Astm D-2244-Colorimeter

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Designation: D2244 − 15a

Standard Practice for

Calculation of Color Tolerances and Color Differences from
Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2244; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.


This practice originally resulted from the consolidation of a number of separately published
methods for the instrumental evaluation of color differences. As revised in 1979, it included four color
spaces in which color-scale values could be measured by instruments, many of which were obsolete,
and the color differences calculated by ten equations for different color scales. The sections on
apparatus, calibration standards and methods, and measurement procedures served little purpose in the
light of modern color-measurement technology. The revision published in 1993 omitted these sections,
and limited the color spaces and color-difference equations considered, to the three most widely used
in the paint and related coatings industry. A previous revision added two new color tolerance equations
and put two of the color difference equations from the 1993 version in an informative appendix for
historical purposes.

1. Scope* example, specimen proximity, gloss, and texture), may affect

1.1 This practice covers the calculation, from instrumentally the correlation between the magnitude of a measured color
measured color coordinates based on daylight illumination, of difference and its commercial acceptability.
color tolerances and small color differences between opaque 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
specimens such as painted panels, plastic plaques, or textile safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
swatches. Where it is suspected that the specimens may be responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
metameric, that is, possess different spectral curves though priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
visually alike in color, Practice D4086 should be used to verify
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
instrumental results. The tolerances and differences determined
by these procedures are expressed in terms of approximately
2. Referenced Documents
uniform visual color perception in CIE 1976 CIELAB
opponent-color space (1),2 CMC tolerance units (2), CIE94 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
tolerance units (3), the DIN99 color difference formula given D1729 Practice for Visual Appraisal of Colors and Color
in DIN 6176(4), or the new CIEDE2000 color difference units Differences of Diffusely-Illuminated Opaque Materials
(5). D4086 Practice for Visual Evaluation of Metamerism
1.2 For product specification, the purchaser and the seller E284 Terminology of Appearance
shall agree upon the permissible color tolerance between test E308 Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using
specimen and reference and the procedure for calculating the the CIE System
color tolerance. Each material and condition of use may require E805 Practice for Identification of Instrumental Methods of
specific color tolerances because other appearance factors, (for Color or Color-Difference Measurement of Materials

E1164 Practice for Obtaining Spectrometric Data for Object-

This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 on Color and Color Evaluation
Appearance and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.04 on Color and
Appearance Analysis.
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2015. Published August 2015. Originally
approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as D2244 – 15ε1. DOI: 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
10.1520/D2244-15A. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
this standard. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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D2244 − 15a
2.2 Other Standards: are computed, from these color-scale values, and approximate
DIN 6176 Farbmetrische, Bestimmung von Farbabständen the perceived color differences between the reference and the
bei Körperfarben nach der DIN99-Formel 4 test specimen.

3. Terminology 5. Significance and Use

5.1 The original CIE color scales based on tristimulus
3.1 Terms and definitions in Terminology E284 are appli-
values X, Y, Z and chromaticity coordinates x, y are not uniform
cable to this practice.
visually. Each subsequent color scale based on CIE values has
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: had weighting factors applied to provide some degree of
3.2.1 colorimetric spectrometer, n—spectrometer, one com- uniformity so that color differences in various regions of color
ponent of which is a dispersive element (such as a prism, space will be more nearly comparable. On the other hand, color
grating or interference filter or wedge or tunable or discrete differences obtained for the same specimens evaluated in
series of monochromatic sources), that is normally capable of different color-scale systems are not likely to be identical. To
producing as output colorimetric data (such as tristimulus avoid confusion, color differences among specimens or the
values and derived color coordinates or indices of appearance associated tolerances should be compared only when they are
attributes). Additionally, the colorimetric spectrometer may obtained for the same color-scale system. There is no simple
also be able to report the underlying spectral data from which factor that can be used to convert accurately color differences
the colorimetric data were derived. or color tolerances in one system to difference or tolerance Discussion—At one time, UV-VIS analytical spec- units in another system for all colors of specimens.
trophotometers were used for colorimetric measurements.
5.2 Color differences calculated in ∆ECMC or ∆E00 units are
Today, while instruments intended for use in color measure-
highly recommended for use with color-differences in the
ments share many common components, UV-VIS analytical
range of 0.0 to 5.0 ∆E*ab units. Both are appropriate for and
spectrophotometers are designed to optimize their use in
widely used in industrial and commercial applications
chemometric quantitative analysis, which requires very precise
including, but not limited to, automobiles, coatings, cosmetics,
spectral position and very narrow bandpass and moderate
inks, packaging, paints, plastics, printing, security, and textiles.
baseline stability. Colorimetric spectrometers are designed to
The Hunter color difference components ∆LH, ∆aH, ∆bH, and
optimize their use as digital simulations of the visual colorim-
their color difference unit ∆EH, are used by the coil coating and
eter or as the source of spectral and colorimetric information
aluminum extrusion coating industries, as well as the custom-
for computer-assisted color matching systems. Digital colorim-
ers of these users. They are, therefore, included in Appendix
etry allows more tolerance on the spectral scale and spectral
X1 for historical purposes and use.
bandwidth but demand much more stability in the radiometric
scale. 5.3 Users of color tolerance equations have found that, in
each system, summation of three, vector color-difference
3.2.2 color tolerance equation, n—a mathematical
components into a single scalar value is very useful for
expression, derived from acceptability judgments, which dis-
determining whether a specimen color is within a specified
torts the metric of color space based on the coordinates in that
tolerance from a standard. However, for control of color in
color space, of a reference color, for the purpose of single
production, it may be necessary to know not only the magni-
number shade passing.
tude of the departure from standard but also the direction of Discussion—The color tolerance equation computes
this departure. It is possible to include information on the
a pass/fail value based on which of the pair of specimens is
direction of a small color difference by listing the three
assigned the designation “standard.” Thus, inter-changing the
instrumentally determined components of the color difference.
reference and test specimens will result in a change in the
predicted level of acceptance between the specimens while the 5.4 Selection of color tolerances based on instrumental
perceived difference is unchanged. A color difference equation values should be carefully correlated with a visual appraisal of
quantifies distance in a color space using the metric of that the acceptability of differences in hue, lightness, and saturation
space. Inter-changing the reference and test specimens does not obtained by using Practice D1729. The three tolerance equa-
change either the perceived or predicted color differences. tions given here have been tested extensively against such data
for textiles and plastics and have been shown to agree with the
4. Summary of Practice visual evaluations to within the experimental uncertainty of the
visual judgments. That implies that the equations themselves
4.1 The differences in color between a reference and a test
misclassify a color difference with a frequency no greater than
specimen are determined from measurements made by use of a
that of the most experienced visual color matcher.
spectral based or filter based colorimeter. Reflectance readings
from spectral instruments are converted by computations to 5.5 While color difference equations and color tolerance
color-scale values in accordance with Practice E308, or these equations are routinely applied to a wide range of illuminants,
color-scale values may be read directly from instruments that they have been derived or optimized, or both, for use under
automatically make the computations. Color-difference units daylight illumination. Good correlation with the visual judg-
ments may not be obtained when the calculations are made
with other illuminants. Use of a tolerance equation for other
Available from Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772, Berlin, Germany, http:// than daylight conditions will require visual confirmation of the level of metamerism in accordance with Practice D4086.

