FOX Mimotoy
FOX Mimotoy
FOX Mimotoy
1. Felt color orange and white
2. A pice of fabric
3. Lines
4. A pen disappearing fabric marker
5. A little button
6. Fiber
7. A pice of heat bond papper
8. A hot glue
Embroidery Stitch
Straight Stitch
Blanket Stitch
Mimo Toy
Head 2x
Tail 2x
Arms 4x
Body 2x
Belly 1 x
Mimo Toy
• Cut the face template and mark • Mark the position of the eyes. • Embroider the eyes with
risk to the white felt . black line.
• Cut out the place of the face and • The right position of the face. • Sew face to the head with straight
mark the rigth position the face in stitch.
the orange felt.
Mimo Toy
• Glue nose , mouth and cheek to the • Sew together the 2 pieces of the • Cut a pice of frabric, felt and
face with hot glue. head with blanket stitch and stuff it. • a pice of paper
• for heat .And with the iron, doble
the fabric with the felt.
• The front of the belly with • The back of the belly with the felt. • Sew the belly to the body with
fabric. straight stitch.
Mimo Toy
• Sew together the 2 pieces of the • Fill the body with toy stuffing. • Sew together the 2 pieces of the
body with blanket stitch. arms and the tail with blanket
stitch and stuff it.
• Glue together the head with the • Glue the arms and the tail. • There you go! The little fox is ready.
body. And the little heart on the • I would love to see how your Mimo Toy
• Glue the button into belly. fox turn out ! Mark me on Instagram!
Mimo Toy