Employee Motivation Report
Employee Motivation Report
Employee Motivation Report
First we would like to thank The Almighty Allah through whom all things became possible .We would like to thank my course instructor Mr. Ghulam Muhammad, for giving us the opportunity to learn by practice and We are sure this will benefit us in times to come. Through this report we have realized that theoretical studies have no meaning until applied to the practical work, and this report gave us a clear view that how important it is.
We owe to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this analysis. We have furthermore to especially thank our colleague Mr. Alam Zaib in helping us to complete this work. And special thank to Mr. Amjad Khan who gave us important time to discussion related to our project.
otivation in simple terms may be understood as the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways. A motivated employee generally is more quality oriented. Highly motivated worker are more productive than apathetic worker one reason why motivation is a difficult task is that the workforce is changing. Employees join organizations with different needs and expectations. Their values, beliefs, background, lifestyles, perceptions and attitudes are different. Not many organizations have understood these and not many HR experts are clear about the ways of motivating such diverse workforce.
By the survey of company we come to know that the high percentage of employee get highly motivated by things like financial incentive, involvement of employees in the decision making, job security with what extent, adjustable co-workers effective performance appraisal system their health and safety majors adapted by the company, last and fore most at what extent company is recognizing and acknowledging their work.
he term Human Resource refers to the people in an organization. When managers engage in human resource activities as part of their jobs, they seek to facilitate the contribution people make to achieve an organizations strategies and plans. The importance of HR efforts comes from the realizations that people are the common element in every organization; they create the strategies and innovations for which organizations are noted. Although human resource activities contribute to an organizations success in a variety of ways, ultimately they must support the Institutes strategies. HR actions contribute to improve productivity directly by finding better and more efficient ways to meet objectives and indirectly by improving the Quality of Work Life for employees. The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees. Human resources are essential to the prosperity, productivity and performance of any company. Motivation is the key to creating an environment where optimal performance is possible. So how do you ensure that individual motivation is at its peak within your workplace? In the modern workplace human resources are valued above all others. Motivated employees are productive, happy and committed. The spin off of this includes reduced employee turnover, results driven employees, company loyalty and work place harmony. Every person has their own set of motivations and personal incentives to work hard or not as the case may be. Some are motivated by recognition whilst others are motivated by cash incentives. Whatever the employees motivation, the key to promoting that motivation as an employer is understanding and incentive.
field of study in human resource management (HR) is concerned with the behavior of people within organizations. The purpose of this study is to describe the importance of certain factors in motivating employees at the Afroze Textile PVT (Ltd.). Specifically, the study sought to describe the ranked importance of the following ten motivating factors: job security, Incentives & Allowances Involving in Decision Making Salary Increment Good Relationship / Friendly Environment Recognizing and acknowledging work. Effective proposal appraisal system. Effective promotional opportunities in the organization. Health and Safety assurance. A secondary purpose of the study was to compare the results of this study with the study results from other populations. This Field also provides exploratory evidence for the linkage among human resource management (HRM) practices, business strategy, and performance effectiveness. It proposes that high performing firms will have similar HRM practices, and that those firms whose HRM practices closely match its business strategy will have higher performance.