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D2244 − 15a
6. Description of Color-Difference and Color-Tolerance 6.2.3 The direction of the color difference is described by
Equations the magnitude and algebraic signs of the components ∆L*,
∆a*, and ∆b*:
6.1 CIE 1931 and 1964 Color Spaces—The daylight colors
of opaque specimens are represented by points in a space ∆L* 5 L* B 2 L* S (7)
formed by three rectangular axes representing the lightness ∆a* 5 a* B 2 a* S (8)
scale Y and chromaticity scales x and y, where:
∆b* 5 b* B 2 b* S (9)
x5 (1) where L*S, a*S, and b*S refer to the reference or standard,
and L*B, a*B , and b*B refer to the test specimen or batch. The
y5 (2) signs of the components ∆L*, ∆a*, and ∆b* have the following
approximate meanings (7):
where X, Y, and Z are tristimulus values for either the 1931 1∆L* 5 lighter (10)
CIE standard observer (2° observer) or the 1964 CIE standard
2∆ L* 5 darker (11)
observer (10° observer) and standard illuminant D65, or other
phase of daylight. These scales do not provide a perceptually 1∆a* 5 redder ~ less green! (12)
uniform color space. Consequently, color differences are sel- 2∆a* 5 greener ~ less red! (13)
dom if ever computed directly from differences in x, y, and Y. 1∆b* 5 yellow ~ less blue! (14)
6.2 CIE 1976 L* a* b* Uniform Color Space and Color- 2∆ b* 5 bluer ~ less yellow! (15)
Difference Equation (1, 6)—This is an approximately uniform
color space based on nonlinear expansion of the tristimulus 6.2.4 For judging the direction of the color difference
values and taking differences to produce three opponent axes between two colors, it is useful to calculate hue angles hab and
that approximate the percepts of lightness-darkness, redness- CIE 1976 metric chroma C*ab according to the following
greenness and yellowness-blueness. It is produced by plotting pseudocode:
in rectangular coordinates the quantities L*, a*, b*, calculated if b* 5 0 then (16)
as follows: h ab 5 90 sign~ a* ! @ sign~ a* ! 2 1 #
L* 5 116 f ~ Q Y ! 2 16 (3) else
a* 5 500 @ f ~ Q X ! 2 f ~ Q Y ! # (4) h ab 5 180 2 ~ 180/π ! arctan~ a*/b* ! 2 90 sign~ b* !
end if.
b* 5 200 @ f ~ Q Y ! 2 f ~ Q Z ! # (5)
where Here sign is a function that returns the sign of the argument,
Q X 5 ~ X/X n ! ; Q Y 5 ~ Y/Y n ! ; Q Z 5 ~ Z/Z n ! and arctan is the inverse tangent function returning angles in
and units of radians. The units of hab calculated by the above are
f ~ Q i ! 5 Q i 1/3 if Q i . ~ 6/29! 3 degrees counter-clockwise from the positive a* axis. The
else function sign is expected to return a minus one for negative
f ~ Q i ! 5 ~ 841/108! Q i 14/29 if Q i # ~ 6/29! 3 .
values of the argument, a zero when the argument is zero, and
a positive one for positive values of the argument.
Here, i varies as X, Y, and Z.
C* ab 5 =~ a* ! 2 1 ~ b* ! 2 (17)
The tristimulus values Xn, Yn, Zn define the color of the
nominally white object-color stimulus. Usually, the white Differences in hue angle hab between the test specimen and
object-color stimulus is given by the spectral radiant power of reference can be correlated with differences in their visually
one of the CIE standard illuminants, for example, C, D65 or perceived hue, except for very dark colors (8). Differences in
another phase of daylight, reflected into the observer’s eye by chroma ∆C*ab = ([C*ab]batch − [C*ab]standard) can similarly be
the perfect reflecting diffuser. Under these conditions, Xn, Yn, correlated with differences in visually perceived chroma.

Zn are the tristimulus values of the standard illuminant with Yn 6.2.5 For judging the relative contributions of lightness
equal to 100. differences, chroma differences, and hue differences between
6.2.1 The total color-difference ∆Eab* between two colors two colors, it is useful to calculate the CIE 1976 Metric Hue
each given in terms of L*, a*, b* is calculated as follows: Difference ∆H*ab between the colors as follows:
∆E* ab 5 =~ ∆L* ! 2 1 ~ ∆a* ! 2 1 ~ ∆b* ! 2 (6) ∆ H* ab 5 s @ 2 ~ C* ab,B C* ab,S 2 a* B a* S 2 b* B b* S ! # 0.5 (18)
NOTE 1—The color space defined above is called the CIE 1976 L* a *
b* space and the color-difference equation the CIE 1976 L* a* b*
color-difference formula. The abbreviation CIELAB (with all letters
capitalized) is recommended. □if a* S b* B .a* B b* S then (19)
6.2.2 The magnitude, ∆E*ab, gives no indication of the s51
character of the difference since it does not indicate the relative else
quantity and direction of hue, chroma, and lightness differ- s 5 21
ences. end if.

