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Article history: The flow past a circular cylinder constrained under large blockage exhibits features even in the steady
Received 4 May 2020 regime, that strikingly contrast those corresponding to its unbounded counterpart. While several
Received in revised form 20 October 2020 studies are dedicated towards understanding this classical flow problem in unbounded medium,
Accepted 30 January 2021
surprisingly, very little efforts have been put forward to extract details of flow alterations in a highly
Available online 5 February 2021
confined flow. The absence of flow solutions and comprehensive data acts as an impetus behind the
Keywords: current work that computes steady, two-dimensional flow over the Reynolds number, Re range of
Stabilized finite-element 4–100 under a large blockage of 0.9. The imposition of large blockage stabilizes the flow; it enhances
Steady flow the Re limit of fore-aft flow symmetry to 5, delays the onset of laminar separation to Re = 27.8 and
Circular cylinder preserves the steady nature of flow even at Re = 100. The wake grows non-linearly with Re. For
Large blockage Re ≤ 5, the base pressure represents the minimum surface pressure and eliminates any development
Surface pressure of adverse pressure gradient along the cylinder. The order of magnitude rise in the drag and drop of
surface pressure are overwhelming. There exists a competition of pressure gradient on the sidewalls
and cylinder surface for 6 ≤ Re < 15.
© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
0997-7546/© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
that the effects of blockage on the characteristics of flow past a the confined flow, they conducted linear stability analysis and
stationary circular cylinder are less appreciable for values of B explored the effect of blockage on the critical Re corresponding
smaller than 0.05, approximately. It should, however, be noted to Hopf and Pitchfork bifurcations. The modifications of drag
that the blockage effects become stronger at lower Re and the and wake parameters of a circular cylinder due to imposition of
domain width should extend to 2000D or higher, i.e. B ≤ 0.0005 blockage was investigated by Chakraborty et al. [18]. Subject to
to achieve asymptotic solutions [11]. In the following paragraphs, the towing tank boundary condition, they simulated the steady
the prior investigations concerning the effects of lateral wall flow over Re = 0.1 − 200 and B = 0.05 − 0.65. When Re
confinement on the characteristics of flow past a circular cylinder was held constant, increasing B resulted in lesser values of Cd
are reviewed. because of additional retarding force offered by the walls on
The effects of confining walls on the stability of steady wake the cylinder. Kumar and Mittal [19] studied the dependence of
of a circular cylinder were analysed by Shair et al. [12] through critical Re and St on B. They conducted a linear stability analysis
experiments in a closed oil tunnel. For B = 0.05 − 0.2, they found of the conservation equations for 0.005 ≤ B ≤ 0.125. With
that the tunnel walls stabilize the steady wake or delay the onset increasing B, the critical Re was found to initially drop and then
of vortex-shedding. They argued that the disturbances responsi- rise. By performing extensive two-dimensional spectral-element
ble for wake instability are generated across the free-stream and computations for Re = 5 − 250, Posdziech and Grundmann [11]
get suppressed by the tunnel walls. For steady separated flow past studied the effects of domain extension and mesh resolution on
a circular cylinder at high Re, i.e. Re ≈ 30 − 300, Grove et al. the drag, base pressure, lift and shedding frequency of a circular
[7] presented limited results for surface pressure signifying the cylinder. The quantity H was varied from 40D to 8000D, yielding
wall effects on the flow. A comprehensive experimental investi- a wide range of low blockage varying from 0.000125 to 0.025.
gation on the onset of laminar separation and wake instability, Relative to the asymptotic solution at B = 0.000125, they found
dimensions of the twin eddies, location of eddy centres, contour that the difference in drag for B = 0.025 at Re = 5 is about 7%
of the wake boundary and distribution of streamwise velocity while at Re = 20 and 40, the difference drops to about 4%.
