Journal of Babylon University
Journal of Babylon University
Journal of Babylon University
(24): 2016
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
experimental investigated depth of penetration and crack formation by small steel spheres
projectiles of thicker armour ceramic targets under high velocity impact (Paul 1998).
Sintered sub-µm Al2O3 was the development of highly transparent armor components of
hard and high strength for thin targets components (Andreas,2005). Impact behavior of
ballistic performance of various alloys aluminum 7075-T651 against7.62 mm projectiles
were conducted Increase in the hardness of the aluminum alloys led to increase in the
resistance to the projectiles effectively (Teyfik, 2008). The influence of the high-velocity
impact tests were have proposed the experimental work and a finite element numerical
model on thin woven carbon/epoxy laminates. Also, the projectile,a steel sphere
weighting 1.73 g, was launched at a velocities ranging from 70 to 531 m/s (Lopez, 2008).
A finite element numerical model for the early impact behaviour of single and multi-ply
Kevlars 129 fabric armour systems (Novotny,2007;Tan,2006). The fracture behaviour
and damage evolution in mullite fibre reinforced–mullite matrix composites have been
proposed by using chevron notch (CN) technique and ballistic impact tests (Boccaccini
2005). The energy and momentum changes were the proposed of three approaches an
analytical approach,based on first principles, an analytical evolution of applying
penetration prediction equations and an experimental were presented (Hetherington
1996). Several studies have been performed to determine the ballistic limit velocity by
flat cylindrical, ogive and hemispherical nosed steel projectiles of 19 mm diameter of
layered aluminum plates of different thicknesses (Gupta, 2008).
2. Experimental Setup
2.1 Tensile and Compression tests of the composite
An important subject for this investigation is to study the stress – strain behavior of
the Kevlar fiber and Al2O3/ Epoxy for bi-directional woven fiber. The tensile and
compression test devices are carried out by using a universal testing machine (Instron
model 3366). Tensile tests are conducted according to the standard (ASTM D 3039/D
3039 M-95a) (ASTM Standards, 1995).The standard method determines the in–plane
tensile properties of polymer matrix composite materials reinforced by high–modulus
fiber. The displacement and applied loads recorded and the data were acquired digitally.
The composite materials properties were calculated by using a composite strain
gage/quarter–bridge strain gauge circuit supplied from Tokyo (Sokki Kenkyuio Co., Ltd.
The utilized gage type is a BFLA – 2 – 8 with a gage resistance of 120 ± 0.3 Ω. Then, the
strain was connected with a Data Acquisition (DAQ) bridge system for reading the
transverse strain.
2.2 High Velocity Test
High velocity tests were carried out using a high velocity testing rig. Basically, the
rig consisted of a double–clamped base on which a gun barrel of (10 mm) nominal bore
and (300 mm) in length was mounted as shown Figure 1.In the line of fire for the
projectile, the velocity before the target and the residual velocity after the target were
measured by high speed cameras. Other parts of the catch chamber unit are the anvil and
impact base. They are important to hold the specimen to be tested, when the specimen has
been placed between the base and the anvil as shown in Figure 2; both were tightened by
using nuts and bolts to avoid the specimen moving out of the impacted targets.
2.3 Projectile velocity measurement
The projectile velocity measurement test was performed to compare between the
theoretical projectile velocity and the actual projectile velocity. For each pressure setting,
a similar projectile shape and mean weight was used to obtain the mean projectile muzzle
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
velocity. The test results are as shown in Figure 3. he overall results showed that the
mean projectile velocities measured from the modified ballistic testing apparatus have a
12 % difference from the theoretical calculation. This was caused by the friction effect
that occurs during the projectile movement inside the barrel due to any imperfections in
the projectile contour. Lesions or erosion damage were found prominently at the neck and
frontal section of the projectile (after recovery). Also, it was observed that the difference
is significant at higher speed due to an intense friction effect.
The projectile mass is denoted by m, the length of barrel by L, and the cross –
sectional area of the barrel by A. The propellant pressure at the back end of the projectile
is denoted by the letter Pp. At any instant of time, Newton’s law applied to the projectile
as shown in equation (1) where u p is the instantaneous projectile. Velocity and xp is the
corresponding distance traveled by the projectile (Seigel, 1965).
du p du p
m mu p pp A (1)
dt dx p
If equation (1) is integrated, it becomes as stated in equation (2) where v is the
muzzle velocity of the projectile. (Seigel 1965).
m A p p dx p (2)
2 0
The spatial average propelling pressure, p is defined as shown in equation (3)
p p p dx p (3)
The projectile velocity is as shown in equation (4). (Seigel 1965).
2 pAL
v (4)
This result, equation (4), indicates essentially the factors upon which the projectile
velocity depends. To increase the projectile velocity, one must increase the value of the
quantities under the square root sign. Thus, the first step in achieving a higher projectile
velocity is to change the sizes of the projectile and barrel so as to increase the value of
AL/m; this requires, for a given cross–sectional area A of the barrel, that m be smaller
and L larger.
