Scientech 2601
Scientech 2601
Scientech 2601
Scientech 2601
Product Tutorials
Ver 1.1
Scientech 2601
Table of Contents
1. Safety Instructions 3
2. Introduction to TechBook 4
3. Features 5
4. Technical Specifications 6
5. Theory 7
• Introduction to A/D Converter 7
• Sampling theory 9
• Sampling techniques 13
• Quantization 23
• Sample and hold circuit 29
• Low pass filter 31
• Digital to analog converter 33
• Analog to digital conversion 35
• Parameters effecting A/D converter 46
6. Experiments
• Experiment 1 50
Analysis of operation of Counter Converter
• Experiment 2 52
Testing the working of a Monolithic converter
7. Frequently Asked Questions 55
8. Warranty 58
9. List of Accessories 58
Safety Instructions
Read the following safety instructions carefully before operating the instrument. To
avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument or any product connected to it.
Do not operate the instrument if suspect any damage to it.
The instrument should be serviced by qualified personnel only.
The digital systems have been spreading considerably since they allow to realize
complex functions accurately, low cost and in a way comparatively simple to
implement. Analog/digital converters are the natural interface between the world of
physical quantities that vary analogically i.e. in a continuous way and that of the
digital control systems which vary with finite increases. A/D converters have
numerous applications and consequently have a high diffusion. Just think for example
of the digital multi-meters. Each one of this contains an A/D converter for converting
the analog quantity that has to be measured to corresponding numerical value.
• Self contained TechBook
• Functional block indicated on board mimic
• Discrete and monolithic A/D conversion
• O/P status displayed by LED
• Fully documented student WB & OM
• Built in DC Power Supply
• Compact size
Technical Specifications
Analog to Digital Converters (ADC) are devices that convert continuous signals to
discrete digital numbers. Analog to Digital Converters is commonly of two types.
Linear Analog to Digital Converter is designed to produce an output which is a linear
function or proportional to the output. The other common type of Analog to Digital
Converter is the Logarithmic Analog to Digital Converter, which functions by using
voiced communications systems to increase the entropy of the digitized signal.
Analog to Digital Converter models produced today are highly configurable and can
run largely free of program involvement. The other features include Single channel,
single conversion, Single channel repeated conversions, Multiple channel single
conversion each, and Multiple channel-repeated conversions. Analog to digital
converters (ADC's) are used in many applications. ADC's are used to convert an
analog signal to a digital bit representation for analog video signal, audio signals and
any other suitable analog signals. Analog to digital converters have been used in
communication applications to provide an effective way of converting analog signals
into digital signals. Analog to digital converters range in size, complexity, and
accuracy or resolution, where each of these factors depends upon the particular needs
of the underlying application.
Why to use analog to digital converter:
A digital signal is superior to an analog signal because it is more robust to noise and
can easily be recovered, corrected and amplified. For this reason, the tendency today
is to change an analog signal to digital data.
Introduction to analog to digital converter:
In analog to digital converter, analog signal is converted into discrete values. First of
all, sampling of the analog signal should be performed. Considering the sampling
process, the sampled signal appears as a train of samples which is a form of PAM
(Pulse Amplitude Modulation) signal. Analog to digital converter process is executed
in three steps:
1. Sampling
2. Quantizing
3. Coding
These steps are shown in Figure 1 with a block diagram:
Figure 1
Where x (nTs) = x(t) =nTs , δ(t) is a unit pulse singularity function and ‘n’ is an
Figure 7(b)
2. Natural sampling:
In the analogue-to-digital conversion process an analogue waveform is sampled to
form a series of pulses whose amplitude is the amplitude of the sampled waveform at
the time the sample was taken. In natural sampling the pulse amplitude takes the
shape of the analogue waveform for the period of the sampling pulse as shown in
figure 8.
Figure 8
3. Flat Top sampling:
After an analogue waveform is sampled in the analogue-to-digital conversion process,
the continuous analogue waveform is converted into a series of pulses whose
amplitude is equal to the amplitude of the analogue signal at the start of the sampling
process. Since the sampled pulses have uniform amplitude, the process is called flat
top sampling as shown in figure 9.
Figure 9
Note that due to the flat-top pulses, the spectrum of the sampled signal is distorted.
The narrower the pulse width, the less distortion.