along the wake axis is due to Coutanceau and Bouard [13]. They The role of blockage (for 0.000125 ≤ B ≤ 0.8) along with
conducted flow visualization experiments for steady flow around boundary conditions in influencing the onset of steady laminar
a circular cylinder in a towing tank for Re ranging from separation separation from a circular cylinder was numerically investigated
Reynolds number, Res to Rec . Through experiments in an open by Sen et al. [10]. Two sets of boundary conditions (slip and
circuit wind tunnel for 104 < Re < 105 , West and Apelt [6] towing tank) were employed for each blockage. They also used
explored the effects of tunnel blockage and cylinder aspect ratio a third set of boundary condition involving parabolic inlet and
on the surface pressure distribution, base pressure or Cpb , wake no-slip sidewalls. With this set, they presented limited results at
frequency (measured by St) and drag. For unsteady flow past a Re = 40 for a large blockage of 0.9. By employing finite-volume
circular cylinder over Re = 60 − 180, Stansby and Slaouti [14] method on unstructured mesh, Singha and Sinhamahapatra [20]
studied the effects of blockage on St and aerodynamic forces. presented solutions for confined flow past a circular cylinder over
For unsteady flow past a circular cylinder, Behr et al. [8] Re = 45 − 250. The blockage was varied from 0.125 to 0.5. At Re =
compared the St, Cd and the maximum value of lift, Cl obtained 45 corresponding to steady flow, they found that increase in B
from five different meshes having the domain widths of 9D, results in decrease of wake length, separation angle and increase
12.5D, 16D, 24D and 32D, respectively. For domain width ex- in drag. In addition, the cylinder surface pressure was entirely
ceeding 16D, the results displayed less than 1% deviation. For a positive at the highest blockage of 0.5. For B = 0.125 and 0.167
computational domain restricted laterally by no-slip sidewalls, flow at Re = 100, they observed the phenomenon of reverse
Chen et al. [15] numerically explored the role of blockage on the Karman vortex street where the shed Karman vortices switch
formation of the closed wake behind a circular cylinder and also their positions about the wake centreline little downstream the
the onset of unsteadiness of flow. Concerning the appearance of near wake. In context of non-Newtonian fluid flow, Rao et al.
the steady wake, they varied B from 0.1 to 0.95. For determining [21] computationally explored the effects of wall confinement
the Rec , the blockage was varied from 0.1 to 0.7. Anagnostopoulos (B = 0.167, 0.25 and 0.5) on steady and unsteady flow quantities
et al. [16] discretized the streamfunction–vorticity equations via for Re = 40 − 140. Table 1 provides a summary of the previous
finite-element method and studied the effects of blockage on the works that deal with the influence of blockage.
characteristics of flow around a cylinder. For steady and unsteady As apparent from the above discussion, the maximum value of
flows at Re = 106, three values of blockage, i.e. 0.05, 0.15 and blockage up to which results are available in the open literature
0.25 were considered. With rise in blockage, the values of the is 0.95 due to Chen et al. [15] and Chen [17]. However, detailed
separation angle, θs and drag increased while the wake length, accounts of steady flow at large blockage are unavailable in these
L shortened. The effects of blockage (for B = 0.1 − 0.95) and studies. For a representative Re of 40 and various B between 0.005
boundary conditions on the onset of steady laminar separation and 0.8, Table 2 summarizes the values of Cd obtained by Sen
were investigated by Chen [17] via finite-element computations. et al. [10] using the slip and towing tank boundary conditions.
The boundary conditions employed were: (i) fully developed or For comparison, results obtained by using the no-slip sidewalls
parabolic inlet and no-slip stationary sidewalls, (ii) free-stream are also included. It is obvious from this table, that the solutions
inlet and no-slip stationary sidewalls and (iii) towing tank bound- obtained from the slip and towing tank boundary conditions con-
ary condition (lateral boundaries are translating with free-stream verge well till B = 0.04. However, results with no-slip boundary
speed, U). For the third set of boundary conditions and B > condition differ even with B = 0.01. This deviation is even more
0.1, he noted non-linear elongation of the wake bubble with pronounced in the streamline plots presented in Fig. 7 of Sen et al.
Re. However, for the other two sets of boundary conditions, the [10]. Thus, the choice of boundary conditions assumes paramount
elongation of the wake with Re was linear. importance for flows constrained under high blockage. Following
For flow past a circular cylinder over 0 < Re ≤ 280, Sahin the lead of Sahin and Owens [5], we employ in the present work,
and Owens [5] employed a velocity-only finite-volume formula- the no-slip sidewalls and report two orders of magnitude rise
tion and studied the wall effects on the stability of flow, fluid (relative to unbounded flow) of the drag and noticeable drop of
forcing, wake dynamics and interactions between the wake and the surface pressure. We are unaware of any prior study that
sidewall boundary layers. They presented results for unconfined reports the details of steady flow under extremely large block-
(B = 0.01) as well as confined (0.1 ≤ B ≤ 0.9) flows. For age and no-slip sidewalls. While Chakraborty et al. [18] focus
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Table 1
Flow past a stationary circular cylinder subject to varying blockage: summary of the earlier studies. The maximum blockage for
which results are available is 0.95 (highlighted in the table). Here, FEM, FVM and SEM stand for finite-element method, finite-volume
method and spectral-element method, respectively.