3. Analytical Models
The theoretical model of the penetration and perforation of rigid projectile
hemispherical against a hybrid composite (Kevlar-29, Al2O3 and epoxy) target plate
clamped at its outer periphery will be based on the conservation of the total energy; in
this case the loss of the kinetic energy of the projectile K.E is equated to the total work
done WT in the deformation. The energy was assumed to be classified into three types
that include (Abu Talib, 2012):
a) The elastic work, WE
b) The work done radial stretching, Ws
c) The work done plastic bending, Wb
The total work done is the sum of the above-mentioned individual work expressions
(Abu Talib, 2012).
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
WT WE W S Wb (5)
2 2
3 y hR d2
1 21 12
w0 e
2 21
E r 1 3h 2 h 3
d 2 2 61 21 12 E1 1 12 r 12 3h h
c 2 b 2 a 2 3
1 2
2 2
3 y hR
1 21 12
w0 e
r E r 1 3h 2 h 3
2 21
2 c 2b 2a d
2 2 21 12 E1 1 12 r 12 3h h
2 3
Finally, the ballistic limit velocity Vb of the target function of its composite
material properties can be expressed as: (Abu Talib, 2012)
3 2 hR 2 2 3
2 y
d w e r E 2 r 1 21 3h h
1 2 0 (6)
m c 2b 2a 21 12 d 2
6 1 2 3
2 21 12 E1 1 12 r 12 3h h
4. Results and Discussions
4.1 Mechanical Properties of the Tensile and compression tests
The tensile tests have been applied for pure epoxy resin and aluminum oxide
powder with reinforcement fibers Kevlar 29. The particle size for alumina powder is 10
µm and the weight fraction has values for all tests equal to 30 %. These tests were done at
room temperature. Two types of tests are used for evaluating the mechanical properties of
the composites materials, which are the tensile tests and the compression test. The stress
strain curves for the tensile and compression tests are shown in Figures 4 and 5. The
figures represent the tensile test in hybrid composite laminate woven fiber Kevlar29 –
Al 2O3 Powder / Epoxy, with a strain gauge to measure the lateral strain and the Poisson’s
ratio. It is clear that there is an effect of the mechanical properties of the alumina /epoxy
on the overall properties for the composite ply. This effect is decreased as the properties
of the fiber increase as in the stress strain for Kevlar reinforcement shown in Figure 4. It
was shown that the Al2O3 / Epoxy not only gives higher properties but also give large
woven factors. This is because of its higher properties. The composite properties are
affected directly by the fiber properties. This causes the highest properties for the Kevlar
fiber composite.
4.2 Impact Test
The impact testes are done for the fabricated specimens as shown and discussed in
this section. The first parameter studied for these tests is the effect of incident velocity on
the residual velocity. The second parameter is effect of aread density on ballistic limit
velocity. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 6 in which plot for the armor composite
material (Kevlar 29 + Al2O3 / Epoxy) against hemispherical projectile diameter 8 mm and
weight 5 g. For this reason the different layers woven Kevlar reinforce and Al2O3 / Epoxy
composite plate different thickness and 100 * 100 mm squared. The clamping reduces the
dimension diameter 80 mm. The results for these tests are shown in Figures (7 - 13) are
show that the residual velocity increased as the incident velocity increases because the
residual energy is not absorbed and increases with the incident velocity for armor
composite material (Kevlar 29 + Al2O3 / Epoxy) targets of different layers in range
3,4,6,8,10,20 and 30 layers. The comparison all figures with empirical suggested formula
by Ipson and Recht (Recht,1963), the results good agreements is obtained and average
percentage error is 3 %. The formula is a power function of the incident velocity and the
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Impact Base
Nozzle Barrel
Target Specimen
Fig. 2 The target specimen has been placed between the base and the anvil
Velocity (m/s)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Pressure psi
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Stress MPa
Woven 4 layer
100 Woven 6 layer
Woven 8 layer
0 1 2 3 4
Strain %
Stress MPa
40 Woven 6 layers
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Strain %
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Ballistic limit velocity (m/s)
150 Woven Kevlar 29 + AL2O3/Epoxy
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Areal Density (kg/m )
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig. 7. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 3 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig. 8. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 4 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig. 9. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 6 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig. 10. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 8 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig. 11. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 10 layer woven
composite by hemispherical projectile
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Residual velocity m/s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Incident velocity m/s
Fig.12. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 20 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Residual velocity m/s
600 Experimental
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Incident velocity m/s
Fig.13. Final velocity V(r) versus incident velocity V(i) for 30 layer woven composite
by hemispherical projectile
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Fig.15. Composite material target of 30 layer woven fiber Kevlar/ Al2O3 powder in a
Epoxy matrix struck by a hemispherical projectile as Vi = 385 m/s
Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences/ No.(4)/ Vol.(24): 2016
Fig.16. Composite material target of 30 layer woven fiber Kevlar/ Al2O3 powder in a
Epoxy matrix struck by a hemispherical projectile as Vi = 390.87 m/s
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