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Disciplines and Ideas

in the Social
Quarter 1: Week 10 - Module
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
Grade 11 Quarter 1: Week 10, Module 10
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Dexter P. Dacanay, T-I

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Mario B. Paneda, Ed.D, EPS in Charge of Araling Panlipunan
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Disciplines and Ideas
in the Social
Quarter 1: Week 10 - Module 10

In these series of module, it is an affirmation that dominant

approaches and ideas in the scientific study of society help us to look at
society and have better understanding of the things that are happening in it.
You have learned in your previous lesson another two theoretical
approaches in the Social Sciences – Hermeneutics Phenomenology and Human-
Environment Systems.
For this week’s module, you will be continuing the journey in
understanding the different Social Science approaches and ideas employed.
The concepts will teach you the significance of exposing underlying
structures of social transformation.
After going through this module, you are expected to analyze the basic
concepts and principles of the Social Science ideas: Psychoanalysis
(HUMSS_DISS 11-IIIi-5) and Feminist Theory (HUMSS_DISS 11-IVc-
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. Describe the nature and processes of Psychoanalysis and Feminist
2. Associate experiences with the concepts and principles of
Psychoanalysis and Feminist Theory; and
3. Make a social awareness campaign on the select societal issue.


Activity 1: Anticipation Reaction Guide

Direction: The following statements enable you to gauge your level of
understanding about the roles, functions and competencies of counselors.
You are required to agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Place a check mark ( ) on the Before the Lesson Study column if you agree
with the statement and cross mark (X) if you don’t. Leave the After the
Lesson Study column for the latter part of this learning material.

Before the Statement After the

Lesson Lesson
Study Study
Psychoanalysis is a comprehensive theory about
human nature, drive actions, growth and
Psychoanalysis began with Sigmund Freud in
One of the criticisms of Psychoanalysis is
becoming subjective with too much focus on
individual experiences and cannot generalize for a
larger population.
As a Social Science approach, Psychoanalysis
made the case study method popular in social
In understanding the psychodynamics of a
person’s personality, it is important to discuss the
key concepts of id and ego.
Feminism promotes the belief that women and
men should treated equally.
It was during the 19th century when initiatives
taken by women to fight for women’s rights were
put into limelight.
Feminist Theory is seen as being too focused on
Wollstonecraft’s book “A Vindication of the Rights
of Women” became a ground-breaking work in
Gender refers to the sociocultural attributes
associated with being a man and a woman and
the different roles that society assigns to men and

Activity 2. Jumble Solver!
Direction: Unscramble the letters to form words that are related to social
sciences and applied social sciences using meaning as the clue.
Jumbled Word Description Correct Word
DREGNE Manner in which certain groups Gender oppression
SOPEISOPRN are privileged or disadvantaged
because of gender.
YCPSANSIOHALYS It refers to a method of Psychoanalysis
treatment for psychological
problems and challenges in
living a successful life.
USGOERPE Referred to as the discriminating Superego
branch of the personality that
concerned with moralistic issues
deciding what is right or wrong.
NEDGRE OGLYDIOE Refers to attitudes regarding the Gender Ideology
suitable roles, rights and
responsibilities of men and
women in society.
MEFISINM The advocacy of women’s rights Feminism
on the basis of the equality of
the sexes.
REDNEG Unequal treatment or Gender inequality
YTILAUQENI perceptions of individuals based
on their gender.

Activity 3. Open Notes!

Direction: List down 10 most important roles of each men and women
performs in the table. Copy this in your study notebook.

Important Roles
Men Women


Dominant Approaches and Ideas in the Social Sciences:


According to the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA),

psychoanalysis can be described in two ways: first it is comprehensive
theory about human nature, drive actions, growth and experience. Second,
it also refers to a method of treatment for psychological problems and
challenges in living a successful life. It is based on the observation that
individuals are often unaware of the factors that determine their emotions
and behavior.
Psychoanalysis is considered under critical social science because of
its emancipatory goal of liberating the individual from the unconscious by
analyzing the sources of domination which are hidden to a person (Jose and
Ong, 2016). Psychoanalysis as a social science approach liberates people by
acquiring consciousness of the unconscious. By means of it, people will
understand why they behave in a certain way or why they hold certain
values and beliefs.
Sigmund Freud started the study of psychoanalysis in 1890s. he
believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the
ego, and the superego. He was influenced by Joseph Breurer who believed
that a client with psychological disorder can be helped by simply talking
about his or her problem. He was the founder of psychoanalysis, but other
thinkers—including his own daughter Anna Freud—also left a significant
mark on the field. Among the most prominent names in psychoanalysis
were Erik Erikson, Erich Fromm, and Carl Jung.