Study B Re Method
Shair et al. [12] 0.05–0.20 Rec Experiments
Grove et al. [7] 0.05, 0.1, 0.1875 ≈ 30−300 Experiments
Coutanceau and Bouard [13]a 0, 0.024, 0.07, 0.12 > 5, < 40 Experiments
West and Apelt [6] 0.02–0.16 > 104 , < 105 Experiments
Stansby and Slaouti [14] 0–0.5 60–180 Random vortex method
Behr et al. [8] 0.0315–0.111 100 FEM
Chen et al. [15] 0.1–0.95 Res and Rec FEM
Anagnostopoulos et al. [16] 0.05, 0.15 and 0.25 106 FEM
Chen [17] 0.1–0.95 Res FEM
Sahin and Owens [5] > 0.1, ≤ 0.9 > 0, ≤ 280 FVM
Chakraborty et al. [18] 0.05–0.65 0.1–200 FVM (ANSYS-Fluent)
Kumar and Mittal [19] 0.005–0.125 Rec FEM
Posdziech and Grundmann [11] 0.000125 − 0.025 5–250 SEM
Sen et al. [10] 0.000125–0.80 6–40 FEM
Singha and Sinhamahapatra [20] 0.125–0.5 45, 100, 150, 200, 250 FVM
Rao et al. [21] 0.167, 0.25 and 0.5 40–140 FVM (ANSYS-Fluent)
The definition of blockage used by Coutanceau and Bouard [13] is different from the definition used in this Section.
Table 2
Steady separated flow past a stationary circular cylinder at Re = 40: summary
of cylinder drag obtained by using slip, towing tank and no-slip conditions at
the lateral boundaries of the computational domain for different values of B.
The results for the slip and towing tank boundary conditions are taken from
Sen et al. [10].
B Slip Towing tank No-slip
0.005 1.51 1.51 1.51
0.01 1.51 1.51 1.50
0.04 1.57 1.57 1.49
0.07 1.65 1.66 1.50 Fig. 1. Problem definition for highly confined (B = 90%) steady flow around a
0.10 − − 1.54 stationary circular cylinder.
0.11 1.78 1.82 −
0.15 1.95 2.01 1.66
0.20 2.20 2.30 1.83 2. Governing equations and finite-element formulation
0.80 45.57 87.23 63.18
Let Ω ⊂ R2 be the spatial domain. The boundary of Ω ,
denoted by Γ , is assumed to be piecewise smooth. The spatial
coordinates are denoted by x (= x, y). Using vector notation, the
primarily on the drag, Singha and Sinhamahapatra [20] presents
strong form of the conservation equations governing the steady,
results for steady flow only at a single Re of 45. On the other incompressible flow of a Newtonian fluid of density, ρ , are:
hand, the results of Rao et al. [21] widely correspond to non-
Newtonian fluid flow. Thus, a fundamental and comprehensive ρ (u · ∇ u − f) − ∇ · σ = 0 on Ω , (1)
study concerning steady flow of a Newtonian fluid past a circular ∇ · u = 0 on Ω . (2)
cylinder under extremely large blockage is unavailable in the lit-
Here u (= u, v ), f and σ denote the fluid velocity, body force
erature. This research gap serves as the prime motivation behind
per unit volume and the Cauchy stress tensor, respectively. In
the current work. The research questions dealt with are: does the this study, f = 0. As the sum of inviscid (isotropic) and viscous
imposition of blockage alter the regime of fore-aft symmetry of (deviatoric) components, the constitutive relation for the stress
flow? to what extent does the value of unbounded Res alter? does tensor at a point reads as: σ = −pI+µ[(∇ u)+(∇ u)T ]. Here, p, I, µ
the wake bubble elongate linearly with Re as is generally seen? if and ∇ u are the pressure, identity tensor, dynamic viscosity of the
not, why? what is the impact of the sidewall shear layer on L and fluid and velocity gradient tensor, respectively. The flow problem
θs ? to what extent do the magnitudes of cylinder surface pressure under consideration is associated with essential (Dirichlet) as well
and drag change? how do the sidewalls influence the pressure as natural (Neumann-type) boundary conditions. These boundary
gradient around the cylinder? how does the characteristics of conditions are represented as
highly confined flow compare with those of unconfined flow? is u = g on Γg , n · σ = h on Γh , (3)
the highly confined flow at very low Re equivalent to unbounded
flow at low Re? Our efforts to analyse these follow the use of respectively, where Γg and Γh are complementary subsets of Γ , n
a stabilized finite-element solver [22] in two-dimensions. For a is its unit normal vector and h is the surface traction vector. The
blockage of 0.9, results are presented for Re = 4 − 100. boundary conditions employed in this work have been defined
in Section 3.1. The finite-element formulation is discussed in
The remaining of this article is organized in the following man-
Tezduyar et al. [22].
ner. The governing equations for steady, incompressible flow are
reviewed in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the problem statement 3. Problem description
as well as finite-element mesh. The validation of the formula-
tion along with mesh insensitivity of the predicted results are 3.1. Problem set-up
addressed in Section 4. Section 5 covers the presentation and dis-
cussion of the main results. In Section 6, few concluding remarks A circular cylinder of diameter, D is placed symmetrically be-
are made. tween the upper and lower boundaries of a channel. A rectangular
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 2. The non-uniform and three-blocked finite-element mesh used for computing the highly confined steady flow past a fixed circular cylinder. The mesh is
composed of 90460 nodes and 89472 bilinear quadrilateral elements.