The original signal may be obtained by using a low-pass filter with a characteristic
which inverts the distortion.
1. Aliasing:
A precondition of the sampling theorem is that the signal to be band limited.
However, in practice, no time-limited signal can be band limited. Since signals of
interest are almost always time-limited (e.g., at most spanning the lifetime of the
sampling device in question), it follows that they are not band limited. However, by
designing a sampler with an appropriate guard band, it is possible to obtain output that
is as accurate as necessary.
Aliasing is the presence of unwanted components in the reconstructed signal. These
components were not present when the original signal was sampled. In addition,
some of the frequencies in the original signal may be lost in the reconstructed signal.
Aliasing occurs because signal frequencies can overlap if the sampling frequency is
too low. As a result, the higher frequency components roll into the reconstructed
signal and cause distortion of the signal Frequencies "fold" around half the sampling
frequency. This type of signal distortion is called aliasing.
We only sample the signal at intervals.
We don't know what happened between the samples.
A crude example is to consider a 'glitch' that happened to fall between adjacent
samples. Since we don't measure it, we have no way of knowing the glitch was there
at all.
Example of aliasing
Figure 10
In a less obvious case, we might have signal components that are varying rapidly in
between samples. Again, we could not track these rapid inter-sample variations.
We must sample fast enough to see the most rapid changes in the signal.
Sometimes we may have some a prior knowledge of the signal, or be able to make
some assumptions about how the signal behaves in between samples.
If we do not sample fast enough, we cannot track completely the most rapid changes
in the signal.
Some higher frequencies can be incorrectly interpreted as lower ones.
Nyquist showed that to distinguish unambiguously between all signal frequencies
components we must sample at least twice the frequency of the highest frequency
component. To avoid aliasing, we simply filter out all the high frequency components
before sampling.
Example of anti-aliasing
Figure 13
Note that anti-alias filters must be analogue – it is too late once you have done the
This simple brute force method avoids the problem of aliasing. But it does remove
information – if the signal had high frequency components, we cannot now know
anything about them.
Although Nyquist showed that provide we sample at least twice the highest signal
frequency we have all the information needed to reconstruct the signal, the sampling
theorem does not say the samples will look like the signal as shown in figure 14.
Example of anti-aliasing
Figure 15
The reconstruction filter interpolates between the samples to make a smoothly varying
analogue signal. In the example, the reconstruction filter interpolates between samples
in a ‘peaky’ way that seems at first sight to be strange. The explanation lies in the
shape of the reconstruction filter’s impulse response.
Uniform Quantization
We assume that the amplitude of the signal m(t) is confined to the range (-mp, +mp ).
This range (2mp) is divided into L levels, each of step size δ, given by
δ = 2 mp / L
A sample amplitude value is approximated by the midpoint of the interval in which it
lies. The input/output characteristic of a uniform quantizer is shown figure 19.
-m p +m p
δ In p u t
Figure 19
The conventional, practical digital-to-analog converter (DAC) does not output a
sequence of impulses (such that, if ideally low-pass filtered, result in the original
signal before sampling) but instead output a sequence of piecewise constant values or
rectangular pulses. This means that there is an inherent effect of the zero-order hold
on the effective frequency response of the DAC resulting in a mild roll-off of gain at
the higher frequencies (a 3.9224 dB loss at the Nyquist frequency). This zero-order
hold effect is a consequence of the hold action of the DAC and is not due to the
sample and hold that might precede a conventional ADC as is often misunderstood.
The DAC can also suffer errors from jitter, noise, slewing, and non-linear mapping of
input value to output voltage.
Each binary word defines a particular narrow range of amplitude level. The sampled
value is then approximated to the nearest amplitude level. The sample is then assigned
a code corresponding to the amplitude level, which is then transmitted.
This process is called as Quantization & it is generally carried out by the A/D
The analog to digital conversion is a logical process that requires conceptually
two-steps: the Quantizing and the Coding. Quantization is the process that performs
the transformation of a continuous analog signal in a set of discrete levels. Soon
afterwards we combine through the coding each discrete levels with a digital word.
