Harden. Dictionary of The Vulgate New Testament. 1921.
Harden. Dictionary of The Vulgate New Testament. 1921.
Harden. Dictionary of The Vulgate New Testament. 1921.
This Dictionary is based on the smaller Oxford edition
of the Vulgate New Testament, which was published in
19 1 1. 1 Founded as that edition is on the oldest and best
manuscripts of the Vulgate, used in accordance with the
methods and results of modern textual criticism, its text
differs materially as to vocabulary and still more as to
orthography from the received text of the Vulgate New
Testament, which is that of the edition 2 published at the
end of the sixteenth century by Pope Clement VIII.
It will therefore be necessary to say something by way
of introduction about each of these (1) Vocabulary, and
(2) Orthography.
Nouum Testamentum Latine secundum editionem sancti Hieronymi ad
codicem manuscriptorum fidem recensuorunt >J« lohannes Wordsworth, S.T.P.
episcopus Sarisburiensis et Henricus Iulianus White, A.M., S.T.P., Noui Test-
menti interpretationis Professor apud Collegium Regium Londini (Kditio Minor
curante Henrico I. White).
Or rather, editions, for there were three, published respectively in 1592, 1593,
exsuscito (J.ii,ii) praegredior (Mk.2,23)
fusio (H.9,22) pridem (G.4,13)
gallicula (A. 12, 8) quantulus (H. 10,37)
immolaticius (1 C. 10,28) quartanus (A. 10,30)
inaniloquium (2T.2,i6) quippini (L. 11,28)
infreno (1 T.5,18) ruo (H.11,30)
ingrauo (Mk. 14,40) secundoprimus (L.6,1)
inoperor (Mk.6,14) senecta (L.1,36)
inquisitor (1 C.1,20) sparsio (H. 12,24)
lino (J. 9, 6) subtilitas (Co. 2, 4)
magicus (A. 8, 11) superexulto (Jas.2,13)
nouellus (Mk.2,22) suprascriptio (Mt.22,30)
nudius (A. 10,30) timef actus (A. 24, 2 6)
paulo (H.2,7) unoculus (Mt.18,9)
placitum (E.1,9) ualide (A.27,18)
potiono (Ap.14,8)
to the Vulgate
immolaticius is found in the Epistles of
tus (1).
conn-, con-, connumero, but conecto, conubium.
conr-, corr-, conregno, conresuscito, conroboro, but corrfgo
(der.), corripio (der.), corrumpo (der.).
exs-, ex-, " s "
dropped except in exsupero, exsurgo, exsuscito,
and exspiro (3) beside expiro (2).
inm-, imm-, the form inm- everywhere except in immolo
inp-, imp-, generally inp-, but impedimentum, imperitus,
impius (der.), impleo imputo (der.). Variable:
inplico (1), implico (1).
inr-, irr-, inrationabilis, inreprehensibilis, inrideo, inruo,
but irrito, irritus.
Compounds of iacio make : -iicio in Clementine, -icio in
Oxford edition.
Initial " h" another cause of variation, the Oxford edition
reading harena, 1 harundo, haue, holus, hordiaceus for
arena, etc., of the Clementine.
1 Except in R.9,27
1 The treatment of ae in
the Oxford edition varies much. Thus we have eger
for acger,. but acsrotus, aegrotatio; heresis, but haereticus; coetaneits, longeuus,
but coacquahs.
1 Words belonging to these classes have sometimes been retained when th>
occur but seldom, in order to draw attention to the fact of such rare occurrence
|| before a reference to a passage in the Gospels Indicates
that the word in question is found also in a parallel
passage in one or more Gospels.
[ ] when a reference is thus enclosed it indicates that the
word, though found in the passage in the Clementine
edition, has been dropped or changed by the Oxford
Books of the New Testament : Mt., Mk., L., J., A., R.,
i C, 2 C, G., E., Ph., Co., i Th., 2 Th., 1 T., 2 T., Ti.,
Philem., H., Jas., 1 P., 2 P., 1 J., 2 J., 3 J., Jude, Ap.
f. after a reference to a verse indicates that the word is
found in it and the following verse.
ff. similarly used indicates that the word is found once or
oftener in the verses immediately following.
par tic. = participle.