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When ∆E*ab is calculated as in 6.2.1 and ∆C*ab is calculated differences (10). The values (1:1), often assumed to represent a
as in 6.2.4, then just perceptible difference, should be applied to materials that
∆E* ab 5 @ ~ ∆L* ! 2 1 ~ ∆C* ! 2 1 ~ ∆H* ! 2 # 0.5 (20) require very critical tolerances or have glossy surfaces. For
specimens that are matte, randomly rough, or mildly textured,
contains terms showing the relative contributions of light- values intermediate between (1:1) and (2:1) can be used, with
ness differences ∆L*ab, chroma differences ∆C*ab, and hue the value (1.3:1) being reported most frequently. The parameter
differences ∆H*ab. cf is a commercial factor (11), used to adjust the total volume
6.3 CMC Color Tolerance Equation—The Colour Measure- of the tolerance region so that accept/reject decisions can be
ment Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists made on the basis of a unit value of the tolerance. The color
undertook a task to improve upon the results of the JPC79 dependent functions are defined as:
tolerance equation (2) developed at J & P Coates thread 0.040975·L*
company in the United Kingdom. It was a combination of the SL 5
~ 110.01765·L* !
for L* $ 16 (22)
CIELAB equation and local optimization based on the position
of the standard used to derive the FMC-2 equation. It was S L 5 0.511, for L*,16
based on the more intuitive perceptual variables of lightness,
chroma and hue instead of the lightness, redness/greenness and 0.0638·C*
SC 5 10.638
yellowness/blueness of the older equation. It is intended to be ~ 110.0131·C* !
used as a single-number shade-passing equation. There should
S H 5 S C ~ T·f11 2 f !
not be a need to break the equation down into perceptual
components—the CIELAB components of the model do that where□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
already. Fig. 1(9) shows the CIELAB chromaticness plane (a*,
b*) with a large number of CMC ellipsoids plotted on that
H~ J
~ C* ! 4 2
plane. The figure clearly shows the change in area of the f5
C* ! 4 11900
ellipses with increases in CIELAB metric chroma C*ab and
with respect to changes in CIELAB metric hue angle h*ab. The ?
T 5 0.561 0.2cos~ h1168° ! , ? if 164°,h,345°
CMC components and single number tolerances are computed
as follows: else□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□

∆E CMC~ l:c ! 5 ŒS D S D S D
l·S L
c·S c
T 5 0.361 0.4cos~ h135° !

All angles are given in degrees but will generally need to be


The CMC equation is sometimes used with a commercial converted to radians for processing on a digital computer. In Eq
factor. See Appendix X3 for more information on use of 22, the values of L*, C*, and h are taken to be those of the
commercial factors in color tolerance equations. The most standard specimen.
common values are (2:1) for textiles and plastics that are 6.4 CIE94 Color Tolerance Equation (3)—The development
molded to simulate a woven material, implying that lightness of this color tolerance equation was prompted by the success of
differences carry half the importance of chroma and hue the CMC tolerance equation. It was derived primarily from
visual observations of automotive paints on steel panels. Like
the CMC equation, it is based on the CIELAB color metric and
uses the position of the standard in CIELAB color space to
derive a set of analytical functions that modify the spacing of
the CIELAB space in the region around the standard. Its
weighting functions are much simpler than those of the CMC
equation. CIE94 tolerances are computed as follows:

∆E* 94 5 FS D S D S D G
k LS L
k CS C
k HS H
2 0.5

Unlike many previous color difference equations, CIE94

comes with a well defined set of conditions under which the
equation will provide optimum results and departures from this
set of conditions will cause the agreement between the visually
evaluated color-difference and the computed color-difference

to be significantly poorer. Those conditions are given in Table

1. The parameters kL, kC, kH are the parametric factors that can
be used to compensate for texture and other specimen presen-
tation effects. These should not be used to introduce a
commercial factor into the equation. For more information on
the use of commercial factors in color tolerance equations, see
FIG. 1 CMC Ellipse Distribution in the CIELAB (a*, b*) Plane Appendix X3. All the k values default to 1 in the absence of

