st32 Call For Scholarship Applications Kenya Pasgr
st32 Call For Scholarship Applications Kenya Pasgr
st32 Call For Scholarship Applications Kenya Pasgr
Funded by the
Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
December 9, 2022
In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme - Call for Applications PASGR - ST32– edition: 10/2022
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In Country/In Region scholarships at Partnership for
African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) in
Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria 2023
The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher edu-
OBJECTIVES cation systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustain-
able development. For this purpose, scholarships for development-related
Master or doctoral studies are awarded to individuals who plan to pursue a ca-
reer in teaching and/or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Sa-
haran Africa.
By training future academic and professional leaders, the programme contrib-
utes to the following long-term impacts:
• Qualified professionals’ involvement in the solution of development-re-
lated problems in Sub-Saharan Africa
• Graduates strengthening education and research in Sub-Saharan Africa
• Structural strengthening and regional networking of partner institutions
and partner universities
To achieve these long-term impacts, the following outcomes have been formu-
lated as programme objectives:
Programme objective 1: Graduates have qualified to take over responsible
positions in their or for their region of origin
Programme objective 2: The participation of women and underprivileged
groups is reinforced
Programme objective 3: Organizational, financial and personal capacities of
partner institutions are strengthened
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(In-Country scholarships are aimed at students who study in their home
country or in the country for which they have a residence permit.)
- or -
• in another Sub-Saharan Africa country
(In-Region scholarships are aimed at students who want to participate in
a study programme in a country of their home region (here: Sub-Saharan
Africa /outside their home country/in the country for which they do not
have a residence permit).
It has been agreed upon that DAAD cooperates with Partnership for African So-
cial and Governance Research (PASGR) by offering up to 2 In-Country and 5 In-
Region scholarships for Master studies at Egerton University, University of
Lagos, Maseno University, Mzumbe University and University of Ibadan as
collaborating universities with the Partnership for African Social and Gov-
ernance Research (PASGR) for the intake 2023.
• have successfully completed generally a three-year university degree (Mas-
ter candidates) with above average results (at least: Second Class/Upper
Division or equivalent, if applicable);
• clearly show motivation and strong commitment;
• have thorough knowledge of the language of instruction;
• have generally completed their last university degree not more than 6
years ago at the time of application;
• must be nationals or permanent residents of a Sub-Saharan African coun-
• should generally be a) staff member of a public university, b) or a candidate
considered for teaching or research staff recruitment, c) or from the public
sector and/or d) Alumni of the DAFI-programme.
Female applicants, refugees with recognized refugee status and candidates from
other less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to participate
in the programme.
Scholarships are generally initially granted for one year and can be extended to
a maximum of the regular period of study upon receipt of an application for ex-
tension. Scholars must demonstrate satisfactory progress before an extension
is granted.
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Please note: Universities participating in the MRPP scholarship scheme might
have additional requirements for admission to the university.
The In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme supports studies in subject
areas with strong relevance to national development.
The scholarships at universities collaborating with the Partnership for African
Social and Governance Research (PASGR) are available in the following pro-
• Master of Research & Public Policy (MRPP)
PLACE OF TENURE 4 Egerton University, Nakuru Kenya; University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria; Maseno
University, Maseno, Kenya; Mzumbe University, Mzumbe, Tanzania; University
of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria in collaboration with the Partnership for African So-
cial and Governance Research (PASGR).
The duration of the Master programme is generally 2 years and is usually start-
COMMENCEMENT ing in September or October. The Master programme includes both course-
work and a research phase.
Please note that the maximum duration of the scholarship is based on the time
that is left until the scholarship holder has reached the regular period of studies
in that programme; i.e., if you apply for a DAAD scholarship starting in your sec-
ond year of studies of a three-year programme, the maximum duration of the
scholarship will be two years.
The standard period of study and the start date are based on the agreement
between the host university and the DAAD.
APPLICATION AND 6 Please be aware of the DAAD’s application deadline as well as Partnership
SELECTION for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR)’s deadline.
PROCEDURE The application process for DAAD scholarships contains the following
Applicants must apply for the scholarship via the DAAD portal. Applicants are
asked to log into the DAAD portal, register themselves and submit a DAAD ap-
plication. DAAD’s Deadline: December 9, 2022.
DAAD will conduct a formal check of the applications received via the DAAD por-
tal according to DAAD criteria. Plagiarism scanning of the proposals submitted
will also be done by the DAAD. Only complete applications and applicants who
meet the DAAD application requirements are formally admissible according to
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the DAAD selection criteria and will be availed to host institution for the next
Regardless of this process, applicants must at the same time apply for admis-
sion at the participating universities in collaboration with the Partnership for
African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), using the contacts and the
method that is prescribed by the institution. The Institutions have set their
own deadlines for the admission process. Please inform yourself about the
respective application processes at the host institution.
