Harden. Dictionary of The Vulgate New Testament. 1921.

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This Dictionary is based on the smaller Oxford edition
of the Vulgate New Testament, which was published in
19 1 1. 1 Founded as that edition is on the oldest and best
manuscripts of the Vulgate, used in accordance with the
methods and results of modern textual criticism, its text
differs materially as to vocabulary and still more as to
orthography from the received text of the Vulgate New
Testament, which is that of the edition 2 published at the
end of the sixteenth century by Pope Clement VIII.
It will therefore be necessary to say something by way
of introduction about each of these (1) Vocabulary, and

(2) Orthography.

(1) Vocabulary. Many words, over forty in all, are

found in the text of the Oxford edition which have no
place in the Clementine. The list of them is as follows :

aegrotus (Mk.6,13 ; 16,18) dein (Jas.1,15)

altarium (iC.9,13 (bis); H.7,13) deludo (Mt. 20,19)
amarico (Ap.10,9) deuerto (L.9,12)
bithalassu:- ^i) deuinco (H. 11,33)
carcedonius (Ap.21,19) effluo (H.2,1)
consul (A. 19,38) enauigo (L.8,26 ; A. 20,13)
deformatio (1 T.1,16) exin (1 C.12,28)

Nouum Testamentum Latine secundum editionem sancti Hieronymi ad
codicem manuscriptorum fidem recensuorunt >J« lohannes Wordsworth, S.T.P.
episcopus Sarisburiensis et Henricus Iulianus White, A.M., S.T.P., Noui Test-
menti interpretationis Professor apud Collegium Regium Londini (Kditio Minor
curante Henrico I. White).
Or rather, editions, for there were three, published respectively in 1592, 1593,

exsuscito (J.ii,ii) praegredior (Mk.2,23)
fusio (H.9,22) pridem (G.4,13)
gallicula (A. 12, 8) quantulus (H. 10,37)
immolaticius (1 C. 10,28) quartanus (A. 10,30)
inaniloquium (2T.2,i6) quippini (L. 11,28)
infreno (1 T.5,18) ruo (H.11,30)
ingrauo (Mk. 14,40) secundoprimus (L.6,1)
inoperor (Mk.6,14) senecta (L.1,36)
inquisitor (1 C.1,20) sparsio (H. 12,24)
lino (J. 9, 6) subtilitas (Co. 2, 4)
magicus (A. 8, 11) superexulto (Jas.2,13)
nouellus (Mk.2,22) suprascriptio (Mt.22,30)
nudius (A. 10,30) timef actus (A. 24, 2 6)
paulo (H.2,7) unoculus (Mt.18,9)
placitum (E.1,9) ualide (A.27,18)
potiono (Ap.14,8)

The majority of these are, in form at least, quite

classical. with three exceptions, are to be found
duly registered in Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary.
These three exceptions are bithalassus (Clem, dithalas-
sus), secundoprimus (Clem, separates into two words),
suprascriptio (Clem, Of the others, car-
superscriptio) .

cedonius, i.e. Carthaginian (stone), is found

in Pliny; gallicula (Clem, caliga) is a diminutive form
of gallica, and is found elsewhere in the writings of
St. Jerome inaniloquium (Clem, uaniloquium) is peculiar

to the Vulgate
immolaticius is found in the Epistles of

St. Aug ustine inoperor is used by Tertullian

; superexulto;

is not found earlier than in the Vulgate unoculus, which


has been introduced by conjecture in Mt.18,9, is found in

Plautus and elsewhere. The words consul, nudius, paulo,
pridem, can hardly perhaps be considered as new forms,
as they come into the list only in consequence of a different
division of words by the Oxford editor, pro consule for
proconsule : paulo minus for paulominus : nudius quartana
for nudiusquarta.
On the other hand some words found in the Clementine
edition form no part of the new text. These may be divided
—— ;


into two classes : (i) Compound words which have been

separated into these component parts, e.g. amodo, lucrifacio
(but liter ifio remains), male/acio, materfamilias, pater-
familias, panlominns, quoadusque, usquequo, ucrumtamen,
etc. (2) Words which have dropped out owing to change
of reading. The list of these is as follows :

aliquantulus (1 0.16,7; H. 10,37) liberi (L. 20,28)

bolis (A. 27,28) ,
linio (J. 9,6)
calcedonius (Ap.21,19) luxuriosus (2 P. 2, 7)
caliga (A. 12,8) magia (A. 8, 11)
conquisitor (1 C.1,20) motio (J. 5, 4)
demeto (Ap.14,16) nudiusquartus (A. 10,30)
dithalassus (A. 27, 41) pereffluo (H.2,1)
exuro (2 P.3,10) pertimeo (1 P.3,6)
illo, thither (Mt.2,22) prosequor (Mk.1,36)
informatio (1 T.1,16) senectus (L.1,36)
infremo (J. 11,33) sepono (1 C.i6,2)
lacteo (Mt.21,16) superexalto (Jas.2,13)

(2)» Orthography. One of the chief reasons for variation

between the two editions is to be found in the different
treatment of words whose first element is a prefix such as
ad, con, in, etc. The Clementine, as a rule, assimilates
when possible the last letter of such a prefix. The Oxford
edition, following the manuscripts, has no fixed plan, but
varies considerably even in the orthography of the same
The following details will show this :

adf-, aff-, adfectio, adfigo, but affluo (der.),- afflictio. The

following vary: 3 adficio (5), afhcio (5) ; adfirmo (3)
affirmo (2) adfligo (2), affligo (4)
; ; adfero (17),
affero (9).

1 The treatment of manufactus, beneplaceo, satisfacio, etc., varies.

- When (der.) follows any word, it indicates that one or more derivatives are
similarly spelled.
3 The numbers after each form indicate the number of times the form in
question is found. O C2
adm-, amm-, not occur except once
assimilation does
(L.i i, 14) in ammiror
admiror occurs thirteen times,

adp-, app-, adpono, adprehendo, adpretio, adprobo,

adpropinquo, adproprio, but appareo, appeto (der.).
adl-, all-, adleuio, adleuo, but allido, alligo, alloquor.
ads-, ass- or as-, adsequor, adsideo, adsigno, adsimilo,
adsisto, adsuo (der.), adsumo (der.), adsto, adstringo,
but assiduus, aspergo'(der.), aspicio (der.). Variable:
adspiro (1), aspiro (1).
adt-, att-, adtracto, but attendo, attineo.
conl-, conn-, all unassimilated except colligo (der.).
conm-, comm-, all assimilated, except conmanduco,
conp-, comp-, conparticeps, conpatior, conpingo, conplanto,
conpungo (der.), but complaceo, compleo, complexor,
comprehendo, comprobo, computo.
Variable conparo (2), comparo (2) conpello (1), ;

compello'(2) conperio (2), comperio (1)

; conprimo ;

(1); comprimo (5) compono always, [injconposi-


tus (1).
conn-, con-, connumero, but conecto, conubium.
conr-, corr-, conregno, conresuscito, conroboro, but corrfgo
(der.), corripio (der.), corrumpo (der.).
exs-, ex-, " s "
dropped except in exsupero, exsurgo, exsuscito,
and exspiro (3) beside expiro (2).
inm-, imm-, the form inm- everywhere except in immolo
inp-, imp-, generally inp-, but impedimentum, imperitus,
impius (der.), impleo imputo (der.). Variable:
inplico (1), implico (1).
inr-, irr-, inrationabilis, inreprehensibilis, inrideo, inruo,
but irrito, irritus.
Compounds of iacio make : -iicio in Clementine, -icio in
Oxford edition.
Initial " h" another cause of variation, the Oxford edition
reading harena, 1 harundo, haue, holus, hordiaceus for
arena, etc., of the Clementine.

1 Except in R.9,27


ae, oe. In the Oxford edition " oe " of the Clementine


becomes " ae " in caena, caeno (but cenaculum),

faenum, faeneror, paenitet, etc. " ae " of the Clementine

becomes " oe " in proelium.

Several Greek words beginning with ch drop the h in

the Oxford edition, e.g. caracter, clamys, cvysolitus,
crysoprassus, though it is retained in chaos, charisma,
chirographum, etc. Besides those instances of words found
spelled in two different ways which have already been
given under the head of assimilation, the following also
occur :

claudus (10), clodus (3) pedagogus (2), paedagogus (1)

clausi (2), clusi (2) scabillum (1), scabellum (7)
idololatres (1), idolatres (1) solacium (4), solatium (1)
intingo (4), intinguo (1) transo^uco (1), traduco (2)
obtuli (5), optuli (10)

1 The treatment of ae in
the Oxford edition varies much. Thus we have eger
for acger,. but acsrotus, aegrotatio; heresis, but haereticus; coetaneits, longeuus,
but coacquahs.


Many words have been intentionally omitted. These

may be grouped under two classes. 1
(i) Pronouns, prepositions, numerals, etc., whose
meaning best learned from the Grammar.

(2) Words which have the same form and meaning in

English and Latin, e.g. corruptio.
Except in the case of words enclosed within square brackets
the form given first is that of the Oxford edition. When
the form found in the Clementine Vulgate differs, the varia-
tion is noted by giving in brackets the variant in whole or
in part. The words enclosed within square brackets are
those peculiar to the Clementine edition.
In order that the Dictionary may to some extent answer
the purpose of a Concordance, the verses where a word is
found are given, except in the case of the most frequently
occurring words. An asterisk after the last reference
indicates that all the passages have been mentioned where
the word in question is found in the Oxford edition.
Other symbols that have been employed are as follows :

prefixed to a Greek word.

t prefixed to a word found but once in the Vulgate.
* prefixed to a word not found in the Vulgate Old
§ prefixed to a word peculiar to the Oxford edition. The
same symbol prefixed to a reference indicates that the
word is found in the passage referred to in the Oxford
edition only.

1 Words belonging to these classes have sometimes been retained when th>
occur but seldom, in order to draw attention to the fact of such rare occurrence

|| before a reference to a passage in the Gospels Indicates
that the word in question is found also in a parallel
passage in one or more Gospels.
[ ] when a reference is thus enclosed it indicates that the
word, though found in the passage in the Clementine
edition, has been dropped or changed by the Oxford

The chief parts of irregular verbs have not been given,

unless the stem in question is found in the New Testament.
Where it is possible the perfect participle passive has been
given instead of the supine.


In addition to the symbols already explained on pp. xiii

and xiv, the following abbreviations have been used in this
Dictionary :

Books of the New Testament : Mt., Mk., L., J., A., R.,
i C, 2 C, G., E., Ph., Co., i Th., 2 Th., 1 T., 2 T., Ti.,
Philem., H., Jas., 1 P., 2 P., 1 J., 2 J., 3 J., Jude, Ap.
f. after a reference to a verse indicates that the word is
found in it and the following verse.
ff. similarly used indicates that the word is found once or
oftener in the verses immediately following.
par tic. = participle.
P.P. = perfect participle.
pers.= personal.
impers. = impersonal.
depon = deponent.

pass. = passive.
compar. = comparative.
superl.t== superlative.
met. = metaphorically.
bis= indicates that the word is found twice in the verse.
L. & S.=Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary.
K.Y. = English version.


abominor, 1, abhor, R.2,22 ;

P.P. abhorred, accursed,

*Abba (Aram.), Father, Mk. A. 10,28; Ti.1,16.*
14,36 ; R.8,15 ; G.4,6.* abortiuum, i, n., abortion,
[abbreuio], 1, shorten, R.9, iC.15,8.*
28.* abscido (-scindo), di,3, cut off,
+abdico, 1, renounce, 2 C.4, HMt.5,30; J. 18,10; A.
2* 27,32 G.5,12.

abduco, 3, lead away, A. 20, abscondo, di, ditus, 3, hide,

30; H.13,9.* Mt.5,14; J8,59; P.P.,
abeo, ii, 4, go, Mt.4,24 A. ; hidden, secret, R.2,29 ;

1,25 ; Ap.9,12 go away,

J. 4,8 ; Jas.1,24 ; depart, -absentia, ae,/., absence, Ph.
Mt.19,15 Mk.6,1. ; 2,12.*
taberro,i, go astray, 1 T.1,6.* *absit,/ar be it ! God forbid !
abicio (-iiclo), 3, put aside, Mt. 16,22 ; L. 20,16; A.
cast away, R.13,12 G. ; 10,14.
2,21 Jas.1,21.*
absoluo, 3, decide, settle, A.
abluo, utus, 3, wash, 1 C.6, 19,39.*
11 ; H. 10,22 wash ; absorbeo, bui, ortus (orptus),
away, A. 22, 16; disprove 2, swallow up, 1 C. 15,54 !

(accusation), A. 25, 16.* 2 C.2,7 5,4;;

abnego, 1, deny, ||Mt. 16,24 !
L.22,34 ; 2T.3,5;- Ti. absque, without, J.16,2 ; R.
2,12.* 1,31 H.4,15.*

aboleo, 2, abolish, do away, abstergo, 3, wipe away, Ap.

R.4,14* 7,17; 21,4.*
abstjnentia] [acq-

abstinentia, ae,/., abstinence, (of persons), R.2,11 J as. ;

2 P.i, 6.* 2.1 ; 1 P.1,17 accept-


abstineo, 2, (1) (active), keep ance, 1 T.i, 15 4,9.;

from, A. 15,20 ; 1 C.9,25. f acceptor, oris, m., receiver

(2) (neuter), abstain, 1 T. (of persons), A. 10,34.*
4»3- 1 accersio (-cerso), 4, summon,
abstraho, actus, 3, draw call for, Mk. 15,44 A. >'

away, A. 21,1 ; Jas.1,14.* 24,26 f.

absint hi us(-synthium) , ii, accessus, us, m., access, R.

m., wormwood, Ap.8,11.* 5.2 ; E.2,18; 3,12.*
*abundans, tis (only in corn- accido, di, 3, happen, L.io,
par.), abundant, Mt.5,37; 31 [A. 4,21.]

1 C.12, 23 1; 2 C.2,7.* accingo, 3, gird,frap (a ship),

abundant er, abundantly. A. 27, 17.*
*abunde, abundantly, 1 T.6, accipio, cepi, ceptus, 3, take,

17 ; Ti.3,6.* Mt.27,9 ; L.16,6 1 C. ;

abundo, 1, abound, Mt.5,20 ; 11,23 I

receive, Mt.7,8 ;

R.3,7 Ph.4,12 ; have in ; A. 20,35.

abundance, Mt.13,12. accl- v. a del-.
abutor, 3, use up, use to the accola, ae, c, foreign resident,
full, 1 C.9,18.* stranger, A. 7, 6.*
°abyssus, i, /., pit, abyss, accubitus, us, m., seat, place
Hades, Hell, L.8,31 R. ; at table, L.14,7.*
10,7 Ap. ; (eight times). accumbo, cubui, 3, recline, sit
accedo, cessi, 3, come to, Mt. down, Mk.2, 1 5 ; L.7,37.
24,3 ; 27,58 ; approach, accurro, and adcurro, 3, run
draw nigh, H.7,25 ; 11,6. to, Mk.9,15 L.i 5, 20 ; ;

accendo, census, 3, kindle, A.8,30.*

set on fire, light, HMt.5,15; accusatio, onis, /., accusa-
A. 28,2. tion, J. 18,29 .' 1 T.5,19 ;

taccensibilis, e, that may be Ti.1,6.*

burnt, or (actively) burn- accusator, oris, m., accuse v,
ing, Gk. K€KaVfX€VO<S, H. Ap.I2,IO.
12,18.* acetum, i, n., vinegar, [|Mt.
acceptabilis, e, acceptable, 27,48.*
2 C.6,12 ; Ti.2,14 ; 1 P. acies, ei, /., edge (of sword),
2,5* H.11,34.*
acceptio, onis, /., receiving acq-, v. adq-.
actio] [adiuro

actio, onis, /. (only with adncio, also afncio (each 5

gratiarum), giving (of times), feci, fectus, 3,
thanks), A. 24,3 iT.2,i. ; visit, trouble (with morte
-actor, oris, m., tutor, gover- and contumelia) ||Mt.io,
nor, G.4,2.* 2i ; A. 14,15.
actus, us, »1., (1) deed, L. adflgo or fix
(aff-), 3, fasten,

23,51 ; A. 19,18 ; Co. on, crucify, A. 2, 23 Co. ;

3,9. (2) office, function, 2,14.*

R.I2 >4 .* adfirmo and affirmo, 1, assert,
"aculeus, i, m., sting, Ap. affirm, L.22,59 ; 1 T.1,7.
9,10.* adfligo, also affligo, xi, ctus
acus, us, /., needle, HMt.19, 3, afflict, A. 7, 19 ; H.11
24.* 25-
acutus, a, um, sharp. adhaereo, haesi, 2, cleave
adaperio, 4, (1) open, Mk.7, to, attach one's self to,

34 ; L.2,23 (2) declare, HMt.19,5 ; L.15,15 ; R.

manifest, A. 17, 3.* 12,9.
adaquo, 1, water (an animal), adhibeo, 2, bring, summon,
L.13,15.* Mt.18,16.*
adaugeo, 2, increase, L.17,5.* adhortor, 1, exhort, H.3,13.*
adclamo (accl-), 1, cry out, adhuc, still, yet, any longer,
exclaim, A. 12,22 ; 22,24 ; (in neg. sentences) usque
0,24.]* adh., until now.
adcurro, v. accurro. adimpleo, etus, 2, fulfil, Mt.
~addico, xi, 3, devote, deliver 1,22 fill up, Co. 1,24.

up, Jas.5,6.* adipiscor, adeptus, 3, obtain,

addo, didi, 3, add, L.20,11 f.* H.6,15; 11,33; Jas.4,2.*
adduco, xi, ctus, 3, bring, adiaceo, 2, be close to, R.7,
draw, Mt.2l,2 J. 1,42 ; ; 18; 7,21.*
adducere praeputium (1 C. adicio (-iicio), ieci, 3, add,
7,18.) become uncircum- L.3,20 ; 19,11.*
cised. adiudico, 1, give sentence,
adeo, ii, 4, come near, L.8,19 ; L.23,24.*
H.4,16 ; approach, A. adiungo, nctus, 3, join, A.
24,1. 8,29; 17,4.*
*adfectio (aff-), onis, /., adiuro, 1, adjure, Mt. 26,63 ;

affection, K.1,31 ; Ph. Mk.5,7 A. 19,13 1 Th.

; ;

2,20; 2T.3,3.* . 5,27.

adiutor] [auoro

adiutor, oris, m., helper, R. adnumero (annu-), 1, count,

16,3 ff.; H.13,6. reckon, A. 1,26; H.7,

adiutorium, ii, n., help, A. 6.*

27,17.* *adnuntiatio (annu-), onis,

adiuuo, iuui, iutus, 1, help, /., message, 1 J. 1,5 3» ;

aid, assist, Mk.9,22 ; L. 11.*


Ap.12,16. jadnuntiator (annu-), oris,

5,7 ;

adleuio (alle-), 1,(1) lighten, m., proclaimer, an-

A. 27, 38 ; (2) relieve, Jas. nouncer, A. 17, 18.*
5.I5-* adnuntio (annu-), 1, an-
adleuo (alle-), 1, raise up, nounce, proclaim, Mk.
A.3,7.* 5,i9; J-4.25-
adplico (appl-), cui, 1, put
[f administrate],
onis, /.,

ministry, 2 C.4,1.* in to shore, touch at, Mk.

fadministratorius, a, um, 6,53 A.20,15.*

ministering, A. 1,14.* Gk. adpono (appono), posui, posi-

XeLTOVpyiKOS. tus, 3, (1) set before, Mk.
administro, 1, (1) minister, 8,6; L.10,8; A. 16,34;
(2) place beside, A. 18,
serve, A. 13,36 1 P. 4, 10 ; ;
10 ;

2 C.9,10 1 P. add, A. 41 Ap.

(2) furnish, ; (3) 2, ;

4,11.* 22,18.
admirabilis, e, marvellous, adprehendo (appr-), di, nsus,
2Th.i,io; 1 P.2,9.* 3, take, lay hold of, Mt.
admiratio, onis, /., wonder, 14,31 L.23,26.

Ap.17,6.* adpretio (appr-), 1, value,

admiror, also ammiror (L. estimate, Mt.27,9.*

11,14), 1, wonder, marvel adprobo (appr-), 1, approve,

at, Mk.6,2 A. 4,13 Ap. ; ;
A. 2, 22.*
13.3- adpropinquo (appr-), 1, draw
admisceo, mixtus, 2, mingle, nigh, L.7,12 Jas.4,8. ;

H.4,2.* adpropio (appr-), 1, draw

permit, nigh, L. 10,34 I2 »33 '>

admitto, misi, 3, (1) I

Mk.5,19 ; 5.37 ; (
2 ) com- A.23,15.*
mit, A. 25, 25.* jadorator, oris, m., worship-
admoneo, 2, warn, admonish, per. Gk. irpocrKW^T-qs.
Mt.2,22; 2T.I.6; Ti. J-4,23.*
adoro, 1, worship, adore, J.
fadnauigo, 1, sail to, A. 27, 7.* 4,20 ; H.i, 6.

adquiesco (acq-), eui, 3, ac- adsumo (ass-), sumsi, sum-

quiesce in, give assent to, tus, 3, take, Mt.17,1 ;

R.2,8 G.i, 16; 1 T.6,3.*

; E.6,17 ; fake up, A.1,2 ;

adquiro (acq-), isiul, 3, ac- 1 T.3,i6.

quire, get by possession, adsumtio (assumptio), onis,
obtain, L.19,16 A. 20, ; /., (1) taking up, L.9,51 ;

28; iT.3,13. (2) receiving again, R.n,

adquisitio (acq-), onis, /., 15*
acquiring, possession, E. jadsuo (assuo), 3, sew on,
1,14 ; 1 P. 2,9 ; wealth, Mk.2,21.*
A.19,25. adtracto (attrecto), 1, feel
*adsequor (ass-), secutus, 3, after, A. 17,27.*
follow, follow up, L.i, 3 ;
adulatio, onis, /., flattery,
iT.4,6; 2T.3,io* 1 Th.2,5.*
adsideo (ass-), 2, sit or be adulescens (ado-), entis, m.,
beside, A. 26, 30.* young man, Mt. 19,20 ;

adsigno (ass-), 1, (1) hand L.7,14.

over, present, A. 9, 41 ; (2) adulescentia (ado-), ae, /.,
seal, R. 15,28.* youth, 1 T.4, 12.*
adsimilo (ass-), 1, liken, Mt. adulescentior (adol-), youn-
6,8; H.7,3. ger, L.15,12 f. ; 1 T.5,
adsisto (ass-), 1, 3, stand by, 11.*

J. 18,22 ; appear before, adulescentula (adol-), ae, /.,

A. 27, 24 ; assist, R.16,2. young woman, Ti.2,4.*
adspiro, also aspiro (A. 9,1), 1, adulter, teri, m., adulterer,
blow, breathe, A. 27, 13.* 1 C.6,9 ; Jas.4,4.
adsto (asto), stiti, 1, stand, adulter, terum, adul-
A. 4, 10 stand up, A. 4,
; terous,Mt. 12,39 16,4 ; ;

28 ;stand by, Mk. 14,70 ;

A. 1, 10. adultera, ae, /., adulteress,
adstringo (ast-), xi, 3, bind, R.7,3.*
A. 22, 25.* adulterium, ii, n., adultery,
adsum, adfui, esse, be pre- J.8,3.
sent, L.i 3, 1 ; come, be adultero, 1, (1) commit
Mk.4,29 ; stand by, 2 T. adultery, Mt.5,32 ; (2)
4,16. adulterate, 2 C.2,17; 4,2.
adsumentum (ass-), 1, v., aduena, ae, c, stranger,
patch, Mk.2,21.* alien, A.2,10 ; 1 P.1,1.


aduenio, ueni, 4, come, Mt. observer or imitator, A.21,

6,10; arrive,' A.9,39 ; 20; 1 P.3,13.
come upon, Jas.5,1. aemulor, 1, be zealous for, be
aduentus, us, m., coming, desirous of, 2 C. 11,2 ; G.
Mt.24,3 2 C.7,6.
; 4,17; be jealous, A. 7.9.
aduersarius, ii, m., adversary, aenigma, v. en-,
Mt.5,25 i P.5.8. ; aequalis, e, equal, Ph. 2, 6 ;

aduersor, 1, resist, be con- Ap.21,16.

trary to, G.5,17; 1 Th. aequalitas, tatis, /., equality,
2,15; 2 Th.2,4; 1 T.i, 2 C.8,13 1*
10.* aequitas, tatis, /., righteous-
aduesperasco, 3, be evening, ness, A. 17, 31
equity, ;

L.24,29.* R.9,28; H.i, 8,*

jaduocatus, i, m., advocate. aequus, a, um, just, right,
Gk. 77apdi<\r]Tos. I J. 2, 1.* A. 6,2 Co. 4, 1
; cheerful, ;

aduoco, 1, call, Mt.18,2 ; Jas.5,13.*

Mk.7,14 A. 2, 39.*
; °aer, aeris, ace. -rem, -ra,
aduoluo, ui, 3, roll, ||Mt. m., air, A. 22, 23 1 Th.

aedes, is, /., temple, shrine, aeramentum, i, n., a vessel
L.11,51 A. 19,24.*
; of copper or bronze, Mk.
aedificatio, onis, /., a build- 7.4; Ap. 18,12.*
ing, Mt. 24,1 1 C.3,9; ; aerarius, ii, m., copper-smith
edifying, R.14,19 E. ; 2 T.4,14.*
4,12. aereus, a, um, made of copper
aedifico, 1, build, Mk.12,1 ;
or bronze, Ap. 9.20.*
J. 2, 20 ; edify, 1 C.8,1 ;
aerug-, v. erug-.
iTh.5,11. aerumna, ae, /., trouble, toil,
aeger, v. eger. Mk.4,19 2 C.11,27.*

aegrotatio, onis, /., sickness, aes, aeris, n., (1) bronze, 1 C.

Mt.8,17.* 13,1 ; (2) money, Mk.
§aegrotus, i, m., sick person, 6,8; J. 2,15.
Mk.6,13; 16,18.* aestas, tatis,/., summer, ||Mt.

aemulatio, R.
onis, /., zeal, 24,32.*
10,2 Ph. 3, 6
; emula- ; aestimo, 1, think, suppose,
tion, jealousy, R.13,13 ;
L.7,43 A.2,15; con- ;

G.5,20. sider, H.11,26; account,

a emulator, oris, m., zealous A. 26,2.
AKMUO] 7 [aliquantulum

aestuo, i, be burnt, scorched, i 0,34 ; hold (assembly),

Mt.13,6; Ap.16,9.* A. 19,38 ; lead, L.4,1 ;

aestus, us, m., heat, Mt.20, R.8.14.

12 ; Ap.7,16. °agon, onis, m., contest,
aetas, tatis, /., age, L.2,52 ;
games, 1 C.9,25 2 T.2,5.* ;

J.9,21. f°agonia, ae, /., agony, L.22,

aeternitas, tatis, /., eternity, 43*
2 P.3, 18.* agricola, ae, m., husbandman,
aeternus, a, um, eternal, Mk. Mt.21,33 J.15,1. ;

3,29 ; in aeternum, for agricultura, ae,/., husbandry,

ever, J. 4, 13. 1 C.3,9.*
aff-, v. adf-. aio, defect, verb, say.
affero and adfero, attuli, alla- ala, ae, /., wing, Mt.23,37 ;

tus, ferre, bring, 2 T.4, Ap.4,8 9,9; 12,14.*


13 ; bring forth, Mt.13,23 ;

alabaster, tri, m., alabaster
J. 12,24. box or phial, HMt.26,7 ;

afflictio, onis, /., affliction, L-7.37-*

A. 7, 34* *alapa, ae,/., blow with hand,
raffluenter, abundantly, Jas. Mk.14,65; J. 18,22; 19,3.*
i,5-* albus, a, um, white, Mt.5,36 ;

affluo, 3, abound m,2P.2,i3.* Ap.1,14.

Africus, i, m., south-west alias, in another place, A.
wind, A. 27, 12.* *
ager, agri, m., field. alienigena, ae, m., stranger,
agito, 1, shake, agitate, Mt. L.17,18; A. 10,28.*
11,7 [L-7.24-]* I
alieno, 1, alienate, estrange,
agnitio, onis, /., knowledge, E.2,12 4,18 Co. 1, 21.*
; ;

1 T.2,4. alienus, a, um, belonging' to

agnosco, nitus, 3, know, Mt. another, strange, Mt.17,
12,33; Jio,i5. 25 f.; A. 7,6 H.9,25. ;

agnus, i, m. lamb, J.1,29; t

alimenta, orum, n., food,
A.8,32. 1 T.6,8.*
ago, egi, actus, 3, do, L.23, alioquin, otherwise, Mt.6,1 ;

15 I
A.-5.35; s/' < k ' (peni- H.9,17.
tence),Mk.6, 1 2; A. 17,30 ; aliquando, at any time, at
///•< A. 24,2
•, ; 1 T.2,2 ; one time, once.
give (thanks), Mt. 15,36 ; aliquantulum], a little, 1 ( .

2 Tli. 1,3 ; take (care), L. 16,7; H. 10,37.*


aliquantus, a, um, some, §amarico, 1, be bitter, Ap.

considerable, A. 18,23 »
28,3.* amaricor, 1, be bitter, Ap.
aliquot, some, a Jew. 10,10.*
aliter, otherwise, Ph. 3, 15 ;
amaritudo, dinis, /., bitter-
1 T.1,3 ; 5,25 ; 6,3.* ness, A. 8, 23 R.3,14 ; ;

"aliunde, from another side, E.4,31 H. 12,15.*


J. 10,
1.* amarus, a, um, bitter, Co. 3,
f°allegoria, ae, /., allegory, 19 ; Jas.3,11 ff. ; Ap.8,
G.4,24.* 11.*
alleluia (Hebr.), Hallelujah, amator, oris, m., lover, 2 T.
Ap.19,1 ff.* 3.4; 1P.3.8.*
allido, 3, dash down, Mk. tambigo, 3, doubt, A. 5, 24.*
9,18.* ambitio, onis, /., pomp, dis-
alligo, 1, bind, L. 10,34 '>
A. 9, play, A. 25,23.*
14. fambitiosus, a, um, vain-
alloquor, locutus, 3, speak, glorious, 1 C.13,5.*
A. 20, 11; 21,40; 28,20.* ambulo, 1, walk, J. 1,36;
alo, 3, nourish, A. 12,20 Ap. ; (met.) R.6,4 ; E.2,2.
12,14.* amen (Hebr.), verily, so be it.

°aloe, es,/., aloe, J.i9,39* °amethystus, i, /., amethyst,

altare, ris, n., altar, Mt.5,23 ;
L.i, 11. arnica, ae,/., friend, L.15,9.*
^altarium, ii, n., altar, 1 C.9, amicio, ctus, 4, clothe, Mk.
13 (bis) ; H.7,13.* 14, 51 Ap.7,9.

altercor, 1, dispute, Jude amicitia, ae, /., friendship,

9-* Jas.4,4.*
alteruter, tra, trum, one amictus, us, m., robe, vesture,
another, Jas.4,11 ; 1 J. H.i, 12.*
amicus, i, m., friend, Mt.20,
altilis, e, fattened, Mt.22,4.* 13 Jas.2,23.

altitudo, dinis, /., height, R. amissio, onis,/., loss, A. ,27,

8,39 depth,
; deepness, 22 ; R.11,15.*
HMt.13,5 Ap.2,24. ; amitto, 3, lose, H. 10,35.*
alt us, a, um, high, Ap. 21,10 ;
amo, i, love, Mt.6,5 ; 1 C.
deep, L.6,48 J. 4,n. ;
amabilis, e, lovely, Ph. 4, 8.* amodo" a modo, henceforth,
amare, bitterly, ||Mt. 26,75.* J. 13,19; 14,7; Ap.14.13.
amomum] [antiquo

f§°amomum, i, n" amomum, corner, corner, E.2,20 ;

spice, Ap. 18,13.* 1 P.2,6.*

amor, oris, m., love, 1 P. 1,22; angulus, i, m., corner, Mt.6,5.
2 P.i, 7.* angustia, ae,/., anguish, trib-
amoueo, moui, motus, 2, put ulation, R. 2, 9; 2 C.2,4.
away, remove, L.16,4 ;
angustio, 1, straiten, distress,
A. 5,6 ; 13,22.* 2 C.4,8 ; 6,12; H. 11,37.*
amphora, ae, /., jar, pitcher, angustus, a, um, narrow,
L.22,10.* ||Mt. 7.13 f.

~amplector, 3, embrace, hold anilis, e, old-womanish, 1 T.

fast, Ti.1,9.* 4>/-
amplior, ius, greater, larger, anima, ae, /., soul, L.1,46.
longer, A.18,20 ; H.3,3 ; animaequior, ius, of good
9,11.* courage, Mk. 10,49 ; A.
amplius, more, L.3,13 fur- ; 27,36.*
ther, A. 4, 17 longer, R. ; animal, alis, n., animal,
beast, H.13,11 ; living
amputo, 1, cut off, JIMt.26,51; creature, Ap.4,6.
Mk.9,45 2 C.n,i2.*
; *animalis, e, animal, natural,
anathema, atis, n., an ac- psychic. Gk. \fv\LKns.
cursed thing, a curse, R. iC.2,14; Jas.3,15.
9,3 ; 1 C.12,3 ; ana- animositas, tatis, /., enmity,
thema, G.1,8 f.* wrath, 2 C.i 2, 20; H.i 1,27.*
anathematizo, 1, curse, Mk. animus, i, m., mind, 2 C.9,2 ;

14,71.* Jas.4,8 accord,

; A. 18,
anceps, cipitis, two-edged, H. 12 19,29.

4,12.* annulus, v. ami-,

*anchora, ae, /., anchor, A. annuo, ui, 3. beckon, I-5.7;
27, 29 ff. ; H.6,19.* A. 1 2, 1 7 21,40 24,10.*
; ;

ancilla, ae, /., female slave, antea, formerly, L.23,12.*

handmaid, ||Mt. 26,69 ',
antecedo, 3, go before, Mt.2
A. 2, 18; G.4,22. 9; L. 22,47.*
- anethum, i, v., dill, anise, ;

antecessor, oris, m., predeces-

Mt.23,23.* sor, G.i, 1
*angario, 1 (Persian), exact *°antichristus, i, m., anti-
ice, compel, Mt.5,41 ; !
christ, 1
J. 2, 18 ff . ; 4,^ ;

27.32.* 2J.7.*
angularis, e, belonging to the ~ antiquo, 1, make old, H. 8, 1 $.*

antiquus, a, um, old, ancient, aratrum, i; n., plough, L.9,

A.15,7 Ap.12,9 in pi.
; ; 62.*
men of old, Mt.5,21 ff. arbitror, 1, think, L.7,7 ',
anulus (ann-), m., ring, L. 11,19.
15,22 ; Jas.2,2.* arbor, oris,/., tree, Mk.8,24 ;

anus, us,/., old woman, 1 T. L.21,29.

5,2 ; Ti.2,3.* area, ae,/., (1) ark (of Noah),
aperio, erui, ertus, 4, open, HL.17,27; (2) ark (of
A. 5, 19; 1 C. 16,9. covenant), H.9,4 ; Ap.
apertio, onis, /., opening, 11,19.
E.6,19.* arcanus, a, um, secret, 2 C.
apex, icis, m., point (of a , 12,4.*
letter), tittle, ||Mt.5,i8.* arcarius, ii, m., treasurer, R.
*°apocalypsis, is (ace. -sin), 16,23.*
/., apocalypse, 1 C. 14,26 ; *°archangelus, i, m., arch-
Ap.1,1.* angel, 1 Th.4,16 ; Jude
°aporior, 1, doubt, 2 C.4,8.* 9.*
*apostolatus, us, m., office of °archisynagogus, i, m., ruler
an apostle, apostleship, of a synagogue, Mk.5,22
A. 1,25. ff; L.13,14; A.18,8.*
appareo, 2, appear, A. 1,3. °architectus, i, m., master-
appello, i, call, A. 1,19 ; builder, 1 C.3,10.*
appeal, A. 25, 11 ff. *°architriclinus, i, n., master
fappetitor, oris, m., one that of a feast, J. 2, 8 f.*
strives or longs for, 1 P. arctus, v. art-.
4» I 5* arcus, us, m., bow, Ap.6, ?.*
appeto, 3, seek for, desire, ardeo, si, 2, burn, be burning,
1 H.11,16.*
T.6,'10; L.24,32 be burnt,
J. 15,
apto, 1, fashion, frame, 6; 1 C.3,15 13,3. ;

§R.9,22; H.10,5 11,3 ; ; ardor, oris, m., heat, J as. 1,

11,7 13,21.*; 11 2 P. 3,1 2.*


aptus, a, um, fit, fitted, L.9, area, ae, /., threshing-floor,

62 A. 27, 12.*
||Mt. 3,12.*
aquila, ae, /., eagle, HMt.24, arefacio, feci, f actus, 3,

28 ; Ap.4,7. wither, dry up, Mt.2i,ig ;

aquilo, onis, m., the North, Jas.1,11.*

L.13,29; Ap.21,13.* arena, v. har-.
ara, ae, /., altar, A. 17,23.* areo, 2, be or become dry,
areopagita] I [ [asper

withered, Mt.21,20 ; Ap. aroma, atis, n. (only in pi.),

M.I5- spices, Mk.16,1 ; L.23,56 ;

Areopagita, v. Ario-. 24,1 J. 19,40.*


aresco, 3, wither, pine away, arripio, reptus, 3, seize, catch,

/#m/, Mk.9,18 L.21,26.* ; L.8,29 ; A. 27, 15.*
argentarjus, ii, m., silver- ars, artis, f., art, craft, A. 17,
smith, A. 19,24.* 29 ;18,3 ; Ap. 18,22.*
argenteus, a, um, made of f°artemon, onis, m., top-sail,
silver, A. 19,24 2 T.2, ; A. 27, 40.*
20 Ap.9,20.*
; artifex, flcis, m., craftsman
argenteus, i, m., piece of
• builder : author, A. 19,
silver, Mt.26,15 27,3 ft* ; 24; 19.3 8 ; H.11,10;
argentum, !,»., silver, A.3,6 ; Ap. 18,22.*
money, A. 7, 16. jartiflcium, ii, n., craft, trade,
argument um, i, »., proof, A. 19,25.*
proving, A. 1,3, ; H.n, artus (arct-), a,um, narrow,
1.* cramped, Mt.7,14.*
arguo, 3, reprove, convict, J. arundo, etc., v. har-.
8,46 A. 19,40
; fas, assis, m., as (E.V. farth-
arida, ae, dry land, land,
/., ing), Mt. 10,29.*
Mt.23,15.* ascendo, di, sum, 3, go up,
aridus, a, um, dry, withered, ascend, L.2,4 ; R.10,6 ;

||Mt.i2,io; waterless, Mt. embark, L.8,22 ; A. 27,2.

12,43- asellus, i, m., young ass,
°Ariopagita (Are-), ae, m., J. 12, 14.*
Areopagite, member of the asina, ae, /., she-ass, ||Mt.
court of Areopagus, A. 21,2 ; J. 12,15.*
17.34* *asinarius, a, um, belonging
arma, orum, v., arms : in- to an ass, turned by an
struments, R.6, 13. ass, ||Mt.i8,6.*
farmamenta, orum, n., tackle asinus, i, m., ass, L.13,15 ;

(ofa ship), A. 27, 19.* 14. 5-*

armatura], ae, /., armour, aspectus, us, m., (1) appear-
panoply, E.6,11 ft.* ance, Mt.28,3 1 Th.2, ;

armo, i, arm, L.II,2I 1 I'. ; 17 ; Ap.4,3 (2) seeing,


4» 1 •*• 2 P.2,8.*
aro, 1, plough, L.17,7 ; 1 C. asper, era, erum, rough,
9,10.* rocky, L.3,5 ; A. 27, 29.*

aspergo, rsi, rsus, 3, sprinkle, audacter (compar. -cius),

H.9,13 ft.; 10,22 ; Ap. boldly, Mk.15,43 ; R.15,
19,13* 15*
aspersio, onis, /., sprinkling, audax, acis, bold, daring,
1 P.i, 2.* 2 P. 2, 10.*
faspernor, 1, despise, L.18,9.* jaudenter, boldly, Ji.2,29*
aspicio, 3, behold, look at, audeo, ausus, 2, dare, A. 5,
L. 20,17 ; H.12,2 ; look 13 be bold, R. 10,20.

up, Mt. 14,19 ; A.i, 11. audio, 4, hear.

aspiro, v. adspiro. auditor, oris, m., hearer, R.
aspis, idis, /., viper, asp, R. 2,13 ; Jas.1,22 ff.*

3, I 3* t auditorium, ii, n., place of

ass-, v. ads-, hearing, A. 25, 23.*
assiduus, a, um, unceasing, auditus, us, m., (1) sense of
constant, Jas.5,16.* hearing, hearing, Mt.13,
assus, a, um, roasted, L.24, 14 ;2 P. 2,8 (2) report,

42.* J. 12,38; R.10,16; (3)

asto, v. adsto. ears (abstr. for concr.),
astutia, ae, /., craftiness, 2T44.
guile, 1 C.3,19 ; 2 C.4,2 ; auf ero, abstuli, ablatus, f erre,
u,3 ; E.4,14.* take away, Mk.2,20 J. ;

astutus, a um, crafty, 2 C. 2,16.