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D2244 − 15a
TABLE 1 Basis Conditions for CIE94 Tolerance Equation ~ loge ~ 110.045 G !!
Chroma C 99 5 (26)
Attribute Requirement ~ 0.045 k CHk E !
Illumination D65 source
Specimen Illuminance 1000 lx 180
Observer Normal color vision Hue angle h 99 5 h ef
Background Uniform neutral gray L * = 50
Viewing Mode Object
Sample Size >4° subtended visual angle Redness a 99 5 C 99cos~ h ef!
Sample Separation Minimum possible
Size of Color Differences 0 to 5 CIELAB units Yellowness b 99 5 C 99sin~ h ef!
Sample Structure Visually homogenous
Lightness L 99 5 105.509 @ loge ~ 110.0158 L* ! # k E
Step 3
∆E 99 5 =~ ∆L 99! 2 1 ~ ∆a 99! 2 1 ~ ∆b 99! 2 (27)
specific information or agreement between parties. The param-
eters SL, SC, SH are used to perform the local distortion of or□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
CIELAB color space, again based on the position of the
standard specimen in that space. They are computed using the ∆E 99 5 =~ ∆L 99! 2 1 ~ ∆C 99! 2 1 ~ ∆H 99! 2
following equations: with□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
SL 5 1 (24)
∆C 99 5 C 99,B 2 C 99,S
S C 5 110.045·C*
~ a 99,S ·b 99,B 2 a 99,B ·b 99,S !
S H 5 110.015·C* ∆ H 99 5
=0.5· ~ C 99,B ·C 99,S 1a 99,B ·a 99,S 1b 99,B ·b 99,S !
In Eq 24, the value of C* is taken to be that of the standard Where subscripts S refers to the product standard and
specimen. subscript B refers to the current product batch or test sample.
6.5 DIN99 Color Difference Equation—The publication in Default parameters are: kE = kCH = 1, kE (1 : kCH).
1996 of the paper by Rohner and Rich (4) prompted the For textiles the following equivalence relations holds: To
German standards institute (DIN) to further develop and obtain an equivalent computed difference to a CMC(l = 2,
standardize a modified version as a new color difference c = 1) difference, use the parameters: 2 (1 : 0.5), which indicate
formula that globally models color space using logarithms of that kE = 2 and, kCH = 0.5.
the CIELAB coordinates rather than the linear and hyperbolic 6.6 CIEDE2000 Color Difference Equation (5)—The devel-
functions of CMC and CIE94. The equations derived and opment of this color difference equation grew out of the
documented in standard DIN 6176 provides an axes rotation research being performed to try to determine which of the two
and the logarithmic expansion of the new axes to match that of color tolerances equations, CMC or CIE94, was the better
the spacing of the CIE94 color tolerance formula without the formula. In the process, the researchers came to the conclusion
need to make the specimen identified as standard the source of that neither formula was truly optimum. Therefore the CIE set
the distortion of distances in the CIELAB color space. Also, as up a new technical committee, TC 1-47, Hue & Lightness
neither the tristimulus values XYZ nor the CIELAB axes a*, Dependant Correction to Industrial Colour Difference
b* are perceptual variables while the axes L*, C* and h*ab are Equations, to recommend a new equation that addresses the
correlates of the perceptions of lightness, chroma and hue, it short-comings in both color tolerance equations. One of the
seemed appropriate to scale the differences or distances in major weaknesses of the color tolerance equations was using
color space following the Weber-Fechner law of perception. the position of the reference color in CIELAB color space for
This resulted in a formula which is easy to use and has computing the local distortion of CIELAB color space. When

equivalent performance to CMC or CIE94. It also eliminates the identifications of the two specimens are reversed (calling
the annoying reference-color based distortion of CIELAB. the original test specimen the reference and the original
Thus computed color differences are based only on the Euclid- reference now the test specimen) the computation results in a
ean distance in the DIN99 space. The procedures for comput- different computed color difference. This is contrary to what is
ing the DIN99 formula are: observed. Visually, there is no change in the magnitude of the
Step 1 difference between the specimens simply by switching roles.
Redness e 5 cos ~ 16° ! a*1 sin ~ 16° ! b* (25) By using the position of the arithmetic average color between
the two specimens to compute the local distortions to CIELAB
Yellowness f 5 0.7~ 2 sin ~ 16° ! a*1 cos ~ 16° ! b* ! color space, the roles of the two specimens may be switched
without changing the magnitude of the computed color-
Chroma G 5 ~ e 2 1f 2 ! 0.5 difference, in full agreement with the visual assessments. The
report from CIE TC 1-47 has shown that CIEDE2000 out-
Hue angle h ef 5 arctan SD
performs both CMC and CIE94 across a wide array of
specimens. The CIEDE2000 color differences are computed
Step 2 from the following equations:

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L' 5 L* a' 5 ~ 11G ! ·a* b' 5 b* (28) ¯ for
The following pseudocode (see 12) will calculate h'
substitution in the above equation:
C' 5 =a' 2 1b' 2 p5 ~ h' S 1h' B ! /2
q5Abs~ h' S 2h' B !
if b' 5 0 then□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ if C' S C' B 50 then
h' 5 90 sign~ a' ! @ sign~ a' ! 2 1 # ¯ 52p
else□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ else if q.180 then

h' 5 180 2 ~ 180/π ! arctan~ a'/b' ! 2 90 sign~ b' !
end if.□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ if p,180 then
¯ 5p1180
Here sign and arctan are functions that are defined in and are
expected to return values as stated in 6.2.4. else
¯ 5p2180

G 5 0.5· S Œ12
¯ 7
C* 7 1257
D else
end if

¯ 5p
¯ is the arithmetric mean of the CIELAB C* values
where C*
for the pair of specimens (standard and batch). end if
∆L' 5 L' B 2 L' S Here Abs means the absolute value of the argument.
∆C' 5 C' B 2 C' S While not obvious from this listing, all displayed angles are
∆H' 5 s @ 2 ~ C' B C' S 2 a' B a' S 2 b' B b' S ! # 0.5 assumed to be given in degrees, including ∆θ and thus must
where generally be converted into radians for trigonometric analysis
on digital computers.
s 5 1 if a' S b' B .a' B b' S , else s 5 21.
6.6.1 Using the arithmetic average of the CIELAB color
∆E 002 5
k L ·S L
∆C' 2
k C ·S C
∆H' 2
k H ·S H
1R T ·
k C ·S C ·k H ·S H S D coordinates of the reference and test specimens to compute the
local distortion of CIELAB color space introduces a new
∆ E 00 5 =∆E 2
00 problem. Current color tolerance difference equations which
The specimen or industry dependent parameters are kL, kC, base the distortion of CIELAB space on the position of the
kH (all defaulting to unity in the absence of specific information standard allows a user to predefine the acceptance volume. This
or agreement between parties). SL, SC, SH and RT. The three S is convenient for certain textile sorting applications and for
terms operate on the, assumed orthogonal, CIELAB coordi- graphical quality control charting. Such a predetermination is
nates and the RT term computes a rotation of the color not possible with CIEDE2000. Nor is it possible or reasonable
difference volume in the blue and purple-blue regions of the to plot groups of colors in terms of the modified space
CIELAB diagram. The four color space terms are computed as coordinates, L*,a', b* since the meaning of a' is determined
follows: uniquely for each pair of colors. Thus the equation is highly
¯ 2 50! 2
optimized for pairwise comparison of a product standard to a
0.015· ~ L' production test specimen but not for statistical process control.
S L 5 11 (29)
=201 ~ L'¯ 2 50! 2
7. Test Specimens
S C 5 110.045·C' 7.1 This practice does not cover specimen preparation
techniques. Unless otherwise specified or agreed, prepare
¯ ·T
S H 5 110.015·C' specimens in accordance with appropriate test methods and
R T 5 2 sin ~ 2·∆θ ! ·R C
8. Procedure

R C 5 2· Œ ¯7
¯ 7 1257
8.1 Select appropriate geometric conditions for color mea-
surement in accordance with Practice E805.
8.2 Operate the instrument in accordance with the manufac-

∆θ 5 30·exp 2 SF ~ h'¯ 2 275° !