Figure 20
The straight line is the continuous analog signal, while the staircase line is the
quantized corresponding signal. If we assume a binary code, the 8 quantized states are
coded through a 3 bits digital word and this corresponds to the output of a 3 bits A/D
converter. The sequences of binary numbers starting from "000" and reaching "111"
are assigned to the 8 output states. Let us analyze in detail a few aspects of the
quantized signal. The first aspect is the "resolution", defined as the number of output
states that can be coded through a binary word of n bits; with n bits we can code 2n
output states. In this case we have a 3 bits quantizer; therefore we code 8 output states
whereas with 12 bits we code 4096 of them. The diagram showed in figure 20 point
out that in the quantized signal there are 2n - 1 = 7 threshold levels. These points are at
0.625 - 1.875 - 3.125 - 4.375 - 5.625 - 6.875 - 8.125 V.
The threshold points have to be set accurately to divide the range of the signal to
quantize in correct quantized signals. The voltages 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.75 V
are the center points of each output code word. The staircase quantization is the best
possible approximation for a straight line starting from the origin and reaching full
scale. The range of the input voltage for which the same output code is used is called
"quantum". In figure 20, the quantum is 1.25 V. In general the quantum is expressed
by the relation:
Q = FSR / 2n = Full scale range / 2n
It is explained that the quantum is the lowest analog difference that can be
discriminated at the output. In case of a 12 bits quantizer, still with a full scale of 10V
the quantum is:
Q = 10/212 = 10/4096 = .00244 V = 2.44 mV
In figure 20 is also reported a curve called "quantizing error". This represents the error
that could not be eliminated, due to quantization. Increasing the bit number can
reduce the error. The uncertainty due to quantization and therefore the error due to
quantization is ± Q/2. A/D converter requires a given time interval, even small, to
perform the quantizing and coding operations. This time is called "conversion time"
and depends on several factors, as the converter resolution, the conversion technique,
the speed of the components used in the converter.
During the conversion the signal can vary. Therefore the conversion speed for a given
application depends both upon the required accuracy and upon how much rapidly
varies the signal to convert. The conversion time is often called improperly "aperture
time" ta (figure 21)
Figure 21
If the signal changes of ∆V during the conversion, we have an amplitude error ∆V
which is :
∆V = ta ⋅ dV(t) / dt
Where dV(t) /dt is the rate of change of input signal with time. A signal has not the
same rate of variation everywhere, e.g. a sinusoidal signal has the biggest derivative at
the zero passage.
Sample & Hold circuit:
In electronics, a sample and hold circuit is used to interface real-world signals, by
changing analogue signals to a subsequent system. The purpose of this circuit is to
hold the analogue value steady for a short time while the converter or other following
system performs some operation that takes a little time.
Sampling mode:
In this mode, the switch is in the closed position and the capacitor charges to the
instantaneous input voltage.
Hold mode:
In this mode, the switch is in the open position. The capacitor is now disconnected
from the input. As there is no path for the capacitor to discharge, it will hold the
voltage on it just before opening the switch. The capacitor will hold this voltage till
the next sampling instant.
A buffered sample and hold circuit consists of unit gain buffer preceding and
succeeding the charging capacitor. The high input impedance of the preceding buffer
prevents the loading of the message source and also ensures that the capacitor charges
by a constant rate irrespective of the source impedance see figure 23(a).
Figure 24(b)
In case of high pass filter, the series capacitance has high reactance at low frequencies
and hence results in reduction in output voltage. An increase in frequency causes an
increase in output voltage with VOUT approaching input voltage VIN.
The effect of capacitance is just opposite as the case of low pass filter. Here, the
capacitance is in short and hence VOUT reduces as frequency increases thereby
decreasing its reactance.
The ratio of VOUT to VIN is known as Transfer function for the circuit. For RC low pass
filter, the transfer function can be derived by using potential divider resistance.
This is the half-power point of the filter i.e. at frequency ω = RC, the output power
decreases to half of the input power. This is also known as the cut-off frequency (Fc).
The filter not only causes amplitude change but a change in phase is also experienced.
D/A Conversion
A digital-to-analog converter, or simply DAC, is a semiconductor device that is
used to convert a digital code into an analog signal. Digital-to-analog conversion is
the primary means by which digital equipment such as computer-based systems are
able to translate digital data into real-world signals that are more understandable to or
useable by humans, such as music, speech, pictures, video, and the like. It also allows
digital control of machines, equipment, household appliances, and the like.