12,16.* augeo, 2, add, increase, A.
atramentum, i, n., ink, 2 C. 2,47; 5,14; 2C.9,io.*
3,3; -2 J13 ; 3 J.13* augmentum, i, n., increase, E.
atrium, ii, n., court, court- 4,16 Co. 2, 19.*

yard, L.11,21 ; Ap.11,2. aura, ae, /., breeze, A. 27,

attendo, 3, give heed, beware, 40.*
Mt.6,1 ; L.12,1. aureus, a, um, made of gold,
attente (only in compar.), in- H.9,4 ; Ap.1,12 ft.

tently, earnestly, 1 P.i, aurich-, v. ori-.

22.* auricula, ae, /., little ear,

f attineo, 2, belong to, concern, ear, HMt.26,51 ; Mk.7,

A. 24, 26.* 33; J. 18,26.
attrecto, v. adtracto. auris, is, /., ear.

auctor, oris, m., author, aurum, i, n., gold, H.9,4 !

originator, A.3,15 ; 24,5 ; Ap.3,18.

H.2,10; 12,2.* ausculto, 1, hearken, A. 8, 10.*
auster] '3 [beneficentia

Auster, tri, m., South wind,

A. 27,13 28,13 South, ; ;
||Mt. 12,42 ; L. 13,29 ; Ap.
21,13. baiulo, 1, bear, carry, Mk.
tausteris, e (austerus), aus- 14,13; L.14,27; J. 19,
tere, L. 19,21 f.* 17 A. 3, 2.*

jautumnalis, e, belonging to *°baptisma, atis,^., baptism,

the autumn, autumn, Jude A. 1,22 ; washing, sprink-
12.* ling, Mk.7,4 ff.

auxilior, 1, help, H.2,i8.* baptismum (-mus), i, n.,

auxilium, ii, n., help, A.26, baptism, Mk.1,4.
11 H.4,16.*
; °*baptista, ae, m., baptist,
auaritia, ae, /., avarice, Mt.3,1 L.7,20. ;

covetousness, L.12,15; °barbarus, i, m., foreigner,

Co.3,5. non-Greek, barbarian, A.
auarus, a, urn, covetous, L. 28,2 ff.; R.i, 14 1 C.14, ;

16,14; E.5,5. 11 Co. 3, 1


aue, v. have. °basis, is and eos, /., base :

auello, auulsus, 3, remove, foot,A. 3, 7.*

withdraw, L.22, 41.* beatifico, 1, account happy,
auersor, 1, turn away (trans.), Jas.5,11.*
Ti.1,14.* beatitudo, dinis, /., blessed-
auerto, erti, ersus, 3, turn ness, R.4,6 ff. ; G.4,15.*
away, Mt.5,42 R.u, ; beatus, a, um, blessed, Mt.
26 lead astray, L.23,14
; ;
5,3 ff-

A.5,37- belligero, 1, wage war, Jas.

taula, ae, /., grandmother, 4,2.*
2 T.i, 5.* bellum, i, n., war.
auiditas, tatis, /., avidity, bene, well.
zeal, A. 1 7, 1 1.* benedico, xi, ctus, 3, bless.
auls, is, /., bird, Mk.4,32 ;
benedictio, onis, /., blessing,
L. 13,34 Ap. 19,17 ff.* »'
1 C.io;i6 Jas. 3, 10. ;

°azyma, orum, n., (feast of) [benefacio] bene facio.

unleavened bread, Mk. benef actum, i, n., good deed,
14,1 A. 20, 6
; ; un- A. 4, 9 1 P.4,19*

leavened bread, 1 C.5,8. t beneficentia, ae, /., kind-

°azymus, a, um, unleavened, ness, beneficence, H.13,
1 C.5,7.* 16.*
BENEFICUS] 14 [rreuis

fbenencus, a, um, beneficent, bini, ae, a, two by two, two

kind, L.22,25.* apiece, ||Mk.6,7 ; J. 2,
beneflcium, ii, n., benefit, 1 T. f §bithalassus, a,um, between
6,2*. two seas, A. 27, 41.*
beneplaceo, 2, please, be biuium, ii, n., place where
pleasing, 1 C.10,5. [In two ways meet, Mk.11,4.*
1 C.16,2, as two blasphemia, ae, /., blas-
words.] phemy ; reviling, E.4,31 ;

beneplacitum, i, n., good Co.3,8.

pleasure, E.[i,g] ; 5,10. °blasphemo, 1, blaspheme,
[Perhaps, in E.5,10, an revile, speak evil of.
adj . = well-pleasing.]* °blasphemus, a, um, as subst.
benigne, kindly, A. 28,7.* blasphemer, 1 T.1,13 2 ;

benignitas, tatis,/., kindness, T.3,2.*

benevolence, R.2,4 G.5, ; [t°bolis], idis, /., sounding-
22; Co.3,12; 2T.3,3; line, A. 27, 28.*
Ti.3,4.* bonitas, tatis, /., goodness,
benignus, a, um, kind, L.6, kindness, R.2,4 ; 11,22 ;

35 1 C.13,4
; E.4,32 ; ; G.5, 22 ; E.2,7; 5,9; 2
Ti.1,8; 2,5.* Th.1,11.*
°beryllus, i, m., beryl, Ap.21, bonum, i, n., good deed or
20.* thing; in pi., goods, pos-
bestia, ae, /., beast, wild sessions.
beast. (In Ap. the beast.) bonus, a, um, good.
bibo, bi, bitus, 3, drink. bos, bouis, c. [gen. pi.,

biduum, i, n., space of two bourn ; dat. pi., §bubusj

days, ||Mt.26,2.* ox, 1 C.9,9 ; 1 T.5,18.
biennium, ii, n., space of two °botrus, i, /., grape, Ap.14,
years, A. 19, 10 24,28
; ;
28,30.* brachium, ii, n., arm, L.i,
fbilibris, e, weighing two 51 ; J. 12,38; A. 13, 17.*
pounds. (In Ap.6,6 as *°brauium, ii, n., prize, 1 C.
subst. = two pounds' 9.24 Ph.3,14.*

weight.)* breuio, i, shorten, HMt.24,22 ;

bilinguis, e, double-tongued, R.9,28.*

iT.3,8.* breuis, e, short, brief, A. 5, 34 ;

fbimatus, us, m., age of two 1 C.7,29 ; E.3,3 ; Ap.

years, Mt.2,16.* 17,10.*

kreuiter] '5 [CALUMNIA

breuiter, shortly, briefly, caeno (coe-), 1, dine, sup.

A. 24, 4* i P.5,12.* caet-, v. cet-.
buccella, ae, /., morsel, sop, calamus, i, m., (1) reed, Mk.
J. 13,27 ff.* 15,36; Ap.11,1 {2) pen, ;

byssinum, garment oj i, n., 3 Ji3*
byssus, Ap.§i8,i6 19, ;
calcaneus, i, m., heel, J.
8; 19,14* 13,18.*
°byssus, i, /., fine linen, L. [f°calcedonius], i, m., chal-
16,19; Ap.18,12.* cedony, Ap.21,19.*
calciamentum (calce-), i, n.,
shoe, HMt.3,11A. 7, 33. ;

calcio (calceo), 1, put on

C shoes, shoe, Mk.6,9 A. ;

12,8 ; E.6,15.*
cadauer, eris, n., corpse, calcitro, 1, kick, A. [9,5] ; 26,
H.3,17.* 14.*
cado, cecidi, casum, 3, fall, calco, 1, tread, L. 10,19
Jail down. tread down, L.21,24.
°cadus, i, m., cask ; measure calculus, i, m., small stone,
(liquid), L.16,6.* pebble, Ap.2,17.*
caecitas, tatis, /., blindness, calefacio, 3, warm : pass.
Mk.3,5; R.i 1, 25; E. imperat., calefacimini,
4.18* Jas.2,16.
"caeco, 1, blind, make blind, calidus, a," um, hot, Ap.3,
Mk.8,17.* 15 f*
caecus, a, um, blind. [caliga], ae,/., shoe, A. 12,8.*
caedes, is, /., slaughter, A. caliginosus, a, um, dark,
9,1 ; H.7,1.* 2 P. 1, 19.*
caedo, cecidi, caesum, 3, (1) caligo, inis, /., mist ; dark-
beat, strike, L.20,10; (2) ness, A. 13, 11 ; H.12,18 ;

cut down, ||Mt.2i,8. 2. P. 2, 17 ; Jude 6.*

caelestis (coe-), e, heavenly, calix, icis, m., cup, ||Mt.26,
J. 3, 12 ; A. 26,19. 27 ; 1 C.11,25.
caelum (coe-), i, n., sky, calor, oris, m., heat, A. 28,3 ;

heaven ; in pi., caeli, 2 P. 3, 10.*

orum, heaven. calumnia, ae, /., calumny,
caena (coe-), ae, /., dinner, false accusation, L.3,14;
sup per ; feast. [A.23,25.]*
calumnior] 16 [CARUS

calumnior, i, accuse falsely, ting L.i 3, 33;


(5) for

calumniate, HMt.5,44 ; 1 Gk. \wptlv, progress, suc-

P.3,16.* ceed, J. 8,37.
°camelus, i, m., camel, ||Mt. fcapitulum, i, n., chief or
3,4 H19, 24
; ; 23,24.* prominent part. Gk.
caminus, i, m., furnace, K€<£aAouor, H.8,1.*
Mt. 13,42 Ap.1,15.* ; fcaprinus, a, um, pertaining
campester, tris, tre, level, to goats, H.i 1,37.*
L.6,17.* captio, onis, /., catching,
f cancer, cri, m., cancer, gan- seizing : trap, snare, R.
grene, 2 T.2,17.* 11,9 2 P. 2, 12.*

candelabrum, i, n., candle- captiuitas, tatis, /., captivity,

stick, IJMt.5,15 Ap.1,12. ; 2 C.10,5 Ap.13,10 ; ;

candidus, a, um, white, Mk. body of captives, E.4,8.*

9,3 ;A. 10,30. captiuo, 1, lead captive, R.
canis, is, c, dog. 7,23-*
cano, cecini (fut. part., cani- captiuus, a, um, captive,
turus), 3, play, sound L.21,24 ; as subst., a
(an instrument), Mt.6,2 ;
captive, L.4,18.
1 0.14,7. (Not used for captura, ae, /., taking,
" sing.") draught (of fish), L.5,
canticum, i, n., song, E.5,19 ; 4 ff.*
Co. 3, 16; Ap.5,9 14,3 ; ; caput, itis, n., (1) head : (2)
15,3-* chapter (of book). Gk.
canto, 1, (1) sing, play ; (2) K€(£aA.ts, H.10,7.
crow (of cock), ||Mt.26, carbo, onis, m., coal, R.12,
34 «. 20.*
cantus, us, m., crowing (of f°carcedonius, ii, m., Cartha-
cock), Mk.13,35.* ginian (stone), carbuncle,
f capillatura, ae, /., dressing Ap.21,19.*
of hair, 1 P. 3, 3.* career, eris, m., prison, J.
capillus, i, m., Mt.5,36 ; 1 C. 3,24; Ap.2,10.
11,15- caritas (cha-), tatis, /., love,

capio, cepi, 3, (1) take, catch, 1 C.13,1 ff.

L.5,5 ; 2 C. 12,16; (2) caro, carnis, /., flesh.

receive, 2 C.7,2 ; (3) con- carus (cha-), a, um (only

tain, J. 2, 6 ; 21,25 ; (4) in superl., carissimu ),
impers., is possible, fit- beloved.

castellum] 17 [CERTAMEN

castellum, i, n., town, village. caute, safely, cautiously, Mk.

-castiflco, 1, purify, make 14, 44 ; E.5,15.*
pure, 1 P. 1,22.* jcauterio, i, mark with brand,
castigo, 1, chasten, discipline, brand, 1 T.4,2.*
1 0.9,27 2 C.6,9 ; ; H. -cautio, onis, /., security,
12,6; Ap.3,19.* bond, L.i 6,6.*
castitas, tatis, /., chastity, caueo, 2, take heed, beware,
purity. Mt.10,17 ; L.12,15.
castra, orum, n., castle, fort- cauerna, ae, /., cavern, H.
ress camp, H. 13,1
; iff. ;
host, H.i 1,34. cedo, cessi, 3, yield, give
castro, 1, castrate, Mt.19, place, G.2,5.*
12.* celebro, 1, keep, celebrate, H.
castus, a, urn, chaste, pure, 11,28.*
2 C.i i,2 ; 1 T.5,22 ; Ti. celer, eris, ere,sivift, 2 P. 2,1.*
2,5 ; 1 P.3,2. celeriter (compar. -erius),
casula, ae, /., small hut or speedily, A . 1 7 15, ; H
house, H.i 1,9.* 13,19 ff.*

catechizo, v. cathecizo. cellarium, ii, n., storehouse,

*catellus, i, m., little dog, L. 12,24.*
Mt. 15,27.* cenaculum (coe-), i, n.,
catena, ae,/., chain. dining-room, upper room.
cathecizo (catech-), 1, cate- Gk. ui'dyaiov and v—epioov.
chize, instruct, G.6.6.* census, us, m., tribute, Mt.
cathedra, ae, /., seat, ||Mt. 17,25 22 ff.*

21,12. centeni, ae, a, by hundreds,

*catinus, i, m., dish, platter, Mk.6,40.*
Mk. 14,20 ; L.11,39.* centesimus, a, hun- um,
cauda, ae, /., tail, Ap.9,10 ; dredth, hundred-fold, Mt.
\* 13.8; [13.23]*
causa, ae, /., (1) cause, rea- centies, a hundred times,
son, occasion, Mt.15,9 ;
Mk. 10,30.*
A 10,21 ; case : (2) reason centuplus, a, um, a hundred-
punishment, fault, A. fold, Mt.19, 29 ; L.8,8.*
w 2=>r \bl., causa, jor certamen, minis, n., contest,
the sake of.) fight, Ph. 1, 30; iT.6,12;
causor, 1, plead, lay to the 2T.4,7; H. 10,32 12, ;

charge of anyone, R.3,9.* 1.*


certe] 18 [CIRCUMUO

certe (only superl.), most °chorus, i, m., dance, dancing,

certainly, A. 2, 36 ; 24, L. 15,25.*
23 * chorus (co-), i, m., north-
certo, 1, strive, Co. 1,29 west wind, A. 27, 12.*
1 T. 6,12 2T.2.5.* Christianus,i, m., Christian,

um, certain, A.11,26; 26,28; 1 P.

certus, a, (1)
sure; (2) strict, A. 26,5. 4,16.*
ceruical, alls, n., pillow, chry-, v. cry-.
cushion, Mk.4,38.* cibo, 1, feed, R.12,20.*
ceruix, icis, /., neck, A. 7, 51 ;
cibus, i, m., food.
15,10; R.16,4.* cilicinus, a, um, made of

cesso, 1, cease, Mt. 14,32 ; L. hair-cloth, Ap.6,12.*

delay, 2 P. 2, 3. cilicium, ii, n., hair-cloth,
5,4 ;

ceteri (cae-), ae, a, the others, ||Mt.II,2I.*

the rest, L.8,10 ;

A. 15, cingo, gird, J. 21,18 (bis).*

17. cinis, eris, m., ashes, ||Mt.

ceterum (cae-), i, n., the rest 11,21 H.9,13 2 P. 2, 6.*

; ;

(only in phrase de cetero) ,

°cinnamomum, i, »., cinna-

finally, E.6,10 ; Ph. 3,1. mon, Ap.18,13.*

ceterum (cae-), (1) otherwise, circiter, about, A. 2, 41 ; 5,

1 C.14,16 ; (2) further, 36.*

1 C.i, 16.* circuitus, us, m., (1) going
°cetus, i, m., sea-monster, round, encircling, H.n,
whale, Mt. 12,40.* 30 (2) space around,

t°chaos, n., dark gulf, L. environment ; in circuitu,

16,26.* round about, Mk.3,34 ;

character, v. car-. Ap. 4,3 ft.

f°charisma, atis, n., spiritual circum, around, about, Mt.
gift, C.i 2, 3 1.* 1 8,18.*

°charta, ae, /., paper, 2 J. circumamicio, ictus, 4, clothe,

13.* Ap.4,4.*
charus, v. car-, circumcido, cisus, 3, circum-
cherubin (-bim) (Hebr. with cise.

Aram, termination), cher- tcircumdatio, onis, /., put-

ubim, H.9,5.* ting around or on, 1 f.
°chirographum, i, n., bond, 3.3-*

Co. 2, 14.* circumdo, dedi, datus, 1,

chlamys, v. cla-. surround, put around,


Mk.9,42 ; A. 28, 20 ; clothe, *°citharoedus, i, m., one who

A. 12,8. plays the cithara, Ap.14,

circumduco, 3, lead round, 2 ; 18,22.*
1 C.9,5 ; Jas.3,2.* cito, 1, cite, summon, A.
circumeo, ii, 4, go round. 24,2.*
circumfero, ferre, bear or cito (compar. citius), quickly,
carry round, Mk.6,55 ;
speedily, soon.
Jas.1,6. -ciuilitas ], tatis, /., citizen-
*circumfulgeo, si, 2, shine ship, A. 22,28.*
round, L.2,9 ; A. 9, 3 ; 22. ciuis, is, c, citizen.
.6; 26,13.* ciuitas, tatis,/., (1) city : (2)
circumlego, 3, sail or coast citizenship, §A.22,28.
round, A. 28,13* clam, secretly, privily, Mt.
circumpono, 3, place or wrap 2,7.*
round, Mk. 15,36 J. 19, ;
clamo, 1, call, cry, cry out.
29.* clamor, oris, m., cry, Mt.25
circumsedeo, 2, sit round, 6 crying, H.5,7
; clam- ;

L.22,55.* our, E.4,31.

circumspicio, spectus, 3, look clamys (chl-), ydis, /., cloak,
round, look round on, Mt. 27,28 27,31.* ;

Mk.3,5 L.6,10.
; clare, clearly, Mk.8,25.*
circumsto, steti, 1, stand 'claresco, ui, 3, become glori-
round, J. 11, 42 surround, ; ous, 2 C.3,10.*
H.12,1. *clarifico, i, glorify. Gk.
circumtego, tectus, 3, a 8o£afo>, J. 12,28 (and fre-
round about, H.u,4.* quently) ; H.5,5.
circumuenio, ueni, 4, cir- claritas, tatis, /., brightness,
cumvent, deceive, A. 7, 19 ; honour, glory, L.2,9 ; 1 C.
2 C.2,11 1 Th.4,6.; 15, r -

circumuentio, onis, /., cir- claudico, 1, limp, halt, be

cumventing, defrauding, lame, H.12,13.*
deceit, E.4,14.* claudo, clausi or clusi, clau-
cithara, ae, /., cithara, lute, sus, 3, shut.
1 C.14,7 ; Ap.5,8 ; 14,2 ; claudus or clodus (Mt.15,
15.2.* 30 f.; 18,8), a, urn,
*°citharizo, 1, play the lame.
cithara, 1 C.14,7 ; Ap. clauis, is,/., key, Mt. 16,19 ;

14,2* Ap.i,i8.

clauus, i, m., nail, J. 20,25

coepi, isse, begin.
(bis).* coerceo, 2, restrain, 1P.3,
dementia, ae, /., clemency, 10.*

A. 24,4.* coetaneus (coaet-), i, m. t

°clerus, i, m., pi. lots, estates, contemporary, an equal in

cure (of presbyters), 1 P. age, G.i, 14.*

5,3-* cogitatio, onis,/., thought.

°clibanus, i, m., oven, ||Mt. cogito, 1, think, take thought,
6,30.* ponder.
clodus, v. claudus. cognata, ae, /., kinswoman,
coaceruo, 1, heap together, female relation, L.1,36.*
2T.4,3.* cognatio, onis, /., kindred,
[feoacte], constrainedly, by Mk.6,4 L.1,61
A. 7, 3 ; ;

compulsion, 1 P. 5, 2.* 7^4-*

ycoaedifico, 1, build together, cognatus, i, m., kinsman,
E.2,22.* J. 18, 26.
coaequalis, e, equal, like, *cognitio, onis, /., (1) know-
2 P.i, 1 ; as subst., com- ledge, R.3,20; 2 P.i, 3;

rade, Mt.11,16.* (2) examination, trial,

coaetaneus, v. coet-. A. 25, 21.

•j-coagito, 1, shake together, cognomino, I, call, name,
L.6,38.* J. 5, 2
surname, L.6,14
; ;

coangusto, 1, confine, hem in, A. 1,23.

L. 19,43.* cognosco,noui,nitus,3,£»ow.
coarto (-arcto), 1, confine, cogo, coegi, coactus, 3, con-
straiten, L. 12,50 ; Ph. strain, compel.

1 23.* ycohabito, 1, dwell together

coccineus, a, urn, scarlet- [A.22,12], 1 P.3,7*
Mt.27.28 H. coheres (-haeres), edis, c,
coloured, ;

Ap.17,3.* co-heir,R.8,17 E.3,6 ;

9,19; .

coccinum, i, n., scarlet, Ap. H.11,9; iP.3-7'

cohors, ortis, cohort. Gk.
17. 4-*

°coccum, l,n., scarlet, Ap.18, cnrelpa.

18,16.* coinquinatio, onis, /., pollu-
coelectus, v. conel-. tion, defilement, 2 P. 2, 13 ;

coelestis, coelum, v. cael-. 2,20.*

coinquino, 1, defile, ||Mt.
coena, coeno, v. caen-.
coenaculum, v. cen-. 15,11 ; Ap.M,4-
COLAPHFZO] 21 [commissure

*°colaphizo, i, buffet, 2 C. comedo, edi, estus (Jas.5,2),

12,7 ; I P.2,20.* 3, eat, devour.
*°colaphus, i, m., cuff, blow, comes, itis, c, companion,
Mt. 26,67; 1 C. 4,ii.* A. 19,29 22,11 2 C.8,
; ;

coll-, v. conl- in many cases. 19.*

collecta, ae /., contribution, comisatio (comess-), onis,/.,
1 C.16,1 f.* revelling, R.13,13 G. ;

collectio, onis, /., gathering 5,21 ; 1 P.4,3-*

together, assembling, H. comitatus, us, m., company,
10,25.* L.2,44.*
colligo, legi, lectus, 3, (1) comitor, 1, accompany, A. 9,
gather, gather together ; 7 ; 10,23 \
2 °»4-*

(2) entertain, take in (as commanduco, v. conm-.

guest), Mt. 25,35 ff. commemoratio, onis, /., re-
collis, is, i)i., hill, L.3,5 ; 2^, membrance, L.22,19 1 ;

30.* C.11,24 f. ; H.10,3.* Gk.

collum, i, n., neck, ||Mt.i8,6 ; avafivrpris.
L.15,20. commemoro, 1, recall, re-
t°collyrium, ii, n., eye-salve, niember, A. 10,31.*
Ap.3,18.* ~commendaticius (-itius), a,
colo, lui, 3, (1) worship, Mk. um, commendatory, 2 C.
7,7; R.i, 25; (2) till,

H.6,7. commendo, 1, commend, R.

colonia, ae, /., colony, A. 16, ^,^ ; 1 C.8, 8 ; entrust,
12.* L.12,48; 1 T.i, 18.
colonus,i, »}., husbaiidmau , *commilito, onis, m., jellow-
Mk.12,7 ff. L.2o,9ff.* ; soldier, Ph. 2, 25 Philem. ;

columba, ae, /., dove, |jMk. 2.*

1,10 ; L.2,24. comminor, 1, charge, rebuke,
columna, ae, /., pillar, G.2,9; threaten (e-tTijiav in Mk.).
iT.3,15; Ap.3,12; 10, 1.* comminuo, nui, 3, break or
coma, ae, /., hair, 1 C.11, crush in pieces, Mk.5,4 ;

14 f.* L.20,18 ;
J. 19,36.*
comburo, ussi, ustus, 3, bur)i, commisceo, 2, mingle, inter-
bum up, Mt.3,12 ; A. 19, mingle, 1 C.5,9 ff.; 2 Th.
combustio, onis, /., burning, commissura, ae, /., patch,
H.6,8.* HMt.9,16.*

committo, 3, (1) entrust [Mt. commutatio, onis, /., ex-

25,27] ; A. 27,40 ; (2) change, ||Mt.i6,26.*
commit (adultery), Mk. commuto, v. conm-.
10,11 ; (3) engage in compages, is, /., joining
(war), L. 14,31.* together, joint, H.4,12.*
commodo, 1, lend, L.11,5.* compar, aris, as subst. com-
jcommonefacio, 3, put in rade, colleague, Ph. 4, 3.*
mind, 1 C.4,17.* comp-, v. conp- in many
commoneo, 2, remind, 2 P. cases.
1,12 Jude 5
call ; to compello, also conpello (A.
mind, 2 T.2,14 3 J.io ; ; 26,11), puli, pulsus, 3,
admonish, Co. 3, 16.* compel, [Mt. 14,22] ; L.
commonitio, onis, /., re- 14,23 ; G.2,3.*
minding, admonition, 2 compes, edis, /., fetter, ||Mk.
P.i, 13 ; 3,1.* 5,4-*
f commoratio, onis,/., habita- complaceo, 2, (1) be well
tion, A. 1,20.* pleased, HMt.3,17 ; (2)
commoror, 1, abide, A. 12,19.* be pleasing, L. 12,32.
commoueo, moui, motus, 2, complector, plexus, 3, em-
move, stir up, excite, Mt. brace, Mk.9,36 ; A. 20,
21,10; L.23,5. 10.*
communicatio, onis, /., (1) compleo, eui, etus, 2, (1) fill,
joint-partaking, 1 C.io, L.8,23 (2) fulfil, A. 2, 1
; ;

16 ; (2) communion, fel- fill lip, iTh.3,10; ac-

lowship, 2 C.13,13. Gk. complish, A. 14,25.
KOiviovla. fcomplexor, 1, embrace, Mk.
f communicator, oris, m., par- 10,16.*
taker, 1 P. 5, 1.* fcomplures, ra, very many,
communico, 1,(1) participate Mk.5,26.*
in, R.12,13 1 T.5,22 ; ; compono, positus, 3, (1)

(2) defile, Mk.7,15 ff. mend, Mk.1,19 ; (2) ar-

communio, onis, /., com- range, settle, H.9,6.*
munion, mutual partici- comprehendo, di, sus, 3, (1)
pation, H.13,16.* take, take hold of, Mt.
communis, e, (1) common, 4,24 A. 1, 16
; (2) over- ;

held in common, A. 2,44 ; take, Th.5,4

1 (3) attain, ;

Ti.1,4 ; (2) unclean, Mk. Ph.3,12 f.; (4) under-

7,2 ff.; A. 10,14. stand, E.3,18.

comprimo, also conprimo concubitus, us, m., lying-

(A. 28,27), pressi, 3, (1) together, coition, R.9,10.*
hem in, throng, Mk.3,9 ;
conculco, 1, tread, tread
(2) shut (eyes), A. 28, 27. underfoot, Kt.5,13 ; 7,6 ;

comprobo, 1, prove, verify, H. 10,29.

2C.8,8.* concupiscentia, ae, /., eager
computo, 1, reckon, count up, desire, longing, lust, Mk.
L.14,28; A. 19,19 Ap. ; 4.19; coveting, R. 7, 7.
13,18* concupisco, iui, 3, desire,
concaptiuus, i, m., fellow- 1 P. 2, 2 ; lust after, covet,
prisoner, R.16,7 ; Co. Mt.5,28; A.20,33.
4,10 ; Philem.23.* concurro, concurri, 3, run
concedo, cessi, 3, grant, give together.
leave, Mk.5,13.* f concursio, onis, /., running
conceptio, onis, /., concep- together, attack (Gk.
tion, H.i 1, 1 1.* crvv8pofj.ij) , A. 21, 30.*
concido, 3, cut, Mk.5,5.* concursus, us, m., (1) con-
concilium, ii, n., council. course, A. 19,40 ; (2) up-
concionor, v. cont-. roar, tumult, A.24,12.*
concipio, cepi, 3, conceive, concutio, 3, terrify, alarm,
L.1,24 Jas.1,15.
trouble, L.3,14.*
concisio, onis, /., concision, fcondelector, 1, be delighted
mutilation, Ph. 3, 2.* with, R.7,22.*
concito, 1, stir up, excite, condemnatio, onis, /., con-
Mk.15,11 ; A. 17,5 ff. demnation, R.5,16 2 C. ;

concludo, clusi, clusus, 3, 7,3*

shut up, enclose, L.5,6 ; condemno, 1, condemn.
G.3,22 f. condignus, a, um, worthy,
fconcordo, 1, agree, A. 15, R.8,18.*
I5-* condio, 4, season, UMk.9,50 ;

~concorporalis, belonging e, Co. 4, 6.*

to the same body (Gk. fcondiscipulus, i, m., fellow-
(Tvi-o-tofios), E.3,6.* disciple, J. 1 1,
concremo, 1, burn up, con- conditor, oris, m., founder,
suyne, Ap.[8,7] ; 17,16.* author, H.11,10.*
concubitor, oris, m., bed- condo, ditus, 3, make, create,
fellow, 1 C.6,9 ; 1 T.i, found, Mk.13,19 ; E.2,
10.* 15 ; Co. 1, 16.*

condoleo, 2, suffer with, give thanks, L.2,38 ; (3)

sympathize, H.5,2.* in A. 7, 17 answers to
conduco, xi, 3, hire, Mt.20,1 ;
swear. Gk. ofxoXoyelv.
20,7.* f conflictatio, onis,/., dispute,
jconductum, i, n., hired 1 T.6,5.*
house, A. 28, 30.* jconformo, 1, conform, R.
conecto (conn-), nexus, 3, 12,2.*
join together, E.4,16.* conforto, 1, strengthen, make
conelectus (coel-), a, urn, strong.
elect together, 1 P. 5, 13.* jconfrico, 1, rub together,
confercio, fertus, 4, crowd L.6,1.*
or press together, L.6,38.* confringo, fractus, 3, break,
confero, tuli, ferre, (1) bring Mt. 12,20 21,44 ;L.4, ;

together,A. 19, 19 (2) be ;

18 Ap.2,27.*

of use A. 18,27
to, (3) '
confugio, fugi, 3, flee for
consider, confer, L.2,19 ; refuge, A. 14,6 H.6, 18.* ;

(4) contribute, bestow on, confundo, fusus, 3, confuse,

G.2,6 ; (5) abide, A. 16, confound, A. 19,32 make ;

12. ashamed, 1 C.1,27 1 P. ;

confestim, immediately. 2,6.

confidenter, boldly, Co. 2, 15 ; confusio, onis, /., (1) con-
H.13,6.* fusion, A. 19,29 (2) ;

confldo, 3, be of good cheer, shame, H.12,2 Ap.3,18. ;

Mt.9,2 trust, be confi-

; *congaudeo, 2, rejoice to-
dent, R.2,19 Ph. 1,6. ; gether with, 1 C. 12,26 ;

conflgo, fixus, 3, transfix, 13,6.*

fix, G.2,19.* congero, 3, heap together,
*configuro, 1, fashion accord- R. 12,20.*
ing (to something), con- yconglorifico, 1, glorify to-

form, Ph.3,10; 3,21 ; 1 gether with, R.8,17.*

P.i, 14- congratulqr, 1, congratulate,
conflrmatio, onis, /., con- rejoice with, L.1,58 ; 15,
firmation, Ph. 1, 7; H.6, 6 Ph. 2, 17 f.*

16.* congregatio, onis, /., assem-

conflrmo, 1, strengthen, con- bling together, 2 Th.2,1.*
firm, establish. congrego, 1, gather together.
conflteor, fessus, 2, (1) con- coniunctio, onis, /., union,
fess, acknowledge : (2) fastening, Co. 2, 19.*

coniungo, iunxi, iunctus, 3, "conparticeps (comp-), cipis,

join together, join, Mt, .
partaking together, E.3,
19,6; A. 5, 13. 6.*
coniuratio, onis, /., conspir- conpatior (comp-), passus, 3,
acy, A. 23, 13.* suffer along zvith, have
coniux, ugis, c, wife, Ift.i, compassion, R.8,17 1 C. ;

20 1,24.*
; 12,26; H.4,15; 10.34;
*conlaboro (coll-), 1, work iP.3,8.*
together, Ph.1,27 ; 2 T. conpello, v. compello.
1,8.* conperio, also comperio (A.
conlactaneus (coll-), i, m„ 25,25), peri, pertus, 4,
foster-brother, A. 13,1.* learn, find out. A. 4, 13 ;

conlatio (coll-), onis,/., col- 10,34; 25,25.*

lection, contribution, R. conpingo (comp-), pactus,
15,26.* 3, unite together, E.4,
conlaudo (coll-), 1, praise, 16.*
A. 2,47.* "conplanto icomp-), 1, plant
conloquium (coll-), ii, «., together zvith, R.6,5.*
conversation, speech, 1 C. conprimo, v. comprimo.
15.33* conpunctio (comp-), onis,/.,
conloquor (coll-), 3, converse. penitence, remorse, R.n,
conluctatio (coll-), onis, /., 8.*
wrestling with, struggle, conpungo (comp-), punctus,
E.6,12.* 3, prick ; make to feel
conmanduco (comm-), 1, remorse, A. 2, 37.*
gnaw, Ap. 16,10.* conquasso, 1, break in pieces,
conmuto (comm-), 1, change, L. 20,18.*
R.1,25.* conquiro, 3,
enquire (crr£//T€jV,

connecto, v. conecto. Mk.).

connubium, \ conubium. . "conquisitio, onis,/., search-
connumero, 1, number with, ing ; enquiry, dispute,
reckon among, A. 1,17.* A.15,7.*
conor, 1, try, attempt, struggle, conquisitor], oris, m., dis-
L.1.1 ; A. 24, 6; 27,15.* puter, 1 C.1,20.*
conparo, also comparo (1 C. conregno, 1, reign together
2,13 ; 2 C.IO,I2), 1, com- th, 2 T.2,12*
pare, Mk.4,30; J as. 1, conresuscito, 1, raise up
23.* together with, E.2,6.*

CONROBORO] 26 [constantia

conroboro (corr-), 1, 11,6 ; (2) consider, reflect

strengthen, E.3,16.* on, R.4,19 ; (3) perceive,

conscientia, ae, /., (1) con- A. 27,39.

sciousness, knowledge, H. consiliarius, ii, m., counsellor,
10,2 ; (2) conscience, A. R.11,34.*
H.9,9. consilium, ii, n., counsel,
conscindo, scissus, 3, rend, advice ; plan.
consisto, subsist, exist,
A. 14, 14.* 3,
2 P. 3,
conscius, a, um, (1) privy,
consobrinus, m., cousin,
(2) conscious of,
A. 5, 2 ;

1 C.4,4.* Co. 4, 10.*

conscribo, scriptus, 3, write, consolido, 1, make firm or
H. 12,23.* strong, A. 3, 7.*

consedeo, sedi, 2, sit down, consolor, 1, (1) comfort, A.

E.2,6; H.8,1.* 27,9; iTh.5,14; (2) be

yconsenior, oris, m., fellow- comforted, Mt.2,18 ; L.

elder, 1 P. 5, 1.* 16,25.
consensus, us, m., consent, consors, sortis, c, partaker,
agreement, 1 C.7,5 2 C. ;
sharer, 2 P. 1,4.*
6,16.* consparsio (-spersio), onis,/.,
consentio, sensi, 4, agree, paste, dough ; lump, 1 C.

1 C.7,12 f. ; agree to- 5-7-*

gether, Mt.18,19; take conspectus, us, m., sight,
part with, A. 5, 36 f. presence (always with one
consepelio, sepultus, 4, bury of the prepositions a, ;

together with, R.6,4 Co. ;

ante or in)
2,12.* conspicio, 3, see clearly, R.
consequor, secutus, 3, (1) 1,20.*
C.10,4 (2) fconspiro, 1, agree together,
follow after, 1 ;

obtain, attain, A. 22, 28 ; J. 9,


H.II,2ff. conspuo, 3, spit on, Mk.io,

keep, preserve, 34; 14,65; 15,19; L.
conseruo, 1,

||Mt.9,i7- 18,32.*
conseruus, i, m., fellow- constanter, (1) boldly, A. 13,
servant, Mt. 18,28 ft. ;
Co. 46 26,26
; (2) vehem- ;

ently, L.23,10.*
1,7; Ap.6,11.
look at constantia, ae, /., boldness,
considero, 1, (1)
closely, examine, A. 7, 31 ;
A. 4,13*

consterno, i, alarm, dismay, contamino, 1, defile, J. 18, 28 ;

L.2 4)4 .* 1 T.1,9.*

constituo, ui, utus, 3, set, contemno, mptus, 3, despise.
L.7,8 ; make, G.2,18 ; contemplor, 1, look at, ob-
appoint, A. 28, 23 Ti. ; serve, give heed, 2C.4,l8;
H. 12,15.*
constitutio, onis, making, /., contemptibilis, e, comtempti-
creation (only in phrase ble, of slight account, 1 C.
cons, mundi.), L. 11,50; 1,28 6,4
; ; 2 C. 10,10.*
Ap.17,8. contemtor (-temptor), oris,
consto, 1, (1) consist, Co. 1,17; m., despiser, A. 13, 41.*
(2) (in partic.) steadfast, contendo, 3, contend, strive.
bold, A. 23, 11.* contenebro, 1, darken, make
construe-, structus, 3, make, dark, Mk. 13,24.*
construct, E.2,21 ; Co. 2, contentiosus, a, urn, contenti-
19.* ous, 1 C.11,16.*
consuesco, eui, 3, be wont, contentus, a, urn, content,
Mt.27.15 Mk.10,1.*
; L.3,14; iT.6,8; H.13,
consuetudo, dinis, /., custom, 5-*
>nt. contero, tritus, 3, break,
^consul, ulis, )u., consul, A. crush, bruise, Mt.21,44 ;

19,38-* [L.4,18] ; R. 16,20.*

consummatio, onis, /., ac- conterreo, 2, terrify, L.24,
complishing, perfection ; 37-*
end, Mt. 13,39 If.; H.6,8. contestor, 1, (1) call to
consummator, oris, m., witness, A. 20, 26 ; (2)
finisher, H.12,2.* bear witness, testify, H.
consummo, 1, end, Mt.7,28 ; 2,4; 7-8-
complete, J. 17,4 ; perfect, contexo, textus, 3, weave,
H.2,10 fulfil, 1 P. 4,3. *
J 19,23.
consumo, sumtus, 3, (fut. continens, entis, temperate,
part., -sumpturus, H.io, continent, Ti.1,8.*
consume, L.9,54 >'
continentia, ae, /., temper-
devour, A.. 12,23. ance, continence, G.5,23.*
consurgo, surrexi, 3, rise, contineo, 2, (1) hold, keep,
arise. hold fast, G.5,1 ; (2)
contaminatio, onis,/., pollu- contain, A. 23, 26 ; (3)
tion, defilement, A. 15,20.* stop (ears), A. 7,57.


contingo, tigi, 3, happen, conturbo, 1, trouble, G.1,7 ;

bejail, fall to ones lot, 1 P-3.I4-

R.11,25 ; 2 P. 2, 22. conubium (conn-), ii, n.,
continuo, forthwith. marriage, H.13,4.*
continuus, a, um, continuous conualesco, lui, 3, grow
uninterrupted, R.9,2 1 ; strong, A. 9, 22 ; H.n,
P.4,8.* 34*
jcontionor (cone-), i, make conuenio, ueni, 4, (1) come
a speech, A. 12, 21.* together, Mt.1,18 ; assem-
contradico (in Ti.1,9, contra ble, Mk.1,45 ; (2) go
dico), 3, speak against, along with (others), J.
contradict, A. 13,45 'gain- 18,2 ; (3) agree, L.5,36 ;

say, R.IO,2I. be agreed, Mk. 14,56 ;

contradictio, onis,/., contra- (4) be convenient, fitting,

diction, gainsaying, H. R.1,28.
7,7 12,3
; Jude 11.* ;
conuentio, onis, /., agree-
contrarius, v. e contrario. ment, Mt.20,2 ; 2 C.6,
contrecto, 1, handle, Co. 2, 21 ;
1 J.i, 1.* conuentus, us, m., assembly,
contremesco (-isco), 3, trem- A. 19,38 Jas.2,2.*

ble, conuersatio, onis,/., manner
contribulis, is, m., man of of life. Gk. dva(TTpoiJ)ij,

same Th.2,14.*
tribe, 1 G.i, 13 and often; in
contristo, 1, sadden, make E.2,12 = commonwealth
sad, 2 C.2,2 E.4,30. ;
(7roA.iTeta) in Ph. 3, 20 =

contritio, onis, /., calamity, citizenship (7roAiT€iyza).

grief, R.3,16.* conuersio, onis,/., conversion,
controuersia, ae, /., con- A. 15,3*
troversy, H.6,16.* conuersor, 1, live, pass one's
contubernium, ii, n., com- life, A. 1 1,26.

pany, Mk.6,39.* conuerto, uerti, uersus, 3,

contumelia, ae, /., insult, turn, Mt.7,6 return, turn

abuse, reproach, A. 5, 41 ;
again, L.22,32 convert, ;

- H. 10,29 i
dishonour, R. J. 12,40 turn into,
A. 2,
9,21 ; 2 T.2,20. 20; Ap.11,6; pervert,
contumeliosus, a, um, inso- G.1,7.
lent, abusive, R. 1,30; iT. conuescor, 3, eat together
1,13.* with, A. 1, 4.*

conuicior, i, revile, taunt, corporalis, e, bodily, L.3,22 ;

Mk.15,32.* 1 T.4,8.*
conuinco, 3, convince, 1 C. tcorporaliter, bodily, in a
14,24.* bodily form, Co. 2, 9.*
conuiuifico, 1, quicken to- corpus, oris, n., body.
gether, E.2,5 Co. 2, 13.* ; correctio, onis, /., correction,
conuiuium, ii, n., feast, L.5, amendment, H.9,10.*
29 ;2 P.2,13. correptio, onis, /., admoni-
conuiuo, 3, live together with, tion, reproof, 1 C.10,11 ;

