CEC - A Grade Assignments
CEC - A Grade Assignments
CEC - A Grade Assignments
Task 01
Task 02
2.a. Innovation Audit of Sampath Bank to Analysis the Capability for Innovation to developing &
managing change for achieving customer loyalty ................................................................................ 15
2.b. Evaluation of entrepreneurial approaches to enhance customer acquisition .............................. 16
2.b.1. Proposed Innovations ............................................................................................................. 16
2.b.2. Effectuation approach ............................................................................................................ 16
2.b.3. Kaizen Approach ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.b.4. Lean management Approach .................................................................................................. 19
2.b.5. Horizon scanning..................................................................................................................... 20
2.b.6. Mind Map................................................................................................................................ 21
Task 03
3.a. Value propositions canvases of two innovations for adding value and increasing loyalty............ 23
Innovation 01: Just Click easy loan app ............................................................................................ 23
Innovation 02: Pay & Win reward system ........................................................................................ 24
3.b. Measurement techniques to measure the potential impact of the innovations within Sampath
bank PLC ................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.b.1. Balance scorecard ................................................................................................................... 26
3.b.2. Cost Benefit analysis ............................................................................................................... 27
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
3.c. Change management strategy for improving the innovation culture of Sampath bank PLC ........ 27
3.c.1. FSA Framework ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.c.2. Kotter’s eight step model of change ....................................................................................... 27
3.c.3. Internal resource analysis ....................................................................................................... 28
3.c.4. Capability analysis ................................................................................................................... 29
3.c.5. Risk Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.c.6. Potential benefits & barriers to implement the strategy........................................................ 29
3.c.7. Time Plan & Budget for the Proposed Innovation .................................................................. 30
References ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Appendices............................................................................................................................................ 35
Appendix 01: Competitor Analysis .................................................................................................... 35
Appendix 02: PESTEL analysis ........................................................................................................... 36
Appendix 03: Internet usage in Sri Lanka ......................................................................................... 37
Appendix 04: Online purchases, pay bills online & online transactions in Sri Lanka as a percentage
of population..................................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix 05: Internet & mobile based payment systems................................................................ 39
Appendix 06: Industry analysis ......................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 07: McKinsey’s 7S framework........................................................................................... 42
Appendix 08: Proposed Innovation 01.............................................................................................. 44
Appendix 09: Proposed Innovations 02 ............................................................................................ 45
Appendix 10: Force field analysis...................................................................................................... 47
Appendix 11: Porters Five Force Analysis ......................................................................................... 48
Appendix 12: Stakeholder mapping .................................................................................................. 49
Appendix 13: Customer Persona ...................................................................................................... 50
List of Figures
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Range of products & services & relevant customer segment ................................................ 6
Table 1.2: analysis of theme selection .................................................................................................... 7
Table 1.3: Macro Environmental evaluation of Sampath Bank PLC ..................................................... 10
Table 1.4: Analysis of innovation with competitors ............................................................................. 13
Table 2.1: McKinsey 7-S Model ............................................................................................................. 16
Table 2.2: Proposed innovation ............................................................................................................ 16
Table 2.3: Principles of effectuation approach ..................................................................................... 17
Table 2.4: Steps of Kaizen approach ..................................................................................................... 18
Table 2.5: Kaizen Principles................................................................................................................... 19
Table 2.6: Stages of horizon scanning ................................................................................................... 21
Table 3.1: Value propositions canvas for Just Click easy loan mobile app ........................................... 25
Table 3.2: Value propositions canvas for Pay & Win reward system ................................................... 25
Table 3.3: Balance score card ............................................................................................................... 26
Table 3.4: Cost benefit analysis ............................................................................................................ 27
Table 3.5: FSA framework ..................................................................................................................... 27
Table 3.6: Kotter’s eight step model of change .................................................................................... 28
Table 3.7: Capability analysis ................................................................................................................ 29
Table 3.8: Risk Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 29
Table 3.9: Time Plan & Budget for the Proposed Innovation ............................................................... 30
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
Briefing Paper
To: Senior Management Team
From: Marketing Consultant
Date: 29th June 2021
Aim: To provide a brief knowledge about the company background
Sampath Bank, the impact of macro environment with & a perspective
of current status of disruptive innovations with a critical assessment
with competitors.