here is a large body of literature, including research literature, on rewards and recognition programmes. Many of the studies focus on the effects of rewards on task interest and performance and are found in the literature concerned with motivation: both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In intrinsically motivated behavior there is no reward except with the task itself. Reward and recognition programmes come within the discussion on extrinsically motivated behavior that occurs when an activity is rewarded by incentives not inherent in the task (Deci, 1971). Many contemporary authors have also defined the concept of motivation. Motivation has been defined as: the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction (Kreitner, 1995); a tendency to behave in a purposive method to achieve specific, unmet desires (Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995); an inner force to gratify an unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994); and the will to accomplish (Bedeian, 1993). For this paper, motivation is operationally defined as the inner force that drives individuals to achieve personal and organizational goals. Understanding what motivates employees is one of the key challenges for managers. Although it is not possible directly to motivate others, it is nonetheless important to know how to influence what others are motivated to do, with the overall aim of having employees identify their own welfare with that of the organization (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). In general terms rewards programmes come within the overall concept of compensation strategies which are defined as the deliberate utilization of the pay system as an essential integrating mechanism through which the efforts of various subunits or individuals are directed towards the achievement of an organizations strategic objectives (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, 1992). They are management tools that hopefully contribute to a firm's effectiveness by influencing individual or group behavior (Lawler and Cohen, 1992). All businesses use pay, promotion, bonuses or
other types of rewards to encourage high levels of performance (Cameron and Pierce, 1977). At a minimum, employees expect the organization to provide fair pay, safe working conditions, and fair treatment. Like management, employees often expect more, depending on the strength of their needs for security, status, involvement, challenge, power, and responsibility. Just how ambitious the expectations of each party are vary from organization to organization. For organizations to address these expectations an understanding of employee motivation is required (Beer et al., 1984). Carnegie (1975) emphasizes the human aspects of management. They postulate that as it is people who make a business succeed or fail it is the organizations chief responsibility to motivate their people so that they will assure success. The authors believe that each human being has the potential for creativity and for achieving goals. The infinite question is how organizations reach this potential and how they stimulate creativity and foster in their people the desire to succeed and to achieve self-fulfillment through their work. The common theme of the above authors is the belief that people need to be respected and treated as precious human capital, more essential to an organizations effectiveness than its Financial capital. People are now seen as the primary source of a companys competitive advantage. Therefore, the way people are treated increasingly determines whether an organization will prosper or even survive (Lawler, 2003). Organizations are under constant pressure to enhance and improve their performance and are realizing that an interdependent relationship exists between organizational performance and employee performance. In the following section the focus will be on the motivational theories and the impact that these theories have on enhancing employee performance. Flexible time is intended to ensure that the work of the organization is accomplished and, at the same time, to permit library staff and their supervisors to establish work schedules that recognize individual and family needs. Research indicates that flexible scheduling can be motivational in that job satisfaction is improved and absenteeism reduced (Pierce, 1989). The ability to accommodate employee needs is a healthy and positive approach to motivation.
Financial incentives are correlated with employee Motivation.
Not involving employees in decision making is negative correlated with employee motivation.
Recognizing and acknowledging the work is positively correlated with employee motivation.
he sample study used tells the variability and reliability of the biographical data of the respondents. The procedure used to gather data is the hypothesis and the statistical techniques used to analyze the data.
For the purpose of this study a quantitative methodology was followed and a questionnaire was used as the measuring instrument. The data gathering techniques used included 20 questionnaire proportion by biographical questions and the Work Satisfaction and Motivation questions.
Biographical Questionnaire:
The biographical questionnaire was a self-developed questionnaire that incorporated the following personal information of the respondents consists of three questions, age, education, qualifications, and tenure.
of employees 18 22 Years 15%, 23 27 Years 40%, 23 32 Years 25%, 33 37 Years 15% and 32 42 Years 5%.this is a Bio-graphical Data of the employee.
Bio-Graphical Data
Age Group
The educational result of the employees who joined to our questionnaire project. Matric 15%, Intermediate 40%, Grauation 30% and Master 15%.
Bio-Graphical Data
40% 35% 30% 25% Employee 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 15%
Experienced employees who conduct our project question. The experience were between 01 03 Years 25%, 04 06 Years 45%, 07 09 Years 25% and 10 12 Years 5%, The question that employees satisfied with the support from the HR department. Result is Satisfied 60%, Neutral 30% and Dissatisfied represents 10%. the So, this graph Majority employees
60% 50% 40% Employe e 30% 20% 10% 0% Are you satisfied with the support from the HR department? 10% 30% Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
satisfied with HR department and some Neutral and 10 % employees dissatisfied with HR.
Employee Motivation Program
45% 50% 40% Em ploye e 30% 20% 10% 0% Management is really interested in motivating the employees? 10% Agree Neutral Disagree
This graph represent the 45% employees agree that management is interested in motivating. The employees. 45% are Neutral and 10% employees are disagree.
