora crispa L.
Abstract. The people of Wiwipemo village have a specificity in using plants as medicine. One of them is the Brotowali plant which
is used to treat malaria. Tinospora crispa L contains active compounds that are good for health, namely: steroids, soft resin, alkaloids,
tinocrisposia, berberine, picroretoside, glycosides, colombium, bitter substances picroretin, and starch. Tinospora crispa L has been widely
used for medicine. Crude extract from Tinospora crispa L can be used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, target dihydrofolate reductase-
thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS). DHFR-TS1 and DHFR-TS2 are located on chromosome 2 and chromosome 4, respectively, regions that
are known to have undergone chromosomal duplication events correlated to malaria replication. This research study was to analyze the
potential chemical content of Tinospora crispa L in the form of columbine compounds as a focus of malaria therapy through inhibition of
dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS). In silico research method, columbin (CID: 188289) ligand was obtained from
Pubchem while DHFR-TS (PDB ID 2bl9) protein was obtained from Protein Data Bank, ligands and proteins were interacted using HEX and visualized using discovery studio. The results obtained are six amino acid residues that bind to the DHFR-TS protein. This
binding has an impact on the work function of the DHFR-TS protein. Physicochemical analysis shows that the ligand acts as a donor and
acceptor so that the protein is formed and the ligand becomes very strong. This interaction is also supported by amino acid residues that act
as supports by forming Van der Waals forces outside of the Van hydrogen bonding forces, pi-Alkyl and Pi also provide support in order to
increase the strength and stabilization of the. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the columbin content in Tinospora crispa L
has potential as a therapy and treatment for malaria through inhibition of DHFR-T.
Abstract. Chlorella one of the Freshwater green algae are also widely used in the health and cosmetic fields. Macroalgae such as red algae
and brown algae as the main ingredients for making agar or jelly also have potential as anticancer, antioxidant, and antidiabetic agents. In
addition, it can also be used as a diet ingredient. The effectiveness of macroalgae as The mechanism of antiobesity, especially in the diet,
has not been explored much. By Therefore, this activity is important for exploring the potential of bioactive compounds macroalgae as anti-
obesity, of which obesity is one of the basic triggers various metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension and also triggers the infection of COVID-19. The aim of this study is to analyze role of Phloroglucinol and Fucodiphlorethol,
brown algae compounds exhibit anti-obesity effect. In slico method was used in this study, Fucodiphlorethol compound (CID 132556791)
and Phloroglucinol compound (CID 359) were downloaded from the PubChem database integrated in the NCBI. Pancreatic lipase protein
(PDB ID 1ETH) was downloaded from the Protein Data Bank database. The two compounds identified in brown algae were interacted with
the Molegro virtual Docker 5 program with Grid docking X 66.44; Y 27.44; Z 107.23. Docking results were analyzed with Discovery Studio
ver 21.1.1 software. In this analysis, we found interaction between Phloroglucinol - pancreatic lipase showed five amino acid residues
were interacted with the ligand whereas interaction of Fucodiphlorethol - pancreatic lipase performed ten amino acid residues were docked
with the Fucodiphlorethol. Physicochemical analysis shows that the ligand acts as a donor and acceptor so that the protein is formed and
the ligand becomes very strong. This interaction is also supported by amino acid residues that act as supports by forming Van der Waals
forces outside of the Van hydrogen bonding forces to increase the strength and stabilization of the. In conclusion, Phloroglucinol and
Fucodiphlorethol from brown algae compounds have a strength potential as anti-obesity by inhibiting pancreatic lipase.
Jl. Dharma Bhakti No. 07, Langko, Lingsar, Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83371.
Research and Development Center for Environmental Quality and Laboratory,
Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong Gd. 210, Jalan Raya Puspiptek Serpong, Muncul, Serpong, Muncul, Tangerang Selatan, Kota Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15314. 1Email: rubhasan@yahoo.com
Abstract. The demand for gaharu (Gyrinops verstegii) in the world is vastly high that the price is soaring in the market. The derivative
product of the agarwood commodity with the highest value is the sapwood (gubal). However, other derivative products also have no little
value. One of the products that was initially considered discarded but then experienced a high demand is white aloes wood, which is then
processed into black magic wood (BMW). This study intends to explore the flow of product changes from raw materials to BMW finished
goods, the added value received by each party, and the power relations of the parties in the BMW value chain. Data was collected by
using observation, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and document study. Data were analyzed descriptively. This study
obtained the following findings. (1) changed in commodities from raw materials to finished products: wood waste carving → manufacturing
of imitation carving → processing of imitation carving → finishing → BMW products. (2) added value based on market price on each value
chain: farmers 0.17%, local collectors 2.81%, large collectors 22.94%, and large traders 74.10%. (3) the power relation of the parties showed
that the power and profit are controlled by big business actors. Farmers and craftsmen only provide a cheap labor in the BMW agarwood
Abstract. Lizards are include into the order Sauria which has the characteristics of a scaly body, smooth, long tongue, long tail and have
four legs. Lizard (Mabouya multifasciata Kuhl) will freacture the tail to self protection mechanism. After the autotomy, the tail regeneration
process will continue to replace the severed tail. Shark cartilage contain bioactive compounds which beneficial to human, among other to
wound healing process. Shark cartilage has been used medicinally to treat pain and swelling, treat scars as well as for arthritis prevention.
Lizards were divided into four group and then given treatment using shark cartilage extract ointment. Ointment formulation of shark
cartilage extract which using in this research consists of four kinds that is control, 5%, 10% dan 15%. The purpose of this study was to
determine the affect of shark cartilage extract ointment on the histological structure of regenerating tail on lizard after autotomy. The
use method in this study is paraffin method with hematoxylin-eosin staining. The result of this study is ointment formulation 5% make the
blastema layer thicker and perivertebral fatty tissue very much.
Kholifah Nyawiji
Biology Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: kholifahifa00@gmail.com
Abstract. Lichens are one of the lower plants that rarely get attention. Thallus morphology of Lichenes. the lack of references to support
learning about lichens causes the learning process to only focus on textbooks and worksheets, resulting in a lack of knowledge about lichens
around them. This study aims to determine what types of lichens live on trees in the Sermo Kulon Progo Wildlife Sanctuary Rehabilitation
Block, identify the results of the identification and inventory of lichens on trees in the Sermo Kulon Progo Wildlife Sanctuary Rehabilitation
Block, and develop booklet identification and inventory of lichen on trees in the Sermo Kulon Progo Wildlife Sanctuary Rehabilitation
Block as a learning resource. This study consisted of two stages, namely identification and inventory of lichen on trees in the Sermo Kulon
Progo Wildlife Sanctuary Area Rehabilitation Block using exploratory descriptive methods and the development stage of identification
and inventory booklets of lichen on trees with the development method 4 -D. Research on identification and inventory of lichens on trees
resulted in 30 species divided into 16 families with thallus foliose, crustose, fructicose, and squamulose types. The booklet was analyzed
by 1 material expert, 1 media expert, and 1 biology teacher. The limited test was conducted by 24 students of class X MIPA SMAN 2
Banguntapan Bantul. Product quality assessment data obtained from sheets in the form of a questionnaire. The results of the material expert
assessment are included in the appropriate category with an average percentage of 83%, the assessment from media experts is included
in the appropriate category with an assessment percentage of 80%, the assessment by the biology teacher is included in the very feasible
category with an average percentage of 94%, and student assessments obtained an average percentage of 86.45% which indicates a very
decent category. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that the booklet is suitable to be used as a learning resource.
Abstract. This study aimed to determine the consistency of the egg white index of native chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) after soaking
eggs in Moringa leaf juice. It aims to extend the shelf life of eggs. Egg white consistency is one way to measure the quality level of eggs that
have been stored for a certain time. The egg quality variables measured were egg white diameter and egg white height, so that the egg white
index was obtained. The higher the egg white index, the better the egg quality. The material used is a solution of Moringa leaf juice to soak the
eggs for 24 hours to maintain the consistency of the egg white index. Soaking is to maintain the state of the inside of the egg. The ingredients
in Moringa leaves are used to wrap eggs to avoid the invasion of harmful microorganisms. In this study, a completely randomized design
(CRD) was used. Moringa leaf juice had 4 concentrations, namely 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%. Each concentration treatment was repeated 5
times. The number of eggs required is 1000 eggs, of which a sample of 420 eggs is used for processing. Eggs used in good condition are
brown eggs, clean, intact, not cracked, smooth texture and oval shape. The randomization method used random sampling in the form of a
lottery system. Each of the 420 eggs is labeled. Randomly selected eggs were divided into 4 treatment groups. The soaking process is for
24 hours, then the eggs are dried in the sun and then stored in a room with a temperature between 28-30 degrees Celsius. Storage time and
internal quality of eggs will be tested for 21 days. This is done to determine the level of egg resistance accurately, because the embryonic
development period of the egg is 21 days. Every day at 08.00 WITA to measure egg parameters. Egg quality parameter analyzed was Egg
White Index. All measurement data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the results of the analysis have an effect, then the
Tukey test is continued with 95% confidence (α> 0.05). The data analyzed showed that eggs soaked in a solution of Moringa leaf juice had
a higher and more stable egg white index than eggs that were not soaked in a solution of Moringa leaf juice. The optimal concentration to
maintain the egg white index is 45%. Therefore, soaking eggs with Moringa leaves helps maintain the consistency of the egg white index.
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of taro leaf stalk extract ointment (Colocasia esculenta L.) on the
length of time for wound healing, burn diameter and percentage of burn healing in mice (Mus muscullus L.). Taro leaf stalk extraction using
the Maceration method. This type of research is experimental with a completely randomized design (RAL) method with 20 male mice
divided into 5 treatment groups, namely Negative Control (Ointment Base), Positive Control (Bioplacenton 10%), K1 (Taro Leaf Stalk
Extract Ointment 4%), K2 (Taro leaf stalk extract ointment 6%) and K3 (Taro leaf stalk extract ointment 8%), each with 4 replications.
Making burns on the backs of mice with hot metal coins with a diameter of 20 mm which were affixed for 2 seconds. Observation parameters
are the length of healing time, wound diameter and percentage of burn healing for 18 days. Data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA
(Analysis Of Variance) (α = 0.05%) and continued with LSD (Least Significant Different) test. The results showed that taro leaf stalk extract
ointment with a concentration of 8% was more effective in accelerating wound healing with an average healing time of 16 days compared
to positive control (16.5 days), 4% ointment (17.25 days), 6% ointment (17 days) and negative control (18 days). The diameter of the burn
which was initially 20 mm the fastest was 8% ointment with a wound diameter of 0.37 mm and a high burn healing rate of 98.12%, when
compared to Bioplacenton 10% followed by taro leaf stalk extract ointment with a concentration of 6% and 4%.
Keywords: Effectiveness, extract ointment, taro leaf stalk, Colocasia esculenta L., Mus muscullus L., burn healing.
Abstract. The pitcher plant (Nepenthes sp.) has the highest species diversity in Sunda Shelf and Sahul Shelf. This study aims to analyze the
phylogenetic profile of Nepenthes sp. in Sunda Shelf and Sahul Shelf based on Nep2 and trnK gene sequences. This research was conducted
by in silico, a total of 50 gene sequences of Nepenthes sp. downloaded from the Genbank website. The sequences consisted of 21 species for
the Nep2 gene sequence and 29 species for the trnK gene sequence. The Nepenthes species used in this study were Nepenthes of Sunda Shelf
including Sumatra and Kalimantan also Nepenthes of Sahul Shelf including Sulawesi and Papua. The downloaded sequences were then
analyzed for their genetic distance using p-distance method. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using Maximum Likelihood analysis on
MEGAX software. The results of the phylogenetic tree analysis based on Nep2 gene sequences showed that there were 2 main clades, clade
I which consisted of 19 Nepenthes species of Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Sulawesi and clade II which consisted of two species, namely N.
tobaica (Sumatra) and N. Papuana (Papua). The phylogenetic tree analysis based on the trnK gene showed that there were 2 main clades,
clade I consisting of 26 Nepenthes species of Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Papua and clade II consisting of N. hamata (Sulawesi),
N. muluensis and N. murudensis (Kalimantan). The results of the phylogenetic tree construction are in accordance with the genetic distance
analysis. A Total of 26 species in clade I have a genetic distance between 0.05%-2.17%, while the 3 species in clade II have a genetic
distance between 8.27%-10.02%. Differences in genetic distance and the formation of clades in the phylogenetic tree are predicted to be due
to the geological history of the formation of islands originating from the Sunda Shelf and Sahul Shelf.