Key concepts in Psychoanalysis:

A. Id – it is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary
component of personality; it is the only component of personality that
is present from birth. The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which
strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If
these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety
or tension. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should
produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink. However, immediately
fulfilling these needs is not always realistic or even possible. If we were
ruled entirely by the pleasure principle, we might find ourselves
grabbing the things that we want out of other people's hands to satisfy
our own cravings. This behavior would be both disruptive and socially
unacceptable. According to Freud, the id tries to resolve the tension
created by the pleasure principle through the use of primary process

thinking, which involves forming a mental image of the desired object
as a way of satisfying the need.
B. Ego – develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can
be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world because it deals
with reality. It is the decision-making branch of the personality.
The ego operates based on the reality principle, which strives to
satisfy the id's desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways. The
reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before
deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. The ego also discharges
tension created by unmet impulses through secondary
process thinking, in which the ego tries to find an object in the real
world that matches the mental image created by the id's primary
process. Imagine that you are stuck in a long meeting at work. You
find yourself growing increasingly hungry as the meeting drags on.
While the id might compel you to jump up from your seat and rush to
the break room for a snack, the ego guides you to sit quietly and wait
for the meeting to end. Instead of acting upon the primal urges of the
id, you spend the rest of the meeting imagining yourself eating a
cheeseburger. Once the meeting is finally over, you can seek out the
object you were imagining and satisfy the demands of the id in a
realistic and appropriate manner.
C. Superego – referred to as the discriminating branch of the personality
in the sense that it holds the internalized moral standards and ideals
that we acquire from our parents and society (our sense of right and
wrong). The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. The
superego tries to perfect and civilize our behavior. It works to
suppress all unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the
ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles.
The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious, and

Strengths of Psychoanalysis:
 As a social science approach, it made the case study method popular
in social sciences, especially in psychology.
 It highlights the importance of childhood personality development
because childhood experiences will help in explaining and
understanding personality issues.
 It can be applied in a practical way and analysis of how unconscious
human behavior provides an explanation on social behavior.

Criticisms of Psychoanalysis:
 It is too subjective – focusing on individual experiences and therefore
cannot generalize for a larger population.
 It is also seen as too deterministic, focusing on the hidden forces that
dominate people to behave the way they do.
 Its lack of empirical evidence to support the theory’s complex nature
as one of its weaknesses, and its reliance on therapeutic achievements
makes it less credible.

Feminist Theory

Feminist theory as a social science theoretical approach encourages

women to be aware of their subordination in society and do something to
promote gender equality. There are various feminist theories that try to
explain the nature of women’s status in society. Basically, feminism
promotes the belief that women and men should be treated equally and that
steps have to be taken to realize the goal of gender equality.
As early as 19th century, women have been fighting for their rights to
achieve equal status with men. It was the first wave feminism when women
have to fight for their suffrage or right to vote, to be educated, as well as
labor rights and other privileges. The 1960s was the emergence of second
wave feminism which was characterized by the so-called women’s liberation
and not merely political emancipation.
Mary Wollstonecraft published “A Vindication of the Rights of Women”
(1972) which became the ground-breaking work in feminism. In this work,
she stressed that women should have equal rights with men and scorned
the widespread impressions on the helplessness and uselessness of women.
She believed that women should be educated in order to achieve a sense of
self-worth. Betty Friedan is considered the mother of women’s liberation.
Freidan explained in her work “The Feminine Mystique” (1963) how female
domesticity causes a sense of frustration and despair among women. It is
about the unhappiness many women experienced as a result of being
confined to the roles of homemaker and mother. Simone de Beauvoir
stressed in her work “The Second Sex” (1949) that women’s subordination
was caused by social, not natural factors. She highlighted that masculine
was represented as the positive of the norm, while the feminine is portrayed
as the exact opposite of the masculine.

Key concepts in Feminist Theory:
A. Sex – refers to the biological differences between males and females
(pertaining to genetalia).
B. Gender – refers to the sociocultural attributes associated with being a
man and a woman and the different roles that society assigns to them.
It also talks on the preference of being masculine and feminine of a
person. For instance, a male can be feminine and a female can be
C. Gender Ideology– it refers to attitudes, regarding the suitable roles,
rights and responsibilities of men and women in society. For instance,
men as the breadwinners and women for being home makers.
D. Gender Inequality – it is the unequal treatment or perceptions of
individuals based on their gender.
E. Gender Oppression – the manner in which certain groups are
privileged or disadvantaged because of gender. For example, women
working outside may get a lower salary as compared to men. Same as
to the nature of work where women will land on a job which are seen
as extension of their house chores (caring for the sick, domestic
chores and others). On the other hand, men who are staying at home
are often portrayed as weaklings because of the gender ideology that
men are the breadwinner.