70% 60% 50% 40% Employee 30% 20% 10% 0%
incentive 70% agreed with this and 30% thinks that the financial or non-financial (Both) incentive motivate the employee.
understand that the incentive and other benefits will influence their performance.
the in are
connected to their job related. 35% employees response with NO and 40% response occasionally
30% employees agreed that the company increase salary periodically. In the opinion of 55% Neutral. And 15% employees response disagrees to the question.
60% 50% 40% Em ploye e 30% 20% 10% 0% Reasonable periodical increase in salary 30% 15% Agree Neutral Disagree 55%
55% 60% 50% 40% Employee 30% 20% 10% 0% Job security exist in the company Agree Neutral 45%
45% employees understand by the job security exist in the company and 55% response Neutral.
95% employees have good relationship with their co-workers and 5% response Neutral.
90% 100% 80% Employee 60% 40% 20% 0% Effective performance appraisal system 10% Agree Neutral
55% employees are neutral by the promotional organization disagree. opportunities and 45% in the
60% 50% 40% Employee 30% 20% 10% 0%
Neutral Disagree
80% employees agree with safety measures adopted in the organization and 20% employees response Neutral.
95% employees understand by the support from the co-workers is helpful to get motivated. And 5% response Neutral.
95% 100% 80% Em ploye e 60% 40% 20% 0% S upport from the c o-work er is helpful to get m otivated 5% A gree Neutral
5% employees strongly understand the performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated. 90%
Strongly Agree Agree
80% 70% 60% 50% Employee 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
acknowledge their work. 75% response Neutral. 15% Disagree and 5% strongly disagree.
According to the questionnaire that we have conducted most of employees come under the age between 23 27 years and most of them have their academic qualification of intermediate. The major experience level is 04 06 years. 60% of employees out of 20 questionnaires are satisfied with the support of HR department which is a very good sign for the management side. Approximately Half percent of employees really think that management motivates their employees. the incentive which most employees wanted to have are financial incentive that means financial incentives motivate the employees most in the company. Major parts of the employees are involved in decision making for the company is occasionally. This is look like flaw to us because involvements of related employees are more essential for the management. Around 95% agreed with the good relationship with the co-workers shows that the social environment in the organization. The major parts of the employees are not sured with the recognization and acknowledgment of their work by the organization thats creating a very negative impact to the employees motivation because after incentive the most motivate the employees is this part.
his task focused on the presentation of results achieved in this study. Human Resources Management and Employee correlation was used to indicate relationships and differences in the dimensions of work motivation and satisfaction based on the sample used in the study and more specifically to indicate differences in rewards and recognition (as components within the work satisfaction and motivation questionnaire). The results in reflect that there is a statistically significant relationship between reward and recognition respectively, and motivation and satisfaction. The study revealed that if rewards or recognition offered to Employees were to be altered, and then there would be a corresponding change in work motivation and satisfaction. The results of this study also indicated that employees were more motivated by rewards and recognition than some of the other dimensions of the Work Satisfaction and Motivation Questionnaire.
n our opinion businesses today have entered a new era in the relationship between the companies themselves and their employees. The companies can no longer see their employees as either their loyal family members or as easily replaceable company resources. In this new era, employees need to be respected and like to be treated as valuable human capital, as even more important than the companys financial capital. Employees are now becoming the main source of a companys competitive advantage.
As we have come to know that employees get highly motivated by the financial incentives so company should give them cash incentive.
Company should seriously recognize and acknowledge their work because this motivates employees a lot.
Major part of employees involved in decision making occasionally. Company should involved concerned person in every decision.
55% are not sured and 45% of employees are disagreed with the effective promotional opportunity in the organization. So company should provide their employees promotional opportunity in order to retain productive employees.
Now, at last in a short way of organizations want to prevail the employees sympathy so must do motivate the employee through best way to the solving problem, provide necessary benefits and check them employees activities during the working he is happy or not by organizations Management.
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