GD 2
turer’s instructions and the procedures given in Practice E1164.
8.3 When a colorimetric spectrometer is used, obtain the
reflectance values of the reference specimen and test
T 5 1 2 0.17· cos ~ h'
¯ 2 30° ! 10.24· cos ~ 2h'
¯ ! 10.32· cos ~ 3h'
¯ 16° !
specimens, in turn, at a sufficient number of wavelength
2 0.20· cos ~ 4h'
¯ 2 63° ! intervals to permit accurate calculation of CIE tristimulus
values. See Practice E308.
8.4 Measure at least three portions of each specimen surface
to obtain an indication of uniformity. Record the location
where these measurements were made on the specimen.

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TABLE 2 Precision of Calculated Color Differences Determined for Various Conditions of Measurement and Analysis
Measurement Conditions ∆E No. of Mean Standard
Geometry Illuminant Observer Equation Instruments ∆E Deviation
45°/0° D65 1964 CIELAB 54 1.05 0.07 0.21
45°/0° D65 1964 CMC(2:1) 54 0.55 0.03 0.09
SphereB D65 1964 CIELAB 282 1.00 0.06 0.18
SphereB D65 1964 CMC(2:1) 282 0.53 0.03 0.09
R* is the approximate inter-laboratory precision = 3.0 × standard deviation.
Specular component included for integrating-sphere measurements.

9. Calculation uses data from a commercial collaborative testing program to

9.1 Calculate color-scale values L*, a*, b*, and local illustrate precision for one material. Because of the many
tolerance weights (SL, SC, SH) if not obtained automatically. trigonometric functions and power functions involved in com-
puting the color space parameters, all computations should be
9.2 Calculate color differences ∆E*ab,∆ ECMC and their carried out in IEEE floating point format to greatest number of
components, or ∆E94, ∆E99, or ∆E00, if not obtained bits of precision available on the computational system, usually
automatically, as described in 6.2 – 6.6, respectively. known as double precision.
10. Report 11.2 The Collaborative Testing Services Color and Color
10.1 Report the following information: Difference Collaborative Reference Program (13)has surveyed
10.1.1 Total color difference ∆ECMC, ∆E94, ∆E99, or ∆E00 of the precision of color and color-difference measurements by
each test specimen from its reference. sending out pairs of painted chips exhibiting small color
10.1.2 For CIELAB color differences, L*, a*, b* for the differences on a quarterly basis since 1971. In a typical recent
reference, ∆L*, ∆a*, ∆b* and if desired ∆hab, ∆C*ab, and survey (Report No. 111, February, 2000), 118 instruments were
∆H*ab for each specimen. involved. Table 2 gives the mean color differences and their
10.1.3 For other color tolerance or color difference metrics, standard deviations for the groups of instruments considered
only the CIELAB coordinates should be reported as the local separately in the intercomparison, together with the conditions
distortions do not necessarily provide continuous, visually of analysis and measurement.
correlated parameters. 11.2.1 Reproducibility—Based on the between-laboratory
10.1.4 For non-uniform specimens, range of color- standard deviations, two color-difference results, obtained by
difference magnitudes obtained for different areas of the operators in different laboratories measuring opaque, matte
specimens. paint on sealed white paper stock should be considered suspect
10.1.5 Description or identification of the method of prepar- if they differ by more than the values shown in column R* of

ing the specimens. Table 2.

10.1.6 Identification of the instrument used, by the manu-
facturer’s name and model number. 11.3 Precision—Based on the within-laboratory standard
10.1.7 The illuminant-observer combination and the color- deviations, the precision of color-difference measurements,
difference equation used. summarized in Table 2, was equivalent to the precision of
measured values of color as reported in the literature (14,15)
11. Precision and Bias and is thus likely to be representative of the precision obtain-
11.1 Since the precision and bias of a test method cannot be able for all production materials.
separated from the effect of the specimens and materials and
since this practice does not address the issues related to the 12. Keywords
preparation and presentation of specimens, no definitive state- 12.1 color; color difference; color metrics; color spaces;
ment about precision and bias can be made. The next section, color tolerances

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(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Hunter LH, aH, bH Color Space and Color-Difference TABLE X1.1 Some Selected Values of Ka and Kb for Various CIE
Equation—This approximately uniform color space (16) is Standard Observers and CIE Standard and Recommended
produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates the quantities
Illuminant/Observer Ka Kb
LH, aH, bH calculated as follows: A – 1931 2° 185.21 38.403
A –1964 10° 186.30 38.195