Fig. 4. Results from unsteady computations of flow past a stationary circular cylinder at Re = 100 under a large blockage of 0.9: time traces of (a) Cd and (b) Cl
imply that the flow at Re = 100 is indeed steady. The closed wake (Fig. c) and vorticity contours (Fig. d) further ensure the steady nature of flow.
Fig. 5. Steady flow past a circular cylinder under a large blockage of 0.9: depiction of flow via streamlines for Re = (a) 5, (b) 20, (c) 33, (d) 40, (e) 60, (f) 80 and
(g) 100, respectively.
Fig. 8. Relationship between L −θs curves for unbounded (B = 0.005) and highly
confined (B = 0.9) flows. These two families of curves are identical up to point
Fig. 7. Steady flow past a circular cylinder under large blockage (B = 0.9): A and afterwards, they diverge. This suggests that the bubble for highly confined
variation of wake length and separation angle with Reynolds number. The flow will elongate linearly with Re up to point A and post this point, the L − Re
separation angle is measured from the base point. It may be noted that the relationship will turn out to be non-linear.
L − Re relationship is linear up to Re about 50.
Fig. 10. Steady flow past a circular cylinder under extremely large blockage of 0.9: vorticity contours for Re = (a) 5, (b) 20, (c) 40, (d) 60, (e) 80 and (f) 100,
respectively. The vorticity saddle point is highlighted in Fig. e.
Fig. 11. Steady separated flow past a circular cylinder at low Re: wake contours for (a) B = 0.01 flow at Re = 40 and (b) B = 0.9 flow at Re = 100. Fig. c depicts
the dependence of maximum width of the wake on Re.
value of pressure at the inlet or forward stagnation point vary be defined only by subtracting the same quantity from p. Thus,
with Lu . As pointed out by Posdziech and Grundmann [11], the the inlet pressure cannot be used as the reference pressure for
differences in (base) pressure coefficient using both the choices defining the pressure coefficient. To retain consistency in the
for pref become more apparent for short Lu . values of Cp , we employ the definition used by Braza et al. [29],
In the current study, we employ a coupled velocity–pressure p−p +0.5ρ U 2
i.e. Cp = 0.5ρ U 2
. This definition of Cp renders a unit value of
finite-element formulation. This formulation does not use an the forward stagnation pressure coefficient for each Re.
explicit equation for pressure and hence, no initial or boundary The most impactful effect of large blockage occurs perhaps on
condition is required to compute the pressure field. Thus, the the cylinder surface pressure distribution. The surface pressure
pressure is an unknown quantity at all the nodes of the com- profile undergoes fundamental modifications, the order of magni-
putational domain. With respect to the fully developed parabolic tude of Cp sees a huge drop. The Cp along the lower half surface of
velocity profile at the inlet, the pressure at the inlet does no the cylinder (0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ ) for B = 0.01 and 0.9 are compared
longer represent the free-stream pressure. This is apparent from in Fig. 12 for Re = 5 and 40, respectively. For B = 0.01 (Fig. 12a),
Figs. 19d, e, f for values of Cp at the lower left corner of the the surface pressure at Re = 5 is maximum at the forward
computational domain, corresponding to Dx = −32. As revealed stagnation point. As one travels away from the forward stagnation
by Figs. 19d, e, f, the inlet pressure is found to vary with the point (θ = 0◦ ) along the cylinder surface or as θ increases, Cp
Reynolds number. This implies that use of the inlet pressure as turns negative close to θ = 40◦ and remains negative thereafter.
pref amounts to subtraction of a variable pressure from p. Pressure The minimum value of Cp is attained at θ ≈ 117◦ next to the
being a relative variable (page 130 of [30]), a consistent Cp can cylinder shoulder followed by a recovery/rise of pressure. The
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 12. Steady flow past a circular cylinder under low (B = 0.01, first column, Figs. a and d) and large (B = 0.9, second and third columns) blockages at Re = 5
and 40: comparison of cylinder surface pressure profile. In this figure, the third column (Fig. c for Re = 5 and Fig. f for Re = 40) shows the pressure gradient.