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
1.a.2. Type of the Organization: Sampath Bank is one of the leading commercial banks in Sri Lanka
which has listed in Colombo Stock Exchange as a listed company & commenced to incorporate in Sri
Lanka on 10th March 1986 with a value of “creating a learning culture that promotes individual &
organizational development as well as promoting innovation & value for customers”.
5 500
0 0
2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 73.20%
Year Year
Net interest income
Source: Annual report, 2020 Source: Annual report, 2020
Net fee & commission income
Key Indicator 2019 2020 Key Indicator 2019 2020
ATMs 423 445 Employees 4,134 4,048 Trading investment & other
CDMs 429 465 Investment in IT (Mn) 248 199 income
Branches 229 229 Brand value (Mn) 25,847 28,645 Source: Annual report, 2020
Table 1.1: Range of products & services & relevant customer segment
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
1.a.6. Main Competitors: The highest portion of the market Figure 1.5:Total Assets LKR Bn
is owned by the two of state banks of Sri Lanka (BOC-26% & BOC
Peoples Bank-19%). Commercial bank has the 3rd largest 3% PB
market share with 15% which is the highest among the COM
private banks. Sampath bank owns 10% & the 5th major player 4%
5% HNB
in the market. (Appenidx 01, 11)
5% 26% SAMP
Top 1000 Most
Brand Fitch
Competitor banks in Valuable NDB
Rating Rating 10%
Bank the world Brand –SL
2021 2021 SEY
2020 2021
11% 19%
BOC 847 53.9 Bn AAA+ AA- DFCC
HNB 872 23.1 Bn AA AA- 15%
Commercial 878 43.6 Bn AAA- AA- NTB
People’s Bank 931 44.7 Bn AAA- AA- PAB
Sampath Bank 955 24.2 Bn AA+ AA-
Source: KPMG report, 2020
1.a.7. Rational For Selecting Theme – Customer Loyalty
Rate on
Type Evaluation
Customers are sensitive to price, rates and margins. Due to the
ceiling imposed by the CBSL the competitive advantage over rates is
no longer there for any bank. In addition, as a dynamic industry,
banking sector is undergoing a rapid & radical transformation. With
the higher competition & similar characteristics involve with the
Customer players in the industry, the customers can switch to another service HIGH
Loyalty provider with a minimum cost. Therefore, the best way is to make
the customers more loyal to the bank while focusing on their rapidly
changing need for convenience and safety. Because, customer
retention is a crucial area of study in the field of relationship
marketing that is mainly concerned with keeping customers in the
long term.
Two government banks in the industry are the big players in
acquiring new customers with the stability and government backup.
Being a private bank acquiring is a costly process. Since SB is mainly
catering to the Gen-Z and professionals the bank has already
captured majority of the target segment.
SB is known for innovations and NPD. They are mainly focusing the
Gen-Z who are convenience seekers and tech savvy. All their recent
development such as igift app, chatbot, cash-in-a-flash, QR payment
New Product
etc. With this, SB adjudged ‘most innovative bank of the year’ at MODERATE
/ Service
Technnovation Awards 2019. But any of launched innovations can
be copied by the competitors any soon. And this has become a
commonly used strategy of most companies that, concentrate on
different types of innovations.
SB is currently having a spread of 45% (102) of their branches in
Western Province where as Uva province has only 4% (09) of the
total network. This shows the unequal distribution of resources MODERATE
New Markets
based on where the target market is located. Therefore, no much
opportunity to reach out to the rural areas where the profitability is
Table 1.2: analysis of theme selection
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
Aspect Impact
• According to the world statistics, the
Technological technological use of the population is
environment remained increasing. This has a direct
impact on banking sector as well.
