5th SEM MidSem Question Papers.
5th SEM MidSem Question Papers.
5th SEM MidSem Question Papers.
B.Tech Semester-V
Time-11: 00AM-12:30PM
Total Marks: 30
1. With a suitable block diagram explain the operation of fetching of the opcode 2C H from memory
location 3000 H. Considering the system clock frequency of 2 MHz, write a program to generate delay
of approximately 1.6 milli second. (6)
2. Distinguish machine language and assembly language for a system. For the microprocessor 8085,
draw the timing diagram of the instruction used for loading content of memory location 2089 H to the
accumulator. (6)
3. Draw flowchart and an assembly language program for performing division of two 8-bit numbers
stored in memory locations 6200 H and 6201H. Further, if the quotient is greater than the decimal
number 11, store the quotient in 6202 H. Otherwise store the quotient in 6203 H. Finally display the
remainder in PORT1. (6)
4. Write a program to count continuously from 0 to 11 (in decimal) and display the count in the output
port. The delay between the successive counts are specified in the following diagram. (6)
5. Draw and explain the different signals lines of microprocessor 8085. Further, discuss about its
programming and hardware model. (6)
Periodical Exam, Sep 13, 2021
Subject: Digital Communication & Systems [ECD-312]
I (5)
(a) “Aliasing occurs whenever sampling frequency is less than twice than highest
frequency components present in the signal”
What are the ways to eliminate this error?
(b) “The bandwidth requirement in BFSK is twice BPSK”
Justify the above statement?
II. (5)
State and prove sampling theorem for lowpass signal.
III. (5)
A continuous time signal is given below:
(i) Minimum sampling rate i.e., Nyquist rate required to avoid aliasing.
(ii) If sampling frequency fs = 400 Hz. What is the discrete-time signal x(n) or x(nTs)
obtained after sampling ?
(iii) If sampling frequency fs = 150 Hz. What is the discrete-time signal x(n) or x(nTs)
obtained after sampling ?
(iv) What is the frequency of sinusoidal that yields samples identical to
those obtained in part (iii)?
IV. (5)
With a suitable diagram, how a PCM generator generates PCM signals and recovered
back using PCM receiver? How much quantization error introduced during this process?
V. (5)
With a suitable diagram and mathematical analysis, how a BPSK signal is recovered back
using coherent detection.
VI. (5)
For binary sequence, “111000111001, represent this sequence into following:
(i) Unipolar RZ code
(ii) Polar NRZ
(iii) Bipolar NRZ code
(iv) Spilt phase Manchester code
(v) Polar Quaternary NRZ (M-array where M=4)
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Digital Signal Processing (EC-313)
Note: All five questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Write answers of sub-parts
of each question in continuation only.
Rπ jω jωn dω, then show that X(ejω ) =
P∞ −jωn . If
• Q1. If x[n] = 2π −π X(e )e n=−∞ x[n]e
x[n] = 1, then obtain X(e ).
• Q2. Compute the Fourier transform of the signals (a) e−πt , and (b) ∞
2 P
m=∞ δ(t −
mT ), f0 = T1 .
• Q3. Define the kernel of Hilbert transform (HT) and obtain its Fourier transform.
Prove that Hilbert transform is a special case of the phase transform (PT). Show that
PT of cos(ωt) is cos(ωt − α), where α ∈ [0, 2π).
n n
• Q4. Obtain the z-transform of the signal x[n] = 7 13 u[n] − 6 12 u[n], provide
pole-zero and region of convergence (ROC) plot for the individual terms and the sum
of signal x[n].
3− 56 z −1
• Q5. Consider the z-transform X(z) = 1 −1
(1− 4 z )(1− 31 z −1 )
. Obtain the signals x[n] from
inverse z-transform of X(z).
Roll No...........................
Q. 1.
(a) A TE10 mode wave of frequency 3 GHz travels down the waveguide of dimension 5 X 3 cm.
Calculate the distance from the launching period at which the amplitude is reduced 80% at the
[5 Marks]
initial amplitude.
(b) Explain the wave travels inside the waveguide or not?
Q. 2. Using field equation derive the necessary equation for propagation of TM waves in [5 Marks]
rectangular waveguide
Q. 3. Describe the high frequency operation limitation of conventional vacuum tubes with
[5 Marks]
Q. 4 With suitable figure, describe the basic operation of a reflex klystron. Show that the maximum
efficiency of such tube is 22.70%. [5 Marks]
Q. 5. A lossless T- Junction has an input impedance of 100𝞨. Find the characteristics impedance
[5 Marks]
for an input power division ratio is 3:2. Compute the reflection coefficient at the output port.
Q. 6. What is Gunn Effect? Describe the RWH theory to explain Gunn Effect. [5 Marks]
Q. 7. [5 Marks]
(a) Discuss microstrip line and stripline
(b) Based on (a) discuss the concept of TEM and Quasi TEM.
Q. 8 [5 Marks]
(a) Using V-I characteristics discuss the operation of TRAPATT diode.
(b) List advantages and disadvantages of TRAPATT diode.
Q. 9 Describe suitable method that can be used to measure a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). [5 Marks]
Q. 10 With suitable diagram discuss microwave communication system (Transmitter and [5 Marks]
Receiver) in detail.