Aulia Fajrin Ramadhani Nasution1, Rizki Atthoriq Hidayat2, Gilang Muhammad Dzaki3, Siti Khofifah4, Gito
Jandio Fernado5
Geography Science, State University of Padang, Padang 25132, Indonesia. Email: arinnasution55@gmail.com
Abstract. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list, the Sumatran tiger is classified as one of
critically endangered animals. The problems related to the conflicts between animals and humans often occur in the wildlife. The presence
of the Sumatran tiger’s natural habitat close to the active human area can trigger the increasing conflict between both. The Natural Resources
Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has recorded at least 16 incidents of conflict between Sumatran tigers and humans in South Tapanuli
Regency, North Sumatra Province since 2018. By using geospatial modeling, this study aims to describe the potential conflicts between
Sumatran tigers and humans by using random forest algorithm and deep learning to model the conflict potential with Maxent algorithm.
The tools that used to analyze this research are cloud computing mapping using Google Earth Engine (GEE), geospatial information system
application and also Maximum Entropy (Maxent). The results of this study indicate the influence of the distribution of each variable that
been used with the statistical model spread over the research area. The average value of the AUC prediction in this model is at number of
0.857. The biggest contribution variable is the forest edge as much as 85.5%, followed by the contribution of the settlement distance as much
as 10.14% and elevation as much as 1.8%. Angkola Julu sub-district is the area with the highest level of conflict vulnerability about 29.84%
of the total area, followed by Hutaimbaru sub-district in 22.96%, and West Angkola sub-district in 27.50%. Meanwhile, the protected area
with the highest level of conflict vulnerability is indicated in the Lubuk Raya sanctuary area.
Ayu Hardita Oktasari Junaidi1, Sipriyadi1, Welly Darwis1, Risky Hadi Wibowo1, Rochmah Supriati1
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
Jl. WR. Supratman, KandangLimun, Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia. Tel. 0736-20919. Fax 0736-20919. 1Email: Ayuhardita16@gmail.com
Abstract. Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson or commonly called elephant foot yam is one of the plants that has often
been used as food by the community. Elephant foot yam has various pharmacological activities and widely used in folk medicine such
as the treatment of diarrhea, asthma, tumors, rheumatism and others. In addition, elephant foot yam has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, anticancer and other activities. The habitat of elephant foot yam have been damaged due to the decreasing natural vectors
and exploitation. The solution for using elephant foot yam without exploitation is by utilizing endophytic bacteria associated with elephant
foot yam. Endophytic bacteria are microbes that colonize and live on plant parts but not pathogenic in these plants, can produce secondary
metabolites or bioactive compounds. This study aimed to obtain endophytic bacterial isolates and to determine the diversity of endophytic
bacteria isolated from elephant foot yam. Isolation of endophytic bacteria was carried out by planting method and maceration method on
Nutrient Agar (NA) medium after surface sterilization using alcohol and sodium hypochlorite. The maceration method was carried out with
serial dilutions of 10-1, 10-3, and 10-5. After that, 0.1 ml of each dilution series was pipetted into NA medium and spread with a spreading
rod. The endophytic bacterial isolates were identified based on colony morphology, Gram staining, biochemical tests (sugar test, catalase
test, motility test, citrate test, urea test, and starch hydrolysis test) and referred to several books and analyzed descriptively qualitatively and
quantitatively. A total of 26 isolates of endophytic bacteria were isolated from the leaves, stems, tubers and roots of elephant foot yam. Based
on colony morphology, Gram observations and biochemical tests showed that the 26 isolates of endophytic bacteria that had been isolated
were closely related to the genera Azotobacter, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus.
Keywords: Diversity, elephant foot yam, endophytic bacteria, maceration method, planting method.
Abstract. The study aim to identify the potency of α-solanine and α-chaconine in endometrium cancer. Whether it could increase the cancer
risk or be an anti-cancer agent. The α-solanine (CID9549171), α-chaconine (CID442971), and cordycepin (CID452851) structures were
generated from MolView by inputting the SMILES from PubChem of each compound. The 3D structure of adenosine (CID60961) was
downloaded from PubChem. Adenosine A2 Receptor (A2AR) (2YDO) as a macromolecule was downloaded from PDB. Protein and ligands
were docked using Molegro Virtual Docker 5. The docking results were analyzed using Pymol and Discovery studio 21.1.1 and visualized
in 2D and 3D visualization. The α-solanine and α-chaconine were predicted for its pharmacological effect using PASS Online. The result
showed that α-solanine and α-chaconine were able to bind in A2AR active sites. The amino acid residues involved in the α-solanine and
α-chaconine binding with A2AR were identical. Interestingly, the result showed that α-solanine has ability to behave like cordycepin when
it interact with A2AR. The binding site of cordycepin – A2AR most likely similar to α-solanine – A2AR complex. It could be assumed that
α-solanine has similar potency with cordycepin as anti-cancer. In addition, the pharmaceutical prediction of α-solanine and α-chaconine
showed the potency as anti-cancer for both compounds. This study predicted that α-solanine and α-chaconine, which is known as toxic,
could be anti-cancer agent. The α-solanine could work in the similar mechanism as cordycepin, whereas the α-chaconine mechanism as
anti-cancer need further identification.
Dhiatama Tauhida Nisa1, Sipriyadi 1, Welly Darwis1, Risky Hadi Wibowo 1, and Rochmah Supriati 1
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia,
Jl. WR. Supratman, KandangLimun, Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia. Tel. 0736-20919. Fax 0736-20919. 1Email: dhiatamatauhida@gmail.com
Abstract. Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson or elephant foot yam is a plant from the Araceae family that has benefits as a
source of food and herbal medicine. A. paeoniifolius extract has secondary metabolite compounds that can be used as anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, anticancer, and immunomodulators. In addition to metabolite compounds, Amorphophallus also contains endophytic bacteria that
can promote growth and increase resistance to pathogens by producing antibiotics and secondary metabolites. So far there are still few studies
about endophytic bacteria from A. paeoniifolius, while studies on plant extracts have been widely done and have also known the potential
as antimicrobial. This study aimed to find out the ability of endophytic bacteria from A. Paeoniifolius as antimicrobial against Enterococcus
faecalis and Candida albicans. The isolate used is from collection at the Microbiology Lab, Biology FMIPA UNIB. The isolate was
rejuvenated in Nutrient Agar (NA) media and the endophytic bacteria activity was tested against pathogens by direct antagonism method.
The isolates that have antimicrobial activity are then tested by disc diffusion method against pathogens using pellets and supernatants.
The results obtained from 26 isolates (12 isolates from planting method and 14 from maceration method) obtained 2 isolates that have
potential against E. faecalis for the test using cultured bacteria, pellets, and supernatants. The test against C. albicans obtained 2 potential
isolates using cultured bacteria and pellets, while the test using supernatants obtained 1 potential isolate. APGD 14 isolate is the one with
the best antibacterial activity against E. faecalis using cultured bacteria, pellets, and supernatants, while APTD 1 isolate was the one with
the best antifungal activity against C. albicans. Endophytic bacteria from A. paeoniifolius can be used in bioprospection as a new source of
antimicrobial particularly in pathogens E. faecalis and C. albicans.
Keywords: Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, antibacterial, Candida albicans, endophytic bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis.
Mansoor Abdul Hamid1, Chia Hui Jing1, Mazarina Devi2, Budi Wibowotomo2, Desiana2, Ahmad Sulaeman3,
Hasmadi Mamat3
Food Technology and Bioprocessing Program, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
Malaysia. 2Prodi Pendidikan, Tata Boga, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang, 65145 Indonesia. 3Department
of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University.
Jl. Raya Dramaga, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Bogor City, West Java 16680 Indonesia. Email: chot@ums.edu.my
Abstract. This study aimed to study the determine the best formulation of herbal syrup made from ginger (Zingiber officinale), cardamom
(Elettaria cardamomum) and butterfly blue pea flowers (Clitoria ternatea) through sensory evaluation. And then the best formulation was
then analysed for nutritional composition and physicochemical properties by comparing with control sample. The best formulation also
undergoes storage study to measure the quality changes throughout the storage period. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that
F2 sample was chosen the best which consists of 2.5% ginger powder, 2.0% cardamom powder, 5% butterfly blue pea flower powder and
45.25% of sugar. Proximate values showed that it contains 17.71% moisture, 2.19% ash, 1.17% crude protein, 1.39% crude fibre and 72.93%
carbohydrate indicated that significantly higher in ash and fibre content compared to control sample. The best sample has brighter in colour
with L* 38.86, a* 16.45 and b* -25.30 values; 2.8cp of viscosity and 50.78% of antioxidant activity showed it has better quality compared
to control sample. For the storage study in 30 days period showed that F2 sample was stable in its quality with not significantly different
(p>0.05) on its organoleptic and physicochemical properties.
Keywords: Herbal syrup quality, sensory evaluation, physicochemical properties, storage study.
Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani No.10, Jambean, Sukorejo, Kec. Bojonegoro, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Tel. +62-353887341.
Email: albari@unugiri.ac.id
Abstract. Cooking oil is one of the commodities in Indonesia with a total production of 49.7 million tons in 2021, the largest of which is
produced from palm oil extraction. Most of the use of cooking oil is still dominated by household consumption, restaurants, and biodiesel
fuel purposes. Cooking oil for the household sector is generally obtained from traditional markets. Sellers in traditional markets leave the
oil in an open container, place it in a damp place and expose to sunlight. This causes it to not durable, spoil quickly and smell rancid due
to oxidized to form aldehydes. Actions to slow down oxidation include adding synthetic and natural antioxidants. Tapak dara is a natural
herbal plant that contains 90.27% higher antioxidants than bitter melon and brotowali plants. The active compounds contained in tapak dara
include alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenoids that can behave as antioxidants so that they can be added to oil. This research was observed the
decrease in oil quality within the addition of tapak dara leaves under ultraviolet A (365nm) and C (254nm) exposure. Photooxidation was
carried out with time variations of 1, 6 and 12 hours. The oxidation resistance can be seen from the damage value of the oil by measuring into
several test, namely the water content, peroxide number and free fatty acids. The measurement results of tapak dara leaf after photooxidation
showed that there was a linear increase in the formation of free fatty acids (%FFA) and peroxide number with the length of time of
photooxidation. The decrease quality was greater in UV-C photooxidation compared to UV-A. However, the curve tends to be flatter than
the results of UV-A photooxidation. The water content test showed the opposite activity, UV-C photooxidation tends not to have an impact
on increasing water content compared to UV-C photooxidation results.
Abstract. Apis cerana honey bees in Yogyakarta have a high potential. There has been no research on the morphology of cultivated and
wild Apis cerana honeybees from the highlands and lowlands in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to compare the morphology of
cultivated and wild Apis cerana honeybees from the highlands and lowlands in Yogyakarta. Cultivated and wild Apis cerana honeybees
from the highlands and lowlands of Yogyakarta were taken by 20 individuals each as samples. Wild honeybees are taken using sweepnet
while cultivated honeybees are taken using plastic. Honey bees are further preserved and observed morphologically. The main characters
observed as many as six characters and total morphological characters were 51 characters. The main character is analyzed with an average
different test and a BNT test, while the grouping uses 51 characters analyzed with dendogram creation. The results showed that there was
a significant difference in the character of proboscis length : front wing length of the cultivated Apis cerana honeybee from the highlands
which show the highest value. Honeybees from lowlands both cultivated and wild have the highest similarity (disimilarity value of 1,549)
compared to honeybees from the highlands. Wild honeybees from lowlands and highlands also have a high similarity (disimilarity value
1,762). It can be concluded that proboscis length : front wing lenght is an important distinguishing character for determining the habitat of
Apis cerana honeybees.
