Incidentinvestigation Recommendation
Incidentinvestigation Recommendation
Incidentinvestigation Recommendation
Communication and Follow-Up
Incident Investigation:
Communication and Follow-Up
This participant workbook is one of a series of fully-illustrated employee
workbooks, informative posters, broadcast-quality video and DVD training
programs and interactive Web-based courses produced by Coastal Training
Technologies Corporation. Each product is the result of painstaking analysis,
design, development and production by the instructional designers and
technical specialists on our staff.
Review of Previous Module ..............................................................................2
Introduction .........................................................................................................3
Elements of Communication................................................................9
Summary ............................................................................................................12
Quiz .....................................................................................................................15
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
2 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
In this module we’ll take you through the final three steps of the
incident investigation process - Step 6: Recommend Corrective and
Preventive Actions; Step 7: Document and Communicate Findings;
and Step 8: Follow Up.
This workbook will help you:
• Apply what you learn from identifying key factors and systems to be
strengthened and make the necessary changes to prevent a similar
incident from occurring again.
• Learn the importance of documenting and communicating problem
areas and solutions from the investigation to everyone on your team
and throughout the organization.
• Understand the importance of following up to be sure changes have
been implemented satisfactorily.
You’ve conducted the initial investigation, formed a team, determined
the facts, even delved further to identify the key factors that contributed
to the incident and pinpointed particular systems to strengthen within
your organization. Now it’s time to make recommendations for change.
Additional Notes:
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
In this step you will learn to recommend corrective and preventive actions.
• Identify at least one recommendation for each key factor.
In some cases, a broad recommendation may address multiple
key factors.
• Recommendations exist as corrective actions or preventive actions.
Corrective actions are intended to fix a hazard while preventive
actions prevent a hazard from occurring.
• There are three levels of a corrective action.
First, eliminate a hazard to insure the incident will never
happen again.
If this is not possible, the next best solution is to control
the hazard.
For a hazard that cannot be eliminated or controlled, make
rules, write procedures, and train people to protect themselves
• Consider first the actions that affect the hazards most likely to recur.
• Weigh the severity of hazards, the cost of hazards, and their impact on
the entire organization.
• Evaluate every suggestion for its value as a real solution to the problem.
Discussion Notes:
• What can be done to make sure people protect themselves
appropriately against a possible incident?
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
Additional Notes:
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
6 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
Discussion Notes:
• Discuss why it’s important to not include any recommendations or
improvement suggestions that are not associated with the incident
facts or situation.
The importance of communicating your recommendations cannot be
emphasized enough.
• If people never see the recommendations and implement them, then
your goal of preventing the incident from recurring and protecting
people’s lives won’t be achieved.
• Communicating the information you have gathered, the lessons you
have learned, and your recommended solutions will go a long way
toward preventing incidents from happening again.
• When it comes to incident investigation, there are two levels of formal
communication: official investigation report and general report.
The first level is an official incident investigation report with a
limited distribution.
» This report identifies the details of what happened,
including who was involved; the root causes, which are
key factors and management system weaknesses; and
recommendations for corrective action that will address
the causes, including timing for completion and who is
responsible for taking action.
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
8 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
• In all communication about the incident, start with the WHAT.
Share what happened, its effect on people working in the
area, key factors, the recommended corrective action, and the
lessons learned.
• Next, identify the WHO. Who will receive this information?
Not everyone in the organization needs to know ALL
information; only those who will benefit from knowing
should be included.
• Decide HOW to communicate it most effectively.
Choose your method of communication depending on how
broad your intended audience is.
• You will quickly learn which methods of communication are most
effective at your site.
Discussion Notes:
• Describe different ways to communicate the incident with employees
at your facility.
Additional Notes:
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Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
In this final step of the incident investigation process you will learn how to
follow up on your recommendations for corrective or preventive actions.
• The goal of follow-up is to prevent a recurrence of the incident.
Ensure the recommendations receive prompt attention by
creating an action plan.
• Some recommendations may look good on paper, but are unrealistic or
difficult to put into place.
If a recommendation will not be followed or was not effective,
document why, provide an alternative and get management
approval to ensure thorough attention has been given to the
• Track the progress of your recommendations periodically.
• Prior to final closure of a recommendation, determine and verify that
the action is completed and fully addressed the original intent of the
10 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
Discussion Notes:
• Discuss some instances when recommendations may not be followed
and why.
Additional Notes:
© Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission. 11
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
In this module you’ve learned the final three steps of the incident
investigation process: the importance of recommending corrective and
preventive actions; documenting and communicating findings; and
following up to be sure your recommendations are implemented and
effective. You learned how to make clear and effective recommendations
and how to communicate expectations and priorities regarding
recommendations. And finally, you learned how to follow up to be sure
recommendations were implemented and effective and if not, what to do
about it.
Following these final steps of the incident investigation process completes
the cycle to help prevent similar incidents from happening again. More
importantly, taking these vital steps shows employees that you follow
through on what you say and that you care about them.
Additional Notes:
12 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
These eight steps are the backbone of an effective incident investigation and
will help make your investigation successful.
© Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission. 13
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
No matter what, people are your priority and they are the reason for
incident investigations. Following these steps will help to reduce
incidents and make your workplace a safer and healthier place to work,
but it will demonstrate your care and concern for people’s lives.
Additional Notes:
14 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
© Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission. 15
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
QUIZ (continued)
13. Clearly define what the expected results are from a particular
recommendation and set priorities for each action, identifying which
ones should be completed before operations resume.
True False
16 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
QUIZ (continued)
18. The main reason for incident investigations is to make sure you
follow federal guidelines.
True False
© Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission. 17
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
1. True.
2. False. Step 6 in the investigative process is to identify at least one
recommendation for each key factor.
3. True.
4. False. Do Not include any recommendations or improvement
suggestions that are not associated with the incident facts
or situation.
5. True.
6. True.
7. False. Not everyone in the organization needs to know ALL
information; only those who will benefit from knowing
should be included.
8. True.
9. True.
10. False. The first level of communication is an official incident
investigation report with a limited distribution.
11. False. The main purpose of a widely distributed general report is to
increase awareness, demonstrate commitment and concern
for people, and help others prevent similar incidents.
18 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
12. True.
13. True.
14. True.
15. True.
16. False. The third part to a recommendation is to identify a completion
date; a time by which the change should be implemented.
17. True.
18. False. The main reason for incident investigations is to protect people
because they are your priority.
19. True.
20. True.
© Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission. 19
Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
20 © Coastal Training Technologies Corp. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Incident Investigation Training Series
• Incident Investigation: Getting Started
• Incident Investigation: Forming an Effective Team and Gathering Information
• Incident Investigation: Analyzing the Facts and Causes
• Incident Investigation: Recommendations, Communication and Follow-Up
* All products not available in all formats, ask about format availability.