Corrected Electricity Sweet Potato
Corrected Electricity Sweet Potato
Corrected Electricity Sweet Potato
Fruits have many important values to man ranging from nutritional to medicinal and research
purpose. Fruits are widely found all over the world and are classified as the ripened ovary flower.
Citrus fruits such as Lemon. Orange Grape are small in size and evergreen trees that grown in
tropical subtropical climates. As this perennial crop does not tolerate cold climate, Citrus fruits
are normally harvested in the area situated at latitude between 40 0 North and 400 South likewise
or Lemon. They are therefore grow in “Mediterranean” type climate Florida citrus in 1990 –
high yields of dry matter per unit area of land and labour and this potential can be achieved under
a wide range of agro climates and farming system. The crop originated in central America but is
now grown in many countries. Most of the word production is concentrated in 15 countries
which account for almost 97% of total world output (Scott 1992). China is the world’s largest
product, of sweet potato with 105 million tons in 1993, representing about 80% of total world
production. A rapid growth in population during the 1980s, resulting in severe pressure of
farmland, is considered to be a prime factor for the expansion of production in many countries, in
particular in Vietnam, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, North Korea and Madacasgar. The largest
producer in Africa are; Uganda (1.9 Million tons), Rwanda (0.7 Million tons) Burumdi (0.68
Millions tons), and Kenya (0.63 Million tons) (Cole Pamer, 2000).
Sweet potato has the shortest growing cycle of the root crops grown in the tropics. The crop
is normally harvested when the vines and leaves have turned yellow, generally about 4 month
after planting. In traditional farming systems, where the crop is mainly intended for consumption
by subsistence farmers, harvesting may be spread over several months. The crop is lifted by
hand. Great are being taken to avoid damage to the tubers, with only the amount needed for
immediate consumption being dug. If the crop is grown for sale or when there is a pronounced
dry season, the whole crop may be lifted at once. On a larger or commercial scale effective
harvesting machines have been developed, some consist simply of a plough that lifts the tubers to
the surface. More sophisticated mechanical harvesters combine a vine cutter (rotary or flair type
mower) to remove the vines incorporated with a plough to lift the tubers and a sorter and loading
Actually, it is a very simple logic of science that is at use for generating electricity from a potato.
- Water
- Starch
- Salts
We all aware of the fact that salts dissociate in water to release ions. Ions are the electrically
charged atoms and table salts dissociate in water to release sodium (positive charge) and chlorine
(Negatively charged). These ions can now be used to generate electricity by using conductors.
Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), is root tuber and is an important source of food to
early South Americans, especially the Incas and their ancestors in the Andean highlands it is
used to make beverage and is a source of beta carotene. The potato is best known for its
this carbonhydrate is starch. A small bit significant portion of this starch is resistant to digestion
by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine, and so reaches the large intestine essentially
sharply with temperature at same point, but when a material is heated by conduction, the change
is more gradual and may occur at a higher temperature than when the material is ohmically
heated. Physical properties measured during heat conduction are an average of local properties.
Consequently electrical conductivity data from sources other than ohmic heating must thus be
Palaniappian, Sastry (1991) determined the effect of temperature, solid content, applied
voltage and particle size on the electrical conductivity of sweet potato. They are reported that the
electrical conductivity of sweet potato increased with temperature and decreased with solid
content under convectional heating condition. There is a linear relation between temperature and
A complete study on ohmic heating for the thermal processing of food including modeling,
safety consideration validation process and on economic engineering evaluation was presented in
a symposium sponsored by the Institution Food Technology (IFT) food engineering division and
cohaired by sastry (1996). This study showed that various parameters affected the performance
of the ohmic heating devices used to heat fluid food product and affirmed that the most important
factor in this heating was the electrical resistance of the product and its changes with
A study on the variation of the electrical conductivity with salt concentration and temperature
1.2 AIM
The aim of this project is to determine the electrical conductivity of sweet potato, Irish Potato
4) Compare the current received between the three juices for 3 days.
liquid or solution containing ions. Michael Faraday in (1990) studied this process extensively
and laid the foundation for the theory of electrolysis. Some liquids are good conductors while
others are poor conductors of electricity. Good conductors are known as electrolytes while poor
Liquid such as Benzene and paraffin or kerosene are poor conductors while liquid such as
2.21. Electrolyte: - This is the liquid or molten substance which conduct a current and is
decomposed by it.
2.2.2 Electrode: - These are materials in the form of a plate through which currents enters or
i. The positive electrode through which current enters the electrolyte is called the Anode or
Copper Electrode
ii. The negative electrode through which current leave the electrolyte is called the Cathode
or Zinc.