A typical digital-to-analog converter outputs an analog signal, which is usually
voltage or current that is proportional to the value of the digital code provided to its
inputs. Most DAC's have several digital input pins to receive all the bits of its input
digital code in parallel (at the same time). Some DAC's, however, are designed to
receive the input digital data in serial form (one bit at a time), so these only have a
single digital input pin.
A simple DAC may be implemented using an op-amp circuit known as a summer, so
named because its output voltage is the sum of its input voltages. Each of its inputs
uses a resistor of different binary weight, such that if R0=R, then R1=R/2, R2=R/4,
R3=R/8,.., RN-1=R/(2N-1). The output of a summer circuit with N bits is:
Vo = -VR (Rf / R) (SN-12N-1 + SN-22N-2+...+S020)
Where VR is the voltage to which the bit is connected when the digital input is '1'. A
digital input is '0' if the bit is connected to 0V (ground). A 4-bit summer circuit is
shown in Figure 26.
One problem with this circuit is the wide range of resistor values needed to build a
DAC with a high number of digital inputs. Putting thin-film resistors that come in a
wide range of values (e.g., from a few kΩs to several MΩs) on a single semiconductor
chip can be very difficult, especially if high accuracy and stability are required.
A better-designed and more commonly-used circuit for digital-to-analog conversion is
known as the R-2R ladder DAC, a 4-bit version of which is shown in Fig. 29. It
consists of a network of resistors with only two values, R and 2R. The input SN to bit
N is '1' if it is connected to a voltage VR and '0' if it is grounded. Thevenin's Theorem
may be applied to prove that the output Vo of an R-2R ladder DAC with N bits is:
Vo = VR/2N (SN-12N-1 + SN-22N-2+...+S020).
Thus, the output of the R-2R ladder in Figure 27 is Vo = VR/24 (S323+S222+S121+S020)
or Vo = VR (S3 / 2 + S2 / 4 + S1 / 8 + S0 / 16) . In effect, contribution of each bit to the
analog output is proportional to its binary weight.
There are two basic techniques for performing analog to digital conversion: an open-
loop technique and a feedback technique. An analog to digital converter is typically
tested to assure proper function during operation by identifying repeatable
discrepancies between the sampled analog signal and the corresponding value of the
converted digital instance.
Analog to digital converters provide the link between analog and digital domains. The
ADC is required to be capable of converting analog data to digital data in an accurate
manner, appropriate to the bandwidth and resolution requirements of particular
application. Analog ICs often require the use of, and constantly consume, a DC bias
current. Digital integrated circuits are ICs which process digital signals. A/D
converters are designed to process analog signals over a specified range of analog
signal values. When the input signal exceeds the specified peak input signal level, the
output registers of the A/D converter overflow. A/D converters are often used with
microprocessors to convert an analog signal to a corresponding digital signal which is
processed by the microprocessor.
Types of Analog to digital converter:
There are variety of A/D converter exist, including flash ADC, sub-ranging ADC,
successive approximation ADC, pipelined ADC, integrating ADC, and sigma delta or
delta sigma A/D converters.
1. Flash ADC:
Flash ADC is performed by a highly parallel comparison of an input analog signal to
each of a set of reference voltages. A flash converter uses a resistive divider to obtain
the quantization. A flash converter has multiple reference levels and comparators.
Each comparator compares the analog input signal to one of the reference levels and
produces an output that indicates whether the input is above or below the reference
level. Flash ADC can provide very high speed and accuracy at the cost of high
component count and high power consumption. Flash ADCs are limited by higher
input capacitance, power consumption, and device yield constraints associated with
the high number of comparators in the circuitry.
Figure 28
version of the MSB word. The residue signal is sent through one or more fine passes
to produce the lower significant bits of the input signal. The lower significant bits and
the MSB word are then combined by digital error correcting circuitry to produce the
desired digital output word. A switched capacitor analog to digital converter (ADC)
operated according to successive approximation register technique comprises a
plurality of weighted capacitors with associated switches and a local DAC. The
capacitors are charged by a voltage sample of an analog signal to be converted. The
voltage sample is compared with an analog signal generated by the local DAC.