According to Digital Sri Lanka report by
Hootsuite, the Internet users in Sri Lanka
indicated a continuous improvement
(Appendix 03).
Source: Digital Sri Lanka, 2016,17,18,19,20,21
• The internet penetration in Sri Lanka indicates 7.9% development from 2020
Increased internet to 2021 January from 47% to 50.8% and there is a 44% development from
users. 2016 to 2021.
Development of
• However, by 2018, 2% from the Sri Lankan population made online
purchases, paid bills online and made online transactions. Even by 2021 it
has increased only up to 6.2% and shows a potential to grow (Appendix 04).
Mobile & Internet Banking
• According to the CBSL, the
internet-based payments 80,000.00
systems & mobile phone 60,000.00
Less involvement in
banking in Sri Lanka has a
online purchases, 40,000.00
considerable growth in volumes
pal bills online & 20,000.00
and no of users during past five
online transaction
years. This is an excellent 0.00
opportunity for the banking 2017 2018 2019 2020
industry (Appendix 05).
Mobile phone banking (Volume '000)
• Most of the people prefer to do Internet banking
all their day today functions with Source: CBSL, 2020
Growth in online &
their mobile phones. The number of mobile connections in Sri Lanka in
mobile payment
January 2021 was equivalent to 141.7% of the total population (Digital Sri
Lanka, 2020).
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
• According to a research Microsoft & IDC (2019), they have predicted how
will be the artificial intelligence making Sri Lanka ready for the future. They
forecasted further improvements of at least 1.8 times in the three-year
horizon, with the biggest jump expected in accelerated innovation and
Use of AI competitiveness.
Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
Pressure of
regulations on
economic factors
December 2020 for the third consecutive month. This was due to the price
increased of consumer goods. This has an indirect impact on the banking
sector. Because, with this, consumer savings gradually decrease & loan &
leasing installments are missed by them.
• With the government-led economic stimulus package and interest caps
introduced by the regulator bringing pressure on the Bank’s Net Interest
Margins (NIM), in 2020 the Bank registered a NIM of 3.3% which was 116
basis points lower than the year 2019.
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Architectural DISRUPTIVE
“Mini mills” dramatically disrupted the steel industry once dominated by the great integrated steel
companies of the 20th century. Traditional steel companies at the time manufactured a wide range of
steel qualities. They made low margins on cheap rebar, but also produced sheet steel and thicker
structural steel used to make cars and equipment, which they then sold at a much higher margin.
Then came the mini mill. Small companies found a way to melt down scrap metal recycled from cars
and manufacturing waste, which was up to 20% cheaper than what the integrated mills were
spending. But the metal product was poor quality, suited for rebar but not cars.
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Type of
Disruptive Innovation Radical Innovation Architectural Innovation
Description With the partnership of A contactless payment A tool of managing the
the Department for method that, bank account/s & doing
Registration of Persons, SB performing the transactions through the
facilitate customer payment via scanning a mobile phone (People’s
identification and QR (Quick Response) Bank, 2021). This is
verification through the code. performed with an app.
DRP interface by Ability to register any Provide additional
enhancing KYC process payment card originate services related to
(Know Your Customer). any payment by cheque, pawning,
This enabled SB to scanning a LANKA QR at pension calculator, &
onboard customers any merchant location. payment services.
digitally without any Can sign in on multiple
physical visit Sampath mobile phones.