2 C.7,3 ; 2 T.2,11.* E.6,4 ; Ti.3,10; 2 P. 2, 16.*

conuiuor, 1, feast together, corrigia (cori-), ae, /., shoe-
Jude 12.* latchet, HMk.1,7.*
conuoco, 1, call together, Mt. corrigo, 3, correct, set right,
15,10 ; assemble, A. 5, 21. A. 24, 2 §2 T.3,16
Ti. ;

cooperator, oris, m., fellow- 1,5.*

worker, Ph. 2, 25 3 J. 8.* ;
corripio, reptus, 3, (1) re-
cooperio, erui, ertus, 4, cover, prove, L.3,19 ; correct, H.
Mt.6,29 Mk.16,5
clothe, ; ; 12,7 ; chasten, chastise ;

Ap.19,8. (2) seize, A. 10,4.

cooperor, 1, work together, corroboro, v. conr-.
Mk.16,20 R.8,28 1 C. ; ; corrumpo, rupi, ruptus, 3,
16,16 Jas.2,22.*
; corrupt, G.5,9 ; Ap.n,
°cophinus, i, m., basket, ||Mt. 18.
14,20 ;
||i6,9.* corus, v. cho-.
copiosus, a, urn, great, abun- °corus, i, m., cor, measure
dant, L.5, 6. (dry), L.i6,7.*
cor, cordis, n., heart. corusco, 1, flash, L.17,24.*
jcorban (Hebr.), gift, Mk. coruus, i, in., raven, L.12,
7,11.* 24.*
corbana (-bona), (ace. -an), cotidianus (quo-), a, um,
(Aram.) treasury, Mt.27, daily, L.11,3 ; A. 6,1 ; 2
6.* C.11,28 ; Jas.2,15.*
coriarius, ii, m., tanner, Aa), cotidie (quo-), daily, day by
43 10,6
; 10,32.* ; day.
cornu, us, )i., horn. jcoutor, 3, have dealings
corona, ae,/., crown, garland. with, J. 4, 9.*
corono, 1, crown, 1 1.2,5 > crapula, ae,y., surfeiting, in-
11.2,7 ff.* toxication, L.21,34.*

eras, to-morrow. crus, uris, n., leg, J. 19,31 ff.*

crastinus, a, um, of to-morrow, crux, ucis,/., cross.
to-morrow's, Mt.6,34; J as - °crysolitus (chrysolithus), i,

4.13 f- m. or /., chrysolite, Ap.

fcreatio, onis, /., creation, 21,20.*
H.9,11.* °crysoprassus (chrysoprasus),
creator, oris, m., creator, R. i, m., chrysoprasus, Ap.
1,25 1 P.4,19*
creatura, ae, /., (1) creation, °crystallum, i, n., crystal,
R.i, 20; 2 P.3,4 ; (2) crea- Ap.4,6 ; 21,11 ; 22,1.*
ture; H.4,13. cubiculum, i, n.,bedchamber,
crebro, frequently, 'often, Mt. Mt.6,6 ; L.12,3 A. 12, ;

17,15 Mk.7,3.*
credo, didi, ditus, 3, (1) be- cubile, n., bed, L.11,7;

lieve, J. 1,7. (2) entrust, (in pi.)chambering, forni-

commit, J. 2, 24 R.3,2. ; cation, R.13,13.*
cremo, 1, burn, consume, H. cubitus, \,m., cubit, UMt.6,27 ;

13,11.* J. 21, 8 ; Ap.21,17.*

creo, 1, create. '
culex, icis, m., gnat, Mt.23,
crepo, ui, 1 , crack ; be rent or 24.*
torn with a noise, A. 1,1 8.* culpa, ae,/., fault, H.8,7.*
cresco, eui, 3, grow, increase. cultor, oris, m., (1) cultivator,
cribro, 1, sift, L.22, 31.* L.i 3, 7 ; 20,10 ; (2)wor-
crimen, inis, n., charge, accu-, shipper, J. 9, 31 ; H.io,
sation, Ti.1,6 f.; crime,
guilt, Mt.12,5 ; A. 25, 5. jcultrix, icis, /., worshipper,
criminator, oris, m., accuser, A.19,35.*
calumniator, 2 T.3,3.* cultura, ae, /. , worship, wor-
tcriminatrix, female icis, f., shipping, 1 C.i 0,14 ; H.
accuser, calumniator, Ti. 9,1.*
2,3-* cultus, us, m., (1) worship,
crinis, is, m., hair, 1 T.2,9.* adoration, 1 P. 4, 3 ; (2)
cruciatus, us, m., torment, adornment, 1 P. 3, 3.*
torture, Ap.9,5.* cumi, (Aram.) arise ! Mk.5,
crucifigo, flxi, flxus, 3, 41.*
crucify. cuncti, ae, a, all, A. 8, 40 ; R.
crucio, 1, torture, torment, L. 16,4 16,26
; Ph. 1,4.* ;

16,24 ; 2 P.2,4 ff. fcupide, earnestly, 1 Th. 2,8.*


CUPIDITAS] 31 [decaluo

cupiditas, tatis, /., desire ; °cymbalum, i, n., cymbal,

covetousness, R. 15,23 ; 1 1 C.13,1.*
T.6,io.* °cyminum, i, n., cumin, Mt.
cupidus, a, urn, desirous, 23.23*
G.5,26; iT.3,3; 2T.3,2;
cura, ae, /., care, anxiety, D
Mt.22,16 ; A. 18, 17 ; heal-
ing, L.9,11. daemon, onis, m., evil spirit.
curat io, onis, /., healing, 1 daemonium, ii, n., evil
C.I2,28ff.* spirit.
curiose, curiously, inquisi- *damnatio, onis,/., judgment,
tively, 2 Th.3,11.* A. 25, 15 ; condemnation
curiosus, a, um, curious, L.23,40 ; R.3,8.
inquisitive, A. 19, 19 ; 1 damno, 1, judge, condemn.
T.5.13.* damnum, i, u., loss, A. 27,
euro, 1, (1) heal, cure, Mt. 10.*
12,10; (2) care for, A. 8, 2 ;
dator, oris, m., giver, 2 C.9,
(3) be careful, take heed, 7.*.
2 T. 2,15; Ti.3,8; (4) care datum, i, 11., giving, gift,
about, Mk.12,14. L.11,13 ; Ph. 4, 15 ft.; Jas.
curro, cucurri, 3, run. 1,17.*
currus, us, m., chariot, A. 8, dea, ae,/., goddess, A. 19,37.*
28 ft ; Ap.9,9.* dealbo, 1, whiten, make white,
cursus, us, m., course, A. 13, Mt. 23,27 ; A. 23, 3 ; Ap.
25 16,11
; 2 T.4,7. ;
7» I 4*
curuo, 1, bend, bow, R.n, deauro, 1, gild, cover with
4* gold, Ap.18,16.*
custodia, ae, /., (1) watch, debeo, 2, (1) ought ; (2) owe.
guard, Mt. 27,65 ; (2) pri- debilis, e, weak, infirm, Mt.
son, custody, A. 4, 3 ; Ap. 15,30 ; Mk.9,43 L.14, ;

18,2; (3)In A.27,1 27,42 ; 13-

= Gk. Seo-fiioTi)^, prisoner. debitor, oris, m., debtor, L.
custodio, 4, (1) guard, Mk.6, 7,41 ; R.i, 14.
20 ; 2 C.i 1,32 ; (2) keep, debitum, i, n., debt, R.4,4 ;

observe, J. 9, 16 ; 1 J. 2, 4 ; 1 C.7,3.
Ap.12,17. decaluo, 1, make bald, cut the
custos, odis, c, keeper, guard. hair, 1 C.11,5 f.*

DECEPTIO] 3^ [deformo

deceptio, onis, /., deceit, in ||Mk. 15,43, counsellor

deceitf ulness, Mk.4,19 ; 2 (of Joseph of Arima-
P.3,3* thoea).*
decerno, creui, cretus, 3, decurro, decucurri, 3, run
decree, A. 4, 28 ; 16,4 ;
down, L.22,44; A.21,32 ;

Co. 2, 20.* 27,16.*

tdecerto, 1, fight to the end, dedecus, oris, n., shame, dis-
18,36.* grace, 2 C.4,2.*
decet, 2, (impers.) it is fitting, dedico, 1, dedicate, H.9,18.*

seemly, becomes ; in
it dedo, ditus, 3 (only in P.P.),
[Ti.2,1] used in 3rd per. given over to, A. 17, 16 ;

plur. 1 T.3,8.*
decido, cidi, A. 15, 16 deduco, xi, ctus, 3, bring or
3, fall, ;

Jas.1,11. lead down, R.10,6 ;

decima, ae,/., tithe, L.18,12 ; 7,17 escort,
A. 20, 38 ;

H.7,2 ff.* 2 C.i, 16.

*decimo, 1, (1) pay tithes, defendo, fensus, 3, defence,
HMt.23,23 (2) make to A.25,16 26,2 R.2,15 ; ; ;

pay tithes, H.7,9.* 12,19.*

decipio, deceive, Co. 2, 4 defensio, onis, /., defence.

2,8.* Gk. d-oXoyia, 1 C.9,3 2 ;

declaro, 1, make manifest, C.7,11 Ph. 1, 7 1,16

; ; ;

1 C.3,13 ; H. 12,27.* 2 T.4,16.*

declino, 1, (1) turn aside defero, tuli, ferre, bring, A.

(trans.), L.24,5 ; (2) turn 19,12 25,18 ;
with sen- ;

aside (intrans.), J. 5, 13;

tentiam = vote, A. 26, 10.*
R.3,12 (of the day) deftcio, feci, 3, fail, L.16,9 I
; (3)
decline, wear^away, L.9, J.2,3 ; be wanting, J as.
12. 1,4 faint, ||Mt. 15,32.

decollo, 1, behead, UMt.14,10; definio, 4, define, determine,

Ap.20,4. L.22,22 A.2,23 17, ; ;

decor, oris, m., grace, beauty. 26.*

Jas.1,11.* deforis, outside, HMt.23,25 f.*

t§deformatio, onis, rough
decretum, i, n., decree, A. 17, /.,

Co. 2, 14.* draft, pattern (Gk.

7 E.2,15
; ;

VirOTVTTltMTLS), I T.I, 1 6.*

•jdecumbo, 3, lie down, lie
deformo, i, delineate, 2 C.
sick, Mk.1,30.*
decurio, onis, m., decurion 3-7-*

defraudo, i, defraud, L.19,8.* demergo, 3, plunge down,

defungor, functus, 3, die, sink (tr.), Mt.18,6; L.
Mk. 12,22 ; A. 2, 29 ; H. 10,15.*
11,13- [demeto], messus, 3, reap,
deglutio, 4, swaliow down, Ap.14,16.*
1 P. 3, 22.* |§deminutio, onis,/., diminu-
deicio (deii-), 3, cast down, tion, lessening, R.11,12.*
2 C.4,9.* demolior, 4, demolish, lay
j§dein, then, Jas.i,i5.* waste, Mt.§6,i6 6,19 f.* ;

deinceps, afterwards, L.7,11 ;

demonstro, 1, show, Mk.14,
8,1 ; A. 3, 24 ; Jas.4,14. 15 J-5> 2 °
; 1 C.12,31 I ;

[*deintus], de intus, from teach, Mt.3,7.*

within, L.i 1,7 within,; demoror, 1, abide, dwell, J.
L. 11,40.* 3,22 ; A.14,3.
-delabor, lapsus, 3, come * denarius, ii, m., denarius,
down, descend, 2 P. 1,17.* penny.
deleo, 2, blot out, A. 3, 19; denego, 1, deny, Mk.8,34 ;

Co.2,14 ; Ap. 3,5.* §L.i2,9.*

delibatio, onis,/., first fruits, dens, ntis, m., tooth.
representative part, R.n, denuntio, (1) i,announce,
16.* declare, Th.3,6 2 order, ;

ydelibo, i, (in pass.) be A. 23,30 (2) ;

plucked, ripe for pluck- threaten, warn, 1 T.1,3.
ing, about to die, 2 T.4,6.* denuo, again, Mk. 14,40 ;

deliciae, arum, /., delight, j. 3( 3ff; Cx.4,9.*

pleasure, luxury, 2 P. 2, deorsum, down, downivards,
*3- Mt.27,51 ff beneath, Mk. ;

delictum, i, n., fault, offence, 14,66 A. 2, 19.


sin, Mk.3,29 ; R.3,25 ;

depereo, ii, 4, perish, Jas.i,
defect, 1 C.6,7. 11.*
delinquo, 3, offend, sin, Ti. depono, posui, positus, 3,
3,! 1 take down, put Mk. 15,36 ;

jdeliramentum, 1, n., folly, or lay down, L.1,52 A. ;

nonsense, L.24,n.* 7,58; lay aside, H.12,1 ;

§deludo, 3, mock, Mt.20, 1 P.2,1.

19.* *depositio, onis, /., laying
^demento, 1, drive mad; down, putting aside, 1 P.
bewitch, delude, A.8,11.* 3,21 ; 2 P.i, 14.*

depositum] 34 [destitutio

depositum, i, n., deposit, i T. desiderium, ii, n., longing,

6,20; 2 T.i, 12 fi\* Gk. desire, 2 C.7,7 i; '


7ra/xx0>yK*7. 2P.2,l8.
distort, desidero, (1) desire, 1 Ti.
deprauo, i, pervert, 1,

2 P.3,l6.* 3,1 ; "(2) have need of,

deprecatio, onis, /., prayer, need, ||Mk. 14,63 Th. ; 1

L.i, 13 ; Ph. 1,4 ; Jas. 4,12. (The superl. of the

5,16* partic. §desiderantissimus
deprecor, 1, pray, A. 10,2 ;
= best beloved in Ph. 4, 1 .)

Ph. 4, 2.
beseech, designo, 1, appoint, L.10,1.*
deprehendo, hensus, 3, take, desino, sii, 3, cease, A. 13, 10 ;

1 P-4>i-*
deputo, 1, account, reckon, desolatio, onis,/., desolation,
L.22,37.* HMt.24,15 ; L.21,20.*
lictus, desolo, forsake, desert, 1
derelinquo, liqui, 3, 1,

/mw, A. 2, 27 fL; forsake, Th.2,17 ; 1 T.5,5 ;

TLi 3 ,5- desolate, ||Mt. 12,25.

derideo, 2, mock, deride, Mt. despero, 1, despair, be hope-

9,24 ; L.8,53 16,14 ; ;

less, E.4,19.*
despicio, 3, neglect, overlook,
descendo, di, 3, come or go A.6,1 ; 17,30.*
jdespolio, 1, strip, spoil, L.
down, descend.
descensus, us, m., descent, 10,30.*
despondeo, di, 2, espouse,
describo, 3, enrol, L.2,1.* 2 C.11,2.*

descriptio, onis,/., enrolment, desponso, 1, betroth, Mt.1,18 ;

L.2,2.* L.i, 27 ; 2,5.*

desero, sertus, 3, desert, for- fdespumo, 1, foam out, Jude

sake, -H. 10,2 5 ; 13,5-* 13.*

desertum, i, n., desert, 1 C. destino, 1, doom, determine,

H.3,8. appoint, 1 C.4,9 ; 2 C.8,
desertus, a, um, deserted, 19; 9,7; Ph. 3, 14.*
destituo, tutus, 3, forsake,
deseruio, H.8,5
4, serve, ;
desert ; make desolate, 2

13,10; wait on, Mk.3,9. C.4,8; Ap.18,17.*

[jdesideratus], a, um (only tdestitutio, onis, /., putting
supcrl.),^s/*0d/or, longed away, abandoning, H.9,
for, Ph.4,1.*

*destructio, onis,/.. destruc- deuenio, ueni, 4, come, A. 26,

tion, i C.10,4 ft.; 13,10. 7 ; come down, A. 9, 32 ;

destruo, struxi, 3, destroy, arrive, A. 27, 3 ft.

R.3,31 ; H.2,14. |§deuerto, 3, put up, lodge,

desum, fui, esse, be wanting, L.9,12.*
Co. 1,24 1 Th.3,10 fail. ; ;
^deuinco, uici, 3, subdue,
H.12,15. H.11,33.*
desuper (Mt.21,7), also de deuito, 1, avoid, 1 T.4,7 ;

super (J. 19,11), from Ti.3,9.

above, above. deuorator, oris, m., glutton,
[desursum], de sursum, from L-7-34*
above, J. 3, 31 Jas.i,i7 ; ;
deuoro, 1, eat up, Ap.io,9 f.;

3.15 ff-* devour, L. 15,30 ; engulf

deterior, ius, worse. (of sea), H.11,29.
detestor, 1, curse, Mt.26,74.* fdeuotio, onis, /., cursing,
detineo, 2. hold [J. 5, 4] ; hold curse, A. 23, 14.*
back, R.i, 1 8 ; retain, con- deuoueo, uoui, 2, devote
strain, L.4,42. one's self, take a curse on
detractio, onis, /., slander, one's self, A. 23, 12 flf.*

back-biting, 2 C. 12,20 ;
dexter, era, erum (ace. sing.
1 P.2,1.* dextrum, dat. and abl.
fdetracto (-trecto), 1, de- plur. dextris), of the right
preciatej speak evil oj, 1 hand, right.
P. 2, 12.* dextera, ae,/., right hand.
detractor, oris, m., slanderer, diabolicus, a, urn, devilish,
back-biter, R.1,30.* Jas.3,15.*
detraho, traxi, tractus, 3, °diabolus, i, m., devil.
* c
(1) pull down, A. 19,33 I
-diaconus, i, m., (only in
2 P. 2, 4 ; (2) detract from, pi. nom. diacones (-coni),
disparage, 1 T.3,11 ;
J as. ace.diaconos, abl. dia-
4,11 ; 1 P. 3, 16.* conibus^, deacon, Ph.i.i ;

detrimentum, i, n., loss, 1 T.3,8 ft.*

1 C.3,15 ; Ph.3.7 f - diaderaa, atis, n., crown,

deturpo, 1, defile, dishonour. Ap.12,3 ; 13,1 ; 19,12.*
1 dico, xi, ctus, 3, say.
Deus, i, »1., God ; pi. dii, dictum, i, n., saying, com-
false Gods, A. 14,11. mand, Ti.3,1.*
deuasto, 1, lav waste, A. 8, 3.* didragma (-drachma), atis,
dies] 36 [dirigo

n., didrachma, half-shekel, diligenter, well, diligently.

Mt.17,24 (bis).* diligentia, ae, /.,(1) diligence,

dies, ei, m. and/., day. A.5,23 (2) diligentiam


diffamo, 1,(1) spread abroad, habere, take care of, 1 T.

publish, Mt.9,31 Mk. ; 3,5-*

1,45 1 Th.1,8
; (2) slan- ;
diligo, lexi, lectus, 3, love.

der, accuse, L.16,1.* diluculo, early in the morning,

fdifferens, entis (compar. at daybreak, Mk.1,35 ;

-entior), superior, excel- L. 24,1 ; J.8,2.*

lent, H.1,4.* diluuium, ii, n., flood, Mt.24,

differo, distuli, ferre, (1) put 38 i; L.17,27; 2P.2,5.*

off, A.24,23; (2) differ,
R. dimidium, ii, n., half, Mk.6,
12,6 ; 1 C. 15,41 G.4,1.* ; 23 L.19,8
; Ap.12,14.* ;

difficile, with difficulty, dimidius, a, um, half, Ap.

hardly, HMt.19,23.* 11,9; 11, 11.*

difficilis, e, difficult, Mk.io, diminuo, ui, 3, diminish,

34; 2P.3,i6.* take away, Ap.22,19.*
*diffidentia, ae, /., want of [diminutio], onis, /., dimin-
faith ; disobedience, R.4, ishing, R.i 1, 12.*
20 ; E.2,2 ;
5,6.* dimitto, misi, missus, 3, (1)
diffundo, fusus, 3, shed send away, dismiss, L.i,
abroad, A.1,18 R.5,5* ; 53 put away, divorce,

digitus, i, m., finger, Mk.7, Mt.1,19; forgive, Mt.6,

12 (2) leave, leave behind
33; J-8A ;

Mk. 10,28; let alone, L.i 3,

digne, worthily, R.16,2 ; 3
8 ; (3) ? let down, 2 C.11,
dignor, 1, deem worthy, 2 Th. 33 (4);
permit, suffer,

1, 11.* Mt.3,15.
dignus, a, um, worthy, ||Mt. dinumero, 1, number, Ap.7,
L.7,4. 9.*
diiudico, 1, judge, 1 C. 14,24 ;
fdipondius, ii, m., the sum of

discern, 1 C. 11,29. two asses, L.12,6.*

L.9,39* directus, a, um, straight, L.3
tdilanio, 1, tear,

dilatio, onis, /., delay, A. 5*

25,17-* dirigo, 3, make straight, J.i,

dilato, 1, make wide, enlarge, 23 ; direct, L.1,79 ; 1

Mt.23,5 ; 2 c. 6,n ff.* Th.3,11 ;

2Th.3,5 ; Jas.

dilectio, onis,/., love. 3.4-*

D1RIPI0] 37 [disrumpo

diripio, 3, spoil, despoil, rob, discubitus, us, m., place at

||Mt. 12,29.* table, ||Mk. 12,39.*
dirumpo, v. disr-. discumbo, cubui, 3, sit down,
diruo, rutus, 3, demolish, recline, J. 6, 10 f.; sit at
destroy, A. 15, 16.* table, Mt.9,10 ; J. 12,2.
discedo, cessi, 3, depart. °discus, i, m., dish, HMt.14,
disceptatio, onis, /. , disputa- 8.*
tion, discussion, R.14,1 ;
dispensatio, onis, /., man-
1 T.2,8.* agement, stewardship, 1
discepto, 1, dispute, A. 11 ,2.* C.9,17 economy, dis-

discerno, creui, 3, make a pensation, E.i, 10 3,2 ff.; ;

difference, discern, A. 15, Co.1,25.*

9 ; R. 14,23 ; make to dispensator, oris, m., steward,
differ, 1 C.4,7.* L. 12,42 ; 1 C.4,1 f.; Ti.
discerpo, 3, tear asunder, 1,7 ; 1 P.4,10.*
tear in pieces, Mk.1,26 ;
disperdo, 3, destroy, A. 13,41;
9,26 A. 23, 10.*
; 1 C.3,17.*
discessio, onis,/.; (1) going dispergo, ersi, ersus/3, scat-
away, departure, A. 20, 29; ter, disperse, J. 10, 12 ; 2
2i,2i ; (2) apostasy, 2 C.9,9.
Th.2,3.* dispersio, Onis, /., scattering
disciplina, ae, /., instruc- abroad ; dispersion, J. 7,
tion, knowledge, E.6,4 ; 35; Jas.1,1; 1 P.i, 1.*
chastening, H.12,5 ff. Gk. Siacnropd.
disciplinatus, a, um, in- dispertio, 4, divide, distribute,
structed, disciplined, Jas. Mk.3,2 5 f.; A.2,3.*
3.13* dispono, posui, 3, arrange,
fdiscipula, ae, /., female dis- set in order, 1 C. 11,34 »

ciple, A. 9, 36.* appoint, L.22,29 make ;

discipulus, i, m., disciple. (covenant), A. 3, 25 H. ;

disco, didici, 3, learn. 8,10.

t°discolus (dys-), a, um, dispositio, onis, /., disposi-
peevish, irritable, 1P.2, tion, appointment, A. 7,
18.* 53*
*discretio, onis, /., discern- disputo, 1, dispute, contend.
ing, 1 C.12,10 ; H.5,14.* disrumpo, rupi, 3, rend,
discretor, oris, m., dis- burst, Mt.7,6 ; Mk.2,22 ;

cemer, H.4,12.* 5,4-*

DISSECO] i8 [doleo

disseco, i, cut asunder * in (same Greek word in

pass., be cut (to the heart), both verses).

A.5,33 7.54* diues, itis, rich.

dissemino, i, spread abroad, diuido, uisi, uisus, 3, divide.

A.13,49.* *diuinitas, tatis, /., divinity,

dissero, (1) dispute, dis- godhead, R.1,20 ; Co. 2, 9;

cuss, A.17,2 17,18 (2) ; ;
explain, expound, §Mt.i3, diuinitus, divinely, 2 T.3,16.*

37; Mk.4,34.* diuino, 1, prophesy, predict,

dissipo, 1, (1) scatter abroad, A.16,16.*
diuinum, i, the Deity,
(2) waste, squan-
A. 5, 36 n.,

der, L.15,13 16,1 ; ; (3) A. 17,29.*

rend, L.9,39 ff. diuinus, a, um, divine, R.n,
dissoluo, 3, unloose, dissolve, 4; 2 P.i, 3 f.*
Ph. 1,23 destroy, Mk.;
diuisio, onis,/., (1) dividing,
3,8. H.4,12 (2) diversity, 1
14,58; 1 J. ;

distendo, tentus, 3, stretch C.I2, 4 ff.*

H.n, jdiuisor, oris, m., divider,

asunder, torture,
35-* L.12,14.*
*distinctio, onis, /., distinc- diuitiae,arum,/., riches.
tion, difference, R.3,22 ;
diuulgo, 1, spread abroad, L.

10,12 ; 1 C.14,7.* 1,65; 4.37; A.4,17; R.

distribuo, ui, 3, distribute, 16,19.*
divide, J. 6, 11 1 C.13,3. ;
do, dedi, datus, 1, give.
distributio, onis,/., division, doceo, cui, doctus, 2, teach.
distribution, H.2,4.* *docibilis, e, teachable, easily

[t°dithalassus], a, um, be- taught, J. 6,45; 2T.2,24.*

doctor, oris, m., teacher, A.
tween two seas, A.27,41.*
13,1 C.12,28 1 doctor
diu (compar. diutius, A.24,4), ; ;

for a long while, A. 20,9 ;

(of the law), Mt.22,35.
28,6.* doctrina, ae, /., teaching,

jdiurnus, a, um, daily, day doctrine, J.7,i6f.; H.

by day, Mt.20,2.* 6 f i.

lodging- dogma, atis, n., decree, A.

diuersorium, ii, n.,

place, inn ; guest cham- 16,4.*

22,11.* doleo, 2, (only in partic.
ber, L.2,7 ;

dolens), grieve, sorrow»

diuerto, uerti, 3, turn aside,
lodge, [L.9,12] 19,7* ;
L.2,48 ; A.4,2.
dolor] 39 [duritia

dolor, oris, m., grief, sorrow, dormitio, onis, /., sleeping,

Mt.24,8 ;
pain, A. 2, 24 ;
Ap.16,10 f. dormito, 1, slumber, Mt.25,
dolose, deceitfully, R.3,13.* 5 : 2 P-2,3.*
dolus, i, 1)1., guile, 2 Co. 12, 16; dorsum, i, n., back, R.11,10.*
craft, deceit, 1 P. 2,1 ft. draco, onis, m., dragon, Ap.
domesticus, a, um, belonging 12,3 ft'.; 13.2 ft.; 16,13 ;

to a house, household, 20,2.*

Mt. 10,25 I
E.2,19. °dragma ^drach-), ae, /.,
domicilium, ii, «., dwelling, drachma, L.15,8 f.*

abode, Mk.5,3 Jude 6.* ;

dubitatio, onis,/., hesitation,
domina, ae, /., lady, 2 J. A. 10, 29.*
iff.* dubito, 1, doubt, Mt. 14,31 ;

dominatio, onis,/., dominion, 28,17; A. 10,20.*

power, 2 P. 2, 10; Jude 8 ;
dubius, a, um, doubtful, 1 T.
in pi. (Co. 1, 16) of angelic 6,7 ; sine dubio, doubt-
powers, dominations. less, 1 C. 15,27.*
dominator, oris, m., ruler, ducatus, us, m., leading,
master, Jude 4.* guidance, Mt.15,14.*
dominicus, a, um, belonging duco, xi, ctus, 3, (1) lead.
to the Lord, the Lord's, lead away, 1C.12,2 2 ;

1 Ap.1,10.*
C.I 1,20 ; T.3,6 ; (2) marry, Mt.
dominor, 1, have or exercise 22,24 f-J (3) think, con-
dominion, rule, R.7,1 ;
sider, H. 10,29.
Ap.19,16 ;
prevail over, dulcis, e, sweet.
A. 19, 16. ^ dummodo, if only, provided
dominus, i, »1., lord. that, A. 20, 24.*
domo, mitus, 1, fame, Mk. duplex, icis, double, T.5,17
1 ;

5,4 ; Jas.3,7 *•* Jas.1,8; 4,8; Ap.18,6.*

domus, us,/., house. duplico, 1, double, Ap.18,
donatio, onis, j. ,
giving, gift, 6.*
R.5,17 ; 12,6 ; 2 C.I, 11 ;
^duplo, doubly, Mt.23,15.*
E.4.7.* duplus, a, um, double, Ap.
dono, 1, give, grant. i8,6.*
donum, i, ;/.. gift. dure (com par. -rius), hardly,
dormio, 4, sleep, Mk.4,27 ;
harshly, 2 C.13,10 Ti. ;

J.i 1.1 1 f. ; fall asleep, 1,13.*

1 C.15,6 ; 2 P. $,4. duritia, ae, f., hardness, Mt.
; ,

DURUS] 40 [egenus

19,8; Mk.10,5 ; 16,14; instruct [Mt.28,15] ; A.

R.2,5.* 18,25 ; E.4,21.*
durus, a, um, hard. educo, 1, bring up, train,
dux, cis, c, leader, chief educate, E.6,4 ; 1 T.5,
guide. 10.*
dyscolus, v. disc-. educo, xi, 3, lead out or forth,
°dysenteria, ae, /., dysentery, J. 10,3 ;
pull out, L.6,
A.28,8.* 42.
effero, extuli, elatus, ferre,
(1) bring forth (for burial),
L.7,12; A.5,6ff.; (2)
E puff up, 1 T.3,6.*
t eff etha (ephph-) , (Aram ) .

ebrietas, tatis, j., drunken- be opened, Mk.7,34.*

ness, L.21,34 ; R.13,13 ; fefficax, cacis, efficient,
G.5,21.* powerful, H.4,12.*
ebriosus, a, um, drunken efficio, fectus, 3, make, H.i,
[Mt.24.50] ; 1 C.5,11 ; 6, 4 ;
perform, R.15,18 ;

10.* (in pass.) become, Mt.13,

ebrius, a, um, drunken, A. 2, 22 ; 1 P.3,22.
15 1 C.n,2i.
; effigies, ei, /., form, Mk.16,
ebur, oris, n., ivory, Ap.18, 12.*
12.* §effluo, 3, flow or slip away,
°ecclesia, ae, /., assembly H.2,I.*
(A. 19,32 ff.) ; (Jewish) effodio, 3, dig, dig out, Mt.
Church, A. 7, 38 ; the 6,19 f.*

Christian Church. effugio, fugi, 3, escape, A. 19,

[econtra], e contra, on the 16; R.2,3.
contrary, G.2,7.* eff undo, fudi, fusus, 3, (1)
[econtrario], e contrario, con- pour out, J. 2, 15 Ap.16,;

trariwise, on the contrary, 1 ff.; shed, L. 11,50 R. ;

2 C.2,7 ; 1 P.3,9* 3,15 ; (2) (in pass.) rush

edictum, i, n., edict, decree, on thoughtlessly, Jude 11.
L.2,1 ; H.11,23.* effusio, onis, /., shedding (of
edissero, 3, declare, explain, blood), H.[9,22] ; 11,28.*
Mt.[i 3 3 6];,
15,15.* egenus, a, um, poor, needy ;

edo, 3, eat. J. 12,5 f.; 13,29 2 C. ;

edoceo, doctus, 2, teach, 8,9 beggarly, G.4,9.*


EGEO] 41 [enutrio

egeo, 2, need, be in want, A. jeloquor, 3, speak, A. 2,4

4,34; Ap.3,17. §26, 25.*
*eger (aeg-), gra, grum, sick, elucesco, 3, become light
[Mk.6,13; i6,i8], A.5, break (of day), 2 P. 1J19.*
16.* emano, 1, pour forth, Jas.
egredior, gressus, 3, go or 3.H*
come out, L.i, 22 ; depart, emendo, 1, correct, chastise,
A. 12, 17. L.23,16.*
eicio (eiicio), ieci, iectus, 3, emineo, 2 (only in partic.
cast out, Mk.1,34 ; J. 9, eminens), conspicuous,
34 drive out, J. 2, 15.
f.; prominent, 2C.9,i4; Ph.
eiulo, v. heiu-. 3,8.*
*eiusmodi, of such a kind, emitto, misi, missus, 3, send,
such, R.2,14 1 C.5,11 ; ;
put or cast forth, Mt.15,
Ph. 2, 29. 17 ; cast off [Ap.6,13].
elatus, v. effero. emo, emi, emptus, 3, buy.
elegans, antis, proper, fine, emortuus, a, um, dead, R.
H.11,23.* 4,19 ; H. ii,I2 ; §Jas.2,
elementa, oram, n., elements, 26.*
2 P. 3, 10 ff.; first begin- emundatio, onis,/., cleansing,
nings, H.5,12. HMk.1,44; H.9.13*
°eleraosyna (eleemo-), ae, emundo, 1, cleanse, 2 T.2,
/., alms, Mt.6,2 ff.; A. 21 ; H.9,14 ; Jas. 4, 8 ;

3.2 ff. 1 J. 1,9*

eleuo, 1, raise, lift or take up, enarro, 1, declare, J. 1,18 ;

Mk.1,31 ; L.6,20 ; A. 1,9. A. 8, 33 narrate, tell of,


Eli, v. Heli. H.11,32.

eiido, si, sus, 3, dash down, jenato, 1, swim out, A. 27,
Mk.9,20.* 42.*
eligo, legi, Iectus, 3, gather f§enauigo, 1, sail out or
out, Mt. 13,48 choose, ; away, L.8,26 A. 20, 13.* ;

elect, L.6,13 J. 15,16 ff.;

; f°encenia, orum, n., feast of
1 C.i, 27 f. dedication (of Temple)
Eloi, v. Heloi. J. 10,22.*
eloquens, entis, eloquent, A. °enigma (aen-), atis, n.,
18,24.* enigma, riddle, C.13,12* 1

eloquium, ii, n., word, saying, enutrio, 4, nourish, rear, §A.

R.3.2.* 7,21 1 T.4,6; Jas.5,5.*
EO] 42 [euge

eo, ii, fut. part, iturus (J. 7, 10 ; 2 C.i, 10 ; 1 Th.i,

35). 4, go- 10; 2T.3.H.
eo quod, for the reason that, erogo, 1, spend money, ||Mk.
because. 5,26.* «C^U g . Lfh
Epicureus, a, um, of Epi- erro, 1, go astray, ||Mt.i8,
curus, Epicurean, A. 17, 12 f .; err, make a mistake,
18.* H.3,10 ; Jas. 1, 16.
episcopatus, us, m., office, erubesco, bui, 3, be ashamed,
A. 1,20 ; office of bishop, L.13,17 ; 2 C.9,4 ; be
1 T.3,1.* ashamed of, L.9,26 ; R.
°episcopus, i, m., bishop, 1,16.
overseer. eructo, 1, bring forth, declare,
°epistula (-tola), ae, /., letter, Mt.13,35.*
epistle. erudio, 4, teach, instruct,
epulum, i, n., feast, Jude A.7,22.
12.* eruditor, oris, m., teacher,
epulor, 1, keep feast, 1C.5, instructor, R.2,20 ; H.
8 ; be merry, L.12,19 ;
15,23 ff.; 16,19; Jas., erugino (aer-), 1, become
5-5* rusty, cankered, J as. 5, 3.*
eques, itis, m., horseman, erugo (aer-), ginis, /., rust,
horse-soldier, A. 23, 23 ; 23 Mt.6,191.; Jas.5,3.*
32.* erumpo, 3, break forth, G.4,
equester, tris, tre, of horse- 27.*
men, cavalry, Ap.9,16.* eruo, ul, 3, pluck out, deliver,
equus, i, m., horse. Mt.5,29 ; 18,9; 2 C.i,
eradico, 1, root up, Mt.13, 10 ; G.4, 15.*
29; 15,13; L.17,6; Jude, esca, ae, /., food, meat, Mt.
12.* 3,4 ; 1 C.3,2 piece of

erga, towards, concerning, in food, H.12,16; eating,

respect to [L. 10,41] ; Ph. R.14,17.
2,30.* esurio, 4, be hungry, Mk.2,
ergo, therefore. 25 J-6,35
1 c.4,11. :

erigo, rexi, rectus, 3, raise or °ethnicus, i, m., heathen,

lift up, L.i, 69; A. 9, 41 ;
gentile, Mt.5,47 ; 6,7 ;

15,16. 18,17.*
eripio, pui, 3, snatch away, euge, well done ! HMt.25,
rescue, save, deliver, A. 7, 21 ff.*
EUNUCHUS] 43 [excido

eunuchus, i, m., eunuch, Mt. exacerbatio, onis, /., provo-

19,12 A. 8, 27 ff.*
; cation, H.3,8 ff. (bis).*
euroaquilo, onis, m., north exacerbo, 1, provoke, H.3,
east wind, A. 27, 14.* 16.*
euacuo, 1, make void, empty, exactor, oris, m., officer,
R-3,3; lay aside, iC.13,11. minister (of justice), L.
euado, si, 3, escape, A. 27, 12,58.*
43 f.; 28,1 ff.* exaestuo, i, be scorched, Mk.
euagino, i, unsheath, A. 16, 4,6.*
27.* exagito, i, drive, 2 P.2,17.*
euanesco, nui, 3 (1) vanish, ;
exaltatio, onis, f., lifting up
L.24,31 (2) become vapid,
exaltation, J as. 1,9.*
saltless, ||Mt. 5,13 ; (3) exalto, 1, lift up, exalt, L.i,
become foolish, R.1,21.* 5 z; iP.5,6.
euangelista, ae, m., evan- examino, 1, try, examine,
gelist, A.21,8 ; E.4,11 ; test, 1 C.2,14.*
2T. 4)5 .* exardeo, arsi, 2, burn, be in-
euangelium, ii, n., gospel. flamed, R.i, 27.*
euangelizo, i, preach, E.2, exaresco, rui, 3, dry up,
17 ;
preach the gospel, wither, Mk.4,6 ; 1 P.i,
R.i, 15. 24.*
euenio, uentum, 4, come, exaudio, 4, hear.
come upon, Mk. 10,32 ; excaeco, 1, blind, make blind,
[11,24.]* J. 12,40 ; R.11,7 ; 2 C.
yeuerro, 3, sweep, sweep out, 4.4-*
L.15,8 (where nearly all excedo, 3, go beyond, pass
MSS. read " euertit ").* OUt Of, 2 C.5,13.*
euersio, onis, /., overthrow, excellens, entis, excellent,! ('.

destruction, 2 P. 2 ,6.* 12,31 ; 2 C.3,10.*

euerto, ti, 3, overthrow, ||Mt. excelsus, a, um, high, lofty,
21,12 disturb,
; agitate, UMt.17,1 A. 13, 17 ; ; the
A.15,24.* Most High, A. 7,48.
euidens, entis, evident, 1 C. excessus, us, m. ; (1)
16,9 ; Philem.6.* decease, death, L.9,31 ;

euigiio, 1, awake, L.9,32 ; (2) ecstasy, trance, A. 10,

1 C.15,34.* 10 ; 11,5.*
euomo, 3, spew out, vomit, excido, di, sus, 3, cut down,
f Ap.3,16.* Mt.3,10 ; cut off, R.i 1,
EXClDO] 44 [exorcista

22 flf.; hew out, HMt.27, exercito, 1, only in P.P.

60. exercitatus, exercised, H.
excido, di, 3, jail, jail away ; 5,14 ; 12,11 ; 2 P.2,14.*
jail, A.27,32 ; G.5,4. exercitus, us, m., army ;

excipio, cepi, ceptus, 3 ; (1) body oj soldiers, A. 2 3,27.

receive, J. 4, 45 ; (2) meet, fexfornicatus, a, um, having
L.8,40 ; (3) except, Mt. committed jornication,
5,32 ; A.26,29. Jude 7.*
excito, 1, raise, ].2,igi.; exhaurio, 4, take away, re-
wake up, Mk.4,38 ; stir move, H.9,28.*
up, A.13,50. exhibeo, 2, deliver, present,
exclamo, 1, call, cry out. R.6,13 ff. ; 2 C.11,2 ;

excludo, clusus, 3, shut out, shew, display, 2 C.6,4 ;

exclude, R.3,27; G.4,17.* 7,11 ; entertain, A. 28,7.

fexcolo, 1, strain out, Mt-23, exhonoro, 1, dishonour, Jas.
24.* 2,6.*
excusatio, onis, /., excuse, J. exhortor, 1, exhort.
15,22.* exigo, igi (exigissem, L.19,
excuso, 1, excuse ; make 2 3)> 3> exact, receive,
excuse, L.14,18 f.; 2 C. L.19,23.*
12,19 ; h. 12,19.* exiguus, a, um, small, A.27,
excutio, cussus, 3, shake off, 20.*
HMt.10,14 ; shake out, exilio, iui or ii, 4, leap up,
A.18,6. Mk.10,50; A.3,8 ; 14,
execrabilis, e, accursed, de- 10 ff.*

testable, 2 P.2,II.* jeximo, emi, 3, draw out

execro, 1, curse ; P.P. exe- (sword), Mt. 26,51.*
cratus, accursed, detest- f§exin, then, next, 1 C.12,28.
able, Ap.21,8.* exinanio, 4, empty, make
exemplar, aris, n., pattern, void, R.4,14 Ph. 2, 7.*;

copy, H.8,5 9,23 f.* ;

exinde, thencejorth, then.
exemplum, i, n., example. existimo, 1, think, suppose.
exeo, iui or ii, 4, go out, existo, 3, exist, be, G.1,14.*
come out, depart. exitus, us, m., egress, outlet ;

exerceo, 2, exercise, Mt.20, issue, Mt.22,9 ; H.13,7 ;

25 ; 1 T.4,7.* [Jas.5,10].*
exercitatio, onis, /., exercise, |°exorcista, ao, m., exorcist,

1 T.4,8.* A.19,13.*
exordium] 45 [extendo

exordium, ii, »., beginning, explico, plicitus, 1, end, §A.

