Module 2a 222
Module 2a 222
Module 2a 222
It is defined as the product of r.m.s. value of voltage (V) and current (I). It is denoted by S.
It is defined as the product of the applied voltage and the active component of the current.
It is real component of the apparent power. It is measured in unit watts (W) or kilowatts
It is defined as product of the applied voltage arid the reactive component of the current.
It is also defined as imaginary component of the apparent power. It is represented by ‘Q’ and
It is defined as factor by which the apparent power must be multiplied in order to obtain the
true power.
The numerical value of cosine of the phase angle between the applied voltage and the current
drawn from the supply voltage gives the power factor. It cannot be greater than 1.
If current lags voltage power factor is said to be lagging. If current leads voltage power factor
is said to be leading.
So, for pure inductance, the power factor is cos (90°) i.e. zero lagging while for pure
capacitance, the power factor is cos (90°) i.e. zero but leading. For purely resistive circuit
voltage and current are in phase i.e. φ= 0. Therefore, power factor is cos (0°) = 1. Such circuit
Consider a circuit consisting of pure resistance R-ohms and connected in series with a pure
capacitor of C-farads as shown in the Fig. The series combination is connected across ac.
where Xc =
2π f C
Let us draw the phasor diagram. Current I is taken as reference as it is common to both the