Figure 29
The DAC performs the conversion in n steps where n is the converter settlement in
bits. The working principle of this converter is analogous to that of weighing an
object on a laboratory balance, using standard weights as reference, according to the
binary sequence 1, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16………… 1/n kilograms. To perform accurately the
measure, we have to start with the largest standard weight and go on in decreasing
order till the one of smallest weight. We place the largest weight; if the balance
doesn't tip we leave the weight and add the one from the others of largest weight. If
the balance doesn't tip we go on. If instead it does tip, we remove the largest weight
added and we replace it with the next one. After having tried n standard weights, the
weighing operation stops. The total of the standard weights remaining on the balance
is the closest approximation to the unknown.
Figure 30
We start by setting the bit 3, thus "1000". The corresponding voltage is worth 5V and
being lower than the voltage to convert we leave it at "1". We set to "1" the bit 2 too.
The word turns into "1100" corresponding to 7.5 V which is larger than the voltage to
convert. We put therefore at zero the bit 2 and we proceed to the bit 1 and set it to "1".
The corresponding word "1010" is worth 6.25 V still larger than 5.0V, we put than at
zero the bit 1 and set to "1" the bit 0. The word turns into "1001" and is worth 5.625V.
This value is still larger than 5.0V and so the reading jams at "1000" which is the
digital conversion of the voltage 5.0V. We can see as in this case we have done only
four comparisons to perform the conversion. In the case of an n bits converter are
required n comparisons instead of the 2n foreseen, in the worst case, by the previous
converter. We have to make a precise statement: “while the counter had converted
5.0V into the word "1001", the successive approximation one converts into "1000".”
This is because whereas the counter converter blocks the clock when the digital word
goes over the value to convert and so approaches in excess with the last significant
bit, the successive approximation converter approaches in deficiency.
Figure 31
The integrator produces a sawtooth waveform on its output, from zero to the
maximum possible analog voltage to be sampled, set by -Vref. The minute the
waveform is started, the counter starts counting from 0 to 2^n-1, where n is the
number of bits implemented by the ADC. When the voltage found at Vin (the analog
signal) is equal to the voltage achieved by the triangle waveform generated by the
integrator, the control circuit captures the last value produced by the counter (by
trigging the output buffer clock pin), which will be the digital correspondent of the
analog sample being converted. At the same time, it resets the counter and the
integrator, starting the conversion of the next sample.
Like the successive approximation ADC, this circuit uses an output buffer, meaning
that the last converted value can be read while the ADC is converting the current
Even though its design is simpler than ramp counter design, it is still based on a
counter, and thus suffering from the same basic problem found on ramp counter
design: speed. It requires up to 2^n-1 clock cycles to convert each sample. For an
eight-bit ADC, it would take up to 255 clock cycles to convert a single sample. For a
16-bit ADC it would take up to 65,535 clock cycles to convert one sample.
4. Dual ramp integrating A/D converter:
It integrates the signal being measured for a fixed period of time onto a capacitor and
then de-integrates the capacitor charge back to the starting voltage using a reference
voltage as the input. The converter measures the time it takes to return to the starting
voltage. The resulting digital conversion in the time counter or digital accumulator is
then proportional to the ratio of the unknown and reference signals.
Figure 32
The analog switch first connects Vin to the integrator. With that, the integrator starts
generating the saw tooth waveform, and the switch position will remain set at Vin
during a fixed number of clock cycles. When this number of clock cycles is reached,
the analog switch moves its position to allow –Vref to enter the integrator. Since –
Vref is a negative voltage, the saw tooth waveform goes towards zero, using a number
of clock cycles proportional of the Vin value.
For a better understanding, see Figure 33, where we show the waveform at the
integrator output. So, T1 is fixed, while T2 duration is proportional to the value of
Vin. Vin sets the slope angle: the higher Vin is, the higher the angle will be.
Figure 33
T2 = T1 x Vin / Vref.