H.5,12.* 21,5 ff. (bis).*
exorior, ortus, 4, rise, spring explorator, oris, m., spy,
up. H.11,31.*
expando, di, 3, spread forth, exploro, 1, search out, ex-
R. 10,21.* amine, G.2,4.*
expauesco, paui, 3, be greatly jexpoliatio, onis,/., spoiling,
terrified, Mk.9,15 16, ; Co. 2, 11.*
6.* expolio, 1, rob, spoil, strip,
expecto, 1, expect, look for, 2 C.5,4 ; 11,8 ; Co. 2, 15 ;

pit. 1 1,3 ; await, wait 3.9-*

for, J. 5,3 ; A.1,4. expono, posui, positus, 3,
expedio, 4, be expedient, H. (1) expound, A. 11,4 (2) ;

13.17- unlade, disembark, A.21,

expello, puli, 3, drive out or 3 i (3) expose (infant),
forth, Mk.1,12 ; 5,10 ;
L.13,28 ; A.7,45.* exprobro, 1, accuse, upbraid,
expergefacio, fact us, 3, Mt.11,20; Mk.16,14 ; L.
awaken, A. 16,27.* 6,22 ; 1 P. 4, 14.*
experimentum, i, n,, proof, expugno, 1, attack ; ? destroy,
test, proving, 2 C.2,9 ; 8, lay waste, A. 9,21 ; G.i,
2 ; 13,3 Ph. 2, 22.*
; 13; 1,23.* Gk. TTOpOd.
experior, pertus, 4, try, make expuo, ui, 3, spit, spit upon,
trial of, H. 11, 29; 11,36.* -^k.7,33 ; J.9,6.
texpers, ertis, having no part fexpurgo, 1, purge out, 1C.5,
in, without share in, H. 7*
5.13* exquiro, isii, 3, enquire, Mt.
expeto, iui, 3, seek after, 2,16 ; 1 P. 1, 10.*
desire, L.22,31.* exspiro, v. expire
expiro, also exspiro, 1, fexsupero (exu-), 1, surpass,
expire, give up the ghost, Ph.4,7.*
HMk.15,37; A.5,5 ; 5, exsurgo, surrexi, 3, rise,
10.* arise.
expleo, pletus, 2, fulfil, A. 7, §exsuscito, 1, arouse, awake,
30; [21,5 fl] 24,28. 11.*
J. 11,
expletio, onis, /., fulfilment, extasis (abl. i), /., amaze-
accomplishment, A. 21, 26 ;
ment, A. 3, 10.*
H.6,11.* extendo, di, tus, 3, stretch out,
EXTERGO] 46 [facio

J. 21, 18; A.4,30; Ph. 3, extrinsecus, outside, without,

13- Mk.7,18 ; 2 C. 11/28 ; 1

extergo, ersi, 3, wipe, wipe P-3,3*

off, L.10,11 ; J. 11, 2 ; 12, exultatio, onis, /., rejoicing,

3 13.5-
gladness, L.1,14 ; A.2,46 ;

exterior, oris, outer(always H.i, 9; Jas.4,16; Jude

with tenebrae), Mt.8,12 ;
22,13 25,30.* ; exulto, 1, leap for joy, re-
exterminator, oris, m., des- joice, be glad, exult.
troyer, 1 C.10,10.* exuo, ui, 3, strip, HMt.27,
extermino, 1, remove out of 28 f.*
sight [Mt.6,16] ; (2) des- exupero, exurgo, v. exsu-.
troy,A.3,23 Jas.4,15 ; ;
[exuro], 3, burn up, 2 P. 3,
Ap.9,11 11,18.* (In ;
Ap.9,11, Exterminans
translates Apollyon.)
exterreo, 2, terrify greatly,
Mt.28,4; Mk.9,6; H.
12,21.* faber, bri, m., carpenter,
exterus, a, urn, foreign, alien, IIMt.13,55.*
A. 26, 11 ; H.11,34.* fabrico, 1, build, make, H.3,
extinguo, xi, quench, ex-
3, 3 f.; 1 P. 3, 20.*
tinguish, Mk.9,44 ff.; E. fabula, ae, /., story, fable,
6,16 ; 1 Th.5,19 ; H. 1 T.i, 4 ; 4,7 ; 2 P.i,i6.
ii,34* jfabulor, 1, talk, converse,
exto, titi, 1, be conspicuous, L.24,15.*
rise up, A. 5, 36 f.* facies, ei,f.,face, appearance.
extollo, 3, raise or lift up, facile, easily, readily, 1 T.6,
L.11,27 2 C.10,5 11, ; ;
20 12,7
; 2 Th.2,4.* ; facilis, e (only in compar.
extraho, 3, draw or pull out, facilius), easy, HMt.9,5 ;

L.14,5.* ||I9,24 ; L.i6,i7.*

extremus, a, urn, outermost, f acinus, oris, n., crime, A. 18,
utmost, extreme ; hence 14.*
extremum, i, n., end, facio, feci, f actus, 3, do,
tip, L.16,24
A. 13,47 ; >
make ; passive flo, fac-
in extremis, at the point tus, fieri, be made, be done,
of death, dying, Mk.5,23.* become, happen.
factor] 47 [ferueo

factor, oris, m., doer, \i.i,\$ ;

tfascino, 1, bewitch .
Jas.1,22 ff.; 4.H.* fiacTKaivu)), G.3,1.*
factum, i, n., deed. fastigium, ii, n., top, extrem-
factura, ae,/., making, work- ity, H.11,21.*
manship, E.2,IO.* *fatigatio, onis,/., weariness,
facula, ae,/., torch, Ap.8,io.* 1 Th.2,9 ; 2 Th.3,8.*
facultas, tatis, /., (i) oppor- fatigo, 1, tire, make weary,
tunity, i C.7,35 ; (2) (in J. 4, 6; H.12,3 ff.*

pi.) goods, resources, L.8, fatuus, a, um, foolish, Mt.

3; 1 C.13,3.* 5,22 25,2
; ff.*

faenerator, (foe-), oris, m., fauus, i, m., honey-comb, L.

lender, creditor, L.7,41.* 24,42.*
faeneror (foe-), 1, lend on fax, cis,/., torch, J. 18,3.*
interest, L.6,34.* febricito, 1, be ill of a fever,
faenum (foe-), i, n., grass, HMt.8,14.*
hay. febris, is,/., fever, HMt.8,15 ;

fallacia, ae, /., deceit, deceit- J-4.52.

julness, Mt.13,22; A. 13, fel, fellis, n., gall, Mt.27,34 ;

10 ; Co. 2, 8 ; 11.3,13.* . A. 8,23.*

fallo, 3, deceive, Jas.1,22.* femina (foe-), ae, /., woman,
falsus, a, um false, lying. femur, or inis, n.,
(foe-), oris
falx, cis, /., sickle, ;
thigh, Ap.19,16.*
Ap.14,14 ff.* fenestra, ae, /., window, A.
fama, ae, /., fame, report, 20,9; 2di,33.*
Mt.Q.26 2 C.6,8 Ph. ; ; fere, about (with numbers),
4.8- A. 1,15 ; R.4,19.
fames, is,/., hunger, famine. fermento, 1, cause to ferment,
familia, ae and as,/., family, Mt. 13,33.*
household, Mt.24,44 ; A. fermentum, i, n., leaven.
3,25. fero, tuli, ferre, bear, carry,
famulus, i, m., servant, slave, take up, take away.
H.3,5* ferreus, a, um, made of iron,
farina, ae, /., meal, Mt.13, iron, A. 12, 10 ; Ap.2,27 ;

33* 9,9-
fas (indecl.), n., right, lawful, ferrum, i, n., iron.
A. 22,22.* ferus, a, um, fierce, raging,
fasciculus, i, m., bundle, Mt. Jude 13.*
13. 3°-* ferueo, 2 (only in partic.
feruor] 48 [firmitas

feruens), be fervent, A. 18, 14,3; 18,26* (always

25 ; R.12,11.* used with ago),
feruor, oris, m., burning, figmentum, i, n., anything
heat, 1 P.4,12.* made or formed, R.9,
festinanter (only in compar. 20.*
-tius), speedily, Ph. 2, figo, xi, xus, 3, fix, A. 27,41 ;

28.* pitch (of tabernacle), H.

festinatio, onis,/., haste, Mk. 8,2.*

6,25 ; L.i, 39.* figulus, i, m., potter, Mt.27,

festino, 1, haste, make haste, 7ff.; R.9,21 ; Ap.2,27.*
A.20,16 ; 2 T.4,9. figura, ae, /., figure (idol),

festiuitas, tatis, /., festivity, A.7.43 figure (type)

; ;

1 C.10,6; fashion, 1 C.7,

feast, J. 7, 37.*
festuca, ae,/., mote, ljMt.7,3
ff.* filia, ae, /., daughter.
festus, a, um, festal, belonging *filiolus, i, m., (only in voc.
to the feast, Mk.14,2 ; J. •plur.) little children, 1 J.

2,23 (always joined with 2,1 ff.; 3-7-

dies). Alius, i, m., son.
°fiala (phi-), ae,/., bowl, vial, fimbria, ae, /., edge, border,
Ap.5,8 ; 15,7 ; 16,1 ff.; HMt.9,20; ||i4,36; 23,
17,1 ; 21,9.* 5*
fictilis, e, made of earthen- fingo, xi, Actus, 3, (1) make,
ware, 2 C.4,7 ; 2 T.2,20.* fashion, R.9, 20 ; (2)

ficulnea, ae, /., fig-tree, Mt. feign, L.24,28, 1 T.i, 5.

21,19 ff.; L.13,7; 21, finio, 4, finish, com.plete,

29.* Ap.11,7.*
flcus, i and us, /., fig-tree, finis, is, m., (1) end, Ap.1,8 ;

HMk.11,13; fig, L.6,44. (2) in pi. territories,

fidelis, e, faithful, believing. borders, A. 13,50.

fldeliter, faithfully, 3 J. 5.* finitimus, a, um, neighbour-
fidens, entis, bold, confident, ing, Jude 7.*

2 C.i, 9 ; H.2,13.* fio, v. facio.

fides, ei, /., faith, the faith, firmamentum, i, n., support,

faithfulness. stay, Co.2,5 ; 1 T.3,15.*
flducia, ae,/., boldness, confi- firmitas, tatis, /., firmness,
dence. constancy, firm position,
flducialiter, boldly, A. 9.2 7 ;
2 P. 3, 17.*
FIRMO] 49 [fortis

firrao, i, set fast, fix, L.9,51 ; foemina, v. femina.

16,26.* foen-, v. faen-.
firmus, a, um, firm, strong, folium, ii, n., leaf.
sure. fons, tis, m., fountain, spring,
fixura, ae,/., print, imprint, Mk.5,29 well, ;
J. 4, 6.
J. 20,25.* foramen, inis, n., (1) eye of
flagello, 1, beat, scourge, J. needle, pit. 19,24 ; (2)
19,1 ; H.12,6. opening, hole, Jas.3,11.*
flagellum, i, »., scourge, Mk. foras, out, outside, J. 6, 37 ;

is^s; J.2,15; A.22, 1 J.4,18.

24.* jforensis, e, belonging to the
flamma, ae, /., flame, L.16, forum or law-courts, A.
24 ; H.i, 7. 19,38.*
flatus, us, »., 6/as/, breeze, fores, um, f.,
doors, J. 20, 19.*
A. 27,15 ; 27,40.* foris, without, outside, Co. 4,
flecto, flexus, 3 (only with 5; Ap.5,1.
genu), bend, bow, Mk.i, forma, ae, /., fashion, form,
40; E.3,14. R.2,20 Ph. 2, 6 ;2 T.i, ;

fleo, eui, 2,weep, 13 pattern,

A. 7, 44 ;

fletus, us, m., weeping. example, 2 Th.3,9.

flo, 1, blow (of wind), L.12, formido, 1, be afraid, J. 14,
55; J.6,18. 27.*
flos, oris, m., flower, Jas.i, formo, 1, form, 0.4,19; 1 T.
10 f.; 1 P. 1, 24 (bis).* 2,13.*
fluctuo, 1, zcaver, vacillate, fornax, acis, f., furnace, Ap.
E.4,14.* 9,2.*
fluctus, us, m., wa\ fornicaria, ae, /.,- harlot, Ap.
flumen, minis, n., river ; 17,16.*
stream', fornicarius, ii, m., fornicator,
ttw>,3,flow, J. 7,38.* 1 C.5,9f.; 6.9 ; 1 T.i,
fluuius, ii, in., river, Ap.22,1; 10.*
stream, flood, L.6,49.* fornicor, commit fornica-

fluxus, us, m., flow, flux, tion, C.6,18 1 Ap.2,14. ;

Mt.9,20.* forsitan, perchance, perhaps.

fodio, di, 3, dig, pit. 2 1,33 ; forte, haply,perhaps (always
25,18 L.6,48. ; preceded except Mt .11,23
foedus, eris, n., covenant, by ne, si or nisi),
R.i, 31.* fortis, e, strong, steadfast.


fortiter] 5° [fulgeo

fortiter, mightily, strongly, frequenter, often, Mk.9,22 ;

A. 19,20.* H.9,26.
fortitude dinis, /., strength, frequentia, ae, /., concourse,

power. multitude, H. 12,22.*

forum, i, n., market, market- f return, i, n., sea. (Always
place, ||Mt.n,i6; A. 16, with prep, trans.)
19; 28,15. frigidus, a, um, cold, Mt.io,
fouea, ae, /., pit, lair, hole, 42 ; Ap.3,151*
||Mt.8,2o ;
i2,ii ; H15, frigus, oris, n., cold, J. 18, 18 ;

14.* A. 28, 2 2 C.11,27.* ;

foueo, 2, cherish, E.5,29 ;

frondeo, 2, put forth leaves,

1 Th.2,7.* H.9,4*
fractio, onis,/., breaking (of frons, dis, /., branch, leafy

bread), L.24,35 ; A.2, bough, Mk.11,8.*

42.* frons, tis, /., forehead (Ap.
fragmentum, \, n., fragment, only)

HMt.14,20; [[15*37-* fructiflco, bring forth fruit,


fractus, be fruitful, Mk.4,20 Co.

frango, fregi, 3,

break, J. 19,31 ff.; 1 C.io, 1,6 ff.

16; break off, R. 11,17 ff. fructus, us, m., fruit, Mk.4,
f rater, tris, m., brother. 7 ; G.5,22 ; offspring,

fraternitas, tatis, /., brother- A.2, 30.

hood, R.12,10 ; 1 P. 2, fruges, um, /., produce,

17- fruits, 2 C.9,10.*

defraud, C.6,8 frumentum, i, n., corn, wheat,

fraudo, 1, 1 ;

Ti.2,10 keep back, Mk.4,28; J. 12, 24;

7,5 ; ;

A. 5, 2 ff.; Jas. 5,4.* 7,12.*

deceit, fruor, fruitus, 3, enjoy, R.
fraus, fraudis, /., (1)
Mk.10,19; 15,24; 1 T.6,17 Philem.
fraud, (2)

wrong, injury, 1 C.6,7.* 20.*

murmur, rage, frustra, in vain, vainly, 1 C.
fremo, ui, 3,
Mk.14,5 ; A. 4, 25. 15,2 Co. 2, 18.*;

frenum, i, n. (ace. plur. fuga, ae,/., flight, Mt.24,20.*

fugio, gi, flee, flee away,
frenos or [frena]), bridle, 3,

Jas. 3, 2 f.; Ap. 14,20.* Mt.2,13; J.io,5ff.; flee

constant, from, 1 T.6,11 2 T.2,22.
frequens, entis, ;

frequent, L. 10,40 ;
i T. fulgeo, 2, shine, Mt. 13,43 ;

L.17,24 ; 24,4; 2C.4.4-*


fulgor] 51 [genero

fulgor, oris, m., brightness,

f ulgur, uris, n., lightning, L.
10,18 ; Ap.4,5.
fullo, onis, m., fuller, Mk. galea, ae, /., helmet, E.6, 17 ;

9-3* 1 Th.5,8.*
fumigo, 1, smoke, Mt. 12,20.* f§gallicula, ae,/., small shoe,
fumus, \> m., smoke, A. 2, 19 ;
Ap.8,4 9,2 ff. ;
fgallina, ae, /., hen, Mt.23,
fundamentum, i, n., founda- 37-*
tion, iC.3,ioff.; H.6,1. gallus, i, m., cock.
fundo, found, lay founda-
1, fgarrio, 4, prate, chatter, 3 J.
tion, HMt.7,25 E.3,17 ; ;
Co. 1, 23 H.i, 10.* ; gaudeo, gauisus, 2, rejoice.
fundo, 3, shed, L.22,20 A. ; gaudium, ii, n., joy, re-
22,20.* joicing.
fungor, 3, perform, execute, gaza, ae, /. (Pers.), treasure,
L.1,8 2 C.5,20;
; E.6, A.8,27.*
20.* °gazophylacium, ii, n., treas-
funiculus, i, m., small cord, ury, Mk. 12,41 ff.; L.
J-2,I5.* 21,1 ; J. 8,
funis, is, m., rope, A. 27, *gehenna, ae, /. (Hebr.),
32.* hell,place of torment.
fur, furis, m., thief, J. 10,1 ff.; gemitus, us, m., groaning.
1 Th.5,2 ff. A.7,34 ; R.8,26.*
furor, R.2,21
1, steal, steal ; gemo, 3, groan, bemoan, R.
away, Mt.28,13. 8,23 H. 13,17.*

furor, oris, m., (1) madness, genealogia, ae,/., genealogy,

Mk.3,21 (2) anger, Ap.
; 1 T.i, 4; Ti.3,9; H.7,
19,15* 3*
furtum, i, n., theft, HMt.15, generatio, onis, /., (1) birth,
19; ||i9,i8; Ap.9,21.* Ml. 1, 1 ; bearing (of
§fusio, onis, /., effusion, children), T.2,15 1 ; (2)
shedding, H.9,22.* generation, Mt. 11, 16 ; A.
fustis, is, m., staff, cudgel, 2,40.
Mt.26.47; l|26,55.* genero, 1, beget, A. 7,29
futurus, a, um, about to be, bring forth, G.4,24 2 T.

future. 2,23 ; H.6,7; Jas.1,15.*

; ;;

genimen] 5- [grauis

genimen, inis, n., offspring, gloriosus, a, um, glorious, E.

fruit, Mt.23,33 ; ||26,29 i 5,27.*
L-3,7-* glutio, 4, swallow, Mt.23,24.*
gentilis, e, heathen, Gentile, °grabattus (-atum), i, m.
non-Jew, Mk.7,26 ;
(as (Macedonian), couch,
subst.) Gentile, 1 0.12,13. pallet, Mk.2,4 ff.; 6,55 ;

fgentiliter, in heathen fashion, J.5,8ff.; A.5,15 ; 9,33.*

like the Gentiles, G.2,14.* gradus, us, m., (1) step, A.21,
gens, ntis, f., (1) race, nation, 35 21,40
; ; (2) degree,
L.21,10 ; (2) Gentile, Mt. 1 T.3,13.*

4,15; A.4,25. *graece, in the Greek lan-

genu, us, n., knee. guage, J. 19,20 ; A. 21,
genus, eris, n., race, A. 4, 6 ; 37; Ap.9,11.*
13,26; kind, Mt. 13,47 ;
graecus, a, um, Greek
1 C.12,10. (characters), L.23,38.*
germanus, a, um, genuine, grandis, e, great, large,
real, Ph. 4, 3.* lengthy, Mk.14,15 ; H.
germino, 1, shoot forth, spring 5,11 ; 11,24.*
up, Mk.4,27; H.12,15.* grando, inis, /., hail, Ap.8,
gero, gessi, gestus, 3, do, L. 7 ; 11,19 J
23,41 A. 26,26
; ; have, granum, i, n., grain, ||Mt.
bear a part, 3 J. 9. 13,31 ||i7,20 ; ; J. 12,24 ;

gigno, genui, genitus, 3, 1 C.15,37.*

beget, Mt.1,2 A. 7, 8
ff.; ;
gratia, ae,/. , ( 1) favour, grace
bring forth, L.23,29 1 ; (2) (in pi.) thanksgiving.
P.2,2. jgratifico, i, do a favour to,

gladius, ii, m., sword. gratify, E.1,6.*

gloria, ae, /., glory, R.1,23 ;
gratis, for nothing, Mt.10,8 ;

glorying, R-4,2 2 C.i, ; Ap.21,6.

12 ; boasting, Ph. 2, 3. gratulatio, onis, /. , rejoicing,
gloriatio, onis, /., glorying, Ph.1,26.*
R.3,27 ; boasting, 1 C.5,6 ;
gratus, a, um, (1) pleasing,
20.7,4; 7,14; [11,10].* A. 7, 20 ; (2) thankful, Co.
glorifico, 1, glorify. 3>i5-*
glorior, 1, glory, 1 C.1,29 grauis, e, -heavy, Mt.23,4
boast, R.2,17 ; G.6,13 f. weighty, 2 C.io.io ; bur-
gloriose, gloriously, with densome, C.12,14 21 ;

glory, L.13,17.* J. 5, 3 ;
grievous, §A. 20,29.
GRAUITAS] 53 [Heloi

grauitas, tatis, /., serious- habito, 1, dwell, inhabit.

ness, gravity, Ti.2,7.* habitus, us, m., appearance,
grauiter, (1) vehemently, L. deportment, attire, Ph. 2,
11,53; (2) (with audire) 7; 1 T.2,9; Ti.2,3; Jas.
with chagrin, vexation, 2,2.*
Mt. 13,15 A.28,27.* ; haedus (hoe-), i, m., kid,
grauo, i, burden, iT.5,16; Mt. 25,32 f.; L. 15,29.*
make heavy, L.9,32. haer-, v. her-.
gressus, us, m., path, H.12, |°haereticus, a, um, heretic,
13* heretical, Ti.3,10.*
grex, gis, m., flock. jhaesitatio, onis, /., hesita-
grossus, i, m. (also /.), un- tion, embarrassment, Ph.
ripe fig, Ap.6,13.* 2,14.*
gubernaculum, i, n., helm, haesito, 1,' doubt, A. 11, 12 ;

rudder, A. 27, 40 ; Jas.3, 25,20 ; be at a loss, L.

4* 9,7-
fgubernatio, onis, /., govern- hamus, i, m., hook, Mt.17,
ment, direction (Gk. 27.*
Kvf3€pV1)(TL<;), 1 C.I 2,28.* harena (are-), ae, /., sand,
gubernator, oris, m., helms- Mt.7,26; in R. 9,27, arena,
man, pilot, A. 27, 1 1 ; Ap. harundo (ar-), dinis, /., reed,
18,17.* Mt.11,7 ; Ap.21,16.
gusto, 1, taste, Co. 2, 21 ; eat haut (haud), not, 1 T.6,7.*
a little, A. 10, 10. . haurio, 4, draw water, J. 2,
gutta, ae, /., drop, L.22,44.* 8f.; 4,7 ff.*

guttur, uris, ;?., throat, R. *haue (aue), (pi. hauete,

3.13* Mt.28,9), hail ! 2 J. 10,
hebraice, in Hebrew, J. 5, 2 ;

H 19,136°.; Ap.9,11; 16,16.*

hebraicus, a, um, Hebrew,
habeo, 2, have. L.23,38 ; A.26,14.*
habitaculum, i, n., (1) habita- heiulo (eiu-), 1, wail, lament,
tion, K.2,22 ; (2) room, Mk. 5, 38.*
cell, A. 1 2, 7.* Heli (Eli) (Hebr.), my God:
habitatio, onis,/., habitation, .Mt.27,46.*
A. 17,26 ; 2 C.5,1 f.; Ap. Heloi (Eloi) (Aram.), my
18,2.* God, Mk. 15,34.*
; ;

herba] 54 [hospitalis

herba, ae, /., grass, blade of homo, inis, c, man, man-

grass, etc., Mt. 13,26 kind.
Mk.4,28 ; H.6,7.* honestas, tatis, /., honour,
hereditas (hae-), tatis, /., 1 C. 12,23.*
inheritance, Mk.12,7 ;
A. *honeste, decently, becom-

7.5 ;
I Pl '4- ingly, R. 13,13 ;
l C - I ^>

heredito (hae-), 1, inherit, 40 Th.4,12.*

; 1

H.i, 4 ; 6,12 ; 12,17.* honestus, a, um, honourable,

heres (hae-), edis, c., heir, H. A.13,50; 17,12; 1 C.7,
1,2 ; 1 P. 3, 22. 35 ; 12,24.*
*°heresis (hae-), is or eos,/., honorabilis, e, honourable,
sect, A.5,17 ; 15,5 24,;
A.5,34; H.13,4.*
14 ; heresy, 1 C.11,19. honoratus, a, um (only corn-
hiemo, pass the winter, A.
par, -tior), honourable,

27,12 28,11 1 C.16,6

; ; ;
Ti.3,12.* honoriflco, 1, honour, Mt.6,
hiems, mis,/., winter. 2 ; do honour to, J. 12,

hilaris, e, cheerful, 2 C.9,7.* 26.

hilaritas, tatis, /., cheerful- honoro, 1, honour, A. 28, 10 ;

ness, R.12,8.* R.I5.9-

hinc, hence ; hinc et hinc hora, ae, /., hour.
on this side hordeum, i, n., barley, Ap.
(J. 19, 18),
and on that. 6,6.*

hircus, i, m., he-goat, H.9, hordiaceus (ordea-), a, um,

12 ff.; 10,4.* of barley, barley-, J. 6,9 ff.*
hodie, to-day. horreo, 2 (only horrendus),
(-cautoma), dreadful, terrible, H.io,
atis, »., whole burnt- 31.*
Mk.12,33 H. hortor, 1, exhort, A. 11,23 ;
offering, ;

10,6 ff.* Ti.2,6.*

holus (ol-), eris, n., herb, fhortulanus, i, m., gardener,

L.11,42; R. J. 20,
14,2.* hortus, i, m., garden.

homicida, ae, c, murderer, hosanna (os-), v. osanna.

1 T.i, 9; Ap.21, hospes, pitis, m., (1) stranger
J. 8,44;
8. (2) host, R. 16,23.
murder, hospitalis, e, hospitable, 1 T.
homicidium, ii, n.,
3,2; Ti.1,8; 1 P.4,9*
HMt.15,19; G.5,21.

ijbtAj^ss^ - (^JL^u^
, ;


*hospitalitas, tatis, /., hos- °hydria, ae, /., water-pot, J. 2,

pitality, R.i 2, 1 3 ; H.13, 6f.; 4,28.*
2 * t°hydropicus, a, um, dropsi-
hospitium, ii, n., hospitality, cal, L.14,2.*
1 T.5,10 ; H.13,2 ;
place °hymnus, i, m., hymn, ||Mt.

of entertainment, lodging, 26,30; E.5,19; Co. 3,

Philem.22. 16.*
hospitor, r, lodge, A. 10, 6; *°hypocrisis, is,/., hypocrisy,
10,32 ; 21,16; [1 C.16, Mt.23.28; L.12,1 ; 1 T.
19].* 4.2*
hostia, ae, /., offering, sacri- °hypocrita, or -tes, ae, m.,
fice, L.2,24 ; H.7,27 ; 10, hypocrite, Mt.6,2 ff.; 23,
1 ff.; 1 P.2,5. 15 ff.

huiusmodi, of this kind, °hysopum (hyss-), i, n.,

such, J.8,5 2 C.12,3. ; hyssop, J. 1 9, 29; H.9,
humane, kindly, courteously 19.*
humanitas, tatis,/., ki)idness,
humanity, A. 28,2 Ti. ;

3-4-* I (vcfwel)
humanus, a, urn, belonging to
man, of man, hitman, °iacinthus, i, /.= hyacin-
R.6,19; Jas.3,7 ; 2 P. thus, hyacinth (precious
1,21. stone), Ap.21,20.*
humerus, v. um-. iaspis, idis,/., jasper, Ap.4,3;
humilio, i, humble, HMt.18,4; 21,11 ff.*

Ph. 2, 8 ; make low, L.3,5. ictus, us, m., lit. stroke, beat
humilis, e, humble, lowly. twinkling (of eye), 1 C.
humilitas, tatis,/., humility, I5.52.*
. lowliness, E.4,2 ; Jas.i, idcirco, for this reason, H.7,
10. 23.*
°hyacintinus (-thinus), a, um, *°idiota, ae, m., ignorant,
of or belonging to the unlearned person, A. 4, 13;
hyacinth (a precious 1 C.i4,i6ff.*
stone), Ap.9,17.* idolatria (idolola-), ae, /.,
hyacinthus], i, /., hyacinth idolatry, A. 17, 16.*
precious stone), Ap. f°idolium, ii, n., idol-tem

21,20.* 1 C.8,10.*


*°idololatres, ae, m., in Ap. imitor, 1, 2 Th.3, imitate,

21,8, idolatres, idolater, 7 ff-i H.13,7; 3 J. 11.*

1 C.10,7.* imm-, v. inm-, in many cases.
*°idolothytus, a, um, per- immo, nay rather, R.3,29; 8,

taining to sacrifices offered 34 :

to idols, 1 C.8,7 ff.; Ap. t§immolaticius, a, um, of or

2,20.* for a sacrifice, 1 C.io,

°idolum, i, n., idol, A. 2 1,2 5 ;

2 C.6,16. immolo, 1, sacrifice, Mk.
*idoneus, a, um, capable, 14,12 ; 1 C.5,7 ; do sacri-
sufficient, 2 C.2,16 ; 3,6 ;
fice to, A.14,18.
2 T.2,2.* imp-, v. inp- in many cases.

igneus, a, um, fiery, like to impedimentum, i, n., hin-

fire,E.6,16 Ap.9,17.* ;
drance, C.7,35.* 1

ignio, pnly P.P. ignitus,

imperitus, a, um, unskilled,
tried by fire, Ap.3,18.* 2 C.11,6.*
imperium, ii, n., (1) reign,
ignis, is, m., fire.
ignobilis, e, obscure, ignoble, rule, L.3,1 ; (2) com-
1 C.i, 28 4,10 ; 12,23.* mand, 1 C.7,6 ;

ignobilitas, tatis,/., obscurity, Ti.2,15 ;

power, Ap.1,6.
dishonour, 1 C. 15,43 ; 2 impero, 1, (1) command, give

C.6,8 ;
11,21.* command, ||Mt.8,32 ; (2)

ignominia, ae, /., shame, R. rebuke, Judeg.

1,26 ; 1 C.11,14.* impetus, us, m., rush, attack,
ignoro, 1, be ignorant of, not A. 7, 57 violence, H.n,

to know, J. 3, 10 ;
Ph. 1, 34-
22 ; 1 J. 2, 21. impie, impiously, 2 P. 2, 6 ;

ignotus, a, um, unknown, A. Jude 15.*

21,39 2 C.6,8 impietas, tatis, /., ungodli-

17,23 ; ; ;

G.1,22.* ness, impiety, R.1,18

ilico (illi— ) , on the spot, in- 11,26; Ti.2,12.

stantly, L.i, 64.* impius, a, um, ungodly,

ill-, v. inl- in many cases. wicked.

[fillo], thither, Mt.2,22.* impleo, eui, etus, 2, fill, Ap.
imago, ginis,/., image. 8,5 fulfil, A. 1, 16
G. ;

imbec-, v. inbec-. 5,14; fill up, J. 2, 7.

imber, bris, m., rain, A.28,2 ;
imputo, 1, account, reckon ;
H.6,7.* lay to the charge of, R.4,

4«.; 5,13; [2T.4.I6]; jinchoatio, onis, /., begin-

Philem.18.* ning, H.6,1.*
~inaccessibilis, e, unap- incido, di, 3, fall, H.4,11 ;

proachable, 1 T.6,16.* Jas. 1, 2.

inambulo, 1, walk up and incipio, 3, begin.
down (Gr. ei'—epi—arw), incireumcisus, a, um, un-
2 C.6,16.* circumcised, A. 7. 51.*

nnaniloquium, ii, n., vain incito, 1, move, stir, A. 17, 16.*

talking, 2 T.2,16.* inclino, 1, stoop, bend, bow,
inanis, 0, empty, L.1,53 ; 20, L.13,11 ;
J. 8, 6 ff.; 19,
10 1; vain, 1 0.15,58 ;
30 ; 20,5 ff. ; in pass.
Co. 2,8 ; Jas.2,20. decline (of the day), L.24,
inaniter, in vain, Jas. 4, 29.*
5* includo, 3, shut up, imprison,
inaquosus, a, urn, waterless, L.3,20 ; A. 26, 10.*
L.11,24.* (Gk. avvhpos.) incola, ae, c, stranger, A. 13,
inauro, 1, gild, cover with 17.*
gold, Ap.17,4.* incolatus, us, m., dwelling
inbecillis (imb-), e, weak, in a strange place, so-
infirm, 1 C. 11,30 ; H.5, journing, 1 P. 1, 1 7.*
11.* incomprehensibilis, e, in-
inbecillitas (imb-), tatis, /., comprehensible, R.i 1,33.*
infirmity, R.15,1.* inconfusibilis, e, that cannot
incedo, 3, (1) walk, L.1,6; be made ashamed, 2 T.2,
(2) approach, enter in, 15*
H.6,19* -inconpositus (incomp-), a,
incendium, ii, n., burning, um, disorderly, irregular,
Ap.18,9; 18,18.* R.1,31.*
incendo, }, set on fire, Jas. inconstans, antis, unstable,
35* '

incensum, 1, n., incense, inconstantia, ae,/., fickleness,
L.i.gff. in plural, Ap.8, instability, Jas. 3, 16.*
3f-* "inconsutilis, e, not sewed
incertus, a, um, uncertain, together, without seam,
1 C.9,26 ; 14,8 ; 1 T.6, J19.23*
17* incontaminatus, a, um, un-
'incessabilis, unable e, to de filed, pure, 2 C.7,11 ;

cease, 2 P.2,14.* 1 P.i, 4 ; 1,19.*


jincontinens, entis, inconti- incuruo, 1, bow down, R.n,

nent, 2 T.3,3.* 10.*

f incontinentia, ae, /., in- findeclinabilis, e, inflexible,

continence, 1 C.7,5.* unchangeable, H. 10,23.*
incorruptela, ae,/., incorrup- *indemnatus, a, um, un-
tion, 1 C.15,50 ff.* condemnned, A. 16,37 ; 22 >

*incorruptibilis, e, incorrup- 25.*

tible, R.1,23 ; 1 P.i, 4 ;
findesinenter, without ceas-
1,23.* ing, H.10,1.*
fincorruptibilitas, tatis, /., indico, 1, tell, declare, J.n,
imperishableness, 1P.3, 57 ; A.23,i7ff.; 1 C. 10,28.
4* indico, 3, proclaim, impose,
incorruptus, a, um, uncor- A.13,16.*
rupted, 1 C.9,25 ; 15,52.* indigeo, 2, need, L.9,11 ; 1

incrasso, 1, only in P.P. C.12,21 ; lack, Jas.1,5.

incrassatus, hardened, indignatio, onis, /., indig-
Mt.13,15 ; A.28,27.* nation, 2 C.7,11 ; wrath,
incredibilis, e, (1) incredible, R.2,8; Co.3,8.
A. 26,8 ;(2) unbelieving, indigne, (1) unworthily, 1 C.
§L.i,i7 Ti.1,16.*
; 11,27 ff.; ( 2 ) (with ferre),
ineredulitas, tatis, /., un- be indignant, Mk.10,14 ;

belief, R.3,3 11,20 ff.; ; 14,4.*

H. 4) 6ff. indignor, 1, be indignant.
incredulus, a, um, faithless, indignus, a, um, unworthy,
unbelieving, H.3,18 ; Ap. A.13,46; 1 C.6,2.*
21,8. indoctus, a, um, unlearned,
incrementum, i, n., increase, 2 P.3,16.*
iC.3,61; 20.9,10.* induco, xi, 3, bring, A. 5,28 ;

increpo, aui, 1, chide, rebuke, bring or lead in or into,

Mk.8,32;L. 4 ,3 5 ; iT.5,1. IIMt.6,13.
incresco, 3, grow, Mk.4,27.* indulgentia, ae, /., indul-
incubo, ui, i, lie upon, A.20, gence, remission (Gk.
10.* In this verse incubui (rvvyviofJLrj), 1 C.7,6.*
may be from the follow- indumentum, i, n., clothing,
ing verb. putting on, 1 P. 3, 3.*
incumbo, 3, (1) press upon, induo, ui, utus, 3, clothe.
burden, 1 C.9,16 ; (2) ? lie induro, 1, harden, J. 12,40 ;

upon, A.20, 10.* A.19,9; R.9,18.*


inebrio, i, make drunken, infirmo, 1, (only in pass.),

L.12,45; J.2,io; E.5, be weak, weakened, R.4,
18 Ap.17,2.*
; 19 8,3
; be sick, J. 4, 46;

inenarrabilis, e, unspeakable, Ph.2,26f.

