DMAIC Process
DMAIC Process
DMAIC Process
The purpose of this step is to establish the most important aspects of the
current process and to collect relevant data. The following aspects are
important in this:
innovative ideas
focus on the simplest and easiest solutions
create a detailed implementation plan
implementation of improvements
identify errors and causes using an Ishikawa diagram
This step does not only focus on control but on monitoring as well.
Control ensures that any deviations can be corrected in the future.
Monitoring leads to sustainable improvements and guarantees long-term
success. Permanent monitoring is therefore required.
Benefits of DMAIC
The DMAIC Process is based on framework thinking within for example a
product group, customer group or service. The strengths of this problem
solving approach lie in the addressing and optimizing of the root causes
in a process. For a creative change in which an organization changes
course completely, however, the model is less applicable. When going
through the steps of the DMAIC Process, there may not be any overlaps.
The best results are achieved with a plan-led team approach.
The costs have risen sharply due to employee costs, renting space for 50
branches and inventory.
The costs are compared to that of last year and it turns out the costs are
20% higher, without creating more revenue.
Together with all 50 branches, the biggest cost item is examined. Several
different factors are then identified. On average, it appears that inventory
costs were 15% higher than in the previous year, among other things due
to insufficient variety whereby ‘older’ models are left longer in the
After a test period an evaluation takes place with all branches and
management. It turns out that employees have to cancel a sale more
often or only help customers after a few days. After evaluation, they
examine the other solution they had at their disposal and decide to stock
conventional tyres and have the rest delivered from the central
warehouse. This solution will of course also undergo an evaluation period
and full cost overview
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