P.P. = perfect participle.
pers.= personal.
impers. = impersonal.
depon = deponent.
pass. = passive.
compar. = comparative.
superl.t== superlative.
met. = metaphorically.
bis= indicates that the word is found twice in the verse.
L. & S.=Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary.
K.Y. = English version.
4,11.* 22,18.
admirabilis, e, marvellous, adprehendo (appr-), di, nsus,
2Th.i,io; 1 P.2,9.* 3, take, lay hold of, Mt.
admiratio, onis, /., wonder, 14,31 L.23,26.
Mk.5,19 ; 5.37 ; (
2 ) com- A.23,15.*
mit, A. 25, 25.* jadorator, oris, m., worship-
admoneo, 2, warn, admonish, per. Gk. irpocrKW^T-qs.
Mt.2,22; 2T.I.6; Ti. J-4,23.*
adoro, 1, worship, adore, J.
fadnauigo, 1, sail to, A. 27, 7.* 4,20 ; H.i, 6.
aedes, is, /., temple, shrine, aeramentum, i, n., a vessel
L.11,51 A. 19,24.*
; of copper or bronze, Mk.
aedificatio, onis, /., a build- 7.4; Ap. 18,12.*
ing, Mt. 24,1 1 C.3,9; ; aerarius, ii, m., copper-smith
edifying, R.14,19 E. ; 2 T.4,14.*
4,12. aereus, a, um, made of copper
aedifico, 1, build, Mk.12,1 ;
or bronze, Ap. 9.20.*
J. 2, 20 ; edify, 1 C.8,1 ;
aerug-, v. erug-.
iTh.5,11. aerumna, ae, /., trouble, toil,
aeger, v. eger. Mk.4,19 2 C.11,27.*
aemulatio, R.
onis, /., zeal, 24,32.*
10,2 Ph. 3, 6
; emula- ; aestimo, 1, think, suppose,
tion, jealousy, R.13,13 ;
L.7,43 A.2,15; con- ;
15 I
A.-5.35; s/' < k ' (peni- H.9,17.
tence),Mk.6, 1 2; A. 17,30 ; aliquando, at any time, at
///•< A. 24,2
•, ; 1 T.2,2 ; one time, once.
give (thanks), Mt. 15,36 ; aliquantulum], a little, 1 ( .
J. 10,
1.* amarus, a, um, bitter, Co. 3,
f°allegoria, ae, /., allegory, 19 ; Jas.3,11 ff. ; Ap.8,
G.4,24.* 11.*
alleluia (Hebr.), Hallelujah, amator, oris, m., lover, 2 T.
Ap.19,1 ff.* 3.4; 1P.3.8.*
allido, 3, dash down, Mk. tambigo, 3, doubt, A. 5, 24.*
9,18.* ambitio, onis, /., pomp, dis-
alligo, 1, bind, L. 10,34 '>
A. 9, play, A. 25,23.*
14. fambitiosus, a, um, vain-
alloquor, locutus, 3, speak, glorious, 1 C.13,5.*
A. 20, 11; 21,40; 28,20.* ambulo, 1, walk, J. 1,36;
alo, 3, nourish, A. 12,20 Ap. ; (met.) R.6,4 ; E.2,2.
12,14.* amen (Hebr.), verily, so be it.
27.32.* 2J.7.*
angularis, e, belonging to the ~ antiquo, 1, make old, H. 8, 1 $.*
4» 1 •*• 2 P.2,8.*
aro, 1, plough, L.17,7 ; 1 C. asper, era, erum, rough,
9,10.* rocky, L.3,5 ; A. 27, 29.*
35 1 C.13,4
; E.4,32 ; ; G.5, 22 ; E.2,7; 5,9; 2
Ti.1,8; 2,5.* Th.1,11.*
°beryllus, i, m., beryl, Ap.21, bonum, i, n., good deed or
20.* thing; in pi., goods, pos-
bestia, ae, /., beast, wild sessions.
beast. (In Ap. the beast.) bonus, a, um, good.
bibo, bi, bitus, 3, drink. bos, bouis, c. [gen. pi.,
byssinum, garment oj i, n., 3 Ji3*
byssus, Ap.§i8,i6 19, ;
calcaneus, i, m., heel, J.