Bank, 2021). (Commercial Bank,
Impact to the Consumers become more With the remaining Awards for the best
Industry comfortable with this pandemic situation, a digital bank & the best
specially, in this pandemic payment system mobile banking app were
situation. Because not without using money won by the People’s
need a finger print or pin on hand is very bank (The world finance
number to do transactions effective. With the magazine, 2021).
with the teller machine. feature of awareness According to the records
And it can be considered as about the status & of mobile banking apps,
a teller machine with confirmation of the the most downloaded
higher level of security. transaction, customers finance app is People’s
With the remaining health are not reluctant to use Wave. With this,
restrictions, this can be this. Because they can customers can do all the
considered as a vital confirm the status of payments, fund
technological solution & the transaction. In transfers, & banking
will be very useful during addition, the bank related tasks from
the pandemic & be provides a number of anywhere without visit
sustainable with the offers to encourage the branch physically.
innovative features. customers to use QR
Appropriate with disable code payments.
people as well.
Risk Technological downturn QR payments are not In online platforms the
may cause to break all the still widely spread in Sri risk of cyber-crimes is
transaction processes. Lanka. highly involve &
customers are more
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Briefing Paper
To: Senior Management Team
From: Marketing Consultant
Date: 29th June 2021
Aim: To provide an insight of the SB’s readiness to change with
the innovations for enhancing customer loyalty.
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2.a. Innovation Audit of Sampath Bank to Analysis the Capability for Innovation to developing
& managing change for achieving customer loyalty
To learn from the past successes and failures, need to understand how they came about & how should
they in future to be success (Chiesa , et al., 1996). McKinsey’s 7S framework (Appendix 07) support to
measure the organizational capabilities for innovations.
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Conclusion: SB should understand the challenges with customer demand & serve them with a proper
& accurate estimation & improvement of integrated functions which are capable to develop customer
2.b.5. Horizon scanning
Horizon scanning is the practice of monitoring the business environment, and tracking the changes in
the environment that could have an impact on individual businesses (Brown, 2007).
With the outbreak of Covid-19 customers have to restrict in their typical behaviours.
There is a huge technological revolution in the banking sector.
The competition become high extensive.
Input People become more convenience seeking. Ex: Highly involve in online & mobile base
Customers are more concern on health care conditions & have to follow different instructions
towards it such as maintaining distance
Number of challenges rise with the changing regular systems due to the covid-19. Follow
health instructions of government.
A higher concern requires on maintaining customer relationships with relate to their financial
All the players in the sector try to provide brilliant service with technology driven experience.
Issues raised with engaging staff physically.
Output Allow the customers to connect with their financial matters through online.
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Reduce physical visits by customers & provide more convenience with new technological
Support customers to avoid activities that risk with the pandemic.
Encourage customers to involve in QR payment systems to be safe from the pandemic.
Strategy Support customers who required financial support in this period with health-related
mechanism & make them convenience.
Table 2.6: Stages of horizon scanning
2.b.6. Mind Map
Based on the evaluation of entrepreneurial approaches and idea generation techniques, SB is capable
with implementing the innovations of Just Click easy loan system & Pay & Win reward system &
through that, SB can enhance the customer loyalty towards the bank. The mind map provides a clear
image about it.