Sri Rahayu
1Biology Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: sri.rahayu527@gmail.com
Abstract. Eggplant (Solanum melongena L) is a commodity that has good prospects for development. The obstacle in increasing eggplant
production in Indonesia is the attack of pests and mites. The purpose of this study was to determine the species of insect pests that attack
green eggplant in the generative phase. Observations were made on all green eggplant plants in a 150 m2 field area. Calculation using the
Diversity Index (H’). The results in this study showed that the total insects found were 10 species from 8 families. The species of insects
are Epilachna sp., Paracoccus marginatus, Empoasca sp., Atractomorpha crenulata, Cassida circumdata, Stenocatantops angustifrons, Oxya
japonica, Phlaeoba fumosa, Bemisia tabaci and Bactrocera dorsalis. Value (H’) = 0.56. This value belongs to the low category. The value of
the dominance index of Bemisia tabaci is in the range of 1, so that the insect dominates other species of insects.
Majid Poursoltani1, Nur Filzah Athirah Mohd Zin2, Mahanem Mat Noor3
Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia. 1Email: mahanem@ukm.edu.my
Abstract. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Rosa damascena on male fertility. Preliminary screening was performed to prove the
potential of R. damascena compared to Tribulus terrestris, which is the most plant used in Iran to increase male fertility. A total of seven
groups of Sprague Dawley male rats were used as the animal models and the treatment was conducted for 45 days. Based on sperm count
and testosterone levels, R. damascena hexane extract was found to exhibit a higher amount of sperm count and testosterone levels [(194.91
± 18.67) x 106 , 2.95 ± 0.12 ng / mL respectively] compared to T. Terrestris hexane extract [(141.26 ± 9.41) x 106, 1.6 ± 0.08 ng / mL
respectively]. Hexane extract of R. damascena has been further investigated. Treatment groups were given forced feeding of R. damascena
hexane extract at the doses of 5, 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg body weight respectively. The results showed that the hexane extract of R. damascena
increased male fertility at all doses, with the best dose at 20 mg/kg body weight whereby all sperm quality parameters were increased as well
as sexual behavior and testosterone levels compared to the normal control group. The results of histological studies of the testicles showed
highly active spermatogenesis in the treatment group compared to the normal control group. This research indicates that R. damascena
hexane extract increased male fertility through sperm quality, testosterone levels, sexual behavior, and spermatogenesis.
Sri Hartanto
Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Krisnadwipayana,
Jl. Kampus UNKRIS No 1 Jakarta 13077, Indonesia. Tel. +62- 8462230. Email: srihartanto@unkris.ac.id
Abstract. Solar cell panels are a system that can be used to convert sunlight energy into electrical energy using a principle called the
photovoltaic effect. The electrical energy produced will be stored in a battery, then used to operate electronic devices. In the operation of
solar cell panels, it is necessary to pay attention to the highest intensity of sunlight in each direction of movement of the sun from sunrise
in the morning, the sun is overhead in the afternoon to sunset in the afternoon; to obtain the most optimal solar cell panel power output.
Therefore, it is necessary to research the system of tracking the intensity of sunlight following the degree of movement of the sun from
sunrise to sunset so that the maximum power output of solar cell panels is produced. In this study, designed a solar panel equipped with a
rotating motor that can rotate the solar cell panel 0 degrees, 90 degrees and 180 degrees in the morning, afternoon and evening in a few days
of research so that the optimal power output of the solar cell panels can be obtained.
Abstract. UHIs are one of the challenges that has arisen from urbanization and climate change in Yogyakarta. As the city grows more
urbanized, the buildings and population also become denser which therefore reduces the available of open space that could include green
areas. This research aims to determine the variety of LST, UHI intensity distribution, and the proportion of landuse (vegetation and non-
vegetation) based on UHI intensity class. The LST and UHI intensity was derived from Landsat 8 TIRS image (2018) processed by LST
algorithm method, the factors forming UHI was obtained by analyzing landuse proportion and their surface temperature at 30x30m-pixels.
The results show that Yogyakarta is dominated by the high surface temperature (37° - 42°C). In general, non-UHI areas are located on the
outskirts of the city bordering the Regencies of Sleman and Bantul, while the high intensity of UHI is in urban activity centers which are
dominated by non-vegetated areas. The highest UHI intensity, 5.41 °C, indicates the high temperature difference between UHI and the
non-UHI surrounding areas. The high intensity of UHIs is caused by the dominant of built-up area (settlement, public building, and road).
The results of sample identification in the non-UHI intensity class showed the proportion of 43.91% vegetation and 56.09% non-vegetation
(roads). Meanwhile, the high UHI intensity class showed the proportion of 100% non-vegetation (built-up area).
Keywords: image processing, land surface temperature (LST), Landsat 8 TIRS, landuse proportion, Urban Heat Island (UHI).
Abstract. The plastic manufacturing industry is currently developing in the manufacturing industry field. The plastics manufacturing
industry is particularly suitable for mass-producing products of complex sizes. More than 30% of all plastic parts are produced by injection
molding process. The products produced by injection molding machines are not completely perfect. There are some product defects caused
by several environmental and machine factors. This product defect is a problem for companies in the manufacturing sector, especially
injection molding, as it disrupts production and reduces company profits. Overcoming the product defect results, the researcher chose the
taguchi method since this method was used to analyze and optimize through experimental design, which was completed by conducting a
series of methods and experiments to obtain the optimal solution. Therefore, the researcher wants to make and find the parameter settings
to minimize a product-not-complete which is detrimental to the company. This research was conducted experimentally by determining
the design of experiment (DoE) using fractional factorial L9 (34) for 3 initial injection cycles, where the test specimen was a bioball spike
product with polyprohylene material. The parameters used are injection pressure, injection speed, injection time, and melt temperature with
each parameter consisting of 3 levels. The results of the data that have been processed were then calculated by means of analysis of means
(ANOM) to determine the average effect of each parameter at each level and obtain plot effects. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also
calculated to determine the effect of each parameter on the output which aims to verify the taguchi method used. By means of the results
obtained, the researcher knew the effect of each parameter and the optimal combination of parameters to minimize a product-not-complete
Keywords: Design of Experiments (DoE), injection molding, optimization, product not complete, taguchi method.
Abstract. Injection molding is one of the processes for forming products from plastic materials using heat treatment and applying pressure
into the mold (mold). The results products of injection molding must be good quality with minimal shrinkage and warpage. Quality product
of the injection molding process is affected by the parameters of the injection speed, injection pressure, injection time, and temperature on
the barrel. The Taguchi method is one of the optimization methods that can be used to improve product quality. In Taguchi’s robust design,
a product will be designed to be strong and resistant to noise factors. This study aims to reducing shrinkage and warpage using Autodesk
Moldflow simulation and the Taguchi method. In this study, there are 4 parameters with 3 levels each using the fractional factorial L9
Orthogonal Array Taguchi method and 4 times repetitions with consideration of the noise factor, the derivative of the sample also aims to
determine fluctuations of data and obtain standard deviation values. The results of the study get the minimum shrinkage and warpage on
the product, where the product resulting from optimization provides an increase (gain) S/N ratio between the initial design and the robust
Abstract. The demands and consumptions of plastic in Indonesia, especially in the food and beverage industry, is high. There are 892
industries that produce a rigid packaging, flexible packaging thermoforming, and extrusion with an average production capacity is more
than 23.5 ton per year with 70% utility. The utilization of plastic in many fields is owing to the fact that the characteristics of plastic could
replace other materials function. The production process of injection molding machine in bioball spike product in the industry is not
completely perfect. There is a flash product defect that leads to loss in the process and production costs. The Taguchi method is selected to
get the optimal parameter in minimizing the flash defect. The flash defect of product could be a big problem for a manufacture company
specialized for injection molding. The product defect should be avoided or fixed by counting, analyzing, optimizing the parameters which
affect its defect. This study was conducted using experimental method by determining the experiment design through fractional factorial L9
(34) for three cycles of injection trial where the test specimen was using bioball spike product with polypropylene material. The parameters
used in this study were injection speed, injection pressure, injection time, and melt temperature which all of them was consisted in third
level. The study used analysis of means (ANOM) and verified using Taguchi method for getting the average effect in every parameter of
its level and getting the plot effect. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also used for knowing the average effect of its parameter towards
the output, it is aimed to verify the Taguchi method. The result showed that this parameter combination is optimal in minimizing the flash
defect and effect of its parameter.
Keywords: Design of Experiments (DoE), Injection Molding, Optimization, Flash Defect, Taguchi Method.
Scholar, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India,
Email: 1sayanbagcareer@gmail.com, 2avash.saha6@gmail.com.
Abstract. Grinding is a very high speed machining process, specifically it is a complex and often fails to achieve desired accuracy, whereas
coolants are necessary for grinding to achieve the desired production rates. Coolant disposal is a serious issue since it poses a risk to
the environment and land pollution. To reduce the friction and the quantity of frictional heating during grinding, suitable coolants and
lubrication systems should be used, therefore, many approaches on eco-friendly coolant delivery technique are been illustrated. Continuous
long-term scientific research is needed toward a green machining. “Go green, think green, and act green” statement should be followed at
industry during production and manufacturing time. This literature survey was needed because it highlights previous and present research
work on eco-friendly fluid delivery techniques, also the study explained how important this method will play in considering the future
environment and worker’s health.
Abstract. I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is one of the third busiest airports in Indonesia. Study the influence of weather elements for smooth
operation of flights, including the elements of temperature and surface air pressure are required at this airport, The absence of air pressure
and temperature is a concern for flight safety, especially during the phase when the aircraft will take off and landing. Air humidity is one
of the factors that contributes to the size of the runway at the airport. This air humidity data has characteristics distribution of data tends to
fluctuate around the average, and it’s constant so that it can be assumed that the data has a stationary pattern. The air humidity data can be
predicted using the time series method. The Box Jenkins method is a time series forecasting method that uses the dependent variable, while
the independent variable is ignored. The other forecasting method that can be used for data with stationary patterns is the Autoregressive
(AR) high order fuzzy method, combination of the AR(p) model in the Box Jenkins with the concept of fuzzy regression on time series
data. This study discusses the comparison of the Box Jenkins method and AR high order fuzzy for forecasting air humidity. A significant
Box Jenkins model is used for AR high order fuzzy orders. A better model is based on the accuracy from the smallest Mean Square Error
(MSE) value between the results of Box Jenkins forecasting and AR high order fuzzy. As a result, the Box Jenkins method is more suitable
with the AR model (2) which is based on the results of the smallest Mean Square Error is 13,23, parameter significance test, the residual
independence test and the residual normality test of the model which is good and significant.
Keywords: Air humidity, forecasting, time series, box jenkins, autoregressive high order fuzzy.
Aditya Yoga Purnama1, Kholis Nurhanafi2, Budi Eka Nurcahya3, Ayu Fitri Amalia4
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta
Jl. Kusumanegara No.157, Muja Muju, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55165.