8; 19,14* 13,18.*
°byssus, i, /., fine linen, L. [f°calcedonius], i, m., chal-
16,19; Ap.18,12.* cedony, Ap.21,19.*
calciamentum (calce-), i, n.,
shoe, HMt.3,11A. 7, 33. ;
12,8 ; E.6,15.*
cadauer, eris, n., corpse, calcitro, 1, kick, A. [9,5] ; 26,
H.3,17.* 14.*
cado, cecidi, casum, 3, fall, calco, 1, tread, L. 10,19
Jail down. tread down, L.21,24.
°cadus, i, m., cask ; measure calculus, i, m., small stone,
(liquid), L.16,6.* pebble, Ap.2,17.*
caecitas, tatis, /., blindness, calefacio, 3, warm : pass.
Mk.3,5; R.i 1, 25; E. imperat., calefacimini,
4.18* Jas.2,16.
"caeco, 1, blind, make blind, calidus, a," um, hot, Ap.3,
Mk.8,17.* 15 f*
caecus, a, um, blind. [caliga], ae,/., shoe, A. 12,8.*
caedes, is, /., slaughter, A. caliginosus, a, um, dark,
9,1 ; H.7,1.* 2 P. 1, 19.*
caedo, cecidi, caesum, 3, (1) caligo, inis, /., mist ; dark-
beat, strike, L.20,10; (2) ness, A. 13, 11 ; H.12,18 ;
(5) for
castellum] 17 [CERTAMEN
certe] 18 [CIRCUMUO
13.* Ap.4,4.*
charus, v. car-, circumcido, cisus, 3, circum-
cherubin (-bim) (Hebr. with cise.
Mk.3,5 L.6,10.
; clare, clearly, Mk.8,25.*
circumsto, steti, 1, stand 'claresco, ui, 3, become glori-
round, J. 11, 42 surround, ; ous, 2 C.3,10.*
H.12,1. *clarifico, i, glorify. Gk.
circumtego, tectus, 3, a 8o£afo>, J. 12,28 (and fre-
round about, H.u,4.* quently) ; H.5,5.
circumuenio, ueni, 4, cir- claritas, tatis, /., brightness,
cumvent, deceive, A. 7, 19 ; honour, glory, L.2,9 ; 1 C.
2 C.2,11 1 Th.4,6.; 15, r -
14,2* Ap.i,i8.
14 f.* L.20,18 ;
J. 19,36.*
comburo, ussi, ustus, 3, bur)i, commisceo, 2, mingle, inter-
bum up, Mt.3,12 ; A. 19, mingle, 1 C.5,9 ff.; 2 Th.
combustio, onis, /., burning, commissura, ae, /., patch,
H.6,8.* HMt.9,16.*
of use A. 18,27
to, (3) '
confugio, fugi, 3, flee for
consider, confer, L.2,19 ; refuge, A. 14,6 H.6, 18.* ;
20 1,24.*
; 12,26; H.4,15; 10.34;
*conlaboro (coll-), 1, work iP.3,8.*
together, Ph.1,27 ; 2 T. conpello, v. compello.
1,8.* conperio, also comperio (A.
conlactaneus (coll-), i, m„ 25,25), peri, pertus, 4,
foster-brother, A. 13,1.* learn, find out. A. 4, 13 ;
CONROBORO] 26 [constantia
||Mt.9,i7- 18,32.*
conseruus, i, m., fellow- constanter, (1) boldly, A. 13,
servant, Mt. 18,28 ft. ;
Co. 46 26,26
; (2) vehem- ;
ently, L.23,10.*
1,7; Ap.6,11.
look at constantia, ae, /., boldness,
considero, 1, (1)
closely, examine, A. 7, 31 ;
A. 4,13*
ble, conuersatio, onis,/., manner
contribulis, is, m., man of of life. Gk. dva(TTpoiJ)ij,
same Th.2,14.*
tribe, 1 G.i, 13 and often; in
contristo, 1, sadden, make E.2,12 = commonwealth
sad, 2 C.2,2 E.4,30. ;
(7roA.iTeta) in Ph. 3, 20 =
abuse, reproach, A. 5, 41 ;
again, L.22,32 convert, ;
- H. 10,29 i
dishonour, R. J. 12,40 turn into,
A. 2,
9,21 ; 2 T.2,20. 20; Ap.11,6; pervert,
contumeliosus, a, um, inso- G.1,7.
