CS Question Papers
CS Question Papers
CS Question Papers
17. Read following two statements carefully and select options which are correct about these
Cyber security is a broad field that covers physical security, endpoint security, data
encryption, and network security. It is also closely related to information assurance, which
protects information from threats such as natural disasters and server failures.
ii. Information security primarily addresses technology-related threats, with practices and
tools that can prevent or mitigate them. Another category is data security, which focuses
on protecting an organization's data from accidental or malicious exposure to
unauthorized parties.
a) II and I are TRUE b)l is TRUE, II is FALSE c)l and ll are FALSE d)ll is TRUE, I is FALSE
General Instructions:
Follow the instructions given in each section.
D o not write anything on the question paper, except your roll no.
Make sure that you attempt the questions in order.
Scientific/Non-programmable calculatoris NA
Assume necessary data if required
Use of codes (if any)..NA...s allowed
Use of graph paper/semi loggraph paper/smith chart/ table (if any) is allowed
(Each question carries 0.5 marks)
(Out ofquestions 1-8, all are to be attempted)
1.The first step that hacker follows to gather information about a target system is.
a) Identifying active machines b) Maintaining access
Collecting initial data d)port scanning
2.Name the tool is used for mirroring the web sites available on the from the internet?
a) Whois b)HTTrack c)Nmap d)Wayback machine
3. A software program that contains commercial and marketing related advertisements.
a) Spyware b)Worm c)Adware d)Computer virus
4. Name the technique, when sensitive data is converted into unidentifiable values and
it is not actual encryption.
a) Data masking b)Hashing c)Authentication d)Encryption
(Each question carries 2 marks)
(Questions 9-12 are compulsory; multiple options can be correct)
(Out of questions 13-15, only 2 are to be attempted)
9. What would be the possible ways for maintaining access and clearing traces.
Choose correct option combination among four.
i) Deleting all logs i)Knowledge of SDLC i) Modifying certain values of logs
iv) Port scanning
12. Privacy policy must provide the following, choose correct option/s
i)purpose of collection and usage of such information i)}ldentify vulnerabilities
i)Reconnaissance iv) Reasonable security practices and procedures adopted by it.
13. Differentiate between Man in the Middle attack and Denial of Service Attack.
14. Write down the key protocols must be considered by every ethical hacker.
Section C
(Each question carries 4 marks)
(Questions 16-17 are compulsory; multiple options can be correct)
(Out of questions 18-19, only 1 is to be attempted)
16. Select the true statement/s "Which defines the Zero Day Vulnerability
i. Attack based on trial and error where the hacker attempts to determine passw
access encrypted data.
ii. A developer has not released a patch for the existing vulnerability
ii. A form of cyber-extortion in which users are unable to access their data until a
ransom is paid.
iv. The red team write POC exploits is a way to mitigate zero-day vulnerabilities.
Section D
(Each question carries 6 marks)
(Out of questions 20-22, only 2 are to be attempted)
20. Define social media marketing. Discuss the different types of risks involve in social
media marketing.
21. Explicate the various steps involved in footprinting with suitable diagram.
22. Elaborate the data privacy attacks with reference to medical domain.