existence of a minimum in Cp − θ plot signifies a change of sign is entirely positive at Re = 45. They, however, defined the
∂C p−p
of the pressure gradient, ∂θp , i.e. the pressure gradient along the pressure coefficient as Cp = 0.5ρ U∞2 . By using the same definition
cylinder surface is favourable till the point of minimum pressure, as used by Singha and Sinhamahapatra [20], it is found in the
Cp min is reached. The gradient turns adverse next to the minimum present work that the base pressure is positive for the entire
pressure point. A large blockage of 0.9 induces drastic alterations range of Re considered. In addition, for Re up to 63, the surface
of the pressure distribution at the same Re (see Fig. 12b). The pressure is positive throughout. As already stated, we follow the
surface pressure turns negative at an angle as small as 15◦ and as definition of Cp due to Braza et al. [29]. For Re = 4 − 100, Fig. 13
θ approaches 180◦ , its value decreases by several hundred times. illustrates the development of surface pressure distribution. The
The maximum (= 1) and minimum (= −3040.05) values of Cp are Cp − θ curve at Re = 4 is similar in construction to the one
attained at the forward and rear stagnation points, respectively. for Re = 5 discussed above. At Re = 6, the point of minimum
For steady unbounded flow around a circular cylinder at Re = 1, pressure shifts upstream from the base point (see Table 4) sig-
Fig. 16 of Dennis and Shimshoni [31] for Cp −θ variation illustrates nalling the first occurrence of the adverse pressure gradient. The
monotonic decay of Cp with θ and attainment of minimum Cp at adverse pressure gradient though initiated at Re = 6, is weak
the base point; the base pressure being a negative quantity. As and continues to strengthen with rise in Re. It becomes strong
evident from Fig. 12b, Cp is virtually constant over θ ≈ 120◦ to enough at Re = 27.8 to cause the separation of boundary layer.
180◦ . Besides, Cp maintains its least value. A sharp drop in surface With increasing Re, the value of the minimum pressure increases
pressure takes place ahead of this range of θ . The absence of a further (becomes less negative) and the location of the minimum
minimum point prior to the base point or absence of pressure pressure travels upstream (Fig. 13b for Re = 30 and 13c for Re =
recovery implies that the confined flow at Re = 5 is strictly 60). As apparent from Figs. 13d, 13e and 13f for Re = 64, 70 and
under favourable pressure gradient (Fig. 12c) and hence, must be 100, respectively, the regime of negative pressure downstream
attached. It may be noted that the favourable pressure gradient is of the shoulder weakens (turns less negative) with rising Re. The
symmetric about the lower shoulder of the cylinder. This further minimum pressure point does however, never advance ahead of
corroborates with the fact that the flow at Re = 5 displays fore-aft the cylinder shoulder. This is a contrasting feature relative to
symmetry. unbounded flow at Re ≫ Res , such as 40 (Fig. 12d). Overall, the
The surface pressure for B = 0.01 does not exhibit any quali- value of Cp at a given θ increases with increasing Re.
tative change when the value of Re is increased to 40 (Fig. 12d). Fig. 8 indicates that the value of separation angle for B = 0.9
The values of the minimum pressure and base pressure increase, at Re = 100 surpasses the one for B = 0.005 at Re = 40.
i.e. become less negative. In addition, the location of the mini- The higher value of separation angle in the former case is due
mum pressure travels upstream, signifying a wider region under to the penetrated opposite-signed vorticity and divergence of
adverse pressure gradient and a consequent larger wake. In con- shear layer on the cylinder away from the wall. The magnitude of
trast, for B = 0.9, the Cp − θ profile at Re = 40 undergoes large pressure gradient along the cylinder wall also appears to be a key
quantitative alterations as evident from Fig. 12e. The magnitude factor governing the location of separation points. Figs. 14a and
of Cp drops noticeably relative to Re = 5. The base point no longer 14b, respectively suggest that the extent of the region of adverse
represents the location of minimum pressure; the minimum pres- pressure gradient for B = 0.01 at Re = 40 is bigger compared
sure is attained at θ = 117.19◦ . Therefore, a regime of pressure to those with B = 0.9 at Re = 100. However, the magnitude of
∂ Cp
recovery exists between this location and the base point. The non- ∂θ
for the confined flow overwhelmingly overshadows its coun-
monotonic variation of Cp (decrease and subsequent increase) terpart for the unbounded flow. The dominance of the adverse
with θ signifies the existence of a regime of adverse pressure pressure gradient for confined flow appears to contribute to the
gradient (Fig. 12f). The existence of the adverse pressure gradient earlier separation and higher θs .
is consistent with the fact that at Re = 40, the flow is separated. For steady separated flow at high Reynolds numbers, the nu-
For steady flow around a circular cylinder using B = 0.5, merically computed surface pressure of Fornberg [32] shows pos-
Singha and Sinhamahapatra [20] noted that the surface pressure itive base pressure at Re = 500 and 600 (Fig. 14a of their paper).