Email: 1adityayoga@ustjogja.ac.id
Abstract. The MATLAB was applied for processing microtremor data in the Yogyakarta area damaged by the 2006 earthquake. This study
aimed to process and interpret microtremor data using Matlab software. A total of 7 microtremor data were processed using the HVSR
(Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio) method. Measurements were made directly at points damaged by the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake,
namely the ISI, STIE Kerjasama, BPKP DIY, Lippo Plaza, Amongrogo, Purawisata, and Mount Ireng for comparison. This paper has
succeeded in processing microtremor data using the Matlab programming language. The results of processing microtremor data between
Geopsy software and MatLab are not much different. According to the research result, a lot of damage occurred in the sediment area of
Yogyakarta compared to the Wonosari hills that had a more solid layer. The amplification factor indicates building damages due to the
Yogyakarta earthquake.
Jl.Semarang No. 5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145, Indonesia. Tel. 0341-565307.
Email: 1malik.1605146@students.um.ac.id
Abstract. A HAWT blade is a part of the wind turbine that converts the kinetic energy of the fluid into mechanical energy. This study
optimizes and investigates the effect of parameters alpha (α), twist (β), Chord (Cr), and airfoil on the root, middle, and tip blade on the
aerodynamic performance of the HAWT blade using the Taguchi and ANOVA methods, especially on Jeneponto. This HAWT blade is
designed and analyzed with the Fluids Structure Interaction approach. This study uses a quasi-experimental method. Based on the graphical
analysis of the Taguchi method, a main effect plot for the S/N ratio is obtained which can be used to predict the combination of each
parameter to produce optimal performance. ANOVA analysis shows that aerodynamic performance is influenced by parameters α 7.98%, β
1.87%, Cr 72.44%, airfoil at the root 0.4%, airfoil in the middle 15.86%, and airfoil at the tip 0, 22%. Based on the results of the study, it can
be concluded that pine wood can be used in every HAWT blade design tested. The best blade performance is obtained from the combination
of NACA airfoil 65(3)-618 at the root, S1210 airfoil in the middle, S801 airfoil at the tip, alpha 4’ value, twist using the Schmitz equation
with 80% linearization, and chord using the Betz equation.
Abstract. The technology of underwater image observation that is integrated with various parameter measurements, sending data in real time
and can be controlled is needed, both for measurements in rivers and sea. In this study, a underwater image observation system, especially
rivers, was made using a camera and controlled by a remote control. The system was built by integrating electronic and mechanical parts.
The electronic parts include a first person viewer (FPV) camera, a BMP180 depth sensor, an Arduino Uno, and a transceiver module for
real-time data transmission. Mechanical parts is the ships for carrying electronic systems. The depth sensor is used to determine the depth
that is being observed by the FPV camera. The handover test of image data are carried out in the air either a barrier or with a non barrier and
in the water. The results show that the transmission of image data has a longer range if it is made in the air. The underwater observation are
made in one of the rivers and it shows that the FPV-based underwater observation system has been able to work well until 170 cm of depth.
Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani No.10, Jambean, Sukorejo, Kec. Bojonegoro, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur 62115, Indonesia. Tel. (0353)
887341, 1Email: irsyada.rahmat@unugiri.ac.id
Abstract. PDAM pipeline leaks are a major problem, both financially and in short supply of water to customers. Resolution of this problem is
to immediately overcome the existing leak. But the problem is how to determine which parts of the control are closest, so that improvements
become optimal without wasting a lot of money. One of the methods used to solve the problem with the technique of solving algorithm
problem dijkstra. The dijkstra algorithm is an algorithm commonly used to search the shortest route. Based on the problem, the program
made the shortest route search program for PDAM pipeline leaks using the dijkstra algorithm.
Abstract. One of the causes of LPG gas cylinder explosion cases in Indonesia is the leakage of LPG gas hoses. LPG hoses are susceptible
to corrosiveness to hydrocarbons and ozone. Standards or technical specifications of a product can guarantee product quality and improve
product safety. This study aims to identify the characteristics of quality requirements of LPG rubber hose and LPG thermoplastic elastomer
hose related to resistance to n-pentane (hydrocarbon) and ozone compounds (parameter in Indonesian National Standard (SNI). This
study used a qualitative descriptive method based on primary data (test results) and secondary data (literature study). Sampling test using
purposive sampling. The results of the study concluded that there were differences in characteristics of LPG hose quality requirements for
resistance to n-pentane and ozone compounds.
Abstract. Jala Tech is a technology company that helps shrimp farmers in improving the quality of their ponds by utilizing web-based
applications. One of the features in the Jala web application is the financial feature. State management in the frontend code of the feature
uses the event bus pattern. However, there is a problem with implementing the event bus, namely the inability of Vue Devtools to debug the
state. This inability makes it difficult for developers to track the flow of state changes in the application view. In addition, the decentralized
method in storing application states causing state redundancy to occur in components that use the same state. Based on this, it is necessary
to rewrite the code on the financial features to change the state management from using the event bus pattern to the prop drilling pattern.
The result of this research is a financial feature that has implemented prop drilling in the frontend code. By using prop drilling, it is possible
to debug the state using Vue Devtools and centralizes the states on the main parent component of the financial features of the Jala web
application. Therefore, developers are able to track state changes and more easily identify the state used in the financial features of the Jala
web application.
Abstract. A standard-based smart city assessment model has been developed in Indonesia by considering government services (urban
services), regional characteristics, and community needs. The smart city assessment is carried out on these services by combining the
indicators of SNI ISO 37122:2019 Sustainable cities and Communities - Indicators for Smart Cities. However, the supporting data for
indicators of SNI ISO 37122:2019 may vary and its availability depends on the city governance. The purpose of this study is to identify
supporting data for SNI ISO 37122: 2019 indicators through a review approach to the Regional Government Administration Report (LPPD).
The method used is a descriptive analysis using secondary data (smart city standards, LPPD, and regulations related to regional government
and minimum service standards). Based on the results shown that the identification of supporting data for SNI ISO 37122 : 2019 indicators
has not been fully implemented through the LPPD review approach. From the total supporting data needs of 44 data, only 19 data (43%) are
available in Key Performance Indicators (IKK) LPPD for government services. Supporting data for the requirements of the SNI ISO 37122
: 2019 indicator can be supplemented with data originating from relevant technical departments in the regions.
Biology Laboratory, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: sutriyono@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Covid19 pandemic has become a trigger of increasing decorative plant consumption, including bonsai as horticultural hobby. The
raw materials may come from nursery as well as picking up from nature. Some of them are rare trees while others may invasive plants. Since
it high values and nurturing bonsai takes years, triggering people to directly picking up from nature; and it become widespread business. Just
in a few years, some areas loose some species, and it takes decades to recovered. We need creative idea to overcome the problem. Campus as
an agent of change, should take part actively on the basis of tridharma. One of the promising idea is using campus green area as an arboretum
for specific plants so as people may take benefit as campus tridharma. This paper is try to study any opportunities on how campus may takes
part on this sustainability issues. The studies are elaborating uniqueness of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, having two campus, one is in the central
urban area and other is in the forested rural area.
Abstract. The financial crisis is one of a serious problem which ever hit various countries in the world was no exception Indonesia. The
financial crisis had occurred in Indonesia in 1997 to 1998, 2008, and 2020 which caused the economy of Indonesia was down. The impact
caused by the financial crisis is very detrimental for Indonesia. Based on this problem, it is proved that the Indonesian government has not
yet been optimized overcome a possible financial crisis. Therefore, an early detection system of financial crisis is required so that the crisis
it can be solved immediately. Some of the economic indicators which able to detect crisis signals is output and bank deposits indicators
because they have high fluctuation and regime changing during the crisis. The data used is secondary data from each indicators start in
January 1990 until March 2021. Combination of markov regime switching and volatility models can be used to detect financial crisis.
The volatility model can explain the volatility which included in the indicators, while markov regime switching model explain the regime
changing of time series data. The results show that output and bank deposits indicators can be modelled using MRS-GARCH(1,1) and MRS-
EGARCH(1,1). Based on the results of those two models also predicted that there is financial crisis signal in Indonesia in 2021 especially
for output and bank deposits indicators.
Keywords: Early detect, financial crisis, financial indicators, markov regime switching, volatility models.
Abstract. Infectious disease, caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or other microorganisms, is a disease that is able to transmit from one
person to another. It is considered as dangerous because it can causes epidemic, where the incidence of a disease increases rapidly in a
population over a certain period incubation. Therefore, it is important to control the spread of the disease by knowing the pattern of the spread
of the disease. The change in the number of infected individuals is a stochastic process because it can be viewed as a random event based
on time. The Susceptible Exposed Infecred Recovered (SEIR) model is a mathematical model in which every individual who has recovered
from infection has permanent immunity and considers incubation period. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct and apply simulation
models based on existing research. The conclusion obtained from the simulation results is if the parameter value of the transmission contact
rate is greater than the cure rate, the spread rate of COVID-19 will be faster thus more individuals are infected. Applying this SEIR model
can provide an overview to identify the spread pattern of COVID-19.
R Mochamad A
Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Ir H. Juanda No.95, Cemp. Putih, Kec. Ciputat Tim., Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412 Email: R12rma47@gmail.com
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyse the philosophical worship of Reflexivity-12 (R12) and Roikhan-47 (R47) with Quran 51.56
on Islam and science in economic covid era. R12 is the source of creation that consist of constant 12. R47 is the reflexivity of object source
in the complex structure. These research objects are R-12 and R-47 formula with Quran. Research is studied through reference of books,
journals, holy book, and other electronic media. The methodology uses analytical descriptive. The method uses in reflexivity, similarity,
and analogies with benchmark of hahslm 472319. The result is the source object as R-12 or worship appeared before R-47 as universe in
the form of source object reflexivity that has complex structure. The Quran 51.56 as fundamental guidance about the existence of worship
before human created. The reflexivity of the architect that has a blue print of universe house then creates a universe house, becomes evidence
as logical thinking empirically. The mirroring system also corresponds to a projector paradigm consist of notebook, projector and screen.
The mirror’s position consisted of shadow, mirror, and people. The blue print presence is reflexivity of 12 as constant creation source from
Quran 51.56 verse number (1+5) times (5+6) root of digit 2 becomes 6x2=12. This R12 has reflexivity of Salat Jamak where 1 salat Subuh
and 2 salat Jamak (Dzuhur Asar and Magrib Isa). R12 as religion and R47 as science are 1 object in the form of God creation. The architect
has only 1 finished universe house including 1 blueprint of universe house. The conclusion is R12 and R47 are the same 1 object. Religion
and science also are the same 1 object. Universe has only 1 God, then God only give 1 information to human and there is no separation
between religion and science. This unification of religiona and science also happened in the pandemic era with economic crisis.
Riza Saputra
Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari, Banjarmasin
Jl. A. Yani No.Km.4,5, RW.5, Kebun Bunga, Kec. Banjarmasin Tim., Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70235.
Email: rizasaputra@uin-antasari.ac.id
Abstract. This research aims to identify branding city as a way to indicate a creative city, particularly, in Martapura City, South Borneo.
The utilizing of three brandings: Diamond, Serambi Mecca, and Santri has a basic value to attract the tourists. Moreover, these three
brandings encourage the local government to re-create a precise design of the city. The function of branding generally aims to attract tourists,
but in fact, it has also many functions, such as a designation of the city’s construction, and pride of society within. The construction and
development of the city in a line with brandings have produced the image of the city and the behavior of societies. This study has been
conducted by literature research and surveying information to the behavior of society in adjustment with an installation of city’s branding
as the pride of local society.
Keyword: The city of diamond, serambi mecca, santri, branding city, creative.
Abstract. The art of breathing in traditional Chinese, namely Chikung (Qigong) introduces the body’s energy system which is connected
by energy pathways with acupuncture points located on the energy pathway, acupuncture points are considered as control points for the
flow of energy entering the organ system through the meridians. Energy pathways in yoga according to Indian literature are known as nadis
as energy pathways and chakras which have the function of absorbing and controlling energy and play a role in development (Choa kok
sui, 2000). Tung Kwan’s condition is the connection of energy circulation between the Tu meridians and the Ren meridians which form an
orbit in the human body. The major chakra in the body is actually connected to the Ren meridian, so that when Tung Kwan condition the
energy will flow through the major chakra. The art of yoga believes that the chakras will develop when the chakras are opened and actively
circulating energy which are described as lotus flowers. Circulation of the microcosmic orbit from the shushumna nadi (yoga art) to the
front body Ren meridian (chikung art) makes it possible to develop and activate the chakras through which it passes, so that there will be a
balance of energy in the front and back paths which will eventually increase the quality of energy in the chakras.