5. Delta sigma or sigma delta modulator:
They are often used in mixed signal integrated A/D converters, because of their
insensitivity to CMOS process linearity and matching problems when compared to
other A/D converter types. These features make delta sigma based mixed signal
solutions very attractive for a number of applications, such as audio, receiver channels
of communication devices, sensor interface circuits, and measurement systems. A
sigma-delta converter generally includes an analog modulator portion and digital
filtering and decimation portion. The analog modulator portion essentially digitizes an
analog input signal at very high sampling rates greater than the Nyquist’s rate, in
order to perform a noise shaping function. A noise shaping or loop filter, typically a
low pass filter is commonly provided in the forward signal path of the delta sigma
modulator to push some of the quantization noise into the higher frequency spectrum
beyond the band of interest. Digital filtering is performed on the over sampled digital
output to achieve a high resolution. The digital filtering portion allows the ADC to
achieve a high resolution. Decimation is thereafter used to reduce the effective
sampling rate back to the Nyquist’s rate. Sigma delta techniques allow much higher
resolutions, but are relatively slow since the requisite level resolution is achieved by
over sampling the input signal and noise shaping. Folding is a high speed technique in
which the signal is folded by using several folding amplifiers to replicate the input
signal and by detecting zero crossings of the folding amplifiers to produce the digital
Figure 34
Let us suppose the signal to convert is 5.0V.
Figure 35
Let us apply a reset control. The counter goes to "0000" and the converter gives zero
voltage at the output. The comparator results at high level at the output, the first pulse
that leads the counter to "0001" and the converter output to 0.625 is let go(Here we
are assuming that ADC has resolution of 0.625V). The converter remains in the
starting state. When the new clock pulse passes the counter goes to "0010" and the
DAC output to 1.25V. The process continues until the counter receives the ninth
pulse, its state then becomes "1001" and the converter output goes to 5.625V and thus
is larger than the voltage to converter. The comparator output changes its state and so
the clock pulses are not transmitted to the counter any more. The word "1001" is then
the digital conversion of 5.0V. The used converter allows the conversion of positive
signals included in the range from 0 to 5V and has a maximum resolution of 0.625V.
The counter converter is conceptually simple and its realization is of little difficulty
and cheap. On the other hand it is rather slow in the conversion. Moreover the
conversion time is not constant but depends upon the value to convert.
Pipeline ADC provides analog to digital conversion that, while slower than flash
conversion, is faster than most other ADC architectures. Pipeline converters behave
similarly to flash converters except that there is a finite latency between the analog
sample and the digital representation of the sample which is dependent on the number
of stages in the pipeline. A pipeline analog to digital converter may include stage
amplifiers. The number of stage amplifiers may be substantially equal to the number
of output bits. The advantage of pipelined analog-to-digital conversion is that each
stage of resolution is separated. A typical pipelined ADC includes a series of stages,
wherein each stage provides one or more output digital bits. Each stage accepts an
analog input and produces digital bits representing the band in which the input signal
falls. The stage also creates an analog output representing the difference between the
digital representation of the signal and the actual analog signal. The output digital bits
from each stage taken together represent the digital value of an input signal provided
to the ADC. Once the analog signal is resolved at the first stage and the result passed
to the second stage, a new signal can be processed by the first stage. Multi-stage
pipelined analog to digital converters (ADC) provide efficient high speed conversion
of analog signals to digital equivalents. Pipelined ADCs have many applications.
They are particularly useful when low voltage, high speed, high resolution
quantization is required. This feature makes it ideal for high volume
telecommunications application such as various digital subscriber lines, digital signal
processing at video rates, and for stand alone high speed analog-to-digital converters.
Unlike flash converters, for which component counts increase exponentially with
converter resolution, the component counts of pipeline ADC converters increase
linearly with resolution. Therefore, pipeline ADC converters are relatively compact,
inexpensive, and power efficient. Accordingly, pipeline ADC's are widely used in
portable signal processing apparatus.
Analog to digital converters (ADC's) are used in many applications. ADC's are used
to convert an analog signal to a digital bit representation for analog video signal,
audio signals and any other suitable analog signals. Analog to digital converters have
been used in communication applications to provide an effective way of converting
analog signals into digital signals. Wireless communication devices are widely used to
communicate data, voice, and other information between physical locations without
the use of wires. Wireless communications products and other modern electronic
devices typically process and generate both digital and analog signals. To perform
their intended functions, these systems often convert analog signals into digital
signals. ADCs enable many systems to implement real-time processing of analog
data. Such data capture and processing systems usually include sensors for collection
of analog information and digital signal processors or microprocessors for processing
of the data. Analog to digital converters range in size, complexity, and accuracy or
resolution, where each of these factors depends upon the particular needs of the
underlying application. Different architectures are suited to different needs. Serial
analog-to-digital architecture offers the widest range of performance in analog-to-
digital conversion, from low power and low resolution to quantization with very high
resolutions. Parallel analog-to-digital architecture provides the fastest quantization
rate per analog signal. The pipelined analog-to-digital converter has become a popular
ADC architecture for use in high-speed applications such as CCD imaging, ultrasonic
medical imaging, digital videos, cable modems, and fast Ethernets.
faithful reproduction is only possible if the sampling rate is higher than twice the
highest frequency of the signal. This is essentially what is embodied in the Shannon-
Nyquist sampling theorem.
