Introduction To Deism
Introduction To Deism
Introduction To Deism
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1 Deism as Philosophy
2 History of Deism
o 2.1 Beginnings
o 2.2 Deism in England
o 2.3 Deism in France
o 2.4 Deism in eighteenth-century America
o 2.5 Decline in popularity
o 2.6 Contemporary status
3 Contributions of Deism
4 See also
5 Notes
6 References
7 External links
8 Credits
Most Anglo-American Deists did not have such a minimalistic view of God's activity in
the world; thus Lord Herbert of Cherbury, considered to be the father of English Deism,
took as one of his five "innate principles" compatible with reason that there are rewards
and punishments after death, and in general the American Deists believed in a general
concept of divine providence. Nevertheless, by not allowing special revelation, these
Deists were left with a weak theological foundation that could not clearly explain God's
activity in the world. Hence, today it is Voltaire's more extreme view that defines the
Deist position philosophically. All Deists dismiss the role of miracles that cannot be
explained by reason and downplay emotion as a stimulant for faith.
Deism as Philosophy
Deism offers a philosophical perspective concerning the nature of God and the cosmos.
It posits the belief in a creator God, the first cause who brought the universe into
existence. According to the argument from design, God is like the watchmaker (or the
“Primordial Architect,” in Sir Isaac Newton's terms) and much as the watchmaker
fashions the parts and functions of the watch, God similarly put into place the
machinations of the universe, and provides the energy which sets the universe in
motion. However, while Deists claim that God is the source of all motion and matter,
they also believe that God's intercession into his creation only occurs occasionally, if at
The watchmaker hypothesis is not specifically incompatible with the scientific theory
of evolution. For example, evolution through natural selection might be a process
designed by God in order to carry through the unfolding of creation, although it is not
compatible with the dogmatic idea held by some evolutionists who argue the universe
was self-created randomly out of chaos. Those Deists that hold God directly intervenes
occasionally to repair or improve the "watch," for example by creating a new species,
would not be compatible with the theory of evolution, which holds that new species can
arise on the basis of natural selection.
In the sphere of morality, Deists conceive of God as the supreme authority of the moral
world. Many Deists say that just as God provided the laws governing the physical
universe, God also set in place the moral order. In this way, he serves as the judge of all
moral beings within the cosmos, but he does not necessarily become involved in the
enforcement of the law. Instead, humans are punished and rewarded as a function of
their own observance of the natural moral laws. Consequently, Deism places emphasis
on the requirement of a virtuous life amidst the freedom of human choices.
Disobedience to God's laws will naturally result in negative consequences for the moral
being, thus God's personal intervention is not required. It is human reason that replaces
a personal relationship with God, since "salvation" in the Deist philosophy is assured for
those who live a moral life based upon knowledge of the laws created by God, including
what constitutes good and what constitutes evil.
History of Deism
Deistic ideas have existed since antiquity, and can be identified in the works of pre-
Socratic philosophers (such as Heraclitus). However, it was not until the time of the
European Enlightenment—with its emphasis on rigorous skepticism, deductive logic,
and empiricism—that deism came into its own as a subject of philosophical discourse.
The foundations of the deist movement were laid by Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury
(1583-1648), who asserted that human reason was sufficient for purposes of attaining
certainty with regard to fundamental religious truths. He also insisted that religion
should be deeply involved in practical duties. Deistic writers that followed Herbert
enlarged these themes, particularly the postulation that natural reason should be the
basis of religion.
Newtonian physics, the intellectual basis for the scientism of the Enlightenment,
propagated the idea that matter behaves in a mathematically predictable manner that
can be understood by postulating and identifying laws of nature. Concepts borrowed
from the observational methods of science such as objectivity, natural equality, and the
prescription to treat like cases similarly became the rubric for scrutinizing all domains of
life, and, inevitably, these principles came to inform the reinterpretation of religion, as
well. Finally, exasperation as a result of the immense toll centuries of religious warfare
had taken upon Europe provided a powerful impetus for placing a more rational
framework upon spiritual matters.
Deism in England
The height of deist popularity occurred in England during the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. Deism furthered the British people's desire to end the warfare that
for over a century had pitted Catholics against Protestants, Anglicans against Puritans,
by establishing as common ground a set of universal principles of religion to which all
people could subscribe. Thus Lord Herbert's list:
Herbert believed that a natural relation based upon such principles and shared by all
people would lead to religious harmony, or at least toleration, rather than the conflict
and strife brought about by the differing historical doctrines of the established
churches. The idea of a common platform for all people of faith (or at least all
Protestants) would eliminate the persecutions, the burnings at the stake, and the
excommunications that had riven England and create a basis for national unity.
The later group of deists were a close-knit circle of free thinkers. They were a well
educated and well connected group. As well as being theologically radical some were
also critics of monarchy and advocates of republicanism. Their numerous pamphlets and
books stirred up a huge debate in England which drew in many of the best known
philosophers, scientists and churchmen.