Timur. Indonesia. 65145. 2Biotechnology Program, School of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi,
10150 Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok, Thailand, 1Email: dratih303@gmail.com
Abstract. Psychiatric and neurological disorders (PNDs) have correlated diseases and represent a burden on public health. Several drugs are
reported to repurpose PNDs therapy. Drugs with antidepressants, anxiolytics, stimulants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers are classified
for PNDs treatments. Due to the high cost of PNDs therapy and developing novel drugs, this study focused on identifying the natural
compounds in brewed coffee, dark chocolate, and tea to treat PNDs. Brewed coffee, chocolate, and tea compounds were collected from the
PubChem compound database. Several targetted PNDs proteins were mapped using a protein network, and selected proteins were collected
their 3D structure from the protein data bank. Compounds and targetted PNDs proteins were docked using Molegro virtual Docker 5 and
analyzed using educational licensed of PyMol and Discovery Studio version 21.1.1. compounds from brewed coffee, dark chocolate, and tea
showed several interactions with PNDs targetted protein and generated low binding energy. Interestingly, caffeine from brewed coffee and
theobromine from dark chocolate performed a high and proper activity as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anxiolytics, and antipsychotics.
This study suggested that brewed coffee and dark chocolate potentially treat Psychiatric and neurological disorders and might have lower
negative effects and costs than other therapies.
Abstract. Mathematical models are needed as an effort to control the spread of disease, by knowing the pattern of spread. The SIR epidemic
model is a mathematical model that describes the spread of an epidemic, where every individual who has recovered from an infection with
a disease has an immune system. Probabilistically, the pattern of epidemic spread can be divided into three models, one of them is the
continuous time markov chain (CTMC). This CTMC SIR model examines changes of discrete random variables, namely the number of
individuals who are susceptible to a disease (S) and the number of infected individuals (I) in continuous time intervals. One of the diseases
that is currently engulfing the world, including Indonesia that has become the attention of various parties due to the rapid spread of the
epidemic and the large number of deaths that have occurred, is COVID-19. An epidemic is expected to stop before it infects all individuals
in a population and causes a lot of financial loss. When there are no more infected individuals, the epidemic is said to be over. The Special
Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has also been affected by COVID-19. The purpose of this study was
to determine the expected duration based on the CTMC SIR model and to apply it to the COVID-19 disease case in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta. The results of the application of the CTMC SIR model on daily cases of COVID-19 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
with and show that the epidemic ends at days indicating that the spread of COVID-19 disease has not occurred in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. The final value for each group were for susceptible individuals, for infected individuals, and for recovered individuals.
Abstract. Epidemic is the major transmission of an infectious disease that spreads quickly in a large area and causes many victims. Epidemic
model is one of the tools that can be used to study the pattern of disease outspread. The SIS model describes the transmission of disease from
an individual who is susceptible then infected, directly or indirectly, and becomes an infected individual. Individuals who have been infected
can recover but remain susceptible to re-infection because they do not have permanent immunity. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused
by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an individual can be infected with this disease by breathing air that containing the virus if they are standing close
proximity with individuals who are already infected with COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to see the pattern of transmission of
infectious diseases using SDE SIS through model simulation and provide interpretation. In this study, rate of contact affected the duration of
infectious diseases outspread. The study was conducted by applying a model simulation, given the parameter values of (percentage of the
population who recovered each period) and (probability of infection contact between infected individuals and susceptible individuals). The
simulation results for the values of and show that the graph of the number of infected individuals increases sharply and tends to be constant
at . The number of infected does not decrease again due to the characteristics of the SIS epidemis model, where individuals who recover do
not have permanent immunity to the disease, so that the individual becomes susceptible to the disease again.
Nur Afifah
State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: 20204092005@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. This study aims to determine several funding strategies based on Islamic philanthropy at the Sahabat Yatim Indonesia Foundation
during the Covid-19 period. The method in this research is using qualitative methods. The problems in this study include three things,
including why a funding strategy based on Islamic philanthropy was developed, how a funding strategy based on Islamic philanthropy
was developed during the Covid-19 period, and finally what are the positive and negative impacts on the Indonesian orphanage foundation
during the Covid-19 period.
Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic spreading throughout the world has affected all aspects of life, including the capital market in Indonesia.
This study analyzed the performance of Islamic stocks in Indonesia since COVID-19 was first confirmed in Wuhan, China from December
2019 to October 2021 using the Treynor Ratio, Sharpe Ratio, and Jansen Index with zakah-rate. In general, the results show that both ISSI,
JII70, and JII30 have negative performance for the three tools. This means that the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the declining
performance of Islamic stocks in Indonesia.
Abstract: The “Nero” field is an oil field located in the Central Sumatra Basin. The productive zone located on Lakat Formation at depth
1241 ft to 1830 ft with water drive mechamism. This field has been produced from November 1970 to December 2019 with cumulative oil
production of 6,202 MMSTB or 31.03% of OOIP with only 5 production wells and 2 injection wells. The average porosity of the “Nero”
field is 0.21, with average permeability of 888.4 mD and reservoir pressure of 601.7 psi. To optimize the recovery factor, determination
of location and number of infill well must be done. This become the purpose of this study. This study contain with reservoir simulation
Computer Modelling Group (CMG) IMEX 2015.10 with grid dimention 64x50x60 and projected to 2070. The process began with
initialization, history matching, and projecting scenario. Development of this field depend on the amount of Oil per Unit Area (OPU) by
considering the drainage radius and the distance between wells. From the scenario 1 the cumulative production obtained is 6.46 MMSTB
with a current recovery factor value of 32.30%. Scenario 2 done with cumulative production of 7.17 MMSTB with current recovery factor
of 35.89%. Scenario 3 done with cumulative production of 8.094 MMSTB and current recovery factor of 40.50%. Also from the scenario 4
cumulative production gain with 8.066 MMSTB with recovery factor of 40.36%. From this case, it can be seen scenario 3 is the best option
with the addition of 1 reopening well and 6 infill wells.
Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has made changes in all aspects of life, including the sexual life of husband and wife. The
pressure due to the pandemic, makes sexual relations become disrupted and can affect sexual satisfaction. This study aims to determine
sexual satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in married individuals with marriage age under 10 years and the factors that can influence
it. The type of research used is descriptive-quantitative. Research subjects were obtained by purposive sampling with the criteria of
individuals who have been married for a maximum of 10 years, age range from 25-39 years, n = 63 people. The study used the NSSS
(New Sexual Satisfaction Scale) instrument with a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.97. The results showed that the sexual satisfaction of individuals
with marriage age under 10 years was as much as 6.35% stated that they were not sexually satisfied, 14.29% of respondents said they
were quite satisfied, 47.59% of respondents said they were satisfied, and as many as 31.75% of respondents said they were very satisfied.
The conclusion obtained is that there is sexual satisfaction felt by individuals with marriage age under 10 years during the pandemic. This
can be influenced by several things, namely the subject has physical health, financial well-being, they’re in the early phase of marriage
experiencing a honeymoon and sexual adjustment, so that they still do not have children and/or have only one kid.
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between marhabaan celebrations with the level of religiosity and massive
social change. The method used is sociological anthropology in which researchers are directly involved in the religious celebration of
marhabaan. The results of the study showed that the marhabaan celebration that had been carried out had fostered a very strong kinship
where the event was a place to exchange ideas and share opinions, chat and control the descendants of each participant. This marhabaan is
usually carried out by the Nahdahatul Ulama organization or mass organizations affiliated with it, but not by Muhammadiyah and Persis
organizations. The next finding is that marhabaan has formed a moral bond for charity, alms and philanthropy. The role of religious leaders
holds the most important key in broadcasting the marhabaan tradition, because the community will follow what the kiayi says. However, the
level of religiosity, social change and religious observance of the community in formal rituals did not show any changes and improvements.
This is evidenced by the crime rate, juvenile delinquency, drugs, poverty that still surrounds the city of Tasikmalaya as well as in the
implementation of the five daily prayers, this is because the values contained in the poems and verses of marhabaan are not actualized in
everyday life, so that marhabaan is still an annual ritual. in the welfare of its congregation for a while not yet at the level of sustainable
social change.
Abstract. By using scholar.google.co.id, Prabowo and Dewi (2016) found the greatest contribution of the Islam scholars especially from
Islamic state universities on transpersonal psychology in 1980s - 2016. This paper is the result of further research that took data in the
period of 2017 =2020. The result indicates some themes like tassawuf and sufi,various therapies, mindfulness and compassion, spirituality
and transcendence. The scientific articles mostly came from theses and journals produced by state university, islamic state university,
private university and islamic private universityof which islamic state universities and islamic private universities are more dominant.
Geographically, they came from several provinces in Java (Banten, Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta, DI Yogykarta, Jawa Tengah and Jawa Timur),
Sumatera (Aceh, Bengkulu, Lampung, Riau. Sumatera Selatan and Sumatera Barat), Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur,
and Kalimantan Selatan), Nusa Tenggara Barat and Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan).
Abstract. W. E. B. Du Bois’ The Comet is story of apocalypse caused by incoming comet. That afro-futurism speaks chances of new life
beyond any racial segregation. It may reflect COVID-19 pandemic today of better condition to be realized in new normal. Such aspect is
also asserted in concept of futurism that underlines art in former then shapes culture in latter. Then, how may W. E. B. Du Bois’ The Comet
inspire future hope in COVID-19 pandemic? Through qualitative method by reading, quoting, and analyzing written sources, the writers
would like to propose how a critical event could bring abundant hope than despair for socio-cultural future. The short story of Du Bois
indicates equality as discrimination ends post-apocalypse. That may bring in perspective for new normal condition to re-arrange social
structures. Optimism is socially brought in by humanity beyond borders through altruism. In conclusion, The Comet could inspire how
human should behave through better humanity. Future hope should always be kept in mind to fight any obstacles that may come and to
realize better life afterwards.
Abstract. This article focuses on the polemic of environmental demage in Indonesia and has not recive serious attention. This article is
using descriptive-qualitatif method within focuses on in-depth interviews and literature studies. The authors argue that environmental
demage happened not only by some arrogance people, but also an imbalance of religious practice. In short, religious practice has a big role
in realizing environmental conservation and empowerment. In this article, the authors are using Seladang Cafe as an object that seeks to
maintain the existence, empowerment and environmental sustainability. Seladang Cafe is present in one of the cities in Aceh, namely Bener
Meriah. Not only carrying nature concept, Seladang Cafe also offers unique tourism by attracting newcomers to enjoy coffee in the middle
of the plantation. Through Seladang Cafe, the authors argue that the Seladang Cafe does not only make a unique offer in terms of tourism,
but also put forward religious values. In addition, the authors also argue that Seladang Cafe also combines religious practices with opening
up employment opportunities and empowering the economic cycle for ummah. Therefore, through Seladang Cafe, the authors want to see
why Seladang Cafe manages coffee plantations and contribute to care the environment? How is the concept of fiqhul bi’ah practiced by
Seladang Cafe managers in maintaining environmental sustainability? And how is the Seladang Cafe management strategy to empower the
environment to empower economic cycle for ummah?