Y 2 C – 1931 2° 175.00 70.000
L H 5 100 C – 1964 10° 174.30 63.379
D50 – 1931 2° 173.52 58.481
D50 – 1964 10° 173.79 58.092

aH 5 Ka
Yn S D D55 – 1931 2°
D55 – 1964 10°
D65 – 1931 2°

Y 2 D65 – 1964 10° 172.06 66.687
Yn D75 – 1931 2° 172.21 71.292
D75 – 1964 10° 171.71 70.710

F2 –1931 2° 175.99 52.849
2 F2 – 1964 10° 179.58 53.486
Yn Zn F7 – 1931 2° 172.27 67.133
bH 5 Kb
1 F7 – 1964 10° 172.95 66.805
Y 2
F11 – 1931 2° 177.56 51.642
Yn F11 – 1964 10° 180.09 52.144
where X, Y, and Z are CIE daylight tristimulus values
obtained from a measurement or other source and Ka and Kb
are coefficients that vary with the illuminant-observer combi-
nation to which the tristimulus values refer. In general, K a where:
1 1
5175 ~ X n /98.074! 2 and K b 570 ~ Z n /118.232! 2 where Xn and Zn are ∆L H 5 L H,B 2 L H,S (X1.5)
the X and Z tristimulus values for the perfect reflecting diffuser ∆a H 5 a H,B 2 a H,S (X1.6)
in the chosen illuminant-observer combination. Examples of ∆b H 5 b H,B 2 b H,S (X1.7)
Ka and Kb are tabulated in Table X1.1.
where LH,S, aH,S, bH,S refer to the reference or standard and
X1.1.1 The total color-difference ∆EH between two colors
LH,B, aH,B, bH,B refer to the test specimen or batch. The signs
each given in LH, aH, bH is calculated as follows:
of the components ∆ LH, ∆ aH, ∆bH have the same approximate
∆E H 5 @ ~ ∆L H ! 2 1 ~ ∆a H ! 2 1 ~ ∆b H ! 2 # 2 (X1.4) meaning as do their counterparts in 6.2.3.


X2.1 Table X2.1.


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TABLE X2.1 Example Calculations for Color Tolerance Equations
Color Coordinate STD-1 BAT-1 STD-2 BAT-2 STD-3 BAT-3 STD-4 BAT-4 STD-5 BAT-5
X 19.4100 19.5525 22.4800 22.5833 28.9950 28.7704 4.1400 4.4129 4.9600 4.6651
Y 28.4100 28.6400 31.6000 31.3700 29.5800 29.7400 8.5400 8.5100 3.7200 3.8100
Z 11.5766 10.5791 38.4800 36.7901 35.7500 35.6045 8.0300 8.6453 19.5900 17.7848
L* 60.2574 60.4626 63.0109 62.8187 61.2901 61.4292 35.0831 35.0232 22.7233 23.0331
a* -34.0099 -34.1751 -31.0961 -29.7946 3.7196 2.2480 -44.1164 -40.0716 20.0904 14.9730
b* 36.2677 39.4387 -5.8663 -4.0864 -5.3901 -4.9620 3.7933 1.5901 -46.6940 -42.5619
C* 49.7194 52.1857 31.6447 30.0735 6.5490 5.4474 44.2792 40.1031 50.8326 45.1188
hab* 133.160 130.910 190.683 187.810 304.609 294.373 175.086 177.728 293.280 289.382
SLCMC 1.1965 1.2224 1.2064 0.8878 0.6646
SCCMC 2.5589 2.0653 1.0228 2.4259 2.5848
f 0.9998 0.9991 0.7014 0.9998 0.9999
T 0.7515 0.7599 0.6369 0.7513 0.5991
SHCMC 1.9231 1.5700 0.7623 1.8229 1.5487
∆L* 0.2052 -0.1922 0.1391 -0.0599 0.3098
∆C* 2.4663 -1.5712 -1.1016 -4.1761 -5.7138
∆H* -1.9999 -1.5472 -1.0657 1.9430 -3.2580
∆E*ab 3.1819 2.2134 1.5390 4.6063 6.5847
∆ECMC(1:1) 1.4282 1.2549 1.7684 2.0258 3.0870
∆ECMC(2:1) 1.4205 1.2474 1.7656 2.0250 3.0604
SL94 1.0000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
SC94 3.23737 2.42401 1.29470 2.99256 3.28747
SH94 1.74579 1.47467 1.09824 1.66419 1.76249
∆E94 1.3910 1.2481 1.2980 1.8204 2.5561
e -22.6983 -21.9832 -31.5095 -29.7677 2.09015 0.79346 -41.3637 -38.0826 6.44406 2.66348
f 30.9657 33.1313 2.05161 2.99825 -4.34462 -3.77258 11.0634 8.80059 -35.2962 -31.5285
G 38.3939 39.7611 31.5762 29.9184 4.82125 3.85513 42.8177 39.0863 35.8796 31.6408
hef 126.242 123.565 176.275 174.249 295.692 281.878 165.026 166.988 280.347 274.829
kE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