R.8,26 ; 2 C.9,15 ; 1 P. infirmus, a, um, weak, infirm,
1,8.* sick.
ineo, ii, itus, 4 (always with inflammo, 1, set on fire, Jas.
consilium), take counsel, 3,6 (bis).*
Mt. 22,15 ;
2 7> x ft-* Mnflatio, onis,/., pride, puff-
jineptus, a, um, silly, 1 T. ing up, 2 C. 12,20.*
4.7-* inflo, i, puff up, 1 C.4,6 ff.;

inexcusabilis, e, without ex- 5,2 ; Co. 2, 18.

cuse, inexcusable, R.1,20; [yinformatio], onis, /., pat-
2,1.* tern, 1 T.i, 16.*
inextinguibilis, e, unquench- infra, below, Mt.2,i6.*
able, ||Mt.3,i2; Mk.9, [infremo], ui, 3, groan, J. 11,
43 ff.* 33*
-infamia, ae, /., ill report, §infreno, 1, put bridle on,
2 C.6,8.* 1 T.5,18.*
infans, antis, c, babe, child. infringo, 3, destroy, make
infantia, ae, /., childhood, void, 2 C.i 1, 10.*
Mk.9,21 ; 2 T.3,15.* infructuosus, a, um, un-
infelicitas, tatis, /., unhappi- fruitful, E.5, 1 1 ; Ti.3,14;
ness, R.3,16.* Jude 12.*
infelix, icis, unhappy, infundo, 3, pour in or into,
wretched, R.7,24.* L.10,34.*
infensus, a, um, hostile, ingemesco (-isco), mui, 3,
angry, H.3,io ; 3,17.* groan, Mk.7,34 ; R.8,22 ;

inferior, oris, lower, £.4,9.* 2 C.5,2 ff. ; murmur, Jas.

infernus, i, m., hell, Hades. 5.9-
infero, tuli, ferre, (1) bring, fingenium, ii, n., quality,
bring in, J.20,27 ; A. 17, nature, 2 C.8,8.*
20 ; (2) occasion, cause, ingratus, a, um, thankless,
? inflict, R-3,5- ungrateful, L.6,35 I
2 T.
inferus, i, m., hell, Hades, 3.2.*
Mt.i6.i8; §6,8; §20,13 f.* §ingrauo, 1, make heavy, Mk.
infldelis, e, faithless, un- 14,40.*
believing. ingredior, gressus, 3, enter,

go or come into, Mk.1,21 ;

iniustus, a, um, unjust, un-
J. 10,9go along, advance.
; righteous, 1 T.i, 9; H.6,
A.14,16; 3 J. 2. 10.
inhabito, 1, dwell in, inhabit. iniicio (ill-), 3, only P.P.
inhonestus, a, urn, shameful, inlectus, enticed, se-
unseemly, 1 C. 12,23.* duced, Jas.1,14.*
inhonoro, 1, dishonour, J. 8, inlicitus (ill-), a, um, un-
49 ; R.2,23.* lawful, 1 P. 4, 3.*
inicio (-iicio), ieci, 3, lay or inlido (ill-), lisus, 3, dash
place on, 1 C.7,35 ;
(else- against, L.6,48 f.*
where only with manus), inlucesco (ill-), luxi, 3, grow

HMt.26,50 ; A.4,3. light, dawn, shine, L.23,

inimica, ae, /., enemy, 1 C. 54 ; 2 C.4,6.*
15,26; Jas.4,4.* inludo (ill-), si, sus, 3, mock,
inimicitia, ae,/., enmity, §R. HMt.27,29 ff.; L. 14,29.
8,7; G.5,20 ; E. 2, 14 ff.* inluminatio (ill-), onis, /.,
inimicus, i, m., enemy. brightness, illumination ,

inimicus, a, um, hostile, 2 C.4,4 ff.; 2 T.i, 10.*

unfriendly, L.23,12 ; Co. inlumino (ill-), 1, enlighten ;

1. 21 ; Jas.4,4. set in a clear light, 2 T.

tininterpretabilis, e, in- 1,10.*
explicable, hard to inter- inlusor (ill-), oris, m., mocker,
pret, H.5,11.* 2 P-3-3 ; Jude 18.*
inique, unrighteously, Co. 3, tinlustratio (ill-), onis, /.,
25.* brightness, 2 Th.2,8.*
iniquus, a, um, unjust, un- inmaculatus (imm-), a, um,
righteous. unstained, undefiled, E.
initio, 1, consecrate, dedicate, 1,4 ; H.9,14.
H.10,20.* inmarcescibilis (imm-), e,

initium, ii, n., beginning. unfading, 1 P. 1,4 5,4.* ;

iniicio, v. inicio. inmensus (imm-), a, um,

iniuria, ae,/., (1) wrong, A. 7, boundless, without mea-
24 1 C.6,7
; (2) damage, ;
sure ; only in phrase
harm, A. 27, 10 27,21. ; in inmensum, beyond
iniuste, unjustly, 1 P. 2, 19 fjf.* measure, 2 C.10,13 ff.
iniustitia, ae, /., unrighteous- inmineo (imm-), 2, be im-
ness, J.7,i8 ; R.i, 18 ;
minent, threaten, A. 27,
2 P. 2,13.* 20 ; 28,2.*

inmitis (imm-), e, rough, f §inoperor, i, work, be opera-

cruel, 2 T.3,3.* tive in (Gk. evepyS), Mk.
inmitto (imm-), 3, put in, 6,14.*
insert, plt.9,16.* inopia, ae, /., poverty, want,
inmobilis (imm-), e, im- 2 C.8,9; 8,14 (bis).*
movable, A. 27, 41 ; un- inordinate, irregularly, dis-
changeable, 1 C. 15,58 ;
orderly, 2 Th.3,6.*
Co. 1, 23; H.6,i8; 12,27!* inpaenitens (impoe-), entis,
Mnmobilitas (imm-), tatis,/., impenitent, R.2,5.*
imniovableness, H.6,17.* Mnparatus (imp-), a, um,
inmortalis (imm-), e, im- unprepared, 2 C.9,4.*
mortal, 1 T.i, 1 7.* inpedio (imp-), 4, hinder, R.
inmortalitas (imm-), tatis,/., 15,22 G.5,7; 1 P.3,7. ;

immortality, 1 C. 15,53 f.; inpendo (imp-), 3, lay out, ex-

i T.6,16.* pend, A. 21, 2 4; 20.12,15.*
inmunditia (imm-), ae, /., inpertior (imp-), 4, share
uncleanness, ^lt.2^,1^ ;
with, communicate, be-
Co.3,5 ; Ap.17,4. stow, R.i, 11 ; 1 P.3,7.*
inmundus (imm-), a, um, inpingo (imp-), pegi, 3, thrust
unclean. or drive in, A. 2 7, 41.*
inmuto (imm-), 1, change, *inplico (2 P. 2, 20) and im-
R.1,26 1 C.15,51 f.*
; plico (2 T.2,4), 1, entan-
innocens, entis, harmless, gle.*
innocent, Mt.12,7 27, ; inpollutus (imp-), a, um,
24; R.16,18; H.7,26.* undefiled, H.7,26.*
innotesco, 3, become known, inpono (imp-), posui, positus,
E.3,io Ph. 4, 6.*
; 3, lay on, Mt.21,7 put ;

innumerabilis, e, innumer- on, Mt.27,48 L. 10,34 ;


able, H.11,12.* impose, H.9,10 give ;

innuo, ui, 3, beckon, L.i,22 ;

(name), Mk.3,16 f.
1,62; J. 13,24.* inportabilis (imp-), e, un-
*innuptus, a, um, unmarried, bearable, insupportable,
1 C.7,11 ; 7,34.* Mt.23,4.*

inoboediens (-bed-), entis, inportune (imp-), unseason-

disobedient, Ti.1,10.* ably, 2 T.4,2.*
inoboedientia (-bed-), ae, /., inportunus (imp-), a, um,
disobedience, R.5,19 ; 2 troublesome, unreasonable,
C.10,6 ; H.2,2.* 2 Th.3,2.*

*inpositio (imp-), onis, /., t§inquisitor, oris, m., exam-

laying on (always with iner, investigator , 1 C.
manuum), A. 8, 18 1 T. ; 1,20.*
4,14 2 T.1,6
; H.6,2.* ; inquit (inquam not found),
inpossibilis (imp-), e, im- defect, inquiens (Mk.
possible. 12,26), inquiunt (2 C.1'0,
jinprobitas (imp-), tatis, /., 10), he says.
audacity, boldness, L.n, finrationabilis (irr-), e, irra-
8.* tional, without reason, 2
inproperium (imp-), ii, n., P. 2, 12.*
taunt, reproach, R.15,3 ;
inreprehensibilis (irr-), e, ir-

H. 11,26; 13,13.* reproachable, unblamable,

inpropero (imp-), 1, reproach, Co. 1,22 ; 1 T.3,2 ; 5,7 ;

upbraid, Mt.27,44 R. ; 6,14; Ti.2,8.*

15,3 ; Jas.1,5.* inrideo (irr-), 2, laugh at,
inprudens (imp-), entis, im- mock, Mk.5,40 ; A.2,13 ;

prudent, foolish, Mk.7,18; 17,32 G.6,7.*


E.5,17; 1 P.2,15.* inruo (irr-), ui, 3, rush on or

inpudicitia (imp-), ae, /., upon, Mt.7,25 ff.; Mk.3,
want of chastity, lewdness, 10 L.i, 12
; 5,1.* ;

Mk.7,22; R.13,13; E.4,19. insania, ae, /., madness, A.

jinpudicus (imp-), a, um, 26,24.*
lewd, unchaste, Ap.22,15.* insanio, 4, be mad, J. 10,20 ;

finquiete, restlessly, 2 Th. A.12,15 ; A.26,24 f.

3,ii.* *inscribo, scriptus, 3, write
*inquietus, a, um, restless, on, inscribe, Mk. 15,26 ;

unquiet, 1 Th.5,14 ; 2 Th. §L.23,38 ;

3,7 ; Jas.3,8.* inscriptio, onis, /., inscrip-
inquinamentum, i, »., defile- tion, Mk.12,16.*
ment, 2 C.7,1.* insensatus, a, um, foolish,
inquino, 1, defile, Ti.1,15 ;
H.9,13; 12,15; Ap.3,4.* insero, serui, sertus, 3, (1)

inquire, quisii, quisitus, .3, ingraft, R. 11,17 ff.; (2)

seek or look for, A. 10,17 ;
insert, intrude, 2 C.10,12;
enquire, A. 23, 20 ; re- 1 T.6,10.*
quire, L.i 1,50. f insero, situs, 3, ingraft,
finquisitio, onis, /., enquiry, Jas.1,21.*
A. 12, 19.* insidiae, arum, /., lying in

wait, plot, A. 9, 24 ; 23,16; institutio, onis, /., instruc-

snare, E.6,11. tion, discipline, 2 T.3,io;
insidior, i, lay wait for, plot (2) foundation, making,
against, Mk.6,19 ; L.n, H-4,3*
54 ; A.23,21 * insto, i, be urgent, insistent,
finsigne, is, n., sign (of ship), L.23,23 ; A.18,5 ; be
A. 28, 11.* near, present, 2 Th.2,2 ; 2
insignis, e, notable, yit.2j, 16* T.3,1.
insilio, 4, leap upon, A. 19, instruo, uctus, 3, instruct,
16.* 1 C.2,16 ; 14,19 furnish,

insinuo, i, (1) take into the 2T.3,i7.

bosom, 1 P. 5, 5 ; (2) make insuflo (-suff-), 1, breathe
known, publish, A. 17,3.* upon, J. 20,
insipiens, entis, foolish. insula, ae,/., island.
insipientia, ae,/., foolishness, insulsus, a, urn, insipid,
jolly. tasteless, Mk.9,50.*
insisto, 3, press upon, L.n, finsumo, 3, expend upon,
53* Jas.4,3.*
finsolubilis, e, indissoluble, insuper, moreover, besides,
H.7,16.* A. 2,26 ; 21,28 ; H.11,
inspiratio, onis, /., breath, 36.*
A.17,25.* insurgo, surrexi, 3, rise up,
inspiro, 1, inspire, 2 T.3,16 ;
Mt.10,21 ; A. 18, 12.*
2 P. 1, 2 1.* integer, gra, grum, whole,
instabilis, e, unstable, 1 C.4, entire, A. 3, 16 ; 1 Th.5,
11 ; 2 P. 2, 14 ;
3,16.* 23 ; Jas.1,4.*
instantia, ae, /., urgency, integritas, tatis,/., soundness,
constancy, 2 C.11,28 ; E. integrity, Ti.2,7.*
6,18.* intellectus, us, m., under-
instauro, 1 . renew, restore, standing, Mt.15,16; E,
R.13,9; E.i, 10.* (Gk. ^,18; thought, 2 C. 10,5.
diaK€<f>aX.ovfiOLL.) inteilegentia (-lig-), ae, /.,
instita, ae,/., bandage, J. II, mind, understanding, Ph.
44* 4.7-*
instituo, tutus, 3, (1) make, intellego (-ligo), xi, ctus, 3,
appoint, H.i 1,7 ; (2) understand.
educate, instruct, Ph. 4, fintemtator (-ten-), oris, m.,
12.* (Gk. a7reipacr7os), one who
; ; ,


does not tempt, Jas.i, interpretatio, onis, /., inter-

13.* pretation, 1 C.12,10 ; 14,

intendo, 3, pay attention to, 26.

give heed to, T.1,4
1 interpretor, 1, (1) expound,
mark, L.14,7 ; look at or interpret; (2) be inter-

upon, L.4,20 ; A. 3, 5 ;
preted, Mt. 1,23; J. 1,

2 C.3,7. interrogatio, onis,/., enquiry,

onis, intent, A.25,26; 28,18; 1 P.
fintentio, /,,
purpose, H.4,12.* 3»2i.
intercedo, 3, occur, happen, interrogo, 1, ask, make en-

intervene, H.9,15 f.* quiry, seek after.

inter ea, meanwhile, J. 4, 31.* intersum (only impers. in-

intereo, ii, 4, perish, Ap.8, terest), it concerns, makes

9.* a difference, G.2,6.*
interficio, feci, fectus, 3, kill. interuallum, i, n., interval,
interimo, emi, 3, slay, A.2,23 space, L.22,59.*

5.3°-* intingo and §intinguo (L.16,

interior, oris, inner, A. 16,24 ; 24), xi, ctus, 3, dip in,

R.7,22; E.3,16; H.6, Mt.26.23H J.i3>26 (bis).;

19.* intrinsecus, inwardly, Mt.7,

interitus, us, m., destruction, 15.*

Ph.3,19; H.8,13. intro, to the inside, in, Mt.

finterminatus, a, um, end- 26,58; [Mk.14.54]; A.12,
less, 1 T.1,4.* 14.*

intermissio, onis, /., dis- intro, 1, enter.

continuance, ceasing (al- introduco, xi, 3, bring in.

ways with sine), A. 12, jintroductio, onis, /., bring-
1 Th.1,2 2T.i,3. ing in (Gr. €7r€«raya>y7j)
5 ; ;

intermitto, 3, leave off, H.7,19.*

neglect, H.6,1.* introeo, ii and iui, 4, enter.

address, pray, introgredior, gressus, 3, enter,

interpello, 1,

plead, A.25,24 R.8,34 ; ;

A. 16, 29; 19, 8.*

11,2; H. 7, 25.* {kvTvyxwu introitus, us, m., entrance, 1

always.) Th.i.9 ; 2,1 ;

H.10,19 ;

interpono, posui, 3, mterpose, 2 P.i, 11.*

intueor, 2, look on, A. 11, 6;
H.6,17; [A.18,4].*
behold, Mk. 10,21 H.
interpres, etis, c, interpreter,

1 C.14,28.* 7-4-


inundatio, onis, /., flood, L. ira, ae, f., anger.

6,48.* iracundia, ae, /., wrath, A.
inundo, i, overflow, inun- 14,2 ; E.4,26 ; 6,4 ; Ap.
date, 2 P. 3, 6.*
inungo, 3, anoint, Ap.3,18.* iracundus, a, um, wrathful,
inutilis, e, useless, unpro- Ti.1,7.*
fitable, L.17,10 ; R.3,12. irascor, ratus, 3, be angry.
-inutilitas, unpro-tatis, /., *°iris, is and idis,/., rainbow,
fitableness, H.7,18.* Ap.4,3 ; 10,1.*
inuado, uasi, 3, enter into, irr-, v. inr- in some cases.
Mk.16,8 ; lav hold of, A. irrito, 1, irritate, provoke, 1

28,3.* C.130*
inualesco, lui, 3, be strong, irritus, a, um,
no void, of
urgent, L.23,5 ;
prevail, effect, pit. 15, 6; G.3,17 ;

L.23,23 A. 19,16.*; iT.5,12; H.10,28.*

inuenio, ueni, uentus, ^,find. iter, itineris, n., journey.
inuentor, oris, m., inventor, titerato, over again, once
R.i, 30.* more, J. 3, 4.*
inuestigabilis, e, unsearch- iterum, again, a second time.
able, R.11,33 E.3,8.* ;

inuicera, one another, mutu-

inuideo, 3, envy, G.5,26.* I (consonantal)
inuidia, ae, /., envy.
inuiolatus, a, um, inviolate, iaceo, 2, lie, Mk.2,4 [Ap.n, ;

unhurt, pure, 2 P. 3, 14.* 8] ; lie sick, Mk.5,40.

inuito, 1, bid, invite, Mt. 22, iacio, 3, (1) cast, Mk.4,26
3 ff.; L.i 4 7 ,
fi.* J. 8, 59 (2) lay ; (founda-
inuitus, a, um, unwilling, 1 tion), H.6,1.*
0.9,17.* iacto, 1, cast, Mt.21,21 ;

inuoco, i, call on, R.10,12 Mk.12,41 ; toss, Mt.14,

ft".; call, Jas.2,7 ; 1 P.i, 24.
»7- fiactura, ae, f., loss, A. 27,
inuoluo, ui, utus, 3, wrap, 21.*
1.2,7; r °H U P- J- 20 >7 '•
iactus, us, m., ^1) cast, throw
Ap.6,14. (of a stone), L.22,41 ;

"iota (indecl.), n., iota, jot, (2) casting (overboard),

Mt.5,18.* A. 27, 18.*


[iampridem], iam pridem, adjudge, A. 13,46 ; decide,

long since, long ago, G.4, determine, A. 3, 13.
13* iugum, i, n., yoke, Mt.n,
ianitor, oris, m., porter, Mk. 29 f.; 2 C.6,14 ; 1 T.6,1.
13,34* iumentum, i, n., beast of
ianua, ae, /., door, J. 20,26 ;
burden, L. 10,34 '<
A. 23,
A. 10, 17. 24; Ap. 18,13.*
ieiunatio, onis, /., fasting, iunctura, ae, /., fastening,
abstinence, A. 14,23 ; 27, band, A. 27, 40 E.4,16.* ;

21.* iungo, iunctus, 3, join, unite,

ieiunium, ii, n., fast, fasting, A. 9, 26 1 C.7,10
; 7, ;

HMt.17,21 ; 2 C.6,5. 38.*

ieiuno, i,fast, Mt.4,2 ; A. 13, iuramentum, i, n., oath, Alt.
2 f. 5,33; H.6,16; Jas.5,
ieiunus, a, um, fasting, 12.
hungry, without food, ||Mt. iuro, 1, swear, Mt.23,16 ff.;

15,32 A.27,33.*
; H.3,11 Ap.10,6. ;

iubeo, iussi, iussus, 2, order, iusiurandum, iurisiurandi,

command. n., oath, L.i, 73 H.6,17. ;

iucunditas, tatis, /., joy, en- iussus, us, m., command,

joyment, A. 2, 28 ; H.i 1, voice of command, 1 Th.
25.* 4,16.*
incundor, 1, be delighted, Ap. iuste, justly, L.23,41 ; §1 C.
11,10.* 15,34 ; 1 Th.2,10 ; Ti.2,
iudaice, in Jewish fashion, 12.*
G.2,14.* .
iustificatio, onis, /., justi-
iudaicus, a, um, Jewish, Ti. fication, R.4,25 right- ;

1,14.* eousness, R.8,4 right- ;

iudaismus, i, Jewish
m., eous act, ordinance, L.i,
religion, Judaism, G.i, 6.

13 1* iustifico, justify, ||Mt.n,


iudaizo, 1, act or live as a 19 ; L.7,29 account ;

Jew, G.2,14.* righteous, R.2,13 make ;

mdex, icis, c, judge. righteous, L.16,15.

hidicium, ii, n., judgment, iustitia, ae, /., righteousness,

J. 3, 19 ; H.6,2 trial,
; Mt.3,15 ;
J. 16,8.
1 C.6,4 ff. iustus, a, um, just, right,
ludico, 1, judge, J. 3, 17 ;


iuuencula, ae, /., young laetitia, ae, /., gladness, A.

woman, 1 T.5,2.* 14,17; 1 P.i, 8.*
"iuuenilis, e, pertaining to laetor, 1, rejoice, be glad, A.
youth, youthful, 2 T.2, 16,34 '•
22.* laguena (-gena), ae, /.,
iuuenis, e (compar. iunior, vessel, bottle, Mk.14,13.*
J. 21, 18, §iuuenior, 1 T.5, lama (lamma), (Hebr.), why}
14), young ; (as subst.) Mk.15,34.*
young man. lamento, 1, lament, wail, ||Mt.
iuuentus, tutis, /., youth, 11,17.*
time of youth, ,Mk. 10,20; lamentor, 1, lament or wail
A. 26,4.* over, L.23, 27.*
lampas, adis, /., torch, lamp,
Mt.2 5,1 ft".; A.20,8; Ap.
L 4.5*
lana, ae, /., wool, H.9,19
labium, ii, n., lip, pit. 15,8 ;
R.3,13 ; 1 P.3,10. lancea, ae,/., spear, J. 19,34.*
labor, oris, m., labour, toil. flancearius, ii, m., spearman,
laboro, 1, labour, toil, Co.i, A. 23, 23.*
29 ; 2 T.2, 3 ft". langueo, 2, be faint, sick,
lac, lactis, n., milk, 1 C.3,2 ;
L -7> 10 J5.3; 11. 1 1
; ;

9,7; H.5,i2f.; 1 P. 2, T.6,4* languerat in

2.* L.7,10 is perhaps from
lacrima (-ryma), ae, /., tear. languesco.
lacteoj, 2, be a suckling, ML languidus, a, um, sick, in-
21,16.* firm, Mt.14,14; J. 5, 7;
lacto, 1, (1) give suck, L.23, A. 19, 12.*
29 ; (2) be a suckling, languor, oris, m., sickness.
§Mt.2i,i6.* infirmity, ljMt.4,23 f .; A.
lacus, us, m., vat, wine vat, 19,12.
Mk.i2,i ; Ap.14,19 f. ;
jlanterna (lat-), ae, /., lan-
[Ap.18,17].* tern, J. 1 8,3.*
laedo, si, 3. hurt, injure, 2 lapideus, a, um, made of
0.7,2 ;
(T.4,12 ; Ap.2, stone, stone, J.2,6 ; 2*C;
11 ; 6,6 ; 9,4 ; 11,5.* 3,3 ; Ap.9,20.*
laetiflco, 1, make glad, -2 C. lapido, stone, A. 5, 26
1, ; 2 C.
--•* 11,25 H.11,37.


lapis, idis, m., stone. legislator, oris, m., law- giver,

laqueus, i, m., noose, Mt.27, Jas.4,12.*
5; snare, R.11,9; 2 T. legitime, lawfully, 1 T.1,8 ;

2,26. 2 T.2,5.*
lateo, 2, be hid, escape notice, legitimus, a, um, lawful, A.
A.26,26 ; H.13,2. 19,39*
laterna, v. lant-. lego, gi, ctus, 3, (1) read
latine, in Latin, J. 19,20 ; (2) coast along, A. 27, 13.
Ap.9,11.* lema (lamma) (Aram.), why ?

jlatinus, a, um, Latin, L.23, Mt.27, 46.*

38.* lenitas, tatis, /., meekness,
latitudo, dinis, /., breadth, E. gentleness, G.6,1.*
3,18 ; Ap.20,9 ; 21,16.* leo, onis, m., lion.
latro, onis, m., robber, J. 10,1; lepra, ae, /., leprosy, ||Mt.8,
2 C.11,26. 3-*
latus, eris, n., side, J. 19,34 ;
leprosus, a, um, leprous
20,20 ff.; A. 12, 7.* (as subst.) leper.
latus, a, um, broad, wide. lguis, e, light, Mt.11,30; 2
laudo, 1, praise. C.4,17*
laus, laudis, /., praise. leuita, also levites (A. 4, 36),
lauacrum, i, n., laver, E.5, ae, m., Levite, L.10,32 ;

26; Ti.3,5.* Ji>i9*

lauo, laui, lotus, 1, wash, Mk. leuitas, tatis, /., lightness,

7,2 f.; L.5,2 ; J.i3,5 ff - fickleness, 2 C.1,17.*

laxo, 1, loose, let down, L.5, leuiticus, a, um, levitical, H.
41.; A.27,40.* 7,n*
lectio, onis,/., reading, A. 13, leuo, 1, lift up, L. 17,13 ; 1

15 2 C.3,14; 1 T.4,13.
lectulus, i, m., bed, A. 5, 15.* lex, legis, /., law.
lectus, i, m., bed, couch, ||Mt. libellus, i, m., writing, Mt.5,
9,2 Ap.2,22.
; 31 ||i9,7
; ; little book,
legatio, onis, /., embassy, L. Ap.10,2.*
14,32 19,14 2 C.5,20
; ; ;
libenter, gladly, Mk.6,20 ;

E.6,20.* 12,37 ; A.21,17.

legio, onis,/., legion, Mt.26, liber, bri, m., book.

53; HMk.5,9.* liber, era, er\im,free.

flegislatio, onis, /., giving of [liberi], orum, c, children, L.

law, R.9,4.* 20,28.*


libero, i,free, deliver. linteum, i, n., linen cloth,

flibertinus, i, m., freed man, towel, sheet, J. 13,4 ; 19,
A.6,9.* 40 A. 10, 11
; 11,5.* ;

tlibertus, I, m., freed man °linum, i, n., (1) flax, Mt.12,

(in reference to his manu- 20 (2) linen [Ap.15,6].*

mitter), 1 0.7,22.* lis, litis, /., strife, quarrel,

libido, dinis, /., Inst, C0.3, 2 T.2,23 ; Jas.4,1.*
5* f°lithostrotus (-tos), i, m.,
libra, ae, /., pound, J. 12,3 ;
pavement, J. 19, 13.*
19,39* litigiosus, a, um, contentious,
licentia, ae,/., freedom, liber- quarrelsome, 1 T.3,3 ; Ti.
ty, 1 C.8,9.* 3,2.*
licet (impers.), 2, is lawful, litigo, i, strive, J. 6, 52 ; A.
permitted ; licent (pers.) 7,26 ; 2 T.2,24 ; Jas.4,
be lawful, 1 C.6,12 (bis) ;

10,23. littera, ae, /. alpha- , letter (of

licet, though, Mk.6,23 ; 2 C. bet), L.23,38
G.6,11 ; ;

4,16 ; 12,15 I
G.i, 8.* the letter (opp. to the
lictor,oris,m.(Gk./)a/3Sov;(os), spirit), R.2,27 ff.; 7,6 ;

lictor, A. 16,35 A* 2C. 3 ,6f. (In pi.) (1)

ligneus, a, um, made of wood, learning, J. 7, 15 A.4,13; ;

wooden, 2 T.2,20 ; Ap. 26,24 (2) writings, J. 5,


9,20.* 47 2 T.3,i5
I ; (3) bond,
lignum, 1, n., wood, Ap.18,12; L.16,7 (4) ;
epistle, A.
tree, L.23,31 G.3,13 ; ;
staff, Mk. 14,43 ; stocks, litus (litt-), oris, n., shore,
A. 16,24. J. 21,4 ; A. 21,5.
ligo, 1, bind, J. 18,12 ; Ap. liuor, oris, m., bruise, stripe,
20,2. 1 P. 2, 24.*
lilium, ii, n., lily, ||Mt.6, loco, 1, let (on hire), lease,
28.* IIMt.21,33.*
lingo, 3, lick, L.i 6, 2 1.* loculus, i, m., (1) bier, L.7,
lingua, ae, /., tongue, L.16, 14 ; (2) purse, bag, J.
24 ; language, 1 C.12,10. 12,6 ; 13,29.*
[linio], 4, smear, J. 9,6.* locuples, pletis, rich, 1P.3,
§llno, leui, 3, smear, J. 9,6.* 4; Ap.3,18.*
linteamen, minis, n., linen locupleto, 1, enrich, 2 C.6,
cloth, L.24,12 ; J. 20,5 ff.* 10; 9,11 ; Ap.3,17.*


locus, i, m., (pi. loca), place, [lucrifacio], lucri facio.

position, room. flucrifio, fieri, be gained,

locust a, v. luc-. won, 1 P. 3, 1.*

longanimitas, tatis, /., long- lucror, 1, gain, ||Mt. 16,26 ;

suffering, R.2,4 ; 2T.3, 1 C.9,20.

10. lucrum, i, n., gain, Ph. 1,21 ;

flonganimiter, patiently, H. Ti.i, 7 ff.

6,15.* luctus, Us, m., grief, mourn-

longe, far, far off ; a longe, ing, Jas.4,9 ; Ap.18,7.
lucusta (loc-), ae, /., locust,
afar off, from afar.
longeuus (-aeuus), a, um, HMt.3,4; Ap.9,3ff«*
long-lived; E.6,3.* ludibrium, ii, n., mockery,
longinquus, a, um, distant, H.11,36.*
L.15,13 19,12.* ;
ludo, 3, play, 1 C.10,7.*
longitudo, dinis, /., length, lugeo, 2, mourn, ML. 5, 5 ; Jas.

E.3,18 ; Ap.21,16.* 4,9 mourn ; for or over,

longus, a, um, long [Mt.23, 2 C.12,21.
L.20,47.* lumbus, i, m., loin (only in
14] ;

loquella (-ela), ae, /., speech, pi.). HMt.3,4; iP.1,13.

lumen, inis, n., light, a light.
language, J. 4, 42 ; 8,43 ;

Mt. luminare, is, n., light-giver,

manner of speech,
26,73.* luminary, Ph.2,15.*
loquor, locutus, 3, speak. luna, ae,/., moon.
lorica, ae, /., breastplate, E. *lunaticus, a, um, epileptic,

6,14; iTh.5,8; Ap.9, lunatic, Mt.4,24 ; 17,

9; 9,17.*
lorum, i, n., thong, scourge, lupus, i, m., wolf, Mt.7,15 ;

A. 22, 25.* ||io,i6; J. 10,12

A.20, ;

luceo, 2, be light, shine, Mt. 29.*

5,15; Ap.i,i6. luscus, a, um, one-eyed, with

lucerno, ae, /., lamp, HMt.5, one eye, Mk.9,47.*

lutum, i, n., mud, clay, J. 9,
15; J-5-35-
begin to shine, 6ff.; R.9,21 ; 2P.2,22.*
flucesco, 3,
dawn, Mt.28,1.* lux, lucis,/., light.

lucidus, a, um, full of light, luxurior, 1, be wanton, revel,

bright, ||Mt.6,22 ; 17,5.* 1 T.5,11 ; 2 P.2,13.*

m., morning- jluxuriose, riotously, prodi-

lucifer, feri,
star, 2 P. 1, 9* gally, L.i 5, 1 3

[luxuriosus], a, urn, wanton, magnifico, 1, make great,

2 P. 2,7.* Mt.23,5; magnify, L.1,46;
flycaonice, in the speech of A.5,13.
Lycaonia, A. 14, 11.* magnificus, a, um, great,
eminent, 2 P. 1,17.*
magnitudo, dinis, /., great-
M magnus, a? um, great.
magus, i, m., (1) magian,
tmacellum, i, n., meat-mar- magus, wise-man, Mt.2,
ket, 1 C. 10,25.* 1 ff.; (2) sorcerer, A. 8,9 ;

maceria, ae, /., enclosure, 13,6 ff.*

wall, E.2,14.* male, ill, badly, grievously,

macto, I, kill, slaughter, J. evilly ; male habere, be
10,10.* ill.

macula, ae, /., spot, E.5,27 ;

maledico, xi, ctus, 3, speak
2 P.2,13. . evil A. 19,9
of, ; curse,
maculo, 1, defile, stain, J as. G.3,ioff.; Jas.3,9.
3,6 ; Jude 8, Jude 23.* maledictio, onis, /., cursing,
maereo (moe-), 2, sorrow, curse, R.3,14 ; Jas.3,10;
grieve, Mk. 10,22.* 2 P.2,14.*
maeror (moe-), oris, m., maledictum, i, n., curse, G.
grief, mourning, H.12,11; 3,10 ff.; Ap. 22, 3.
Jas.4,9.* maledicus, a, um, evil-speak-
maestus (moe-), a, um, sad, ing, slanderous, 1 C.5,11;
Mt.26,37 Ph. 2,26.* ! 6,10 ; 1 P. 4, 15.*
[f°magia], ae, /., magic, [malefacio], male facio, 1 P.
sorcery, A.8,11.* 3,17 ; 3 J. 11.*
magicus, a, um, pertaining malefactor, oris, w., male-
to magic, magical, A. 8, factor, evil-doer, J. 18,30 ;

11.* 1 P.2,12 ff.*

magis, more, the more, rather. malignitas, tatis, /., malice,

magnalia, ium, n., great spite, R.1,29.*
things, mighty works, A. malignus, a, um, evil, malici-
2,11.* ous, L.8,2 ;
(as subst.)
magnificentia, ae, /., great- the Evil One, 1
J.2,13 f. ;

ness, magnificence, Jude 3,12; 5l i8f.

25.* malitia, ae,/., evil, Mt.6,34 !

wickedness, malice, i C. manufactus, a, um, made by

5,8; i P.2,i. hands, A. 7, 48; 17,24 (else-
malum, i, n., evil, evil deed. where, four times, manu
malus, a, urn, bad, evil. f actus).

mamilla, ae, /., breast, Ap. manus, us,/., hand.

1,13* fmaranatha (maran atha)
mamona (mammo-), ae, /. (Aram.), Our Lord cometh,
(Syr.) riches, wealth, Mt. 1 C. 16,22.*
6,24 ; L.i6,9 ft.* marcesco, 3, wither, fade
mancipium, ii, n., slave, Ap. away, Jas.1,11.*
18,13.* mare, is, n., sea.
mandatum, i, n., command- *°margarita, ae, /., pearl,
ment. Mt.7,6 13,45
; 1 T. U
mando, 1, command, UMt.4, 2,9.
6; J.8,5. maritimus, a, um, by the sea,
manduco, 1, eat. maritime, Mt.4,13 ; L.
mane, in the morning, early. 6,17.*
maneo, mansi, 2, abide, re- °marmor, oris, n., marble,
main, continue. Ap.18,12.*
fmanico, 1, come in the morn- f°martyr, yris, c, witness,
ing, L.21,38.* martyr, Ap.17,6.*
*manifestatio, onis,/., mani- masculinus, a, um, male, L.
festing, manifestation, 1 2,23.*
C.12,7 ; 2 C.4,2.* masculus, a, um, male, G.3,
manifeste, manifestly, openly. 28 Ap.12,5.

manifesto, 1, manifest, make massa, ae, /., lump, mass,

known. R.9,21 11,16
; i C.5,6 ; ;

manifestus, a, um, manifest, G.5,9.*

clear, known. mater, tris, /. mother. ,

manna, (indecl.) n., manna, [materf amilias] mater f ami- ,

J. 6,31 ff.; H.9,4 :

Ap.2, lias, 1 T.5,14.*
17.* fmatricida, ae,c, mother's
mansio, onis,/., abode, abid- murderer, matricide, 1 T.
ing-place, J. 14,2; 14,23.* 1,9.*
mansuetudo, dinis, /., meek- matrimonium, ii, »., mar-
ness. riage, 1 C.7,10 ; 7,38.*
mansuetus, a, um, meek, mature (only compar. -rius),
Mt.21,5 ; 2 T.2,24.* soon, A. 25, 4.*

fraaturus, a, um, ripe, Ap. memoria, ae, /., (1) memory,

14,18.* A. 20, 3 1 ; (2) remem-
matutinus, a, um, belonging brance, Ph. 1,3 ; 2 T.i, 3 ;

to the morning, morning, (3) memorial, HMt.26,13.

Ap.2,28 22,16.* ; memoror, 1, (1) remember,
maxilla, ae, /., cheek, ||Mt. L.1,54 1,72 ;H.8,12 ; ;

5»39-* (2) make mention oj, H.

maxime, most oj all, especi- 11,22.*
ally. mendacium, ii, n., lie, lying.

maximus, a, um, greatest. mendax, acis, lying ; (as

mediator, oris, m., mediator, subst.) a liar, J. 8, 44.
G. 3 ,i 9 f.; H.8,6. mendico, 1, beg, Mk. 10,46 ;

medicus, i, m., physician, L.16,3; 18.35; J.9.8.*

L.4,23 Co.4,14.
; mendicus, i, m., beggar, L.i6,
jmedio, 1, be in the middle, 20 ff.; J. 9,8.*
J-7.I4* mens, mentis,/., mind, under-
meditor, 1, meditate, meditate standing.
on, A.4,25 1 T.4,15.* ; mensa, ae,/., table.
medium, ii, n., middle. mensis, is, m., month.
medius, a, um, middle, mid- mensura, ae,/., measure, J.
most. 3,34 ; a measure, Ap.21,
medulla, ae, /., marrow, H. 15.
4,12.* menta (-tha), ae, /., mint,
mel, mellis, n., honey, ||Mt. HMt.23,23.*
3,4 ; L. 24,42 ; Ap.io, mentior, 4, lie, tell lies.
9f.* mercator, oris, m., merchant,
melior, ius, better. Ap.18,3 ff.*
- melota, ae, sheepskin, mercennarius (-enarius),
/., ii,

H.n.37.* m., hired servant, Mk.i,

membrana, ae,/., parchment. 20 ; L.15,17 ff.; hire-
2 T.4,13.* ling, J. 10, 1 2 f.*
membrum, i, n., limb, Mt.5, merces, edis, /., reward, Mt.
29 f.; member, Jas.3,5 f.* 5,12 ; hire, pay, Jas.5,
memini, isse (imperat. 4-
memento, L. 23,42), re- mercor, i, buy, Mk.15,46;
member, J. 1 6, 2 1 ; A. 20, trade, Jas.4,13.*
35- mereor, 2, deserve, H.io,
memor, oris, mindful. 29.*

meretrix, icis, /., harlot, L. 13 A. 7,42

; (2) warfare, ;

I5.30- 2 C.10,4 1 T.1,18.* ;

*mergo, 3, plunge into, sub- milito, 1, serve as a soldier,

merge, 1 T.6,9 ;
(in pass.) 2 T.2,4 ; carry on war,
sink, be submerged, strive, Jas.4,1 ; 1 P.2,
plunged, Mt. 14,30 ; L. 11.

5,7 ; A.20,9.* minae, arum, /., threats,

meridianum, i, n., South, A. threatenings , A. 4, 29 ; 9,
8,26.* 1 ; E.6,9.*
merum, i, n., pure, unmixed minime, a very little, A. 20,
wine, Ap.14,10.* 12.*
merx, cis, /., (in pi.) mer- minister, tri, m., attendant,
chandise, wares, Ap.18, L.4,20 ; minister, 1 C.3,5 ;

11 i* E.6,21 ; servant, J. 2, 5 ;

messis, is, /., harvest, ||Mt. official, A. 5, 22 ff.

9,37 U J-4-35- ministerium, ii, n., serving,

messor, oris, m., reaper, Mt. L. 10,40 ministering, A. ;

13,30 ff.* 6,1 ; ministry, office, ser-

metior , mensus, 4,(1) measure; vice, A.i, 17 ; 1 T.i, 12.

(2) be measured, §Mt-7, *ministratio, onis, /., ad-
2. ministration, ministry,
meto, messui, 3, reap. service, 1 C.12,5 ; 2 C.3,
°metreta, ae, /., metretes (a 7ff.*
liquid measure), firkin, tministrator,oris, m., servant,
J.2,6.* L.22,26.*
metuo, 3, fear, Mk.6,20 ; A. ministro, 1; do service,

10,7 ; H.11,7 2 P.2,; minister, serve, Mt.8,15,

20. J. 1 2,2 ;
furnish, give,

metus, us, m., fear, J.7,13 ;

1 P.i, 12 ; 2 P.i, 5.
Ph.2,12. mino, 1, drive, A. 18, 16 ;

mica, ae, /., crumb, HMt.15, Jas.3,4.*

27 ; L.16,21.* minor, us (superl. minimus,
migro, 1, remove, depart, Mt. a, um), less.
19,1 ; A. 18,7.* minoro, 1, (1) be in want,
miles, litis, m., soldier. lack, 20.8,15; (2) in pass.
milies a thousand
(mill-), (H.2,9), be made less*
times, Ap.9,16.* minuo, ui, 3, diminish, make
militia, ae, /., (1) host, L.2, . less, J. 3, 30 ; H.2,7.*

minus, less. °mna, ae, /., mina, pound,

minutum, i, n., smallest piece L.19,13 ff.*

of money, mite, ||Mk.i2, mobilis, e, movable, change-

42 ; L.12,59.* able, H. 12,27.*
mirabilis, e, marvellous, modestia, ae, /., moderation,
strange, L.5,26 ; Ap.15, 2 T.2,25 1 P-3,15 gentle-
; ;

1 ff. ness, 2 C.10,1 ; G.5,23.

miror, 1, wonder, marvel. modestus, a, um, moderate,
mirus, a, um, strange, won- gentle, mild, 1 T.3,3 ; Ti.
derful, 2 C.i 1,14.* 3,2 ; Jas.3,17.
misceo, cui, mixtus, 2, mix, modicum, i, »., a little, J.
mingle, Mt.27,34 ; L.13, 6,7 ; a little while, H.io,
1 Ap.8,7.
; 37-
miser, era, erum, miserable, modicus, a, um, small, Jas.
wretched, afflicted, Jas.4, 3,4 f.; little, A.28,2 ;

9; Ap.3,17.* slender [Mt.6,30] scanty, ;

miseratio, onis, /., pity, Ph. Ap.3,8.