Strengths of Feminist Theory:

 It gives equal emphasis on men and women in dealing with and
solving social issues particularly gender inequality.
 It made realized that the both public and private spheres of life are
socially constructed, that if re-examines, and it will bring about better
opportunities for women to have equal status with men in society.
 It can be utilized in explaining and understanding institutional
structures and gender inequality thus promoting gender equality.

Criticisms of Human-Environment Systems:

 It tends to be too disapproving of the gender roles women play in the
 They view that certain strands of feminism cater only to the middle
class women for its seemingly lack of analysis of issues on race and
class as factors in shaping gender inequality.
 Seen by some critics as being too focused on women, ignoring the fact
that men can also experience discrimination and oppression in their
daily lives


n to master and strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson. Don’t hesitate to go

Enrichment Activity 1. ESSAYhan Lang Natin!

Direction: Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. Write
your answers in your study notebook.
1. How can psychoanalysis help people understand why they feel and
behave in particular ways?

2. Think of another scenario which will show how the id, ego and
superego form reactions based on their nature.

3. Why do most societies teat women as subordinate to men?

4. How does gender ideology affect gender inequality?

Scoring Rubric

Points Description
5  Provides an insightful and detailed
explanation/opinion that includes or
extends ideas from the text.
4  Provides some explanation/opinion that
includes ideas from the text for support.
3  Uses text incorrectly or with limited
success and includes an inconsistent or
confusing explanation.
2  Demonstrates minimal understanding of
the task and provides an unclear reference
or no use of the text for support
1  Response is completely irrelevant or off –

Directions: Complete the table by showing a brief description, contributors,
strengths and criticisms of the lesson (Hermeneutic Phenomenology &
Human-Environment Systems). Copy the table in your study notebook.




After doing those pen and paper activities, it is time for you to
apply the concept you have learned. For this task, make a poster that will
promote gender equality. In a separate sheet of bond paper, make a short
statement expressing the work with not more than five sentences. The
scoring rubric will be used in assessing your outputs.

What you need:

 Short Bond Paper
 Pencil and Eraser
 Any Coloring Materials
 Markers and Writing Materials

Rubrics for Scoring the Output

RUBRICS 5 4 3 2 1
ORGANIZATION The work The work The work is Organiza- The work
is very is organized tion is is not
organized organized but limited expressed organized
CREATIVITY Very Original Some parts Origina- Lacks
original and are original lity and origina-
and creative and creative creativity lity and
creative are creativity
KNOWLEDGE Content Content Content is Content is Content
is very is clear clear and expressed is not
clear and and factual but minimally clear and
factual factual limited correct factual


Congratulations. You reached the last stage of this module. In this section, your master

Activity 1: Anticipation Reaction Guide

Direction: The following statements enable you to gauge your level of
understanding about the roles, functions and competencies of counselors.
You are required to agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Countercheck what have you agreed or disagreed during the preliminaries of
this module.
Before the Statement After the
Lesson Lesson
Study Study
Psychoanalysis is a comprehensive theory about
human nature, drive actions, growth and
Psychoanalysis began with Sigmund Freud in
One of the criticisms of Psychoanalysis is
becoming subjective with too much focus on
individual experiences and cannot generalize for a
larger population.
As a Social Science approach, Psychoanalysis
made the case study method popular in social
In understanding the psychodynamics of a
person’s personality, it is important to discuss the
key concepts of id and ego.
Feminism promotes the belief that women and
men should treated equally.
It was during the 19th century when initiatives
taken by women to fight for women’s rights were
put into limelight.
Feminist Theory is seen as being too focused on
Wollstonecraft’s book “A Vindication of the Rights
of Women” became a ground-breaking work in
Gender refers to the sociocultural attributes
associated with being a man and a woman and
the different roles that society assigns to men and

Activity 2. Photo Challenge V2.0
Directions: Take any photo from your surroundings that show and promotes
gender equality. Upload the picture and post it on your Facebook account
using the #Drop_Your_GenderEquality_Challenge. Every reactions and
emoticons will be counted. For like sign-1pt, care sign-3pts, heart sign-5pts.
It will be an accumulated score.
Points Equivalent Scores
1000 & beyond 30
900-999 29
800-899 28
700-799 27
600-699 26
500-599 25
400-499 24
300-399 23
200-299 22
100-199 21
90-99 20

Congratulations! You can now move to next module.

Printed Materials

 Jose, Mary Dorothy et al. (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the

Social Sciences: Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc.
 Tatel Jr., Carlos, P. (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Sciences: Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.


 Cherry, Kendra (2020). The Influence of Psychoanalysis on the Field

of Psychology. Retrieved from September 14, 2020 from


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