lent, abusive, R. 1,30; iT. conuescor, 3, eat together
1,13.* with, A. 1, 4.*
Mk.15,32.* 1 T.4,8.*
conuinco, 3, convince, 1 C. tcorporaliter, bodily, in a
14,24.* bodily form, Co. 2, 9.*
conuiuifico, 1, quicken to- corpus, oris, n., body.
gether, E.2,5 Co. 2, 13.* ; correctio, onis, /., correction,
conuiuium, ii, n., feast, L.5, amendment, H.9,10.*
29 ;2 P.2,13. correptio, onis, /., admoni-
conuiuo, 3, live together with, tion, reproof, 1 C.10,11 ;
17,15 Mk.7,3.*
credo, didi, ditus, 3, (1) be- cubile, n., bed, L.11,7;
CUPIDITAS] 31 [decaluo
observe, J. 9, 16 ; 1 J. 2, 4 ; 1 C.7,3.
Ap.12,17. decaluo, 1, make bald, cut the
custos, odis, c, keeper, guard. hair, 1 C.11,5 f.*
DECEPTIO] 3^ [deformo
seemly, becomes ; in
it dedo, ditus, 3 (only in P.P.),
[Ti.2,1] used in 3rd per. given over to, A. 17, 16 ;
plur. 1 T.3,8.*
decido, cidi, A. 15, 16 deduco, xi, ctus, 3, bring or
3, fall, ;
depositum] 34 [destitutio
7ra/xx0>yK*7. 2P.2,l8.
distort, desidero, (1) desire, 1 Ti.
deprauo, i, pervert, 1,
Ph. 4, 2.
beseech, designo, 1, appoint, L.10,1.*
deprehendo, hensus, 3, take, desino, sii, 3, cease, A. 13, 10 ;
1 P-4>i-*
deputo, 1, account, reckon, desolatio, onis,/., desolation,
L.22,37.* HMt.24,15 ; L.21,20.*
lictus, desolo, forsake, desert, 1
derelinquo, liqui, 3, 1,
back-biting, 2 C. 12,20 ;
dexter, era, erum (ace. sing.
1 P.2,1.* dextrum, dat. and abl.
fdetracto (-trecto), 1, de- plur. dextris), of the right
preciatej speak evil oj, 1 hand, right.
P. 2, 12.* dextera, ae,/., right hand.
detractor, oris, m., slanderer, diabolicus, a, urn, devilish,
back-biter, R.1,30.* Jas.3,15.*
detraho, traxi, tractus, 3, °diabolus, i, m., devil.
* c
(1) pull down, A. 19,33 I
-diaconus, i, m., (only in
2 P. 2, 4 ; (2) detract from, pi. nom. diacones (-coni),
disparage, 1 T.3,11 ;
J as. ace.diaconos, abl. dia-
4,11 ; 1 P. 3, 16.* conibus^, deacon, Ph.i.i ;
1,45 1 Th.1,8
; (2) slan- ;
diligo, lexi, lectus, 3, love.
1, 11.* Mt.3,15.
dignus, a, um, worthy, ||Mt. dinumero, 1, number, Ap.7,
L.7,4. 9.*
diiudico, 1, judge, 1 C. 14,24 ;
fdipondius, ii, m., the sum of
1 Ap.1,10.*
C.I 1,20 ; T.3,6 ; (2) marry, Mt.
dominor, 1, have or exercise 22,24 f-J (3) think, con-
dominion, rule, R.7,1 ;
sider, H. 10,29.
Ap.19,16 ;
prevail over, dulcis, e, sweet.
A. 19, 16. ^ dummodo, if only, provided
dominus, i, »1., lord. that, A. 20, 24.*
domo, mitus, 1, fame, Mk. duplex, icis, double, T.5,17
1 ;
DURUS] 40 [egenus
EGEO] 41 [enutrio
15,16. 18,17.*
eripio, pui, 3, snatch away, euge, well done ! HMt.25,
rescue, save, deliver, A. 7, 21 ff.*
EUNUCHUS] 43 [excido
25 ; 1 T.4,7.* [Jas.5,10].*
exercitatio, onis, /., exercise, |°exorcista, ao, m., exorcist,
1 T.4,8.* A.19,13.*
exordium] 45 [extendo
3 13.5-
gladness, L.1,14 ; A.2,46 ;
33* 9,9-
fas (indecl.), n., right, lawful, ferrum, i, n., iron.