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 13. Steady flow past a circular cylinder over Re = 4 − 100 for B = 0.9: the distribution of surface pressure for Re = (a) 4, (b) 30, (c) 60, (d) 64, (e) 70 and (f)
Fig. 14. Comparison of pressure gradient along the lower half surface of the cylinder for (a) B = 0.01, Re = 40 and (b) B = 0.9, Re = 100.
For flow in an unbounded medium, Cpb is a negative quantity. In shear stress, τw ∗ Re illustrated in the second row of the figure. The
such cases, the base suction or −Cpb decays with Re for steady vorticity and shear stress curves for fixed Re are identical. Thus,
flow and increases with Re for two-dimensional unsteady flow the viscous drag component, Cdv of total drag can be computed
(Fig. 3 of [3]). For steady unbounded flow, such a Cpb − Re either from surface vorticity or from shear stress. Dennis and
relationship signifies a rise in the value of Cpb with increasing Chang [33] employed streamfunction–vorticity formulation for
Re (see Fig. 5 of [33]). For steady confined flow, the Cpb − Re solving the steady flow past a circular cylinder and they used
relationship exhibits an identical trend. As evident from Fig. 15, surface vorticity for computing Cdv . In the present work, shear
Cpb continues to rise as Re is increased. stress along the cylinder surface has been used to compute the
viscous drag. The values of vorticity as well as shear stress shoot
5.5. Distribution of cylinder surface vorticity and shear stress up (or down) at the shoulder region where velocity gradient is
very high owing to flow through the constriction. The symme-
The distribution of normalized surface vorticity and normal- try of surface pressure and anti-symmetry of surface vorticity
ized shear stress along the cylinder surface is shown in Fig. 16 at or shear stress about the base point ensures that the lift force
representative Reynolds numbers of 4, 40 and 100. on the cylinder must vanish. The symmetric or anti-symmetric
The surface vorticity curves (first row) display anti-symmetry distribution is a function of whether the bluff obstacle is itself
about the base point. Same holds true for the normalized wall geometrically symmetric or not.
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 15. Variation of the base pressure coefficient with Re for steady flow past Fig. 17. Cd − Re relationship for a highly confined (B = 0.9) steady flow past a
a circular cylinder subject to a large blockage of 0.9. circular cylinder over Re = 4 − 100. The inset illustrates the variation of viscous
and pressure drag coefficients with Re.
Fig. 16. Distribution of normalized surface vorticity (first row) and normalized shear stress (second row) along the cylinder surface for highly confined (B = 0.9)
steady flow past a circular cylinder. The upper row illustrates the normalized surface vorticity for Re = (a) 4, (b) 40 and (c) 100 while the lower row illustrates the
normalized shear stress for Re = (d) 4, (e) 40 and (f) 100. The normalized wall shear stress, τw ∗ is defined as τw ∗ = ρτUw2 .
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 18. Highly confined (B = 0.9) steady flow past a circular cylinder over Re = 4 − 100: (a) illustration of the decaying nature of Cdp and (Cp0 − Cpb ) with increasing
Re and (b) linear relationship between Cdp and (Cp0 − Cpb ).
Table 5
Steady unbounded as well as highly confined flow past a circular cylinder at Re = 40 and 100: comparison of characteristic flow
quantities obtained from the present study and those reported by Dennis and Chang [33] and Fornberg [34].
Study L/D θs Cd
Dennis and Chang [33], unbounded, Re = 40 2.35 53.8◦ 1.52
Fornberg [34], unbounded, Re = 40 2.24 54.97◦ (from graph) 1.50
Present, B = 0.9, Re = 40 0.13 22.40◦ 396.83
Dennis and Chang [33], unbounded, Re = 100 6.56 66.2◦ 1.06
Fornberg [34], unbounded, Re = 100 6.35 68.02◦ (from graph) 1.06
Present, B = 0.9, Re = 100 0.96 53.93◦ 167.96
(Fig. 18b). The line of best fit is obtained as Re = 40 and 100, the characteristic flow quantities for unbounded
and highly confined flows. The last column of Table 4 suggests
Cdp = −0.52 + 0.97(Cp0 − Cpb )
(6) that the minimum pressure for B = 0.9 is attained well beyond
for B = 0.9 and Re = 4 − 100. cylinder shoulder. Thus, inception of adverse pressure gradient
Since the slope of the Cdp line (= 44.12◦ ) is very close to 45◦ , occurs behind the shoulder. For unbounded flow, Fig. 12d of the
Eq. (6) can be further simplified to Cdp ≈ Cp0 − Cpb . Thus, one can present paper and Fig. 5 of Dennis and Chang [33] suggests that
have a reasonably close estimate of pressure drag (within 4% of the minimum pressure at Re = 40 is attained just ahead of the
computed data) based on surface pressure data at the stagnation shoulder. Fig. 5 of Dennis and Chang [33] further indicates that as
points. the value of Re exceeds 40, the location of the minimum pressure
For a diffusion dominated flow at low Re, the fluid travels advances upstream of the shoulder. Thus, the separation angle for
with low values of approach velocity towards the cylinder and unbounded flow at the same Re always exceeds the separation
also around the close vicinity of the cylinder. However, for ap- angle for confined flow. In general, earlier separation is associated
proach flow, the fluid travels towards the stagnation zone and with wider wake and larger pressure drag. Despite a delayed
flow gets decelerated. In contrast, near the shoulders, flow is separation and smaller θs , the pressure drag for B = 0.9 is too
through a converging passage and hence, accelerated (Fig. 9). In large owing to the large range of surface pressure.