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Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
Briefing Paper
To: Senior Management Team
From: Marketing Consultant
Date: 29th June 2021
Aim: To provide an insight of the most appropriate innovation
with suitable measurements & change management strategies
that can be implemented to achieve customer loyalty through
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3.a. Value propositions canvases of two innovations for adding value and increasing loyalty
Innovation 01: Just Click easy loan app
Mobile Finger distance
GAIN Urgent credit
application holds service requirements
Simple processes with Security Queless process
shortcuts protection
Feel of Quick service
Crib facility in convenience convenience
manner High
Easy & No physical
Authentication via online
transparency visits
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Wide array of Pay without
GAIN Safe from Covid-19
health plans cash
Advanced customer service Increase cashless payment
Feel of Encouragement
Can earn through payments
Satisfied in convenience
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3.b. Measurement techniques to measure the potential impact of the innovations within
Sampath bank PLC
3.b.1. Balance scorecard
Dimension Objectives Measurements Target 1-5
Financial Survival Profit margin Increase by 25% in 2025 4 2
Financial Growth ROI Reach up to 20% of market 4 3
Financial share in 2025
Investor satisfaction Dividend per share Increase by 10% annually 3 3
Growth in Revenue Leverage ratio Increase by 10% in 2024 5 4
Customer retention Customer Reach 4 of 5 points of CSAT 3 3
New customer Number of Increase the number of 4 3
acquisition subscriptions subscribers by 10% in 2023
Customer Number of reviews Reach 4 stars from 5 3 3
Engagement with Customer adoption Build over 50% of customer 4 4
technology adaptation rate to the product
Customer Number of positive Increase customer 4 4
satisfaction reviews recommendation of the
Excellent customer Number of key Increase the key customer 4 5
service customers increased base by 15%
Increase innovations New product or Increase by 12% in 2024 4 3
& creativity service revenue
Increased customer Performance of Increase KPI by 25% 5 4
service front-end employees
Improved Reduce service error Reduce down to 5% 4 3
operational rate
Employee Customer positive 75% positive feedback 3 4
engagement feedback
Responsive rate Request fulfilment Response within 24 hours 4 3
Improved employee Increase of employee Increase by 15% 5 4
capabilities productivity
Training of New ideas generated AT least five new products or 3 3
employees towards by employees services per year
Learning &
Satisfied employees Deduction of Reduce down to 10% 4 4
employee turnover
Developed skills & Revenue per Increase the total number of 4 3
strategic thinking employee transactions by 10% in 2025
Total 74 66
Table 3.3: Balance score card
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3.c. Change management strategy for improving the innovation culture of Sampath bank PLC
Just Click easy loan mobile app has selected to continue the task furthermore. Because it was
identified as the mostly required innovation with related to the current situation & customer needs
to enhance customer loyalty.
3.c.1. FSA Framework
Suitability With the current situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic all the factors in the
business environment enable banking to move ahead with virtual banking with
assistant with external parties such as Crib & merchandisers. The proposed two
innovations addressed the innovational changed essential in current financial
Feasibility With the current financial position non-financial resources of the bank, SB is capable
in implementing proposed innovations. The advanced technology with SB will
support to expand with this & can be partner with technology experts. SB is already
acting as a key pillar of innovations.
Acceptability With the impact of Covid-19, the demand for online & mobile become increased.
The current legal, social, & business environment will adopt to these two
innovations easily because they are prominent options with most of the current
Table 3.5: FSA framework
3.c.2. Kotter’s eight step model of change
Factor Impact
Create sense of Making internal employees & shareholders about the urgency of this
Urgency technological innovations & keep the aware about what will be the outcome if
this not implemented. The related changes should be communicated from top
level to the bottom line accurately. SB should highlight the requirement for the
proposed two innovations as a solution for the increasing demand & need of the
audience with the outbreak of Covid-19 link with enhancing customer loyalty.
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Forming a Leadership with developed skills is essential & a separate innovation driven team
powerful with is required with completing specific tasks. Identify the most influential
coalition people in the organization and use them to convince the other employees about
the internal innovation changes. They can bring out the feedback of other
employees for the attention of the management. SB can make prepare with a
technology focused & digitally enhanced team.
Creating a A clear & well-defined vision should be established with relevant to the proposed
vision for changes & a better image about the changes should be delivered through this.
change This should focus on solving the emerged requirements.
Communicating Once successfully established the vision, it should be communicated throughout
the vision the organization & to all the stakeholders. Continuous delivery of the message
will enhance the reminding the message in the customer mind & remain Longley.
Enable action Different barriers such as investment requirements, technological restrictions,
by removing government rules & regulations, & health concerns have to mitigate through
barriers strong systematic strategies. SB is capable for this with the skilled labour force &
other internal resources & facilities.
Creating short Along with short term targets, SB can adopt the changes regularly. With different
term wins short-term tactics such as reward system for employees for their achievements
in these changes this can be implemented.