2,1 ; H. 10,28.* modius, ii, m., a measure for
miserator, oris, m., pitiful, corn, peck, bushel, pit.
one who pities, Jas. 5,
11.* modo, now, just noiv, lately,
misereor, sertus, 2, pity, presently.
have mercy on. modus, i, m., (1) measure t
miseria, ae, /., calamity, limit, 2 C.i, 8 ; 4,17 ; (2)
misfortune, trouble, Jas. way, manner, method, R.
3,2 ;Ph. 1, 18 H.i, 1. ;

misericordia, ae, /., mercy, moechor, 1, commit adultery.

pity, compassion. moer-, v. maer-.
misericors, cordis, merciful. moestus, v. maes-.
mitis, e, gentle, meek, Mt.5, mola, ae, /., millstone, ||Mt.
4 ; 11,29.* 18,6 24,41
; Ap. 18,22.* ;

mitto, misi, missus, 3, (1) molaris, e, belonging to a

send; (2) cast ; put, Mk. millstone, mill-, L.17,2 ;

7.33; J-13,2; 20,25 ff.; (as subst.) millstone, Ap.

lay, J. 7, 44; Ap.2,24; 18,21.*
cast off, §Ap.6,i3. molestus, a, um, troublesome,
rnixtura, ae, /., mixture, J. ||Mt. 26,10; L.11,7; 18,5;
19,39* G.6,17.*

mollis, e, soft, L.7,25 ;

mos, oris, m., custom, man-
effeminate, 1 C.6,9.* ner ;
(in pi.) manners,
molo, 3, grind, ||Mt. 24,41.* conduct.
f momentaneus, a, um, short, [fmotio], onis, /., moving,
momentary, 2 C.4,17.* movement, disturbance, J.
momentum, \,n., (1) moment, 5-4*
L.4,5 ; 1 0.15,52 (2) ;
motus, us, m., (1) moving,
season, K.i, j iTh.5,1.*
; movement, J. 5, 3 (2) ;

moneo, warn, admonish,

2, storm, Mt.8,24.*
A.20,31 R. 15,14 1 ; ; moueo, moui, motus, 2, move,
C.4,14 1 Th.5,12.*
; stir, influence.
mons, ntis, m., mountain. mox (with ut), as soon as,
monstro, 1, show, point out, Ph. 2, 23.*
A.7,3.* muliebris, e, female, feminine,
montanus, a, um, belong to 1 P.3,7.*
a mountain, mountain-, mulier, eris, /., woman, wife.
hill-, L.i, 39; 1,65.* jmuliercula, ae, /., little

monumentum, i, n., tomb, woman, 2 T.3,6.*

grave. multifariam, in many places
mora, ae,/., delay (only with (Gk. 7T0\vfl€pC)<s), H.i, 1.*
facere), Mt.24,49 25,5 ; ;
multiformis, e, manifold,
L. 12,45 ! A. 20, 16.* E.3,10 1 P.4,10.*

mordeo, 2, bite, G.5,15.* multiloquium, ii, n., much

morior, mortuus, 3, die. speaking, Mt.6,7.*
moror, 1, abide, dwell, J.n, multiplico, 1, multiply.
54 ; A. 7,2 ; tarry, delay, multo, much, far.
A.22,16. multum, much.
mors, rtis, /., death. multus, um, much, many.
mortifer, era, erum, deadly, mundo, 1, make or account
fatal, Mk.16,18 ; Jas.3, clean, Mk.1,40 ; A. 11,9;
8.* cleanse, H.9,22.
jmortincatio, onis,/., putting mundus, a, um, pure, Ti.
to death, 2 C.4,10.* 1,15 ; Jas.1,27 ; clean,
mortiflco, 1, kill, destroy, 2 J. 13, 10 f. ; §1 J.i,7-
C.6,9; 1 P. 3, 18; mortify, mundus, i, m., world, uni-
make weak, R.7,4 ; 8,13. verse, the world.
°morus, i, /., mulberry tree, tmuniceps, cipis, c, citizen,

L.17,6.* A.21,39.*

munio, 4, make strong, secure,

Mt.27,66.* N
munitio, onis, /., stronghold,
2 C.10,4.* namque, /or, H.3,4 ; 5,1 ;

munus, eris, n., gijt, Mt.2, 6,13*

11 ; L.21,1. °nardus, i, f., nard, Mk.14,3 ;

murmur, mts,n., murmuring, J.12,3*

J. 7, 12 ; A. 6, 1.* narratio, onis, /., narration,
murmuratio, onis, /., mur- narrative, L.1,1.*
muring, Ph. 2, 14 ; 1 P. 4, narro, i, narrate, tell, Mt.18,
9-* 31 L.8,39.

tmurmurator, oris, m., mur- nascor, natus, 3, be born.

murer, Jude 16.* natalis, is, m. (sc. dies) birth-
murmuro, 1, murmur. day, ijMt.14,6.*
°murra (myrrha), ate, /., *natatoria, ae, /., swimming-
myrrh, Mt.2, 11 ;
J. 19, place bath, J. 9, 7 flf.*

39* natio, onis,/., nation, people,

murro (myrrho), 1, mix with A.2,5 ; Ph.2,15 ;
(in pi.)
myrrh, Mk.15,23.* Gentiles, L.21,24.
murus, i, m., wall. natiuitas, tatis, /., birth, L.
musicus, i, m., musician, 1,141 J-9.I ; Jas.1,23;
Ap. 18,22.* 3.6.*
mustum, i, n., must, new nato, 1, swim, A. 2 7,43.*
wine, A. 2, 13.* naturalis, e, natural, R.i,
muto, 1, change, A. 6, 14 ; R. 26 f. ; 11,21 ff.*

1,23 ; G.4,20 ; H.i, 12.* naturaliter, naturally, by

mutuor, 1, borrow, Mt.5, nature, R.2,14 ; 2 P. 2,
42.* 12 ; Jude 10.*
mutus, a, um, dutnb, 1 C.12, natus, us, m., birth (only in
2 ; 2 P.2,16. abl. with maior = elder),
mutuum, i, loan; (only
n., A. 20, 17 22,5.* ;

with dare^lend), L.6, natus, i, m., son, 1 J. 5,2 ;

34** 2 J. 1.*

mutuus, a, um, mutual, f°nauclerius (-rus), 1, m.,

reciprocal, 1 T.5,4 ; 1 P. ship-owner, ship-master,
4,8-* A. 27, 11.*
myrr-, murr-.v. fnaufragium, ii, n., ship-
mysterium, ii, n., mystery. wreck, 2 C.i 1,25.*


•fnaufrago, 1, make ship- fair, matter, 1 C.6,1 ; 2

wreck, 1 T.i, 19.* C.7,11 ; 1 Th.4,6 ; 2 T.
nauta, ae, m., sailor, A. 2 7, 2,4.*
27 £f.; Ap.18,17.* neo, 2, spin, ||Mt.6,28.*
*nauicula, ae, /., little ship, °neomenia, ae, /., new moon,
boat. Co. 2, 16.*
*nauigatio, onis, /., sailing, f°neophytus, i, m., recent
voyage, A. 21, 7 ; 27,9 f.* convert, neophyte, 1 T.
*nauigium, ii, ;?., boat, J.21, 3.6.*
6ff.* nepos, otis, c, (in pi.) grand-
nauigo, 1, sail, L.8,23 ff.; children, 1 T.5,4.*
Ap.18,17. nequam, (indecl.) (compar.
nauis, is,/., ship, boat. nequior, L. 11,26, superl.
nebula, ae, /., cloud, 2 P. 2, nequissimus, E.6,16), evil,

17.* wicked, worthless.

necdum, not yet, Mk.4,40 ;
[nequando], ne quando, lest
J. 8,20; H.2,8.* at any time, Mt.13.15 ;

necesse, necessary, needful Mk.4,12 ; 2 T.2,25.*

(with habeo) need, Mt. nequaquam, by no means,
14,16 ; Mk.2,17 ; 1 Th. Mt.2,6 L.i, 60 ; ;
J. 9,
4,9; §1 J. 3,17. 9; A. 11, 8; R.3,9.*
nefandus, a, urn, ivicked, 2 nequitia, ae, /., wickedness,
P.2 )7 .* 1 C.5,8 ; E.6,12.
neglego (-ligo), xi, 3, neglect, nescio, 4, not to know, be
1 T.4,14 H.2,3, despise,
; ignorant.
H.12,5 make light of,
; nex, ecis, /., death, A. 7,60.*
disregard, Mt.22,5 H. ; nexus, us, m., fastening,
8,9-* joining, Co. 2, 19.*
nego, 1, deny. nidus, i, m., (1) nest [Mt.
negotiatio, onis,/., merchan- 8,20] ; L.9,58 ; (2) nest-
dise, Mt.22,5 J. 2,
16.* *
lings, brood, L.i 3,34.*
negotiator, oris, m., merchant, niger, gra, grum, black, Mt.
Mt. 13,45 : Ap.18,11.* 5,36 Ap.6,5 ff.*

negotior, i, trade, make nihilominus, none the less,

profit, make merchandise, H.6,5.*

L. 19,13 ff.; 2 P. 2, 3.* nihilum, i, nothing (al- n.,

negotium, ii, n., business, ways with ad or in), Mt.

R.i 6,2 ; 1 Th.4,11 ; af- 5,13; A.5,36; 19,27.*

jnimbus, i, »., rain-storm, §nouellus, a, um, new, Mk.

L.12,54* 2 22.*
nimis, exceedingly, very, Mt. nouem, nine, ||Mt.i8,i2 ; L.
8,28 ; Mk.9,3.* 17,17.*
nimius, a, um, exceeding, nouissime, at last, latest.
very great, E.2,4.* nouissimus, a, um, last.
nix, niuis,/., snow, IJMt.17,2 ;
*nouitas, tatis, /., newness,
28,3 Ap.1,14.* ; novelty, R.6,4 7,6 12, ; ;

nobilis, e, noble, honourable, 2 ; 1 T.6,20.*

Mk. 15,43 notable, R. ; nouus, a, um, new.
16,7. nox, ctis, /., night.
noceo, 2, hurt, injure. nubes, is,/., cloud.
jnociuus, a, um, hurtful, nubo, nupsi, nuptus, 3, marry.
1 T.6,9.* nuditas, tatis, /., nakedness,
nolo, nolui, nolle, be unwil- R.8,35; 20.11,27; shame,
ling, refuse. Ap.3,18.*
nomen, inis, n., name. §nudius, it is now the . . . day
nominatim, by name, J. 10, since (with quartana, sc.
3; [3J.15]* die), A. 10,30.*
nomino, 1, name, call. [nudiusquartus], a, um, four
nomisma (num-), atis, n., days ago, A. 10,30.*
piece of money, coin, Mt. nudo, 1, uncover, Mk.2,4.*
11. 19.* nudus, a, um, naked, Ap.16,
nonaginta, ninety, ||Mt.i8, 15 bare,
; 1 C.15,37 ;

1 2 1 without outer garment,
nondum, not yet. Mk.14,51 f.; J.21,7.
nosco, noui, notus, 3, know nullus, a, um, no, none.
(pres. stem not found in numero, 1, number, ||Mt.io,
ST.). 30.*
*notitia, ae, /., knowledge,
numerus, i, m., number.
R.1,28; 2C.2, i 4 H. ; numisma, v. nom-.
10,26.* nummularius (numu-), ii,

noto, 1 (Gk. (T/jfieio)), mark, m., ||Mt.2i,i2 ; 25,27;

note, observe ; censure ? J.2,I 4 f-*
1 l'h. 3. 14.* numquid (particle of interro-
notus, i, m., (in pi.) friends, gation).
acquaintances, L.2,44 ;
nuntio, 1, announce, tell,

^3.49* proclaim.

nuntius, ii, m., messenger, oblatio, onis,/., offering.

L-7> 2 4 ; 9,5 2 ; Jas.2, obligatio, onis,/., ensnaring,
25.* entangling, A. 8, 2 3.*
nuper, lately, A. 18,2.* obliuio, onis,/., forgetfulness,
nuptiae, arum, /., marriage, L.12,6 ; 2 P. 1,9.*
wedding-feast. fobliuiosus, a, um, forgetful,
*nuptialis, e, pertaining to a Jas.1,25.*
wedding, wedding-, Mt. obliuiscor, litus, 3, forget.
22,11 f.* obmutesco, tui, 3, be or
fnuptus, us, m., marriage, become speechless, silent.
Mt.24,38.* obnoxius, a, um, liable to
nurus, us, /., daughter-in- punishment, liable, guilty,
law, HMt.10,35.* A.19,40; H.2,15.*
nusquam, nowhere, H.2,16.* oboedio (obed-), 4, obey.
nutrio, 1, give suck, HMk.13, oboeditio (obed-), onis, /.,
17 ;nurse, rear, L.4,16 ;
A. 22, 3 nourish, E.5,29.
; obprobrium (oppr-), ii, n.,

nutrix, icis, /., nurse, 1 Th. reproach, L.1,25 ; 1 T.3,

2,7.* 7 ; H. 10,33.*
obscuro, 1 , darken (only used
in pass.), R.1,21 ; 11,10 ;

O Ap.8,12 ; 9,2.
obsecratio, onis,/., supplica-
obcaeco, 1, blind, make blind, tion, prayer.
Mk.6,52 ; 1 J. 2,n.* obsecro, 1, entreat, beseech.
obdormio, 4, fall asleep, L.8, obsequium, ii, n., obedience,
23 A. 7, 60.*
; service.
obduro, 1, harden, H.3,8 ff.; obseruatio, onis, /., observa-
4.7-* tion, display, L. 17,20 ;

obed-, v. oboed-. observance, 1 C.7,19.*

obeo, ii, 4, die, Mk. 15,44.* obseruo, 1, watch, Mk.3,2 ;

obicio (obiic-), 3, throw out, keep, observe, R.2,25 ;

allege against, Mk. 14,60 ;

1 J. 2, 3; in 1 C.7,35 =
A.23,28 ; 25,7.* ? entreat.
obitus, us, m., death, Mt.2,15; obstipesco (-stup-), pui, 3,
2 P. 1,15.* be astonished, amazed,
obiurgatio, onis, /., reproof, Mk.5,42 ; 10,24 ; 16,5 ;

rebuke, 2 C.2,6.* A.10,45 ; 12,16.*



obstruo, 3, stop (mouth), R. occulto, 1, hide, L.1,24 •

3.19* 11,23.*
obtempero, i, obey, H.5,9 occultus, a, um, hidden,
12,9.* secret.
obtentus, us, m., pretext, occupo, 1, occupy, fill up,
pretence, Mk. 12,40 ; A. cumber (ground), L.13,
27,30.* 7 ; P.P. occupatus, busy t
obtineo, 2, secure, lay hold engaged, Ph. 4, 10.*
of, A. 27, 16.* occurro, curri, 3, (1) meet,
obturo, 1, stop up, close, H. Mr.8,28 ;
J.4,51 ; (2)
11.33* attain to, E.4,13 ; Ph.
fobtundo, tunsus (-tusus), 3,11.
3, make blunt, dull, 2 C. oculus, i, m., eye.
3- 14-* odi, isse (fut. odiet, odient,
jobumbratio, onis, /., over- L. 16,13; Ap.17,16; par-
shadowing, obscuring, Jas. tic, odiens), hate.
1,17.* odibilis, e, hateful, R.1,30 ;

obumbro, 1, overshadow, |JMt. Ti.3,3; [Ap.18,2].*

17,5; L.i, 35; A.5,15; odium, ii, n., hatred, hate
H.9,5* (only in phrases odio
obuiam, towards, to meet, esse, be hateful, and odio
J.i2,i3ff.; 1 Th.4,17. habere, hate).
obuio, 1, meet, A.16,16 ; H. odor, oris, m., odour.
7,1 ; 7,10.* odoramentum, i, n., perfume^
obuius, a, um, so as to meet, odour, Ap.5,8 ; 18,13.*
meeting, A. 10, 25.* jodoratus, us, m., sense of
occasus, us, >n., West, L.12, smell, 1 C.12,17.*
54 Ap.21.13.*
; ofiendiculum, i, n., offence,
occidens, entis, ;;?., West, Ml A. 24, 16; stumbling-block,
8,11 ; 24,27.* hindrance, R.14,13 1 C. ;

occldo, di, 3, set (of sun), 8.9-

Mk.1,32; L.4,40; E.4,26.* offendo, di, 3, stumble, offend.
. occldo, cidi, cisus, 3, kill. toffensa, ae, f., offence, Ph.
occisio, onis, /., killing, 1,10.*
slaughter, A. 8, 32 ; R.8, offensio, onis, /., siumbling,
36 ;
Jas.5,5.* ; offence, R.9,32 f.; stum-
occulte, secretly, privily, Mt. bling-block, 2 C.6,3.
1,19 ; A. 16,37.* offero, obtuli and §optuli,



oblatus, ferre, present, operarius, ii, m., worker,

offer, bring. workman.
officium, ii, n., office, duty, operatio, onis, /., operation,
service, L.1,23 ; 2 C.9, working, work.
12 ; H.9,6.* operio, opertus, 4, co'jer,
* oleaster, tri, m., wild olive clothe.
tree, R. 11,17 R* operor, 1, work, do.
oleum, i, n., oil, Mk.6,13 ;
jopifex, c, worker,

H.i, 9; Jas.5,14. ivorkman, A. 19, 25.*

olim, long ago, for a long * opinio, onis, /., fame, ru-
while past. mour, Mt.4,24 ; ||24,6.*
oliua, ae, /., (1) olive tree, fopitulatio, onis, /., help,
R. 11, 17 ff.; Ap.11,4 ; (2) assistance, 1 C. 12,28.*
olive, §Jas.3,i2. oportet, 2, (impers.) it is

*oliuetum, i, n., olive grove necessary, needful, fit

(only in name mons it behoves.
Oliueti), J. 8, 1 ; A. 1,12. *oportune (opp-), conveni-
olus, v. holus. ently, in due season, Mk.
omitto, 3, leave undone, 14,11 2 T.4,2.*

omit, HMt.23,23.* oportunitas (opp-), tatis, f.,

omnino, (1) altogether, 1 C. (1) opportunity, plt.26,
5,1 ; 6,7 ; (2) (with nega- 16; (2) (Gr. xpaa), need,
tive), at all, Mt.5,34 L. ; E.4,29.*
13,11 ; A.4,i8. oportunus (opp-), a, um, con-
omnipotens, entis, almighty, venient, suitable, timely,
omnipotent, 2 C.6,18 and Mk.6,21 ; A. 24, 26 ; H.
Ap. (six times). 4,16 ; 6,7.*
onero, 1, load, lade, burden, foppositio, onis, /., opposi-
Mt.11,28; L.11,46; 2 tion, 1 T.6,20.*
C.2,5 ; 2 T.3,6.* opprimo, pressus, 3, oppress,
onerosus, a, urn, burden- trouble, vex, L. 11,53 ; A.
some, 2 C.i 1, 9.* 10,38 ; Jas.2,6 ; 2 P.2,
onus, eris, n., burden, cargo,
A. 21, 3 ; 27,10.* opprobrium, v. obp-.
opera, ae, /., service, work, optimus, a, um, best.
L.19,31 ; 1 C. 12,21 ; dili- opto, 1, wish, desire, A. 26,
gence, L. 12,58 ; 1 Th.4, 29; 27,29; R.9,3*
11 ; 2 P. 1, 15.* opus, eris, n., work.

opus (indecl.), n., need, neces- osculor, i, kiss, Mk. 14,44!;

sity. A. 20,37.
ora, ae, /., shore, H. 11,12.* osculum, i, n., kiss, L.7,45 ;

oratio, onis, /., prayer. R.i6,i6.

| orator, oris, m., speaker, ostendo, tendi, tensus, 3,
orator, A. 24,1.* show, display, tell ;
orbis, is, m., world, §A.iy, pass.) appear.
6. ostensio, onis, /., showing,
ordeacus, v. hordiaceus. L.1,80 ; display, R.3,
ordinatio, onis,/., ordinance, 25 1
R.13,2.* ostento, 1, show, display, H.
ordino, 1, (1) arrange, draw 6,11.*
up in order, L.1,1 ; (2) jostentus, us, m., display,
ordain, order, appoint, spectacle, H.6,6.*
1 C.16,1 ; 2 C.8,19 ; G. ostiaria, ae, /., doorkeeper,
J. 18,16.*
3- I 9- •

ordo, inis, in., order. ostiarius, ii, m., doorkeeper,

°orichalcum (aur-), i, n., porter, J. 10,3.
brass, Ap.1,15 2,18.* ; ostiarius, a, um, of or con-
°orfanus (orpha-), i, m., cerned with a door, J. 18,
orphan, J. 14,18.* 17.*
oriens, entis, m., East. ostium, ii, n., door, J. 10,1 ft.

toriginalis, e, original, first, otiosus, a, um, idle, Mt.12,

2P.2, 3 .* 36; 20,3 ff.; 1 T.5,13 ;

origo, inis, /., origin, be- §Jas.2,2o.*

ginning, H.9,26 ; Ap. ouile, is, n., sheepjold, J. 10,
13.8.* 1 ;
orior, ortus, 4, spring up, ouis, is,/., sheep.
rise, spring jroui. ouum, i, n., egg, L. 11,12.*
orno, 1, adorn, Ti.2,10 ; Ap.
21,2 ; trim, Mt.25,7.
oro, 1, pray.
ortus, us, m., rising (of sun),
Ap.7,2 ; 16,12. pacatus, a, um (only in
os, oris, n., mouth. superl.), peaceful, H.12,
os, ossis, n., bone. 11 *
osanna (hos-), (Aram.), s paciflco, 1, make peace, Co.
us, Mt.2i.9ff.* 1,20.*

pacificus, a, um, peaceful, 16 ;

(in pi.) swaddling-
peaceable, Mt.5,9; Jas.3, clothes, L.2,7 ff.*

17.* par, paris, equal, Mt.20,12 ;

paciscor, pactus, 3, agree, (as subst.) n., pair, L.2,

stipulate, L.22,5.* 24.*
*°paedagogus or pedagogus, °parabola, ae, /., parable,
(G.3,241), i, m., slave in L.8,9; figure, H.9,9; 11,
charge of children, pre- 19.
ceptor, 1 C.4,15 ; G.3, *°Paracletus, i, m., advocate.
24 f.* Paraclete, J. 14, 16 ; 14,
paene (pene), almost [L.5,7] ;
26 15,26
; 16,7.* ;

A.13,44 19,26 H.9,; ; paradisus, i, m., paradise,

22.* L.23,43 ; 2 C.12,4 ; Ap.
paeniteo (poe-), 2, (1) (pers. 2,7.*
in passive) repent, Mk.i, * paralyticus, a, um, palsied,
15 §Ap.2 r 2i
; (2) (im- ;
paralytic, Mt.8,6 ;
pers.), it repents, L.17,4 ;
subst.) a paralytic, pit.
2 C.7,8. 9,2 ff.

fpaenula (pen-), ae,/., cloak, *°parapsis (-opsis), idis, /.,

mantle, 2 T.4,13.* dish, Mt.23,25 f.; 26,

palam, openly ; in palam, in 23.*
j similar sense, HMk.4,22 ;
*°parasceue, es (ace. -en),
1-7 A 11.54- /., preparation, day of
AJP* >

palea, ae,/., chaff, pit. 3, 12.* preparation, HMt.27,62.

fpallidus, a, um, pale, Ap. parce, sparingly, 2 C.9,6
6,8.* (bis).*
pallium, ii, n., cloak, Mt.5, parco, peperci, 3, spare.
40.* °pardus, i, m., panther or
palma, ae, /., (1) hand, blow leopard, Ap.13,2.*
with the hand, Mt. 26,67 ;
parens, entis, c. (in pi.)

(2) palm-tree, J. 12, 13 ;

parents, E.6,1 ; Co. 3, 20.
palm-branch, Ap.7,9.* pareo, 2, (1) appear, Jas.4,
palmes, mitis, m., vine- 14 ; (2) obey, A. 10,7.

branch, 15,2 ff.* paries, etis, m., wall, par-

palpo, 1, feel, handle, L.24, tition-wall, A. 23, 3 ;
39* 2,14.*
panis, is, m., loaf, bread. pario, peperi, 3, bear, bring
pannus, i, m., cloth, ||Mt.9, forth.

pariter, together, Mt.14,9; passio, onis, /., suffering,

A. 2,i ; 2,44.* A.1,3 passion, R.1,26
; ;

paro, i, prepare, make ready ; 1 Th.4,5.

in P.P., paratus, ready. passus, as, m., step, pace, A.

paropsis, v. parap-. 7,5 ;measure, Mt.5,
parr-, v. patr-. 41 A.27,28 (bis).*

particeps, cipis, sharing, par- fpastino, 1, prepare ground

ticipant / (as subst.) (for vines), Mk.12,1.*
sharer, partaker, partner, pastor, oris, m., shepherd,
H.i, 9; 3,i. L.2,8 ff.; pastor, E.4,11.
participate, onis, /., par- *patefacio, f actus, 3, make or
taking, cotntn unioyi, fellow- lay open, Mk.2,4 ; R.16,
ship, C.10,16; 2 C.6,14.*
1 26.*
participo, 1, share in, be a pateo) 2, be open, R.3,13;
partaker, H. 1 C. 10,30 ; 2 C.6,11.*
2,14. (The depon. form pater, tris, m., father.
participor is found in [paterfamilias] pater familias.
1 C.§9,i3 ; §10,17.)* jpaternitas, tatis, /., ? father-
partior, 4, part, divide, J. hood, family, i.e. or
19,24.* descendants of one father,
parturio, 4, travail, be in E.3,15.*
labour, R.8,22.* paternus, a, um, ancestral,
paruulus, a, urn, small ; belonging to fathers, A.
(as subst.) child, ||Mt. 22,3; 28,17; G.i, 14;
19,13 f- 1 P.i, 18.*
paruus, a, um, small, A. 12, patienter, patiently, A. 26, 3 ;

18.* Jas.5,7; [iP.2,20]; 2 P.

pascha, ae, /. (Aram.), Pass- 3,9*
over. patior, passus, 3, suffer, A.
pasco, 3, feed, tend (sheep, 3,18 ; 2 C.i, 6 ; bear with,
etc.). HMt.17.17.
pascuum, i, »., pasture ; (in patria, ae, /., fatherland,
pi.) J. 10,9.* country.
passer, eris, m., sparrow, °patriarcha, ae, m., patriarch,
|Mt.io,29ff. A.2,29 ; 7,8 f.; H.7,4.*
*passibilis, e, capable of fpatricida (parr-), ae, c,
suffering or passions, murderer of a father,
A.26,23 ; Jas.5,17.* parricide, 1 T.1,9.*

paucus, a, um (only in pi.), pellicius (-ceus), a, um, made

few. of skins, HMt.3,4.*
§paulo, a little, somewhat, pellis, is, /., skin, hide, H.
H.2,7.* H.37-*
[paulominus] , paulo minus, peluis, is (ace. [-im]), /.„
H.2,7.* basin, J. 13,5.*
pauluium, a little, a little way, pendeo, 2, hang, be hanged,
Mk.14,35 2 P.2,18.* ; Mt.22,40 L.23,39 ; A. ;

pauper, eris, poor. 28,4 G.3,13.*


pauperculus, a, um, poor, pene, v. paene.

L.21,2.* penes, in the power of, R.14,
paupertas, tatis, /., poverty, 22.*
2 C.8,2 Ap.2,9.* ; fpenetrabilis, e (only corn-
paueo, 2, be afraid, Mk.14, par.), penetrating, able
33-* to pierce, H.4,12.*
pauor, oris, m., fear, Mk.16, penetralia, ium, n., inner
8 ; L.4,36.* chamber, Mt.24,26.*
pax, pacis, /., peace. penetro, i, enter, penetrate
peccator, oris, m., sinner. into, 2 T.3,6 ; H.4,14.*
peccatrix, icis, /., sinner, penna, v. pinna.
L.7,37 n\; (as adj.) sin- °pentecoste, es (ace. -en),/.,
ful, Mk.8,38.* Pentecost, A. 2,1 ; 20,16 ;

peccatum, i, n., sin. 1 C.16,8.*

pecco, 1, sin. penula, v. paen-.
pectus, oris, n., breast. penuria, ae,/., want, poverty,
pecunia, ae,/., money. Mk. 12,44 Ph.4,11 t* I

pecus, oris, n. (only in pi.), °pera, ae, /., bag, wallet,

cattle, J. 4, 12 ; 1 C.15, J|Mt.io,io.
39 2 P. 2, 12.*
; fperago, actus, 3, complete,
pedagogus, v. paed-. end, A. 27, 9.*
*pedester, tris, tre, on foot, peragro, 1, pass through, A.
HMt.14,13* 19,1.*
peiero, (periuro), 1, forswear perambulo, 1, pass through,
one's self, Mt.5,33.* go about, L.5,15 ; 19,1 ;

peior, oris, worse. A. 11,19.

°pelagus, i, n., sea, A. 27, 5.* percipio, 3, receive, obtain,
§pelliceo (pellicio, 3), 2, allure, Mk.10,17 ;
perceive, A.
entice, 2 P.2,14 fi* 2,14 ; 1 C.2,14.

percurro, 3, pass through, perflcio, feci, fectus, 3,

traverse, Mk.6,55.* finish, J.4,34 ; accom-
percussor, oris, m., striker, plish, L. 12,50 ; R.7,18 ;

1 T.3,3 ; Ti.1,7.* perfect, 1 P. 5, 10 ; fulfil,

percutio, cussi, cussus, 3, Jas.2,8.
smite, strike, wound. perfodio, 3, dig through,
perdo, didi, 3, lose, J. 6, 39 ; HMt.24,44.*
destroy, R.14,15 ; 1 C.I, pergo, perrexi, 3, go, J. 8,1 ;

19- A.22.5*
perduco, xi, ctus, 3, bring, *perhibeo, 2 (only with testi-
bring to. monium), bear (witness).
-'-perduro, 1, continue, abide, periclitor, 1, be in danger,
A. 2,46.* L.8,23 ; A.19,27; 19,4°;
[jpereffluo], 3, ? drift away 1 C.15,30.*
(L. & S. take = for get), H. periculosus, a, um, danger-
1.* ous, 2 T.3,1.*
peregre, abroad, to foreign periculum, i, »., danger, R.
parts, HMt.21,33 ; H25, 14; 8,35 ; 2 C.i, 10 ; 11,26.*
L.15,13 ; 20,9.* f°peripsima (-sema), atis, n..

peregrinatio, onis, /., so- refuse, off -scouring, 1 C.

journing, travel, 2 C.8, 4-13*
19.* periuro, v. peiero.
peregrinor, 1, sojourn abroad, periurus, a, um, oath-break-
be absent from, 2 C.5,6 ff.; ing, perjured, 1 T.1,10.*
1 P.4,12.* tperlucidus, a, um, trans-
peregrinus, a, urn, strange, parent, Ap.2I,2I.*
foreign,(a.ssubst.)stranger, permaneo, mansi, 2, remain,
H.11,13 ; 1 P. 2,ii. abide, continue.
pereo, ii, 4, perish, be lost. fpermissus, us, m., permis-
perfecte, completely, perfect- sion, A. 26, 12.*
ly, 1 P.1,13.* permitto, misi, missus, 3,
perfectio, onis,/., perfection, allow, permit, give leave.
completoiess, Co. 3, 14.* + permundo, 1, thoroughly
perfectus, a, um, perfect. cleanse, Mt.3,12.*
perfero, tuli, latus, ferre, pernicies, ei, /.. destruction,
bring, bear, announce, 2 P. 2, 12.*
A. 23,30 ; 1 C.16,3 ; bear pernocto, i, spend the night,
penalty of, 1 P.2,24. L.6,12.*


perpauci, ae, a, very few, perturbatio, onis, /. , disturb-

H. 13,22.* ance, disquiet, 1 P.3,6.*
fperperam, wrongly, falsely, peruenio, ueni, 4, come, A.
1 C.13,4.* 11,23 ! come to, arrive
perpetior, pessus, 3, suffer, at, A. 11, 22 ; 16,1 ; attain
Mk.5,26.* to, Ph. 3, 16.
perpetuus, a, um, perpetual. peruerto, uersus, 3 (only in
Only in perpetuum (-tuo) P.P.), peruersus, perverse,
= for ever, H.7,3 ; 7,25.* wrong, HMt.17,17 ; A. 20,
persecutor, oris, m., perse- 30 Ph.2,15.*

cutor, 1 T.i, 1 3.* fperuigilo, 1, keep watch,

persequor, secutus, 3, follow H.13,17.*
after, Ph. 3, 14 ;
persecute pes, pedis, m., foot.
(passim) pessimus, a, um, very wicked,
perseuero, 1, endure, Mt.io, evil, grievous.
22 ; continue, J.8,7 ; 2 P. pestifer, era, erum, pestilent,

3,4- noxious, harmful, A.24,5.*

persona, ae, /., person. pestilentia, ae, /., pestilence,
perspicio, spexi, 3, see clearly, HMt.24,7.*
L.6,42 ; see, perceive, A. petitio, onis, /., request,
28,26 ; look at or into, prayer, L.23,24 ; Ph. 4, 6 ;

Jas.1,25 ; 1 J. 1, 1.* 1 J-5.I5*

persuadeo, suasi, suasus, 2, peto, tii, titus, 3, seek, ask,
persuade, Mt.27,20 A. ; ask for.
12,20 14,19 ;18,13.* ; °petra, ae, /., stone, rock,
fpersuadibilis, e, persuasive, Mt.16,18; R.9,33 ; iC.
1 C.2,4.* 10,4.
persuasio, onis, /., persua- petrosus, a, um, stony, rocky,
sion, G.5,8.* ljMt.13,5 ; II13.20.*
[pertimeo], 2, fear greatly, *°phantasma, atis, n., ap-
1 P.3,6.* pearance, apparition, ||Mt.
pertineo, 2, pertain to, E.5,4 ;
Philem.8 ; concern, Mk. Pharisaeus, i, m., Pharisee.
4.38- phiala, v. fiala.
pertingo, 3, reach, extend to, f°philosophia, ae, /., philoso-
2 C.10,13 f.; H.4,12.* phy, Co. 2, 8.*
pertranseo, ii, 4, pass through t°philosophus, i, m., philoso-
or by. pher, A. 1 7, 1 8.*


f °phylacterium, ii, n., phylac- plaga, ae, /., stripe, wound,

tery, Mt.23.5-* A. 16,23 ; 2 C.6,5, plague ;

pie, piously, 21.3,12 ; Ti. L.7,21 ; Ap.9,18 ff.

2,12.* jplagiarius, ii, m., man-

pietas,tatis,/'., godliness piety ,
stealer, 1 T.1,10.*
piger, gra, grum, idle, sloth- planctus, us, m., mourning,
ful, Mt.25,26 ; R.12,11 ;
lamentation, A. 8. :.*

Ph.3,1 ; Ti.1,12.* piango, nxi, 3, lament, bewail,

pignus, oris, n., pledge, 2 C. Mt.24,30 ; Ap.1,7.
r,22 ; 5.5 ; E.1,14.* planta, ae, /., sole (of the
pigritor, 1, be slow, tardy, foot), A. 3, 7.*
A.9,38.* plantatio, onis, /., planting,
pilus, i, m., hair, HMt.3,4.* Mt.15,13.*
pinguido (-guedo), dinis, /., planto, 1, plant.
fatness, R. 11,17.* planus, a, um, smooth, L.
pinguis, e, fat, rich, Ap.18, 3o*
14.* platea, ae,/., street.
pinna (penna in L. 13,34), ae > plebs, bis,/., people, common
/., (1) wing, L.13,34 (2) ;
pinnacle, L.4,9.* plecto, 3, weave, plait, ||Mt.
jpinnaculum, i, »., pinnacle, 27,29.*
Mt.4,5.* plenitudo, dinis,/., fullness.
piscator, oris, m., fisher, plene (only in superl.), fully,
Alt. 4, 18 f.; L.5,2.* R.4,21.*
pisciculus, i, m., little fish, plenus, a, um, full, R.1,29;
HMt.15,34.* Jas.3,8 ; complete, Co. 4,
piscina, ae, /., pool, J.5,2 ;

[54]; 5-7-* plico, cui, 1, fold, L.4,20.*

piscis, is, m., fish. ploratus, Us, m., wailing,
piscor, 1, fish, J. 21, 3.* weeping, Mt.2,18.*
f°pisticus, a, um, pure, gen- ploro, i, wail, weep.
uine. J. 12,3.* pluo, ui, 3, rain.
pius, a, um, godly, pious, plurimum, very greatly, R.
righteous, holy, 2 P.2,9 ;
15,4.* plurimus, a, um, very great,
plaoeo, 2, please. very much.
§placitum, 1, n., pleasure, E, plus, pluris, more, (in pi.)
i,9.* many, the majority. (In


sing, used also as subst. populus, i, m., people.

and adv.) *porcus, i, m., swine, pig.
pluuia, ae, /., rain, Mt.7, porrigo, rexi, 3, reach out,
25 ff.; A.14,17; Jas. give, HMt.7,9 f .; L.24,
5,18.* 30; J. 13,26.*
poculum, i, n., cup, Ap.17,4 ;
porro, then, but, Mt.8,27 ;

18,6.* L. 10,42 ; 11,20 ; 1 C.7,

°poderis, is, m., garment 35*
reaching to the ankle, porta, ae,/., gate.
Ap.1,13.* portentum, i, n., marvel,
poena, ae, /., punishment, wonder, Mk. 13,22 ; H.
penalty, 2 Th.1,9 1 J. ; 2,4.*
4,18 Jude 7.
porticus, us,/., porch, J. 5, 2 ;

poen-, v. paen-. 10,23 A. 3, 11

; 5,12.* ;

|°poeta, ae, m., poet, A. 17, portio, onis, /., portion,

28.* L.15,12.*
polliceor, 2, promise, Mt.i4, porto, 1, bear, carry, G.6,2
7; 1 J. 2,25.* ff.; endure, Mt.20,12. '

pollicitation onis, /., promise, portus, us, m., harbour, A.

G.3,14 ; H.4,1 ; 6,17.* 27,12 (bis).*
polluo, pollutus, 3, defile, posco, poposci, 3, ask, J. 4,
pollute, 1 C.8,7 ; H.io, 9 ; 11,22 ; 1 P. 3, 15.*
29.* possessor, oris, m., possessor,
pomum, i, n., fruit, Ap.18, A.4.34*
14.* possideo, sedi, 2, possess, L.
pondus, eris, n., weight, bur- 11,21 ; 2 C.6,10 ;

den, Mt. 20, 12; 20.4,17; acquire, ~L. 10, 2 5 ; A. 1,18.

H.12,1 Ap.2,24.* ; possum, potui, posse, be able.
pono, posui, positus, 3, place, postea, afterwards.
set, put, lay, lay down, [posteaquam], postea quam,
lay up, set on (table) ;
L.14,29; A.27,27.*
appoint, Ph. 1, 1 6 1 T. ; posterus, a, um, next (only
1,9 take (account), Mt.
with die 5 times in A.)
18,23 f-i °ff er (incense), in compar. later, latter,
L.i, 9. 1 P. 1, 11 ; 2 P. 2,20.*
pontifex, icis, m., high-priest, jposthac, afterwards, H.4,8.*
chief -priest, Mk.15.11 ; J. postulatio, onis, /., suppli-
and H. (passim). cation, I T.2,I.*

postulo, 1,Mt.14,7 ask, ;

teacher (only in L. 7
Jas.i,5f.; plead, R.8,26f. times, as equivalent of
potatio, onis, /., drinking, e7rio-TctT^s and (once)
drinking-bout, 1 P. 4, 3.* StSdcTKakos).
potator, oris, m., drinker, praeceptum, i, n., precept,
Mt.11,19.* commandment.
potens, entis, able, powerful, jpraecessor, oris, m., a su-
mighty, strong. perior, L.22,26.*
potentia, ae, /., strength, praecingo, nxi, nctus, 3, gird,
polver. L.12,35 ft*.; A. 12,8 Ap. ;

potestas, tatis, /., power, 1,13-

authority; power (angelic), praecipio, cepi, ceptus, 3,
E.3,10 Co. 1, 16.
; command, charge.
j§potiono, 1, give to drink, praecipito, 1, cast headlong,
Ap.14,8.* Mk.5,13; L.4,29.*
potior, oris (compar.), better, praecipuus, a, um, chief,
preferable, Ph. 1,10.* special, H.7, 4.*
potius, rather, Mt.10,6 1 C. ; praeclarus, a, um, splendid,
9,12. glorious, bright, Jas.2,3 ;

poto, 1, give, or make to Ap.18,14.*

drink, 1 0.12,13 ;
[Ap. praeco, onis, m., herald,
I4.8J-* preacher, 2 P. 2, 5.*
potus, us, m., drinking, R. tpraecogito, 1, think or medi-
14,17 ; Co.2,i6 ; drink, tate beforehand, Mk.13
J. 6, 55; 1 C.i 0,4; draught, 11.*
Mt. 10,42 ; R.12,20. fpraecognosco, nitus, 3, fore-
praebeo, 2, offer, present, know, foresee, 1 P. 1,20.*
give, HMt.5,39 A.17,31 ; ; praecurro, cucurri, 3, run
1 C.7,35 show, display,
; before, outrun, L.19,4 ;

A.i Ti.2,7. 4.*

,3 ;
J. 20,
praecedo, cessi,3, go before, praecursor, oris, m., fore-
precede, T.1,18 H.7, 18;
1 ; runner, precursor, H.6,
advance, R.13,12. 20.*
praecello, 3, surpass, excel, praedestino, 1, fore-ordain,
R.3,9 ; 1 P. 2, 13.* R.i, 4; 1 C.2,7 ; E.i,
praeceps, cipitis, n., steep 5 ft.

place, jMt.8,32.* praedicatio, onis, preach-

praeceptor, oris, m., master, ing.

*praedicator, oris, m., preach- *praeordino, 1, preordain,

er, 1 T.2,7 ; 2 T.i, 11.* appoint beforehand, A. 10,
praedico, I, preach, proclaim. 41 13,48
; 22,14.* ;

praedico, dixi, dictus, 3, praeparatio, onis, /., pre-

foretell, say beforehand. paration, E.6,15.*
*praedium, ii, n., ground, praeparo, 1, prepare, make
estate, Mk. 14,32 ; J. 4, ready.
5 ; A.28,7.* praepono, positus, 3, set over,
praeeo, 4, go before, Mk.n, 1 T.3,4.*
9; L.i, 76; 18,39.* praepositus, i, m., chief,
praeflnio, 4, appoint before- governor, overseer, director,
hand, G.4,2.* A.7,10; 2 0.11,32; H.13,
praefinitio, onis,/., appoint- 7 ft.*

ment ox fixing beforehand, praeputium, ii,n., foreskin ;

E.3,11.* (sta/te of) uncircumcision.
praegnas (nans), natis praescientia, ae, /., fore-
(nantis), pregnant, with knowledge, A. 2, 23 ; 1 P.
child, UMt.24,19 ; L.2, 1,2.*
5* praescio, 4, know before-
t§praegredior, 3, go before, hand, foreknow, A. 26, 5 ;

advance, Mk.2,23.* R.8,29 11,2;

; 2 P.3,
fpraeiudicium, ii, n., pre- 17.*
judging, prejudice, 1 T. praescribo, scriptus, 3, write
5,21.* [L. & S. take as in front of, G.3,1 ; write
damage, disadvantage.'] or appoint beforehand,
prael-, v. proel-. Jude 4.*
ypraemeditor, 1, meditate praesens, entis, present.
beforehand, L.2 1,14.* praesentia, ae, /., presence,
praemitto, 3, send forward, 1 C.16,17 2 C.10,10
; ;

Ti.3,13* Ph.2,12 2 P.i, 16.*


praemoneo, 2, advise or in- praesepium, ii, n., stall, L.2,

struct beforehand, Mt.14, 7ff.; 13-15*
8.* praeses, idis, c, ruler, gover-
*praenuntio. 1, announce be- nor.
forehand, A.3,i8 7,52 ; ;
praesto, stiti, 1, (1) show,
G.3,8 1 P.i, 11.*
exhibit, A.24,28 ; main-
praeoccupo, 1, detect, seize tain (silence), A. 22, 2 ;

(in an act), G.6,1.* (2) give, furnish, Mt.15,


14 L.7,4
; ;
pay (tribute) C.9,5 ; anticipate, Mt.
R.13,6. 17,25 ; 1 Th.4,15.
praesto, at hand, present prandeo, 2, breakfast, L.n,
(always with esse), A. 24, 37; J.2I,I2ff.*
19; H.7,13 10,11 2 ; ; prandium, ii, n., breakfast,
P.1,9.* luncheon, Mt.22,4 ; L.
praesum, esse, (1) be over, 11,38 ; 14,12.*
rule, 1 T.3,5 ff.; 5,17 ;
prauus, a, um, wicked, evil.