Since a practical ADC cannot make an instantaneous conversion, the input value must
necessarily be held constant during the time that the converter performs a conversion
(called the conversion time). An input circuit called a sample and hold performs this
task—in most cases by using a capacitor to store the analog voltage at the input, and
using an electronic switch or gate to disconnect the capacitor from the input. Many
ADC integrated circuits include the sample and hold subsystem internally.
All ADCs work by sampling their input at discrete intervals of time. Their output is
therefore an incomplete picture of the behavior of the input. There is no way of
knowing, by looking at the output, what the input was doing between one sampling
instant and the next. If the input is known to be changing slowly compared to the
sampling rate, then it can be assumed that the value of the signal between two sample
instants was somewhere between the two sampled values. If, however, the input
signal is changing rapidly compared to the sample rate, then this assumption is not
If the digital values produced by the ADC are, at some later stage in the system,
converted back to analog values by a digital to analog converter or DAC, it is
desirable that the output of the DAC be a faithful representation of the original signal.
If the input signal is changing much faster than the sample rate, then this will not be
the case, and spurious signals called aliases will be produced at the output of the
DAC. The frequency of the aliased signal is the difference between the signal
frequency and the sampling rate. For example, a 2 KHz sine wave being sampled at
1.5 KHz would be reconstructed as a 500 Hz sine wave. This problem is called
To avoid aliasing, the input to an ADC must be low-pass filtered to remove
frequencies above half the sampling rate. This filter is called an anti-aliasing filter,
and is essential for a practical ADC system that is applied to analog signals with
higher frequency content.
Although aliasing in most systems is unwanted, it should also be noted that it can be
exploited to provide simultaneous down-mixing of a band-limited high frequency
In A to D converters, performance can usually be improved using dither. This is a
very small amount of random noise (white noise) which is added to the input before
conversion. Its amplitude is set to be about half of the least significant bit. Its effect is
to cause the state of the LSB to randomly oscillate between 0 and 1 in the presence of
very low levels of input, rather than sticking at a fixed value. Rather than the signal
simply getting cut off altogether at this low level (which is only being quantized to a
resolution of 1 bit), it extends the effective range of signals that the A to D converter
can convert, at the expense of a slight increase in noise - effectively the quantization
error is diffused across a series of noise values which is far less objectionable than a
hard cutoff. The result is an accurate representation of the signal over time. A suitable
filter at the output of the system can thus recover this small signal variation.
An audio signal of very low level (with respect to the bit depth of the ADC) sampled
without dither sounds extremely distorted and unpleasant. Without dither the low
level always yields a '1' from the A to D. With dithering, the true level of the audio is
still recorded as a series of values over time, rather than a series of separate bits at one
instant in time.
A virtually identical process, also called dither or dithering, is often used when
quantizing photographic images to a fewer number of bits per pixel—the image
becomes noisier but to the eye looks far more realistic than the quantized image,
which otherwise becomes banded. This analogous process may help to visualize the
effect of dither on an analogue audio signal that is converted to digital.
Dithering is also used in integrating systems such as electricity meters. Since the
values are added together, the dithering produces results that are more exact than the
LSB of the analog-to-digital converter.
Note that dither can only increase the resolution of a sampler, it cannot improve the
linearity, and thus accuracy does not necessarily improve.