Build on SB should focus on continuous improvements with the changes & a regular
change monitoring system is required to evaluate the process & change with the
Anchoring new With a proper implementation of the changes a continuous training &
changes development should be take place. SB should create a culture with “Just click” &
“Pay & Win”.
Table 3.6: Kotter’s eight step model of change
3.c.3. Internal resource analysis
4048 of employees
with 42.7 of
average training
hours. Digitally
enforced &
responsible team. Materials
Money Technologically
Consisted with advanced systems,
wider investment developed
plans & high infastructures,
market budget tactful marketing
5M tools.
Methods Machinery
Fomulated equipments with
strategies wich developed
necessary to size technology.
opportunities, Islandwide branch
mitigate risk & network with
continue the value upgraded
creation process machineries.
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Table 3.9: Time Plan & Budget for the Proposed Innovation
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Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
Appendix 01: Competitor Analysis
Total assets (LKR Bn) 2,680.70 1,978.90 1,543.60 1,169.80 1,005.30 562.10 526.10 435.20 342.90 163.70
Number of Branches 646 741 287 252 229 113 173 139 96 64
ATMs 773 776 906 780 446 215 135 11
161 73
CDMs 433 285 250 124 465 70 52 62
Number of Employees 8479 >5000 5057 4386 4048 2892 3251 2072 2832 1629
Gross NPL 5.4% 3.6% 5.4% 6.4% 7.0% 5.4% 6.8% 4.9% 6.6% 5.9%
Return On Equity 4.0% 1.4% 5.3% 3.6% 3.6% 7.2% 3.6% 3.0% 5.1% 6.6%
Return On Asset 0.2% 0.1% 0.6% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.3% 0.5% 0.6%
1- Effective tax rate 64.6% 40.0% 56.5% 58.1% 59.0% 58.1% 52.1% 53.0% 50.8% 50.4%
Pre ROA 0.4% 0.2% 1.0% 0.7% 0.7% 0.9% 0.6% 0.6% 1.0% 1.1%
Contribution to Assets 1.0% 0.5% 1.7% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.1% 1.0% 1.3% 1.6%
Operation income to Assets 1.6% 1.5% 2.8% 2.4% 2.4% 2.5% 2.4% 1.9% 2.8% 3.0%
Net Inc to Asset 1.2% 1.2% 1.8% 2.0% 1.8% 1.6% 1.8% 1.4% 2.0% 2.4%
Non-Inc to Asset 0.4% 0.3% 1.1% 0.5% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.8% 0.6%
Cost to income 39.9% 63.0% 38.6% 40.5% 40.5% 41.7% 36.2% 52.6% 45.9% 47.4%
Implement to Asset 0.6% 0.4% 0.7% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4%
Leverage = Asset/Equity 17.59 20.34 9.19 9.4 9.4 13.26 11.35 8.75 10.53 11.49
Return On Equity - Annualized 8.0% 2.8% 10.6% 7.2% 7.6% 14.4% 7.2% 6.0% 10.2% 13.1%
11% 19%
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Economic Economic growth Will impact on the demand & supply for the loans & deposits.
Macroeconomic The negative macroeconomic factors are challenges to the
conditions banking sector in Sri Lanka.
Tax adjustments &
The adverse impact of tax adjustments & international
commodity prices makes the lending profits dropped.
commodity prices
Social Attitudes towards The decisions of the people are driven by their attitudes. Increase
innovations the acceptance towards new products & services.
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Legal structures Provide a temporary relief, raise risk for banks in long term
Favourable rules & regulations help to uplift the performance of
Rules & regulations
the banking industry.