Ma’isyatusy Syarifah1, Dewi Putri Nurjannah2, Nur Atikah3, Ahmad Zadul Ma’ad Syarif4
University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember, 3University of Gadjah Mada, 4UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember
Email: 1maisyasyarifah@ymail.com 2putryd63@gmail.com 3tikanasaa@gmail.com 4zadulmaad1@gmail.com
Abstract. Women and beauty are identical entities. Beauty is considered a feminine trait and becomes a necessity that has been deeply rooted
in the wider social system and is culturally indoctrinated, and has even become a trend on social media. Every day, women are haunted and
convinced by the standardization of beauty, which increasingly plunges women into the praise of beauty. This also makes many social media
accounts that take a lot of interest and profit by creating Instagram accounts that contain photos of beautiful women. This research highlights
the deconstruction of women’s beauty standards on social media, and how whether the post is an act of exploitation against women. A
thorough qualitative method is used to examine social media especially Instagram which displays many photos of beautiful females. This
study shows, first, the female beauty standard in social media mostly concerning beautiful and fashionable women. Second, the post on
Instagram is an act of exploitation of women and is more concerned only with women’s beauty rather than women’s achievement.
Abstract. This research focuses on strengthening the global community through cooperation in alliances, institutions, and forums related
to the defense and security sector in the Western Balkans. The global community is a new destination for various countries, each country
must have a shared commitment and be willing to sacrifice its pragmatic interests for the good of the global community. The participation of
countries in the Western Balkans, namely: Slovenia, Croatia, Boznia & Hezergovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia,
in alliances, institutions and forums related to the defense and security sector is based on the spirit of strengthening the global community.
This research uses qualitative Method. Separate data analysis was carried out to obtain the results of each interpretation, in order to obtain
a complete interpretation. This study uses Regional Security Conflict Theory (RSCT) from Barry Buzan. The result of this study is a
comprehensive analysis of the participation and role of seven Western Balkan countries for strengthening the global community through
seven alliances, institutions, and forums, namely: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, South-Eastern
Europe Brigade, South-Eastern Defense Ministerial, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and International Atomic
Energy Agency.
Keywords: Global community, Europe, west balkan, security defense alliance, RSCT.
Hersa Ajeng Priska1, Kamila Aurellia2, Febiola Andarista Putri3, Ahmad Zaidan4, Chancard Basumerda5
Industrial Engineering Department, 2Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Islamic University,
Kaliurang St. No.Km 14,5 Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia. Tel . +62 274 895287, Fax. +62 274 895007. 1Email: 18522229@students.uii.ac.id
Abstract. PT. XYZ is an information communication technology (ICT) and telecommunications network company in Indonesia. The service
process at the customer care section of PT. XYZ has the task of serving customers related to complaints, product installation, migration,
and holding service duties at XYZ Plaza. Workers in the customer care department often complain of experiencing work stress. So it is
necessary to repair and analyze the causes of mental workload using 6 factors, namely Mental Demand (MD), Effort (EF), Physical demand
(PD), Temporal demand (TD), Performance (P), and Frustration level (FR). found in the NASA-TLX method. The results showed that the
average weighted workload score was 71.62 from 8 workers, the score was included in the category of high level mental workload. So that
some changes are needed to reduce the mental workload, in the form of considering rolling or distributing tasks evenly to each employee,
especially for employees who experience overload and increase the number of workers, and provide periodic training and counseling.
Febiola Andarista Putri1, Kamila Aurellia2, Hersa Ajeng Priska3, Ahmad Zaidan4, Chanchard Basumerda5
Industrial Engineering Department, 2Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Islamic University,
Kaliurang St. No.Km 14,5 Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia. Tel . +62 274 895287, Fax. +62 274 895007. 1Email: 19522023@students.uii.ac.id
Abstract. In this time of economic growth, productivity becomes one of the main factors in competition in the manufacturing industry.
Good performance and high efficiency are the keys for companies to be able to compete. The purpose of this study is to identify the layout
of the facility and provide improvement recommendations. Analysis was conducted using the 6S Method (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Safety,
Standardize, and Sustain) to find out the problems that occurred, manage the work area, increase efficiency, productivity and reduce the
danger and risk of accidents in Convection XYZ engaged in convection. The results of the 6S calculation show that the work area is
currently in poor classification. The conclusion of this study is the design of the layout of the work area in convection and the provision of
recommendations in the form of proposed improvements to provide closets and first aid tools in the work area.
Abstract. Communication is an activity that cannot be separated in everyday life. However, its application still does not reflect good ethical
manners. Islam has provided keywords on how to communicate properly through the Al-Quran and Hadith as the basis for basic guidelines
in speaking. How important it is to study communication ethics in Islam so that we can evaluate ourselves when talking to others and also
avoid bad words so as not to offend others. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research library. Where the researcher
wants to clearly describe the current situation related to the lack of good speaking manners in perspective Islam. Data analysis using content
analysis. The results of the study show that daily activities in Indonesia such as politics, television shows, social media, and business ought
to be framed from this point of view. good ethics in communication is ethics that refers to the concept of keywords in the Al Quran and
Meri Andani, 2Romario
Magister Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Hamzah Fansuri,
Abstract. Entering the era of social media which is marked by the presence of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, relations
between various regions and countries are increasingly connected. Globalization, which was originally dominated by the West, starting
from films, music and entertainment, has now shifted and is experiencing changes with the popularity of music, films and entertainment
originating from East Asia, especially South Korea. The culture of globalization in the end also has an impact in Indonesia, which is a
majority Muslim community, many young people who like Korean music and drama, through social media they can directly access K-pop
artists. The popularity of K-pop in Indonesia can be seen from the formation of K-pop fans and K-pop hashtags trending on twitter. Korean
Wave or what can be called Hallyu has an impact in Indonesia, marked by Korean music and drama favored by young people in Indonesia.
Interestingly, according to Ariel Heryanto in the book Identity and Enjoyment of Muslim Youths who grew up at the peak of Islamization,
they tried to negotiate two opposites, while being pious they also enjoyed world consumerism. Like idolizing Korean artists while still
showing Muslim identity by wearing a headscarf. This article examines two Instagram accounts; @Kpoper.hijrah and @Xkwaver, these two
accounts are the subject of research discussion in examining the resistance of young Muslims to K-pop. The research method in this article
uses a qualitative method by conducting interviews with admin and observing two Instagram accounts. The findings show that the symptoms
of K-pop resistance and negotiation by young Muslims cannot be separated from the Tarbiyah Movement which uses the discourse of
“hijrah” in inviting young people to take advantage of popular culture.
Abstract. Dreams are one of the hot topics discussed in the West and Islam. Western scientists conduct empirical-rational research on
dreams, while Islam believes it to be a spiritual activity. The two concepts seem contradictory, on the one hand, they come from physical
activity while on the other hand non-physical activities. For this reason, this paper will review the description and differences between the
West and Islam. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method that analyzes the problem through library research. The results showed
that there were four differences. First, the West uses the term dream which means sleep and hope, while Islam uses three terms, namely
ru`ya, ahlam, and ahadith. The concept of dream means an unconscious sleep event that comes from brain activity, while ru`ya comes
from the soul’s capture of sensory sketches of divine messages through the power of fantasy. Second, Freud’s interpretation theory means
that every image that appears in a dream is a symbol with a certain meaning, while al-Ghazali states that fantasy has the ability to change
and manipulate the ultimate meaning. Third, Western scholars judge a dream based on visualization and emotion, while Islam is based on
the meaning of a dream. Fourth, psychoanalytic interpretation refers to the empirical analysis of the regularity of dreams and personal
experiences, while takwil is based on the condition of the subject.
Abstract. The da’wah conveyed by the Prophet SAW used several methods Among them are Bil Hikmah, Mujadalah, Mauidzotul
Khasanah. Prophet Muhammad SAW used several methods based on the situation what happened at that time, so that the Prophet adjusted
the conditions of the people of the City Mecca at the time of preaching. The dominant method used by the Prophet Muhammad SAW at the
time of his Da’wah in Mecca was the Bill of Wisdom Method, This is based on when people were not familiar with Islam so that the Prophet
taught good things to the people of Mecca together the purpose of his Da’wah was well received. Da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad is an
activity that is carried out consciously to convey Islamic messages to others so they are accept Islamic teachings and practice them well.
Prophet Muhammad SAW spread Islam through preaching. The da’wah communication used by the Prophet SAW was like delivery to those
closest to them so that they can easily accept the teaching delivered by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Abstract. Ju Panggola, he was the one who spread Islam in Gorontalo. However, until now it has not been clearly recorded in what year
he converted the people of Gorontalo, Ju Panggola is highly respected by all the people of Gorontalo. So that his tomb is sacred by local
residents and is often filled with immigrants to make pilgrimages to his grave. Ju Panggola’s spread of Islam is focused on East Gorontalo
Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods by looking at social facts, using data collection techniques namely observation,
interviews and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed so that it can be presented in the form of optimal conclusions.
The results of this study show that Ju Panggola was recognized as a guardian, preacher as well as a noble figure in his time. Ju Panggola
itself is actually a title, which means an elder character. He also received the customary title “Ta Lo’o Baya Lipu” or a person who has served
the people as a symbol of honor and nobility of the country. He preached through his position, first as a fighter and expert in martial arts in
Gorontalo called Langga. Second, as a religious expert, thanks to his high mastery of religious knowledge, he is not only known as a scholar,
but also as a guardian. Third, as a noble who has the position of a King.
Moh Rosyid
IAIN Kudus Jawa Tengah
Jl. Conge Ngembalrejo, Ngembal Rejo, Ngembalrejo, Kec. Bae, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59322, Telp. 081326480171.
Email: Mrosyid72@yahoo.co.id
Abstract. This paper was conducted in 2020 among Baha’i religion community in Cebolek Kidul Village, Margoyoso Distric, Pati City,
Central Java. The purpose of this study is to describe conflict resolution between Baha’i community and their Muslim neighbors. Data
were gathered through interview, documentation, observation and focus group discussion by Baha’i community. There are 9 (nine) families
of Baha’i consisting of 27 people. In their village, some Muslims were accused Baha’i people as deviants. Thus Baha’i people were not
allowed to be buried in the same cemetery as Muslims, in some cases Baha’i people also do not receive the same service in administrative
matters from the village officers as their Muslims fellows such as do not receive religious education at formal school, do not have marriage
certificate since their marriage is not acknowledged by the government. After the Reformation era, Baha’i people struggle to gain public
attentions in several ways: 1) distributing information and book on Baha’i through public meetings; 2) initiating non-formal religious class
for Baha’i people and people of other religions (Institute Ruhi); 3) inviting neighbors and friends during Baha’i religious celebration, 4)
culture acculturation nahdliyin.
Nur Saidah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: nur.saidah@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. This paper is the result of research on Arabic calligraphy in the Palace of Yogyakarta building in the range of the XVIII - XX
century AD, which is a unique historical phenomenon of the spread of Islamic religion and culture, because the form of calligraphy is
distilled (stylize) and becomes unusual in the community in the Palace of Yogyakarta which strongly holds Javanese culture. The question
that will be answered here is why Arabic calligraphy was applied in the Palace of Yogyakarta building in the XVIII - XX century AD, how
the various graphic visual forms, meanings, and historical relationships with the social dynamics and the struggles of religious ideas that
underlying them. The author is looking for a central concept that can assemble the pattern of life, art and direction of thinking of an era, with
approaches to cultural art, Arabic khatt theory and semiotic. While the method is the historical method. The results showed: First, the factor
of the emergence of Arabic calligraphy, internally, because of the encouragement of Sultan HB I to rebuild the Islamic Mataram kingdom,
the support and role of the sultans, nobles, clerics, and courtiers who ideologically developed the art of Palace by avoiding figurative forms.