A. 22,22.* ferus, a, um, fierce, raging,
fasciculus, i, m., bundle, Mt. Jude 13.*
13. 3°-* ferueo, 2 (only in partic.
feruor] 48 [firmitas
29.* Ap.11,7.*
flcus, i and us, /., fig-tree, finis, is, m., (1) end, Ap.1,8 ;
fortiter] 5° [fulgeo
A. 19,20.* H.9,26.
fortitude dinis, /., strength, frequentia, ae, /., concourse,
1 Th.2,7.* H.9,4*
fractio, onis,/., breaking (of frons, dis, /., branch, leafy
16; break off, R. 11,17 ff. fructus, us, m., fruit, Mk.4,
f rater, tris, m., brother. 7 ; G.5,22 ; offspring,
frequent, L. 10,40 ;
i T. fulgeo, 2, shine, Mt. 13,43 ;
fulgor] 51 [genero
9-3* 1 Th.5,8.*
fumigo, 1, smoke, Mt. 12,20.* f§gallicula, ae,/., small shoe,
fumus, \> m., smoke, A. 2, 19 ;
Ap.8,4 9,2 ff. ;
fgallina, ae, /., hen, Mt.23,
fundamentum, i, n., founda- 37-*
tion, iC.3,ioff.; H.6,1. gallus, i, m., cock.
fundo, found, lay founda-
1, fgarrio, 4, prate, chatter, 3 J.
tion, HMt.7,25 E.3,17 ; ;
Co. 1, 23 H.i, 10.* ; gaudeo, gauisus, 2, rejoice.
fundo, 3, shed, L.22,20 A. ; gaudium, ii, n., joy, re-
22,20.* joicing.
fungor, 3, perform, execute, gaza, ae, /. (Pers.), treasure,
L.1,8 2 C.5,20;
; E.6, A.8,27.*
20.* °gazophylacium, ii, n., treas-
funiculus, i, m., small cord, ury, Mk. 12,41 ff.; L.
J-2,I5.* 21,1 ; J. 8,
funis, is, m., rope, A. 27, *gehenna, ae, /. (Hebr.),
32.* hell,place of torment.
fur, furis, m., thief, J. 10,1 ff.; gemitus, us, m., groaning.
1 Th.5,2 ff. A.7,34 ; R.8,26.*
furor, R.2,21
1, steal, steal ; gemo, 3, groan, bemoan, R.
away, Mt.28,13. 8,23 H. 13,17.*
genimen] 5- [grauis
beget, Mt.1,2 A. 7, 8
ff.; ;
gratia, ae,/. , ( 1) favour, grace
bring forth, L.23,29 1 ; (2) (in pi.) thanksgiving.
P.2,2. jgratifico, i, do a favour to,
glory, L.13,17.* J. 5, 3 ;
grievous, §A. 20,29.
GRAUITAS] 53 [Heloi
herba] 54 [hospitalis
7.5 ;
I Pl '4- ingly, R. 13,13 ;
l C - I ^>
ijbtAj^ss^ - (^JL^u^
, ;
3-4-* I (vcfwel)
humanus, a, urn, belonging to
man, of man, hitman, °iacinthus, i, /.= hyacin-
R.6,19; Jas.3,7 ; 2 P. thus, hyacinth (precious
1,21. stone), Ap.21,20.*
humerus, v. um-. iaspis, idis,/., jasper, Ap.4,3;
humilio, i, humble, HMt.18,4; 21,11 ff.*
Ph. 2, 8 ; make low, L.3,5. ictus, us, m., lit. stroke, beat
humilis, e, humble, lowly. twinkling (of eye), 1 C.