the shoulder region, the fluid flows like a jet. The fluid jets from
the top and bottom shoulders interact near the base and transfer 5.8. Surface vorticity and pressure along the channel walls
momentum to the flow. Owing to this, unlike the leading edge,
flow in the base region is not decelerated. According to Bernoulli’s The distribution of surface vorticity along the bottom wall
principle (even though Bernoulli’s principle is not strictly appli- of the channel is plotted in the upper row of Fig. 19. Results
cable for viscous fluid flow, Jordan and Fromm [36] noted that have been presented for Re = 4 (Fig. 19a) belonging to the
high pressure zones for unsteady flow past a circular cylinder are attached flow regime, 40 (Fig. 19b) and 100 (Fig. 19c) in the
associated with regions of low velocity), this disparity of velocity regime of separated flow. Except for the region of wall close to the
field causes large pressure at and near the forward stagnation cylinder shoulder, the wall vorticity for each Re, is fairly constant.
point, low pressure near the shoulders and minimum pressure The vorticity on the lower wall is negative. The sign of vorticity
at the base. Thus, at Re within the regime of fore-aft symmetry, is consistent noting that the vorticity on the lower half of the
i.e. Re ≤ 5, the (Cp0 −Cpb ) difference is high yielding large pressure cylinder surface is positive. A vorticity spike forms on the wall
drag. As Re is increased beyond this regime, the convection mode at the x = 0 location. The value of the maximum vorticity of this
starts to dominate over diffusion and velocity of flow increases. spike is the same as the maximum vorticity on the lower surface
This causes Cpb to reduce with increasing Re. of the cylinder (Fig. 16a). The high vorticity signifies the presence
of large velocity gradient as well as shear stress on the cylinder
5.7. Summary of the key characteristic flow quantities shoulder and x = 0 region of the wall.
The pressure along the bottom wall is shown for Re = 4
The values of the key characteristic flow quantities for Re = (Fig. 19d), 40 (Fig. 19e) and 100 (Fig. 19f). Overall, the pressure
4 − 100 are summarized in Table 4. The Cp data clearly establishes generally decreases along the wall. Based on the magnitude of
that the steady laminar flow around a bluff obstacle subject to pressure, a pair of pressure zones can be identified along the
extremely high blockage involves a wide range of Cp where the wall, i.e. the regime of high pressure ahead of the cylinder and
values of surface pressure decrease by several orders of mag- a low pressure zone downstream of the cylinder. A sharp drop
nitude as compared to those for unbounded flow. The drag, in of pressure signifying highly accelerated flow at x = 0 bridges
contrast, undergoes significant magnification. This order of mag- these pressure levels. The location of pressure drop coincides
nitude rise of Cd is further evident from Table 5 that compares at with that of vorticity spike and hence, maximum shear stress.
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
Fig. 19. Highly confined (B = 0.9) steady flow past a circular cylinder: the distribution of surface vorticity along the lower wall of the channel at Re = (a) 4, (b) 40
and (c) 100. Figs. d, e and f, respectively depict the pressure along the lower wall of the channel at Re = 4, 40 and 100.
