Lesson Note Marketing Environment (Short)
Lesson Note Marketing Environment (Short)
Lesson Note Marketing Environment (Short)
Why some of the products, brands and organizations which once dominated their
respective industries are out of markets?
36% of registered companies closed down- 2019 India
Blackberry-Samsung-Apple, Kodak-Canon, DVD rental-Netflix, Walkman-iPod, tea,
soap brands, Yahoo-Google, T-series
Nursing homes, path labs, medical equipment companies, coaching industry have been
changing in the ways of doing their business to keep them relevant to changes in
technology, consumer behaviour etc.
Siemens, Hindustan Unilever, Coca-Cola, Hewlett-Packard, 3M, GE, Car companies
Kodak suffered setback in its film-based camera business due to digital camera
whereas Canon adapted to digital technology in time
Hindustan Motors was dented by new car companies like Maruti Suzuki- fuel prices
Hindustan Unilever, Siemens - continue to grow as they have been adapting according
to the changes in the environment.
Why marketers must consider their environment when they make marketing decisions.
Marketing environment consists of forces outside the firm that affects mgt’s abiliy to
build and maintain relationships with target customers.
Various sources like Marketing research, reports etc. are used to collect information
about the environment.
Types of Marketing Environment
It can be classified as:
• Internal environment –within the firm. Internal small forces with in the company
that affects its ability to serve its customers.
• Macro environment
• Macro environmental forces influence the society in a larger and more profound
way organization. Firms do not have much control over them.
• Macro-larger forces that affect micro environment.
Demographic environment/forces
Demographics are the study of trends and patterns related to human population.
• Changing Trends in the factors such as age, gender, economic status, education.
• It is used to identify consumer markets and how they are changing
• These trends– create or expand or shrink the markets.
• Population-entry of foreign companies
• Age groups-Youth-education, beauty, wellness, education, entertainment,
housing, durables, clothing, travel, wedding related services etc.
• Education: It influence purchase behavior for some of the products. Thus,
marketers can be interested to keep track of changes in education levels of
population (age groups) and their purchase preferences. Coaching industry
• Income trends--gadgets, cars, bikes, life-style products professional education,
branded clothes, cafes
• Fewer children-more spending on them-more products for children
• Working women-home care services, packaged food items, child care services
• Migration to urban area-higher sale per sq foot in urban areas
As a result, Demand for more- private consultations, more facilities, better ambience
at the hospitals have been increasing with increase in population and income levels
of certain groups.
Socio-Cultural Environment
• Social and Cultural forces: The beliefs, values, customs are important aspects of
society norms.
• Culture and sub-culture-national and regional culture. It keeps changing with time
• Generational Cohorts: How does a generation differ from previous generations
as consumers in their different roles-as parents, as children, as youth, as elderly?
• Power distribution in the family
• Influence spending behavior and purchase patterns
• Various social trends appear to be shaping consumer values in India and around
the world. Example: Fast food chains, western clothes, Weddings, cosmetics,
beauty salons, eating out, fast-food, ready to eat, packaged snacks, organic
food, use of mobile apps, gyms, nuclear families, old-age homes, Cafes
• The way people relate with products, services and brands- even for health
services-Hospital and Doctors as brands
Marketers monitor the general economic situation, both in their home country and
abroad, because it affects the way consumers buy merchandise and spend money.
Economic factors- Affect running of a business and household.
Various economic factors affect each of these areas:
• State of economy, GDP growth rate
• Income level,
• Distribution of income-different income classes
• Per capita income,
• Employment levels,
• Interest rate,
• Price levels-inflationary or recessionary trends,
• Foreign exchange-oil, gold, international tourism
Trends of: Gross income, Disposable income, Discretionary income
Consumer Income-- consumer’s ability to buy is related to income, which consists of
three components.
Gross income. Gross income is the total amount of money made in one year by a
person, household or family unit.
2. Disposable income. Disposable income is the money a consumer has left after
paying taxes to use for such necessities as food, shelter, clothing and transportation.
People have decreased their allocation for personal savings and are spending much of
the money on new categories of necessities such as vitamins, body washes, lotions,
and etc.
3. Discretionary income. Discretionary income, the money that remains after paying for
spending, investing, or saving after paying taxes and paying for personal necessities,
such as food, shelter, and clothing. Discretionary income is used for comforts, luxuries.
Studies suggest that two-thirds of all North American households have some
discretionary income.
Technological Environment
• Changes is technology can be a threat for established players and provide
opportunity to technology initiators.
• There is-Rapid development and Application of Technology in:
• Automobiles, medical devices, electronics, entertainment, communication,
software, social media industries
• Technology Influences- businesses practices and consumers behavior
• Technology impacts every aspect of marketing:
• New products and services.
• New forms of communication.
• New retail channels.
• Growing importance of mobile marketing, social media
• Computing data, big data storage, RFID, analytical techniques Smart phones,
dependence on internet, M-Wallets Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of
Things (IoT)
• Gadgets for Fall detection, monitoring patients, electronic medical records
• Competition-MRTP Act, CCI fosters fair pricing practices for all suppliers and
• Flipkart predatory pricing, regulated pricing of stents, medicines
• Consumer protection- Consumer rights, food labeling, Trade marks for wool,
energy efficient appliances, food, gold, silk, selling of pharma products
Natural Environment
• Business organization depends upon natural resources, chemicals,
manufacturing processes, which disturbs ecological balance.
• Use of energy, water, plastic, manufacturing emissions
• Global movement, Govt. regulations, eco-conscious customers
These are sources of both opportunity and threat
• Coca-Cola, Loreal, Pharma Co. have been making changes to become more
environmentally friendly, Hospital waste disposal
• Visit the website of Loreal or any big company to know about various initiatives
being taken
• For example, automobile manufacturers collaborate with suppliers of sheet
metal, tire manufacturers, component part makers, employee unions, transport
companies, and dealerships to produce and market their automobiles
• Hospitals- various suppliers-trust quality, timely delivery, immediate orders
Given below is the example of some of the points covered in SWOT analysis:
Internal (strengths and weaknesses)
• Finance – Is the organization profitable?
• Business processes- Are these effective/efficient?
• IT- Is IT integrated into all business processes (MIS)?
• Communication- Are there effective lines of communication?
• Management and Leadership- What are the management and
leadership styles?
• Cost- What unique or lowest cost resources do you have access to?
• Competitive Advantage- What do you do better than anyone else?
What advantages do you or your company have?
• Resources- What unique or lowest cost resources do you have
access to?
• Sales- What are the factors that have led to an increase or decrease
in sales?