Acts Eg: Payment and Settlement Systems Act No 28 of 2005
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Appendix 04: Online purchases, pay bills online & online transactions in Sri Lanka as a percentage
of population
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Appendix 05: Internet & mobile based payment systems (CBSL, 2020)
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According to CBSL, A considerable downturns can be identified within the Sri Lankan banking sector
in the pandemic period. The credit to deposit ratio was indicated a continuous decline in the last nine
months in 2020 (Figure 2). However, as an overall image, the deposit ratio indicated a growth on that
time (Figure03). Total deposits grew 13.6% YoY to reach LKR 9.9 Tn as at end-June 2020, with domestic
and foreign currency deposits growing 14.0% and 11.2%, respectively. Deposit growth was 8.5%
between end-2019 and end-June 2020. Deposits increased to 81.6% of total sector liabilities at end-
June 2020, the highest level recorded since 2014, indicating the sector’s increased reliance on deposits
(KPMG, 2021).
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With the outbreak of Covid-19, most of the banks had to change their regular work procedures &
follow a challengeable adoption strategy for it. As a result of this banks trend to ensure their service
and support are maintained for customers in difficult times even, excluding from regular basis. Many
banks have therefore continued to physically staff both cheque and wire operations, but on a reduced
basis with perhaps 25 percent of the normal workforce onsite at any one time, and with new policies
and procedures introduced to balance operational effectiveness with safety requirements.
As well as all the banks are encouraged their customers to move to online banking methods.
Essentially, the fraudster’s objective is to reroute a due payment to another bank account. Such fraud
may originate externally by a deceitful individual or business, or it may be committed by an employee
within the victim organization. The preferred method used by external fraudsters is fake emails and
social engineering to impersonate a supplier.
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Through the organizational core values all the All the values
stakeholders are benefitted. maintain by SB
provide a better
environment from
The organizational
culture provides a
Shared customer focus
platform in increasing 7/10 9/10
customer loyalty.
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Currently, most of organizations, as well households experience a huge problem in their economic
status. An increasing demand for loans can be identified with the pandemic of Covid-19. But currently
most of the banking services are unavailable due to the travel restrictions & other government
regulations. In traditional system, to apply for a loan people should complete a series of steps & have
to visit bank several times & other institutions as well. With this situation, customers are disappointed
with their financial requirements.
As a solution for this SB can introduce an online loan system. Through this, customers can fulfill all the
requirements for obtaining a loan.
- No branch visits
- No paper works.
- No guarantors.
- No need to get effort for obtain a crib report separately.
- Shorten timelines.
- Reduce cost.
- A short & simple process.
The only thing customer has to follow as the initiate step of this is download the just click loan app &
then they can follow the loan process. A simple process has to follow for this service & it is more
convenient than the traditional process. Less document requirement is special for customers who are
with very busy schedules.
To submit these documents, the customer should not visit the branch. They can use soft copy of these
& send it via E-mail. As well as with the link of SB with crib customers can complete the requirement
of clearance from crib through this app itself.
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Figure v: Innovation 01 (Author generated diagram for Just click loan service)
This is proceeded with the amount of the payment done by the customer. Based on the payment
amount, customer can earn points & use the point with their digital wallet.
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As well as this kind of reward system can be considered as a driving factor of customer loyalty.
Figure vi: Innovation 01 (Author generated diagram for Pay & Win reward system)
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Just Click easy loan system & Pay & Win reward system
towards digital native environment 9 Less IT literate customers, tech adverse customers,
7 elderly and/or disable customers might not be able to
Growing adoption towards mobility &
developed customer expceience 8 6 Legal barriers with rules & regulations
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Quality All the key players in the market try to maintain a high
differences quality.
Companies with the organization intend to build an
Brand loyalty M
excellent brand loyalty.
Switching Switching cost remains low.
cost High level of exit barriers.
Suppliers Customer
Stakeholder Analysis
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Creating Entrepreneurial Change July 2021 CIM Membership-12357842
bodies Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. H L
Communicate all the relevant information of the bank with other
parties such as community.
Age: 35 Characteristic
Gender: Male s Impacted
From: Urban & suburban areas Highly price sensitive from Covid-
19 &
Income: Turnover 1 Mn
Highly technology focused requirement
of a bank
Ambitious Educated Reliable Highly concern about health matters loan is high
The interested products & services are Transactional, trade finance, and project
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