Please note: In some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, a document from the
Qualifications Authority must be submitted for admission to the universities
(e.g., Kenya National Qualification Authority (KNQA), Tanzania Commission for
Universities (TCU), Commission for University Education (CUE)). Please note
that the application for these documents may take long and that it is the appli-
cant’s responsibility to get informed at an early stage to receive the documents
from the respective authorities in time.
Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), will screen,
pre-select and short-list the applicants that have met both universities admis-
sion requirements and the formal criteria by DAAD. A detailed report consisting
of the shortlisting procedure, the entire list of applicants, the ranked shortlist
and the shortlisting panel members will also be availed to DAAD. The ranked
shortlist will contain preferably triple (at least double) the number of scholar-
ships that have been attributed to the institution.
APPLICATION 7 Mandatory documents to be submitted (in either English or German) for the
DOCUMENTS DAAD scholarship application:
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• 1 Recommendation letter by university teachers.
• Letter of admission for the host university (this can be subsequently sub-
mitted before the scholarship begins if it is not available at the time of ap-
• Certified copies of university degree certificates including transcripts (if
available, including a grading scale for the final university grade)
• If available, information on the recognition of the university degree certifi-
cates in the host country
• Letter of motivation (1-2 pages)
• Copy of the passport (if applicable), or National Identification Card
• If applicable, information on the UNHCR registration as refugee
• If the Master programme includes both course work and a research phase,
please submit a short proposal for a possible Master project (2-3 pages),
also mentioning the planned research stay in Germany (if applicable), see
“Additional benefits”
• Additional documents that might be relevant for your application (e.g.
proof of internships, proof of employment).
Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents via the
DAAD portal on time. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. You are
responsible for ensuring that your applications are complete. If you do not
have documents such as recommendation letter and/or letter of admission
at the time of application, please mention and explain this at an appropri-
ate place in the application.
Please note that the scholarship only becomes effective as soon as the Admis-
sion Letter (this can be subsequently submitted before the scholarship begins
if it is not available before) from the university is issued and once a proof (e.g.,
airline ticket, letter from supervisor or coordinator, admission test) has been
submitted that you are on site at the host university to begin your studies. This
must be submitted to the DAAD portal as soon as possible and is part of a com-
plete application.
SUBMISSION OF 8 Applications for the DAAD scholarship must be submitted via the DAAD portal:
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Applications submitted through other channels or to other authorities will not
be considered.
The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET or CEST) on
the last application day.
The scholarship covers:
Benefits Payment rhythm Amount
In-Country: 240 Euro
In-Region: 380 Euro
Monthly Scholarship
(Accommodation, monthly
Food etc.)
In-Country: 300 Euro
In-Region: 450 Euro
*Please note that in some cases not all fees and costs that are mentioned on the official
fee structure of the host institution can be covered by DAAD in full, e.g. if the agreement
with the funding organization prevents DAAD from funding certain items in the fee
structure or if items that are included in the fees are supposed to be covered through
the individual scholarship benefits. DAAD will transfer the fees directly to the host in-
The DAAD will endeavour to transfer/pay out the first monthly payment to you
as quickly as possible after your arrival/ after the beginning of your scholarship.
Processing the first transfer of funds may take some time, especially if you are
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able to set up your bank account only after your arrival in your destination
country. To be able to cover the costs which arise until you receive your first
scholarship payment, we recommend that you prepare to cover the expenses
for the first two months until the monthly allowance from the start of your stud-
ies is paid.
Payments generally cannot be made in advance/prior of the scholarship start
date and the commencement of studies at the host institution. Furthermore, no
additional benefits that are not listed in this call for applications, such as bene-
fits for family members, can be made/granted.
Please note that the travel allowance for In-Region scholarship holders will only
be transferred along with the first scholarship rate, i.e. after the arrival in the
host country.
The scholarship will be paid directly to the scholarship holder’s bank account.
Further details will be announced after admission to the scholarship pro-
gramme in the Letter of Award.
DAAD In-Country/In-Region scholarship holders are also
a) encouraged to apply for a short-term research stay in Germany for 3 up
to 6 months.
Please note:
• The short-term research stay in Germany should preferably be an-
nounced in the application for the regular scholarship and can only be
awarded if the necessary financial means are available.
• If you would like to apply, please note that the funding period for a short-
term research stay in Germany is part of the In-Country/In-Region pro-
gramme and the regular study period of the programme may not be ex-
ceeded by the short-term research stay in Germany, this must be included
in the regular study period of the In-Country/In-Region programme.
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All further details regarding additional benefits and the additional application
processes will be provided after admission to the scholarship programme.
WEBINAR SERIES 12 DAAD plans to offer a virtual webinar series for interested applicants. Please
FOR INTERESTED find further information here:
If you have any further questions, please contact the DAAD Contact Person.
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