In partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the Senior High School, Academic Track – Humanities and Social Sciences
Socrates S. Adayo
Sophia P. Bagasina
Reymon E. Clapis
Jefferson P. Clarino
Objectives …………………………………………………………………………….….2
Related Literature………………………………………………………………………….5
Related Studies…………………………………………………………………………….6
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………7
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………..7
Research Design……………………………………………………………………………8
Statistical Tools……………………………………………………………………………...9
High self-esteem stems from the belief that you have control over circumstances, rather than that
events control you. When it comes to academics, having good self-esteem is critical. We did this study to
better understand how students' self-esteem influences their academic achievement, how it affects their lives,
and how we might help them prepare for their future careers. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
students have one common skill, and that is communication skills, and that skill is very important to their
track and to their academic performance. Hypothesize, when self-esteem is low, academic performance
Noronha (2018), having a strong will and self-confidence, decision-making power and originality,
creativity, sanity and mental health is directly related to self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It also refers to an
individual’s sense of his or her value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates,
prizes, or likes him or herself. During childhood, if individual’s feelings are respected, thoughts valued and
abilities recognized then self-esteem strengthens. When feelings are trampled upon, thoughts belittled and
ability criticized then the individual’s self-esteem remains at a low point of development and is therefore weak.
During the course of time, an individual faces many life situations. Depending upon the success or failure and
one's reaction to every significant situation in life, self-esteem grows stronger or gets considerably weakened.
Self-esteem is described as the evaluation that one makes about oneself, based on one's self-worth.
Mark F. (2019). Well to start, I know many practitioners at all levels lack confidence. When you lack
this you are saying to folks “I can’t trust you or depend on you.” At the end of the day, no one does business
with someone they don’t trust. This is the most important thing you need to create with every member of your
organization. Without confidence, you’re not a resource. Whether that be human or any other type.
Dat Tan Nguyen and Pamela E. Wright (2019). Self-esteem is associated with anxiety, depression, and
academic stress, which significantly affect students’ quality of life and links to suicidal ideation. These results
therefore suggested the need for a school-based or web-based provision aimed at proactively increasing
When a person has a negative view of themselves, they have low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is
characterized by a lack of confidence, unhappiness over personal, physical, mental, or emotional states, the
desire to be someone else, pessimism, and excessive concern about what others think. Hazel Shalonda
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of low self-esteem of the 12 HUMSS Students of
This Study determined the Aspects Affecting the Self-Esteem of Effects of Low Self-Esteem on the
Academic Performance of 12 HUMMS of San Rafael National High School, Tigaon Camarines Sur in particular
The findings of this research will provide important information on the following beneficiaries:
SAN RAFAEL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. This study will benefit the teacher and faculty of San Rafael
National High School because they can pinpoint the reason for the low-academic performance of students as a
STUDENTS. This study will be beneficial to the students because they can use this as a reference to assert their
TEACHERS. This is very beneficial for the teachers and professors because they can use this to engage in their
student’s everyday performance, asserts their weakness, and form them into their strength
FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This is a great reference for those who want to study human behaviors and how
The respondents of the study are the 12 HUMSS Students of San Rafael National High School.
This school year is 2022-2023. This study only focuses on the aspect affecting the self-esteem of the academic
performance of San Rafael Students. This study also measures motivation as well as performance because it has
been proven that self-confidence can boost performance. The variables of this study are present but not having a
Our study titled “Effects of Low Esteem On the Academic Performance of 12 HUMSS San Rafael
National High School” S/Y 2022-2023” will take place at San Rafael National High School, Annex Campus
Moneva and Tribunalo (2020) Self-confidence refers to someone’s power and abilities to perform the
required tasks. In order to accomplish the given tasks students must have self-confidence. This study
investigated the correlation between students’ level of self-confidence and performance tasks and investigated if
In accordance with William Peace University (2021) With stress, self-esteem, and academic
performance tied so closely together, take the time to focus on your self-esteem along with your studies and
watch your grades improve. There is no doubt that college students are faced with more than their share of
stress. A new study from the American Psychological Association reports that 90% of the college students
surveyed reported education as a significant cause of stress. Aside from the stress resulting from Covid-19,
trying to manage the cost of education, and balancing work, family, and college life can be overwhelming.