Externally, the influence of the development of local decorations and Arabic calligraphy in the Islamic world, as well as political elements,
namely the desire to show the existence of the Palace. Second, the variety of Arabic calligraphy includes decorations on the saka / pillars of
the main building of the Palace and buildings devoted to the Sultan. The type of writing used is figural / stylistic and symbolic, a distinctive
blending between local genius and Islamic khatt. From the aspect of meaning there is a peculiarity of meaning combined with myth which
is a shift in meaning from Javanese, Hindu and Buddhist cultural concepts to meaning in Islamic concepts and functions as a spiritual
expression that contains political elements. The text contains: a) verse of Al-Qur’an, b) lafadz jalalah, c) name of the Prophet Muhammad
SAW. Third, from the selection of verbal signs / calligraphy contents, and their style, it shows that there is a sporadic and symbolistic
tendency to establish the Yogyakarta Palace as a political institution that continues the Islamic mission of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom
with an Islamic style in a Javanese perspective. This inauguration was a continuation of the efforts to synthesize Islamic mysticism with
Javanese mysticism that had been done by Sultan Agung. This pattern is hinted at in Princess Mirong’s calligraphy, which means shyly
showing her Islam. This pattern has implications for all Palace activities, both traditional ceremonies and religious patterns which show the
close relationship between Islamic elements and Javanese traditions.
Imam Suyuti
A Doctoral Student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Email: xcbnbvc21@gmail.com
Abstract. Nahdlatul Ulama has recently been aggressively promoting the “Islam Nusantara” paradigm. This of course caused a polemic in
the Indonesian public and received various criticisms, especially from those who have different points of view with Nahdlatul Ulama. The
problems raised in this research are why it is important to actualize scientific traditions in a sustainable manner and how is the mechanism
of the ulama-santri affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama in maintaining a sustainable scientific tradition in a complex transdisciplinary era. The
purpose of this study is to explore the urgency of the ongoing scientific tradition actualization and explain the mechanism of the ulama-
santri affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama in maintaining a sustainable scientific tradition in a complex transdisciplinary era. This study uses a
phenomenological approach by exploring the actual research material which is a series of assumptions about reality and becomes important
information as a reference to get the results. In order to achieve a complete understanding, this research uses descriptive-interpretive data
analysis techniques by collecting various data in the form of books, journals, articles, and official reports. So to achieve the success of
collecting these data, documentation techniques are used. The results of this study indicate that the actualization of scientific traditions in a
sustainable manner departs from recitations in small prayer places called surau, which are used for guidance for worship closer to residential
areas, which later is able to grow and develop and even be reborn into a religious institution that has succeeded in playing an active role in
shaping morality and values, which is now called the pesantren. The mechanism of the ulama-santri who are affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama
in maintaining a sustainable scientific tradition today, is very closely related to the era of pesantren tradition and culture that was built by
Walisongo in the past, and continues to be developed sustainably in the pesantren institution until today which is held by Nahdlatul Ulama.
The sustainable mechanism is contained in the updated regulations, namely al-muhafadhah ‘alal qadim al-shalih wal akhdzu bil jadidil
ashlah wal ishlah ila ma huwal ashlah tsummal ashlah fal ashlah.
Islamic Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739, Email: sabarudin@uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to critically describe and analyze the role of youth in the East Loloan village both outside and within
the pandemic period. These roles are social, cultural and educational that is demonstrated in real terms by the Loloan youth. These roles are
critically and fundamentally studied, especially the values that drive Loloan youth to move together to advance their territory. This study
uses a single case study method, namely the social, cultural and educational role shown by youths in the East Loloan village of Jembrana
district of Bali province, both before and during the covid-19 pandemic. The paper found, that in general, the covid pandemic had an
impact on the activities of Muslim youth in the East Loloan village of Bali’s Jembarana District. The negative impact is a reduction in the
frequency of meeting social, cultural, and educational activities as before the pandemic. The positive impact, the covid pandemic did not
cause the soul and spirit of concern of the youth in the East Loloan village to recede. Social activities are still carried out even with strict
health protocols. The youths in East Loloan District Jembrana actively conduct social, cultural, and educational activities because of the
spirit to revive the glory of Loloan in the past. The history of Loloan’s success in government time prompted them to rise again. The prestige
greatness of the Loloan figures in the past became a driver for them to move through various social, cultural, and educational activities. The
study found that the glory, greatness, and expertise of the loloan founders inspired young people to ink gold in the history of Loloan’s glory
for the present and the future. This study has implications for social movements, culture, social education (society), youth movers, social
workers, adolescent observers / youth, policymakers, etc. This study provides useful insights for these elements when it comes to moving
young people. The study contributes to literature in the domains of social movements, cultural movements, and educational sociology by
describing the strategies and challenges faced by youth movers and their strategies in moving youth.
Keywords: Value of Youth, Social Care, the Covid-19, Loloan Government Movement
Abstract. This research focuses on Russian-Belarusian relations in the context of the Global Community. The two countries have
similarities in several factors, both of them there are significant differences The two countries have close relationship as strategic partners
in the cooperation of several sectors, namely political, defense security, economic and socio-community. Historical factors and territorial
proximity to the same region, play a central role in the establishment of Russian-Belarusian relations. The research takes a geopolitical,
geostratejik, and geoeconomic perspective on the relationship between the two countries. The question of this research is why Russian-
Belarusian relations have their ups and downs, what are the factors that cause them. This research method is mix-methods, namely the
use of quantitative data and qualitative data, the results of which will be a complete interpretation. This method design’s is known as
concurrent triangulation design. In this study, Russian-Belarusian relations were researched with the concept of the Global Community. The
theory used in this study is securitization theory, initiated by Barry Buzan. According to Buzan, security should be analyzed confidentially.
Buzan’s theory introduces five sectors or dimensions of security from traditional national security perspectives to non-traditional security
perspectives or commonly called new perspectives in security, namely: military, political, economic, community, and environmental. The
novelty value of the study is that the ups and downs of Russian-Belarusian relations are determined by five interconnected and influencing
security sectors.
Abstract. This research aims to know the reasons and transformation of religiosity through the religious conversion by santri ex-social
pathology perpetrators at Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School Sleman Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative with the phenomenology and
psychology of religion approaches. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed with
reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The research of this paper can be concluded into three keys: first, 4 factors affecting the five
subjects to do the transformation of religiosity in the form of religious conversion, namely divine, liberation from mental stress, educational
and socialization situations, and various social influences. Second, the process of transformation of religiosity in the form of religious
conversion experienced by the five subjects covers five stages including calm period, non-calm period, conversion period, calm period, and
expression of the conversion period. Third, santri ex-social pathology perpetrators reframe religious attributes by negotiating tattoos with
pesantren symbols such as cap (peci) and sarong resulting in a new term of santri tatoan. Santri ex-social pathology perpetrators in Ora Aji
Islamic Boarding School run their daily life by learning Islamic education and yaumiyah activities. Santri ex-social pathology perpetrators
also start expressing their attitude and behavior as santri in daily life in Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School.
Abstract. This paper was written to describe the spiritual experience sufi dance (darwis) in islamic boarding school (pesantren) Nailun
Najah Assalafy Kriyan Village, Kalinyamatan Distric, Jepara City, Central Java. The research data were taken from interview, observation,
and literature were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The goal dance is culture activity, dhikr axpretion by cyrcle, move the sole and
spirituality dancer, and healer of disease. The dancer of good behavior and clean soul, the motion have meaning (1) stand in line, circular,
holding hands, face to face, in the middle stands sech the symbol line of angels surround the throne of God, (2) together chant the name of
god by bend down, inhale, stand straight again, spinning and right hand up (the symbol receive God’s grace) and the left hand extends to the
earth (symbol of cherishing others), (3) slow motion to fast according to the music tempo, (4) body movement followed by breath by say
the name of god than ha by spinning. At last breath the expretion sole united with the breath at God sole. The expretion sole experience by
spiritual if dance the heart trembled cannot be described in words, only just love at prophet Muhammad in the heart and mind serenity in the
heart. The clothing is symbolized colour white as shroud.
Helma Malini
University of Tanjungpura
Jalan Prof. Hadari Nawawi. Email: helma.malini@ekonomi.untan.ac.id
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Halal literacy among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in
Indonesia. The aspects studied are knowledge about Halal Behavior, Halal attitude and Halal knowledge. This research is a descriptive
study based on a survey of research subjects using a purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were SMEs in Indonesia
with a focus on the cities of Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Pontianak with a total sample of 150 people. The sample was composed of
owners of SMEs in Indonesia between the ages of 19 and 45. The age group used as a sampling criterion is determined by the differences
that may exist between age groups or generations. The results of the study indicate that the overall level of education is In Indonesia, SME
Halal literacy is defined as sufficient literacy. It is hoped that the proposed measures of Halal literacy in small and medium enterprises
will assist policymakers in better understanding the level of literacy among SMEs to create a better Halal ecosystem to improve economic
resilience’s toward crisis.
Keywords: Awareness, halal literacy, small and medium enterprises, economic resilience.
Ikhsan Setiawan
Doktoral Program of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Jl.
Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-513056. 1Email: ikhsanlagi.is@gmail.com
Abstract. Indonesia is a pluralistic country that has a lot of diversity in ethnicity, race, customs, culture, language, skin color, religion, and
so on. This diversity is certainly a potential that other countries don’t have, but if you can’t manage it properly then this diversity becomes
a boomerang for harmony in Indonesia. Cases of religious intolerance in Indonesia cannot be eliminated and even tend to increase until
now. If this is allowed, it will undoubtedly harm the survival of the nation and state in Indonesia. Intolerance is a severe threat to pluralistic
in Indonesia. Government as the policymaker was tries to eliminate intolerance from Indonesia, as well as scientists who have done a lot
of research and expressed their opinions to find the causes and solutions to this case, but the issue of religious intolerance in Indonesia
has not been eliminated. This research is library research, data collection techniques by reviewing books, literature, notes, and various
appropriate reports. Many factors cause religious intolerance in Indonesia to be challenging to eliminate, including political, economic, and
the Indonesia’s diverse conditions. However, the most fundamental factor is the lack of a culture of critical thinking in Indonesia. Critical
thinking will lead us to be objective, see from various perspectives, realize the potential for wrong in us to draw the correct conclusions.
Critical thinking will prevent us from lying news, leading opinions, and giving birth to an attitude of accepting differences and not quickly
blaming other parties so that tolerance in Indonesia can increase.
Susan Sa’adah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739. Email: susasaadah76@gmail.com
Abstract. This research is a descriptive analytic study about the diversity of the Asmat students at the Al Iman Islamic Boarding School
Muntilan Magelang, Central Java. This study aims to describe: The religion of the Asmat students at the Al Iman Muntilan Islamic Boarding
School, along with the factors that influence it. The location of this research is Al Iman Islamic Boarding School, precisely in Patosan,
Sedayu, Muntilan, Magelang Regency. While the population is all male students and female students of Asmat and the sample is taken as
many as 40 people. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, questionnaires (questionnaires), document studies, and
literature studies. The data analysis technique used was descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative descriptive analysis. From the data analysis,
a conclusion can be drawn that: (A) Religious Factor based on Glock and Stark’s theory of five dimensions of religiosity are; confidence
dimension 95%, Dimensions of religious practice 70%, Dimensions of religious feelings 87.5%, Dimensions of religious knowledge 82.5%,
Dimensions of religious consequences 57.5%. The confidence dimension of Asmat students has reached 95%, meaning that in terms of their
aqidah they are mature. This is because they are supported by very intense guidance from the pesantren. The dimensions of religious practice
reach 70%, meaning that they are good in carrying out religious practices, especially basic worship (fardhu). And regarding the dimension
of religious feelings, the percentage achieved is 87.5%, this means that their sense of responsibility towards their religion is good. And
regarding the dimensions of religious knowledge has reached 82.5%. This figure shows that their insight into religious knowledge is good,
especially regarding law, and the last one regarding the dimensions of the consequences of religion is 57.5%. This figure is low, meaning
they are still lacking in social terms. This is because they are bound by the discipline of the pesantren, so they lack socialization with the
local community. (B) Factors that affect the diversity of Asmat students at the Al Iman Muntilan Islamic Boarding School. These factors
are divided into two, namely: internal and external factors (1) Internal Factors; heredity, Age level, Personality, Psychiatric Condition, all
of the above factors do not support the development of their religious spirit, so that their religion is still not mature enough (2) External
Factors; Family environment, Institutional Environment. Community Environment. Of the three external factors above, only 2 (two) factors
strongly support their religion, but it is hoped that they will have an impact on internal factors through more intensive guidance so that they
can increase their individuality of religion.