humilitas, tatis,/., humility, I5.52.*
. lowliness, E.4,2 ; Jas.i, idcirco, for this reason, H.7,
10. 23.*
°hyacintinus (-thinus), a, um, *°idiota, ae, m., ignorant,
of or belonging to the unlearned person, A. 4, 13;
hyacinth (a precious 1 C.i4,i6ff.*
stone), Ap.9,17.* idolatria (idolola-), ae, /.,
hyacinthus], i, /., hyacinth idolatry, A. 17, 16.*
precious stone), Ap. f°idolium, ii, n., idol-tem
21,20.* 1 C.8,10.*
fire,E.6,16 Ap.9,17.* ;
drance, C.7,35.* 1
C.6,8 ;
11,21.* command, ||Mt.8,32 ; (2)
to know, J. 3, 10 ;
Ph. 1, 34-
22 ; 1 J. 2, 21. impie, impiously, 2 P. 2, 6 ;
incensum, 1, n., incense, inconstantia, ae,/., fickleness,
L.i.gff. in plural, Ap.8, instability, Jas. 3, 16.*
3f-* "inconsutilis, e, not sewed
incertus, a, um, uncertain, together, without seam,
1 C.9,26 ; 14,8 ; 1 T.6, J19.23*
17* incontaminatus, a, um, un-
'incessabilis, unable e, to de filed, pure, 2 C.7,11 ;
upon, L.4,20 ; A. 3, 5 ;
preted, Mt. 1,23; J. 1,
1 C.14,28.* 7-4-
28,3.* C.130*
inualesco, lui, 3, be strong, irritus, a, um,
no void, of
urgent, L.23,5 ;
prevail, effect, pit. 15, 6; G.3,17 ;
15,32 A.27,33.*
; H.3,11 Ap.10,6. ;
iudaismus, i, Jewish
m., eous act, ordinance, L.i,
religion, Judaism, G.i, 6.
J. 3, 19 ; H.6,2 trial,
; Mt.3,15 ;
J. 16,8.
1 C.6,4 ff. iustus, a, um, just, right,
ludico, 1, judge, J. 3, 17 ;
2,26. 2 T.2,5.*
lateo, 2, be hid, escape notice, legitimus, a, um, lawful, A.
A.26,26 ; H.13,2. 19,39*
laterna, v. lant-. lego, gi, ctus, 3, (1) read
latine, in Latin, J. 19,20 ; (2) coast along, A. 27, 13.
Ap.9,11.* lema (lamma) (Aram.), why ?
15 2 C.3,14; 1 T.4,13.
lectulus, i, m., bed, A. 5, 15.* lex, legis, /., law.
lectus, i, m., bed, couch, ||Mt. libellus, i, m., writing, Mt.5,
9,2 Ap.2,22.
; 31 ||i9,7
; ; little book,
legatio, onis, /., embassy, L. Ap.10,2.*
14,32 19,14 2 C.5,20
; ; ;
libenter, gladly, Mk.6,20 ;
4,16 ; 12,15 I
G.i, 8.* the letter (opp. to the
lictor,oris,m.(Gk./)a/3Sov;(os), spirit), R.2,27 ff.; 7,6 ;
9,20.* 47 2 T.3,i5
I ; (3) bond,
lignum, 1, n., wood, Ap.18,12; L.16,7 (4) ;
epistle, A.
tree, L.23,31 G.3,13 ; ;
staff, Mk. 14,43 ; stocks, litus (litt-), oris, n., shore,
A. 16,24. J. 21,4 ; A. 21,5.
ligo, 1, bind, J. 18,12 ; Ap. liuor, oris, m., bruise, stripe,
20,2. 1 P. 2, 24.*
lilium, ii, n., lily, ||Mt.6, loco, 1, let (on hire), lease,
28.* IIMt.21,33.*
lingo, 3, lick, L.i 6, 2 1.* loculus, i, m., (1) bier, L.7,
lingua, ae, /., tongue, L.16, 14 ; (2) purse, bag, J.
24 ; language, 1 C.12,10. 12,6 ; 13,29.*
[linio], 4, smear, J. 9,6.* locuples, pletis, rich, 1P.3,
§llno, leui, 3, smear, J. 9,6.* 4; Ap.3,18.*
linteamen, minis, n., linen locupleto, 1, enrich, 2 C.6,
cloth, L.24,12 ; J. 20,5 ff.* 10; 9,11 ; Ap.3,17.*
11 i* E.6,21 ; servant, J. 2, 5 ;
L.17,6.* A.21,39.*
34** 2 J. 1.*
1 2 1 without outer garment,
nondum, not yet. Mk.14,51 f.; J.21,7.
nosco, noui, notus, 3, know nullus, a, um, no, none.