(2) carry on, show dili- preces, cum, /., prayers, H.

gence in, Ti.3,8 ; 3,14.* 5,7 ; 1 P.3,12.*
praesumo, 3, take first, 1 C. precor, 1, pray, A. 8, 24.*
11,21.* prendo, didi, 3, take, catch,
praetereo, iui or ii, itus, 4, J.21,3 ; 21,10.*
pass by or away ; P.P. presbyter, eri, m., elder,
praeteritus, past. presbyter.
praetergredior, 3, pass f°presbyterium, ii, n., college
through, Mk.9,30.* of presbyters, presbytery,
praeterquam, except, A. 2 7, iT.4,14.*
22 G.i, 8.*
; pressura, ae, /., affliction,
*praetorium, ii, n., prae- tribulation, anguish, L.
tor ium (in various senses), 21,23 ff.;
J. 16,21 ; 2 C.
(1) governor's residence,
palace, jjMt.27.27 ; A. pretiosus, a, um, precious,
2 3-35 ! (
2) camp of costly.
praetorian guards. Ph.i, pretium, ii, n., price.
13- f§pridem, long ago, long
praeualeo, 2, prevail, Mt.16, since, G.4,13.*
18.* primatus, us, m., first place,
praeuaricatio, onis, /., trans- pre-eminence, primacy,
gression, disobedience, li. Co.1,18; 3J.9.*
J3 1 T.2,14.
; primitiae, arum, /., first-
praeuaricator, oris, »1., trans- fruits.
gressor, R.2,25 ff.; (
primitiuus, a, um, first of
18.* its kind, first-born, first-
praeuaricor, i, transgress, fruits, R.16,5 ; H.11,28 ;

A.i, 25.* 12,23 '>

as subst. in
praeuenio, ueni, 4, come n. pi.), birthright, 11. 12.
bejore, or beforehand, 2 10.*
; ;


primo, first, first of all, Mk. 12,56; 1 C.3,13 ; (2)

9,12 ; 16,9.* approve, approve of, R.

primogenitus, a, um, first- 1,28 ; (3) enlist, enroll

born, or first-be gotten, L. (a soldier), 2 T.2,4.

2,7; Co.i,i5ff. tprobus, a, um, upright,

primum, first, in the first excellent, approved, R.

place, firstly. 16,10.*
procedo, cessi, proceed,
princeps, ipis, m., chief, head, 3,

prince. come or go forth, advance.

principalis, e, principal, A. procella, ae, /., storm, ||Mk,

25,23.* 4,37; H.12,18; Jude

principatus, us, m., (1) 13.*

sovereignty, dominion, procido, di, 3, fall forward or

L.20,20 ; (2) origin, down, fall flat.
original state, Jude 6 ; (3)
proconsul, is, m. (Gk. dvOv-
principality (rank of 7raTOs), proconsul, A. 13,
angels), R.8,38.; Co.i, 7 18,12; [19,38].*

16. procreo, 1, bring forth, 1 T.

principium, ii, n., beginning. 5> J 4-*

tprincipor, 1, rule, Mk.io, *procumbo, 3, fall or lean

42.* forward or down, fall on,
previous, Mk.1,7; L.24,12; A.
prior, ius, former,
pristinus, a, um, former, procurator, oris, m., steward,
ancient, E.4,22 ;
H.io, agent, manager, Mt.20,8 ;

* L.8,3.*
tprocuro, i, be procurator,
prius, before, first.

[priusquam], prius quam. L.3,1.*

deprive, T.6,5.* procurro, 3, run forward,
priuo, i, 1

probabilis, e, approved, ac- Mk.10,17.*

prodeo, ii, 4, go forth, J.n,
ceptable, 2 T.2,15.*
J. 2,
t°probaticus, a, um, belonging 44 ; 1

* prodigium, ii, n., wonder.

tosheep, sheep-, J.5» 2
proditor, oris, m., betrayer
probatio, onis, /., proving,
probation, R.5,4 traitor, L.6,16 ; A. 7,52 ;

20.9,13; Jas.1,3; 1 p - 2 T.3,4.*

1,7.* prodo, 3, betray, Mk.14,10.*

probo, 1, (1) try, prove, L. produco, xi, ductus, 3, bring

or lead jorth ; A. 12,4 ; f progenitor, oris, m., Jore-

produce, Mk.4,29. Jather, ancestor, 2 T.1,3.*
proelior (prae-), 1, join battle, progredior, gressus, 3, go
wage war, Ap.12,7.* Jorward, advance, Mt.26,
proelium (prae-), ii, n., war, 39; Mk.1,19; [2,23].*
battle. prohibeo, 2, prevent, hinder.
prof anus, a, urn, profane, -prohibitio, onis, /., hin-
unholy, T.6,201 ; 2.T. drance, A. 28, 31.*
2,16 ; H.12,16.* proicio, ieci, iectus, 3, cast,
profectio, onis,/. , setting out, cast away, cast Jorth.
departure, H. 11,22.* tprolabor, lapsus, 3, Jail
profecto, assuredly, doubt- away, H.6,6.*
less, L.i 1, 20 ; 11,48.* tproles, is, /., offspri>ig, A.
profectus, us, m., progress, 19,35*
increase, profit, Ph. 1, 12 ;
prolixe (only in compar.),
25 ; 1 T.4,15.* abundantly or ? earnestly,
profero, tuli, ferre, bring L.22,43.*
Jorth. prolixus, a, um, long, great,
jprofessio, onis, /., register, Mk. 12,40 (bis).*
census, A. 5,37.* ^promereor, 2, be propitiated,
proficio, feci, 3, avail, J. 12, made favourable, H.13,
19 ; profit, Mk.5,26 ; L. 16.*
9,25 advance,
; L.2,52 ; promissio, onis, /., promise.
G.i, 14. promissum, i, n., promise.

proficiscor, fectus, 3, set out, promitto, misi, 3,(1) promise,

depart, go Jorth. Mk.14,11; H.6,13; (2)
profiteor, 2, give in one's projess, make projession
name (in a census), L. oj, 1 T.2,10 ; 6,21.
2,3 ff.* "promtus (-mpt-), us, m.,
profluuium, ii, n., flux, issue, readiness, 2 C.10,6.*
Mk. 5 . 25.* promtus (-mptus), a, um,
profugio, gi, 3, flee away, ready.
Mk.14,52* pronuntio, 1, proclaim, 1 C.
profundus, a, um, deep ; (as M.^5*
subst.) profundum, i, n., fpropalo, 1, make manijest,
depth. H.9,8.* [L. & S. throw
progenies, ei, /., generation, opt
Mt.3,7 ; 12,34 ; L.1,50.* prope (adv. and prep.), near.

propello, 3, push forward, A. [prosequor], secutus, 3, follow

19,33-* after, Mk.1,36.*
propero, 1, hasten, L.8,4 ; 2 prosper or prosperus, a, um,
P. 3,12.* prosperous, favourable,
°propheta, ae, m., prophet. R.i, 10.*
°propheten, /., accusative, prospere, prosperously, 3 J.
prophetess, Ap.2,20.* Gk. 2 (bis).*
7rpo(fiyJTLv. prospicio, spexi, 3, look for-
°prophetia, ae,/., prophecy. ward into, J.20,11 1 P. ;

t°propheticus, a, urn, pro- 1,12.*

phetic, 2 P. 1, 1 9.* prosterno, stratus, 3, lay low,
prophetissa, ae,/., prophetess, overthrow, L. 19,44 !
I C-
L.2,36.* 10,5 ; H.3,17.*
*prophetizo, 1, prophesy, prostitutio, onis, /., fornica-
||Mt.26,68.* tion, Ap.17,2 ; 19,2.*
propheto, 1, prophesy. prosum, fui, prodesse, be
propior, ius, nearer, R.13, advantageous, profitable,
11.* profit.
propitiatio, onis, /., propitia- proteruus, a, um, forward,
tion, R.3,25 ; 1 J. 2, 2 ;
bold, wanton, 2 T.3,4.*
4,10.* protinus, forthwith.
propitiatorium, mercy-
ii, n., protraho, traxi, 3, (1) lengthen,
seat (of ark), H.9,5.* prolong, A. 20, 7 ; (2) de-
propitius, a, um, merciful, tain, A. 24, 4.*
propitious, L.18,13 ; H. prout, according as.
8,12.* prouenio, 4, turn out, event-
propono, posui, positus, 3, uate, Ph. 1, 19.*

(1) set or place before, H. f prouentus, us, m., issue, way

6,18 ; i2,i ; (2) resolve, of escape, C.10,13.* 1

deter mine, A. 1 9, 21; 20,16. prouerbium, ii, n., proverb,

propositum, i, n., purpose. parable.
proprius, a, um, one's own. prouideo, 2, (1) provide, R.
propterea, therefore. 12,17; H.i 1, 40; (2) fore-
prora, ae, /., forepart (of see, K.2.,2.5 ff.

ship), prow, A. 27, 30 ; 27, prouidentia, ae,/. providence, ,

41.* foresight, A. 24, 2.*

°proselytus, i, m., proselyte, prouincia, ae, /., province,
Mt.23,15 ; A. 2, 11.* A.23,34 ; 25,1.*

jprouocatio, onis, /., stimu- fpugillaris, e, (as subst.)

lus, encouragement, H. writing-table, L.1,63.*
10,24.* pugna, ae, /., fighting, strug-
prouoco, 1, provoke, stir up. gle, 2 C.7,5 ; 1 T.6,4 ;

prouoluo, uolutus, 3 (only Ti.3,9.*

pass.), fall dozen, prostrate pugno, 1, fight.

one's self, Mt.17,14.* pullus, i, m., young one, Mt.

proximo, 1, drati' nigh, H. 23,37 L-2,24 I ; colt, Mt.
7> x 9* 21,2 ff.
proximus, a, um, next, tpulmentarium, ii, n. relish ;

nearest, (as subst.) neigh- food, J. 21, 5.*

bour. pulso, 1, knock (at door),
prudens, entis, wise, prudent. ||Mt. 7,7 f. ; A. 12, 13 ff.

prudenter, prudently, L.16, puluis, ueris, m., dust.

8.* pungo, pupugi, 3, prick,
prima, ae, /., live coal, J.i8, pierce, Ap.1,7.*
18 ; 21,9.* punio, 4, punish, A. 4, 21 ;

-prurio, 4, itch, 2 T.4,3.* 22,5 ; 26,11.*

psallo, 3, sing, sing hymns, pupillus, i, m., orphan, Jas.
1 0.14,15 ; E.5,19; Jas. 1,27.*
*puppis, is,/., stern (of a boat
psalmus, i, m., psalm. or ship), Mk.4,38 A. 27, ;

- pseudoapostolus, m.,
i, 29 ; 27,41.*
false apostle, 2 C. 11, 13.* '
purgamentum, i, n., off-
* c
pseudochristus, i, m., false scouring, 1 C.4,13.*
Christ. HMt.24,24.* purgatio, onis, /., purifica-
pseudopropheta, ae, m., tion, purifying, L.2,22 ;

false prophet. H.1,3 ; 2P.i,9.*

publicanus, i, m., tax- purgo, 1, cleanse, purify,
gatherer. Mk.7,19; L.3,17; J. 15,
publice, publicly, A. 16,37 I
18,28 20,20.* ; purificatio, onis,/., purifying,
publicus, a, um, public, A. purification, J. 2, 6; 3,25;
5.18.* A. 21, 26.*
*pudicus, a, um, chaste, pure. purifico, i, cleanse, purify.
puella, ae, /., girl. purpura, ae,/., purple.
puer, eri, m., boy, slo tpurpuraria ae, /., dyer or ;

servant. seller of purple, A. 16, 14.*


purpureus, a, urn, purple, quadrus, a, um, square, Ap.

J. 19,2 ff.* 21,16.*
purus, a, urn, pure (1 T. and quaero, quaesiui, 3, seek,
2 T. only). seek for, Mt.2,13 ; L.2,
pusillanimis, e, faint-hearted, 48 ;
question, enquire,
1 Th.5,14.* L.22,23.
pusillus, a, um, small, little, quaestus, us, m., gain, A.
petty, weak, (as subst.) 16,16 ff.; 19,24 ; 1 T.6,
pusillum, a little, Mt.26, 5 f.; Jude 16.*
39- qualiter, in what way, how,
puteus, i, m., well, L.14,5 ;
Mk.5,16 ; L.12,11 Ap. ;

J. 4, 12 f.; pit, Ap.9,1 ff.* 3,3-

puto, 1, think. quamdiu, as long as.
putrefio (pass, of putrefacio), quamobrem, wherefore.
f actus, fieri, become rotten, *quamquam, although, J. 4, 2 ;

putrefy, Jas.5,2.* Ph.3,4 ; H.7,5 ; 12,17.*

°pyra, ae,/., fire, A.28,2.* quamuis, although, A. 17,27.*
°pytho, m., familiar
onis, quando, v. nequando.
spirit, A. 16, 16.* quanto, by how much, the
t§quantulus, a, um, how
little, how small, H.io,
quapropter, wherefore.
fquadrageni, ae, a,, forty each, |§quartanus, a, um, belong-
2 0.11,24.* ing to the fourth (day),
quadrans, ant is, m., farth- A. 10,30.*
ing, Mt.5,26 ; Mk.12, quasi, as if.
42.* quasso, 1, shake, Mt.12,20.*
quadriduanus (quatr-), a, um, quaternio, onis, m., body
of four days, J. 11,39.* of four soldiers, quater-
quadrupes, edis, four-footed, nion, A. 12,4.*
A. 10, 12 ; 11,6 ; R.i, 23.* quatrid-, v. quadrid-.
[n. quadrupedia is
pi. quemadmodum, as.
perhaps from quad- querella (-ela), ae, /., (1)
rupedius, a, um.] matter for complaint,
quadruplus, a, um, fourfold, blame, Co.3,13; (2) sine
L.19,8.* querella (6 times) = blame-
= . -


less, blamelessly, L.i,6 ;

quotienscumque (-ies-), as
Ph.2.15 ; 3,6. often as, 1 C. 11,25 f.; Ap.
tquerellosus (querul-), a, urn, 11,6.*
full of complaints, Jude quotquot,<7S many as, J.1,12 ;

16.* how many soever, 2 C.i,

queror, 3, blame, find fault, 20.
R.9,19.* [quousque], quo usque, how
quiesco, eui, 3, rest, cease, long.
A. 21, 14.*
quietus, a, um, quiet, 1 Th.
4,11 ; 1 T.2,2 ; 1 P. 3, 4.* R
quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet,
no matter who, the first *rabbi (Hebr.), my master,
thatcomes ; (with neg.) master.
especial, extraordinary, *rabboni (Aram.) , my master,
A 19,11.* Mk. 10,51 ; J.20,i6.*
t§quippini, by all means, cer- racha (-ca) (Aram.), vain,
tainly, L.i 1.28.* (Gk. silly (as term of abuse),
fievovv.) Mt.5,22.*
quippe, for (5 times = yap) radico, 1, only in P.P.
quisnam, quaenam, quidnam, radicatus, rooted, E.3,17 ;

who, which, what (only Co. 2, 7.*

once, J. 13, 11, in masc, radix, icis,/., root.
elsewhere neuter).* rado, 3, shave, A. 21, 24.*
quispiam. quaepiam, quod- ramus, m., branch.

piam, someone, Mk.15, rana, ae, /., frog, Ap.16,13.*

21.* rapax, acis, ravenous, greedy,
quisque, quaeque, quodque, Mt.7,15 [A. 20, 29] avar-

each, L. 19,15 ; A. 2, 45 ;
icious, iC.5,iof.; 6,10.*
4-35-* rapina, ae,/., rapine, robbery,
quoad, only with usque Mt. 23, 25 ; Ph.2,6; H.
until. 10,34*
[quoadusque ], quoad usque. rapio, pui, raptus, 3, seize,
quocumque, whithersoever. A. 6, 12 ; 19,29 ; snatch
quot, how many. away, A. 8, 39 ; 1 Th.4,
quotid-, v. ootid-. 17-
quotiens (-ies), how mmny fraptor, oris, m., robber,
times, Mt. 18,21.* L. 18,11*

ratio, onis, /., (i) account, recumbo, bui, 3, recline, sit

L.16,2; R.14,12 (2) ;
at meat.
method, manner, 1 C.15, recuso, 1, refuse, A.25,11 ;

2 ;(3) reason, ground, H. 12,25 (bis).*

A.25,27; iP.3,15; (4) reda (rhe-), ae, /., carriage,
rule, proportion, R.12,6. Ap. 18,13.*
rationabilis, e, reasonable, *redarguo, 3, reprove, con-
pertaining to the reason, vict, E.5,11 Ti.1,11 ; ;

rational, R.12,1 ; 1 P. Jas.2,9.*

2,2.* redargutio, onis, /., reproof,
reaedifico, 1, rebuild, Mt.[26, contempt, A. 19,27.*
61]; 27,40; [Mk.15.29]; reddo, didi, ditus, pay, pay 3,
A. 15, 16.* back, ||Mt.22,2i reward, ;

recedo, cessi, 3, depart, jail render, H. 13,17; Ap.18,

away. 6.

recipio, cepi, ceptus, 3, re- redemptor, oris, m., saviour,

ceive. redeemer, A. 7, 35.*
reclino, 1, lay, lay down, redeo, ii, 4, return.
||Mt.8,2o ; L.2,7.* redigo, actus, 3, bring down,
recogito, 1, consider, H.12, reduce, A. 5, 36 ; 1 C.6,12.
* redimo, emi, emptus,
3 3,
reconciliation onis, /., recon- redeem.
ciliation, ; 11,15 ;
reduco, 3, (1) bring back, R.
2C.5,i8f.* 15,15 (2) draw off, put

reconcilio, 1, reconcile. out (from shore), L.5,3.*

recondo, 3, lay up, 1 C.16,2.* refectio, onis,/., guest cham-
recordatio, onis, /., remem- ber, Mk.14,14.*
brance, 2 T.1,5.* refero, rettuli, referre, (1)
recordor, remember.
1, bring back, away,
recte, rightly, L.7,43 ;
cor- Mt.27,3; 2C.5,io; (2)
rectly, Mk.7,35 ;
justly, relate, tell,A. 14,26 15, ;

A.18,14. 27 i (3) bear (fruit), L.

rector, oris, m., ruler, E. 8,14.*
6,12.* reflcio, feci, fectus, 3, (1)

rectus, a, urn, right, resh, Mt.11,28; A. 28,2;

erect, straight. la^c. OF air, Mt.4,21.
frecubitus, us, m:^maee,"of feflofe'sljOjVui, 3, bloom again,
seat at tablp, ityvz?,,^ M ,J H AEL^ll-4.'



*reformo, i, re-form, change, reject, Mk.1^52 ; 1 T.4,

R.12,2 ; Ph. 3,2i.* 4*
refreno, i, bridle, check, Jas. jreinuito, 1, invite in return,
1,26.* L.14,12.*
refrigerium, ii, »., refresh- reI*gio, onis, /., religion, A.
ment, A. 3, 20.* 26,5 ;Jas. 1,26 f.; wor-
refrigero, 1, cool, refresh, L. shipping, Co. 2, 18.*
16,24; R. 15,32 ; 2 T. religiosus, a, um, religious,
1,16.* A.2,5 ; 10,2; 13,5°:
frefrigesco, 3, grow cold, Jas. 1, 26.*
Mt.24,12.* relinquo, iqui, ictus, 3, leave,
refugio, 3, escape from, 2 P. forsake.
2,20.* reliquiae, arum,/., remnants,
refulgeo, fulsi, 2, shine, L. remainder, Mt. 14,20 ;

9,29 ; A. 12,7.* L.24,43 ; R.9,27 11,5.*


regalis, e, royal, Jas. 2, 8; 1 reliquus, a, um, remaining

P.2,9.* (in pi.), the rest, the
*regeneratio, onis, /., regen- others.
eration, Mt. 19,28 ; Ti.3, remaneo, mansi, 2, remain.
5* rememoror, 1, remember, H.
jregenero, 1, regenerate, beget 10,32.*
again, 1 P. 1,3.* remetior, 4, measure back
regina, ae, /., queen, ||Mt.i2, (only in pass, sense, be
42 ; A.8,27 ; Ap.18,7.* measured back), [Mt.7,2];
regio, onis, /., region, dis- Mk.4.24 L.6,38.* ;

trict, country. remigo, 1, row, Mk.6,48

regius, a, um, royal, A. 12, J. 6, 19.*
21.* reminiscor, remember,
3, J.
regno, 1, reign. 16,4; 20.7,15.*
regnum, i, n., kingdom. remissio, onis,/., (1) deliver-
rego, rectus, 3, rule, govern. ance, relief, 2 C.8,13 ; (2)
regredior, gressus, 3, return. forgiveness, L.1,77 ; H.
regula, ae, /., rule, 2 C.io, 9.22.
13 ff.; G.6,16; Ph.3,16.* remissus, a, um (only in
regulus, i, m., petty king, compar.), tolerable, Mt.
prince, J. 4, 46 ff.* (Gk. n,|| 22 ff.*
/SairiXiKos.) remitto, misi, missus, 3, (1)
*reicio, iectus, 3, cast away,, send back, L.23,7 ff.; (2)


relax, remit, cease, E.6,9 ;

reprehendo, di, 3, (1) seize,
H.12,12 ; forgive, Mt. lay hold of, L.20,26 ; (2)
9,2. blame, censure, 1 J. 3,

*remuneratio, onis, /., re- 20 f.*

ward, 2 C.6,13 ; H.io, jreprehensibilis, e, blame-

35; 11,26.* worthy, G.2,11.*
fremunerator, oris, m., re- reprehensio, onis, /., blame,
warder, H.i 1,6.* Ph. 2, 15.*
renascor, natus, 3, be born jreprobatio, onis, /., rejec-
again [J. 3,3 £.] ; 3,5 ; 1 tion, H.7,18.*
P.i, 23.* reprobo, 1, reject.
renes, renium, m., kidneys, reprobus, a, um, rejected,
reins, Ap.2,23.* reprobate, 1 C.9,27 ; 2
frenouatio, onis,/., renewal, C.i 3 ,5ff-
Ti.3,5* repromissio, onis,/., promise.
renouo, 1, renew, 2 C.4,16 ;
repromitto, misi, 3, promise.
E.4,23 Co. 3, 10; H.6,6.*
; repropitio, 1, make propitia-
renuntio, I, (1) bring back tion for, H.2,17.*
ivord, Mt.2,8 Mk.6,30 ; ;
reptilis, e, creeping, reptile,

(2) renounce, say farewell A.11,6.*

to, L.9,61 ; 14,33- repudium, ii, n., divorce,
repello, reppuli, 3, thrust Mt.5,31; ||I9,7.*
away, reject, A. 7, 27 ; R. repugno, 1, fight against, A.
11, 1 f.; 1 T.i, 19. 5,39; R.7,23 H.12,4.* ;

repente, suddenly, Mk.13,36; reputo, 1, (1) ponder, L.n,

A. 2, 2.* 38 ; (2) account, impute,
repentinus, a, um, sudden, reckon, A. 19,27 R.2,26. ;

L.21,34 ; 1 Th.5,3.* requies, ei (only in ace. -em)

repeto, 3, seek again, L.6,30 ; /., rest.

. demand, ask back, L. requiesco, eui, 3, rest.

12,20.* requietio, onis, /., rest, A. 7,

repleo, eui, etus, 2, fill, 49.*
satisfy. requiro, quisii, 3, (1) seek for,
repono, positus, 3, lay up, L.2,44 f.; A.12,19 ; (2)

L. 19,20 ; Co. 1,5 ; 2 T. require, L. 11,51.

4,8; 2P. 3 7 ,
.* res, rei, /., thing, matter.
reporto, 1, obtain, gain, H. jrescindo, 3, abrogate, annul,
10,36; 1 P.1,9.* Mk.7,13.*
RESCISCO] I03 [rigo

rescisco, iui, 3, find out, A. retribuo, 3, reyider, recom-

22,29.* pense.
reseruo, 1, keep, reserve, 2 P. retributio, onis, /., reward,
2,4 ff.; [3,7] ; Jude 6.* recompense.
resideo, sedi, 2, sit down, sit retro, (1) behind, Mt.9,20 ;

up, Mk.9,35 ; L.7,15 ;

Ap.4,6; back, ||Mk. 13,16 ;

A. 9, 40.* L.9,62 (2) as a prep. =


residuus, a, um, remaining, after, 1 T.5,15.

1 Th.4,15.* retrorsum, back, backwards,
fresipisco, 3, recover one's J. 18, 6; 20,14; 2 P. 2, 21.*
self, escape, 2 T.2,26.* reus, i, m., an accused or
resisto, stiti, 3, resist. guilty person-, (as adj.)
jresolutio, onis,/., unloosen- guilty, Mt.5,21 f.; Mk.
ing, departure, 2 T.4,6.* 3>29-
[L. & S. take as es- reuelo, 1, uncover, disclose,
cape.] reveal.
respicio, spexi, 3, behold, reuerentia, ae, /., fear, awe,
Mt.6,26 regard,
; look, reverence, H.5,7 ; 12,28 ;

look upon, A. 3,4 have ; shame, 1 C. 15,34.*

regard to, Mt.22.16. reuereor, 2, fear, reverence,
resplendeo, 2, shine brightly, Mk.12,6; L.i8,2fL; H.
Mt.17,2.* 12,9.*
respondeo, di, sus, 2, answer. reuertor, uersus, 3, return.
responsum, i, n., answer. jreuinco, 3, convict, refute,
respuo, ui, 3, reject, G.4,14.* A.18,28.*
restituo, utus, 3, restore. reuiuisco, uixi, 3, become
restitutio, onis, /., restora- alive again, L. 15,24 ff.;

tion, A. 3, 2 1.* R.7,9.*

resurgo, surrexi, 3, rise, rise reuoco, 1, recall, R.10,7.*
from the dead. *reuoluo, uolui, uolutus, 3,
resurrectio, onis, /., resur- roll back, Mt.28,2 ;
rection. 16,3 ; unroll, L.4,17.*
resuscito, i, raise up ; stir rex, regis, m., king.
up. rheda, v. re-,
rete, is, n., net. rhomphaea, v. rom-.
retineo, nui, tentus, 2, keep, rideo, 2, laugh, L.6,2i ff.*

retain, L.8,15 ; J. 20, 23 rigo, 1, water, wet, L.7,38 ff.;

keep in memory, A.20,31. 1 C.3,6 ff.*


risus, us, m., laughter, Jas. rutilo, 1, be '

yeddish, glow,
4.9-* Mt.16,3.*
rixa, ae, /., quarrel, conten-
tion, G.5,20.*
rogo, 1, entreat, ask, pray. S
°romphea (rhomphaea), ae,
/., sword, Ap.2,12.* sabaoth (sabba-) (Hebr.),
rota, ae, /., wheel, Jas. 3,6.* hosts, R.9,2 9; Jas. 5, 4.*
ruber, bra, brum, red (only f°sabbatismus, i, m., keeping
with mare), A.7,36 ; H. of a sabbath H.4,9.* ,

11,29.* sabbatum, i, n . (also in pi.

rubicundus, a, um, red, ruddy, sabbata, orum), (1) sab-
Mt.16,2.* bath; (2) week, 1 C.i6,2.
rubor, oris, m., shame, L. sabacthani (Aram.), thou hast
14,9.* forsaken me HMt.27.46.* ,

rubus, i, m., bramble-bush, sacculus, i, m. ,

purse, L.io,
bush. 4i I2 >33 ; 22,35 **
frudens, entis, m., rope, cord, saccus, i, m., sackcloth, Ap.
2 P. 2, 4.* 6,12 ; 11,3. *
rudis, e, rough, unused, un- sacer, era, crura, sacred, 2
dressed (of cloth), ||Mt. T.3,15.*
9,16.* sacerdos, dotis, m., priest.
rufus, a, um, red, Ap.6,4 ;
sacerdotalis, e ,
priestly, A.
12,3.* 4,6.*
ruga, ae, f., wrinkle, E.5, saeramentum, i, n., ynystery.

27.* jsacrarium, ii, n., sanctuary,

rugio, 4, roar, 1 P.5,8 ; Ap. 1 C.9,13 (bis).

10,3.* sacriflcium, ii, n., sacrifice.

ruina, ae, /., jail, HMt.7,27 ;
sacriflco, 1, sacrifice, A.14,13;
L.2,34.* 1 C.8,1.*
rumor, oris, m., rumour, sacrilegium, ii, n., sacrilege,
report, Mk.1,28.* R.2,22.*
rumpo, ruptus, 3, burst, sacrilegus, i, m., robber of
break, pit. 9,17 ; L.5,6 ;
temples, A.] 19,37*
8,29.* Sadducaeus, i, m., Sadducee.
§ruo, rui H.11,30.*
3, fall, *saecularis, e, (1) belonging
rursus or rursum, again to the world worldly ; (2)
truta, ae, f., rue, L.11,42.* eternal, 2 T 1,9; Ti.1,2.
; ,


saeculum, i, n., (i) age, rsancte, holily, 1 Th.2,10.*

generation ; (2). world, sanctincatio, onis, /., (1)
2 T.4,9 ; Ti.2,12. sanctification, 1 Th.4,3 ff.;

saepes (sep-), is, /., hedge, (2) holiness, R.1,4 ; 2

fence, IJMt.21,33 ; L.14, C.7,1.
23.* sanctinco, 1, sanctify, make
saeuus, a, um, fierce, Mt.8, holy.
28 grievous, sore (of a
; sanctimonia, ae, /., holiness,
wound), Ap.i6,2.* H.12,14.*
sagena, ae, /., drag-net, sanctitas, tatis, /., holiness,
seine, Mt. 13,47.* L.i, 75; E.4,24 ; 1 Th.
sagino, 1, fatten, L. 15,23 ff.* 3.13*
sal, salis, n., salt. sanctum, i, n. (and pi.,
salio, 4, leap, spring up, J. sancta, orum), sanctuary,
4.M* H.8,2 ; 9,1 ff.

sallio (salio), 4, season, salt, sanctus, a, um, holy.

Mt.5,13; Mk.9,49 (bis).* °sandalium, ii, u., slipper,
salsus, a, um, salted, salt, Jas. sandal, Mk.6,9.*
3.12.* sanguis, uinis, m., blood.
saltim (-tern), at least, A. 5, sano, 1, heal, cure.
15* sanus, a, um, whole, sound.
salto, 1, dance, HMt.11,17 °saphirus (sapph-), i, /., sap-
llM.6.* phire, Ap.21,19.*
salus, utis, /. safety, sal- sapiens, entis, wise.
vation. sapienter, wisely, Mk. 1 2
salutaris, e, (as subst.) salu- 34*
taris, m., Saviour, L.i, sapientia, ae, /., wisdom.
47 ; salutare, u., sal- sapio, 3, (1) taste, savour of,
vation, L.2,30 ; 3,6 ; A. ||Mt. 16,23 ; (2) think, con-
28,28.* sider, regard, R.11,20;
saluto, 1, greet, salute. 14,6 ; 1 C.13,11.
saluator, oris, m., saviour. sapphirus, v. saph-.
saluiflco, 1, save, J. 12,27 > sarcina, ae, /., burden, L.
12,47.* 11.46.*
saluo, 1, save, make whole. *°sardinus, a, um, sardian,
saluus, a, um, safe, whole. carneliau, Ap.4,3 ; (as
sancio, sanctus (sancitus), subst.) the carnclian, Ap.
4, enact, ratify, H.8,6.* 21,20.*

[°sardius], ii, m., the car- scapha, ae, /., small boat,
nelian, Ap.21,20.* skiff, A.27,16 ff.*

f °sardonix (-yx), ichis (ychis), sceleratus, a, um, impious,

m. and /., sardonyx, Ap. unholy, 1 T.1,9.*
21,20.* scelestus, a, um, impious,
sarmentum, i, n., faggot, unholy, 2 T.3,2.*
brushwood, A. 28, 3.* jscenoiactorius, a, um, be-
satago, 3, be busy, have longing to tent-making,
enough to do, L. 10,40 ;
2 P.i, 10; [3,14].* °scenopegia, ae, /., feast of
*Satanas, ae, m., adversary, Tabernacles, J. 7, 2.*
Satan. °schisma, atis, n., division,
satio, 1, satiate, satisfy, A. 1 C.i, 10
J. 9,16 ; 12, ;

27,38 Ph.4,12.*
satis, enough, L.22,38 A. ; t°schola, ae, f., school, A. 19,

§17,9; 20,11.* 9.*

satisfacio, 3, satisfy, Mk.15, scientia, ae, /., knowledge.
15 ; A. 24, 10.* scindo, idi, issus, 3, rend.
satisf actio, onis, /., apology, scio, 4, know.
explanation, 1 P.3,15 ;
sciscitor, 1, enquire, Mt.2,4.*
security, bail [A. 17,9].* scissura, ae, /., rent, ||Mt.

satum, i, n., (in pi.) crops, 9,16 ; division, 1 C.11,

standing corn, ||Mt.i2,i.* 18.*
satum, i, n., a measure (of scopa, ae, /., (in pi.) broom,
corn), ||Mt. 13,33.* besom, ||Mt. 12,44.*
saturitas, tatis, /., fulness, scorpio, onis, also scorpius,
repletion, Co. 2, 2 3.* ii (Ap.9,5), m., scorpion.
saturo, 1, satisfy. scriba, ae, m., scribe.
saxum, i, n., stone, Mt.27, scribo, psi, ptus, 3, write.
60.* scriptura, ae, /., writing,
scabellum (also scabillum, scripture.
Mt.22,44), i, n., foot- scrutor, 1, search.
stool. sculptura, ae, /., carving,
°scandalizo, 1, cause to A. 17,29.*
stumble. fscurrilitas, tatis, /., buf-
°scandalum, i, n., stumbling- foonery, E.5,4.*
block, cause of offence, scutum, i, n., shield, E.6,
L.17,1 ; Ap.2,14. 16.*

secedo, cessi, 3, go aside, fsegnis, e, dilatory, lazy, H.

retire, depart. 6,12.*
secessus, us, m., place of segrego, 1, separate.
retirement, privy, ||Mt. semen, inis, n., seed.

15,17.* sementis, is, /., seed, Mk.4,

seco, sectus, 1, cut asunder, 26.*
H.ii.37* semicinctium, ii, n., girdle,
secreto, privately, HMt.17, apron, A. 19, 12.*
19; 20,17; 2 4>3* fseminiuerbius, a, um, scat-
secta, ae, /., sect, A. 24, 5 ;
tering words, babbling, A.
division, G.5,20. 17, 18.* (Gk.(T7rep/zoA.dyos.)
jsectator, oris, m., follower, semino, 1, sow.
Ti.2,14.* semita, ae, /., path, ||Mt.
sector, 1 ,
follow. 3.3*
secundo, secondly, in second semiuiuus, a, um, half-dead,
place. L. 10,30.*
§secundoprimus, a, um, semper, always.
second-first, L.6,1.* sempiternus, a, um, ever-
secundus, a, um, second. lasting, eternal.
securis, is,/., axe, HMt.3,10.* §senecta, ae, /., old age, L.
securitas, tatis, /., safety, 1 1,36.*
Th.5,3.* [senectus], tutis, /., old age
securus, a, um, free from [L.1,36].*
care, Mt.28.14.* senesco, nui, 3, become old,
secus, near, by, at. J. 21, 18; H.8,13.*
sedeo, sedi, 2, sit. senex, nis, old, aged ; (as
sedes, is,/., seat, throne. subst.) old man.
sedile, is, n., seat, Ap.4,4.* senior, oris, older, old ; (as
jseditiosus, a, um, turbulent, subst. in pi.), elders.
seditious, Mk.15,7.* sensus, us, m., mind, under-
sedo, 1, quiet, allay, A. 14, standing, L. 24,45 ; R.
18 * Ap.17,9 sense,
; 19,35 f 11,34 ! ;

seduco, xi, ctus, 3, lead astray, H.5,14-

seduce. sententia, ae, /., opinion,
seductio, onis, /., misleading, judgment [1 Ci, 10] ; vote,
deceit, 2 Th.2 lo.*
A. 26, 10.*
seductor, oris, m., deceiver, sentio, sensi, 4, feel, think,
Mt. 27,63; Ti.1,10; 2 J. 7. judge, perceive.


seorsum, apart. serve, 1 T. 6,14; Jas.2,10;

separatim, privately, apart, save, A. 2 7, 43 reserve, ;

Mk.13,3 ;
J. 20,7.* §2P.3,7-
separatio, onis, /., division, seruus, i, m., slave, servant.
L.12,51.* jseueritas, tatis, /., severity
separo, 1, separate, sunder. R.i 1,22 (bis).*
sepelio, pultus, 4, bury.
ii, jsicarius, ii, m., assassin,
sepis, v. sae-. A.21,38.*
[fsepono], 3, lay aside, 1 C. sicco, 1, dry up, Mk.5,29
16,2.* Ap.16,12.*
septies, seven times, Mt.i8, sicera (indecl.) [acc.siceram],
21 f. ; L.17,4.* strong drink, L.1,15.*
sepulchrum, i, n., sepulchre. sicuti, as, E.3,5 ; 1 J. 3, 2.*

sepultura, ae, /., burial, Mt. sidus, eris, n., star, A. 7, 43 ;

27,7 ; Mk.14,8;
J. 12,7.* 27,20 ; H.11,12 ; Jude
sequor, secutus, 3, follow. 13.*
serenus, a, um (as subst. sigillum, i, n., seal, Ap.5,1 ;

serenum), fair weather, 6,3 ff.; 8,1.*

Mt.16,2.* signaculum, i, n., seal, R.4,
sericum, i, n., silk, Ap.18, 11 ; 1 C.9,2 ; 2 T.2,19 ;

12.* Ap. 5 ,2ff.; §6,1.*

sermo, onis, m., word, saying, significo, 1, signify, make
report. known, point out.
sero, 3, sow, Mt.6,26.* signo, 1 , seal, seal up.
sero, late, in the evening, signum, i, n., sign, J. 2, 11 ;

Mt.20,8 ; Mk.4,35 ; J. 2 C.12,12 ; seal, Ap.7,2 ;

6,16. 9,4-
serotinus, a, um, latter, late silentium, ii, n., silence.