Over sampling:
Usually, signals are sampled at the minimum rate required, for economy, with the
result that the quantization noise introduced is white noise spread over the whole pass
band of the converter. If a signal is sampled at a rate much higher than the Nyquist
frequency and then digitally filtered to limit it to the signal bandwidth then there are 3
main advantages:
Digital filters can have better properties (sharper roll off, phase) than analogue filters,
so a sharper anti-aliasing filter can be realized and then the signal can be down
sampled giving a better result
A 20 bit ADC can be made to act as a 24 bit ADC with 256× over sampling the
signal-to-noise ratio due to quantization noise will be higher than if the whole
available band had been used. With this technique, it is possible to obtain an effective
resolution larger than that provided by the converter alone
The improvement in SNR is 3dB (equivalent to 0.5 bits) per decade of over sampling
which is not sufficient for many applications. So, over sampling is usually coupled
with noise shaping. With noise shaping, the improvement is 6L+3 dB per decade
where L is the order of loop filter used for noise shaping. e.g. - a 2nd order loop filter
will provide an improvement of 15dB/decade.
Experiment 1
Objective: Analysis of operation of Counter converter
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2601 with power supply cord
2. Connecting Cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 1.1
1. Connect the power supply to the TechBook.
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 1.1.
a. Connect the DC supply to the Vi of the converter.
b. Keep the DC potentiometer in counter clockwise position.
c. Place the Reset/Count switch in Reset position.
3. Switch ON the power supply.
4. Keep the DC potentiometer at mid Position.
5. To start the conversion, place the switch in Count position. The LEDs lit
according to binary sequence. When the signal from the D/A goes over the input
signal, the counter stops and the LEDs show the binary conversion.
6. Vary the DC potentiometer and observe the corresponding Digital output. The
converter will follow the changes in the analog signal without resetting the
converter in upward direction because, the counter is configured as UP counter
only, but to observe the converted output when the input is being decreased, you
have to reset the converter.
7. Observe on the oscilloscope the typical steps signal at the D/A output.
8. Repeat the test with different values of the input signal.
According to applied input signal in form of DC level it provides the digital signals in
1 and 0 form.
1. Why digital signals are more preferred?
2. Differentiate between analog and digital signals?
3. List various types of analog to digital converter?
4. Which analog to digital converter is best for conversion?
5. List the parameters on which the performance of analog to digital converter is
6. What is the significance of using digital to analog converter during analog to
digital conversion process?
Experiment 2
Objective: Testing the working of a monolithic converter
Equipment Required:
1. Scientech 2601 with power supply cord
2. Connecting Cords
Connection Diagram:
Figure 2.1
1. Connect supply to the TechBook.
2. Make the connections as shown in figure 2.1.
a. Connect the USB/ BOB to GND.
b. Connect the DC output to Vi of Monolithic converter.
c. Keep the DC potentiometer in counterclockwise direction.
d. Keep the Auto /Manual switch in Auto position.
3. Switch ON the power supply.
4. Vary the DC potentiometer and observe the corresponding digital output on
5. Now keep the Auto / Manual switch in Manual position.
6. Keep the Blank / Convert switch in Blank position
7. Vary the DC potentiometer
8. Set the switch to convert position, The LEDs will light forming a digital word
which corresponds to the digital conversion of the analog voltage applied to the
9. Perform the same procedure with different DC voltages.
10. Now, connect the USB / BOB terminal to +5V and bipolar o/p to Vi. This gives
output voltage from +2.5V to -2.5V.
11. Keep the switch in Auto position.
12. Vary the Bipolar potentiometer from -2.5V to +2.5V, and note the
corresponding digitized outputs
13. Set the Auto / Manual switch to manuals position.
14. Keep the Blank / Convert switch to blank position.
15. Now to observe the conversion you have to throw the switch to convert position.
16. Perform the experiment with various DC inputs.
According to applied input signal in form of DC level it provides the digital signals in
1 and 0 form.
1. What do you understand by SAR?
2. Draw the block diagram of SAR ADC?
3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of SAR ADC?
4. Describe the functionality of SAR ADC?
5. Name the terms EOC, BOB, USB.
1. We guarantee this product against all manufacturing defects for 24 months from
the date of sale by us or through our dealers.
2. The guarantee will become void, if
a. The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the Learning
b. The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
c. The customer resells the instrument to another party.
d. Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.
3. The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving
full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the
type, serial number of the product and date of purchase etc.
4. The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely
packed and insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.
List of Accessories
1. Patch Cord 16”........................................................................................ 3 Nos.
2. Mains Cord ............................................................................................. 1 No.
3. TechBook Power Supply......................................................................... 1 No