(pres. stem not found in numero, 1, number, ||Mt.io,
ST.). 30.*
*notitia, ae, /., knowledge,
numerus, i, m., number.
R.1,28; 2C.2, i 4 H. ; numisma, v. nom-.
10,26.* nummularius (numu-), ii,
^3.49* proclaim.
O Ap.8,12 ; 9,2.
obsecratio, onis,/., supplica-
obcaeco, 1, blind, make blind, tion, prayer.
Mk.6,52 ; 1 J. 2,n.* obsecro, 1, entreat, beseech.
obdormio, 4, fall asleep, L.8, obsequium, ii, n., obedience,
23 A. 7, 60.*
; service.
obduro, 1, harden, H.3,8 ff.; obseruatio, onis, /., observa-
4.7-* tion, display, L. 17,20 ;
19- A.22.5*
perduco, xi, ctus, 3, bring, *perhibeo, 2 (only with testi-
bring to. monium), bear (witness).
-'-perduro, 1, continue, abide, periclitor, 1, be in danger,
A. 2,46.* L.8,23 ; A.19,27; 19,4°;
[jpereffluo], 3, ? drift away 1 C.15,30.*
(L. & S. take = for get), H. periculosus, a, um, danger-
1.* ous, 2 T.3,1.*
peregre, abroad, to foreign periculum, i, »., danger, R.
parts, HMt.21,33 ; H25, 14; 8,35 ; 2 C.i, 10 ; 11,26.*
L.15,13 ; 20,9.* f°peripsima (-sema), atis, n..
14 L.7,4
; ;
pay (tribute) C.9,5 ; anticipate, Mt.
R.13,6. 17,25 ; 1 Th.4,15.
praesto, at hand, present prandeo, 2, breakfast, L.n,
(always with esse), A. 24, 37; J.2I,I2ff.*
19; H.7,13 10,11 2 ; ; prandium, ii, n., breakfast,
P.1,9.* luncheon, Mt.22,4 ; L.
praesum, esse, (1) be over, 11,38 ; 14,12.*
rule, 1 T.3,5 ff.; 5,17 ;
prauus, a, um, wicked, evil.
as subst. in
praeuenio, ueni, 4, come n. pi.), birthright, 11. 12.
bejore, or beforehand, 2 10.*
; ;
* L.8,3.*
tprocuro, i, be procurator,
prius, before, first.
- pseudoapostolus, m.,
i, 29 ; 27,41.*
false apostle, 2 C. 11, 13.* '
purgamentum, i, n., off-
* c
pseudochristus, i, m., false scouring, 1 C.4,13.*
Christ. HMt.24,24.* purgatio, onis, /., purifica-
pseudopropheta, ae, m., tion, purifying, L.2,22 ;
each, L. 19,15 ; A. 2, 45 ;
icious, iC.5,iof.; 6,10.*
4-35-* rapina, ae,/., rapine, robbery,
quoad, only with usque Mt. 23, 25 ; Ph.2,6; H.
until. 10,34*
[quoadusque ], quoad usque. rapio, pui, raptus, 3, seize,
quocumque, whithersoever. A. 6, 12 ; 19,29 ; snatch
quot, how many. away, A. 8, 39 ; 1 Th.4,
quotid-, v. ootid-. 17-
quotiens (-ies), how mmny fraptor, oris, m., robber,
times, Mt. 18,21.* L. 18,11*
[°sardius], ii, m., the car- scapha, ae, /., small boat,
nelian, Ap.21,20.* skiff, A.27,16 ff.*
27,38 Ph.4,12.*
satis, enough, L.22,38 A. ; t°schola, ae, f., school, A. 19,
Mk.13,3 ;
J. 20,7.* §2P.3,7-
separatio, onis, /., division, seruus, i, m., slave, servant.