(of rain),* Jas.5,7.* sileo, 2, keep silent, quiet, L.

serpens, entis, m., and /., \ 23,56.*

serpent. ysiliqua, ae, /., pod, hush
seruio, 4, serve, worship, do (esp. of carob tree), L.15,
service to. 16.*
seruitus, tutis, /., servitude, silva, ae, /., wood, Jas.3,5.*
bondage, R.8,15 ff.; G. silvestris, e, belonging to the
2,4 ; worshipping (of woods, wild, HMt.3,4.*
idols), E.5,5 Co.3,5. ; simila, ae, /., finest flour,
seruo, 1, keep, A. 12, 5; ob- Ap.18,13.*

similis, e, like. singillatim (singula-), one

similiter, likewise, in like by one, Mk.14,19.*
manner. singularis, e, solitary, alone,
similitudo, dinis, /., (1) like- Mk.4,10.*
ness, R.1,23 ; H.7,15 ;
trum, on the
sinister, tra, left,

(2) parable (in Luke). the left ;

(as subst.) sinistra,
fsimilo, i, make like, H.2, left hand.
17.* sino, 3, allow, permit, let

simplex, plicis, (1) simple, alone, let be.

single, ||Mt.6,22 ; (2) sinus, us, m., bosom.

honest, frank, straight- [siquidem], si quidem.
forward, guileless, Alt. 10, jsisto, 3, set, L.2,22.*
16 R.16,19.
; sitio, 4, thirst.
simplicitas, tatis, /., sim- sitis, is, /., thirst, 2 C.11,
plicity, frankness, open- 27.*
ness. siue, if, whether, or.
simul, together, at the same sm-, v. zra-.
time. sobrie, soberly, Ti.2,12.*
simulacrum, i, n., image, sobrietas, tatis,/., soberness,
idol. sobriety.
simulatio, onis,/., dissimula- sobrius, a, um, sober, temper-
tion, hypocrisy. ate, prudent.
simulo, 1, feign, make pre- socer, cri, m., father-in-law,
tence L.20,20 20, *
of, ;
47.* societas, tatis, /., fellowship.
sin, if not, L.10,6; 13,9; socius, a, um (as subst.
Ap.2,5.* socius m.), fellow, part-
*°sinapi, is, n., mustard, ner, comrade, partaker.
||Mt. 13,31 ;
||i7,2o.* socrus, Us,/., mother-in-law,
tsincere, sincerely, Ph. 1,1 7.* Mt.8,14 ;
*sinceritas, tatis,/., sincerity, sol, solis, m., sun.
1 C.5,8 ; 2 C.i, 12 ; 2,17.* solacium, and solatium, H.
sincerus, a, um, irregular 13,22, ii, n., consolation,
plur. sinceres, Ph. 1,10; R.15,5 Ph. 2, 1; Co. 4, ;

sincere, 2,20 ; 2 P. 3,1.* 11 H.6,18.*


°sindon, onis, /., fine cotton, solemnis, v. soil-.

muslin, ljMt.27.59 ;
Mk. soleo, 2, be accustomed, Mk.
14,51 f 15,6.*

solido, i, make firm, estab- sordes, is,/.,' (only pi.) filth,

lish, i P. 5,10.* filthiness, 1 P. 3, 21 Ap. ;

solidus, a, um, solid (of food), 22,11.*

H. 5 ,I2ff.* sordesco, 3, be filthy, Ap.
solitudo, dinis, /., wilder- 22,11.*
ness. sordidus, a, um, filthy, J as.
sollemnis (solem-) , e, solemn, 2,2.*
festive (with f\ies= feast), soror, oris,/., sister.
Mt.27,15 ; L.2,41.* sors,sortis, /., lot, that which
sollicite, earnestly, diligently, is assigned by lot, share,
1^7,4; 2 T.i, 17; 2,15; portion.
Ti.3,13.* sortior, 4, (1) cast lots, J.
sollicitudo, dinis, /., care, 19,24, (2) obtain, A. 1,17 ;

anxiety. H.8,6; 2P.i,i.*

sollicitus, a, um, anxious, spar go, arsi, 3, scatter, Mt.
carejul. 12,30 ; 25,24 ff.*

solum, only. f §sparsio, onis, /., sprinkling,

solummodo, only, A. 24, 21 ;
H. 12,24.*
H.9,9.* spatiosus, a, um, broad,
solus, a, um, alone. Mt.7,13.*
solutio, onis, /., loosing, spatium, ii, n., space, inter-
release, 1 C.7,27.* val (of time), A. 5, 7 ;

soluo, ui, utus, 3, (1) loose, distance, L.24,13 ; leisure,

release, plk.1,7 ; relax ;
(2) break up, divide, A. species, ei,/., form, fashion,

2 3>7 (3) destroy, Mt.5,

'< appearance.
17 ff.; (4) in 1 J.4,3=Avw speciosus, a, um, beautiful,
in sense of " annul " ? Mt.23,27 ; A.3,2 ; 3,10;
somnio, dream, A. 2, 17.*
1, R.10,15.*
somnium, ii, n., dream, spectaculum, i, n., sight,

A. 2, 17.* spectacle, L.23,48 ; 1 C.4,

somnus, i, m., sleep. 9; H. 10,33.*
sonitus, us, m., sound, L.21, specto, 1, behold, L.23.35.*
25 ; 1 C.14,7.* speculator, oris, m., (1) sol-

sono, i, sound, resound, 1 C. dier of the guard, Mk.6,

13,1 * 27 (where Clem, reads
sonus, i, m., sound, A. 2, 2 ; spic-) ; (2) eye-witness,
R.10,18 ; H. 12,19.* spectator, 2 P. 1,1 6.*

speculor, i, observe, examine, f splendide, splendidly, sump-

2 C. 3 ,l8.* tuously, L.16,19.*
speculum, i, n., mirror, 1 C. splendidus, a, um, clear,
13,12 Jas.i.23.*;
bright, Ap.22,1 ; 22,16.*
spelunca, ae,/., cave. splendor, oris, m., brightness,
sperno, spreui, 3, despise, Mk. 13,24 ; A. 26,13 ; H.,

spero, i, hope. spolium, ii, n., spoil, L.n,

spes, ei, /., hope. 22.*
spica, ae,/., ear of corn, ||Mt. spondeo, spopondi, 2, prom-
12,1 ; Mk.4,28 (bis).* ise, L.22,6.*
fspicatus, a, um, furn- *°spongia, ae, /., sponge,
ished with spikes or ears Mt. 27, 48.*
(spica), Mk.14,3.* (Gk. sponsa, ae, /., bride.
TTICTTIKOS). sponsor, oris, m., surety,
spiculator, v. spec-. H.7,22.*
spina, ae, f., thorn, Mt.7,16 ;
sponsus, i, ;;/., bridegroom.
||i3,7; H.6,8, spontanee, willingly, 1 P.
*spineus, a, um, made of '5.2.*
thorns, Mk.15,17 ;
J. 19, *sporta, ae, /., basket, ham-
5* per, UMt.15,37; ||i6,io;
spiritalis (-tualis), e, spirit- A. 9,25; 2C.n,33.*
ual. spuma, ae, /., foam, L.9,
spiritaliter (-tualiter), spirit- 39*
ually, 1 C.2,14 ; Ap.n, *spumo, 1, foam, Mk.9,17 ff.*
8.* spurcitia, ae, filthiness,

spiritus, us, m., wind, J. 3, 8; Mt.23.27.*

A 2,2 ; breath, 2Th.2,2; jsputum, i, n., spittle, J. 9,
(vital) spirit, L.8,55 ; a 6.*
(good or evil) spirit ; the squama, ae, /., scale, A. 9,
Spirit (of God). 18.*
spiro, 1, breathe, blow, J. 3, stabilio, 4, establish, strength-
8 ; [A.9,1] .• en, H.13,9.*
splendeo, 2, only in partic. stabilis, e, steadfast, steady,
splendens, shining, bright, immutable, 1 C. 15,58 ; 2
Mk.9,3 Ap.19,8.* ; C.7,10; Co.1,23.*
*splendesco, 3, shine, 2 C. fstabularius, ii, m., inn-
4.6.* I keeper, L. 10,35.*

stabulum, i, n.,inn, L. 10,34.* stipendium, ii, n., wages,

°stadium, ii, n., (1) stade, pay (Gk. oxpioviov), L.3,
furlong, L.24,13 J. 6, ; 14 R.6,23
; 1 C.9,7 ; ;

19; 11,18; {2) stadium, 2 C.11,8.*

race-course, 1 C.9,24. stipula, ae, /., stubble, 1 C.
stagnum, i, n., lake (Gk. 3,12.*
\[fxvi].) (Luke and Apoca- sto, steti, 1, stand.
lypse.) |°stoicus, a, um, Stoic, A. 17,
°stater, eris, m., stater, shekel, 18.*
Mt. 17,27.* °stola, ae, /., robe.
statera, ae, /., balance, Ap. °stomachus, i, m., stomach.
6,5* strideo, 2, gnash, Mk.9,18;
statim, immediately, forth- A.7,54.* -

with. stridor, oris, m., gnashing

statuo, ui, utus, 3, (1) set, (of teeth).
place, Mt.4,5 ; establish, stringo, nxi, 3, bind fast, A.
R.3,31 H.10,9;
; (2) 16,24.*
appoint, A. 1,23 (3) re- ;
structura, ae, /., (1) con-
solve, determine, A.27,12 ;
struction, mode of build-
Ti.3,12. ing, Ap. 21,18 ; (2) edif.ce,
statura, ae, /., stature, ||Mt. building, Mk.13,1.*
6,27 ; L.19,3.* studeo, 2, strive, be diligent,

status, us, m., place, position, A. 24, 16.*

standing, H.9,8.* jstultiloquium, ii, n., foolish

stella, ae,/., star. talking, E.5,4.*

stercus, oris, n., dung, L.13, stultitia, ae,/., foolishness.
8 ; Ph.3,8.* stultus, a, um, foolish ; (as
sterilis, e, barren. subst.) fool.
sterno, straui, stratus, 3, stupeflo, factus, fieri, be
strew. benumbed, amazed, Mk.9,
sterquilinium, ii, n., dung- 14 ; A.9,7.*
hill, L.14,35.* stupeo, 2, be astonished,
°stigma, atis, n., brand, amazed.
mark, G.6,17.* stupor, oris, m., wonder,
stimulus, i, m., (1) goad, A. astonishment.
[9,5] 26,14
; ; (2) sting, suadeo, 2, persuade, advise.
1 C.15,55 f.; (3) ? stake, fsuadibilis, e, easy to per-
2 C.12,7.* suade, Jas.3,17.*


suauis, e, pleasant, Mt.n, ration, excellence, 1 C.2,1

30.* i T.2,2.
suauitas, tatis, /., (1) sweet- subrninistratio, onis, /.,
ness, E.5,2 ; Ph. 4, 18 ; furnishing, supplying, E.
(2) gentleness, 2 C.6,6.* 4,16 Ph. 1, 19.*

subdo, ditus, 3, only in P.P. subministro, 1, furnish, sup-

subditus, subject. ply, give, Co. 2, 19; 1 T.

fsubdolus, a, um, somewhat 5,10 ft.*

crafty, deceitful, 2C.11, submitto, v. summ-.
13* subnauigo, 1, sail under the
jsubduco, ductus, 3, draw up lee of, A. 27, 4.*
(boats), L.5,11.* subsequor, secutus, 3, follow
subeo, ii, 4, go up, 3.* after.
J. 6,
subinfero, ferre, add, 2 P. substantia, ae, f., (1) sub-
stance, goods, L.8,43 ;

fsubintro, i, enter stealthily, 15,12 f.; (2) essence, H.

R.5,20.* *»3 : (3) (
as trans, of
fsubintroduco, ductus, 3, vTroo-racTLs), confidence,
bring in secretly, G.2,4.* 2 C.9,4 ; 11,17; H.3,14.
(P.P. =Gk. — a peter a K7 os.) substerno, 3, strew beneath,
subintroeo, ii, 4, enter secretly, L. 19,36.*
G.2,4 !
Jude 4.* jsubterfugio, fugi, 3, avoid,
subito, suddenly. shun, A. 20, 27.*
subiaceo, 2, be subject, H. |§subtilitas, tatis, /., acute-
13.17* ness, subtlety (Gk. Tridavo-
subicio (-iicio), ieci, iectus, \oyia) Co. 2, 4.*
3, subdue, subject. "subtractio, onis,/., drawing \ v
subiectio, onis, /., subjec- back, (Gk. vttovtoXi)) ,
tion, G.2,5 1 T.2,11.* H. 10,39.*

J* \

*subiugalis, e, (as subst.) subtraho, traxi, 3, withdraw,

beast of burden, Mt.21,5 ; keep back, A. 20, 20 G. H> ; \

2P.2,i6.* (Gk. v~o(vyt.ov.) 2,12; 2 Th.3,6 H.io, L_ ;

subleuo, 1, lift up, J. 6, 5 ; 17, 38.*

1.* subuersio, onis, /., overturn-
sublimis, e, lofty, high, L.12, ing, ruin, 2 T.2,14.*
29 ; R.13,1 ; 1 T.6,17.* subuerto, uerti, uersus, 3,
sublimitas, tatis,/., (1) height, upset, overturn, J. 2, 15 ;

E.3,18 ; (2) loftiness, ele- ruin, pervert, L.23,2 ; A.


13,10; 2T.2,i8; Ti.i, sulphur, uris, n., brimstone,

11 ;
3,n.* sulphur, L.i 7,29 and ;

succendo, di, 3, burn, Mt.22, six times in Ap.

fsulphureus, a, um, of sul-
successor, oris, m., successor, phur, Ap.9,17.*
A. 24, 28.* summa, ae, /., sum, A.22,
succido, 3, cut down, L.13, 28.*
7 fif.* summitto (subm- three
succingo, nxi, nctus, 3, gird, times), misi, missus, 3,

J. 21, 7 .E.6,14
; ; 1 P.i, (1) let down, Mk.2,4 ; A.
13.* 9,25 ; (2) suborn, A. 6,11.
succlamo, 1, cry out, L.23, summus, a, um, highest,
21.* chief.
sudarium, ii, n., napkin, sumo, sumsi (-mpsi), 3, take.
L. 19,20 ; J. 11, 44 ; 20, sumptus, us, m., cost, L.14,
7 ; A. 19, 12.* 28; 1 C.9,18.*
sudor, oris, m., sweat, L.22, f superabundanter, very abun-
44* dantly, E.3,20.*
sufferentia, ae,/., sufferance, superabundo, 1, abound more,
patience, Jas.5,11.* abound greatly, R.5,20 ;

suffero, f erre, suffer, endure, 20.7,4; E.i, 8; 1 T.i,

1 C.13,7; Jas.1,12; 1P.2, 14.*
20. fsuperadultus, a, um, past
sufficientia, ae,/. sufficiency, , maturity, 1 C.7,36.*
2 C.3,5 ; 9,8 ; 1 T.6,6.* *superaediflco, 1, build over
sufilcio, 3, suffice, be suffi- or upon.
cient. superbia, ae, /., pride, Mk.
suffoco, 1, strangle, Mt.18, 7,22 ; 1 T.3,6 ; Jas.4,
28 A.15,20
; choke, ; 16 ; 1 J. 2, 16.*

HMt.13,7; HMk.5,13. superbus, a, um, proud.

suffodio, fodi, 3, dig down, f super certor, 1, fight for,
R.11,3.* Jude 3.*
suggero, 3, bring to mind, supercilium, ii, »., brow (of
suggest, J. 14,26.* hill), L.4,29.*
fsuggillo (sugi-), 1, beat jsupercresco, 3, increase
black and blue, L.18,5.* above measure, 2 Th.1,3.*
sugo, suxi, 3, suck, L.i 1, superduco, 3, bring upon,
27.* 2 P. 2, 1.*


jsupereffluo, 3, overflow, L. superpono, positus, 3, lay

6,38.* on, J. n, 38 ; 21,9.*
superemineo, 2 (only in superscribo, 3, write on, H.
partic. supereminens), be 8,10 ; 10,16.*
excellent, E.i, 19 ; 3,19.* jsuperscriptio, onis,/., super-
jsupererogo, i, spend in ad- scription, [Mt.22,20] ; L.
dition (Gk. irpodhairavCi), 23,38.*
L.10,35.* jsupersemino, 1 sow above
[superexalto], i, exalt above (other seeds), Mt. 13,25.*
others, Jas.2,13.* superstitio, onis,/., supersti-
j§superexulto, 1, boast, glory tion, A. 25, 19 ; Co. 2, 23.*
over, Jas.2,13.* tsuperstitiosus, a, um, super-
superextendo, 3, stretch above stitious, A. 17,22.* (Gk.
measure, 2 C.10,14.* 8eio-i8ai{Aiov.)

supergredior, 3, step over, go supersubstantialis, e, neces-

beyond, transgress, 1 Th. sary to support life, Mt.
4-6.* 6,11. (Gk. €7rioixrios.
superinpendo (-imp-), 3, supersum, fui, esse, be over,
spend, 2 0.12,15.* be remain.

fsuperinduo, 3, put on over superuenio, ueni, 4, come

(other things), 2 €.5,2.* upon.
superior, ius, higher, A. 10, fsuperuestio, 4, clothe upon,
9 ; 19,1 ; Ph.2,3.* 2 C.5,4.*
superius, higher, above, L. supplementum, i, n., filling
14,10 H.10,8.*; up, supply, Mk.2,21 ; 2
jsuperlucror, 1, gain besides, C.8,14.*
Mt.25,20.* suppleo, eui, etus, 2, supply,
supernus, a, um, high, 1 C. 16,17 ; 20.8,14;/»/-
celestial, J. 8, 23 ; Ph. 3, /7/, Jas.2,23.
supplicatio, onis, /., suppli-
supero, 1, overcome, R.8,
(1) cation, H.5,7.*
37 ; 2 P.2,i9f.; (2) ex- supplicium, ii, n., punish-
ceed, abound, 2 P. 1,8 ; ment, Mt.25,46 ; H.io,
(3) be left over, remain, 29.*
||Mk.8,8.* suppono, posul, 3, lay down,
tsuperordino, 1, add some- place under, R.16,4.*
thing to (Gk. €7ri<$iarao-- supporto, 1, bear with, 2 C.
o-o/xai), G.3,15.* 11, 1 ; E.4,2 00.3,13.*


f§suprascriptio, onis, /., symphonia, ae, /., music,
superscription, Mt.22, L.15,25.*
20.* synagoga, ae, /., synagogue.
surdus, a, um, deaf.
surgo, surrexi, 3, rise, arise.
sursum, (1) above, G.4,26
Co.3,1 f.; (2) upwards,
up, H.12,15.
sus, suis, c, pig, sow. taberna, ae, /., tavern, A.
suscipio, cepi, ceptus, 3, 28,15.*
take, receive, take up, tabernaculum, i, n., tent,
support. tabernacle.
suscito, 1, raise or rouse tabesco, 3, melt away, 2 P.
up. 3,12.*
suspendo, di, pensus, 3, hang, tabula, ae, /., tablet, table,
suspend. 2 C.3,3 ; H.9,4 ;
suspicio, 3, look up, Mk.7, A.27,44.*
34; L.19,5.* taceo, 2, (1) be silent ; (2)
suspicio, onis, /., suspicion, pass over in' silence (so
1 T.6,4.* tacitus, R. 16,25).
suspicor, 1, suspect, suppose, taedeo, 2, (1) (pers.), be
A. 25, 18; 27,27.* weary, Mk. 14,33 ; (2)
sustentatio, onis, /., forbear- (impers.), it wearies, dis-
ance, R.3,26.* gusts, 2 C.1,8.*
sustinentia, ae,/., endurance, talentum, i, n., talent.
patience, 1 Th.1,3.* taliter (Gk. ovtcos), so, in
sustineo, nui, 2, (1) bear, such wise, H. 10,33.*
bear with, endure, sustain, ftalitha(Aram.), maiden, Mk.
^R.9,22 ; 1 C.4,12 ; (2)
wait, tarry,HMt.26,38 *tametsi, although, 2 C.12,
^continue with, Mk.8,2. Ji ; H.6,9.*
fsusurratio, onis,/., whisper- tango, tetigi, 3, touch.
ing, 2 C. 12,20.* tantum, only.
susurro, onis, m., whisperer, tantummodo, only, Mk.5,36.*
R.1,29.* ftarde, slowly, A. 2 7, 7.*
°sycomorus, i, /., fig-mul- tardo, 1, tarry, delay, L.i,
berry tree, L.19,4.* (Gk. 21 ; 1 T.3,15 ; H.10,37;
(rvKOfiopea.) 2 P.3,9*


tardus, urn, slow, L.24,

a, x 8 ; (3) endeavour, A. 9,
25 Jas.1,19
(bis).* 26; 16,7.
jtartarus, i, m., hell, Tar- tendo, 3, (1) lay (ambush),
tarus, 2 P. 2,4.* A. 25, 3 (2) direct one's

taurus, i, m., bull, Mt.22,4 ;

course, A. 27, 40.*
A.14,13 H.9,13 ; 10,4.* ; tenebrae, arum,/., darkness.
tectum, i, n., roof, housetop. tenebrosus, a, um, dark, pit.
tego, tectus, 3, cover, R.4,7 ; 6,23 ; Ap.16,10.*
1 T.6,8.* teneo, nui, 2, hold, take hold
ttegula, ae, /., tile, L.5,19.* of, seize, take, obtain,
*°teloneum (-nium), i, n., hold fast.
custom-house, place of tener, era, erum, tender,
toll, pit.9,9.* pit.24,32.*
telum, i, n., weapon, E.6, tent-, v. temt-.
16.* ytepidus, a, um, hike-warm,
temere, rashly, A. 19,36.* Ap.3,i6.*
(Gk. 7T/307T€T€S.) tergeo, tersi, 2, wipe, L.7,38 ;

tempero, 1, mingle duly, 7-44-*

temper, 1 C. 12,24.* termino, 1, define, limit, H.
tempestas, tatis, /., storm, 4.7*
tempest, Mt.16,3 L.8, ; terminus, i, m., limit, bound,
24 A.27,18
; ft'.* Mt. 24,31 A.17,26.* ;

templum, i, n., temple. terra, ae, /., land, earth.

temporalis, e, temporary, terrenus, a, um, earthly, J.
plt.13,21 ; 2C. 4) i8; H. 3,12; 1C.15.47ff.; Ph.
11,25.* 3,19; Jas.3,15.*
temporaneus, a, um, timely, terreo, 2, terrify.
early (of rain), J as. 5, 7.* terrestris, e, belonging to
(Gk. npo'ifios.) the earth, terrestrial, 1 C.
tempus, oris, n., time. 15,40; 20.5,1; Ph.2,
temtatio (tent-), onls, /., 10.*
temptation. terribilis, e, terrible, H.io,
ttemtator (tent-), oris, m., 27 ; 12,21.*
tempter (Gk. o -n-eipafov) terror, oris, m., object of
Mt.4,3.* terror (Gk. (fw/SvTpov),
temto (tento), 1, (1) handle, L.21,11.*
feel, 2 P. 1, 9; (2) tempt, tertio, for the third time,
try, prove, 1 C.7,5 ; H.2, thirdly.

testamentum, i, n., covenant ;

*timoratus, a, um, devout,
testament. God-fearing, L.2,25 ; A.
t testator, oris, m., testator, 8,2.*
H.9,16* tinea, ae, /., moth, Mt.6,19 f.;

testiflcor, 1, bear witness, L.12,33 ; Jas. 5,2.*

testify. tinnio, 4, clang, resound,
testimonium, ii, n., witness, 1 C.13,1.*
testimony. titulus, i, m., title, inscrip-
testis, is, c, witness. tion, Mk.15,26; J. 19,
testor, i, (1) testify, L. 16,28 ;
19 f.*

1 J. 1,2 ; (2) make testa- tolerabilis, e (only in corn-

ment or covenant, H.9,17 ;
par.), tolerable, Mt.io,
10,16. 15*
*°tetrarcha, ae, m., tetrarch. Jtolerantia, ae,/., endurance,
*°theatrum, i, n., theatre, A. 2(!.I,6.*
19,29 ff.* tollo, sustuli, sublatus, 3,

°thesaurizo, 1 lay or treasure , (1) take, take or raise up,

up. HMt.4,6 ; take away, L.
°thesaurus, i, m., treasure. 8,12 ; (2) weigh anchor,
thoras, v. torus. put out to sea, A. 27, 2 ff.;

°thronus, i, m., (1) seat, 27,21.

throne, Mt.5,34 ; H.1,8 ;
tondeo, totondi, 2, shave, A.
Ap.4,4 ff.; (2) a dignity 18,18; iC.ii.6 (bis);
among angels, Co. 1,16. shear, A. 8,32.
thuribulum, v. tur-. tonitruum, ui (gen. pi., Ap.
thus, v. tus. 19,6, §tonitruum, as if
°thyinus, a, um, thyine, made from tonitru or tonitrus),

of citrus-tree, Ap.18,12.* n., thunder, thundering.

tibia, ae, /., pipe, flute, L.7, °topazius, ii, /., topaz, Ap.
32; 1 C.4,17; Ap. 18,22.* 21,20.*
jtibicen, inis, m., flute player, torcular, aris, n., winepress,
Mt.9,23.* Mt.21,33 ; Ap.19,15.*
f§timef actus, a, um, fright- tormentum, i, n., torment,
ened, alarmed, A. 24, 26.* torture.
torqueo, tortus, 2, twist,
timeo, 2, fear, be afraid. (1)

timidus, a, um, fearful, timid, 1 T.2,9 ; (2) torture, tor-

||Mt.8,26; Ap.21,8.* ment, Mt.8,6 ; ||8,29 ;

timor, oris, m., fear. 22,24 ff.*

torrens, entis, m., torrent, transflgo, xi, 3, pierce, J.

J.18,1.* 19,37-*
ftortor, oris, m., tormentor, transflguro, 1, (1) transform,
Mt. 18,34.* transfigure, HMt.17,2 2 ;

torus (tho-), i, m., bed, H. C.11,13 ff.; (2) express in

13.4* figure, 1 C.4,6.*
trabs, trabis, /., UMt.7,3 ff.* jtransformo, 1, transform,
tract abilis, e, that may be change, 2 C.3,18.*
touched (Gk. ^ryAa<^a>- transfreto, 1, cross over by
(X€VO$), H.12,18.* sea, pit. 14,34 ; A. 21,
tracto, 1, (1) treat, A. 7,6 ;

27,3 ; (2) discuss, treat of, transgredior, 3, transgress,

Mk.9,33 ; 2 T.2,15.* Mt.15,2 f.*

jtraditor, oris, m., traitor* transgressio, onis, /., trans-

trado, tradidi, traditus, 3, (1) gression, G.3,19.*
give up, Mt.4,12 hand ; transgressor, oris, m., trans-
over, A. 23,33
deliver, i
gressor, Jas.2,9 ff.*
give (in marriage), L.20, transigo, actus, 3, end, finish,
34 (2) betray, Mt.10,4
; ;
(3) hand down, transmit, transitus, us, m., passing,
L.i, 2 ; A.6,14. passage, 1 C.16,7.*
traduco and transduco (2 P. translatio, onis, /., trans-
3,17), xi, ctus, 3, (1) lead ference, removal, H.7,12 ;

or bring over, 2 P-3,17 ; 12,27 !

translation (to
(2) make a show of, heaven), H.11,5.*
disgrace, Mt.1,19 ; Co. ftransmeo, 1, cross over, L.
2,15.* 16,26.*
traho, traxi, 3, drag, draw. transmigratio, onis, /., re-
tranquillitas, tatis, /., calm, moval, deportation (Gk.
HMt.8,26.* fi€TOLK€cria), Mt.l.II ff.*

tranquillus, a, um, peaceful, jtransmutatio, onis, /.,

1 T.2,2.* change, Jas.1,17.*
transcendo, di, 3, cross over, ftransnauigo, 1, sail past, A.
Mk.5,21.* 20,16.*
transduco, v. trad-, transpianto, 1, transplant,
transeo, ii, 4, cross, cross L.17,6.*
over, L. 16,26 ; H.11,29; ftranspono, posui, 3. remove,
pass away, 2 C.5,17. transfer, A. 27,6.*

TREMO] 1 20 [typhonicus

tremo, 3, tremble, Mk.5,33 ;

tumor, oris, m., swelling,
[A.9,6].* A.28,6.*
tremebundus, a, urn, trem- tumultuor, 1, make a tumult
bling, H. 12,21.* or uproar, Mt.9,23.*
tremef actus, a, um, quaking, tumultus, us, m., tumult,
trembling, A. 7, 32 16,; uproar.
29 ; [24,26].* tunica, ae,/., tunic, coat.
tremor, oris, m., trembling. turba, ae,/., crowd, multitude
tribulo, 1, afflict, 2 C.1,6 ;
turbatio, onis,/., commotion,
2Th.i,6 1* disturbance, A.12,18 ; 19,
tribulus, i, m., thistle, Mt.7, 23.*
16; H.6,8.* turbo, 1, disturb, trouble, L.
tribunal, alis, n., judgment- 1,12 ; J. 14, 1.
seat. turbo, inis, m., whirlwind,
tribunus, i, m., military storm, H.12,18; 2 P.2,
tribune, chief captain, 17.*
chief. turibulum (thu-), i, n., censer,
tribuo, 3, give, bestow. H.9,4; Ap.8, 3 ff.*
tribus, us (dat. and abl. pi. turpis, e, disgraceful, shame-
tribubus),/., tribe. ful.
tributum, i, n., tribute. turpitudo, dinis,/., dishonour,
triduum, ui, n., space of three shame, R.1,27 ; E.5,4 ;

days. Ap. 16,15.*

triennium, ii, n., space of turris, is (ace. -em), /'.,

three years, A. 20, 31.* tower, HMt.21,33 ; L.13,

tristis, e, sad. 4 ;
i4> 28 -*
tristitia, ae,/., sadness. turtur, uris, m., turtle-dove,
tristor, 1, be sad, Jas.5, L.2,24.*
13.* tus (thus), turis, n., frankin-
triticum, i, n., wheat. cense, incense, Mt.2.11 ;

trituro, 1, tread (corn), thresh, Ap. 18,13.*

1 C.9,9f.; 1 T.5,18.* f tutor, oris, m., guardian,
triumpho, 1, triumph over, tutor, G.4,2.*
lead in triumph, 2 C.2, tutus, a, um, safe, secure,
. 14 Co.2,15.*
; A.27,9 H.6,19.* ;

tuba, ae, /., trumpet. f°typhonicus, a, um, like a

ytumidus, a, um, swollen, typhoon, stormy, A. 2 7,
puffed up, 2 T.3,4.* 14.*
UBER] 121 [usus

undique, from all sides, Mk.

1,45 L.19,43.*

u ungentum (-guentum), i, n.,

uber, eris, n., breast, L. 11,27 ;
ungo, xi, 3, anoint.
23,29.* unicus, a, um, only, sole, L.
uber, eris, rich, plentiful, 7,12 8,42 ; ; 9,38.*
L. 12,16.* unigenitus, a, um, only-
ubicumque, wherever. begotten.
ubique, everywhere. *unitas, tatis, /., unity, E.
ulcisor, 3, avenge, 2 C. 10,6.* 4.3 4.13*

ulcus, eris, n., sore, ulcer, L. uniuersitas, tatis,/., universe,

16,20 f.* world (Gk. koct/xos), Jas.
ulna, ae, /., arm, L.2,28.* 3-6.*
fulterius, further, any longer, uniuersus, a, um, whole, all.
R.15,23.* |§unoculus, a, um, one-eyed
ultimus, a, um, (as subst.) (Gk. fJiovoffiOaXfio^) Mt. ,

ultimum, end, A. 1,8.* 18,9.*

ultio, onis, /., vengeance, L. urbs, urbis, /., city, A. 16,12 ;

21,22 ; A.7,24 ; 28,4.* 16,39; [17,6].*

ultro, spontaneously, of one's urceus, ei, m., pitcher, pot,
own accord, Mk.4,28 ; A. Mk.7,4 ff.*

12, 10.* urgeo, 2, impel, urge, 2 C.

ululatus, us, m., wailing, Mt. 5.14*
2,l8.* urna, ae, /., urn, far, H.9,
ululo, 1, howl, wail, Jas. 4*
5.1* uro, 3, burn, 1 C.7,9 ; 2 C.
umbra, ae, shadow.
/., 11,29.*
umerus (hum-), i, m., ursus, i, m., bear, Ap.13,2.*
shoulder, Mt.23,4 ; L. usque, up to, as far as.
I5.5-* [usquequo], usque quo, how
unanimis, e, of one mind, long? UMt.17,16; Ap.
harmonious. 6,10.*
unanimiter, with one accord usura, ao, /., interest, ||Mt.
(six times in Acts). 25,27.*
unctio, onis, /., anointing, usus, us, m., use, R.i,26f.;
unction, 1
J. 2, 20 ff.* need, ivant, Ph.4,16 Ti. ;

unde, whence. 3,14-



uter, utris, m., wine-skin, uado, 3, go (frequent in the

||Mt. 9 ,i7-* imperative)
uterus, i, m., womb* uae, (1) woe ! (2) in Ap. as
futi, that, Philem.14.* subst., a woe.
utilis, e, useful. uaenundo, v. uen-.
utilitas, tatis, /., profit, R. uagina, ae, /., sheath, J. 18,
3,1 ; 1 C.7,35 ; 12,7.* 11.*
utinam, would that, 1 C. uah, v. ua.

4,8 ; 2 C.n,i ; G.5,12 ;

ualde, greatly, very much,
Ap.3,15.* very.
utique, surely, certainly. •fualedico, xi, 3, bid farewell,
utor, usus, 3, use. A. 20, 1.*
ut put a, as for example, 1 C. [*ualefacio], feci, 3, bid fare-
14,10; 15,37* well, A. 18, 18 21,6 2 ; ;

utrum, whether, J.7,17.* C.2,13.*

uua, ae, /., grape, bunch of ualeo, 2, (1) be strong, able,
grapes, UMt.7,16 ; Jas. efficacious, L.16,3 ; J.
3,12 ; Ap.14,18.* 21,6 H.9,17
; ;
uxor, oris,/., wife. Ap.12,8 (2) ;
be well,
healthy, HMt.9,12 (in ;

imperative) uale, ualete,

farewell, A.i 5, 29; [23,30].
V §ualide, strongly, mightily,
A. 27, 18.*
ua (uah) (interj.) Ah ! [Mt. ualidus, a, um, mighty,
27,40] Mk.15,29.* ;
strong, L.15,14 ; H.5,7 ;

uaco, 1, (1) be empty, be boisterous (of wind), Jas.

without, Mt. 12,44 H. > 3,4-
8,7 (2) have leisure, be
uallis, is,/., valley, L.3,5.*
unoccupied, A. 17,21 1 ; uallum, i, n., rampart, wall,
C.7,5.* L.19,43.*
uacuus, a, um, (1) empty, fuaniloquus, a, um, idly
1 C.i 5,10 ; (2) disengaged ; talking, prating, Ti.i,

1 C.16,12 ; idle, 2 P. 1,8 ;

uacuum est (impers.), 1 fuaniloquium, ii, n., idle

C.16,12 ; in uacuum, in talking, 1 T.i, 6 ; [2 T.

vain, 2 C.6,1 ; G.2,2 ;
Ph.2,16.* uanitas, tatis, /., vanity,

emptiness, R.8,20 ; E. ueneo, ii, 4, be sold, ||Mt.io,

4,17; 2 P.2,18.* 29; J. 12, 5; 1 C. 10,25.*
uanus, a, um, vain, profit- uenio, ueni, 4, come.
less. uenter, tris, m., belly.
uapulo, 1, be beaten, Mk.13, uentilabrum, i, »., fan, ||Mt.
9 L. 12,47
*•* 3,12.*
uarius, a, um, various, di- uentus, i, m., wind.
verse. uenundo (uaen-), datus, 1,

uas, uasis, n., vessel. sell, Mt. 18,25 '<

2 6,9 ;

[juasculum], i, n., vessel, A.5,4.

1 P.3,7.* uerax, acis, true, truthful.
uasto, 1, lay waste, destroy, uerber, eris, n., lash, whip,
H.ii.28.* H.11,36.*
uectigal, alis, »., tribute, tax, uerbero, 1, beat, 1 C.9,26.*
R.I3.7* uerbosus, a, um, wordy,
uehemens, entis, mighty, talkative, 1 T.5,13.*
vehement, A. 2,2.* uerbum, i, n., word ; the
uehementer, greatly, mightily, Word, Logos.
strictly. uere, truly, indeed.
uelamen, inis, »., veil. uerecundia, ae, /., modesty,
uelamentum, i, n., veil. shame, 1 C.6,5 1 T.2,9.* ;

uello, 3, pluck, [jMt.12,1.* uereor, 2, fear, reverence.

uelo, 1, veil, cover, hide. ueritas, talis,/., truth.
uelociter, quickly, A. 12,7 ;
uermis, is, m., worm, Mk.
22,18 ; R.i6,2o ; Ap. 9,44 ft.; A. 12,23.*
22,7.* uersutia, ae, /., craftiness,
uelox, ocis, swift, speedy, Mk. 12,15.*
R.3,15; Jas.1,19; 2 P. uerto, ti, uersus, 3, turn, Mk.
1,14.* 3,21 ;
J. 16,20; H.11,34.*
uelum, i, n., veil, pit. 27, 51.* [uerumtamen],uerum tamen.
uendo, didi, 3, sell. uerus, a, um, true, real.
ueneflcium, ii, n., magic, uesper, eris, m. (only abl.),
witchcraft, G.5,20 ; Ap. evening.
9,21 ; 18,23.* uespera, ae, /., evening, Mk.
ueneflcus, i, >n., sorcerer. 11, n ; 11,19 ; A. 4, 3 ;

Ap.21,8 ; 22,15.* 28,23.* [In Mk.ii.n

uenenum, i, n., poison, R. uespera is perhaps an
3,13; Jas.3,8.* adjective.]

uestigium, ii, n., footstep, uicus, i, m., village.

R.4,12 ; 2 C.12,18 ; 1 uideo, di, uisus, 2, see, (in
P. 2, 21.* pass, also) seem.
uestimentum, i, n., garment, uidua, ae,/., widow.
raiment; uigilia, ae, /., (1) watch (of
uestio, 4, clothe. night), Mk.6,48 L.12, ;

uestis, is, /., garment, rai- 38 ; (2) watching, wake-

ment. fulness, 2 C.6,5 ; 11,27.
uestitus, us, m., raiment, L. uigilo, 1, watch, keep watch,
9,29.* be wakeful.
ueteresco (-asco), 3, grow old, *uilicatio (uilli-), onis /.,
L.12,33; H.i, 11.* stewardship, L.16,2 ff.*

f uetero, 1,make or count old juilico (uilli-), 1, be a steward,

(Gk. 7raAcuw), H.8,13.* L.16,2.*
ueto, atus, 1, forbid, I.. 18, 16 ;
uilicus, (uilli-), i, m., ste-

A.16,6.* ward, L.16,1 ff.*

uetus, eris, old. uilla, ae,/., (1) town, village,
uetustas, tatis, /., oldness, Mt.26,36; L.8,34; (2)
R.7,6.* farm, field, country, Mt.
uexo, 1, harass, vex, afflict. 22,5 ; L.14,18.
uia, ae, /., way. uillicus, etc., v. uili-.
uicies, twenty times, Ap.9, uincio, nxi, nctus, 4, bind.
16.* uinco, uici, 3, conquer, over-
uicinus, a, um, neighbouring, come.
near, (as subst.) neigh- uinculum, i, n., chain, bond.
bour. uindemio, 1, gather grapes,
uicis (genitive), /., (1) alter- L.6,44 Ap.14,18 f.*

nation, return, recom- uindex, icis, c, avenger, R.i3,

pense, 1 T.5.4 ; (2) course 4 ; 1 Th.4,6.*

of duty (of priests), L. uindico, 1, avenge, L.18,3 ff.;

uicissitudo, dinis, /., change, uindicta, ae, /., vengeance,
Jas.1,17.* R.12,19; 2 Th.1,8.
uictima, ae, /., victim, Mk. uinea, ae, /.,(1) vineyard;

9,49; A.7,42.* (2) vine, Ap.14.18 f.

uictus, us, m., livelihood, uinolentia, ae, /., wine-bib-
means of subsistence, ||Mk. bing, intoxication, 1P.4,
o *
12,44 ; Jas.2,15.*


uinolentus, a, um, given uisito, 1, visit.

to wine, drunken, 1 T.3,3 ;
uisus, us, m.\ (1) (gift of)
Ti.1,7.* sight, L.7,21 ; A.7,31 ;

uinum, i, n., wine. (2) vision, A. 9,10; 10,3.

uiolentus, a, um, violent, uita, ae,/., life.
Mt.11,12.* uitis, is,/., vine, ||Mt. 26,29 ;

uiolo, 1, projane, violate, J. 15, iff.; Jas.3,12.*

Mt.12,5; A.21,28 ; 24,6; uitium, ii, n., jault, deject.
1 0.3,17.* uitreus, a, um, glassy, oj
uipera, ae, /., viper. glass, Ap.4,6; 15,2 (bis).*
uir, uiri, m., man ; husband. uitrum, i, n., glass, Ap.21,
uirga, ae, /., staff, rod, 18 ff.*
sceptre. uitula, ae,/., calf, H.9,13.*
uirginitas, tatis, /., virginity, uitulus, i, m., calf, L. 15,23 ff.;

L.2,36.* A.7,41 ; H.9,12 ; 9,19;

uirgo, ginis,/., virgin. Ap.4,7.*
uiridis, e, green, Mk.6,39 uitupero, 1, blame, find Jault,
L.23,31 ; Ap.8,7 9,4.* ; Mk.7,2 ; 2 C.6,3 ;8,20 ;

uiriliter, manjully, like a H.8,8.*

man, 1 C.16,13.* uiuiflco, 1, (1) quicken, make
uirtus, utis, /., (1) power, alive; (2) preserve alive,
strength, ability, 1 C.1,18; A.7,19.
1 P. 1,5 ; mighty work, uiuo, uixi, 3, live.
Mt.7,22 ; (2) virtue, uiuus, a, um, living, alive.
excellence, 1 P.2,9 ; 2 P. uix, scarcely, with diffictdty.
*»5 \ (3) power (rank of *uocatio, onis,/., calling.
angels), E. 1,21; 1 P.3,22. uociferor, 1, cry out, A.22,
uis (ace. uim, abl. ui),/., vio- 23*
lence ; (in pi.) (L. 10,27), uoco, 1, call, name, invite.
strength. uolatilis, e, flying, winged,
uiscera, um, n., bowels, tender (in n. pi. as subst.) birds,
mercy. Mt.6,26 ; A. 10, 12 ; 11,
uisibilis, e, visible, Co. 1,16 ;
H.11,3.* uolo, 1, fly (only in Ap. six
uisio, onis, /., thing vision ; times).
seen; appearance, Ap.4,3. uolo, uolui, uelle, wish, be
uisitatio, onis, /., visitation, willing.
L.19,44 : 1 P.2,12; 5,6.* uolucris, is,/., bird.


uoluntarie, willingly, volun- uulpes, is, /., fox, ||Mt.8,2o ;

tarily, H.10,26; Jas.i, L.13,32.*

18; 1 P.5,2.* uultus, us, m., face, counte-
uoluntarius, a, urn, will- nance.
ing, voluntary, 2 C.8,3 uulua, ae, /., womb, L.2,23 ;

Philem.14.* R.4,19*
uoluntas, tatis,/., will, good,

uoluptas, tatis, /., pleasure,

L.8,14 ; 2 T.3,4 ; Ti.3, Z
3 ; 2 P.2,13.*
fuolutabrum, i, n., wallow- °zelo, 1, (1) desire earnestly,
ing-place, 2 P. 2, 2 2.* Jas.4,2 ; (2) be envious,
uoluto, 1, (in pass.) wallow, A.I7.5-*
roll about, Mk.9,19.* °zelotes, ae, m., a zealot,' L.
uomitus, us, m., vomit, 2 P. 6,15 ; A. 1, 13.* %
2,22.* °zelus, i, m., (1) zeal, J. 2, 17 ;

uorax, acis, gluttonous, Mt. (2) envy, jealousy, A. 5,

11,19.* 17 ; 13.45-
uotum, i, n., vow, A. 18, 18 ;
zizania, orum, n., tares, Mt.
21,23 24,17.*
; 13 (six times).
uox, uocis, /., voice, sound, °zmaragdinus (sm-), a, um,
word. belonging to the emerald,
uulgus, i, n., multitude, com- emerald, Ap.4,3.*
mon people, A. 1 7,5.* °zmaragdus (sm-), i, /.,

uulnero, 1, wound, IMk.12,4; emerald, Ap.21,19.*

A. 19, 16.* °zona, ae, /., girdle, HMt.3,4 ;

uulnus, eris, n.,wound, L. ||io,9 ; A. 21, 11 ; Ap.i,

10,34 '>
Ap.16,2 16,11.*; 13 ; 15.6.*

The Mayflower Press, Plymouth, England. William Brendon & Son, Lid.


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