Offices of The Bureau
Offices of The Bureau
Offices of The Bureau
Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG).Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 32-
2017 reactivates the Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG) formerly known as Post
Entry Audit Group (PEAG). PEAG was created in 2003 under EO 160-2003 and tasked
to perform post-clearance audit work of the Bureau of Customs. In 2013, the functions
of PEAG was transferred to the Department of Finance until President Rodrigo Duterte
signed EO No. 46 on October 2017 returning the post-clearance audit function to the
BOC. PCAG is headed by an Assistant Commissioner who has direct supervision and
control over the management of the operating units of PCAG, which include the Trade
Information and Risk Analysis Office and Compliance Assessment Office.
Enforcement Group (EG). Under a Deputy Commissioner, this group exercises police
authority to
secure the country’s ports and BOC installations; and to protect cargoes and properties
inside the customs zone.
Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG). The
implementation of BOC’s computerization program necessitated the creation of MISTG
on January 9, 1998 under Executive Order No. 463. The need for the creation of a
greatly expanded IT group was already reflected in the 1992 ISP as a support to the
aim for BOC to assume direct management and control of IT facilities and services
after the conclusion of the transitional facilities management arrangements under the
PTCP contract. MISTG is headed by a Deputy Commissioner who is responsible for
overall supervision of the different operating units.
Intelligence Group (IG). Under a Deputy Commissioner, this group gathers intelligence
information related to Customs and economic activities; conducts internal inquiry and
investigation; and develop effective countermeasures to combat corruption, smuggling,
and other forms of customs fraud.