L.12,51.* jseueritas, tatis, /., severity
separo, 1, separate, sunder. R.i 1,22 (bis).*
sepelio, pultus, 4, bury.
ii, jsicarius, ii, m., assassin,
sepis, v. sae-. A.21,38.*
[fsepono], 3, lay aside, 1 C. sicco, 1, dry up, Mk.5,29
16,2.* Ap.16,12.*
septies, seven times, Mt.i8, sicera (indecl.) [acc.siceram],
21 f. ; L.17,4.* strong drink, L.1,15.*
sepulchrum, i, n., sepulchre. sicuti, as, E.3,5 ; 1 J. 3, 2.*
27,7 ; Mk.14,8;
J. 12,7.* 27,20 ; H.11,12 ; Jude
sequor, secutus, 3, follow. 13.*
serenus, a, um (as subst. sigillum, i, n., seal, Ap.5,1 ;
6,16. 9,4-
serotinus, a, um, latter, late silentium, ii, n., silence.
J* \
J. 21, 7 .E.6,14
; ; 1 P.i, (1) let down, Mk.2,4 ; A.
13.* 9,25 ; (2) suborn, A. 6,11.
succlamo, 1, cry out, L.23, summus, a, um, highest,
21.* chief.
sudarium, ii, n., napkin, sumo, sumsi (-mpsi), 3, take.
L. 19,20 ; J. 11, 44 ; 20, sumptus, us, m., cost, L.14,
7 ; A. 19, 12.* 28; 1 C.9,18.*
sudor, oris, m., sweat, L.22, f superabundanter, very abun-
44* dantly, E.3,20.*
sufferentia, ae,/., sufferance, superabundo, 1, abound more,
patience, Jas.5,11.* abound greatly, R.5,20 ;
f§suprascriptio, onis, /., symphonia, ae, /., music,
superscription, Mt.22, L.15,25.*
20.* synagoga, ae, /., synagogue.
surdus, a, um, deaf.
surgo, surrexi, 3, rise, arise.
sursum, (1) above, G.4,26
Co.3,1 f.; (2) upwards,
up, H.12,15.
sus, suis, c, pig, sow. taberna, ae, /., tavern, A.
suscipio, cepi, ceptus, 3, 28,15.*
take, receive, take up, tabernaculum, i, n., tent,
support. tabernacle.
suscito, 1, raise or rouse tabesco, 3, melt away, 2 P.
up. 3,12.*
suspendo, di, pensus, 3, hang, tabula, ae, /., tablet, table,
suspend. 2 C.3,3 ; H.9,4 ;
suspicio, 3, look up, Mk.7, A.27,44.*
34; L.19,5.* taceo, 2, (1) be silent ; (2)
suspicio, onis, /., suspicion, pass over in' silence (so
1 T.6,4.* tacitus, R. 16,25).
suspicor, 1, suspect, suppose, taedeo, 2, (1) (pers.), be
A. 25, 18; 27,27.* weary, Mk. 14,33 ; (2)
sustentatio, onis, /., forbear- (impers.), it wearies, dis-
ance, R.3,26.* gusts, 2 C.1,8.*
sustinentia, ae,/., endurance, talentum, i, n., talent.
patience, 1 Th.1,3.* taliter (Gk. ovtcos), so, in
sustineo, nui, 2, (1) bear, such wise, H. 10,33.*
bear with, endure, sustain, ftalitha(Aram.), maiden, Mk.
^R.9,22 ; 1 C.4,12 ; (2)
wait, tarry,HMt.26,38 *tametsi, although, 2 C.12,
^continue with, Mk.8,2. Ji ; H.6,9.*
fsusurratio, onis,/., whisper- tango, tetigi, 3, touch.
ing, 2 C. 12,20.* tantum, only.
susurro, onis, m., whisperer, tantummodo, only, Mk.5,36.*
R.1,29.* ftarde, slowly, A. 2 7, 7.*
°sycomorus, i, /., fig-mul- tardo, 1, tarry, delay, L.i,
berry tree, L.19,4.* (Gk. 21 ; 1 T.3,15 ; H.10,37;
(rvKOfiopea.) 2 P.3,9*
J.18,1.* 19,37-*
ftortor, oris, m., tormentor, transflguro, 1, (1) transform,
Mt. 18,34.* transfigure, HMt.17,2 2 ;
TREMO] 1 20 [typhonicus
2 6,9 ;
Philem.14.* R.4,19*
uoluntas, tatis,/., will, good,
The Mayflower Press, Plymouth, England. William Brendon & Son, Lid.
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