Eventually, too much stress can spiral into low self-esteem, which then leads to poor academic performance,
which leads to more stress. When self-esteem and stress form this harmful feedback cycle, it is critical to
In addition, according to Symonds (2022), Confidence is important in business because it helps you to
deal better with conflict, improves your communication skills, can make you happier at work, enables you to
take feedback better, and can make you a better manager or leader.
Legacy Business Cultures (2016) what is self-esteem and why is employee self-esteem vital to the
success of an organization? One of the most important principles we share in our Increasing Human
Effectiveness and Connecting with Respect workshops is the concept of self-esteem. Self-esteem is not egoism
or conceit, or an intellectual inventory of your favorable characteristics and assets. Self-esteem is knowing
you’re good and wearing it well. Healthy self-esteem is the degree that you, consciously or unconsciously, like
and respect yourself and feel confident to deal with life’s challenges. It is how warm, friendly and appreciative
you feel toward yourself and others. Healthy self-esteem can also determine your level of self-efficacy or the
feeling that you have the ability to accomplish whatever goals you set your mind to. From an organizational
perspective, “employees who feel good about themselves are typically able to focus better, need less time off,
Hearn (2019) Employees with healthy levels of self-esteem will value their own opinion and feel more
empowered about speaking up and contributing in team activities. This could result in more creative and varied
solutions to business problems, as well as promote more of an inclusive, tightknit environment. It is not simply
enough to tell an employee to work on their confidence levels. While the development of self-esteem is, in part,
employee responsibility, it is also a management and HR concern that should be taken seriously. Employees can
only truly be confident in the right environment, and this is something in your power to cultivate.
William peace university (2022) Research on self-esteem shows that the relationship between stress and
self-esteem is inextricably linked and that self-esteem can affect many areas of life, including academic and
professional success. As a result, the lower a college student’s self-esteem falls, the worse he or she performs
academically. This, in turn, starts the cycle over again with more stress, lower self-esteem, and poor grades.
With stress and self-esteem feeding off each other, building healthy self-esteem and confidence in college
Self–esteem. A positive or negative attitude toward oneself; an overall assessment of one's worth or value.
The study regarding the effects of low self-esteem on the academic performance of 12 HUMSS Delfino
at San Rafael National High School will use a descriptive-quantitative method research design. The data
required in our study will use survey questionnaires through face-to-face surveys, and random sampling. All
information that will be gathered will be analyzed to answer the problems and to meet the objectives of the
The researchers used the simple random sampling technique because researchers should take a random
sample where any member of the population has an equal chance to be selected.
The researchers choose the 12 HUMSS students at San Rafael National High School as the respondents
of the study to figure out what it’s causing their low self–esteem in academics.
The instruments to collect data are the questionnaire/rating scales. This will be used to gather data faster
than any other method. Besides, the respondents are the 12 HUMMS Students. They could choose and answer
the questionnaire/rating scales with ease. The researchers prepared their own questionnaire/rating scales. The
draft of it will be drawn out based on their readings and reviewed published and unpublished articles that is
relevant to the study. The researchers are expecting to see that there will be enough items to collect data to cover
all factors of the problem and to answer all the specific questions under the statement of the problem. Thus, the
researchers will submit the questionnaires/rating scales for correction after which it will be finalized.
A letter will be sent to the Principal of San Rafael National High School, Mr. Joel B. Dela Vega asking
for his permission to conduct a survey to Grade 12 HUMSS Delfino students. After the dean approved the letter,
the researchers informed the respondents about the study’s goal and its potential benefits.
The results of the questionnaire will be calculated using 5-point Likert type scale and simple percentage.
5-point Likert type scale is a psychometric response scale in which respondents specify their level of
5 4 3 2 1
To determine the minimum and the maximum length of the 5-point Likert type scale, the range is calculated by
(5-1=4) then divided by 5 as it is the greatest value of the scale (4÷5=0.80). Afterwards, number one which is
the least value of the scale was added in order to identify the maximum of this.
The demographic profile variables of the respondents were analyzed using simple percentage with
P F / N (100)
100=constant multiplier