The publication of Toland's ideas caused much uproar throughout Britain. The Irish
parliament ordered mass burning of the book, while English ecclesiastical authorities
declared it essentially anti-Christian in its denial of miracles. Toland had started the
process of undermining the credibility of the Christian Bible as a whole, suggesting that
it was full of superstition and should be reconsidered. After Christianity Not
Mysterious, Toland's views grew – bit by bit – more radical. His opposition to hierarchy in
the church also led to opposition to hierarchy in the state; bishops and kings, in other
words, were as bad as each other, and monarchy had no God-given sanction as a form
of government. In politics his most radical proposition was that liberty was a defining
characteristic of what it means to be human. Political institutions should be designed to
guarantee freedom, not simply to establish order. For Toland, reason and tolerance were
the twin pillars of the good society. This was Whiggism at its most intellectually refined,
the very antithesis of the Tory belief in sacred authority in both church and state.
Toland's belief in the need for perfect equality among free-born citizens was extended
to the Jewish community, tolerated, but still outsiders in early eighteenth century
England. In his 1714 Reasons for Naturalising the Jews he was the first to advocate full
citizenship and equal rights for Jewish people.
Tindal's work provoked about one hundred and fifty responses, among them Case of
Reason (1732) published by the mystic and Anglican divine William Law (1686–1761)
which aimed to show the limits to reason.
Deism in France
Even though it had been discredited in England, Deism was welcomed in other
countries. French Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques
Rousseau found the ideas particularly appealing and introduced some new elements of
their own. Voltaire used Deism as a vehicle for expressing resentment against the social
repression perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church in France. Of course, the internal
passions of the French were already at a peak due to the impending revolution, and
deism fed upon this, becoming identified with the broader anti-ecclesiastical movement.
Rather than transforming the theology of the church as the English deists had hoped to
do, the French advocated an eschewal of theology altogether. This was partly because
the Catholic Church in France was unable to respond to the deist challenge in the way
that Christians in England had. In place of the Roman Catholic Church, they suggested a
non-dogmatic religion with Deist ideals. This attempt eventually failed, as the French
variation of Deism gradually evolved into a form of materialism devoid of any large-
scale religiosity. Rousseau made similar attempts to instill Deism into French life, but
also had little success.
Thomas Jefferson, Edgehill Portrait of 1805 by Gilbert Stuart. National Portrait Gallery, Washington,
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the newly developing land
of America was dominated by Protestant Christianity, and the popularity of Deist
thought, which was by this time subsiding in England, was on the ascendancy in
American soil. In 1790 Elihu Palmer, a one-time Baptist minister, launched a nationwide
crusade for Deism. By the turn of the century, Deism had grown in popularity and
started to become more accepted among mainstream America. This caused a vociferous
backlash from the Christian establishment, but Deism continued to flourish in America
well into the nineteenth century.
Since America was founded when Deism was popular, it is not surprising that numerous
founding fathers of the nation such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George
Washington identified with some of its ideas. In fact, the first six presidents of the United
States, as well as four later ones, had deistic beliefs. Jefferson attempted to produce his
own variation of Biblical scripture with the publication of the so-called "Jefferson Bible,"
also known as The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Jefferson composed this volume
by removing sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects. Also, he
excised portions which he interpreted to be misrepresentations or additions that had
been made by the writers of the Gospels. What was left, supposedly, was a completely
reasonable version of the doctrine of Jesus, featuring only those parts believable to
rational people.
Decline in popularity
However, the Deists provided a very useful spur to orthodox Christians who took on
board the Deist critique and refined and improved their philosophical and theological
arguments. It also provided a stimulus to Biblical scholarship and archeology as
apologists sought other evidence to support the Biblical narrative. In England and
America where extreme Deism was discredited and Christianity remained intellectually
respectable, subsequent movements for social change were led mainly by Christians.
Contemporary status
Contributions of Deism
Despite its significant decline in popularity, Deism still holds an important place in
religious history as both a philosophy and an historical movement. It spurred great
scientific advances and much invention by people like Isaac Newton and Gottfried
Leibniz. Few movements in history gave reason and rationality such importance in
religion as the Deists did. Deists made religious scripture and doctrine fair game for
literary criticism and scientific analysis. Furthermore, Deists made it evident that while
God is important, so too is the human being who conceives of God. Deism combined
the common sense of humans with the trained skill of intellectuals so as not to lose the
virtues of humanity in relationship with God. This was particularly helpful in the times of
great technological advancement contemporaneous with the Deist movement.
Conversely, by concentrating so heavily on intellectualism and reason, Deists also made
evident the importance of emotion as a stimulant for faith. Later religious systems, such
as the Wesleyan movement, were no doubt conscious of the rise and decline of Deism
in their attempts to balance reason and faith in their own beliefs. Deism's continuing
legacy in America, which was founded in part on Deist principles of religious toleration
and a belief in "self-evident truths," to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence, has
fostered a public culture where faith and religiosity are important to people beyond the
teachings of any particular denomination.