kCH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C99 22.2993 22.7950 19.6478 18.9522 4.36339 3.55497 23.8646 22.5517 21.3579 19.6745
h99 2.20334 2.15662 3.07657 3.04121 5.16080 4.91969 2.88024 2.91449 4.89297 4.79667
a99 -13.1833 -12.6029 -19.6063 -18.8568 1.89166 0.73168 -23.0542 -21.9726 3.83592 1.65617
b99 17.9850 18.9941 1.27658 1.89928 -3.93203 -3.47886 6.16626 5.07769 -21.0106 -19.6046
L99 70.5738 70.7489 72.8994 72.7388 71.4521 71.5698 46.5330 46.4688 32.3670 32.7463
∆E99(Lab) 1.1772 0.98756 1.25091 1.53592 2.62143
∆C99 0.49568 -0.69558 -0.80842 -1.31296 -1.68341
∆H99 -1.05329 -0.68237 -0.94729 0.79439 -1.97335
∆L99 0.17512 -0.16065 0.11774 -0.06425 0.37933
∆E99(LCH) 1.1772 0.98756 1.25091 1.53592 2.62143
L*ave 60.3600 62.9148 61.3597 35.0532 22.8782
C*ave 50.9525 30.8591 5.9982 42.1911 47.9757
G 0.0017 0.0490 0.4966 0.0063 0.0026
a' -34.0678 -34.2333 -32.6195 -31.2542 5.5669 3.3643 -44.3939 -40.3237 20.1424 15.0118
C' 49.7590 52.2238 33.1428 31.5202 7.7488 5.9950 44.5557 40.3550 50.8532 45.1317
h' 133.21 130.96 190.20 187.45 315.92 304.14 175.12 177.74 293.33 289.43
C'ave 50.9914 32.3315 6.8719 42.4554 47.9924
h'ave 132.084 188.822 310.031 176.429 291.381
∆L* 0.2052 -0.1922 0.1391 -0.0599 0.3098
∆C' 2.4648 -1.6226 -1.7538 -4.2007 -5.7215
∆H’ -2.0018 -1.5490 -1.3995 1.9430 -3.2653
SL 1.1427 1.1831 1.1586 1.2148 1.4014
SC 3.2946 2.4549 1.3092 2.9105 3.1597
SH 1.9951 1.4560 1.0717 1.6476 1.2617
RC 1.9932 1.8527 0.0218 1.9759 1.9897
∆θ 0.0000 0.0002 4.2110 0.0000 19.5282
RT 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0032 0.0000 -1.2537
T 1.3010 0.9402 0.6952 1.0168 0.3636
∆E00 1.2644 1.2630 1.8731 1.8645 2.0373
STD-6 BAT-6 STD-7 BAT-7 STD-8 BAT-8 STD-9 BAT-9 STD-10 BAT-10
X 15.6000 15.9148 73.0000 73.9351 73.9950 69.1762 0.7040 0.6139 0.2200 0.0933
Y 9.2500 9.1500 78.0500 78.8200 78.3200 73.4000 0.7500 0.6500 0.2300 0.1000
Z 5.0200 4.3872 81.8000 84.5156 85.3060 79.7130 0.9720 0.8510 0.3250 0.1452
L* 36.4612 36.2715 90.8027 91.1528 90.9257 88.6381 6.7747 5.8714 2.0776 0.9033
a* 47.8580 50.5065 -2.0831 -1.6435 -0.5406 -0.8985 -0.2909 -0.0974 0.0795 -0.0621
b* 18.3852 21.2231 1.4410 0.0447 -0.9208 -0.7239 -2.4247 -2.2282 -1.1350 -0.5515
C* 51.2680 54.7844 2.5329 1.6441 1.0677 1.1538 2.4421 2.2303 1.1378 0.5550
hab * 21.0148 22.7924 145.326 178.441 239.583 218.857 263.160 267.469 274.004 263.419
SL 0.9090 1.4295 1.4303 0.5110 0.5110
SC 2.5947 0.7944 0.7052 0.7890 0.7095
f 0.9999 0.1456 0.0261 0.1356 0.0279
T 0.5836 0.7600 0.6949 0.6246 0.5878
SH 1.5144 0.7666 0.6996 0.7488 0.7008
∆L* -0.1897 0.3501 -2.2876 -0.9033 -1.1743

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TABLE X2.1 Continued
STD-6 BAT-6 STD-7 BAT-7 STD-8 BAT-8 STD-9 BAT-9 STD-10 BAT-10
∆C* 3.5164 -0.8888 0.0861 -0.2117 -0.5828
∆H* 1.6441 1.1631 -0.3993 0.1766 -0.1444
∆E*ab 3.8864 1.5051 2.3238 0.9441 1.3189
∆ECMC(1:1) 1.7490 1.9009 1.7026 1.8034 2.4491
∆ECMC(2:1) 1.7396 1.8890 0.9901 0.9533 1.4274
SL94 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
SC94 3.30706 1.11398 1.04805 1.10989 1.05120
SH94 1.76902 1.03799 1.01602 1.03663 1.01707
∆E94 1.4249 1.4194 2.3226 0.9388 1.3063
e 51.0729 54.4010 -1.60532 -1.56759 -0.77341 -1.06323 -0.94785 -0.70772 -0.23643 -0.21163
f 3.13861 4.53729 1.37149 0.34716 -0.51529 -0.31376 -1.57548 -1.48059 -0.77907 -0.35911
G 51.1692 54.5899 2.11140 1.60557 0.92934 1.10855 1.83863 1.64104 0.81415 0.41684

hef 3.51660 4.76770 139.491 167.513 213.674 196.441 238.968 244.452 253.118 239.488
kE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
kCH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C99 26.5492 27.5616 2.01703 1.55022 0.91044 1.08179 1.76652 1.58328 0.79959 0.41297
h99 0.06138 0.08321 2.43458 2.92365 3.72931 3.42855 4.17078 4.26650 4.41774 4.17986
a99 26.4992 27.4662 -1.53356 -1.51355 -0.75767 -1.03756 -0.91067 -0.68281 -0.2322 -0.20967
b99 1.62847 2.29081 1.31019 0.33520 -0.5048 -0.30618 -1.51369 -1.42847 -0.76514 -0.35579
L99 48.0009 47. 8000 93.8837 94.1231 93.9679 92.3911 10.7292 9.36013 3.40777 1.49518
∆E99(Lab) 1.18914 1.00416 1.61372 1.39052 1.95603
∆C99 1.01234 -0.46681 0.17135 -0.18325 -0.38662
∆H99 0.59066 0.85621 -0.29736 0.16002 -0.13638
∆L99 -0.20088 0.23942 -1.5768 -1.36907 -1.91259
∆E99 1.18914 1.00416 1.61372 1.39052 1.95603
L*ave 36.3664 90.9778 89.7819 6.3231 1.4905
C*ave 53.0262 2.0885 1.1108 2.3362 0.8464
G 0.0013 0.4999 0.5000 0.4999 0.5000
a' 47.9197 50.5717 -3.1244 -2.4651 -0.8108 -1.3477 -0.4363 -0.1461 0.1192 -0.0931
C' 51.3256 54.8444 3.4407 2.4655 1.2269 1.5298 2.4637 2.2330 1.1412 0.5593
h' 20.99 22.77 155.24 178.96 228.63 208.24 259.80 266.25 275.99 260.42
C'ave 53.0850 2.9531 1.3784 2.3483 0.8503
h'ave 21.8781 167.101 218.436 263.02 268.20
∆L* -0.1897 0.3501 -2.2876 -0.9033 -1.1743
∆C' 3.5189 -0.9751 0.3029 -0.2306 -0.5819
∆H' 1.6444 1.1972 -0.4850 0.2638 -0.2165
SL 1.1943 1.6110 1.5930 1.6517 1.7246
SC 3.3888 1.1329 1.0620 1.1057 1.0383
SH 1.7357 1.0511 1.0288 1.0336 1.0099
RC 1.9949 0.0011 0.0001 0.0005 0.0000
∆θ 0.0000 0.0000 0.1794 23.848 27.865
RT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0004 0.0000
T 0.9239 1.1546 1.3916 0.9549 0.7787
∆E00 1.4146 1.4440 1.5381 0.6386 0.9076
If Table X2.1 is used to check a computer program, discrepancies of ±0.0001 and occasionally ±0.0002 may arise due to roundoff, and do not call into question the
program’s correctness.