At Re = 4, the wall pressure continues to decay with x. Thus, flow and unbounded flow, both at low Re. Using an extremely low
the pressure gradient is essentially favourable along the wall. The blockage of 0.00004 and Re ≤ 0.1, Pantokratoras [37] listed the
drop of cylinder surface pressure from its maximum or Cp0 to values of total drag for circular, square cylinders and a flat plate
minimum or Cpb at Re = 4 occurs monotonically with θ (Fig. 13a). oriented normal to the flow. Flow of both Newtonian and non-
This trend ascertains that the surface pressure on the cylinder Newtonian fluids was considered. For flow of a Newtonian fluid
is absolutely favourable. The favourable pressure gradient on past a circular cylinder, his computed Cd values for Re = 0.001,
the wall aids the favourable pressure gradient on the cylinder 0.01 and 0.1 are 2846, 373.67 and 55.711, respectively. Using a
surface and the flow remains strongly attached to the cylinder. very low blockage of 0.00083 for flow around a circular cylinder,
At Re = 6, the location of the minimum pressure on the cylinder Sivakumar et al. [38] obtained Cd = 417.3587 for Re = 0.01
surface shifts from the base point towards upstream (see Table 4). and Cd = 56.4324 for Re = 0.1. The value of Cd obtained by
Therefore, the pressure gradient on the cylinder surface turns Pantokratoras [37] for unbounded flow at Re = 0.001 is close
locally adverse for the first time at Re = 6. In contrast, on to the Cd value for highly confined flow in the Re range of 5 − 6
the bottom wall, the adverse pressure gradient is noted first at (apparent from Table 4). Similarly, the Cd corresponding to Re =
Re = 15. Therefore, for 6 ≤ Re < 15, the pressure gradient at the 0.01 for unbounded flow appears to be attained for confined
bottom wall of the channel aids the flow whereas on the bottom flow at an Re close to 40. While Pantokratoras [37] presented
half surface of the cylinder, it opposes the flow. This competition results for no other flow variable than drag, Sivakumar et al.
of pressure gradients continues unless the pressure gradient on [38] presented detailed results including the surface pressure
the bottom wall also turns adverse close to the Dx = 0 location. distribution. The surface pressure presented by Sivakumar et al.
At Re = 20, the pressure gradient at the bottom wall becomes [38] (first row of Fig. 11 of their paper) for low blockage differs
locally adverse and hence, opposes the flow. The combined effect from the Cp − θ profile attained for B = 0.9 (Fig. 12e of the
of adverse pressure gradient drives the separation of boundary present paper). At Re = 0.01 and B = 0.00083 [38], the base point
layer to commence at Re = 27.8. As seen from the inset of represents the minimum pressure point whereas for B = 0.9
Fig. 19e, the wall pressure for Re = 40 first drops near Dx = 0.3 flow at Re = 40 (present work), the minimum pressure point is
and then rises for a short interval of Dx . Subsequent to this, the located well upstream of the base point. In addition, the fore-aft
pressure registers a steady drop with x. Therefore, the pressure symmetry of streamlines for Re = 0.01 and B = 0.00083 (see Fig.
gradient is favourable for Dx < 0.3 and turns adverse for 0.3 < 5b of [38] for power-law index, n = 1) signifies creeping flow.
< 1.2. For Dx > 1.2, the pressure gradient turns favourable In contrast, the Re = 40 flow for B = 0.9 is separated. Thus, the
again. The implication of the adverse pressure gradient on the unbounded flow at very low Re and highly confined flow at low
wall is that it aids the adverse pressure gradient on the cylinder Re are not analogous.
surface and hence advances the location of separation on the
cylinder or increases the magnitude of θs . The adverse pressure 6. Conclusions
gradient on the bottom wall becomes even stronger as Re is
increased to 100 (Fig. 19f). The effective adverse pressure gradient A stabilized finite-element formulation permitting the use of
on the cylinder therefore receives further enhancement leading to the same order of interpolation for velocity as well as pressure
a larger separation angle. is employed to investigate the features of steady, laminar flow
around a circular cylinder over Re = 4 − 100. The cylinder is
5.9. Correspondence between highly confined flow at very low Re placed symmetrically in an extremely narrow channel leading
and unconfined flow at low Re to a blockage of 0.9. The direct consequence of imposing such
a large blockage is the drastic fall of cylinder surface pressure
In view of the large drag for B = 0.9, one might anticipate that and much delayed inception of adverse pressure gradient along
there exists a close correspondence between the highly confined the cylinder surface. For unbounded flow, presence of a local
S.K. Mishra, S. Sen and A. Verma European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 87 (2021) 135–150
minimum in surface pressure plot (Fig. 6 of [39]) quite ahead Declaration of competing interest
of the base point at Re = 1.6 indicates the advent of adverse
pressure gradient at a much lower Re. At B = 0.9, the adverse The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
pressure gradient develops first at a fairly higher value of Re = 6 cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
(compared to unbounded flow) indicating delayed onset of steady to influence the work reported in this paper.
separation of laminar boundary layer from the cylinder surface.
Overall, the role of the sidewalls is thus, to stabilize the flow or Acknowledgement
delay the essential sequence of transition. The fore-aft symmetry
of streamlines about the cylinder prevails up to Re about 5, Partial support for this research came from the FRS grant
(FRS(124)/2018-19/MECH. ENGG.) provided by Indian Institute of
signifying the dominance of diffusion of vorticity than convection
Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, Dhanbad - 826004,
of vorticity. The separation of boundary layer on cylinder surface
Jharkhand, India.
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