2.2.3 Conductor Wires: Conductor wires can be defined as the conductor materials which allow
2.2.4 Potential Difference: - The potential difference between any two points in a circuit is the
work done when one coulomb of charges moves from one point to the other. The unit of
particles with electric charge (such as electrons) which can carry electricity when a difference of
electrical potential is place across a conductor. It is movable charge flow and an electric current
appears as conductor such as metal has high conductivity and insulator like glass or vacuum has
low conductivity and insulator like glass or vacuum has low conductivity. A semiconductor has a
conductivity that varies widely under different condition. Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal
2.2.6 Electrical Current: - This is the rate of flow of electrons or charges round circuit. The
Symbolically I = Q/T
2.2.7 Multimeter: - This is an instrument used for measuring smaller amount of current, Ohms
2.2.8 Electrical Conductivity: - is a measure of how will accommodate the transport of electric
charge. Its SI derived unit is the Siemens per meter named after Werner Von Siemens or simply
more Sm-1 it is the ratio of the current density to the electric field strength or in more practical
terms, is equivalent to the electrical conductance measure between opposite faces of a 1- meter
2.2.9 Faradays First Law of Electrolysis: - It states that the mass, M of a substance liberated in
electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of electrolysis Q, which has passed through
the electrolyte.
2.2.10 Faraday’s Second Law of Electrolysis: - It stated that the masses of different substance
deposited or liberated by the same quantity of electricity are directly proportional to the chemical
equivalents of the substance. In symbol, the first law state that, M & Q Since Q = it M & IT
current in Amperes and t is the time in seconds during which the current flows Z is a constant of
proportionality known as the electro chemical equivalent (e.c.e) of the substance. Hence when a
Electrode (zinc and copper electrode), connecting wires, Digital multimeter, Fresh Irish potatoes,
Fresh sweet potatoes, Citrus Fruit, Stop watch, Beaker, Knife, Blender, Sieve.
Fresh Irish, Sweet potatoes and Citrus Fruit was bought at Owode market in Offa Kwara
State. The citrus fruit, Irish potatoes, and Sweet potato were peeled neatly with knife and then
blended with the aid of a blender and sieved with a sieving net in order to get the juice extract
from the potatoes. The extracted juice from the potatoes. The extracted juice from the potatoes
were collected in a beaker. Flat plate electrodes of zinc and copper were thoroughly cleaned and
connected with a connecting wire to the multimeter in series. The zinc electrode was connected
to the negative terminal of the multimeter while the copper electrode was connected to the
positive terminal. This process was repeated for the different potatoes and the reading on the
multimeter was taken with no parallax error. The response of meter by volume measured and
stage of the various fruit juice was recorded and sweet potato, Irish potato for 10:00sec each.
Fig 3.1: Electrolysis of Irish potato, sweet potato and citus.
TABLE 4.1: Reading of current and voltage between Irish potato, Sweet Potato and Citrus
S/ Time(s) Current for Voltage Current Voltage Current for Voltage for
N Irish Potato for Irish for Sweet for Sweet Citrus Fruit Citrus Fruit
Graph of current (mA) against time for citrus, irish and sweet
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Voltage for Irish Potato Voltage for Sweet Potato Voltage for Citrus Fruit
Fig 4.1: Graph of Current against time for Citrus fruit, Irish and Sweet Potato
graph of voltage against ti me for citrus fruit,
irish and sweet potato
Voltage for Irish Potato Voltage for Sweet Potato Voltage for Citrus Fruit
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig 4.2: Graph of Voltage against time for Citrus fruit, Irish and Sweet Potato
From the experimental result, it can be observed that Irish potato has a high current value of
11.75 mA, while the current value for sweet potato and citrus fruit are 4.58 mA, 50mA
respectively, therefore the electrical conductivity of fruits depends on their moisture content. It
has low electrical conductivity value, which can be used to generate low current, they can both
generate electricity in a magnitude of mA.
The citrus fruit, Sweet potato and Irish potato extract is composed of weak electrolyte, when
the electrodes were dipped into the electrolyte, the electrolyte dissociates into its component ions
C6 H6 O-6 + 2H+. The drifting of the ions to the electrodes constituent, a potential barrier
which creates a force that move electrons along a line connected across the two ends of the
electrodes. The current flow is monitored and recorded.
From the result, it is seen that sweet potato and citrus fruit has low electrical conductivity
value compared to Irish potato that has high electrical conductivity value.
Therefore, it can be concluded that Irish potatoes could be used to monitor the important changes
This work shows that different fruit have different electrical conductivity which is dependent on
their moisture content. Therefore, I hereby recommended that Irish potatoes with high electrical
conductivity can be used to generate electric current and monitor significant changes in the food
product. More work could be done to determine its medicinal value apart from its nutritional
Volume 1 and 3