Abstract. The rising New Order regime under Soeharto implemented a development concept referring to Rostow’s modernization theory
that practically focuses on economic growth. However, at the same time, A. Mukti Ali, minister of the ministry of religious affairs, proposed
a different development concept integrating modernization and human development based on Indonesia’s cultural and political context. This
essay documents and analyzes Mukti Ali’s thoughts on holistic human development in Indonesia. This article will focus on modernization
theory and its critics, Human Development, and the integration between religion and development in building holistic human development
in Indonesia. According to Mukti Ali, Development is not merely about economic but contain all effort to build holistic human development
that consists of social justice, self-confidence, and economic growth.
Keywords: Development, modernisation, holistic human development, religion, social justice, self-confidence, economic growth.
Nuri Fatihatul Fariha, 2Nada Shofiyya, 3Shofia Ama Faradisa, 4Abdussakir, 5Ulfa Masamah
Program Studi Tadris Matematika, FITK, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jl. Gajayana No.50, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144.
Email: 119190001@student.uin-malang.ac.id , 2 19190002@student.uin-malang.ac.id ,
19190003@student.uin-malang.ac.id, 4abdussakir@uin-malang.ac.id, 5ulfamasamah@uin-malang.ac.id
Abstract. Islam is a religion that is integrated with the study of mathematics. Mathematics is not just a science, but as a means of self-
servitude to Allah SWT. Mathematical studies are listed in the Qur’an regarding number relations. This article aims to find out the forms
of number relations contained in the Qur’an. This research is a library research through writings in books and journal articles. The result
of this study is that there are editorials of verses in the Qur’an that contain mathematical number relations such as less than (<), more than
(>), less than or equal to (≤), more than or equal to (≥) and not equal to (≠). Furthermore, the relation of numbers greater than or equal to
(≥) contained in QS. As-Saffat verse 147; The relation of numbers less than (<) (Adnaa) is found in QS. Al-Mujadilah verse 7 and An-Najm
verse 9; 3) The relation of numbers more than (>) (Fauqa) and (Aktsara) is found in QS. An-Nisa’ verses 11 and 12; 4) The relation of
numbers less than or equal to (≤) and not equal to (≠)) is found in the application of inheritance calculations based on the inheritance rules
in QS. An-Nisa’ verse 11.
Abstract. Moderate religious character in Indonesia is not only an academic concept that has just developed in the contemporary era. Based
on historical records such as ancient manuscripts, the values of
religious moderation have been applied and practiced by Nusantara Muslims
for hundreds of years. One of the local manuscripts that records the dynamics of the local community’s diversity, especially in the coastal
areas of Java, is the Carita Lasem Manuscript. This study aims to reveal the dynamics of religiosity and attitudes of religious moderation.
which is practiced by the coastal community of Lasem as stated in the Carita Lasem Manuscript. This research is a literature review using
content analysis method to analyze the data obtained. In order to explain the dynamics of religiosity and the practice of religious moderation,
the researcher uses the perspective of religious moderation according to Prof. Quraish Shihab. This study concludes that there has been a
dynamic religious practice in Lasem for hundreds of years. Although frictions between ethnic communities have taken place, the practice of
community religiosity is relatively moderate. This religious life is manifested in the attitude of tolerance and deliberation between religious
communities, accommodation of local culture, shared patriotism against colonialism, and balance in the application of religious principles.
A number of attitudes of religious moderation cannot be separated from the competence of religious knowledge, emotional control, and
prudence in attitude exemplified by a number of local religious leaders.
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739
Email: nabilfahmimuhammad@gmail.com
Abstract. Islamization in the archipelago began to experience acceleration in the 15th century AD when the saints, sunans, and other
propagators of Islam used various da’wah approaches. One of the approaches used is the educational approach by acculturating the pre-
Islamic education model called the mandala. Based on a number of archaeological findings as well as local historiographical sources such
as manuscripts, during this period there were many Islamic mandalas developed by the Walisongo and their networks. This study aims to
further reveal the significance of the role of mandalas in the process of Islamization on the north coast of Java, as well as the role of local
rulers behind the growth and development of Islamic mandalas. With the case study of Sunan Bonang’s mandala, in Bonang Village, the
researcher uses a historical approach and Islamic studies to reveal the socio-historical aspects of the development of Mandala-based Islamic
education activities. The Carita History Lasem manuscript, which is the primary source of this research, as well as other historiographical
sources were analyzed using the content analysis method. This study concludes that in the 15-16th century AD the mandala had an important
role as the basis of Islamic da’wah and education for the community, especially on the north coast of Java. The development of mandalas
in a number of areas, which is exemplified by the existence of Sunan Bonang’s mandala, also shows that there is active support from local
authorities for the process of Islamization in Nusantara society.
Keywords: Islamization of the Archipelago; Mandalas; History of Islamic Education; Sunan Bonang.
Abstract. Some Islamic thinkers argue that there is an imbalance between Islamic law and solutions to modern problems. With the
assumption that because of the lack of relevance to scientific tools in solving contemporary problems, the formulation of Islamic law in the
books of fiqh is experiencing a crisis of relevance, especially when it comes to contemporary themes, one of whom is nervous about this
situation is Muhammad Syahrur. These contemporary figures tend to break away from madzhabi thinking models and use modern scientific
tools, their methodologies by dismantling from etymology to morphology and redefining several important terms that have implications for
new conclusions or new laws. As a result, he is very contrary to the thinking of the majority of scholars. As is well known, the construction
of contemporary Islamic law in the style of Syahrur is never separated from its grand theory of limits. The theory of limits that he carries
is one approach in ijtihad, the analytical framework of Syahrûr’s theory of limits arises because of the meeting of the two main characters
of Islamic teachings, namely istiqâmah and hanîfiyyah. These two things gave birth to a dialectical movement that gave rise to new laws
in Islamic law, both in quantity and quality. That way, Islamic law will continue to develop along with the development of problems faced
by mankind. Well, this is what Syahrur understands with the nature of Islam’s flexibility within the framework of the limit theory which
Syahrur understands as “the area of human freedom”. This research is a type of library research with content analysis instruments (content
analysis). This study aims to look at Islamic law from the perspective of Syahrur. Before raising the concepts of Syahrur’s Islamic law,
tracking the methodology, approach, and technique used is an unavoidable necessity, then how does Syahrur view the existence of two main
characteristics as the privilege of Islam and their relationship to Syahrur’s plausibility structure in law? Islam.
Keywords: Muhammad Syahrur, limit theory, istiqamah and hanifiyyah dialectic, qualitative, content analysis.
Islamic Education Management, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Timoho Hits Sapen 55285, Indonesia. Tel. +6289698151828. Email: 20204092003@student.uin-suka.ac.id
Abstract. Evaluation is one of a series of activities in improving the quality, performance or productivity of an institution in implementing
its program. Through this process will know what has been achieved and what has not been achieved. This information is for program
improvement. Likewise with the Hajj rituals guidance program at the Ministry of Religion to measure the readiness of the Ministry of
Religion in carrying out its duties, especially for prospective Hajj pilgrims which is one of the government’s duties as mandated by Law
Number 1 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of the Hajj. is how the steps of the Ministry of Religion of the City of Yogyakarta in
the Hajj Manasik Training, and how the evaluation of the Hajj Manasik Implementation program at the Ministry of Religion of the City of
Yogyakarta. This is to describe the evaluation of inputs based on leaders, managers/staff, and prospective congregations. This researcher
uses descriptive qualitative research methods, the methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this
study the steps taken by the ministry of religion in the city of Yogyakarta are quite good. But there are still some that are lacking this is
shown by the practice of Hajj rituals. Lack of miniature so that prospective pilgrims are still less than optimal in terms of the practice of Hajj
rituals. The evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the city of Yogyakarta is in accordance with the guidelines in Law No. 120
of 2018 concerning implementation guidelines. practice, the methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results
of this study the steps taken by the ministry of religion in the city of Yogyakarta are quite good. But there are still some that are lacking this is
shown by the practice of Hajj rituals. Lack of miniature so that prospective pilgrims are still less than optimal in terms of the practice of Hajj
rituals. The evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the city of Yogyakarta is in accordance with the guidelines in Law No. 120
of 2018 concerning implementation guidelines. practice, the methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results
of this study the steps taken by the ministry of religion in the city of Yogyakarta are quite good. But there are still some that are lacking this
is shown by the practice of Hajj rituals. Lack of miniature so that prospective pilgrims are still less than optimal in terms of the practice of
Hajj rituals. The evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the city of Yogyakarta is in accordance with the guidelines in Law
No. 120 of 2018 concerning implementation guidelines. practice, Lack of miniature so that prospective pilgrims are still less than optimal in
terms of the practice of Hajj rituals. The evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the city of Yogyakarta is in accordance with
the guidelines in Law No. 120 of 2018 concerning implementation guidelines. practice, Lack of miniature so that prospective pilgrims are
still less than optimal in terms of the practice of Hajj rituals. The evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the city of Yogyakarta
is in accordance with the guidelines in Law No. 120 of 2018 concerning implementation guidelines. practice,
Abstract. A universe is always process endlessly presents to countless phenomena forever expanding dimensions of space and time.
The science explains thats (earth’s rotation) on its axis brings with it a degree of darkness to earth’s part and light on the other part. This
phenomenon is springed to changes the earth’s surface position to the sun’s position as a source of light for the earth. We have learned that
such as a circumstances are a phenomenon in which is evening and days change. At dusk twilight, is reflected in the eye so that it can be
seen and has significant difference in characteristics color and light wavelengths by day and darkness at night. This is pointed focus in Q.S
Al Insyiqaq 16 verse thats the twilight is reddish. The study is about integrating a natural phenomenon of twilight in an islamic perspective
based on the Qur’an causality and the theorety scientific perspective of the physics in describing twilight. The method is used library
research. As for the instruments used in this study are library studies of integrated sources, using descriptive qualitative data analysis. The
result of this study is the conclusion that the dusk event mentioned in qur ‘an verse with several interpretations of scholars in his works
corresponds to a panda.
Achmad Munajib
Qur’anic Science and Interpretation Department, UIN Sunan Ampel,
Jl. Ahmad Yani No.117, Jemur Wonosari, Wonocolo, Surabaya. Email: achmadmunajib@gmail.com
Abstract. The Qur’an always gives birth to new interpretations of the meaning contained in it from time to time because it is the main legal
basis for Islamic law that is true for every era and place, because of the many meanings contained in the Qur’an, it appears the study of al-
wujuh wa al-nazair, the purpose of this observation is to review al-wujuh wa al-nazair and know its role in understanding the verses of the
Qur’an. This research is library research. The method used is content analysis which is used to explore understanding and information as
well as the opinions of scholars and commentators of the Qur’an. The result of this discussion is that al-wujuh is a word that has similarities
in letters and forms in various editorials of the verse but contains different meanings, while al-nazair is one meaning expressed by many
words in the Qur’an. As for the rules of meaning mentioned by some scholars, namely “all these words in the Qur’an have such meaning.”
and “all these words in the Qur’an have such meaning, except this verse”, the historical discussion of al-wujuh wa al-nazair has occurred
in the early Islamic generation, but the discussion is complete in a new book. Appeared in the II century H. The urgency of al-wujuh wa al-
nazair is very significant in interpreting and understanding the Qur’an, and it can be said that someone can be wrong in understanding the
Qur’an if without a proper understanding. true about al-wujuh wa al-nazair
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