X3.1 Scope—A commercial factor cf may be introduced X3.3 Using one form of the CIELAB color difference
into any of the above color tolerance or color difference equation as an example, a commercial factor could be imple-
equations for the purpose of rescaling the volume of the mented as shown in the following equation:
acceptable region to units that are convenient, or customary. It
is possible, for instance, by scaling two standards that would ∆E* ab,CF5cf 5 cf =~ ∆L* ! 2 1 ~ ∆C* ! 2 1 ~ ∆H* ! 2 (X3.1)
otherwise have different tolerance values in a way that each has
X3.4 Commercial factors are always multiplicative, never
the same acceptable nominal value as the other, say, one unit.
divisive. Commercial factors less than unity make the reported
X3.2 A definition of the term, commercial factor, follows: units smaller and thus the tolerable volume in old units larger,
and commercial factors larger than one make the reported units
X3.2.1 commercial factor, n—in colorimetry, a scalar factor larger and the tolerable volume in old units smaller.
used to scale color-difference values to convenient, or
customary, units.

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X3.5 Commercial factors are not part of the definition of the ∆E* ab,CF51.2 5 0.84
color-difference unit resulting from that equation, and thus, ∆E 00,CF50.8 5 1.6
reporting of the use of a commercial factor and its magnitude
is essential. Examples of ways in which commercial factors ∆E CMC,CF52 5 2.4
might be reported follow: ∆E HunterLAB,CF50.9 5 0.81


(1) Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, Publication CIE No. Chemist and Colorist, Vol 24, No 4, 1992, pp. 11-15.
15:2004, Colorimetry, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 2004. (10) Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, Technical Report 101,
(2) Clark, F. J. J., McDonald, R., and Rigg, B., “Modification to the JPC Parametric effects in colour-difference evaluation, Central Bureau of
79 Colour-Difference Formula,” Journal of the Society of Dyers and the CIE, Vienna, 1993.(Available from CIE Publications, c/o TLA
Colorists, Vol 100, 1984, pp. 128-132. Lighting Consultants, Inc., 7 Pond Street, Salem, MA 01970.)
(3) Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, Technical Report 116, (11) AATCC Test Method 173-1992, “CMC: Calculation of Small Color
Industrial Colour-Difference Evaluation, Central Bureau of the CIE, Differences for Acceptability,” AATCC Technical Manual, AATCC
Vienna, 1995.(Available from CIE Publications, c/o TLA Lighting Research Triangle Park, NC, 1993.
Consultants, Inc., 7 Pond Street, Salem, MA 01970.) (12) Sharma, G., The CIEDE2000 Color Difference Formula: Implemen-
(4) Rohner, E., und Rich, Danny C., “Eine angenähert gleichförmige
tation Notes, Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical
Metrik für industrielle Farbtoleranzen von Körberfarben,” Die Farbe,
Observations, Color Research and Application, Vol 30, 2005, 21-30.
42, Heft 4-6, 1996, pp. 207-220.
(13) “Color and Appearance Collaborative Reference Program for Color
(5) Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, Technical Report 142-
and Color-Difference,” Collaborative Testing Services, Inc.,
2001, Improvement to Industrial Colour Difference Equation, Central
Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 2000. (Available from CIE Publications, McLean, VA.
c/o TLA Lighting Consultants, Inc., 7 Pond Street, Salem, MA (14) Billmeyer, F. W., Jr., and Alessi, P. J., “Assessment of Color-
01970.) Measuring Instruments,”Color Research and Application, Vol 6,
(6) Robertson, A. R.,“The CIE 1976 Color-Difference Formulae,” Color 1981, pp. 195–202.
Research and Application, Vol 2, 1977, pp. 7–11. (15) Rich, D. C., “Colorimetric Repeatability and Reproducibility of
(7) McLaren, K., and Taylor, P. F., “The Derivation of Hue-Difference CHROMA-SENSOR Spectrocolorimeters,” DIE FARBE, Vol 37,
Terms from CIELAB Coordinates,”Color Research and Application, 1990, pp. 247-261.
Vol 6, 1981, pp. 75–77. (16) Hunter, R. S. and Harold, R. W., The Measurement of Appearance,
(8) McLaren, K., “CIELAB Hue-Angle Anomalies at Low Tristimulus 2nd Ed. Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 1987, pp. 148–152.
Ratios,”Color Research and Application, Vol 5, 1980, pp. 139–143. (17) Stokes, M. and Brill, M. H., “Efficient Computation of ∆H,” Color
(9) McDonald, Roderick, “Color Communication in the 90s,” Textile Research and Application, 17, 1992, pp. 410–411.


Committee E12 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D2244–15ε1) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved August 1, 2015.)

(1) Corrected equation in 6.2. (2) Reformatted 10.1.6 and added 10.1.7.

Committee E12 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D2244–14)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved January 1, 2015.)

(1) A sentence was removed from 5.2.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned

in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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